peegs basketbol iu
Bora Plastik San.Tic.A.§. ; 1963 yilinda kurulmus. ve halen faaliyetlerini istanbul-Ambarli'daki 14.500 m2 uzerine kurulu tesislerinde yillik 3.000 ton kapasite ve 400'un uzerinde degisjk model ile devam ettiren bir Plastik Mutfak ve Banyo Esyalan ureticisidir. Plastik mutfak e§yasi ve ev geregleri ile ilgili genis. bir yelpazeye sahip olan firmamizm tiim urunleri Gida ile Temasmda H\q Bir Sakinca olmadigim gosteren ve kanitlayan Turkiye, Fransa, AB ulkelerinden ve A.B.D. den belgelere sahiptir. Basta Fransa, A.B.D., Almanya , Bulgaristan , Yunanistan, Kuveyt , Liibnan, israil ve Singapur olmak tizere 4 kitada 26 ulkeye ihracat yapmaktadir. Servis, kalite ve uygun fiyat politikamiz ile ba§anh, uzun siireli ve her iki taraf icin d e yararh bir i§birligi yapabilme arzusundayiz. Tiim Bora urunleri kolay kullamm, iistun kalite, ergonomik dizayn ve ekonomik fiyat prensibi cercevesinde siz sayin tiiketicilerimizin begeni ve hizmetine sunulmaktadir. ihtiyac. duyabileceginiz herhangi bir ilave bilgi icin liitfen bizlerle a§agidaki detay bilgileri kullanarak temasa gegmekten gekinmeyiniz. Saygilanmizla, Bora Plastik San. Tic. A.S. is a Turkish plastic manufacturer company who was established in 1963, with a capacity of 3.000 tons per year and has more than 400 different decorative models. Our complex is based on 14.500 m2 on the Europian side of Istanbul. We have a large range of plastic household and kitchenwares.Please note that our products have full" Food Contact Warranty " from Turkish State, From France for EU countries and for USA. We are exporting to 26 different countries on 4 continents, such as France, U.S.A., Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Kuwait, Lebanon, Israel, Singapore. We would like to have a chance to show our quality, service and prices for your company to make a little step for the beginning of a long and a successful business relationship for both companies. All Bora Production follows the same basic principles of function, ease of use, quality good design and price. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information which you might need. It will be our pleasure to have the chance to assist you for anything about us. You can contact Bora Plastik San.Ш.A.S. Cihangir Mah. Dolum Tesisleri Phone : + 90 212 422 18 50 pbx Fax : + 90 212 422 44 34 Web : E-Mails : [email protected] info Till then we remain With Best Regards, BORA Plastik San.Tic.A.§. Yolu No: II Ambarli 34841 Avcilar Istanbul - Turkey to us ,- WR$ - TURK STANDARDLARl ENSTiTUSU iMALATA YETERLiLiK BELGESi 1 WtfWNCMAKMt vwiiitTAiUHl • Ш Я кмчлмпчиш « * m » « U M M J j m WAMLAM. TM v i fti m u l i n II*4,IW тшмнш»лжшя -ЦОКА" М Л К к л ! I \MtMINMAMHl Ml .'Hit Ml M l 4 I A K № A l . M l l I I M I K I I N M A M I ' I и м и II.MWI.IKVI SALONK№ : i i l l l l H S V ^ \ l ЛКМЧИАИЛ* >OIUnAltTlKtUN.VtTK-,A* MtltCANTAltKllAWSK WJIVB tMl№M«lS1AN№ll % Я I SANAYlSlCli .NUMAftAH I'lllnfin II M til ' »_*,•..,' uMit :Ж..ж.:..ж:шж<ж :A'i:<jfc:«:. л.*,лкакг*йаЕУ •pwiiiunuiuiiin TURK STANDARDLARl ENSTiTUSU iiiHiiiii.nii | KALlTE UYGUNLUK BELGESi J UZERlNE TSEK MAHKASI KONULMASINA IZiN VERtLEN MAMULLERIN ADI. SINIFI. TiPl. TURU VE OZELUKLERJ ENSriTUMlHlLE НОИЛ I'l.AS I Ik SAN. VE TlC. A.S. AHASINDAYAPILANSOZLESMEGERECilNCE TIRW BUNLW4 LlOVLE. ENSttTU FAHAf INIMN KABUL EOlLEN TEKNiK OZELUKLERE UVGUM OLAfWK. TURK STANDARDLARl ENSTiTUSU KALlTE UYGUNLUK BELGESi »>IJ4,4.,K.Kt')Y(tA/h)SMAKf,A$A,iMA4HI4 TEStSLERtNM IMAL EDILCCEK-BOK Л" MARKAU MAMULU UZERlNE TSEK MARKASI KOVMA VETKlSl TANINMISTIR BU MARKA. UZERlNE KONULDUUU MAMULUN EKU TEKNIK ESA3LARA UYQUNLUGUNU iFADE EDER ENSnTUMUZHE ISTANBUL;»* MUESSES ПОКА PLASTtK SAN. VE T i c . A.S. ARASINDA VAPiLAN SOZLESMC QEREatNCE FlRMAYA BUNDAN BOYLE. ENSTirU TARAf INDAN KABUL EDlLEN TEKNlKOZGUlKLERfi UYQUN OLARAK; m MU'KM>YI:A/l<)S\IAM'A)A'l*TANHl[| TESvSLERfNDC IMAL EDteCEK-BORA" MARKALI MAMULU UZERlNE TSEK МАЙКЛЫ KOYMA ' гттштатштттштшштт mmrnm шэд .. чя л р'р Kbvfllan /Litter Bins ?,45,6,7 Su Kovalan /Buckets 8 ^ Index ^ // / Kapakh Kasalar/Storage Boxes 9,10, л I Cekmeceli Dolaplar /Multistores 12 fe» Yumurtaliklar/Egg Cups 29 Kesim Panolan /Chopping Boards 30 % r Tepsiler / Trays 31 Rende * Narenciye Sikacagi /Grater • Orange-Lemon Sauez Saklama Kaplan /Lunch Boxes 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 У Tabaklar/flales21 Cerezlikler /Appetizers 21 t U Kendinden Yapiskanh Askdar /Self Adhesive Hangers 33,34 I A Bardaklar/Glasses 22 Eibise Askdan /Hangers 35 Saph Huniler /Handled Funnels 36 Ma$rapalar /Jugs 37 -сг л Olc'u Kaplan /Measurement Vessels 22 Siirahiler /Decanters 23 Hobi Kutusu ve Sepetler /Hobby Box and Baskets 38 •**ш •m Buzluklar/Ice Cubes 24 Legenler/Basins 39,40 Sepetler / Baskets 41,42,43 > Servis Setleri /Service Sets 25 *C • ^ * ^ Mandallar /Cloth Pegs 44 Tabakhklar / Washing Up Racks 26 Diger Cesitlerimiz /Our Other Varieties 45 Kasikltklar/Cutlery Racks 27 Wc Takimlan / Wc Sets 46 Siizgecler /Drainers 28 Faraslar/Dustpans 47 Masa Aksesuarlan /Salt and Vinegar Sets 29 i Temizlik Gerecleri /Cleaning Accesories 48 DAL.LI, KOSELi qOP,KQ^. Cornered Pedalled utterBins Her mekana uugun, dekoralijgorunumlu ve pratik kullamm amaayla tasarlanmi} ve iiretilmifir. Designed and manufactured to suit every place with a decorative style and for pratical use. Pedalll, K6§eli £bp Kovalan • Cornered Pedalled Litter Bins Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/Siie/mm \90x27Oi240H 1 BO 645 17 270K380K4WH 3 10 25Gx320x290H 2 BO 642 48 420K375X630H 4 22 300x400x380H 3 Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 639 5 BO 640 BO 641 Cornered Pedalled Bin No No Kod/Code Her mekana uygun, dekoralif goriiniimlii vepratik kullamm amaaula tasarlanmis. ve urelilmislir. Designed and manujaclured to suit every place with a decorative style and (or pratical use. PedaWl Qjp Kovalan * Pedalled Litter Bins Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Stze/mm BO 180 BO 181 BO 186 1.5 3 6 175H-015O 21OH-018O 26OH-023O Round Pedalled Bins No Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No - BO 185 BO 183 BO 182 12 20 40 34OH-027O 415H-031O 53OH-038O 2 0 1 3 4 Qok amadi vefarkli kapasitedeki ihliyadanmz icin tasarianmis ve urelilmislir. Designed and manufadured for multipurposes and differenl capadtu requirements. £bp Kovalari • Litter Bins Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No Kod/Code Lilre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No BO 710 BO 711 BO 253 BO 712 BO 254 12 18 27 29 3O5H-028O 35OH-0325 4O5H-0355 43OH-036O 485H-043O 1 2 BO 713 BO 255 BO 256 BO 251 48 58 73 105 48OH-043O 535H-0455 565H-05OO 655H-055O 4 47 WW" f - с - 3 - - WR% ITME KAPAKLI QOP KO)(ALAR\ Lidded Cornered utterJBIns Hermekana uugun, dekoralif gorunumlu vepratik kullamm атааф tasarlanmis ve iirelilmistir. Designed and manufactured to suit every place with a decorative style and for pratical use. Itme Kapakh £op Kovalan • Lidded Cornered Utter BinsClick (Одр Kovalan * Click Litter Bins Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No Kod/Code Litre/Liter BO 192 BO 190 BO 191 BO 194 3.25 7.5 14 36 145xl80x275H 180x220x355H 220x280x4504 28(к37(к600Н 1 2 3 4 BO 840 BO 841 BO 842 BO 843 8 15 26 40 rt 4^=4. BO 190 BO 192 Ebat/Stze/mm 200x252x330H 235x300x405H 272x352x480H 403x315x558H No 2 3 4 5 Her mekana щдип, dekoratif gdruniimlii ve pratik kullamm amaagla tasarlanmis ve uretilmis,tir. Designed and manufactured to suit every place with a decorative style and for pratical use. , : Qjp Sepetleri i ; . V ; : - • Waste Paper Вт Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No BO 043 5 8 27OH-025O 1 2 1 2 BO 044 BO 045 BO 046 3OOH-028O 23OH-022O (Luks) 296H-0245 (Luks) ОКА OVAL, Buckets Temizlik islerinizdeki en ЬйцШ yardtmamz olarak farkh renklerde iiretilmekledir. Your best assistant in cleaning work. Manufactured in