Martin Seyer – Ulrike Schuh "Limyra 2010"


Martin Seyer – Ulrike Schuh "Limyra 2010"


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H. Fahri ZDEM?R

H. Fahri ZDEM?R archaeological sites, most of which lie within the state’s ownership, have been extensively damaged through agricultural activities as if there existed no other agricultural lands in these extensiv...


Süleyman Bulut - Engin Akyürek "Myra ve Andriake

Süleyman Bulut - Engin Akyürek "Myra ve Andriake of whether the garlands were reused here. Oil lamps uncovered in the ground floor and dating from the end of the 2nd century to the first half of the 3rd century A.D. are consistent with the archit...
