1st day – 15 June, Tuesday - NanoTR-VI
1st day – 15 June, Tuesday - NanoTR-VI
0 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 This conference is partially supported by EU 7th Framework project (Grand No:203953) 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Honorary President of the Conference Zafer ĠLKEN, Rector of Ġzmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) Chair of Organizing Committee Salih OKUR, Ġzmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) Organizing Committee Çetin ARIKAN, Ġstanbul University Bekir AKTAġ, Gebze Institute of Technology Atilla AYDINLI, Bilkent Univ. Tahir Çağın, Texas A&M Univ. Aydın Doğan, Anadolu Univ. Yalçın Elerman, Ankara Univ. Oğuz Gülseren, Bilkent Univ. Ahmet Oral, Sabancı Univ. Macit ÖzenbaĢ, METU RaĢit Turan, METU Hilmi Ünlü, ITU Local Organizing Committee Yusuf Baran, IZTECH Erdal Çelik, DEU Ömer Mermer, Ege Univ. Ekrem Özdemir, IZTECH Mehmet ġengün Özsöz, Ege Univ. Lütfi Özyüzer, IZTECH Yusuf Selamet, IZTECH Tuğrul Senger , IZTECH Ismail Sökmen, DEU Metin Tanoğlu, IZTECH Talat Yalçın, IZTECH Organizing Committee Assistants Mesut Güngör, IZTECH Koray Sevim, IZTECH Atike İnce, IZTECH Özgür Tarhan, IZTECH Nesli Tekgüzel, IZTECH Nesrin Horzum, IZTECH Mehmet Yağmurcukardeş, IZTECH Mehmet Reşat Atılgan, IZTECH Murat Molva, IZTECH Sevdiye Atakul, IZTECH Filiz Özmıhçı, IZTECH Gülnihal Özek, IZTECH İlker Polatoğlu, IZTECH Ali Kemal Havare, IZTECH Hasan Aydın, IZTECH Tunca Doğan, IZTECH Mavişe Şeker, IZTECH Hüseyin İlgü, IZTECH Gözde Tunusoğlu, IZTECH Özge Tunusoğlu, IZTECH Can Sümer, IZTECH Yasemin Demirhan, IZTECH Özlem Duvarcı, IZTECH Hatice Yavuzdurmaz, IZTECH Gökçe Kınay, IZTECH Özgür Akman, IZTECH 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Plenary Speakers Ekmel Özbay (Bilkent University) Mostafa A. El-Sayed (Georgia Institute of Technology) Erio Tosatti (SISSA/ICTP) Seizo Morita (Osaka University) Wolfgang Sigmund (University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF)) Serdar Sarıçiftçi (Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS)) Michael Graetzel (Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne) Nazario Martin (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Dave H.A. Blank (University of Twente) Invited Speakers Kazuo Kadowaki (University of Tsukuba) Esen Ercan Alp (Argonne National Lab) Ömer Dağ (Bilkent University) Jürgen Fassbender (Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research) David Tománek (Michigan State University) SavaĢ Berber (GYTE) Ümit Demir (Atatürk University) Nieves Casañ Pastor (The Institute of "Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona" (ICMAB)) Emrah Özensoy (Bilkent University) Metin Akay (Arizona State University) Adarsh Sandhu (Tokyo Institute of Technology) M. Selim Ünlü (Boston University) Stanislav Gorb (Evolutionary Biomaterials Group Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research) Ayhan S. Demir (METU) Cömert Kural (Harvard University) Nesrin Hasırcı (METU) Sandro Scandolo (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste) Stefano Sanvito (Trinity College, Physics Department, Dublin) Afif Sıddıki (Muğla University) Nejat Bulut (IZTECH) Avik Ghosh (University of Virginia) Engin Umut Akkaya (Bilkent University) Ömer Ġlday (Bilkent University) Ümit Özgür (Virginia Commonwealth University) Hadi Zareie (University of Technology Sydney) Mustafa Ersöz (Selçuk University) Mehmet Polat (IZTECH) Yasuhiro Sugawara (Osaka University) Aykutlu Dana (Bilkent University) Haluk Külah (METU) Karl Schulte (Polymer Composites Group at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg) Yusuf Menceloğlu (Sabancı University) Tahir Çağın (Texas A&M University) Aysun Cireli Aksit (Dokuz Eylül University) Mustafa Çulha (Yeditepe University) Ahmet Öztarhan (Ege University) 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Oral Presentations 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 JUNE 15, 2010 TUESDAY YUNUS HALL 9:00-9:15 Salih Okur (İZTECH), Conference Chair 9:15-9:30 Şahin Çalbıyık (TÜPRAŞ), İzmir Rafinery Manager 09:30-9:40 Zafer İlken (İZTECH), Rektor 09:40-9:50 Cahit Kıraç, Governer of İZMİR 09:50-10:05 Plaquette Ceremony 10:05-10:45 Plenary talk :Ekmel Özbay (Bilkent) 10:45-11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:00-11:20 OKYANUS HALL GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-3 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL DENİZKIZI-1 HALL Chair: Devrim Balköse 146A A.Avcı Chair: Yusuf Selamet 718B G.Aygün 974B A.SchroederHeber Chair: DilĢat Arıksoy 920D A.GümüĢ Chair: F.Tıhmınlıoğlu 562K S.Karaca Chair: O. Yarımağa 604J L.Özyüzer 443D C.Bayram 360K N.Sarıer 791J M.Hanay 224K S.Karagöz Kaplaner 317K M.B.Islier 11:20-11:40 149A A.B.Garmarudi 11:40-12:00 667A M.Molva 144B S.Galioğlu 12:00-12:20 115A Ö.AltıntaĢ Yıldırım 483B N.Kılınç Chair: Macit ÖzenbaĢ Chair: SavaĢ Berber 223D Gökçen Birlik Demirel 1121D Ġ.T.Değim LUNCH Chair: Sevgi K. Özdemir Kazuo Kadowaki David Tomanek M. Selim Ünlü 53B R.Peköz 328B Y.ġengün 158B P.Kacman 433B H.ġ.ġen 99D A.Erdem 438D H.Karadeniz 949D P.Kara 230D M.Duman Yusuf Menceloğlu 1294K M.Tanoğlu 277K K.Faghihi 202K A.Baykal 61K N.A.Isıtman COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER Chair: Sedat Ağan Chair: Zafer Z.Öztürk Chair: P.Kadayıfçılar Chair: Metin Tanoğlu Chair: Ahmet Oral Mustafa Çulha Savaş Berber Nesrin Hasırcı Mehmet Polat Hadi Zareie 235A E.Burunkaya 96A E.Soy 62A M.S.Baei 300B A.Abdurahman 171B J.Servantie 6B M.A.Shah 361D M.Uz 452D S.Irmak 46D M.Ö.Güler 984K Y.Ocak 803K G.Baysal 717K O.Sancakoğlu 413H O.Gürlü 442H E.Sayın 547H Ġ.Yıldız 12:30-13:30 13:30-14:00 760A F.Gözüak 301A 14:20-14:40 Y.Jamil 877A 14:40-15:00 F.Özmıhçı Ömürlü 363A 15:00-15:20 E.Öztürk 14:00-14:20 15:20-15:40 15:40-16:10 16:10-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:20 17:20-17:40 17:40-18:00 BREAK 18:00-18:15 18:15-19:15 Tutorial: Chair: Aabdüldahi Baykal EMĠRBAKĠ DENKBAġ MUSTAFA ÇULHA ENGĠN AKKAYA TUĞRUL SENGER 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 876J Ö.Mermer 446J E.Bulgan Chair: Hakan Urey Haluk Külah 119J A.ElkatmıĢ 347J C.Ceylan 323L Ġ.Hatay 392J E. Kosa JUNE 16, 2010 WEDNESDAY YUNUS HALL 08:30-9:20 Plenary talk: Mostafa El-Sayed 09:20-10:10 Plenary talk : Erio Tosatti 10:10-10:30 COFFEE BREAK GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-3 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL DENİZKIZI-1 HALL Chair: Serdar Özçelik Chair: Kadriye Ertekin Chair: Erdem Alaca Chair: Ömer Mermer Chair: Mehmet Mutlu Ömer Dağ Ümit Demir Avik Ghosh Aysun C. Aksit 990A H.Ghaforyan 558A P.T.Yazoğlu 307A M.KuĢ 709B F.Büyükserin 335B Ġ.Erel 723B C.Cenker Dilşat Özkan Arıksoysal 678D N.Fatima 441D J.Lee 586D G.Eke 474F M.Çulha 200F C.Çelebi 208F C.ġahin 499M A.Öztarhan 398M C.GüneĢoğlu 198M ġ.Düzyer 93A B.Özmen Monkul 376B S.Kaçmaz 109D M.S.Yavuz 722F B.Pourabbas 489M Ü.Özkoç Chair: Halil Atabay OKYANUS HALL 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:20 LUNCH 12:30-13:30 Chair: Ömer Dağ Chair: Çetin Arıkan Chair: Mehmet ġ.Özsöz Chair: Mahmut KuĢ Cömert Kural Afif Sıddıki Adarsh Sandhu Engin Akkaya 817A M.C.OnbaĢlı 320A L.Eral Doğan 425A H.Yağcı Akar 881A M.Artar 178B G.Cambaz 903B D.Söylev 455B A.Ġnce 32B F.Abdel-Hady 744D S.Z.Akıncı 937D V.M.Tiryaki 480D A. Öztarhan 329A C. Ünlü 617F S.GüneĢ 105F S.Ġçli 909F A.K.Havare 183F M.F.DanıĢman 148M F.Bi 486M T.Uyar 857M A.Bedeloğlu 350M ġ.S.Uğur 663M E. Perrin 15:20-15:40 COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER 15:40-16:10 POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER 16:10-16:30 POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER Chair: Ümit Demir Chair: Ġsmail Sökmen Chair: Yusuf Baran Chair: ġerafettin Demiç Chair: Lütfi Özyüzer Stefano Sanvito Ayhan S. Demir Mustafa Ersöz 296B Ġ.O.Doğan 337D B.O.Kasap 427F ġ.Demiç 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 14:40-15:00 15:00-15:20 16:30-17:00 17:00-17:20 254A N. Duman 225A N.Akman 17:20-17:40 753A Z.M.O.Rzayev 19B H.Kavak 796D H.Urey 720F P.Ercan 17:40-18:00 467A F.S.Utku 1018B Y.Ortega 944D Y.Bağdatlı 657F A.S.Özen 19:30-21:00 İZTECH NIGHT/COCKTAIL 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Ahmet Öztarhan 1286K Bernd Jakob 1295 Michael G. Berg 577H N. Ünal JUNE 17, 2010 THURSDAY YUNUS HALL 08:30-9:20 Plenary talk : Seizo Morita 09:20-10:10 Plenary talk: Wolfgang Sigmund 10:10-10:30 COFFEE BREAK OKYANUS HALL Chair: Esen Ercan Alp 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:20 Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu 111A H.ġ.Aybar 401A M.ġeĢen 133A Y.Köseoğlu 7A K.M.Batoo DENİZKIZI-1 HALL GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-3 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL Chair: AyĢe Erol Chair: Numan Durakbasa Chair: Bekir AktaĢ Chair: Sönmez Aslan Ümit Özgür Aykutlu Dana Sandro Scandolo Metin Akay 731G H.Kurt 295G E.ġimĢek 132G D.Gülen 677G L.Rahimi 303I M.Duman 451I G.Dikmen 138I U.Schmidt 533I R.ġahin 81E O.Yıldırım 156E B.AktaĢ 646E S.Güler 512E N.Akdoğan 567L S.Er 161L H.Akyıldız 655L H.Yılmaz 84L B.Kılıç Chair: Ali Sebetçi Chair: RaĢit Turan LUNCH 12:30-13:30 Chair: Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu Chair: Ümit Özgür Esen Ercan Alp Ömer İlday 487A E.Yılmaz 34A S.J.Darzi Chair: Özgür Özer 1246L S.Aslan 628L T.Çolakoğlu 730L S.Dikmen 610G A.YeĢilyurt Yasuhiro Sugawara 540I M.Memesa 308E D.A.Pichugina 411G B.Türker 893I A.Yurt 106E S.Rizwan 632A S.Çınar 36G Ö.Ebil 80G H.Masalehdan 154I M.N.Durakbasa 45I Ö.Özatay 35E V.Moldoveanu 95E A.Sebetci 587L M.M. Arık 210A I. Birlik 15:20-15:40 COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER COFFEE BREAK / POSTER 15:40-16:10 POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER 16:10-16:30 POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER POSTER 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 14:40-15:00 15:00-15:20 Nejat Bulut 16:30 MOVING TO IYTE CAMPUS 17:10-18:50 IYTE CAMPUS TOUR 18:50 MOVING TO BALÇOVA THERMAL HOTEL 19:30-22:00 GALA DINNER in BALÇOVA THERMAL HOTEL ( given by Ġzmir Governer) 22:00 MOVING TO HOTEL GOLDEN DOLPHIN HOTEL 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 JUNE 18, 2010 FRIDAY YUNUS HALL Symposium on Prospects of Nanotechnology Applications 08:30-9:20 Plenary: Serdar Sarıçiftçi (Symp.) 08:30-9:20 09:20-10:10 Plenary: Dave H.A. Blank (Symp.) 09:20-10:10 10:10-10:30 COFFEE BREAK GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-3 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL Chair: Atilla Aydınlı Chair: Erdal Çelik Chair: Sacide Alsoy Altınkaya Chair: Mehmet Çakmak Chair: Abdurrahman Türk Stanislav Gorb (Symp.) Erhan Pişkin, (Symp.) 450D Karl Schulte (Symp.) 727A Y.Nur 134A Ġ.H.Dursun 410A K.Esat 599A D.Erbahar 371A Ç.Kılıç OKYANUS HALL 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 10:10-10:30 DENİZKIZI-1 HALL Taner Yıldırım (Symp.) Emrah Özensoy 402C C.O.Depboylu 534C F.Kuralay 103C D.Karacan 834C N.Horzum Polat 242N Abdurrahman TÜRK B.Beyhan 54N N.Aydoğan-Duda WBC INCO 4N NET M.Yahaya Brokerage Event on EU 790N FP7 Nano-MatS.Özcan Pro 151N T.Kutluay Merdol 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:20 12:30-13:30 LUNCH 13:00-14:00 Plenary: Nazario Martin (Symp.) 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 Plenary: Kevin Sivula (Symp.) 14:00-15:00 15:00-15:30 COFFEE BREAK 15:00-15:20 Chair: Serdar Sarıçiftçi Jürgen Fassbender (Symp.) Tahir Çağın 16:00-16:30 (Symp.) Nieves C. Pastor 16:30-17:00 (Symp.) 15:30-16:00 17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00 Oğuz Gülseren (Symp.) 12:30-13:30 Chair: Selahattin Yılmaz Chair: GülĢah ġanlı Chair: Mehmet Polat 310A M.O.Erdal 52A E.Yılmaz 573A S.Ġpek 182A M.Erdem 190C M.Anık 108C S.Keskin 680A A.Sepehrianazar 740A L.Torun 165A S.A.M.AbdelHameed 203K T.Orhan 197K A.Rubio 869K ġ.DurmuĢoğlu 437K A.C.Zaman 689D H. Ġlgü 959K G.Özek Yelken Closing Remarks: Atilla Aydınlı 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Chair: Filiz Hayırlı Filiz Hayırlı WBC INCO NET Brokerage Event on EU FP7 Nano-MatPro 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:20 16:20-16:40 16:40-17:00 17:00-17:20 17:30-18:00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 1st day –June 15, 2010 Tuesday 09:00-09:15 Salih Okur (İZTECH), Conference Chair 09:15-09:30 Şahin Çalbıyık (TÜPRAŞ), İzmir Rafinery Manager Zafer İlken (İZTECH), Rektor Cahit Kıraç, Governer of İZMİR Plaquette Ceremony 09:30-09:40 09:40-09:50 09:50-10:05 Photonic Metamaterials: Science Meets Magic Ekmel Ozbay 10:05-10:45 Plenary Talk Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Bilkent, Ankara 06800 TURKEY ID. 1244G / p.156 COFFEE BREAK 10:45-11:00 OKYANUS HALL GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL DENİZKIZI-1 HALL Theme A, session 01 Chair: Devrim Balköse Theme B, session 01 Chair: Yusuf Selamet Theme D, session 01 Chair: DilĢat Arıksoy Theme K, session 01 Chair: Funda Tıhmınlıoğlu Theme J, session 01 Chair: Oktay Yarımağa Production of CdO Nanoparticles from Cd(OH)2 Precursor by Calcination Interfacial and Structural Properties of sputtered HfO2 layers Particle Manipulation and Biosensor Applications using Optofluidic Ring Resonators Terahertz Wave Emission from Intrinsic Josephson Junctions of High-Tc Superconducting Mesas Ahmet Avci, Volkan Eskizeybek, Okan Demir Gülnur Aygün, and Ayten CantaĢ Abdurrahman Gumus,1,2 Sudeep Mandal3 and David Erickson2,4 The Preparation and Mechanical Behavior of Polyethylene-Clay Nanocomposites Semra Karaca1, Ahmet Gürses2, Mehtap Ejder1, Metin Açıkyıldız2 and Harun Mindivan3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya 42075, Turkey Physics Department, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gülbahçe Campus, TR-35430 Urla-İZMİR of Electrical and Computer Eng., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA, 2Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA, 3School of Applied and Eng. Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA, 1Ataturk Univ., Faculty of Science, Dep. of Chemistry, 25240 Erzurum, 2Ataturk Univ., K.K. Education Faculty, Dep. of Chemistry, 25240 Erzurum, 3Ataturk Univ., Engineering Faculty, Dep. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 25240 Erzurum 1Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey, 2Department of Physics, University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 3University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, 4National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan ID. 718B / p.48 ID. 920D / p.82 ID. 562K / p.164 ID. 604J / p.157 Integrated angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy for 300 mm wafers Bioactivation of Titanium Based Orthopedic Implants via Titania Nanotubes Ultrasound Sonication of Tokat Reşadiye Montmorillonite and its Feasibility in Nano Clay Production Toward Single Molecule Mass Spectrometry Annemarie Schroeder-Heber, Martin Schellenberger, Lothar Pfitzner, Andreas Mattes, Andreas Nutsch, Tobias Erlbacher Cem Bayram,1,2 Murat Demirbilek1, Nazlı ÇalıĢkan1, Melike Erol Demirbilek3, Tayfun Vural4 and Emir Baki DenkbaĢ1 Nihal Sarier1 and Emel Onder2 Mehmet Hanay 1 Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul Kultur University, Atakoy Kampus, Bakirkoy34156, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Dept. of Textile Eng., ITU, Inonu Caddesi, No.65, Gumussuyu 34437, Istanbul, Turkey California Institute of Technology, United States ID. 360K / p.165 ID. 791J / p.- 11:00-11:20 1Dept. ID. 146A / p. 1 Chemometric approach for optimized synthesis of nano titanium oxide utilizing central composite design of experiment 11:20-11:40 GERENCE-3 HALL A. Bagheri Garmarudia,b, M. Khanmohammadia, N. Khoddamia , K. Ghasemia Dept. Faculty of Science, IKIU, Qazvin, Iran, bDepartment of Chemistry & Polymer Laboratories, Engineering Research Institute, Tehran, Iran Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB), Erlangen, Germany and Nanomedicine Division, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2Dept.of Chemistry, Aksaray University, Aksaray 68100, Turkey 3Dept. of Biology, Aksaray University, Aksaray 68100, Turkey, 4Dept.of Chemistry, Hacettepe University, Ank ID. 149A / p. 2 ID. 974B / p.49 ID. 443D / p.83 Lütfi Özyüzer1*, H. Köseoğlu1, F. Türkoğlu1, Y. Demirhan1, Y. ġimĢek2, 1Nanotechnology aChemistry 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Effect of Shear on CaCO3 Morphology Preparation and Microstructural Characterization of Oriented Titanosilicate ETS-10 Thin Films on Indium Tin Oxide Surfaces Murat Molva and Ekrem Özdemir* Sezin Galioğlu1, Mariam N. Ismail 2, Juliusz Warzywoda 2, Albert Sacco Jr. 2*, Burcu Akata1,3* 11:40-12:00 12:00-12:20 Gökçen Birlik Demirel1*, Nursel Dilsiz2, Mehmet Çakmak2 and Tuncer Çaykara1 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline and Polyaniline-Clay Nanocomposites Thin film sensor microsystem for accurate and real-time measurement of humidity levels Sakine Karagöz Kaplaner,1,2 Ramazan Kızıl2 and Hilkat Erkalfa1 Omer Mermer1, Salih Okur2 , Mahmut KuĢ3, ġeref Ertul4, Mevlüt Bayrakçı4, Mustafa Yılmaz4 Dept. of Chemical Eng., İzmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Urla, 35430Izmir, Turkey and Nanotechnology Department, ,METU, 06530 Ankara, Turkey, 2Center for Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing (CAMMP), Dept. of Chemical Eng., Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA, 3Central Laboratory, METU, 06530 Ankara, Turkey 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gazi University, 06500, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Gazi University, 06570, Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey 3Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gazi University, 06500, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey Institute, TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center, Gebze-Kocaeli 41470, Turkey, 2Dept.of Chemical Eng., Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey 1Ege University, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. Bornova/Izmir/TURKEY, 2Izmir Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics Urla/Izmir/TURKEY, 3Selçuk University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY, 4Selçuk University, Dept.of Chemisty, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY, ID. 667A / p.3 ID. 144B / p.50 ID. 223D / p. 469 ID. 224K / p. 166 ID. 876J / p.163 1 Micro Low Temperature Synthesıs Of Zınc Oxıde (Zno) Nanopartıcles By Precıpıtatıon Fabrication of TiO2 nanotubes by Anodization of Ti Thin Film Emerging Nanotechnology tools for drug delivery: Carbon nanotubes Ozlem Altintas Yildirim, Caner Durucan Necmettin Kılınç, Erdem ġennik and Zafer Ziya Öztürk Ġ. Tuncer DEĞĠM, Sibel ĠLBASMIġ TAMER 1Materials Effects of Compatibilizer Type and Processing Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene-Clay Nanocomposites Prepared by Melt Mixing Mehmet Bora Islier1, Cuneyt Bagcioglu2, Esra Altuntas2, Osman G. Ersoy3, Nuri Ersoy1, Turgut Nugay2 and Nihan Nugay2 Embedded Subwavelength-Scale Discretized Displacement Sensing in Silicon Integrated Photonic Circuits E.Bulgan Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, METU, 06531 Ankara, TURKEY Gebze Institute of Technology, Science Faculty, Dept. of Physics, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, 06330 Etiler, Ankara, TURKEY 1Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Bogazici University, 34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Dept. of Chemistry and Polymer Research Center, Bogazici University, 34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Research and Development Center, ARCELIK, Cayirova, Istanbul, Turke ID. 115A / p.4 ID. 483B / p.51 ID. 1121D / p.85 ID. 317K / p.167 ID. 446J / p.159 School of Engineering, Ozyegin University, Istanbul 34662, Turkey LUNCH 12:30-13:30 13:30-14:00 Invited Talks Design OF Photocontrollable DNA Chip Theme A, session 02 Theme B, session 02 Theme D, session 02 Theme K, session 02 Theme J, session 02 Chair: Macit ÖzenbaĢ Chair: SavaĢ Berber Chair: Sevgi Kılıç Özdemir Chair: Metin Tanoğlu Chair: Hakan Urey Angular Dependence of a Powerful THz Emission from Intrinsic Josephson Junctions of High-Tc Superconductors Bi2212 From Carbon to Boron: Changing and Probing Nanostructures with Light and Sound Interferometric Reflectance Imaging: Nanoscale Biological Imaging, Label-free Protein and Single Pathogen Detection Rheology of Nanoparticles in Polymeric Liquids; Tribology and Composite Applications MEMS and Microsystem Technologies for Microsensors and Biological Microdevices Kazuo Kadowaki David Tománek M. Selim Ünlü Yusuf Ziya Menceloğlu Haluk Külah1, 2 Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba Japan Physics and Astronomy Dept., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA Electrical and Computer Engineering, Center for Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul 34956, Turkey ID. 272B / p.52 ID. 1264D / p.86 ID. 928K / p.168 ID. 1243G / p.51 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1METU 2METU, MEMS Center, Ankara, Turkey, Electrical and Electronics Eng. Dept., Ankara, Turkey ID. 1266J / p.160 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 CoxZn1-xFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8) Nanoparticles Synthesized by Microwave Method Ab initio study on Ge/Si and Si/Ge core/shell nanowires Ecotoxic Effects of nanoTiO2 on bacteria and algal cell population and lipid peroxidation EPDM/clay nanocomposites: the effects of blending conditionson the properties Thermal Conductivity of Magnetic Nanofluids in External Magnetic Field F. Gözüak a,Y. Köseoğlu b, A. Baykal c Rengin Pekoz and Jean-Yves Raty Ayça Erdem1, David M. Metzler2 and C.P. Huang2 Metin Tanoğlu1, Ç. KarĢal1, S. OdabaĢ2, O. G. Ersoy, N. Karakaya Alper ElkatmıĢ1*, Merve Yüksel2, Seyda Bucak2, Necdet Aslan3 a Dept. of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Cayırova, Izmit, Turkey, bDept. of Physics, Fatih University, 34500 Buyukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey, cDept. of Chemistry, Fatih University, 34500 Buyukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey Université de Liège, Institut de Physique, 4000 Sart Tilman Liège, Belgium Environmental Engineering, Akdeniz University, Antalya 070580, Turkey, 1Dept. Civil & Environmental Eng., University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 19716, U.S.A. İzmir Institute of Technology, Turkey Arçelik A.