İngilizce Sinek Adları / English Fly and Midge Names


İngilizce Sinek Adları / English Fly and Midge Names


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WRBU - New Mosquito Classification, July 2013

WRBU - New Mosquito Classification, July 2013 "Traditional" mosquito classification as of 2000. Derived from Stone & Knight (1977) and supplements. In Tribe Aedini includes elevation of Verrallina and Ayurakitia to genus Subfamiies and Tribes ...


Some hoverfly records from Turkey (Diptera, Syrphidae)

Some hoverfly records from Turkey (Diptera, Syrphidae) of Muğla in southwestern Turkey. Additional specimens were been collected in other parts of Turkey by Kees Goudsmits, Vincent Kalkman, Herman Teunissen and Theo Zeegers in the years 1991, 2001, 200...
