6-8 June 2016 – İzmir, Turkey
Benzer belgeler
IGC Turkiye 2016 Program
performance and reduce cost Bahri Çağdaş Atabey (BORDRILL Drilling Contractor and Trade Corp.): Bordrill Rigs with Dry Location Equipment Fatih Guler (Güney Yildizi Petrol): tbd
Detaylıhere - IGC Turkey 2016
Alternative trends in Rig and Equipment Manufacture Ozan Atalay (BM Holding): Drilling Technologies, increase performance and reduce cost Bahri Çağdaş Atabey (BORDRILL Drilling Contractor and Trade...
DetaylıDP-MB500 Series
kesintisiz kalite, çok yönlülük ve dayanıklılık sunar. A6’dan A3’e çok boyutlu kağıt kullanım
Detaylıınformatıon about summer practıce
Please find the final list for the summer practice this summer. TPAO dates are fixed but you should arrange dates for other companies by using the given communication details. You should follow the...
DetaylıÇukurova University, Adana, Turkey ( APRIL 23
Ch. P.: Prof. Dr. Christian Bruneau Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller / Leibniz Institute for Catalysis / Catalysis- a key technology for a sustainable chemical industry Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah Özensoy / Bi...
DetaylıYayınlar Listesi
A9. Yildirim E., Dural K., Han S., Koc K., Gülay Ulasan N., ve Sakinci U., “A case report of a pleural synovial sarcoma misdiagnosed as cyst hydatidosis,” J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino), 44(2), 291-292...