Ş. Research & Development Center, Tuzla, İstanbul, Turkey 1TÜBİTAK UME-National Metrology Institute, Kocaeli 41470, Turkey, 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul 34755, Turkey, 3Dept. of Physics, Yeditepe University, İstanbul 34755, Turkey ID. 760A / p.5 ID. 53B / p.53 ID. 99D / p.87 Use of low cost sonication technique for the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles Vibrational Characteristics of Cu Nanowires Electrochemical monitoring of DNA hybridization by magnetic particles based sensor technology ID. 1294K / p.169 Synthesis and properties of Polyimide-silver nanocomposite containing Pyridyl moieties in the main chain ID. 119J / p.161 Humidity Sensing Properties of an Isopropanol-induced and Alkaline pH-triggered Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Film Yasir Jamil, M. Raza Ahmad, Humaima Saeed, Tabinda Maryam, and Abdul Hafeez Yasemin ġengün1 and Sondan Durukanoğlu 1,2 Hakan Karadeniz, Arzum Erdem Khalil Faghihi Cagatay Ceylan1, Salih Okur2, Evren Culcular2 Dept. of Physics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan 1Dept. of Physics, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey, 2Feza Gürsey Research Institute, TÜBİTAKBoğaziçi University, Çengelköy, 34684 Istanbul, Turkey Ege University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Analytical Chemistry Department, Izmir 35100, Turkey Organic Polymer Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, 38156, Iran 1Dept. of Food Eng., İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey, 2Dept. of Physics, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey ID. 301A / p.6 ID. 328B / p.54 ID. 438D / p.88 ID. 347J / p.162 Synthesis of Nano Zinc Oxide Powder III-V nanowires of wurtzite structure Direct Electrical Detection of E.Coli Based on Different DNA Modified Genosensors ID. 277K / p.170 Synthesis, Conductivity and Dielectric Characterization of Salicylic Acid-Fe3O4 Nanocomposite Filiz Özmıhçı Ömürlü and Devrim Balköse M. Galicka, M. Bukała, R. Buczko and P. Kacman Övgü Yılmazi,1, O. Kılıçkaya1, P. Kara1, A. Yurtman2 and M. Özsöz1 İzmir Institute of Technology Chemical Eng. Dept. Gülbahçe köyü 35430 Urla-İzmir Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotnikow 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland 1Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege University, 35100, Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY, 2Dept. ofMicrobiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege University, 35100, Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY of Chemistry, 2Dept. of Physics, Fatih University, B.Çekmece, 34500 Istanbul, Turkey, 3Functional Materials Division, Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, SE-16440 Stockholm, Sweden of Chemistry, Selcuk University, 42031 Konya, Turkey, 2Laboratoire d’Electrochimie Physique et Analytique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de, Lausanne, Station 6, CH-1015Lausanne, Switzerland, 3J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of ASCR, v ID. 877A / p.7 ID. 158B / p.55 ID. 949D / p.89 ID. 202K / p.171 ID. 323L / p.182 1Dept. A. Baykal,1 B. Unal,2 Z. Durmus,1 H. Kavas,2 M. S. Toprak3 14:40-15:00 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Dep.t. Oxygen Reduction and Hydrogen Production at the Liquid/Liquid interfaces Imren Hatay1,2* , Bin Su2, Zdenek Samec3, Mustafa Ersoz1 and Hubert H. Girault2 1Dept. 15:00-15:20 Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of monodisperse borosilicate nanoparticles Electronic Properties of Graphene Nano-Ribbons Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Mycobacterium gordonae on the same portable surface plasmon resonance sensor Functionally Filled Polymer Nanocomposites: A Novel Class of Flame-Retardant Materials Ekin Öztürk, Serdar Özçelik Hüseyin ġener ġen1, Oğuz Gülseren1 Memed Duman and Erhan Piskin Nihat Ali Isitman a, Cevdet Kaynak a,b Dept. of Chemistry , Izmir Instute of Technology, Gülbahçe-Urla 35430 Izmir 1Dept. ID. 363A / p.8 of Phyics, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Hacettepe Univ., Chem. Eng. Dept. and Bioeng. Division, R&D Center for Bioeng. and Biyomedtek, Ankara, 06800 Turkey and Materials Eng., METU, Ankara TR-06531, TURKEY, b Polymer Science and Technology, METU, Ankara TR06531, TURKEY ID. 230D / p.90 ID. 61K / p.172 Ergin KOSA1 Umit SONMEZ1, Huseyin KIZIL2, Levent TRABZON 1Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34437, 2Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul ID. 392J/p.691 ID. 433B / p.56 15:20-15:40 COFFEE BREAK 15:40-16:10 POSTER SESSION I 16:10-16:30 POSTER SESSION I a Metallurgical Theme A, session 03 Chair: Sedat Ağan Theme B, session 03 Chair: Zafer Ziya Öztürk Theme D, session 03 Chair: Pınar Kadayıfçılar Theme K, session 03 Chair: Abdülhadi Baykal Theme H, session 01 Chair: Ahmet Oral Biomacromolecule Mediated Au-Ag Core-Shell Nanoparticles Modifying the physical properties of carbon nanotubes: Chemistry on defects Nano Alterations of Macro Systems in Biomedicine Measurement of Interatomic Forces between Colloidal Particles and Comparison with Relevant Theories Patterning Nanostructures for Nanodevice and Biosensor Applications Mustafa Çulha Savas Berber, Doğan Erbahar, Ali Zerentürk, Tuba CoĢkun Nesrin Hasirci1,2,3,4,5 Mehmet Polat Hadi M. Zareie, Michael J. Coutts, Michael B. Cortie, Andrew M. McDonagh Yeditepe university, Turkey Dept. of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Gebze, KOCAELI 41400, Turkey METU, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, 1Dept.t of Chemistry, Graduate Depts. of 2Biomedical Eng., 3Biotechnology, 4Micro and Nanotechnology, 5Polymer Science and Technology, Ankara 06531, Turkey Izmir Institute of Technology, Chemical Eng. Dept., Izmir, 35430, Turkey Institute for Nano-scale Technology, Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia ID. 1311 / p. - ID. 741B / p.57 ID. 743D / p.91 ID. 1056I / p.173 ID. 951H / p.142 Environmental Friendly, Antibacterial and Easy to Clean Nano-Coating First-Principles Investigation of Polymer Binding to Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes Preparation of lysozyme loaded chitosan nanoparticles and test of their antimicrobial activity Biodegradable Polymer- Silica Nano Composite Surface Coating for Protection of the Marble Atomic manipulation at Room Temperature Esin Burunkaya1,2,, Ömer Kesmez1,2, Nadir Kiraz1,2, Zerin YeĢil1,2, Nedim Erinç2, Ertuğrul Arpaç1,2 Ayjamal Abdurahman1 and Oguz Gulseren1 Metin Uz1, IĢıl Zorlu1, Simge Evlioğlu1, and Sacide Alsoy Altinkaya1* Yılmaz Ocak,1 Aysun Sofuoglu,1* Funda Tihminlioglu1 and Hasan Boke2 16:30-17:00 Invited Talks 17:00-17:20 The Design and Analysis of Novel MEMS Force Amplifier 1 Dept. of Chemistry, Akdeniz University, 07058, Antalya, Turkey, 2NANOen R&D Ltd., Antalya Technopolis, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey ID. 235A / p.9 of Physics, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey ID. 300B / p.58 1Dept. of Chemical Eng., Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, 06800, Turkey ID. 361D / p.92 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 2Bene Gürlü, 2Arie van Houselt, Poelsema and 2Harold J. W. Zandvliet of Chemical Eng., İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir 35430, Turkey, 2Dept.of architectural Restoration, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir 35430, Turkey 1ITU, Dept. of Physics, Maslak, 34469, İstanbul, Turkey, 2University of Twente, Solid State Physics and Physical Aspects of Nanotechnology, PO Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands ID. 984K / p.174 ID. 413H / p.143 1Dept. 1Dept. 1Oğuzhan Study of Possibility to Use Zeolites for Immobilization of Proteins in Conductometric and Potentiometric Biosensors Dynamics and friction in double walled nanotubes The Role of Orosomucoid (ORM) in Vascular Endothelial Cells and Angiogenesis Preparation and properties of Polyurethane-organoclay nanocomposites Using Modified Montmorillonite with Ionic Liquids Single Molecule Manipulation by Using Optical Tweezers Esin Soy1*, Burcu Akata Kurç1,2 J. Servantie1,* and P. Gaspard2 Ster Irmak1, Leticia Oliveira-Ferrer2, Bernhard B. Singer1, Süleyman Ergün1*, Derya Tilki3 Gülay BAYSAL*1, Haluk AYDIN1, Süleyman KÖYTEPE2, Turgay SEÇKĠN2 Elvan Sayin1, Gokhan Kilic1, Vural Butun2, Kevser Erol3, Osman Parlaktuna4 and Sertac Eroglu1* 17:20-17:40 1Faculty Institute of Anatomy, University Hospital Essen, Hufelandstr. 55, D-45147 Essen, Germany, 2Dept. of Oncology/ Hematology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 3Dept. of Urology, University Hospital Großhadern, Munich, Germany of Chemistry, University of Dicle, Diyarbakır, TR Türkiye 21280, 2Dept. of Physics, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 1 and Nanotechnology Department, METU, 06531 Ankara, Turkey, 2Central Laboratory, METU, 06531 Ankara, Turkey of Eng. and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Orhanli 34956 Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Code Postal 231, Campus Plaine, 1050 Brussels, Belgium ID. 96A / p.10 ID. 171B / p.59 ID. 452D / p.93 ID. 803K / p.175 ID. 442H / p.144 Fabrication of PHBV/HA nanocomposite for medical applications A bio-safe approach to prepare ZnO nanorods: Growth and properties Self-Assembled Peptidic Nanostructures Enhanced Wear Performance of SiC/Al2O3 Nano-Powder Reinforced Composite Coatings Integration of Si Nanowires with a Pair of Electrodes M. A. Shah1*, F. M. Al-Marzouki1 and A. A.Al-Ghamdi1 Mustafa Özgür Güler* Orkut Sancakoglu1,3,*, Mustafa Erol1,3, M. Can Ertan1, Bahattin Agaday2 and Erdal Celik1,3 Izzet Yildiz1 Yusuf Leblebici2 and B. Erdem Alaca1* 1Micro Mazyar Sharifzadeh Baei1*, Ghasem Najafpour Darzi1, Fatemeh Tabandeh2 and Habibollah younesi3 1Dept. 1Dept. of Physics, 2Dept. of Chemistry, 3Dept. of Pharmacology, 4Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir 26480, Turkey 17:40-18:00 1Faculty of Chemical Eng., Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran, 2Biotechnology Dept, National Institute of Genetic Eng. and Biotechnology (NIGEB), P.O. Box: 14155-6343, Tehran, Iran, 3Dept. of Environmental Scien ce, Faculty of Natural Resourc of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 1Metallurgical and Materials Eng. Dept., Dokuz Eylul University, 35160 Izmir, Turkey, 2Izmir Vocational School of Higher Education, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160 Izmir, Turkiye, 3Center for Resarch and Appllications of Electronic Materials (EMUM), Dokuz E 1Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Koc University, Istanbul 34450, Turkey, 2STI-IEL-LSM, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne 1015, Switzerland ID. 62A / p.11 ID. 6B / p.60 ID. 46D / p.94 ID. 717K / 176 ID. 547H / p.145 1Dept. BREAK 18:00-18:15 18:15-19:15 Tutorial Nanotechnology in Biomedical Applications Fundamentals of Biological Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Photodynamic Therapy: New Directions Quantum Mechanics. The Language of Physics at Nanoscale Emir Baki DenkbaĢ Mustafa Çulha Engin Akkaya Tuğrul Senger Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Division, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Yeditepe University, Turkey Bilkent University, Turkey İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir ID. 616D / p.<<94>>1 ID. 1272D / p.<<94>> 2 ID. - / p.<<94>> 3 ID. - / p.- 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 2nd day – June 16, 2010 Wednesday 08:30-09:20 Plenary Talk Confining Resonant Photons To The Nano-Gold Length S Cale: The New Properties And Applications In Material Science, Nanobiology and Cancer Nano-Medicine Mostafa A. El-Sayed Laser Dynamics Laboratory, Georgia Tech ,Atlanta, Ga, Usa ID. 253D / p.<<94> 4 Theory of metal nanocontacts: structure, conductance, magnetism Erio Tosatti 09:20-10:10 Plenary Talk SISSA, ICTP, and CNR-IOM ID. 1308 / p.<<11> COFFEE BREAK 10:10-10:30 10:30-11:00 Invited Talks 11:00-11:20 OKYANUS HALL GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-3 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL DENİZKIZI I Theme A, session 01 Theme B, session 01 Theme D, session 01 Theme F, session 01 Theme M, session 01 Chair: Serdar Özçelik Chair: Kadriye Ertekin Chair: Erdem Alaca Chair: Ömer Mermer Chair: Mehmet Mutlu Lyrotropic Mesophases and Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis and Characterization Formation of Thermoelectric Nanostructures by Electrochemical Atom-by-atom Codeposition A ‘molecular’ description of current flow Nanotechnology Applications in Textile Materials: Plasma and SolGel Techniques Cüneyt Karakaya, Yurdanur Türker, Cemal Albayrak, and Ömer Dag* Ümit Demir Avik W. Ghosh, Kamaram Munira and Mikiyas Tsegaye Aysun AkĢit Dept. ofChemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Dept. of Chemistry, Atatürk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey Ege University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Analytical Chemistry Dept., 35100, Izmir, Turkey School of Electrical and Computer Eng., University of Virginia, Charlottesville 22904, USA Dokuz Eylul University, Textile Eng. Dept., Buca, Izmir, 35160, Turkey ID. 204A / p.12 ID. 125 / p.61 ID. 958D / p.84 ID. 40F / 118 ID. 941M / p.190 Electrochemical Detection of Influenza A Virus based on DNA Hybridization by using Voltammetric and Impedance Biosensors Dilsat Ozkan-Ariksoysal, Buket Meric, Nilay Aladag, Mehmet Ozsoz Self-organized Formation of Hexagonal Pore Arrays in Anodic Alumina Fabrication The Use of Anodized Aluminum for Preparing Non-spherical Nanocarriers In-vitro Study of Interaction of Dopamine Analogues with the Most Bio-essential Metal, Iron Assembly of Nanostructures: From Self-Assembly to Directed Assembly Modifying textiles with antibacterial effect, friction resistance, UV protection and lectrostatic charge decay abilities by an alternative nanotextile technology called MEVVA ion implantation technique Hossein Ghaforyan1*, Majid Ebrahimzadeh2 Fatih Buyukserin1*, Charles R. Martin2 and Wenchuang Hu3 Nasreen Fatima Mustafa Çulha Ahmet Öztarhan1, Ali Akpek1, Efim Oks2, Alexey Nikolaev2 of Physics, Payame Noor University of Miandoab, West Azarbayjan, Iran, 2Dept. of Physics, Shiraz University, Shiraz , Iran 1Gazi Univ., Nanomedicine and Advanced Technologies Research Center, Ankara, 06830, Turkey, 2Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Florida, Florida, 32611, USA, 3Dept. of Electrical Eng., Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Texas, 75080, USA Dept. of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi-Pakistan Yeditepe University, Faculty of Eng. and Architecture, Dept. of Genetics and Bioeng., 34755 Kayisdagi-Istanbul, Turkey ID. 990A / p.13 ID. 709B / p.62 ID. 678D / p.96 ID. 474F / p.119 1Dept. 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1 Biyomühendislik Bölümü, Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir Türkiye, 2High Current Electronics Institute, Academichesky Ave, Tomsk, Rusya ID. 499 M / p.191 11:20-11:40 Comparison Of Heavy Metal Adsorption Properties of Calcium Silicate Which Produced From Rice Hull Ash (Rha) And Activated Carbon pH-Responsive Functional Layer-byLayer Films Improved Neuron Cell Adhesion and Proliferation on Engineered Surfaces Surface Induced Asymmetry of Acceptor Wave Functions A Study on an Electrospraying Application onto Textile Surface Polat Tugrul YAZOGLU, Ozgul TASPINAR Irem Erel1*, A. Levent Demirel1, Vural Butun2, Huseyin Enis Karahan1, Cansel Tuncer2 J. Lee1*, U. Rauch2, K. H. Schäfer2, A. Demir3, O. C. Aktas1, C. K. Akkan1 and M. Veith1 Cem Çelebi Cem GuneĢoğlu – Leibniz Inst. for New Materials, CVD/Biosurfaces, Campus D2 2, 66123 Saarbrücken,, Germany, 2Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern, Inform. und Mikrosystemtechnik, Campus, 66482 Zweibrücken, Germany, 3Laser Technologies Research and Application Center Kocaeli University, 41380 Kocaeli, Turkey Faculty of Eng. and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, 34956, Istanbul, Turkey Gaziantep University, Textile Eng. Dept., 27310, Gaziantep, TURKEY 1INM Istanbul Technical University,Chemical Eng. Dept.,Istanbul, 34469,Turkey 11:40-12:00 1Dept. of Chemistry, Koc University, Istanbul, 34450, Turkey, 2Dept. of Chemistry, Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, 26040, Turkey ID. 558A / p.14 ID. 335B / p.63 ID. 441D / p.97 ID. 200F / p.120 ID. 398M / p.192 Oil soluble CdS nanoparticles as Component for Functional Ink-Jet Inks Peptide Self-Assembly Nanoparticles as Drug Carriers for the Treatment of Skin Diseases Charge Separation in Ruthenium Dyes Adsorbed on Nanoporous TiO2 Layers Characterization of the Crystallization and the Molecular Orientation of Polyester Nanofibers Mahmut Kus1, Nenad Marjanović2, Jens Hammerschmidt2, Stan Farnsworth3, Faruk Ozel1, Serhad Tilki1, and Reinhard R. Baumann2 C. Cenker1, U. Olsson1, S. Bucak2,* G. Eke1, A.Kucukturhan2, S.Kardesler3, P. Yilgor3, N. Hasirci1,2,3,4, V. Hasirci1,2,3,5* Cigdem Sahin1,2, Thomas Dittrich3, Canan Varlikli1*, Siddik Icli1 Sebnem Duzyer1, Asli Hockenberger1* and Ismail Karacan2 University, Faculty of Eng. and Architecture, Dept. of Chemical Eng., Konya, Turkey, 2Chemnitz University of Technology, Institute for Print and Media Technology, Reichenhainer Straße 70, D-09126 Chemnitz, Germany, 3Novacentrix, Austin, Texas, USA Chemistry 1, Lund University, Box 124, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden, 2Dept. of Chemical Eng., Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey 1METU, BIOMAT, Dept.s of Micro and Nanotechnology, Biotechnology Research Unit, 06531, Ankara, Turkey, 2METU Biomedical Eng., 06531 Ankara, Turkey, 3METU Biotechnology, 06531 Ankara, Turkey, 4METU Chemistry, 06531 Ankara, Turkey, 5METU Biological Sciences, Biotechnology Research Unit, 06531 Ankara, Turkey ID. 307A / p.15 ID. 723B / p.64 1Selçuk 1Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, 35100 – Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY, 2Chemistry Dept., Art & Science Faculty, Pamukkale University, Denizli, TURKEY, 3Helmholtz Centre Berlin for Materials and Energy, Glienicker Str. 100, 14109 Berlin, GERMANY 1Dept. of Textile Eng., Uludag University, Bursa 16059, Turkey, 2Dept. of Textile Eng., Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039,Turkey ID. 586D / p.98 ID. 208F / p.121 ID. 198M / p.193 Effect of Concentration on Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Nanofibers Umran Ozkoc1*, Halil Ibrahim Icoglu1, Ali Kirecci1 Graphite Intercalation with Perfluoroalkylanions by Chemical and Electrochemical Oxidation Fluorescence Based Mercury(Iı) Sensıng Wıth Electrospun Nanofıbers Smart Golden NanoCapsules for Controlled Release with NearInfrared Light Polypyrrole Grafting onto the Surface of Pyrrole Modified Silica Nanoparticles Prepared by One-step Synthesis Bahar Özmen-Monkul*, Michael M. Lerner Sibel Kacmaz1, Kadriye Ertekin1*, Yavuz Ergün1, Aslıhan Süslü2, Erdal Çelik2,3 Mustafa Selman Yavuz1* and Younan Xia2 Behzad Pourabbas1 and Francesco Pilati2 1Univ. Dept. of Chemistry, Oregon State University, 238 Gilbert Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dept.t of Chemistry, 35160, Izmir,Turkey, 2Univ. of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty Eng., Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Eng., 35160, Izmir,Turkey, 3Univ. of Dokuz Eylul, Center for Fabrication and Application of Electronic Materials (EMUM), 35160, Izmir,Turkey 1Nanomedicine Research Center, Gazi University, Golbasi, Ankara 06830, Turkey, 2Dept. of Biomedical Eng., Washington University, St Louis, Missouri 63130, USA ID. 93A / p.16 ID. 376B / p.65 ID. 109D / p.99 12:00-12:20 12:30-13:30 1 Physical LUNCH 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Sahand 2University University of Technology, Iran, of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy ID. 722F / p.122 1 Textile Eng., Dept., University of Gaziantep, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey ID. 489M / p.194 Theme A, session 02 13:30-14:00 Invited Talks Theme B, session 02 Theme D, session 02 Theme F, session 02 Theme M, session 02 Chair: Ömer Dağ Chair: Çetin Arıkan Chair: Mehmet ġ. Özsöz Chair: Mahmut KuĢ Chair:Halil Atabay Three Dimensional Imaging of Clathrin Coat and Adaptor Protein Dynamics in Living Cells Inferring the Aharonov-Bohm phase of particles and quasi-particles at semi-conductor based interferometers