different colors. SU Kovaiari • Buckets Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 558 2IOH-0315 BO 561 7 II 12 18 BO 568 II.1 27OH-03OO BO 562 5 194H-026O BO 559 BO 560 w No 1 2 1 268H-034O 275H-0283 315H-034O щщт ^ШКг BO 563 Kod/Code BO 563 BO 564 BO 187 BO 188 BO 566 BO 567 V BO 562 BO 187 Litre/Liter 10 15 14 17 9,5 No 2 3 Ebat/Size/mm 257H-03O3 3O5H-034O 28OH-03W 3OOH-032O 1 2 235H-029O 13,5 265H-0323 Wwf*# BO 559 BO 558 BO 566 EOKft KAPAKLI KASALAR Storage Boxes V^L Evde, arabada, mutfakla ve isuerinde, herturlii saklama ve muhafaza islerinizde kullanabileceginiz cesitli kapasite ve boyullarda imal edilmekte olan kapakli ve Willi kasalar. Safe with covers and locks for use in your car and office and kitchen for safekeeping. Available in different sizes and volumes. W $ Ш freezer Kapakli microwave Kasalar » Storage Boies Wilh Lid Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/Size/mm No BO 436 150x225xl05H BO 439 1.8 2.8 4.5 7.4 10 BO 443 13.7 285x430x170H BO 440 17 29 320x460x180H 1 3 5 7 10 12 15 20 BO 437 BO 438 BO 444 BO 441 170x260xl20H 195x300x135H 235x350x147H 260x385xl55H 355x510x225H «\ 0H dibhwasher "*». 0 4. 0Я уЦ|Л \ j0S iiiifl gp WR$ РАКЫ KASALAR Storage Boxes Evde, arabada, mutfakta ve isuerinde, hertiirlu saklama ve muhafaza Islerlnlide kullanabileceginiz c e 0 kapasite ve bouutlarda imal edilmekte olan kapakh ve kililli kasalar. Safe with, covers and locks for use in your car and office and kitchen for safekeeping. Available in different sizes and volumes. ЧУ ШЖт freezer Kapakll dishwasher microwave Kasalar • Storage Boxes With Lid Kod/Code Utre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Siie/mm No BO 281 6 250x275x165H 6 BO 481 3.5 210x230x1 ЗОН 2 BO 282 9 250x275x215H 8 BO 482 4.75 210x230x1704 4 BO 283 11 250K275X265H 11 BO 483 5.5 210х230х2ЮН 14 13 250x275x310H 13 BO 284 \ UUJ0 w .._ ВО 482 B0481 W%A KAPAKLI KAS Storage Boxes Evde, arabada, mutfakta ve isuerinde, herturlu saklama ve muhafaza islerinizde kullanabileceginiz cesiili kapasite ve bouuilarda imal edilmekte olan kapakli ve kilitli kasalar. Safe with covers and locks for use in uour car and office and kitchen for safekeeping. Available in different sizes and volumes. W ф Ж ш freezer dishwasher microwave > 1 TekerkkH Kasalar • Whelled Storage Boxes Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 285 29 30 50 60 400x620x195H BO 280 BO 277 BO 286 315x460x3 25H 390x550x350H 400x620x380H No 30 22 25 35 < ' $0 < % EKMECEU DOLAPLAP. Hulti Stores Evde, саЦта odasinda, mutfakta, ofiste elinizin allinda bulunan calijma gereclerinizi loplamak icin ideal фгит. And ideal solution (o keep all цош working tools in a single place al home, in the studu room kitchen and the office. Cektneceli Dolaplar • миШ stores Kod/Code Ebal/Size/mm Kod/Code Ebal/Size/mm Kod/Code Ebal/Size/mm BO 582 265x185x190H BO 586 160x220x185И BO 578 130x180x180H BO 583 265x185x2 50H BO 587 160x220x250H BO 579 130xl80x240H BO 584 265x185x305H BO 588 160x220x305H BO 580 130xl80x295H a a Q Q шад ^jj\КFji1 м f^k t^'*\aI,i\*VI \ Lunch 1Ькшз ,V Her tiiriii aida maddesini -25°C, +95C arasmda saghkli ko^ullarda saklayabilmeniz щ farkh ebailarda ve polipmpiknden игеШт'ф Manufactured in different size from polypropylene to preserve all kinds of foods in hygienic conditions between -25°C, +95'C. 4V ф Ж freezer ilishwdbher micrc Oval Saklama Kaplan * Oval Lunch Boxes Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No BO 485 BO 477 BO 478 0.35 0.70 1.10 l35xl00x40H 170x130x504 200x150x60H 0 1 2 BO 479 BO 480 BO 487 1.70 2.80 4.30 235x170x70H 280x !95x80H 320x220x90H 3 4 5 s WKA Her ШгШ gida maddesini -25°C, +95°Carasmda saghkli kos.ullarda saklauabilmenii icin farkli eballarda ve polipropiknden iiretilmisti Manufaclured in different size made of polypropylene to preserve all kinds of foods in hygienic conditions between -2TC, +95"C. ^*-*^ Yuvarlak Saklama ЧУ. $ freezer 4 m dishwasher microwave Kaplan » Circular Lunch Boxes Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 794 BO 795 BO 796 0.18 0.35 0.60 4OH-950 5OH-1150 6OH-1340 No Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/Sae/mm No mini BO 797 BO 798 BO 790 1.00 1.70 2.80 73H-1650 9OH-1950 1 ООН-22 50 2 3 4 0 1 Г' ....