aygırlarımızın temsilcileri


aygırlarımızın temsilcileri


Benzer belgeler

world of language academy

world of language academy insensible, tedious, wearisome, listless, expressionless, plain, monotonous, humdrum, dreary Eager — keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive to End — stop, finish, terminate, concl...


turkey - The Jockey Club Information Systems

turkey - The Jockey Club Information Systems H. Basri Karabucak G3 ....................68,000 ............3up Hafiz (L) ..........................................43,500 ............3yo Horse Racing Ireland G3 ..................80,000 ...........


PART III - The Jockey Club Information Systems

PART III - The Jockey Club Information Systems (2nd race of DR Triple Crown) ..............................250,000................3yo ..............1800 m Independencia Nacional (DR) G2 ................................250,000................3up...