Biosensing platform based on the manipulation of functionalized superparamagnetic beads Boron-Dipyrrins as Photosensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Investigation of Seaweed Polysaccharides As An Elicitor of Plant Defence Mechanism Comert Kural*, Steeve Boulant, Tomas L. Kirchhausen Afif Sıddıki1,2 Adarsh Sandhu Engin U. Akkaya1,2,* Fatima Bi*, Seema Iqbal, Amanat Ali, Muhammad Arman and Mahmood-ul-Hassan of Chemistry, Bilkent Univ., Ankara 06800, Turkey, 2UNAM-Inst. of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent Univ., Ankara 06800, Turkey PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi, Pakistan 1İstanbul 200 Longwood Avenue, WAB 133, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115 University, Physics Dept., Faculty of Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Physics Dept., Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138, USA 1Dept. Tokyo Institute of Technology and Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan ID. 1253D / p.17 ID. 256E / p.66 ID. 1254D / p.100 ID. 850F / p.123 ID. 148M / p.198 Silicon Germanium Nanocrystal Technology for Thin Film Photovoltaics and Integrated Optoelectronics Formation of Graphene Sheets and Carbon Nanotubes on SiC Investigation of Shell Characteristics of Contrast Agents for Ultrasonography Conjugated Polymer Solar Cells and Their Nanostructural Improvement Functional Nanofibers and Their Potential Application Areas Serap Gunes1*, Emel Cevik1, Derya Ilicali1, Gulay Gunday1, Ismail Karatas1, Adem Karsli1, Andreas Wild2, Daniel Ayuk Mbi Egbe3, Nimet Yilmaz Canli1, Öznur Yasa4, Belkıs Bilgin Eran4, Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci3 Aslı Çelebioğlu, Fatma Kayacı, Ali Ekrem Deniz and Tamer Uyar* UNAM-Institute of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey M. Cengiz OnbaĢlı and Ali Kemal Okyay Goknur Cambaz1*, Gleb Yushin2 and Yury Gogotsi3 Akinci1, Okur3, Saliha Zeyneb Salih Ekrem Ozdemir2, Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir2,* 14:00-14:20 Bilkent University of Electronic and Communication Eng., Cankaya University, Ankara 06800, Turkey, 2Dept. of Materials Science and Eng., Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 303320245, USA, 3Dept. of Materials Science and Eng. and A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute, Drexel University, PA 19104, USA 1Biotechnology Program, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey, 2Dept. of Chemical Eng., Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey, 3Dept. of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey 1Yildiz Technical Univ., Dept of Physics, Davutpasa Campus, 34210, Esenler, Istanbul, 2Lab. of Organic and Macromolecular Chem., Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Humboldtstr.10, D-07743 Jena, Germany, 3Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Physical Chemistry, Altenberger Strasse 69, A-4040 Linz/Austria, 4Yildiz Technical University, Dept of Chemistry, 34210, Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey ID. 817A / p.18 ID. 178B / p.67 ID. 744D / p.101 ID. 617F / p.124 ID. 486M / p.195 Composition tunable spectroscopic properties of ZnxCd1-xTe ternary colloidal quantum dots Controlled Catalyst Reduction with CO2 for Efficient Growth of Carbon Nanotubes Nanoscale Cues and Astrocyte Responses in Neural System Regenerative Medicine Photo-responsive n-channel organic field effect transistor based on naphthalene bis-benzimidazole with divinyltetramethyl disiloxane-bis (benzo-cyclobutene) gate insulator Electricity Generation by Photovoltaic Textile Structures Leyla Eral Doğan and Serdar Özçelik * Deniz Söylev,*, Atike Ġnce, and Yusuf Selamet Volkan M. Tiryaki1, Virginia M. Ayres1, Adeel, A. Khan1, Dexter A. Flowers1 Siddik Icli1, Cem Tozlu1,2 Sule ErtenEla1 AyĢe Bedeloğlu1*, Ali Demir2 and Yalcin Bozkurt1 Izmir Instute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Chemistry, Urla-İzmir 35430 Carbon Nanostructures Laboratory, Dept. of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey of Electrical and Computer Eng., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, United States 1Solar Energy Institute, Ege Univ., Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey, 2Physics Dept., Art and Science Faculty, Mugla Univ., 48000 Mugla, Turkey 1 Dokuz Eylül Univ., Textile Eng. Dept., Tinaztepe Yerleskesi, 35160, Izmir, Turkey, 2Istanbul Technical Univ., School of Textile Technologies and Design, Istanbul, Turkey ID. 320A / p.19 ID. 903B / p.68 ID. 937D / p.102 ID. 105F / p.125 ID. 857M / p.196 1Dept. 14:20-14:40 1Dept. 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Development of LumınescentMagnetıc Hybrıd Nanopartıcles 14:40-15:00 Havva Yağcı Acar1*, Recep KaĢ1, Uğur Topal2 1Koç Univ., Dept. of Chemistry, Rumelifeneri Yolu, Sariyer-34450, Istanbul, Turkey, 2TUBITAKUME, Magnetic Measurements Lab., PK.54, 41470 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey ID. 425A / p.20 Effects of Cucurbit(n)uril on Dissolution and Light Emitting Properties of Fluorene-Based Non-Ionic Conjugated Polymers 15:00-15:20 Carbon Nanotube Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition on CoMo/MgO Catalyst Atike Ġnce*,1, Selahattin Yılmaz2, and Yusuf Selamet1 Ion Beam Modification and Thin Film Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) Coating of Polymeric Surfaces for Neural Tissue Regeneration and Fabrication of Large Neural Patterning Ahmet Öztarhan1* Emel Sokullu Urkaç1, Funda Tıhmınlıoğlu2 Ġsmet Gurhan1, Mehmet Zileli1 and Ian G. Brown Lawrence3 Effect of the SAM layer on the Electrical Characteristics and Interface Properties of the ITO/SAM/TPD/Al Schottky Diode Electrostatic Self-Assembly Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics Ali Kemal Havare1, Salih Okur2*, Nesli Yagmurcukardes2, Hasan Aydın2, Mustafa Can1 and Serafettin Demic1, ġule S. Uğur1*, Merih SarııĢık2 University, İzmir, Turkey Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey 3 Berkeley National Laboratories, USA Univ., Institute of Solar Energy, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 2Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics Gülbahce Kampüsü, Urla, Izmir, 35430, Turkey ID. 455B / p.69 ID. 430D / p.495 ID. 909F / p.126 ID. 350M / p.197 New Technique of Producing Polymer Nano-Fibers by Electrospinning Process Surface Modification of Colloidal Oil Soluble CdSxSe1-x Quantum Dots with Thiolated Organic Surfactants Structural and Electronic Investigation of Pentacene Thin Films on Flat and Stepped Ag(111) Surfaces The Use of Organoclay in Textile Waste Water Treatment 1Dept. of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey, 2Dept. of Chemical Eng., Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey Müge Artar*, Saltuk B. Hanay, Eun Ju Park, Dönüs Tuncel Faissal Abdel-Hady Dept. of Chemistry and Institute of Materials Science Institution and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Bilkent, 06800 Ankara, Turkey Chemical and Materials Dept. Faculty of Eng., King AbdulAziz University, Saudi Arabia ID. 881A / p.21 ID. 32B / p.70 1Ege 2Izmir 1Ege Mehmet Fatih DanıĢman1, Ersen Mete2, Berrin Özkan1, Ġlker Demiroğlu1, ġinasi Ellialtıoğlu3 C.Ünlü and S.Özçelik1 1 1Department of Chemistry, İzmir Institute of Technology, Turkey ID. 329A / p. 236 15:20-15:40 COFFEE BREAK 15:40-16:10 POSTER SESSION II 16:10-16:30 POSTER SESSION II 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Dept. of Chemistry, METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey, 2Dept. of Physics, Balikesir Univ., Balikesir 10145, Turkey, 3 Dept. of Physics, METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey ID. 183F / p.127 1Dept. of Textile Eng., Süleyman Demirel Univ., Isparta 32260, Turkey, 2Dept. of Textile Eng.,Dokuz Eylül Univ., İzmir 35160, Turkey E. Perrin Akçakoca Kumbasar1*, Seniha Elemen1 and Saadet Yapar2 1Department of Textile Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey ID. 663M / p.790 16:30-17:00 Invited Talks 17:00-17:20 Theme A, session 03 Theme B, session 03 Theme D, session 03 Theme F, session 03 Theme B, session 04 Chair: Ümit Demir Chair: Ġsmail Sökmen Chair: Yusuf Baran Chair: ġerafettin Demiç Chair: Lutfi Özyüzer Nano-Sized Iron Precipitation in Ni-AlFe Alloys Single Molecule Spintronics Nanoparticle drug delilivery systems for Topoisomerase I anticancer drugs Surface Patterning and Functionalisation for Nanotechnological Applications Studies of Plasma Based Surface Modification of Materials for Industrial Applications in Turkey Nagehan Duman*, Amdulla O. Mekhrabov and M. Vedat Akdeniz Stefano Sanvito Ayhan S. Demir Mustafa Ersoz Ahmet Öztarhan Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Eng., METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey School of Physics and CRANN, Trinity College Dublin, IRELAND Dept. of Chemistry, METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey Selcuk Univ., Faculty of Science, Dept. of Chemistry, 42075 Konya, Turkey Ege Üniv.i, Biyomühendislik Bölümü, 35100 Bornova, İzmir ID. 254A / p.31 ID. 1256E / p.71 ID. 155D / p.104 ID. 1259H / p.128 ID. 484B / p.- Atomic and Electronic Properties of Boron Clusters and Their Stability Analyses Structural Vibration Analysis of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Atom-Vacancies Production of Zeolite Including Microfluidic Channels for Advanced Biosensor Applications An electrochromic device studies of a novel spiro-fluorene bridging bicarbazole derivative Advances in Small Scale Processing Equipment for Polymers and Additives Nurten Akman1*, Murat Tas2, Cem Ozdogan3, Ihsan Boustani4 and Ziya B. Guvenc5 Ġbrahim Onur Doğan1*, Yiğit Yazıcıoğlu1 and Kahraman Güçlü Köprülü2 Berna Ozansoy Kasap1, S. Kaan Kirdeciler1, Seçkin Öztürk1,2, Burcu Akata Kurç1,2,* Ozlem Usluera,b, Sermet Koyuncuc*, Serafettin Demica*, Siddik Iclia, and René A.J. Janssend Bernd Jakob of Mechanical Eng., METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey 1Micro and Nanotechnology Dept., METU, 06531 Ankara, Turkey, 2Central Laboratory, METU, 06531 Ankara, Turkey aSolar Energy Institute, Ege Univ., 35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey, bDept. of Chemistry, Mugla Univ., 48000, Mugla, Turkey, cÇan Vocational School, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Univ., 17400, Çanakkale, Turkey, dMolecular Materials and Nanosystems, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands ThermoFisher Scientific, Germany ID. 296B / p.72 ID. 337D / p.105 ID. 427F / p.129 ID. 1286K / p.204 Mechanical Properties of thin DLC coatings 1Dept. of Physics, Mersin Univ., Mersin 33343, Turkey, 2Dept. of Physics , Bilkent Univ., Ankara 06800, Turkey, 3Dept. of Computer Eng., Çankaya Univ., Ankara 06530, Turkey, 4Theoretische Chemie, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, D42097 Wuppertal, Germany, 5Dept. of Electronic and Communication Eng., Çankaya Univ., Ankara 06530, Turkey ID. 225A / p.23 17:20-17:40 1Dept. Interlamellar Controlled/Living Radical Copolymerization of Maleic Anhydride and Itaconic Acid with Butylmethactylate Via Preintercalated RAFT-Agent/Organoclays Complexes Characteristics of PFCVAD grown n and p-type ZnO Thin Films Resonant Nano-Biosensor for MultiAnalyte Screening using optical MEMS In Vitro Bioavailability of Coenzyme Q10 in Meats and Enriched Yogurts with Emulsified CoQ10, γcyclodextrin CoQ10 Complex and Nanoparticle Coenzyme Q10 Preparations Zakir M. O. Rzayev*, Ernur A. Söylemez H. Kavak, N. H. Erdogan, K. Kara, H. Yanis, I. Ozsahin, R. Esen Hakan Urey1*, Erman Timurdogan1, Serhat Yavuz2, Halil Kavakli3, B. Erdem Alaca2 Pinar Ercan, Sedef Nehir El* Michael G. Berg Dept. of Chemical Eng., Faculty of Eng., Hacettepe University, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Turkey Dept. of Physics, Cukurova University, Adana, 01330, Turkey 1Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Koç Univ., Istanbul, Turkey, 2Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Koç Univ., Istanbul, Turkey, 3Dept. of Chemical and Biological Eng., Koç Univ., Istanbul, Turkey Food Eng. Dept., Eng. Faculty, Ege University,35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey Hysitron, Inc., Valley View Road 10025, Minneapolis 55344, USA ID. 753A / p.24 ID. 19B / p.73 ID. 796D / p.106 ID. 720F / p.130 ID. 1295 / p.205 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 17:40-18:00 Hydroxyapatite Deposition on Ordered Nanotubular Titanium Oxide Plates Nanorod networks and core-shell structures of doped ZnO Studying Activity of A Water Origin Antibacterial Product of Nanosilver Solution Which Constituted by Nano Technologies in the Critical Areas of Cardiac Surgery Operating Room and Forensic Science Institution Laboratories Feride Sermin Utku, Eren Seckin, Gultekin Goller, Candan Tamerler, Mustafa Ürgen Y. Ortega1, 2, Ch. Dieker1, W. Jäger1, P. Fernández2 and J.Piqueras2* YaĢar Bağdatlı1, Kadir Çeviker2, Mustafa Canikoğlu2 1Microanalysis 19:30-21:00 Istanbul Technical University of Materials, ChristianAlbrechts-Univ. of Kiel, Germany, 2Dept. of Materials Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain ID. 467A / p.25 ID. 1018B / p.74 Computational Insight into the Acceptor-Donor Type of Conducting Polymers Containing Pendant Fullerene Groups Alimet Sema Özen Electron Beam Lithography Process Calibration and Correction Nezih Ünal 1, Martin Charlton2, Ulrich Hofmann1, Christoph Sambale1 1GenISys 1Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, 2Istanbul University Instıtute of Cardiology Faculty of Eng. and Natural Sciences, Sabancı University, İstanbul 34956, Turkey ID. 944D / p.107 ID. 657F / p.131 GmbH, Eschenstr. 66, D-82024 Taufkirchen-Munich, Germany Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science, 2University Southampton, SO17 1BJ, Great Britain İZTECH NIGHT / COCKTAIL 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 ID. 577H / p.650 3rd day – June 17, Thursday Toward Atom-by-Atom Nanostructuring of Composite Nanomaterials Based on Atomic Force Microscopy Seizo Morita, Y.Sugimoto, M.Abe 08:30-09:20 Plenary Talk Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita 565-0871, Japan ID. 260H / p.<<145> Electrohydrodynamic Synthesis of Nanomaterials Wolfgang Sigmund 09:20-10:10 Plenary Talk University of Florida / Hanyang University, United States ID.1019A / p.<<25>> COFFEE BREAK 10:10-10:30 10:30-11:00 OKYANUS HALL GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-3 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL DENİZKIZI I Theme A, session 01 Chair: Esen Ercan Alp Theme G, session 01 Chair: AyĢe Erol Theme I, session 01 Chair: Numan Durakbasa Theme E, session 01 Chair: Bekir AktaĢ Theme L, session 01 Chair: Sönmez Aslan Nanomaterials and Nanostructures:PreparationApplications Carrier transport and efficiency retention in InGaN light emitting diodes at high injection levels Optoelectronic characterization at the nanoscale Self-assembled alkyl-sulfide monolayers on Au(111): an ab-inito study Advances (Innovations) in Neural Engineering Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu Ü. Özgür 1,*, X. Ni1, X. Li1, J. Lee1, S. Liu1, V. Avrutin1, A. Matulionis2, and H. Morkoç1 Aykutlu Dana, Okan Oner Ekiz, Alpay Koray Mızrak, Mustafa Urel Sandro Scandolo Metin Akay UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Turkey The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy Founding Chair John S Dunn Endowed Chair Professor; Dept. of Biomedical Eng. Cullen College of Eng. University of Houston 3605 Cullen Blvd, Room 2027 Houston, TX 772045060 USA ID. 338I / p.146 Improved localization of cellular membrane receptors using combined fluorescence microscopy and simultaneous topography and recognition imaging ID. 1274 / p.108 ID. 1271D / p.95 Monolayer-directed Assembly and Magnetic Properties of FePt Nanoparticles on Patterned Aluminum Oxide Molecular Hydrogen Storage Systems: A First-Principles Study M Duman1*, M Pfleger1, R Zhu2, C Rankl3, L A Chtcheglova1, I Neundlinger1, B L Bozna1, B Mayer1,2, M Salio4, D Shepherd4, P Polzella4, M Moertelmaier3, G Kada3, Andreas Ebner1,2, M Dieudonne5, G J Scheutz1, V Cerundolo4, Ferry Kienberger3 and Peter Hinterdorfer1,2 Oktay Yildirim1,2*, Tian Gang3, Sachin Kinge3,4, David N. Reinhoudt1,4, Dave H.A. Blank2, Wilfred G. van der Wiel3, Guus Rijnders2 and Jurriaan Huskens1 Süleyman Er1*, Gilles A. de Wijs2 and Geert Brocks1 Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Eastern Mediterranean University, G.Magosa, North Cyprus, Mersin 10 Turkey of Electrical and Electronics Eng., TOBB Univ. of Economics and Technology, Ankara 06560, Turkey, 2Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey 1 Institute for Biophysics, University of Linz, Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria, 2,Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nanoscopic Methods in Biophysics, Institute for Biophysics, University of Linz, Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria, 3Agilent Technologies Austria GmbH, Aubrunnerweg 11, A-4040 Linz, Austria, 4Cancer Research UK Tumor Immunology Group, The Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Nuffield Dept. of Medicine, Univ.of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DS, UK, 5Agilent Technologies Belgium, Wingepark 51, Rotselaar, AN B-3110, Belgium Nanofabrication Group, Materials Science, 3SRO NanoElectronics, 4Supramolecular Chemistry & Technology, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands ID. 111A / p.27 ID. 731G / p.133 ID. 303I / p. 147 ID. 81E / p.149 1Dept. Physics Dept., Fırat University, Elazığ, Turkey of Electrical and Computer Eng., Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA, 2Fluctuation Research Lab., Semiconductor Physics Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania ID. 1278A / p.26 ID. 647G / p.132 A Study for Investigation of Natural Convection of Nanofluids Hikmet ġ. Aybar, Sedighe Tadrisi 11:00-11:20 Nano-photonic wire waveguides Hamza Kurt1,*, Ġbrahim Halil Giden2 and Kadir Üstün1 1Dept. 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Molecular 2Inorganic 1Computational Materials Science, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, 2Electronic Structure of Materials, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands ID. 567L / p.184 Compact Heat Removal System with Magnetic Nanoparticles 11:20-11:40 Muhsincan Sesen1, Erman Arslanalp1,Kursat Sendur1, M.Pinar Menguc2, H.Yagci Acar3 and Ali Kosar1,* Ergun Simsek1 and Dilek Bolat1 Advantage and Disadvantage in Drug Delivery Systems Magnetic Properties of Exchange Coupled Py/Cr/Py trilayer films Engineered Nanolaminates for Energy Release by Oxygen Exchange G. Dikmen1, L. Genç2, G. Güney3 B. AktaĢ , R.Topkaya, M.Erkovan, M.Özdemir, O.