-.,.;•..„ ,№* I"»!"" «•wtiti&f^ BO 794 ?0ВЧ Her lurlu gida maddesini -25°C, +95°Carasmda saghkh kosullarda saklayabilmeniz щ farkli ebatlarda ve polipropilenden iireiilmistir. Manufactured in different size made of polypropylene to preserve all kinds of foods in hygienic conditions between -25°C, +95°C. ЧУ Ф Ш freezer dishwasher Ko$eli Sakiama Kaplan • Square Lunch Boxes Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No BO802 BO803 BO804 BO805 0.44 0.85 1.50 2.30 H0xll0x64H 0 1 2 3 140K140K70H I 70X1 70X90H 200x200x1 ООН BO 803 BO 81И ^ microwave Wf&) ШяшШШШкШШШт Her tiirlii gidfl maddesini saglikh kosullarda saklauan farkli ebatlardaki saklama kaplan. Preservation vessels of different siies ensuring heailhu conditions for all kids of food. w Kdstal Saklama Kod/Code Kaplan Litre/Liter BO 460 • Crystal Lunch Boxes Ebat/Size/mm No H5xl70x60H I BO 461 0.8 135x200x65 H 2 BO 462 1.4 155x230x80H 3 Kulplu Saklama Kaplan • Handled Lunch вохс Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm No BO 456 0.4 0.5 0.7 62H-1350 / 2 3 BO 457 BO 458 16 h 68H-1450 73H-1570 I i 1 ... B0 ..-'^ J£- Ш£П Her liirlii g\da maddesini saghkh kosuharda saklar ve dolap ignde dekoratij bir goriiniim verir Preserves all kids ojfood in hygienic conditions and has a decorative and good look in the cup board. ЧУ ф т freezer Vidah Sakkma dishwasher microwave Kaplan • 7Ш off added Lunch вот Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Siie/mm No Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 465 BO 466 BO 467 BO 468 BO 469 BO 470 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.35 0.4 0.5 59H-850 77H-850 98H-850 72H-950 88H-950 1O2H-950 I 2 3 BO 471 BO 472 BO 473 BO 474 BO 475 BO 476 0.6 0.75 0.85 1 1.25 1.4 95H-11O0 115H-11O0 135H-11O0 U2H-1250 136H-1250 16OH-1250 4 5 6 J BO 470 No 7 8 9 10 II 12 Wf& Her liirlii gida maddesini saglikh hsullarda saklar ve dolap icinde dekoratif bir goriiniim verir. Preserves all kids of food in hygienic condilions and has a decorative and good look in Ik cup board. 4Y Kiler KavanOZU • Storage lar Kod/Code Lilre/Ltier Ebal/Size/mm BO 092 BO 093 BO 094 1 1.5 2 1O5H-1450 I45H-1450 185H-1450 Enak KavanOZU • Storage Container No 1 2 3 Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 089 BO 090 BO 091 3 2O3H-1750 245H-I750 277H-1750 3.75 4.5 No 1 2 3 1Шг l ^J> Her turlil g\da maddesini saghkh kosullarda saklar ve dolap icinde dekoratif bir goruniim verir. Preserves all kids ojfood in hygienic conditions and has a decorative and good look in the cap board. 4V $ Ж freezer / Saklama Kaplan • Lunch Boxes No Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Sae/mm BO 449 6 275x190x185H - BO 807 2x0 75 147x250x70H 2 BO 808 2x1.2 170x290x80H 3 BO 853 2.8 250x175x1 ООН - BO 860 1.4 210x22 5x85H - BO 861 2.4 260x280x1 ООН BO 873 1.1 150x215x55H - < * * ^ dishwasher microwave £0ВЧ iAHA КАР LAP I Storage Jars ш\ Her lurlii gida maddesini -25°C, +95°Carasmda saghkli kosullarda saklauabilmeniz icin farkli eballarda iiretilmistir. Manufactured in different size lo preserve all kinds of foods in hugienic conditions between -25"C, +95C. ЧУ Kek Saklama Kaplan • cake container Kod/Code Litre/Liter BO 324 BO 325 BO 326 6 4 6 Microdalga Ebat/Size/tnm 14OH-2850 13OH-2650 12OH-34O0 kltino Kabl • Microwave Reheat Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm BO 862 ПОН-2650 W Ш ЛЙ dishwasher microwave Ekmeklik • Bread Box Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm BO 233 40(k245xl75H BO 233 ШОКА KLAR^QERE /Plates • Ар Evinixde ve is yerinizde her гатап elinizin altinda olabikek tabaklar ve cerezlikler Plates for evreutime use in your office