Öztürk Hasan Akyildiz1*, Seymen M. Aygun2, Michelle D. Casper2, Peter G. Lam2, Aaron J. Peck2, Brady J. Gibbons3, J.P. Maria2 1Anadolu 1Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Bahcesehir University, Istanbul 34349, Turkey Univ., Institute of Science, Dept. of Nanotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, 2Anadolu Univ., Faculty of Pharmacology, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology, 26470, Eskişehir, 3Anadolu Univ., Faculty of Science, Dept. of Biotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY Gebze Institute of Technology, P.K. 141, 41400 Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey of Metallurgical & Materials Eng., ODTU, Ankara 06531, Turkey, 2Dept. of Materials Science & Eng., NCSU, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA, 3Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Eng., OSU, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA ID. 401A / p.28 ID. 295G / p.134 ID. 451I / p.148 ID. 156E / p.110 ID. 161L / p.185 Synthesis And Magnetıc Characterızatıon Of Cobalt Doped Zınc Ferrıte Magnetıc Nanopartıcles Vıa A Peg-Assısted Route Functionality of Excitons in Tuning Plasmonic Response of Core/Shell Hybrid Nanostructures Characterization of Multi-Component Materials on the Sub-Micrometer Scale Confocal Raman SPM Studys Magnetic Resonance Study of Diluted Magnetic Oxide Prepared By High Temperature Cobalt Implantation in TiO2 Rutile Catalyst Development for Durability and Performance Improvement in PEM Fuel Cells Y. Köseoğlua1, F. Gözüaka, A. Baykalb Demet Gülen U. Schmidt*, T. Dieing, F. Vargas S. Güler1, B. Rameev1,2, R.I. Khaibullin2,3, V.F. Valeev2 and B. AktaĢ1 F.Dundar, A.Uzunoglu, H. Yılmaz, I. Bozkurt, S. Arslan and A.Ata Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 GebzeKocaeli, Turkey, 2Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, 420029 Kazan, Russia, 3Dept. of Physics, Kazan State University, 420008 Kazan, Russia Gebze Institute of Technology, Istanbul Caddesi, 101 Cayirova-Kocaeli 41400, TURKEY 1Sabanci 11:40-12:00 Frequency Domain Solvers to Design Functional Nano Structures University, Tuzla 34956, Turkey, 2Ozyegin University, Uskudar 34662, Turkey, 3Koc University, Sariyer 34450, Turkey 1Dept. 1 aDept. of Physics, bDept. of Chemistry, Fatih University, 34500 Buyukcekmece, IstanbulTurkey ID. 133A / p.29 Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Ni0.2Cd0.3Fe2.5-xAlxO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) ferrite nanoparticles Khalid Mujasam Batoo*, 1, Shalendra Kumar2 1Dept. of Physics, METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey ID. 132G / p.135 A Theoretical Analysis of the Gain spectrum of Quantum Dot Doped Fiber Amplifier for Various Pump Wavelengths Laleh Rahimi1, Ali Askari1, Ali Reza Bahrampour2, WITec GmbH, Lise-Meitner Str. 6, Ulm 69081, Germany, www.witec.de ID. 138I / p.149 Sensitivity Comparison of First Two Flexural Modes in bimodal noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Ramazan Sahin1*, Umit Celik2, H. Ozgur Ozer1, Ahmet Oral3 12:00-12:20 ID. 655L / p.186 Growth of ZnO Nanostructures for Dye Sentisized Solar Cell Bayram Kılıç1, Lianzhou Wang1, Max Lu1, Sebahattin Tüzemen2 1Dept. 1Dept. of Applied Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP 202002, India, 2School of Nano and Advanced Materials Eng., Changwon National University, 9 Sarim dong, Changwon641-773, Republic of Korea ID. 7A / p.30 12:30-13:30 ID. 646E / p.111 Field cooling-induced magnetic anisotropy in exchange biased CoO/Fe bilayer studied by ferromagnetic resonance Numan Akdoğan,1,2 Sinan Kazan,1,2 Bekir AktaĢ,1,2 Mustafa Özdemir,3 Hasan Ġnam,4 Jörg Dudek,4 Mohamed Obaida4 and Kurt Westerholt4 1Shahid 2Sharif Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran, University of Technology, Tehran, Iran ID. 677G / p. 136 1Dept. of Physics Eng., Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey, 2Dept. of Material Science and Eng., Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey, 3Faculty of Eng. and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul 34956, Turkey of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey, 2NASAM-Nanomagnetism and Spintronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey, 3Marmara Univ., Faculty of Science and Letters, Dept. of Physics, 34722 Istanbul, Turkey, 4Institut für Experimentalphysik IV/Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum,D-44780 Bochum, Germany 1Australia Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, 4072, Australia, 2Dept. of Physics, Atatürk University, Faculty of Science, Erzurum, 25240, Turkey ID. 533I / p.150 ID. 512E / p.112 ID. 84L / p.187 LUNCH 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Theme A, session 02 Theme G, session 02 Theme I, session 02 Theme E, session 02 Theme L, session 02 Chair: Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu Chair: Ümit Özgür Chair: Özgür Özer Chair: Ali Sebetçi Chair: RaĢit Turan Characterization of vibrational spectra of nano particles with inelastic x-ray scattering Femtosecond Laser-Induced TiO2 Nanostructures on Titanium Atom Manipulation and Force Spectroscopy on Cu(110)-O Surface with Low Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy Dilute magnetic semiconductors: combined density functional theory and quantum Monte Carlo approach Catalyst Development for COx - free Hydrogen and Nanocarbon Production via Direct Decomposition of Methane Esen Ercan Alp F. Ö. Ilday1, B. Oktem2, H. Kalaycioglu1 Yasuhiro Sugawara Nejat Bulut Sonmez Arslan, Rafig Alibeyli Dept. of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce, Urla 35430, Izmir, Turkey Gebze Institute of Technology/ Batman University, Turkey ID. 1246L / p.188 Structural characterization of singlephase AgInSe2 photoabsorbing thin films grown by the selenization of magnetron sputtered Ag/InSe precursor layers 13:30-14:00 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA 1Dept. of Physics, Bilkent Univ., Ankara, 06800, Turkey , 2Material Science and Nanotechnology Graduate Program, Bilkent Univ., Ankara, Turkey ID. - / p.- ID. 1257G / p.137 ID. 1262I / p.151 ID. 739E / p.113 Photo-patterning of PMMA Films with Gold Nanoparticles Silicon Germanium MultiQuantum-Wells for High Efficiency Near Infrared Photodetectors Optical Microscopy at the Nanoscale Quantum-chemical study of structure and properties of gold clusters: bridging the gap between model and real gold catalysis Alper YeĢilyurt, Cengiz OnbaĢlı and Ali K. Okyay Mine Memesa,1,2* Peter Schön,1,2 Davide D. Tranchida3, Holger Schönherr3, Julius G. Vancso1,2 Pichugina D.A.1,2, Beletskaya A.V.1, Mukhamedzyanova D.F. 1, Askerka M.S. 1, Shestakov A.F. 2, Kuz’menko N.Е. 1 Tahir Çolakoğlu,1 Murat Kaleli1,2 and Mehmet Parlak1* Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 1Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, Univ. of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, 2MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands, 3Present address: Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Univ. of Siegen, Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2, 57076 Siegen,Germany Department of Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 2Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia 1Dept. of Physics, METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey, 2Dept. of Physics,Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta 32260, Turkey ID. 487A / p.32 ID. 610G / p.138 ID. 540I / p.152 ID. 308E / p.114 Low temperature preparation of TiO2/SiO2 Nanocomposites and study of their phase transformations Plasmon-integrated Photodiodes for Biomolecular Sensing in Microfluidic Systems Spectral Scattering Detection for Single Particle Detection and Size Discrimination Transport Properties of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Half-metallic Ferromagnetic Electrodes Simin Janitabar Darzi, Abdolreza Nilchi, Somayeh Rasouli Garmarodi Burak Türker1,2,3*, Hasan Güner1, Sencer Ayas1, Okan Öner Ekiz1, Handan Acar1 and Aykutlu Dâna1 Abdulkadir Yurt1*, George G. Daaboul2, Xirui Zhang2 and M. Selim Unlu2, 3 Syed Rizwan1, S. Zhang2, Z. C. Wen1, Y. G. Zhao2, and X. F. Han1* Sibel Dikmen, Hasan Aslanbay, Erdal Dikmen Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, P.O.Box 11365/8486, Tehran, Iran Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent Univ., Ankara 06800, Turkey, 2Dept. of Biomedical Eng., Afyon Kocatepe Univ., Afyon 03200, Turkey, 3Dept. of Electronics and Communications, Yıldız Technical Univ., Yıldız, İstanbul 34349, Turkey 1 Material Science and Eng., Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA, 2Biomedical Eng., Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA, 3Electrical and Computer Eng., Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA 1State Key Lab. of Magnetism, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China, 2Dept. of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey ID. 34A / p.34 ID. 411G / p.139 ID. 893I / p.153 ID. 106E / p.115 ID. 730L / p.183 Eda Yılmaz*, ġefik Süzer 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 1UNAM-National Dept. of Applied Physics, Osaka University, 2-1 Yamada-oka, Suita 565-0871, Japan 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1 ID. 628L / p.189 Hydrothermal preparation and electrochemical properties of Sm3+and Gd3+, codoped ceria-based electrolytes for intermediate temperature-solid oxide fuel cells 14:40-15:00 Synthesis of Nanosilver Particles and Nanocable Production through Coaxial Electrospinning Nanophotonic Devices Based on Nanomembranes Simge Cinar1,2, Gungor Gunduz1, Uner Colak3, and Bora Mavis4 Ozgenc Ebil1*, Ahmed Sharkawy1, Mathew Zablocki2 and Dennis Prather2 1Dept. of Chemical Eng., METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey, 2Iowa State University, Dept. of Material Science and Eng., 50011, IA, USA, 3Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Dept. of Nuclear Eng., 06800, Ankara, 4Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 06800, Ankara Nanometrology, Evaluation Techniques and Quality Control for High Accuracy Surface Measurement M. Numan Durakbasa1, Pinar Demircioglu2, Mehmet Cakmakci3, Adriana Hornikova1 1EM Photonics Inc., Newark, DE, USA, 2Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng., University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA 1Vienna Current enhancement and negative differential conductance in parallel quantum dots Plasmonic phase shifts and lighttrapping in thin film semiconductors V. Moldoveanu1, B. Tanatar2 Mumtaz Murat Arık, Univ. of Technology, Institute of Production Eng. and Laser Technology, Vienna 1040, Austria, 2Adnan Menderes Univ., Faculty of Eng., Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Aydin 09010, Turkey, 3Dokuz Eylül Univ., Faculty of Eng., Izmir 35160, Turkey Institute of Materials Physics, P.O. Box MG-7, 077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 2Dept. of Physics, Bilkent University, Bilkent, 06800, Ankara, Turkey Syracuse University ID. 587L / p.758 1National ID. 632A / p.35 ID. 36G / p.140 ID. 154I / p.154 ID. 35E / p.116 Hydroflown: A MEMS Based Underwater Acoustic Particle Velocity Sensor Nano cold coating on the fluid substrate in the precision of 100 nm Probing intrinsic energy barrier distribution of CoNi/Pd magnetic multilayers using magnetic force microscopy Endohedral Monometallofullerene Gd@C82 M. Berke Gür,1 Hans-Elias de Bree2 and U Tuncay Akal3* 1Dept. of Mechatronics Eng., Hossein Masalehdan1,5* , Kazem Jamshidi-Ghaleh2,5, Amin Maghbouli3 and Erik S. Lotfi4,6 Ozhan Ozatay1*,2, Thomas Hauet2, Sylvia Florez2, Jordan Katine2, Andi Moser2, Jan-Ulrich Thiele2, Liesl Folks2, Bruce Terris2 Ali Sebetci1* and Manuel Richter2 Bahçeşehir Univ., İstanbul 34353, Turkey, 2Microflown Technologies, Han University of Applied Sciences, Arhhem 6826, The Netherlands, 3SUASIS Ltd., Tübitak, MRC Campus, Gebze- 41470, Turkey 1 Dept. of Applied Physics, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, USA, 2Dept. of Physics, Azarbaijan Univ. of Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz, Iran, 3Mechanics Dept., Sahand Univ of Technology, Tabriz, Iran, 4Faculty of Bonab Eng. and Technology, Bonab, Iran, 5Dept. of Physics Eng. (Optics-Laser), Bonab IAU/YRC, 6Quantum Chem. Lab., Chemistry Dept., Rice Univ., 6100 Main street, Houston, TX 77005, USA 1Dept. of Physics, Bogazici University, Istanbul 34342, Turkey, 2Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, San Jose, CA 95135, USA 1Computer Eng. Dept., Zirve University, Gaziantep 27260, Turkey, 2IFW Dresden, P.O. Box 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany ID. 336J/p.687 ID. 80G / p.141 ID. 45I / p.155 ID. 95E / p.117 15:00-15:20 15:20-15:40 COFFEE BREAK 15:40-16:10 16:10-16:30 POSTER SESSION III POSTER SESSION III 16:30-17:00 MOVING TO IZTECH CAMPUS 17:00-18:30 IYTE CAMPUS TOUR 18:30-19:10 MOVING TO BALÇOVA THERMAL SPRINGS 19:30-22:00 GALA DINNER 22:00-22:30 MOVING TO GOLDEN DOLPHIN HOTEL 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Nanoparticle Doped YBCO Films Prepared by Chemical Solution Deposition Metho I.Birlik1 1Metallugy and Materials Engineering Department, Dokuz Eylul University 35160, Turkey ID. 210A / p.221 4th day – June 18, 2010 Friday Symposium on Prospects of Nanotechnology Applications Organic Nanostructures for Solar Energy Conversion 08:30-09:20 Plenary Talk Niyazi Serdar SARICIFTCI Johannes Kepler Univeristy of Linz, Austria ID. 710L / p.<<205>> 1 Netherlands Nano Initiative: Strategic Research Agenda towards Applications 09:20-10:10 Plenary Talk Dave H.A. Blank MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Netherlands ID.1275A / p.<<205>> 2 COFFEE BREAK 10:10-10:30 OKYANUS HALL GERENCE-1 HALL GERENCE-3 HALL GERENCE-2 HALL DENİZKIZI I Theme D, session 01 Chair: Atilla Aydınlı Theme A, session 01 Chair: Erdal Çelik Theme C, session 01 Chair: Sacide Alsoy Altınkaya Theme N, session 01 Chair: Mehmet Çakmak Theme , session Chair: Abdurrahman TÜRK Diamond/DLC thin film on ceramics using polymeric precursors Novel NOx Storage Materials via Well-Controlled Surface Chemistry of Oxide Nano-domains Nanoscience and nanotechnology research in Turkish universities: institutes, research groups and networks Yusuf Nur and Levent Toppare* Emrah Ozensoy Berna Beyhan Department of Chemistry, METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey Bilkent University, Turkey Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (TEKPOL), METU, Ankara 06531, Turkey ID. - / p. - ID. 727A / p.36 ID. 1255C / p.75 ID. 242N / p.199 Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: Our Experience and Nanofibrous scaffolds for repair of cranial bone defects A simple analytical EAM model for the binary immiscible alloy systems Effect of catalyst preparation conditions on activity and selectivity of PtSn/SiO2 catalyst in citral hydrogenation Entry Barriers to the Nanotechnology Sector in Turkey Alper ĠĢoğlu,1 Nimet Bölgen,2 Petek Korkusuz,3 Ġbrahim Vargel,4 Erhan PiĢkin1* Ibrahim H. Dursun 1, Ziya B. Güvenç2 Can Okan DEPBOYLU * a, Selahattin YILMAZ b, Sedat AKKURT c Neslihan Aydoğan-Duda1* and Ġrge ġener2 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 Stanislav Gorb 1Chemical Eng. Dept. and Bioeng. Dept., Hacettepe Univ., Ankara, Turkey, 2Faculty of Eng., Dept. of Chemical Eng., Mersin Univ., Mersin, Turkey, 3Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Histology and Embryology, Hacettepe Univ., Ankara, Turkey, 4Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kırıkkale Univ., Kırıkkale, Turkey of Science and Literature, University of Aksaray, TR-68100 Aksaray, Turkey 2Electronic and Communication Eng., Cankaya University, TR-06500 Balgat Ankara, Turkey Dept. of Materials Science and Eng., Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir, 35430, Turkey, bDept. of Chemical Eng., Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir, 35430, Turkey, cDept. of Mechanical Eng., Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir, 35430, Turkey 1Dept. of Business Administration, İzmir University of Economics, İzmir 35330, Turkey, 2Dept. of International Trade, Çankaya University, Ankara 06530, Turkey ID. 450D / p.103 ID. 134A / p.37 ID. 402C / p.76 ID. 54N / p.200 a 1Faculty 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Abdurrahman Türk ID. - / p. - EU 7. Frame Nano-MatPro West Balkan Country Project Market Multiphase polymer nanocomposites by incorporation of inorganic nanoparticles – properties and achievements Investigation of the relation between the morphological and optical properties of gold nanoparticles in and on a glass matrix Anticancer Drug Interaction with DNA Immobilized onto Redox Polymer Coated Electrodes Nanotechnology in Higher Education in OIC Countries Karl Schulte Kıvanç Esat, Mehmet Ali Anıl and Oğuzhan Gürlü Filiz Kuralay1*, Hakan Karadeniz2, Arzum Erdem2*, Serdar Abacı1, Haluk Özyörük1 M. Yahaya1, I, Ho-Abdullah2, M.M. Salleh3 and C.C. Yap1 1School 11:30-12:00 Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Inst. for Polymers & Composites, Hamburg, Germany İstanbul Technical University, Department of Physics, Maslak, 34469, İstanbul, Turkey 1 Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe-Ankara, Turkey, 2Analytical Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege University, 35100 Bornovaİzmir, Turkey ID. 1284K / p.<<205>> 3 ID. 410A / p.38 ID. 534C / p.77 ID. 4N / p.201 Tuning the Physical Properties of Diamondoids Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Acetic Acid over a Pt/SiO2 Catalyst at Atmospheric Pressure Description Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Teacher Candidates Towards GDO’s Products Which are to be Product of Biotechnology Dogan Erbahar1, Savas Berber1 Dogan Karacan, Gönül Gündüz*, Meral Dükkancı Sevil Özcan Gebze Institute of Technology Physics Dept. Ege Univ., Chemical Eng. Dept., 35100, Bornova/İzmir/Turkey Education Faculty Dept. of primary education , Celal Bayar Univ., Demirci / Manisa- 45900, Turkey Nanoporous Framework Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Carbon Capture Applications 12:00-12:30 12:30-13:30 13:00-14:00 Plenary Talk 14:00-15:00 Plenary Talk 15:00-15:30 of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, 2Institute of Microeng. and Nanoelectronics, Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysial, 3Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Sciences, Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia Taner Yıldırım 1 ID. 599A / p.39 National Institute of Standards and Technology and Univ. of Pennyslvania, United States Structure-Property Relationships in Nanocrystal Energetics ID. 1276L / p.<<205>> 4 Çetin Kılıç ID. 103C / p.78 ID. 790N / p.202 Adsorption Efficiency of Chitosan Nanofibers Towards Heavy Metal Ions at Low Concentration Nesrin Horzum Polat, Mustafa M. Demir*, and Ahmet E. Eroğlu* Do we need Nanofoods? Who is Earning, Companies or the Consumers? Türkan Kutluay Merdol Dept. of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey Dept. of Chemistry, Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey ID. 371A / p.40 ID. 834C / p.79 ID. 151N / p.203 LUNCH Fullerenes for Organic Electronics Nazario Martin (Symp.) University Complutense, Spain ID. 1279F / p.206 Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion with Nanostructured Oxide Solar Cells Kevin Sivula, Michael Gratzel Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland ID. 1260 / p.207 COFFEE BREAK 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 EU 7. Frame Nano-MatPro West Balkan Country Project Market WBC INCO NET Brokerage Event on EU FP7 Nano-Mat-Pro Theme A, session 02 Theme A, session 03 Theme C, session 02 Theme K, session 01 Theme , session Chair: Serdar Sarıçiftçi Chair: Selahattin Yılmaz Chair: GülĢah ġanlı Chair: Mehmet Polat Chair: Filiz Hayırlı The potential of ion irradiation and ion implantation for the formation of new nanoscale magnetic materials Synthesis and Characterization of NaxCo2O4 Thermoelectric Material using PVA Polymerized Complex Improvement of the Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage Performance of Mg-Based Alloys Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying Thermal Characterization of Nano Structural Metal Ion Composites Via Direct Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry Juergen Fassbender (Symp.) Mehmet Okan Erdal1*, Arda Aytimur2 , Ġbrahim Uslu3, Mustafa Koyuncu4 Mustafa Anık*, Gizem Özdermir and Nilüfer Küçükdeveci Tuğba Orhan, Ceyhan Kayran, Jale Hacaloğlu* Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany 1Selcuk Univ., Institute of Science and Technology, Dept. of Physics, Esentepe, Konya, Turkey, 2GaziUniv., Education Faculty, 3Selçuk Univ., Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education 4Selcuk Univ, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics, Esentepe, Konya, Turkey Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Eng., Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir 26480, Turkey Kimya Bölümü, ODTÜ, 06531 Ankara, Türkiye ID. 1283A / p.<<207>> ID. 310A / p.44 ID. 190C / p.80 ID. 203K / p.177 Hydrogen Sorption Thermodynamics in Covalently Linked Nanotube Radiation Effects on MOS structure with Ge Nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 A New Nanoporous Material Family for Membrane-based Gas Separations:Metal Organic Frameworks Effect of Synthesis Variables on the Fluorescence Properties of CdSePolystyrene Nanocomposites M. T. CAGIN1,2, MANI-BISWAS2 Ercan YILMAZ1*, Aliekber AKTAĞ1, RaĢit TURAN2, and Nader A. P. MOGADDAM2 Seda Keskin Anilú Rubio1, Sergio Flores1, Claudia Hernandez1, Armando Zaragoza1, Michael Carpenter2, Deptç, Abant Izzet Baysal University, 14280 Bolu, Turkey, 2Physics Dept., METU, 06531 Ankara, Turkey Dept. of Chemical and Biological Eng., Koç University, Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450 Sarıyer İstanbul, Turkey 1Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, Chihuahua, Chih., México, 2College of Nanoscale Science and Eng., Univ. at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 12203, USA ID. 748L / p.<<207>> 1 ID. 52A / p.41 ID. 108C / p.81 ID. 197K / p.178 Electroactive Materials in the Nanoscale Modulation of Surfaces Potential and Applications in Biological Systems Cr doped diamondoids for spintronics Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Pre-intercalated Allyl Amine-Clay and Its Nanocomposites by Interlamellar Copolymerization Preparation of Nanoceramic Ladoped Bi2O3 Nieves C. Pastor (Symp.) Semran Ipek* and Savas Berber Amir Sepehrianazar1*, Nagihan Caylak2 and Zakir M. O. Rzayev3 ġenol DurmuĢoğlu1*, Arda Aytimur2 , Selda Keskin3, Ġbrahim Uslu4, Ahmet Akdemir5 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30 1Dept. of Chemical Eng., Texas A&M University, Texas, TX 77843-3122, USA 2Materials Science and Eng., Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA 1Physics 16:30-17:00 1Selcuk 1Dept. Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, Spain Dept. of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Gebze, KOCAELI 41400, Turkey of Chemical Eng., Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch, Ahar 54516, Iran, 2Dept. of Physics, Sakarya University, Sakarya 54187, Turkey, 3Dept. of Chemical Eng.,Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey ID. 1282C / p.<<207>> 2 ID. 573A / p.42 ID. 680A / p.45 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Univ., Inst.of Natural And Applied Sciences, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Selçuklu, Konya, Turkey, 2GaziUniv., Education Faculty, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey, 3METU, Central Laboratory, Eskişehir Yolu, Ankara, 4Selçuk Univ., Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education Faculty, Meram, Konya, Turkey, 5Selcuk Univ., Faculty of Eng. & Architecture, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Selçuklu, Konya, Turkey ID. 869K / p.179 Filiz Hayırlı ID. - / p.- WBC INCO NET Brokerage Event on EU FP7 Nano-Mat-Pro WBC INCO NET Brokerage Event on EU FP7 Nano-Mat-Pro Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline yittrium silicate materials doped with neodymium Synthesis and Characterization of Polymers with triptycene unites by photopolymerization and click chemistry processof Carbon nanotube (CNT) Reinforced Alumina Based Ceramic Nanocomposites by means of Hydrothermal Synthesis and Spark Plasma Sintering Murat Erdem*1, Gonul Ozen2 and Cumali Tav1 Lokman Torun,1 Sahin Ates,1,2 Binnur Aydogan,2 Yasemin D. Yuksel,2 Yusuf Yagci2 Ali Can Zaman¹, Cem B. Üstündağ¹,² Ali Çelik3, Alpagut Kara3, Figen Kaya4 and Cengiz Kaya¹ University, Dept. of Physics, Goztepe, 34722, Istanbul, Turkey, 2İstanbul Technical University, Physics Eng., Maslak, 34469, Istanbul, Turkey Institute, TUBITAK MRC, Gebze, Kocaeli, 41470, Turkey , 2Istanbul Technical University, Dept. of Chemistry, Maslak, 34469, Istanbul, Turkey ¹Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Eng., Yildiz Technical Univ., Istanbul, ²Vocational School, Dept. of Ceramics, Yildiz Technical Univ., Maslak Campus, Maslak, İstanbul, 3Dept. of Materials Science and Eng., Anadolu Univ., Eskişehir, 4Dept. of Metallurgical Eng., Zonguldak Karaelmas Univ., Zonguldak ID. 182A / p.43 ID. 740A / p.46 ID. 437K / p.180 Humidity Sensing Properties of Chitosan by using Quartz Crystal Microbalance Effect of different additions on crystallization behavior and magnetic properties of magnetic glass ceramic Determination of Interatomic Forces between a Silicon Nitride Tip and α-Alumina Surface in Solution using AFM and comparison with Theory Salwa A. M. Abdel-Hameeda & Abeer.Y.El-Kadyb Gulnihal Ozek Yelken , Mehmet Polat 1Marmara 17:00-17:30 Oğuz Gülseren (Symp.) ID. - / p.- Hüseyin Ġlgü1 Ali Kemal Havare2, Salih Okur3, Gülsah ġanlı Mohamed1 17:30-18:00 1Chemistry 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry Gülbahce Koyu Kampüsü, Urla, Izmir, 35430, Turkey 2Ege University , Institute of Solar Energy , Bornova, Izmir, Turkey 3Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Urla, Izmir, 35430, Turkey Research Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt, bBiomaterial Dept., National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Izmir Institute of Technology, Chemical Eng. Dept., Izmir, 35430, Turkey ID. 689D / p.505 ID. 165A / p.47 ID. 959K / p.181 a Glass Closing Remarks: Atilla Aydınlı 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 WBC INCO NET Brokerage Event on EU FP7 Nano-Mat-Pro 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Poster Presentations 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 POSTER PRESENTATION poster no 1 2 3 1st day – June 15, Tuesday ID no page no Computing Closed Walks of Nanostar Dendrimers G. H. Fath-Tabar1, and A. R. Ashrafi2 1037A 355 1042A 357 Electrochemical Deposition of Lead on Conducting 4-Nitrothiophenol Covered Gold Surfaces Ali YeĢildağ1 1190B 398 Zinc and Other Metals Effect on Bacterial Growth in Nano Technology Akhtar Rasool1 1135D - Electrochemical Detection of DNA Damages Induced by UO22+ Sima Pourbeyram1 and Reza Karimi Shervedani1 1258D - 1273D 767- 1185E 546 1165F <<615 1213L 320 1221L 770 1269L <<770>> 1 18A - 60A 208 Phosphorus Containing Novel Polyimide/Silica Nanocomposite Materials via Sol-Gel C.Kızılkaya1, S.KarataĢ1 , N.K.Apohan1 and A.Güngör1 70A 209 Piezoelectric properties of 0.65Pb(Mg1/3,Nb2/3)O3-0.35PTO3 Ceramics Prepared from Nanopowders M. Ghasemifard1, S. M. Hosseini1, H. Ghasemifard2 86A 210 Electrospun Hybrid Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Repair T.ġaĢmazel1 90A 211 1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Kashan, Kashan 87317-51167, I. R. Iran 2Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran TEM Study off Al-Sic Nanocomposite Powders T.Rostamzadeh1,2 and H.R. Shahverdi2 1Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran 2Department of Nano-Material Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran 1Atatürk 4 Üniversitesi, Erzurum, Turkey 1Ministry 5 1University 6 of Health, Mecca, Saudi Arabia of Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic Of Biosynthesis of Metal Nanoparticles using Entrobacteriaceae Eshrat Gharaei-Fathabad1 Mahdi Ghasemifard2, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini2, Majid Ebrahimizedeh Abrishami2 and Hadi Ghasemifard3 1Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic Of University of Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic Of 3Azad University of Mashhad Iran, Islamic Republic Of 2Ferdowsi 7 Inhomogeneous Barrier Height of FeCrNiC/n-GaAs Structures Caused by Lateral Nanoscale Patches Bahattin Abay1 and Perihan Aksu1 1Atatürk 8 Üniversitesi, Erzurum, Turkey Determination of Dielectric Anisotropy Properties of Poly(N-Vinylimidazole) Based Hydrogen Bonded Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer by 4-Cyano-4'-Pentylbiphenyl Nematic Liquid Crystal Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu1 1Fırat 9 1Sabanci 10 University, Elazığ, Turkey Increasing the Porosity of TiO2 layer Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Murat Eskin1, Necdet BaĢaran1 University, İstanbul, Turkey Undesired Phase Formations Between Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ Cathode and La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.85 Electrolyte for SOFCs Yeliz Ekinci1 Ömer Karakoç2, Rıdvan Demiryürek2, Shalima Shawuti2, Çınar Öncel2 and Mehmet Ali Gülgün2 1İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey University, İstanbul, Turkey 1Sabanci 11 Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity Of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells With Optimized Cathode Saygın Aras1, Berk Giray2, Hermann Tempel3, Özlem SoydaĢ1, Jörg J. Schneider3 and Deniz Üner1 1Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 2Aselsan Inc., Ankara, Turkey 3Darmstadt Technical University, Germany Synthesis of Aluminum Oxide Nanostructures and Their Applications F.Al-Marzouki1 12 1King 13 14 Absorption Hypothesis: Attachment of Beetles to Nanoporous Substrates E.Gorb1, S.I.Kleinz1 and S.Gorb1 1Department of Functional Morphology and Biomechanics, Zoological Institute, University of Kiel, 24098 Kiel, GermanyUniversity of Kiel, Germany 1Marmara 15 Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia 1Department University, Department of Chemistry 34722 Istanbul/Turkey of Physics (Materials and Electroceramics Laboratory), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2Department of Medical Enginearing, Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 16 1Department of Materials Engineering, Atılım University, Incek, Gölbaşı, 06836, Ankara, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Safe and Fast Track Preparation of ZnO nanorods in Water M. A. Shah1, F.M.Al-Marzouki1 and A.A. Al-Ghamdi1 91A 212 Additive Free Synthesis of Aluminum Oxide Nanostructures F.M.Al-Marzouki1 and M. A. Shah1 92A 213 122A 214 129A 358 139 - 145A 215 184A 216 L-cystein Gold Nanoparticles on Silica Surface for HPLC Separation Y. Elfimova1, I.Ananieva1, , A.Majouga1, N.Zyk1 and O. Shpigun1 185A 217 Investigation of CdS Langmuir-Blodgett Thin Films by Using EFM Technique S.A. Klimova1, M. Yavuz2, S.V. Stetsyura1, M. Arslan2, E.G. Glukhovskoy1, S.B. Venig1 and Y. Elerman2 187A 218 Preparation of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Surfactant-Controlled Size and Shape A.Bayrak1, S. Vural1 and T.Seçkin1 194A 219 195A 220 217A 222 234A 223 236A 224 237A 225 244A 226 Modeling of Atomic Evolutions in Equiatomic FeCo–Au Nanoalloys M.Aykol1, A.O. Mekhrabov1 and M. V.Akdeniz1 245A 227 Preparation of zinc nitride (Zn3N2) Nanopowders and their Optical Properties W.S.Khan1 and C.Cao1 258A 228 17 1Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah 21589, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 18 1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, King Abdu l Aziz University,Jeddah 21589, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Preparation and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles by an Eco-friendly Approach R.El-Shishtawy1, A.Asiri1 and M.Al-Otaibi1 19 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah 21589, PO Box 80203, Saudi Arabia Investigation of Nucleation and Growth Mechanism during Formation of Poly(azure A) E.Kalyoncu1, K.Dağcı1, I.H. Kaplan1, E.Topçu1 and M.Alanyalıoğlu1 20 1Department of Chemistry, Sciences Faculty, Atatürk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey Low-temperature Synthesis of Nanocrystalline NiCuZn ferrite and the Effect of Cr Substitution on its Electrical Properties M.Gabal1 21 1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia Structure of Unsupported Small Al nanoparticles; Molecular Dynamics Study A.Chamaani1, R.D.Kamachali2, E.Marzbanrad3, A. Aghaei3 and Y.Behnamian4 1 22 23 New materials Department, Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC), P.O. Box 14155-4777, Tehran, Iran 2 ICAMS, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum 44801, Germany 3 Ceramic Department, Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC), P.O. Box 14155-4777, Tehran, Iran 4 Chemical and Materials Engineering Department, University of Alberta Edmonton AB, T6G 2V4, Canada New Stationary Phase Based on Stabilized by Organic Ligands Gold Nanoparticles on Silica Surface for HPLC I.Ananieva1, Y. Elfimova1, A.Majouga1, N.Zyk1 and O. Shpigun1 1Department 24 1Department 25 of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 1University of Saratov State, Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technology, 410012, Saratov, Russia 2University of Ankara, Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, 06100 Besevler, Ankara, Turkey 26 Department of Chemistry, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 1 Preparation of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Controlled Morphology A.Bayrak1, S. Vural1,Y. Çelik1 and T.Seçkin1 27 Department of Chemistry, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 1 Evaluation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite Powder F. Bakan1, O. Laçin1 and H. Saraç1 29 1 30 Department of Chemical Engineering, Erzurum 25240, Turkey Preparation of Aluminum-doped Zinc oxide (AZO) Nano Particles by Hydrothermal Synthesis N.Kiraz1,2, E. Burunkaya1,2, Ö. Kesmez1,2, Z. YeĢil1,2, M. Asiltürk3 and E.Arpaç1,2 1 Department of Chemistry, Akdeniz University, 07058, Antalya, Turkey NANOen R&D Ltd., Antalya Technopolis, Akdeniz University Campus, Antalya, Turkey 3Prof.Dr.Hikmet Sayılkan Research and Development Laboratory for Advanced Materials, İnönü University 44280, Malatya, Turkey 2 31 32 Effect of tert-Amine Catalysts on Preparation of Nano-SiO2 Particles and Antireflective Films via Sol-Gel Method Ö. Kesmez1,2, E.Burunkaya1,2, N.Kiraz1,2, Z.YeĢil1,2 and E. Arpaç1,2 1Akdeniz University, Faculty of Science and Art, Department of Chemistry 07058 Antalya, Turkey 2NANOen R&D Ltd., Antalya Technopolis, Akdeniz University Campus, 07058Antalya, Turkey Antibacterial and Anticorrosive Glassy Films Prepared on Surface by Sol-Gel Method Z.YeĢil1,2 Ö. Kesmez1,2, E.Burunkaya1,2, N.Kiraz1,2 and E. Arpaç1,2 1Akdeniz University, Faculty of Science and Art, Department of Chemistry 07058 Antalya, Turkey R&D Ltd., Antalya Technopolis, Akdeniz University Campus, 07058Antalya, Turkey 2NANOen Synthesis and Surface Modification of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Hemoglobin Immobilization K.Atacan1 and M.Ersöz1 33 1Department 34 1 35 of Chemistry, Selcuk University, Konya 42075, Turkey Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey 1Research Centre of Materials Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, P. R. China 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Rapid detection of Escherichia coli by Nanoparticle based Immunomagnetic Separation and SERS B.Guven1, N.B.Akgul1, E.Temur2, U.Tamer2 and Ġ.H. Boyacı1 263A 229 Synthesis of Pyrogallol-Formaldehyde Nano Resin and Usage as Adsorbent M. Can1, E. Bulut2 and M.Özacar2 287A 230 38 Investigation of SERS of Organic Molecule Bridged Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Characterization R.Güzel1, Z.Üstündağ2 ,H.EkĢi3 and A.O. Solak3 289A 231 39 The Adsorption and Conformational Properties of Polyelectrolyte Complexes on the Oppositely Charged Surface S. Ondaral1, C.B. Ankerfors2,3 and L.Wågberg2 292A 232 40 Effect of Nanocrystallization on Magnetic Properties of Bulk Amorphous Fe75XCoXNd3Zr2Y3B17 Alloys M.Yıldırım1, M. V. Akdeniz1 and A.O. Mekhrabov1 298A 233 A Comparative Study of the Mn, Co and Zn based Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Coprecipitation Technique A. Hafeez1, Y.Jamil2 and M. R. Ahmad3 302A 234 314A 235 329A 236 331A 237 343A 238 346A 239 351A 240 364A 241 372A 242 36 1Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe 06800, Ankara, Turkey 2Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University, 06330 Ankara, Turkey 37 1Sakarya University, Institute of Sciences and Technology , 54187 Sakarya, Turkey 2Sakarya University, Department of Chemistry, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey Dicle University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Chemistry, Diyarbakır, Turkey 2 Dumlupınar University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry, Kütahya, Turkey 3Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Ankara, Turkey 1 Department of Pulp and Paper Technology, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey 2 Fibre and Polymer Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden 3 Eka Chemicals AB, 445 80 Bohus, Sweden 1 1Novel 41 Alloys Design and Development Laboratory (NOVALAB), Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey 1University College of Education, Faisalabad, Pakistan of Physics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan 3University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan 2Department 42 43 Conception of Nanorobot’s Development base on Polymer Complexes with Small Molecules B. Yermukhambetova1, I.Suleimenov2, G. Mun1, G. Irmukhametova1, L.Boranbayeva and N. Zhunusbekova3 1 KAZNU - Chemical faculty of Kazakh National University, Karasai Batyra 95, 050012 Almaty, Kazakhstan – Almaty Institute of Power Eng. and Telecommunications, Baitursynova 126, Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan 3 ICS - Institute of Chemical Science, Ualikhanova 106, 050010 Almaty, Kazakstan 2 AIPET Surface Modification of Colloidal Oil Soluble CdSxSe1-x Quantum Dots with Thiolated Organic Surfactants C.Ünlü and S.Özçelik1 1Department 44 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, İzmir Institute of Technology, Urla-İzmir 35430, Turkey Electrostatic Modeling of Contacts Considering Integer Quantum Hall Systems D. Eksi1, O.Kilicoglu1 and A. Siddiki2,3 45 2 46 of Chemistry, İzmir Institute of Technology, Turkey Synthesis and Compositional Tunable Spectral Properties of CdSexTe1-x Ternary Alloys S.Özdemir1, G.Ünal1 and S.Özçelik1 1Trakya University, Department of Physics, 22030 Edirne, Turkey Istanbul University, Department of Physics, 34134 Vezneciler / Istanbul, Turkey 3 Harvard University, Department of Physics, 02138 Cambridge / MA, USA Effects of Artificial Pinning Centers on NdBa2Cu3O7-δ Thin Films Prepared by PLD E.Sonmez1 and M.Ertuğrul2 1K. K. Education Faculty, Department of Physics, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey Faculty, Department of Electric-Electronic, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey 2Engineering 47 1Sakarya Synthesis of Pyrogallol Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles E.Bulut1 and M.Özacar1 University, Department of Chemistry, Art and Science Faculty, 54187 Sakarya, Turkiye Electron Rich Surfactant Capped CdS nanoparticles for Hybrid Solar Cells M.Kus1, A. Operamolla2, S.Tilki1, E.Yenel3 ,Y. Cengeloğlu3, O.H.Omar4, F.Babudri2, G.M. Farinola2 48 49 1Selçuk University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Chemical Engineering, Konya, Turkey di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, via Orabona 4, I-70126 Bari, Italy 3Selçuk University, Department of Chemistry, Konya Turkey 4 CNR-ICCOM, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, via Orabona 4, I-70126 Bari, Italy 2Dipartimento The Effect of the Quantum Point Contacts and Impurities on an Electron in the 2D Electron Gas E.Cicek1, M.Ulas2 and A. Siddiki3,4 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1 Department of Physics, Trakya University, 22030 Edirne, Turkey Kirklareli University, Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Science, Kavakli-Kirklareli, Turkey 3 Istanbul University, Faculty of Sciences, Physics Department, Vezneciler-Istanbul, 34134, Turkey 4 Harvard University, Physics Department, Cambridge, 02138 MA, USA 2 50 Chitosan Impregnated with Silver Nanoparticles (Ag-C-SF) S.Santhanam1, K. Karthikeyan1, M. Pandima Devi2, C. Lakshminarasaiah3, T.P. Sastry1 378A - 379A 243 382A 244 393A 245 395A 246 A Rapid Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-crystalline CoCr2O4 F.Kurtulus1 and G.Celik2 400A 247 Compact Nanostructure Enhanced Heat Sink with Flow in a Rectangular Channel M.Sesen1, B.A. Kosar1, B.A. Ahishalioglu1, W. Khudhayer2, T.Karabacak2 and A.Kosar1 404A 248 406A 249 408A 250 Preparation Of Translucent Polycrystalline Alumina By High Pressure Sintering N.Kuskonmaz1 and A.Can2 409A 251 Antibody Targeting of Doxorubicin Loaded Nanoparticles to HER2 Expressing Cancer Cells G. P. ġen1, F. G.Ağırcan1 and U.Gündüz1 416A 252 Formation of Some Co and Ce Mixed Oxides in Nano Form A.Alarifi1* 423A -- 428A 253 Synthesis of Nano-sized Powders BZT by Using Sol-gel Method A.Evcin1, H.Berkan2, A.Kucuk1 , S.Akpınar1 and D. B. Kepekci1 429A 254 Physical Properties of Cu-nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study H.Yıldırım1, H.H.Kart1 and T.Çağın2 430A 255 434A 256 447A 257 2 UV-Irradiated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles in Gallic Acid Solution E.Bulut1* and M.Özacar1 51 1Sakarya 52 University, Department of Chemistry, Art and Science Faculty, 54187 Sakarya, Turkiye Comparative Study on Synthesis and Characterization of Ceria Based Composite Oxides Containing Manganese Nano-Particles N.M.Deraz1 1Chemistry 53 1Central Leather Research Institute, India Department of Biochemistry, SRM University, India 3 Directorate of Seri Culture, Government of India Department , College of Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Characterization of NiS and SrS Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solid-gas Reaction of Sulfidizing Gas Mixture H.Guler1 and F.Kurtulus1* 1Balikesir University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, , Balikesir 10145, Turkey Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nano Powders Used in Rubber Technology Ö.Yıldız1, A.M. Soydan2 and C.B.Ustundag3 54 1Kocaeli University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Metallurgical and M aterials Engineering, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gebze/Kocaeli 41400, Turkey 3 Yildiz Technical University, Vocational School Ceramic Department, Maslak/Istanbul 34398, Turkey 2Gebze 55 56 1Balikesir University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Balikesir 10145, Turkey 2Balikesir University, Science Institute, Balikesir 10145, Turkey 2University 57 and Materials Eng. Dept., Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey Investigation of Nucleation and Growth Mechanism during Formation of Poly(azure A) E.Kalyoncu1, K.Dağcı1, I.H.Kaplan1, E.Topçu1 and M.Alanyalıoğlu1 1Department 59 60 University, Tuzla 34956, Turkey of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, 72204, USA Synthesis and Structural Characterization of LiZn0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathode Materials B.Ebin1, S.Gürmen1 and C.Arslan1 1Metallurgical 58 1Sabanci 1Yildiz of Chemistry, Sciences Faculty, Atatürk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey Technical University, Metallurgy and Materials Eng., Davutpasa Campus, Esenler, 34210 Istanbul, Turkey 2Element Six (Production) (Pty) Ltd Diamond Research Laboratory Springs, 1560 South Africa 1Middle 61 East Technical University, Biological Sciences, Ankara, Turkey 1King 62 63 64 Nanoporous Zeolites with Antimicrobial Activity Z.Ustaoğlu1, F.ġahin2, S.Demirci2 and N.Baç1 1Chemical Engineering Department, Yeditepe University, Kadıköy, 34755, İstanbul 2Genetics and Bioengineering Department Yeditepe University, Kadıköy, 34755, İstanbul 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon 03200, Turkey 2MPS Machine-Service Company, Mersin, Turkey 1Department 2Department 65 Saud University, Riyadh , Saudi Arabia of Physics, Pamukkale University, Kınıklı Campus, 20017, Denizli, Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texas, TX 77843-3122, USA Thermodynamical Properties of Pd-Au and Pt-Au Core-Shell Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study S. Kaya1, S.O.Kart1 and T. Cagın2 1Department of Physics, Pamukkale University, Kınıklı Campus, 20017, Denizli, Turkey 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texas, TX 77843-3122, USA 66 Production of Iron Oxide Nano Particles from Different Precursors M.Yesilyurt1 1Atatürk University, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Analysis of Osteoblast and Fibroblast Cell Adhesion On Iso 5832-2 Grade-4 Titanium Samples in Vitro Implanted by Nano Technological Methods with Low Energy P.Kes1, A.Oztarhan1, S.G.Iz1 and I.D.Gurhan1 67 458A 258 461A 259 471A 260 472A 261 485A 262 479A 263 495A 264 503A 266 504A 267 519A 268 520A 269 538A 270 548A 271 Preparation of Ag Nanotags for SERS Applications S. Kibar1 and M. Volkan1 552A 272 Synthesis and Characterization of Palladium Nanoparticles Stabilized by Tannic Acid E. Bulut1, M.Can2, H.Köse1 and M Özacar 553A 273 1Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Izmir, TURKEY Effect of Surfactants on The Synthesis of Zn-Al Layered Double Hydroxides F.Yağcı Acar1, C. Yılmaz1 and U. Ünal1 1Department of Chemistry, Koç University, Istanbul 34450, Turkey Effect of Defects on The Radiation Sensitivity of PECVD Ge Doped Amorphous Siox S.Ağan1 , B.