or at home and appatizer cups. W| ф freezer 1 носок Tabaklar••Hales Kod/Code Ebal/Size/mm BO 669 BO 667 BO 668 BO 666 26H-2550 2OH-21O0 22H-2OO0 32H-18O0 Oluklu Kaseler • cor 'itgated Bowls Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 980 BO 982 0.37 2.2 H54-0126 H 90-0 232 Mikser Kabl • MixingBowl Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 250 3 IO5H-25O0 QrezlikleУ» AppatizerZups ( 21 Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Sze/mm No BO 775 BO 664 BO 665 BO 661 0.90 0.50 0.25 0.35 H8O-015O H65-0125 H 5 2-0103 H8O-0115 3 2 1 . dishwasher microwave Ш0£Р\ BARDAKLA& V;OLCU KAPLARI Glasses M e a s u r e m e n t Vessels ШШЩШЯШШ Her turlu icecekler icin dekoralif bardaklar ve uemeklerinizi yaparken kullanabileceginiz iilcii kaplari. Decoralive glasses for all kinds of beverage and measurement vessels for cooking. w Щщ freezer Bardaklar • Classes Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/Size/mm BO 238 98H-850 BO 239 0.4 0.5 BO 660 0.37 1O4H-8O0 BO 670 94H-810 BO 755 0.3 0.4 BO 756 0.45 175H-880 138H-820 117H-880 BO 660 6l$ii Kaplari • Measurement Vessels 22 Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm BO 690 0.25 9OH-9O0 BO 691 0.6 1OOH4250 dishwasher microwave SGRAHiL Debant Su ve тещ sularim saghkli kosullarda sakliyabileceginiz (arkli ebal ve modellerdeki surahiler. Decanters in various dimensions and models that you can keep the water and fruit juice in healthy conditions. ЧУ rntfm dishwasher W \ -^ Surahile Y • Decanters Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/Size/mm BO 655 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.5 2 1.4 175H-1O80 BO 656 BO 252 BO 657 BO 249 BO 654 23 21 OH-1220 21 OH-1180 90xl75x200H 100K 175X21OH 253H-1OO0 BUZLUKLAR tests Buz ihtiuacmm herzaman kolauca karsdauabilmeniz icin buzluklarve buz как. Manujaclured lo help you have ice whenever needed and use il on your dinner table. W $i freezer I Bmluklar • Ice Cubes Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/Sae/mm No BO 331 BO 332 BO 333 BO 600 - I02x263x30H U2i256x33H U5x25(k35H 14OH-1350 1 2 - I.I 'i - dishwasher Ш5Я SETL Service Sets Mutfagimzda her zaman ihtiyaamz olan uemek servis setleri. Meal service sels that you need anytime in your kitchen. 4V W rrfiTin Servis Setleri 25 Kod/Code isim/Name BO 745 BO 746 BO 747 BO 748 BO 749 BO 750 BO 754 BO 678 Rastik kep^e-Rastlc ladle Rastik spatula-Egg wiper Rastik ka§tk-Rastic spoon Rastik cevirici dar-Tumer narrow Rastik ievlrici genis-Turner wide Rastik kevgir-Rastic skimmer Kepce altltgi-Ladle rest Servis set-Service set TABAKLIKLA WashingiJp Rdtks Mulfagimzdaki yikanmi$ bula^klartnm siiziilmeye ve kurumaya brakabileceginiz farkli ebatlardaki tabakhklar. Dish holders of different sizes where you can leave your dish to dry in the kitchen after washing. ЧУ Tabakhklar» Washng Up Racks Kod/Code Ebal/Size/mm BO 068 270x450x90H BO 069 300x3 70x85H BO 070 385x460x95H BO 073 270x400x330H miYiii WR$ KASIKL.IKLAR > COtle U M Muljagimzdaki fatal, bicak, kasik ve benzeri ev gereclerinizi tezgah Munde ve farkli eballardaki (.ekmecelerinizde saklamak icin uretilmekledir. Manufactured to hold цоиг kilchenware such as forks and spoons either on the counter or in drawers of different sizes. w Ka§ikm ar • Cutlery Racks Kod/Code Ebal/Size/mm No BO 212 175х265хЗЗН BO 213 230x305x36H BO 221 345x390x47H BO 220 265x345x40H BO 222 365x410x43H BO 219 130xl50xl60H BO 214 127xl27xl50H 1 2 4 1 5 / 2 - BO 217 220x330x60H BO 218 235x316x55H BO 216 325x530x1ООН iHTmi Mulfagimzda ртщ, makarna ve sebze suzme yikama islerinde kullanabdecegina cesilli suzgeder. Strainers with different designs for you lo wash rice pasta and vegetables. 