ġahin1, B. Akyazı1 and B.AĢık2 68 69 1Department of Physics, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale / TURKEY 2Department of Physics, Çankırı Karatekin University, Çankırı / TURKEY Fabrication of D-Shaped Fiber Optic Waveguide Sensors with Nanostructured Surfaces M.M.Aslan1, S. B. Mendes2 and K. Allakhverdiev1,3 70 1Materials Institute, TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Gebze- Kocaeli, Turkey of Physics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40209, USA 3 Institute of Physics ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan 2Department Density Profiles and Inertia Moments Of Interacting Bosons in Anisotropic Harmonic Confinement A I. Mese1, P Capuzzi2, S. Aktas1, Z Akdeniz3 and S.E Okan1 71 2 1 Department of Physics, Trakya University, 22030 Edirne, Turkey Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient´ıficas y T´ecnicas and Departamento de F´ısica,FCEyN,Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, RA-1428, Argentina 3 Physics Department, Piri Reis University, 34940 Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles Produced by Femtosecond Laser E. Akman1, C.K.Akkan2, O.C. Aktas2, B.Genc1, E.Kacar1,3 and A.Demir1 72 1Laser 2Leibniz 73 74 Technologies Research and Application Center, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey Institute for New Materials ( INM), CVD/Biosurfaces Department, Saarbrücken, D-66123, Germany 3University of Kocaeli, Faculty of Education, 41380 Umuttepe, Kocaeli, Turkey Preparation and Characterization of Bacterial Polyester Based Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of Etoposide E. Kılıçay1, E. Güven2, M. Türk3, B.Hazer1 and E. B.DenkbaĢ2,4 Karaelmas University, Chemistry Department, Physical Chemistry Division, , Zonguldak, Turkey University, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Division, 06532, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey 3 Kırıkkale University, Biology Department, Biochemistry Division, Kırıkkale, Turkey 4 Hacettepe University, Chemistry Department, Biochemistry Division, 06532 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey 1 2Hacettepe Observation of the Ground and Excited States in a Zero-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructure Under the Magnetic Field S. Aktas1, F. K. Boz1 , A. Bilekkaya2 and S. E.Okan1 1Department of Physics, Trakya University, Edirne 22030, Turkey 2Department of Electronics, Trakya University Edirne Vocational College of Technical Sciences, Edirne 22100, Turkey 75 The Binding Energy Of An Impurity Located At The Center Of Multilayered Spherical Quantum Dot (MSQD) S.E.Okan1, Abdullah Bilekkaya1, Figen Karaca Boz1 and Saban Aktas1 1Trakya 76 77 1K. K. Education Faculty, Department of Physics, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey K. Education Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey 3Engineering Faculty, Department of Electric-Electronic, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey 2K. Synthesis and Characterization of Ternary PbSxSe1-x Thin Films via Electrochemical Codeposition Methods F. Bayrakçeken1, Ü. Demir1 and T. Öznülüer1 1Department 78 University, Turkey Nanostructures for Lithium Ion Batteries M. Yılmaz1, S. Aydın1, E. Sönmez1, Y. Demir2 and M. Ertugrul3 of Chemistry, Arts and Sciences Faculty, Atatürk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey Phosphine Oxide Based Polyurethane / Silica Nanocomposites via Nonisocyanate Route Z.HoĢgör1,2, S. KarataĢ1, N. Kayaman-Apohan1, Y. Menceloğlu 3 and A. Güngör1 1Marmara University, Department of Chemistry, 34722 Göztepe-Istanbul/ Turkey University, Department of Chemistry, Edirne/ Turkey 3Sabancı University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 34956 Tuzla-Istanbul/ Turkey 2Trakya 79 Ceox/Al2O3 Thin Films on Stainless Steel Substrate-New Understanding of The Surface States by Dynamic X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy I. Avramova1 and S. Suzer1 1Department 80 1Department 81 of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey 1Sakarya University, Department of Chemistry, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 2Sakarya 555A 274 The Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide (Zno) In Different Crystalline Structure A. C.Cakır1, S. Erten-Ela1 and S. Icli1 557A 275 A. Majouga1, R. Antipin1, E. Beloglazkina1, R.Romashkina1, P. Rudakovskaia1 and N. Zyk1 569A 276 Study on Absorbance of CdS Thin Films from CBD M. Baykul1 and B.Altiokka2 575A 277 578A 278 582A 265 584A 279 592A 280 594A 281 597A 282 600A 283 609A 284 613A 285 620A 286 633A 287 634A 288 635A 289 82 83 University, Institute of Sciences and Technology, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey Ab-initio Investigation of Structural Properties of 6H-SiC {0001} Surfaces A.Cicek1, O. Gulseren2 and B. Ulug1 1Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Akdeniz University, Antalya 07058, Turkey 2Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 1Solar 84 Energy Institute, Ege University, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey Synthesis of Novel Organic Ligands for Gold Nanoparticles Decoration 1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Leninskie Gory 1/3, Moscow, Russia, 119991 85 1Department 2Bilecik of Physics, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir 26040, Turkey Vocational School, Bilecik University, Bilecik 11210 Turkey Characterization of Deposited Pd-Zr Thin Films by Moleculer Beam Epitaxy E. TaĢtaban1, A.C. Karaoglanli1 and E. Avci 2 86 1Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Sakarya 54187, TURKEY of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Bartın 74100 ,TURKEY 2Department Electrolysis and Characterization of Nanoporous Platinum Abdullah Cahit Karaoğlanlı1,2, Elif TaĢtaban2 and EĢref Avcı2, 87 1Bartın 2Sakarya Üniversitesi, Bartın, Turkey Üniversitesi, Sakarya, Turkey Langmuir–Blodgett Films of Tripodal-oxy-Schiff Base Ġ. H.Gabber1, Z. E. Koç1, L. Gürfidan1, O.Oğuzhan1 and M. Ersöz1 88 1Selcuk University Department of Chemistry Campus 42075 Konya Turkey Production and Isocyanate Functionalization of Nano-Boehmite Particles G. Eroğlu2, G. Gündüz1,2, Ü. Çolak3 and B. MaviĢ4 89 90 1 Middle East Technical University, Polymer Science and Technology Department, 06531, Ankara, Turkey 2 Middle East Technical University, Chemical Engineering Department, 06531, Ankara, Turkey 3 Hacettepe University, Nuclear Engineering Department, 06800, Ankara, Turkey 4 Hacettepe University, Mechanical Engineering Department, 06800, Ankara, Turkey Size and Magnetic Field Effects on Inas/Gaas Self Assembled Quantum Dot Nanostructure I. Saïdi1, K. Sellami1 and K. Boujdaria1 1Laboratoire 91 92 1Dokuz Effect of Ru and Al Substitutions on Sol-Gel Derived ZnO Thin Films M. Bektas1,2, M.Erol1,2, O. Sancakoglu1,2, M. F. Ebeoglugil1,2 and E. Celik1,2 Eylul University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Tınaztepe Kampüsü, 35160 Buca, Izmir-Turkey. 2Dokuz Eylul University, Center for Fabrication and Application of Electronic Materials (EMUM), Tınaztepe Kampüsü, 35160 Buca, Izmir-Turkey. Growth of Block Copolymers From The Surface of Magnetic Nanoparticles H.Ozturk1 and F. Y. Acar1 1Graduate 93 de physique des matériaux, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, 7021 Jarzouna, Tunisia School of Materials Science and Engineering,, Koç University, Sariyer-34450, Istanbul, Turkey Microbial Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Rhodopseudomonas Palustris NU51 Strain A. CaliĢ1, A. Ozturk2,E. Piskin1 1Department of Bioengineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey of Biology, Nigde University, Nigde 51100, Turkey 2Department 94 95 96 Structural and Optical Characteristics of CdSe Quatum Dots M.R. Karim1 , A.K. Türkoğlu2 , N. Atmaca1, N. Yavarinia1 and H.Ünlü1 P P 1 Istanbul Technical University, Department of Physics, Maslak 34469, Istanbul, Turkey 2 TUBITAK UME, Optik Grubu Lab, PK.54, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey Biological and Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles M. Forough1 and K. Farhadi2 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Payam-e-Noor University, Khoy, Iran 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran Determination of Lithium Ions in TiO2 Polymorphs by XRD and TEM Analysis M. M. Yildizhan1, M. G. Eskin1, F. Hoke1, N. Basaran1 and M.A.Gulgun1 1Sabanci 97 Preparing ZnO:Mn Nanoparticles: A Comparison Between Sol Gel and Gel Combustion Methods M. E. Abrishami1, S. M. Hosseini1 , E. A. Kakhki1 and M. Ghasemifard1 1Matterials 98 University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 34956 Istanbul/Turkey and Electroceramics Lab., Department of Physics, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran Synthesis and Characterization of Ternary Pbsxse1-X Thin Films via Electrochemical CoDeposition Methods F. Bayrakçeken1, Ü. Demir1 and T. Öznülüer1 1Department of Chemistry, Arts and Sciences Faculty, Atatürk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 99 Interlamellar Controlled/Living Radical Copolymerization of Maleic Anhydride and Itaconic Acid with Butylmethactylate via Preintercalated RAFT-Agent/Organoclays Complexes 639A 290 643A 291 645A 495 650A 292 653A 293 Arsenic Removal by Aggregated Nanoparticle Media Y.Meyva1, S. Kürklü1, N. Gizli1 and M. Demircioğlu1 656A 294 Electrochemical Synthesis of Ordered Graphene Structures H.Doğan1, D. Ekinci2 and Ü. Demir2 659A 295 Synthesis, Characterization of Nanodots Embedded into PP-g-PEG Amphiphilic Graft Copolymer Ö. A. Kalaycı1, B. HazerP2 and T.Atalay1 660A 296 Synthesis, Characterization of the Amphiphilic Polymer Composites Containing SiO2 Nanoparticles Ö.A. Kalaycı1, B. Hazer2 and T. Atalay1 661A 297 Nano-sized Droplets of Liquid Crystal Dispersed in a Transparent Polymer R. Karapınar1 and Francesco Simoni2 664A 298 Effect of Toluene on Nano Calcite Production by Carbonation Route M. Molva1and E. Özdemir1 666A 299 Experimental Design on Nano Calcite Production M. Molva1 and E. Özdemir1 668A 300 Investigation of Nucleation and Growth Mechanism During Formation of Poly(Azure A) E.Kalyoncu1, K.Dağcı1, Ġ. H.Kaplan1, E.Topçu1 and M. Alanyalıoğlu1 681A 301 688A 302 Hydrothermal Synthesis of SrMgZnSi2O7:Eu3+ Phosphor N. Külcü1, F. M Emen 2, R. Altınkaya 1, S. Sönmez1, A. Gürbüz1 and T. Çetin1 700A 303 Shape and Size Controlled Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Powder A. G. Yılmazoğlu1, M. O. Özer1 and E. Suvacı1 704A 304 Synthesis of SnO2 Nanoparticles via Sol-Gel Method H.Kose1, E. Bulut 1and A.O. Aydın1 708A 305 Z. M. O. Rzayev2 and E. A. Söylemez1 1Nanotechnology 2Department 100 and Nanomedicine Division, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Turkey Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Pre-intercalated Monomeric Organoclays and Their Nanocomposites E.A.Söylemez1 and Z. M. O. Rzayev2 1Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Division, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Turkey 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Turkey 101 Cell Attachment Studies on Metal Gas Ion Implanted Phenolic-based Composites Reinforced with Nanopowders E.S.Urkaç1 1 102 103 1İzmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Gülbahce Köyü Kampüsü, Urla, Izmir, 35430, Turkey 104 1Department 105 106 Ege University, Izmir, Turkey The Effect Of Cu/Fe Substitution on the Crystallization Behavior and Magnetic Properties of Ferrimagnetic Glass Ceramic Rich with Magnetite S. A. M. Abdel-Hamedot1 and M. A. Marzouk1 1Glass Research Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Immobilization and Characterization of Thermophilic Recombinant Esterase H. Ġlgü1, T.Turan1 and G. ġ. Mohamed1 1Atatürk of Chemical Engineering, Ege University, İzmir, 35100, Turkey University, Erzurum Vocational and Training School, Dept. of Chemistry, Erzurum, Turkey 2Atatürk University, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Chemistry, Erzurum, Turkey P P 1Department of Physics, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak 67100, Turkey P2Department of Chemistry, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak 67100, Turkey 107 1Department of Physics, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak 67100, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak 67100, Turkey 108 1Department of Physics, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van 6580, Turkey 2Dipartimento di Fisica ed Ingegneria dei Materiali e del Territorio,Universitá Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy 109 1Department of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Urla, 35430-Izmir, Turkey 110 1Department 111 112 of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Urla, 35430-Izmir, Turkey 1Department of Chemistry, Sciences Faculty, Atatürk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey The Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves from Single Sheet of Spherical Nano-Elements Meshed on Spherical Shell T.ġengör1 1Yildiz 113 114 1Department of Chemistry, Mersin University, Mersin,33342, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Kirklareli University, Kirklareli,39300, Turkey 1Department 115 Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Anadolu University, 26480 Eskisehir, Turkey of Chemistry, Arts and Sciences Faculty, Sakarya University, 54187, Sakarya, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 116 Nanosized Mg/Al-Hydrotalcites as Catalysts Using Microwave Assisted Eco-Friendly for Rapid Synthesis of Pyrazolo[1,5-a] Pyrimidine Derivatives M.Mokhtar1, S. N. Basahel1, I. H. A. El-Maksod1 and T.S.Saleh2 725A 306 Effects of External Fields on Semiconductor Two-Dimensional Structures F. K.Boz 1,B. Bekar2 and S. Aktas1 726A 307 Nanocoatings Materials and their Applications in Building Construction F.H.Halicioğlu1 729A 308 1Department of Chemistry, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah80203, Saudi Arabia 2Green Chemistry Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt 117 1Department of Physics, Trakya University, Edirne 22030, Turkey 2Keşan Vocational College, Trakya University. Edirne –Keşan 22800, Turkey 118 1Department 119 of Architecture, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey Synthesis and Characterization of Polymers with Triptycene Unites By Photopolymerization and Polystyrene Possessing Triptycene Units in The Main Chain by Combination Of Atrp and Click Chemistry Processes L. Torun1, S. Ates1,2 , B. Aydogan2, Y. D. Yuksel 2 and Y. Yagci2 309 P 1Chemistry Institute, TUBITAK MRC, Gebze, Kocaeli, 41470, Turkey 2Istanbul Technical University, Department of Chemistry, Maslak, 34469, Istanbul, Turkey 120 Facile Preparation Method to Tune Size (12 - 500 Nm) of Luminescent Silica Nanoparticles G.Durgun1, Ö. Gezici1 and S.Özçelik1 747A 310 750A 311 The Fabrication Thz Emitting Mesa by Reactive Ion Beam Etching of Superconducting Bi2212 With Ta/PR and PR'/Ta/PR Masks H.Köseoğlu1, F.Türkoğlu1, Y. Demirhan1, L.Özyüzer1 and H.Wang2 751A 312 Anisotropy of the Diamagnetic Susceptibility in Quantum Wells H.Akbas1 and P.Bulut1 752A 313 756A 314 764A 315 765A 316 766A 317 768A 318 775A 319 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Urla-Izmir 35430 Terahertz Emission from Rectangular Mesa Structures of Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ F.Türkoğlu1, L.Özyüzer1, H. Köseoğlu1, Y. Demirhan1, Y. ġimsek2, S. Preu3, D. Ploss3, S. Malzer3, H. Wang4 and P. Müller2 1 121 122 Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH), 35430, Izmir, Turkey, 2 Physical Institute III, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 3 Max Planck Optics Group, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 4 National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan 1 Department of Physics, Izmir Institute Technology, 35430 Izmir, Turkey 2 National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan 123 1Department 124 Stabilizing Liquid Crystal Mesophases for Rigid Mesostructured Metal Sulfides/Selenides Y.Türker1, H. I. Okur1, N.Böke1 and Ö.Dağ1 1Department 125 127 128 of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Oxidative Coupling of Methane for Ethylene Preparation: Catalyst and Nanocatalyst Performance A.Farsi1, A. Moradi1, S.Ghader1, S. S. Mansouri1and V.Shadravan1 1Department 126 of Physics, Trakya University, Edirne 22030,Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran Protein Adsorption and in vitro Biodegradation of MEVVA Ion Implanted Chitosan Membranes B. IĢıklı1, E. S. Urkaç2, A. Öztarhan2 and F. Tihminlioglu3 1 Biotechnology and Bioengineering Department, İzmir Institute of Technology, Urla,İzmir,Turkey 2 Bioengineering Department, Ege University,Bornova,İzmir,Turkey 3Chemical Engineering Department, İzmir Institute of Technology,Urla,İzmir,Turkey The Influence of Nanoparticles On Performance of Portland Cement Paste and Mortar A.Farsi1, M.M.Afsahi1,S. Ghader1, V.Shadravan1, S. S. Mansouri1, S. A. Pour1 and A. Danaei2 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran 2Kerman Momtazan Cement Company, Kerman, Iran Numerical Simulation of Nano Particles in a Fluidized Bed A.Gungör1 1Niğde 129 The Thermal Properties of Organoclays for Nanocomposites Ġ.Erkan1 and Ġ.Alp 1Karadeniz 130 Technical University, Mining Engineering Department,Turkey Low-temperature Synthesis of Nanocrystalline NiCuZn Ferrite and the Effect of Cr Substitution on its Electrical Properties Mohamed Gabal1 and Yasser Al Angari1 1Chemistry 131 University, Turkey Dept., Fac. Sci., King Abdul aziz Univ., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Increasing the Porosity of TiO2 layer for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells M. G. Eskin1, N. Basaran1, C. B. Kilic1, M. Yildizhan1 and M. A. Gulgun1 1Sabanci 776A University Faculty of Engineering and _atural Sciences, 34956 Istanbul / Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 787A 320 Drastically Enhanced Visible-Light Photodegradation of Water Pollutants Over N-Titanium Dioxide via I- and S2SO3 A. M. Asiri1,2, S. A. Bazaid3, M. S. Al-Amoudi3 and A. A. Adam3 132 2 1 Chemistry Dept, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia The Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah 21589, P.O. Box 80203, Saudi Arabia. 3 Faculty of Science, Taif University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia 792A 321 793A 322 Nano-Sized Copper Borate Production M. Sünger1, E.TektaĢ1, B.Alp1 and D.Balköse1 809A 323 Large Area Micropatterned Polymer Surfaces from Polypropylene/Polyethylene Copolymer and Polystyrene Blends N.A. Gengeç1 and H. Y. Erbil1 836A 324 851A 325 859A 326 860A 327 Synthesis and Characterization of Electrospun Ba0.6Sr0.4tTiO3 Nanofibers and 3-3 Nanocomposites Y. Toprak1, E.M.Alkoy2 and S.Alkoy1 874A 328 Preparation of ZnO-CeO2 Ceramic Nanofibers via An Electrospinning Technique D.Tascioglu1, N.H.Polat1 and M.M. Demir1 878A 329 883A 331 887A 332 891A 333 898A 334 904A 335 906A 336 915A 337 918A 338 Precipitation And Characterization Of Nano-Size Zinc Oxide And Layered Zinc Hydroxychloride From Aqueous Zinc Chloride Solutions S. B. Ghaffari1 and J. Moghaddam 133 1Faculty of Materials Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Sahand New Town, Tabriz, Iran 134 1Department 135 1 136 of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey Gebze Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering Department, 41400, Gebze-KOCAELİ Equilibrium And Kinetic Study on Boron Uptake by Monodisperse-Nanoporous Poly(GMACo-EDM) Particles Containing N-Methyl-D-Glucamine S. Samatya1, N. Kabay2 and A. Tuncel1 1Hacettepe University, Chemical Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey 2Ege University, Chemical Engineering Department, Izmir, Turkey Submicron Sized Boric Acid Particles Production by Wet Milling M. I.Isik1, E.Bakan1, O. Kahvecioglu1 and S. Timur1 137 1Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, 34469 Istanbul, Turkey Synthesis and Characterization Of CdTeFe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles U. Tamer1, T. Oymak1 and N.ErtaĢ1 138 1Department 139 1 140 of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University, Ankara 06500, Turkey Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey 2 Faculty of Engineering, Maltepe University, Istanbul 34857, Turkey Department of Chemistry, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430, İzmir, Turkey 1 Tyrosinase-Fe3O4-Chitosan Nanobiocomposite Film for Biosensor Application Ġ.Polatoglu1 and F. Cakıcıoglu-Ozkan1 141 1 Izmir Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering Department, Gulbahce Koyu, 35430-Urla İzmir Hydrothermal Synthesis of Indium Tin Oxide for Transparent and Reflective Thin Films M. Asiltürk1, E. Burunkaya2,3, N.Kiraz2,3, Ö. Kesmez2,3 and E. Arpaç2,3 2 Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Reverse Micelle System L.Budama1, B.Acar1, Ö.Topel1 and N.Hoda1 143 1 144 Inonu University, Department of Chemistry, Malatya, Turkey Akdeniz University, Department of Chemistry, Antalya, Turkey 3 NANOen R&D Ltd, Antalya, Turkey 1 142 Akdeniz University Department of Chemistry, Antalya-Turkey Smart Ferrogels İn Drug Delivery Systems: Preparation And Characterization A.Yalçın1 and A.Z.Aroğuz1 Istanbul University, Engineering Faculty, Chemistry Department, Avcılar, Istanbul 1 145 Performance of Silver Doped PEDOT Polymer Film as a SERS Substrate Ü. Doğan1, M. Kaya1, A. Cihaner2 and M. Volkan1 146 Preparation and Characterization of Zn-Rice Husk Char E. Altintig1 1 Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 2 Department of Materials Engineering, Atılım University, Ankara, Turkey 1 147 The Investigation of Structural, Electronic And Mechanical Properties of Lipt3b: FirstPrinciples Study S.Aydın1 and M. ġimĢek1 1 148 Department of Chemistry, Sakarya University, Sakarya 54180, Turkey Department of Physics, Gazi University, Teknikokullar, 06500, Ankara, Turkey UV-Vis Spectra and Fluorescence Properties of CdSe Nanocrystals N. Atmaca1, M. R. Karim1, N. Yavarinia1 and H.