1 p»/% CUT Suzgeder • Strainers Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Stze/mm BO 433 BO 432 BO 430 BO 431 BO 679 BO 739 BO 740 BO 741 BO 742 3.5 2 2 3.2 125H-2450 95H-2IO0 98H2OO0 1O3H-2450 1I7H-2750 95H-23O0 83H-2O30 94H2250 260x355t90H . s No - / 2 . m . mz$ т MUTrtK URUNLERi Kitchen Wares Modem cligllerl He yemek masamzda bulunmasi gereken masa aksesuarlan ve yumurtaliklar. Your pleasure on your tables with a elegant style of table accessories and egg cups. w - • Masa Aksesuarlan Kod/Code • Table Accesohes Tammlam a/Desc riptio n Eba l/Size/m m Tuzluk/Saltshaker 75H-450 BO 726 Yaglik, sirkeiik kticuk Ю7Н-550 Oil and vinegar keeper small BO 727 Yaghk bilyilk 123H-550 Oil and vinegar keeper big BO 728 Sosluk-Souce keeper 1O5H-680 BO 725 i Yumurtaliklar • Egg Cups Kod/Code Isim/Name BO 014 BO 015 BO 016 BO 017 Oval/Oval Mini/Mini Buyuk/Big Kuciik/Small 7" gOZft iHALE • KESlM PANOLAPJ •Mpf' dm iat (Trivet) • Chopping Boards Kesme ve dograma islerinizde kulianabileceginiz farkh kahnhk ve boulardaki kesim panolan. Cutting boards of different sizes and Ihickness for uou to use in cutting. Ш. V Nihale • Mat(Trivet) Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm No BO 300 11H-1820 - Kesim PanOSU • Chopping Board Kod/Code Ebat/Siie/mm No BO 301 BO 302 BO 303 BO 305 BO 306 BO 310 126x188x7.5H 200x290x8.15H 220x3 50x8. Ш 283x438x14H 254x390x10.5H 160x262x5.70H 190x302x6.50H Mini вози 1 2 4 3 1 2 вокя Servislerinizi dab rakal yapabilmeniz icin degisik ebalkrda ve modellerde tepsiler. Manujaclured in different sizes and models to help you serve your food more easily and comfork ЧУ Tepsiler • nays Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm No BO 228 325x432x18H 3 BO 230 305x430x30H 5 BO 227 285x365x20H 2 BO 231 355x457x23H BO 232 425x545x23H 6 7 BO 223 267x388x15H BO 224 323x472x25H - imYiii КОКЛ RENDE • NARENCiYE SIKACAGI Grater * Orange-Lemon Squezer Modern cizgileri He uemek masamzda bulunmasi gereken masa aksesuarlan, rende ve пагепсще sikacagi. Your pleasure on uour dinner tables with a elegant style, graters, leman and orange squezer. ЧУ Ш dmu ^Lr. m, ф. : Р^ Щ W' r r + + * * * Narentiye Sikacagi • Lemon Orange Squezer Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm BO 269 1O8H-1150 77'H-1000 BO 270 BO 271 75H-1650 Rende « Crater Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm BO 570 95xl20xl95H +. + *N * * * * r * * * * * * * Mutfak, banuo ve dolap icin ash ihtiuaamzi karylauan kendinden иарфапк vejarkli desenierdeki askdikiar. Selj-adhesive hangers with different designs for use in the kitchen, bathroom and cupboards. BO 609 BO 612 Kendinden Yapisfmnh Askilar«Adhesive Hooks Kod/Code Tammtama/Descrtptwn Adet/Pcs. BO 605 Resimli askt/Hook with pictures BO 606 Resimli oval askt/Oval hook with pictures 2 BO 607 Resimli ash kucuk/Hook with picture small 2 BO 608 Resimli ikili ash/Double hook with picture 1 BO 609 Desenli askt/Desingned hook BO 610 Oval aski/Oval hook BO 611 Dixz asktMain hook BO 612 Istiridye askt/Ouster hook BO 603 BO 604 Elips aski bixuuk/Elips hanger big 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 0%У\ NDiNDEN YAPISKANLI ASKILAP. "•dhesive Hooks Mutfak, banuo ve dolap щ ash Шцастт karsdauan kendinden uapisknli vefarkh desenlerdeki askdiklar. Self-adhesive hangers with different designs for use in the kitchen, bathroom and cupboards. Kendinden Yapi§kanli Ashlar • Adhesive Hooks Kod/Code Tammlama/Descnptwn BO 615 Tekliaskihk/Snglehook BO 616 3\u askihk/Tripled hook BO 617 5'H askihk/5 folds hook BO 618 Ш dm aski/Straight hanger 4 hooks BO 620 5'li dm aski/Straight hanger 5 hooks Adel/Rs. 2 1 1 1 1 О ф \ modellerde iiretilmekte olan elbise askilan. Qolk hangers manufactured in different models. Elbise Askilan Kod/Code '5 • Hangers Tammlama/Descriplion Omuz Genisligi Sheulder Width BO 210 Kristal aski/Crystal hanger 415mm BO 209 Liiks aski/Lux hanger 380mm BO 208 Qocuk askisi/Child 's hanger 293mm BO 207 Liiks aski/Lux hanger 4I0mm BO 206 Super ask/Super hanger 410mm BO 204 Mandalh ash/Tumbler hanger 350mm BO 203 Elbise askisi 6li/Dress hangers 390mm 6 pes. BO 202 Elbise askisi 3'lii/Dress hangers 3pcs. 390mm fЖ У / " > osm Modem lasanmlan