Ünlü1 1 Istanbul Technical University, Department of Physics, Maslak 34469, Istanbul, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 149 Structural, And Electrical Properties Of Ru Doped Zno Film Fabricated By Sol-Gel Technique And Using For Gas Sensing M. Bektas1 ,UP M.Erol1, O. Sancakoglu1, M. F. Ebeoglugil1, P H. Sözbilen3, P Ö. Mermer2,3 and E.Celik1,2 927A 339 929A 340 931A 341 933A 342 938A 343 940A 344 942A 345 969A 346 975A 347 977A 348 986A 349 988A 350 996A 351 1001A 352 1005A 353 1006A 354 Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Tınaztepe 35160 Izmir-Turkey 2Dokuz Eylul Univ., Center for Fabrication and Appl. of Electronic Materials (EMUM), Tınaztepe 35160 Izmir-Turkey 3 Ege University, Deparment of Electrical and Electronic Engineerings, Bornova, 35100 Izmir-Turkey 1 Mercury(II) Removal From Aqueous Solution by Using Modified Ordered Mesoporous Carbon N.Böke1,2, Z. Godongwana1 and L. Petrik1 150 1 Department of Chemistry, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town 7535, South Africa 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Ege University, İzmir 35100, Turkey Melting Evolution and Diffusion Behavior Of Bimetallic Cuau Nanoparticles Studied Molecular Dynamics Simulations S.S.Dalgic1 and U. Domekeli1 151 Department of Physics, Trakya University, Edirne, 22030, Turkey 1 Melting Evolution of Fe Nanoparticles With Molecular Dynamics Simulations S.S.Dalgic1, C.Canan1 and O. Gulseren2 152 Department of Physics, Trakya University, Edirne, 22030, Turkey 2 Department of Physics. Bilkent University. Bilkent, Ankara 06800, Turkey 1 Solvation Free Energy Calculations of Additives in Polymer Microstructures Based on SoftCavity Reference State Tugba Arzu Özal1 153 1 Kadir Has University, Turkey Size Effect on Melting of Ternary Cutizr Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamic Study S.S. Dalgic1 and O. Gulseren2 154 Departmen of Physics, Trakya University, Edirne, 22030, Turkey Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey 1 2 Fundamental Properties of Carbon Onions Correlated with Tribological Performance R.Alduhaileb1, V.Ayres1, B. Jacobs1, X. Fan1, K. McElroy1, M.Crimp1 and A. Hirata2 155 College of Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA Graduate School of Mechanical Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan 1 2 Preparation Of MoSi2-MoC Nano-Composite Powder by Mechanical Alloying H. Ramezanalizadeh1 and S.Heshmati-Manesh1 156 1 School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, PO Box 14395-553, Iran Synthesis of Cobalt Ferrite Nano-Particles by Sol-Gel Method A. Ataie1, H. R. Emamian2, A. Yourdkhani3 and A. Honarbakhsh- raouf2 157 School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Department of Materials, Faculty of Engineering, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran 3 Advanced Materials Research Institute, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA 1 2 158 Evolution of Nano-Crystalline NiTi and Amorphous Structures in Mechanical Alloying Of Ni And Ti A. Rabiezadeh1 and S. F. Kashani Bozorg1 1 School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, P.O. Box: 14395-553, Iran Oxidation Behaviour of Sol-Gel Derived Alumina/Silicon Carbide Nanocomposite Powders Y.F.Birtane1, C. Kahruman1 and S.Yilmaz1 159 1 Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcilar, 34320 Istanbul Turkey Nano TiO2 Doped Hydroxyapatite Composites A.Yelten1 , S.Yilmaz1, S. Agathopoulos2 and F.N. Oktar3,4 Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Istanbul University, 34320, Avcilar, Istanbul, Turkey 2 Materials Science and Engineering Department, Ioannina University, Greece 3 Department of Radiology, School of Health Related Professions , Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey 4 Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Application and Research Centre, Marmara University, Istanbul 34722, Turkey 1 160 161 Screening of Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Content Of Selected Food Items Cited in the Holly Quran S. Y. Qusti1, A.N. Abo-khatwa1 and M.A. Bin Lahwa1 1 Department of Biochemistry- King Abdulaziz University- Jeddah, SA. Preparation And Characterization of Nanostructured Zns Thin Films Grown on Glass and Monocrystalline Si Substrates R. Sahraei1, G. Nabiyouni2 and A. Daneshfar1 P 162 1 Nanostructured Gan On Silicon Fabricated By Electrochemical And Laser-Induced Etching A.Ramizy1, Z. Hassan1 and K.Omar1 163 1 164 Department of Chemistry, University of Ilam, Ilam P.O. Box: 65315-516, Iran 2 Department of Physics, University of Arak, Arak, Iran Neon-Optoelectronics Research and Technol. Lab., School of Physics, Univ. Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia Effect Of Porosity on The Characteristics of Gan Grown On Sapphire A. Mahmood1,2 , Z. Hassan1, F.K. Yam1 S.K. , Mohd Bakhori1 and L.S. Chuah3 1 Nano-Optoelectronics Res. & Tech. Lab., School of Physics, Univ. Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia 2 Department of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 13500 Permatang Pauh, Penang, Malaysia 3Physics Section, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Piezoelectric Properties Of 0.65Pb(Mg1/3,Nb2/3)O3-0.35 PbTiO3 Ceramics Prepared From Nanopowders M.Ghasemifard1, S. M. Hosseini1 and H. Ghasemifard2 165 1015A 210 Synthesis and Structural Study of L10 - FePt Nanoparticles M.Farahmandjou1 1027A 356 Computing Closed Walks of Nanostar Dendrimers Gholamhossein Fath Tabar Firouzjaei1, Arman Fathizadeh2, Masoumeh Ozmaian2 and Reza Naghdabadi2 1037A 355 TEM Study of Al-SiC Nanocomposite Powders Hamid Reza Shahverdi1, Taha Rostamzadeh 1042A 357 Oxidation and Hot Corrosion Resistance of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Conventional and Nanostructured Zirconia Coatings A. Keyvani1, M. Saremi1 and M.H.Sohi1 1069A 359 Computation of Randic Index of Some Nanostars A.Madanshekaf1 and Mandana Ghaneei1 1113A 1 Department of Physics (Materials and Electroceramics Laboratory), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2Department of Medical Enginearing, Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 166 1Islamic 167 Azad University, Varamin-Pishva, Iran 1University of Kashan, Iran, Islamic Republic Of 2Sharif University of Technology, Iran, Islamic Republic Of 168 1Tarbiat 2Islamic 169 1 Modares University, Iran, Islamic Republic Of Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Iran, Islamic Republic Of School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University College of Engineering, University of Tehran. P. O. Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran 170 1Semnan 171 Electrochromic Properties and Energy Gap Dependent on Preparative Condition of Sprayed Iridium Oxide Thin Films A.Akl1 1 172 University, Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1 17B 213 23B 360 27B 361 67B 362 76B 363 113B 364 114B 365 116B 366 125B 367 King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia 2 Toyama University, Japan Mechanical Properties of Graphite and Nano Tubes C.Isci1 1 174 - Kinge Saoud Uneveristy- Physics department- Faculty of Science –Dawadmi, Egypt Additive Free Preparation of ZnO Nanorods in Water M.A.Shah1, Mohammad Ashraf Shah1, Faten Al-Hazmi1, Reem Al-Tuwirqi1, Fawziya AlNowaiser1, Ahsanulhaq Qurashi2 173 5B Yasar University, Turkey Synthesis and Modification of Multi-Walled Carbon Nano-Tubes (Mwcnts) for Water Treatment Applications M.Baghat1, A. Farghali2 and M.Khedr2 CMRDI, Egypt 2 Banii-Suef university 1 175 Fabrication and Band Gap Engineering of Ternary Nanofilms by Electrochemical CoDeposition Ġ.Y. Erdoğan1 and Ü.Demir2 1 Synthesis of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube/Polyhosphazene Nanocomposites E.Okutan1, G.Ozan1, F. Hacıvelioğlu1, S.K.Beyaz2, S. YeĢilot1, A. Kılıç1 176 177 Bingöl University, Sc iences and Arts Faculty, Department of Chemistry, 12000, Bingöl-Turkey 2 Atatürk University, Sciences Faculty, Department of Chemistry, 25240, Erzurum-Turkey 1 Kocaeli University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Chemistry, 41380 Izmit- Turkey. 2 Gebze Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, 41400 Gebze Kocaeli-Turkey Investigating the Temperature Effect on Velocity Profile in Electroosmotics Driven NanoChannel M.Mostofi1, D. D. Ganji2 and M.Gorji-Bandpy2 Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran. 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Noshiravani University of Technology, Babol, Iran 1 178 Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Modified with 5-Br-PADAP for Stripping Voltammetric Determination Of Pb(II) A. Salmanipour1, M:A. Taher1 and A.Mohadesi2 1 179 Department of Chemistry, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box 76175-133, Kerman, Iran 2 Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University (PNU), P.O. Box 76175-559, Kerman, Iran An Electrochemical Sensor for Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Cadmium (II) Based on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Functionalized with 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-Naphthol A. Mohadesi1, Z.Motallebi1 and A. Salmanipour2 Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University (PNU), P.O. Box 76175-559, Kerman, Iran 2 Department of Chemistry, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box 76175-133, Kerman, Iran 1 180 Formation of Thermoelectric Nanostructures by Electrochemical Atom-by-Atom Codeposition Ü.Demir1 1Atatürk University, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Mechanical Transfer of Epitaxially Grown Graphene Layers from SiC to SiOx M.Tosun1, C. Çelebi1, G. Soyumer1, A.Günay1, C.Yanık1 and Ġ. Ġ. Kaya1 135B 368 Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 Nanotubes Highly Filled With NiFe2O4 Nanocrystals A.A. Fargali1 , M. H. Khedr1, M. Bahagat2 and A. F. Moustafa1 137B 369 Structural and Electrical Properties of Spray Deposited Pure and Sb Doped Tin Oxide G. Turgut1, D.Tatar1, S.Aydın1, E.Sönmez1 and B.Düzgün1 163B 370 Resonant Donor States in Quantum Well A. Abramov1 168B 371 177B 372 207B 373 209B 374 213B 375 216B 376 Synthesis of ZnO Nanorods by a Simple Hydrothermal Method L. Motevalizadeh1, Z. Heidary1 and N. Shahtahmassebi2 240B 377 Synthesis of Anatase TiO2 Nanotubes at High Temperature by Sol-Gel Template Method E.Ghorbani1, L. Motevalizadeh1, N. Shahtahmassebi2 and E.Attaran2 275B 379 284B 380 291B 381 297B 382 304B 383 357B 384 368B 385 181 1Faculty 182 183 of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, İstanbul 34956, Turkey 1Chemistry 1K. K. Education Faculty, Department of Physics, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey 184 1Department 185 186 of Applied Mathematics, Donbass State Engineering, Academy, Kramatorsk 84313, Ukraine Electrical, Structural and Optical Properties of Spray Deposited SnO2 And SnO2:F Thin Films D. Tatar1, G. Turgut1, E.Sönmez1, B. Düzgün1 and M.Ertugrul2 1 K. K. Education Faculty, Department of Physics, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey 2 Engineering Faculty, Department of Electric-Electronic, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25240, Turkey Temperature and Thickness Dependence Of The Grain Boundary Scattering of the Ni-Si Silicide Films Formed at 500°C by Rapid Thermal Annealing of the Ni/Si Films G. Utlu1, N.Artunç1 and S.Selvi1 1 1 Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160, Izmir, Turkey Preparation of Ag Doped HAP/PHBV Nanocomposite Fibers via Electrospinning Technique A. Suslu1, A.Z.Albayrak1 and U.Cocen1 1 189 Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160, Izmir, Turkey Surface Chemical Conversion Of 3-Glycidoxypropyldimethylethoxysilane on Hydroxylated Silicon Surfaces: Contact Angle, FT-IR And Ellipsometry S.Demirci1 and T.Çaykara2 1 190 Department of Chemistry, Ahi Evran University, Kırşehir 40200, Turkey 2 Department of Chemistry, Gazi University, Ankara 06500, Turkey Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad branch, Mashhad, Iran Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad 91775-1436, Iran 1 2 192 Department of Physics, Ege University, İzmir 35100, Turkey Fabrication of Alumina Borate Nanofiber by Electrospinning Technique M.Ozdemir1, A.Suslu1, U.Cöcen1 and E.Celik1 187 188 Dep. Fac. of Sci. Beni-Sueif Univ., Beni-Sueif , Egypt 2CMRDI, Egypt 1 Department of physics, Faculty of science, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad branch, Mashhad, Iran. 2Department of physics, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. Preperation CdS Thin Films for Optoelectronic Applications S. Morkoç1, F. N. Tuzluca1, A. E. Ekinc1, E. Büyükkasap2, M. Ertuğrul3 193 Erzincan University, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Erzincan Ataturk University, Education Faculty, Department of Physics, Erzurum, 3 Ataturk University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Electric&Electronics, Erzurum 1 2 194 195 Electrochemical Investigations of The Interaction Of Albumin with Cibacron Blue F3GA Chemically Immobilized on a Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode as a Nanofilm S.Akkaya1 , M.Uçar1, R.Güzel2 , Z.Üstündağ3 , H.EkĢi4 and A.O.Solak4 1 Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dept. Of Chemistry, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey 2 Dicle University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Chemistry, Diyarbakır, Turkey 3Dumlupınar University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry, Kütahya, Turkey 4 Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Ankara, Turkey Continuum Buckling Analysis of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes With Different Inner and Outer Boundary Conditions S. Filiz1 and M.Aydogdu2 1 196 197 Mechanical Properties in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes/ PAM Composites G.A.Evingur1, D.K. AktaĢ1 and Ö.Pekcan2 1 Department of Physics, İstanbul Technical University, Maslak, İstanbul 34469, Turkey 2Kadir Has University, Cibali, İstanbul 34320, Turkey Preparation and Characterization Of CdSe, ZnSe, CuSe, Thin Films Deposited by The Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) Method B. Güzeldir1, A. AteĢ1 and M. Sağlam1 1 198 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trakya University, Edirne, 22180, Turkey Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Atatürk, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey Investigation of Potential Use of Carbon Nanotube Membranes in Desalination P.Baltaci1, L.Ozgur1, D.Rende1,2, R. Ozisik3 and N.Baysal1 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul 34755, Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul 34342, Turkey 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA 2Department 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Green Reactive Extrusion Technology of Functional Copolymer–Polyolefin–Modified Organic Silicate Nanofilms E.Altungöz1, E.Söylemez1, Z.M. O. Rzayev1 and E. Alper1 199 385B 386 386B 387 397B 389 399B 390 417B 391 418B 392 431B 393 432B 394 439B 395 440B 396 454B 397 476B 398 477B 399 Amyloid Like Peptidic Template-Directed Synthesis of Inorganic Nanomaterials R. Garifullin1 and M.Ö.Güler1 490B 400 Electronic Structure of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Vacancy Defect G.Dereli1, Ö.Eyecioğlu1 and N.Vardar1 494B 401 The Effect Of Annealing Temperature on the Microstructure of TiO2 Thin Films D.Gultekin1, M.O.Guler1, O. Cevher1 and H. Akbulut1 501B 402 Synthesis of ZnO Nanowires and Nanorods S. Öztürk1, N.TaĢaltın1, N.Kılınç1 and Z.Z.Öztürk1 502B 403 1 200 2 1 University of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 35160, Izmir,Turkey University of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 35160, Izmir,Turkey Spectrofluorimetric Detection of Dissolved CO2 by Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers S.Aydoğdu1, K. Ertekin1, M.Göçmentürk1, Y.Ergün1, A.Süslü2 and Ü.Cöcen2 202 2 203 Department of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Optical Chemical Sensors Based on Polymer Nanofibers for Ag (I) Ion Detection S.Kaçmaz1 , K.Ertekin1, Y.Ergün1, M. Özdemir2 and Ü.Cöcen2 1University of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 35160, Izmir,Turkey University of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 35160, Izmir,Turkey The Effect of Transition Metals On Electronical Properties of Nanocrystalline Indium Oxide Films by Experimental and Theoretical Approaches H.A.R.Aliabad1 S.M.Hosseini2 and M-M. Bagheri-Mohagheghi3 1Department of Physics, Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem University, Sabzevar, Iran 2Department of Physics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 3Department of Physics, Damghan University of Basic Sciences, Damghan, Iran Morphological And Electronic Properties of Moire Patterns on Graphene and Graphitic Layers On HOPG D.Yıldız1, T.Ersoy1 and O.Gürlü1 204 1İstanbul Technical University, Department of Physics, Maslak, 34469, İstanbul, Turkey The Hydrogen Sensing Properties of Pd Nanowires E.ġennik1, N.Kılınç1 and Z.Z.Öztürk 1, 2 205 1Gebze Institute of Technology, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey Marmara Research Centre, P.O. Box 21, 41470 Gebze Kocaeli, Turkey 2TUBITAK A Study on the Microstructure and Optical Charactarization of Nanocrystalline NiO Film D. D.Dogan1, Y.Caglar1, S. Ilıcan1 and M. Caglar1 206 1Department of Physics, Anadolu University, Eskisehir 26470, Turkey Synthesis And Characterization of Peptidic One-Dimensional Inorganic Nanofibers for Functional Materials H.Acar1 and M.Ö.Güler1 207 1UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Ionic Liquid Doped Electrospun Polymer Composite Fibers for Copper(II) Sensing M.Zeyrek1, K.Ertekin1, Mustafa Göçmentürk1, Y.Ergün1, M.Özdemir2, E.Çelik 2,3 208 1University of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 35160, Izmir, Turkey University of Dokuz Eylul, Faculty Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 35160, Izmir, Turkey 3University of Dokuz Eylul, Center for Fabrication and Application of Electronic Materials (EMUM), 35160, Izmir, Turkey 2 What Determines the Easy-Axis in Magnetic Nanowire Arrays? O.Yalçın1, Giray Kartopu1, 2, K.L. Choy2, R.Topkaya3 209 2Mechanical, 210 1Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Niğde University, 51240 Niğde, Turkey Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK 3Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey MD Simulations of the Tensile Strength Of (20,0) Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes G.Dereli1,N.Vardar1 and Ö.Eyecioğlu1 1Department 211 Electrochemical Deposition of Lead On Conducting 4-Nitrothiophenol Covered Gold Surfaces A. Kara1, Z.Kudas1, A.Yesildağ1 and D.Ekinci1 1Department 212 of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Atatürk University, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey The Effect of Vacancies on the Mechanical Properties Of (10,10) Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes G.Dereli1, B.Süngü1 and Ö.Eyecioğlu1 1Department 213 1UNAM-Institute 214 1Department 216 1Gebze of Physics, Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul 34210, Turkey of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 1Department 215 of Physics, Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul 34210, Turkey of Physics, Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul 34210, Turkey of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Sakarya University,Sakarya 54187, Turke Institute of Technology, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 218 Influence of Spin Speed on The Structural and Morphological Properties of Sol Gel Derived Nanocrystalline Structure ZnO Films S.Aksoy1, Y. Caglar1, S. Ilican1 and M.Caglar1 509B 405 The Effect of Annealing Temperature on The Formation of ZnO Thin Films D.Gultekin1, M.O.Guler1, O.Cevher1, F.Kuzak1 and H.Akbulut1 513B 406 An Alternative Approach to Graphene and Graphitic Flake Preparation and Their Morphology on Au And SiO Substrates M.Altay1, A.AvĢar2, B.