ilece0i boulardaki humler. Funnels of different diameters wilh modern designs. Hunikr • Handled Funnels Kod/Code Ebal/Size/mm No BO 424 85H-9O0 BO 425 9OH-IIO0 BO 426 125H-14O0 BO 427 165H-18O0 BO 428 23OH-2IO0 BO 429 27OH-2650 2 3 4 5 6 7 V HUNiLER Handled funnels 1 H>V>;&\PALAI* Modern tasanmlan He cesitli boulardaki su aktarma Islerln'ai daha rahal uapabilmeniz icin farkli bou ve sekillerdeki ma§rapalar. lugs of different dimensions with modern designs to help uou carru small amounts water. Ma§rapalar • lugs Kod/Code Litre/Liter BO 257 BO 260 BO 258 BO 259 1 1.15 1.3 1.5 Ebal/Size/mm No 88H-16O0 123H-14I0 13OH-1260 4 135H-1350 5 BORA rJfJ .U ve SEPET№R [obbu Box afflteaskets Takim fantasi ve dikis kulusu gibi kuHandabilecek hobi kutusu ve cok amaclt kuliamlabikn hobi sepetler. Hobby Box which may use as a tool box or sewing box and mulli purposes hobby baskets. НоЫ Sepetler • Hobby Baskets Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm BO 974 98x1ЗЫ8Н 0 BO 975 110xl44x82H I BO 976 I40x222x83H 2 BO 977 \70x245x89H 3 НоЫ KutUSU • Hobby Box Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm BO 820 330xl80xl40H(13") No * *"Щт Mutfakta her гатап eliniiin allmda olan, sebie, meuve ve bulasik uikamada kullanabilmeniz Icin farkli ebal ve sekillerde urelilmektedir. Manufactured in different sizes and shapes for all-lime use in the kitchen in washing the vegetables and fruits. ЧУ ф freezer • Ж BO 495 NO: 2 BO 494 NO 1 Legenler • Basins Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/Stze/mm BO 625 0.8 165x220x35H BO 626 1.25 200x265x35H BO 627 2 235x305x40H BO 628 3.7 265x350x55H BO 629 6 310x405x704 BO 498 5 250x31 Ox 105H BO 499 9 310x370x125H 15 BO 500 335x420x145H BO 494 4 250x250x102H BO 495 6.4 295x295x117H BO 496 10.1 345x345x140H No 1 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 1 2 3 Ш. dishwasher ^ FPCT LEGENLE-R Basins "«wm Mutfakta her zaman elinizin allmda olan, sebze, meuve ve bulayk yikamada bllanabilmeniz icin farkli ebal ve \ekil Manufactured in different sizes and shapes for all-time use in the kitchen in washing the vegetables and fruits. 4V Ж dishwasher Legenler » Basins Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebat/3ze/mm BO 111 1ЮН-2250 2.7 12OH-27O0 BO 112 4.4 6.7 13OH-31O0 BO 113 6 13OH-32O0 BO 107 14OH-36O0 BO 108 9 290x345x135H BO 109 7 No I 2 3 I 2 3 Kod/Code Litre/Liter BOH 4 18 BO 116 12 BO 117 24 Ebal/Size/mm 14OH-4850 12OH-44O0 155H-54O0 No 2 1 3 BO I I ! No: I шокя Mulfakta sebze ve meuvelerinizi toplauabileceainiz farkli ebat ve renklerdekl sepetler. Baskets of different sizes and colors where you can keep uour fruits and vegetables in the kitchen. w HI I 7Я1 No 6 ВО 78<j NO: 7 BOOT! No <1 Sepetler • Baskets Kod/Code BO 032 BO 033 BO 034 BO 048 BO 049 BO 785 BO 786 Litre/Liter Ebat/Size/mm 170x244x12 5H 173x305xl25H 223x258x125H 215x274x82H 254x358x8314 120x222x74H 120x283x74H No 3 4 5 I 2 6 7 • ШОКЙ SEPETLER ! ftaskete Yikamak icin biriktirilen kirli camayrlannm kouabilmeniz icin kapakh olarak urelilen kirli camas.\r sepetleri, ahyerislerde 1аща ЫацЦ\ mebilecek saph market sepetleri ve mutfakla sebze ve meuveleriniii toplauabileceglnlz jarkh ebat ve renklerdeki sepetler. Laundry baskets with covers, shopping baskets for use in the markets and baskels of different sizes and colors where цои can keep uour fruits and vegetables in the kitchen. '"Hlli, •>....,;:; Ill'", . BO 042 Sepze Sepeti2 Vegetable Basket2 BO 343 KoseliCama§itSepet: Laundry Basket *\Ш\\\1> ....... i^WW* tiUilW'-Wi mw m BO 037 Yeni Market Sepeli New Market Basket ВО 340 t^amasir Sepeti Biiyuk Clothes Basket Bifi Sepetkr • Baskets Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/Size/mm BO 037 BO 339 BO 340 BO 040 BO 041 BO 042 BO 343 33 20 26 315x440x240H 2Ш-4ОО0 280H- 4400 230x300x11 OH 275x365x95H 320x445x1 Ш 360x525x215H - No - 1 2 ~ BO 339 CamabjtSepeti Kticuk Clothes Basket Small л Л А М ш ~ т Yikamak icin biriklirilen kirli camasirlannai koyabilmenii icin kapakh olarak iiretilen kirli camasirsepetler. Laundry baskets with covers to keep your clothes in a conditions. BO 140 Kirli Sepeti KU;Uk Laundry Basket Small 110 14 Kirli Sepeti Buyiik Laundry Basket Big IIIL Mil Sepetler • Baskets Kod/Code Litre/Liter Ebal/SizeAnm BO 140 BO 141 BO 142 48 62 41 330x430x5\0H 34(к48(к555Н 42(к305х535Н No . ВО 142 Delikli Kirli Sepeti Laundry Basket with Holes ОЮ) ttastik уаф olarak imal edilm ve dolaysiula paslanmayan plashk mandallar. NotMorrosive pegs since the springs are made, of plastic. Adel/Reces Kod/Code Tammlama/Description BO BO BO BO BO BO BO BO BO Mandal sepeti/Plastig peg basket Kutulu mandal(diiz)/ttastic cloth peg with box Diiz mandal/ftastic cloth peg Kutulu mandal (desenli //Designed plastic cloth peg with box Desenli mandal/Designed plastic cloth Desenli mandal/Designed plastic cloth Masa mandah/Table peg Masa mandah/Table peg Yauh masa mandah/Table peg with spring 683 684 685 686 687 688 800 801 990 22 16 24 18 36 4 48 4 111 I (,«7 g0R# ош her Varieties Tupcek, banuo taburesi, lavabo copluk ve pompa gibi pratik ev gerecleri. Practical housewares such as wheel-holders for Ipg gas vessels, bathroom slools, kitchen wastes and lavatory pumps. 0^r 5 £e§ttlerimiz * Our Other Varieties Kod/Code Tammlama/Description Ebal/SzeAnm BO 104 Banyo labure/Bathroom stool 330x325x21 OH BO 178 TUpiek/Bottle transporter 85H-32O0 BO 650 Pompa Pump small 2OOH-1OO0 BO 651 Pompa buyukAavatory Pump big 215H-12O0 BO086 Lavoba copluk/Triangular kitchen waste 163x225xl00H BO 087 Lavoba cdpluk/Iriangular kitchen waste 150x205x1104H WCTAKIMLARI Wc Sets Herzaman elinizin alhnda olan pratik kullamm amaaula tasarlanrms wc takmlan ve wc Different kinds ofwc sets that can use frequently and praclicallu. Wc Takimlan • wc Sets Kod/Code isim/Name BO BO BO BO BO BO Yuvarlak wc/Round wc 370H Yanm oval wc/Half oval wc 360H Koseli ш/Comered wc 360H Щет wc/Cornered wc 400H Lliks wc/Llix wc 360H Wc kaguhk/Paper holder 157x90x85H 010 004 012 009 005 623 Ebat/Sze/mm ОКА v*« \ Pratik kullamm amaaula tasarlanmis faras $esitleri. Different kinds of dust shovels, which are designed to use practically — , Faraslar » Dustpans Kod/Code Ebat/Size/mm ВО 098 ВО 099 ВО 100 ВО 101 215тт 243mm. 230тт 225тт No 4 5 6 7 (with rubber edge) шэд Т2М)2ЫК Э£«5$Ь5й) \ Herzaman elinain altmda olan temizlik gerederinden biri olan camsil ve mop set, Different kinds of window cleaners, as one of the most frequently and praticallu use mop set. Mop Temizlik Seti • Cornered Mop Set Kod/Code Tammlama/Description BO BO BO BO BO Mop Sel/Mop Set Mop puskulu/Mop stripes Metal sap/Metal handle Cams'd/Window cleaner Camsil/Window cleaner 811 812 813 846 847 Eb at/Site 260x360x245H 106 cm 23 cm 34 cm \ "•-.,. X I * ".. PLASTiKSAN.VETiC. A.§. Cihangir Mah. Dolum Tesisleri Yolu No: 11 Ambarli 34841 Avcilar Istanbul - Turkey Phone: + 90 212 422 18 50 pbx Fax:+ 90 212 422 44 34 Web: Mails: [email protected] - [email protected] ГУ РосНИИИТ и АП Ассоциация МВТК Федеральный информационный фонд отечественных и иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию Каталог был представлен на выставке «Консумэкспо - 2006» Каталог включен в базу данных «Федерального информационного фонда отечественных и иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию» Россия,105679, Москва, Измайловское шоссе, 44, Тел./факс (095)366-5200,366-7008, 365-5445. e-mail:; fkatalog(a), Электронная копия издания изготовлена с целью её включения в базы данных Федерального информационного фонда отечественных и иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию, которые формируются в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от 24 июля 1997 г. № 950 и Постановлением Правительства РФ от 31 декабря 1999 г. № 2172-р и зарегистрированы Комитетом по политике информатизации при Президенте РФ под №№ 39-50. 2006 год
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