Özyılmaz2 and O.Gürlü1 521B 407 Characteristics of TiO2 Thin Films Produced by Using the Pulsed Laser Deposition Method M.M.Sanli1, , E.Akman1, E.Kacar1 and A.Demir1 528B 408 Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Transparent Conductive Thin Films Elaborated by Sol-Gel Routes M. T.Kesim1, H.YavaĢ1 and C.Durucan1 541B 409 Cerium-Doped Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films with Nano Regions Prepared by Sol-Gel Method Y.Öztürk1, M.Erol2, E.Celik2 and Ġ.Avgın1 623B 412 626B 413 637B 269 1Department 219 1Department 220 of Physics, Anadolu University, Eskisehir 26470, Turkey of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Sakarya University,Sakarya 54187, Turkey 1İstanbul Technical University, Department of Physics, Maslak, 34469, İstanbul, Turkey 2National University of Singapore, Department of Physics, 2 Science Drive 3, 117542, Singapore 221 1University 222 1Department 223 2Dokuz 224 of Kocaeli, Laser Technologies Research and Application Centre, 41380 Umuttepe, Kocaeli of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey 1Ege University Electrical and E lectronics Department, 35100 Bornova, Izmir-Turkey Eylul University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Tınaztepe Kampüsü, 35160 Buca, Izmir-Turkey Hollow Cathode Type Glow Discharge for Starch Modification R.Eanes1 and S.Bayır1 1Department 225 of Chemistry, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir 35430, Turkey Synthesis And Characterization Of Ternary Pbsxse1-X Thin Films Via Electrochemical CoDeposition Methods B.NiĢancı1 1Atatürk 226 University, Turkey Effects Of Metal-Gas Ion Implantation On Poly-L-Lactide And Poly –DL-Lactide Glycolide Co-Polymers E.Sokullu Urgaç1, Funda Tıhmınlıoğlu2 and Ahmet Öztarhan1 644B Coated Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes With Ceria Nanoparticles E.Kova 648B 411 665B 414 669B 415 702B 416 1Ege University, İzmir, Turkey 2Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey 227 O.O. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, Nat. Acad. оf Sci. of Ukraine 228 Deposition And Characterization Of Zns Thin Films By Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) Technique M.Özkan1, Naci Ekem1, Mustafa Zafer Balbag1, Suat Pat1, Sadan Korkmaz1 1Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey Production Of Ceramic Nanofibers With Negative Coefficient Of Thermal Expansion N.Khazeni1 Irem Vural2, Bora Mavis3, Güngör Gündüz2 Üner Çolak4 229 230 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical University , Iran, Islamic Republic Of of Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 3Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 4Department of Nuclear Engineering,Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 2Department The Fabrication Of Yba2cu3o7-Δ Superconducting Thin Film On Srtio3 Buffered Si Substrate By PED Z.Mutlu1, Mücahit Yılmaz1, Y. Gül Mutlu1, Oğuz Doğan1 1Selçuk University, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 poster no 2nd day – June 16, Wednesday ID no page no Pure Carbon Plasma in TVA and DLC Thin Films Suat Pat1*, Sadan Korkmaz1, Zafer Balbag2 and Naci Ekem1 754B 417 Optical properties of AlN Thin Films Deposited by RF Reactive Sputtering Suat Pat1* and Mehmet Kokkokoglu1 755B 418 The interaction of C60 with solvent molecules Songül TaĢ Üstündağ,* SavaĢ Berber 781B 419 Self-Assembled Molecular Nanowires: A Test Case for Bioinspired Supramolecular Electronic Elements Kasim Ocakoglu,1, 2* Alfred R. Holzwarth2 789B 420 A Physically Intuitive Model for Nanotube Growth Process Ali Zerentürk* , Savas Berber 807B 421 Photoelectron Diffraction Studies on Different Thickness L1 0 PtCo Epiatxy Thin Films Mustafa ERKOVAN*, Sibel Tokdemir ÖZTÜRK, Yasin ġAHĠN, Osman ÖZTÜRK 822B 422 Optimized Carbon Nanotube Growth on Al and Al/Al2O3 Films Grow on Si Substrates Mehmet Ali Olğar1*, Derya Ataç1 and Yusuf Selamet1 855B 423 AR Coating of Organic Substrates by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Technique (TVA) Murat Ozmumcu1*, Naci Ekem1, Suat Pat1, M.Zafer Balbag2, Mehmet Ozkan1 and Sadan Korkmaz1 864B 424 Some Optical Properties of MgF2 Thin Films Deposited by Thermoionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) Saliha Elmas1*, Sadan Korkmaz1, Naci Ekem1, Suat Pat1, M. Zafer Balbag2 and Mehmet Ozkan1 871B 425 873B 426 882B 427 885B 428 912B 429 922B 430 923B 431 231 1Department 2Education 232 1Department 233 of Physics, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, 26480, Turkey Faculty of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir,26480,Turkey of Physics, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, 26480, Turkey Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Gebze, KOCAELI 41400, Turkey 234 1Max-Planck-Institut für Bioanorganische Chemie, Stiftstrasse 34-36, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany 2Mersin University, Technical Education Faculty, 33480, Tarsus, Mersin, Turkey 235 1Department 236 of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey Gebze Institute of Technology, Physics Department, Çayırova, Kocaeli-Turkey Films 237 1Carbon 238 Nanostructures Laboratory, Dept. of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey 1Department of Physics, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, 2648, Meselik, Eskişehir, Turkey 2Education Faculty, Eskişehir Osmangazi University,26480 Meselik, Eskişehir, Turkey 239 2Education 1Department 240 Faculty, Eskişehir Osmangazi University,26480 Meselik, Eskişehir, Turkey of Physics, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, 26480, Meselik, Eskişehir, Turkey Deposition of ZnO Thin Films with Reactive Sputter at Different O2 Concentrations and Determination of Their Some Physical Properties N. Emre Cetin1*, Naci Ekem1, Suat Pat1, M. Zafer Balbag2, Sadan Korkmaz1 and Mehmet Ozkan1 1Department of Physics, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey 2Education Faculty, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey 241 Deposition and Characterization of GaAs Thin Films by RF Sputtering in Argon Atmosphere Naci Ekem1* Murat Nebi1, Suat Pat1, M. Zafer Balbag2, Serkan Kiris1, Mehmet Özkan1 and Sadan Korkmaz1 1Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Physics Department, 26480 Meselik, Eskisehir, Turkey 2Education Faculty, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey 242 Anti-Reflective Coatings of Mineral Lenses with Thermionic Vacuum Arc (TVA) Technique and Investigation of Some Physical Properties Sinan Temel1 * Naci Ekem1, Suat Pat1, M. Zafer Balbag2, Mehmet Özkan1 and ġadan Korkmaz1 1Department of Physics, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey 2Education Faculty, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey 243 Metallic and Bimetallic Nanocatalysts for the Economic Synthesis of Decorated Carbon Nanotubes (Cnt) for Environmental Applications M.H. Khedr1* 1Nanomaterials 244 unit , Faculty of science- Benisuef university-Egypt Influence of Al Incorporation on the Structural and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Tin Oxide Film on Glass Substrate by Sol-Gel Technique and Potential Application of Gas Sensors Hande Sözbilen1, M. Erol2, M. F. Ebeoglugil2, M. Bektas2, O. Sancakoglu2, Omer Mermer1,3*, Erdal Celik2,3 1Ege University Electrical and Electronics Department, 35100 Bornova, Izmir-Turkey. Eylul Univ., Dept.of Metallurgical and Materials Eng., Tınaztepe Kampüsü, 35160 Buca, Izmir-Turkey. 3Dokuz Eylul Univ., Center for Fab. and Appl of Elect. Mat. (EMUM), Tınaztepe Kampüsü, 35160 Buca, Izmir-Turkey. 2Dokuz 245 The Effect of Ru Substitutions on the Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Tin Oxide Film Derived by Sol-Gel Method Mustafa Erol1*, M. Bektas1, O. Sancakoglu1, M. F. Ebeoglugil1 , H. Sözbilen3, Ömer Mermer2,3, and Erdal Celik1,2 1Dokuz 2Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Tınaztepe 35160 Izmir-TURKEY. P Eylul Univ., Center for Fabrication and Appl. of Electronic Materials (EMUM), Tınaztepe 35160 Izmir-Turkey. 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 3Ege University, Deparment of Electrical and Electronic Engineerings, Bornova, 35100 Izmir-Turkey A Nanotube Self-Assembly of A6K in Taqueous solution Elcin Yenigul1*, Seyda Bucak1 246 925B 432 Electrospınnıg of Chıtosan-PHBV Esen Efeoglu1*, Nurdan Pazarlıoglu 926B 433 Effects of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Electroless CoNiFe-B Thin Film A.Azizi1,2*, M.Mohammadi1,2,S.K.Sadrnezhaad1,2, M.R.Hasanzadeh1 and H.Azizi1 965B 434 Extreme One-Dimensional Energy Materials Under Extreme Environments Reza Shahbazian Yassar1, Hessam Ghassemi1, Anjana Asthana1, Yoke Yap1 978B - Morphological study of the FeCo magnetic thin film fabricated by EBPVD A.Azizi1,2*, S.K.Sadrnezhaad1,2 and R.Eskandari 979B 435 1017B - Energy of Fullerenes and Nanotubes A. R. Ashrafi1* and H. Yousefi-Azari2 1022B 436 Peptide Self-Assembly C. Cenker1, U. Olsson1 and S. Bucak2* 1025B 437 Computing Eccentric Connectivity Index of Some Classes of Fullerenes M. Ghorbani1* andA. R. Ashrafi2 1033B 438 Computing Wiener Polynomials of VC5C7[p,q] Nanotube by GAP Program Ali Iranmanesh1* and Yaser Alizadeh1 1036B 439 Growth and Characterisation of ZnSe Semiconductor Nanowires Faten Al-Hazmi1* 1053B 440 1077B - 85C 441 Oxidation of Aluminum Gürcan Aral1 101C - Studied at the Effect of the Removal of the Barrier Layer Times in Productive Process for Nano-Porous Anodic Alumina Membrane Mahdi Mohajeri1*, Mohammad Ahmadi Dariakenari1, Ahmad Ahmadi Dariakenari2, Seyed Saadat matbaehchi isfehani3, Mojtaba purbafrani1 And Ali Sharbatian1 274C 442 Nafion as Nano-Protons Conductor in Microbial fuel Cell M. Rahimnejad1, T. Jafarg1, F.Haghparast1, G. D. Najafpour1, * and A. A. Ghoreyshi1 276C 443 539C 444 542C 445 1Chemical 247 1Ege 248 Engineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey University, Faculty of Science, Biochemistry Department, 35100 İzmir/Türkiye 1Magnetic Nanomaterials Group, Dept. of New Materials, Materials and Energy Res. Center, Tehran 14155-4777, Iran 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 11155-9466, Iran 249 1Michigan 250 1Magnetic Technological University, USA Nanomaterials Group, Dept. of New Materials, Materials and Energy Res. Center, Tehran 14155-4777, Iran of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran 11155-9466, Iran 2Department 251 Deposition and Characterization of GaAs Thin Films by RF Sputtering in Argon Atmosphere Murat Nebi1* 1Eskişehir 252 1Institute 2School 253 of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran 1Physical 2Dept. 254 255 1Department Chemistry 1, Lund University, Box 124, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden of Chemical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, 16785-136, I. R. 2Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran 1Tarbiat 256 1King 257 Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey Modares University, Iran, Islamic Republic Of Abdulaziz University, Physics Department, Saudi Arabia Preperation CdS Thin Films for Optoelectronic Applications Fatma Nur Tuzluca1*, Sibel Morkoç Karadeniz1, Ali Ercan Ekinci1, Erdoğan Büyükkasap2 and Mehmet Ertuğrul2 1Erzincan University, Erzincan, Turkey 2Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey 258 ZnO-Nanotubes as Green and Efficient Catalyst in The Three-Component One-Pot Synthesis of 3, 4Dihydropyrimidinones Under Solvent-Free Conditions Nasrin Hooshmand1* 1Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch, Marvdasht, Iran 259 1Izmir 260 ınstitute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey 1Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2Material and Energy Research Center, Iran 3Departement of Electronics Engineering, Islamic Azad university Center Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran 261 1Biotechnology 262 Research Lab., Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran Electrochemical Preparation of Nanostructured Polyaniline Films on Self Assembled Monolayer Modified Electrodes Filiz Kuralay1, Gülçin Bolat1, GüneĢ Eroğlu1, Serdar Abacı1* 1Department 263 of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe-Ankara, Turkey Nitrilase Immobilization on Biodegradable Nanofiber Based Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and Polyhydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate (PHBV) Emre Erden1, M. Çiğdem Uçar1* and Nurdan Pazarlıoğlu1 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Ege 264 265 543C 446 549C 447 Vitamin B12 Disposable Graphite Electrode Analysis with Carbon Nanotube-Chitosan Modified Disposable Graphite Electrode Tayfun Vural,1 Filiz Kuralay,1 Cem Bayram,2 Serdar Abaci,1 and Emir Baki Denkbas*1,2 554C 448 Preparation of Carbon Nanotube-Chitosan Modified Disposable Graphite Electrode Tayfun Vural,1 Filiz Kuralay,1 Cem Bayram,2 Serdar Abaci,1 and Emir Baki Denkbas*1,2 560C 449 561C 450 618C 451 713C 452 762C 453 763C 454 826C 455 884C 457 901C 458 1Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA Binding of Polyethylene Glycol Imidazolium Bromide on Iron Oxide Nanopaticles as a Novel Magnetic Phase Transfer Catalyst and its Application in Azidoalcohol Synthesis Ali Reza Kiasat1* and Neda Ayashi1 1Chemistry 266 University Faculty of Science, Biochemistry Department Bornova Izmir/Turkey Catalyst based Hydrogen Generation using Composite Metal/Polymer Films Koray SEKEROGLU1, Niranjan MALVADKAR1, Melik DEMIREL1 Department, College of science, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz 61357-4-3169, Iran 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800 Turkey 2Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Division, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800 Turkey 267 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800 Turkey and Nanomedicine Division, Faculty of Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800 Turkey 2Nanotechnology 268 Oscillations in Magnetoresistance of Electrodeposited CoFe/Cu Multilayers Atakan Tekgül1, Mürsel Alper1*, Hakan Kockar2, Mürside (Safak) Haciismailoglu1 1Department of Physics, Science and Literature Faculty, Uludag University, 16059 Görükle, Bursa, Turkey of Physics, Science and Literature Faculty, Balikesir University, 10145 Balikesir, Turkey 2Department 269 Investigation on the Usage of Nano-TiO2 Modified Electrode for Electrochemical Determination of Trace Amounts of a Basic Dye in Aquoeus Solutions Gül Hisarlı1, Gülten Atun1 and Elif Levent1* 1İstanbul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Chemistry, 34850 Avcilar-Istanbul TURKEY Synthesis of TiO2 Coated Self-Cleaning Materials Ġlknur Tatlidil1, Münevver Sökmen1*, Celal KurtuluĢ Buruk2, Chris Breen3, Emin Bacaksız4 270 271 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Art, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey 3Materials and Engineering Research Institute (MERI), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, S1 1WB, UK 4Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Art, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey 2Department A Catalytic Separation Method for Removing Ethylene from Oxidative Coupling of Methane Products Via Alkylation of Benzene to Ethyl Benzene on Nanocatalyst Ali Farsi1 and Sattar Ghader1* 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran A Simple Kinetic Model for Oxidative Coupling of Methane over LaR0.6RSrR0.4RCoR0.8RFeR0.2ROR3-δ Nanocatalyst Ali Farsi1, Sattar Ghader1*and Shahla Ahmadi Pour1 272 1Department 273 2Chemistry 274 of Chemical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran ZnO-Nanotube as Ecofriendly, Green and Efficient Catalyst in the Potection Reaction Haji Shalbaf1* and Ali Reza Kiasat2 1Islamic Azad University of Omidyah, Omidyah, Iran. Department, College of science, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz 61357-4-3169, Iran Electrochemical Copolymerization and Characterization of (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-methanol) Cansev Tezcan1, Damla Ecevit1, A.Sezai Saraç1,2* and Fatma Gül Güler1, Ulviye Dalgıç1 1Polymer Science and Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Maslak 34469, Istanbul 2Chemistry Department, Istanbul Technical University, Maslak 34469, Istanbul 275 A New Approach in the Usage of Ligands for the Preparation of Enzyme and Bi-enzyme Electrodes Yasemin Oztekın1,2, Zafer Yazıcıgıl1*, Ali Osman Solak3, Arunas Ramanavıcıus2 276 NanoPharmaceuticals Abdel-Azim Assi1* 20D 460 Thiol-Stabilized CdTe Nanocrystals and Phthalocyanine Photosensitizers: Potential Applications in Photodynamic Therapy Duygu Aydın1*, Hülya Yanık1, Mahmut DurmuĢ1, Vefa Ahsen1,2 43D 461 Obtain a Hyper Productive Strain of Monascus sp. Used in the Biosynthesis of Therapeutic Compounds in Solid State or in Submerged Culture. Radu Nicoletta1, Ferdes Mariana2, Corobea Cosmin1 Ungureanu Camelia2 47D - 75D 456 1Selcuk University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Konya/Turkey 2Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry, NanoTechnas, Vilnius/ Lithuania 3Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Ankara/Turkey 1Al-Baha 277 1Gebze 278 Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, P.K.141, 41400 Gebze-KOCAELİ 2TÜBİTAK-Marmara Research Center, Materials Institute, P.K.21, 41470 Gebze-KOCAELİ 1 279 University, Faculty of Medicine, Saudi arabia I.N.C.D.C.P. ICECHIM Bucharest, Biotechnology Department, Romania 2POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Bioactive Coatings for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Selim Sülek and Mustafa Özgür Güler* UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 280 Affinity Magnetic Nanoparticle Supported Galactitol Dehydrogenase with NADH Recycling for Enantioselective Reduction Reactions Ayhan, S. Demira, Farah, N. Talpura, b*, S. Betul Sopacia, G. W. Kohringc, Ayhan Celikd 157D 459 164D 462 282 Novel Method to Simultaneous and Selective Voltammetric Determination of Norepinephrine, Acetaminophen and Folic Acid Using ZrO2 Nanoparticles Modified Carbon Paste Electrode Hadi Beitollahi1* Mohammad Mazloum-Ardakani1, Mohammad Kazem Amini2, Hossein Farrokhpour3 and Fakhradin Mirkhalaf4, and Mohammad Abdollahi, 1 166D 463 283 Self-assembly and Structure Investigation of Recombinant S-layers Expressed in Yeast Nuriye Korkmaz*, Kai Ostermann, and Gerhard Rödel 167D 464 Integration of P-glycoprotein, a Membrane Protein, to Artificial Lipid Membranes Fatih Inci1* and Fatma Nese Kok1,2 180D 465 188D 466 Preparation of Radiolabeled Magnetic Nanoparticles Seniha Özyüncü1, Serap Teksöz1, Çiğdem Ġçhedef1* and Perihan Ünak1 215D 467 Preparation of Radiolabeled Magnetic Nanoparticles with Guanine Çiğdem Ġçhedef1, Serap Teksöz1*, Perihan Ünak1 218D 468 223D 469 228D 470 232D 471 238D 472 247D 473 259D 474 aDepartment of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, 06531Ankara, Turkey. Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh, 76080 Jamshoro, Pakistan. cApplied Microbiology, Campus A1.5., Saarland University, D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany. dDepartment of Chemistry, Gebze Institute of Technology, , Kocaeli, 41400 Turkey. bNational 281 Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticles and their Application in Making Modified Electrode for Simultaneous Determination of Levodopa and Carbidopa Hadi Beitollahi1*, Mohammad Mazloum-Ardakani 1, Mohammad Ali Sheikh-Mohseni 1, Hossein Naeimi2 and Nima Taghavinia 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Yazd University, Yazd, 89195-741, I.R. Iran 2Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Kashan, Kashan, .R. Iran 3Physics Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, 14588, I.R. Iran 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Yazd University, Yazd, 89195-741, I.R. Iran 2Chemistry Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan 81744-73441, Iran 3Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran 4Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, L69 7ZD Liverpool, United Kingdom Technische Universität Dresden, Institute for Genetics, Zellescher Weg 20b, 01217 Dresden, Germany 284 1Molecular Biology-Genetics and Biotechnology Program, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey 2Department --285 Synthesis of 131I labeled Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Glucuronide and Conjugated with Magnetic Nanoparticles Tayfun Yılmaz1*, Perihan Ünak1, E. Ġlker Medine1, Çiğdem Ġçhedef1, Turan Ünak2 2Science 1Department of Nuclear Applications, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ege University, Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Division of Nuclear Chemistry, Ege University, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 286 1Department 287 1Department of Nuclear Application, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ege University, İzmir 35100 Turkey of Nuclear Application, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Ege University, İzmir 35100 Turkey Desıgn OF Photocontrollable DNA Chip Gökçen Birlik Demirel1*, Nursel Dilsiz2, Mehmet Çakmak2 and Tuncer Çaykara1 288 289 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gazi University, 06500, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Gazi University, 06570, Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey 3Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gazi University, 06500, Beşevler, Ankara, Turkey 2Department In Vitro Cytotoxic Studies of Polymer Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Anti-cancer Drug Delivery Tugba Kcskin.'.. Gulistan Tansik1., Arzu Yakar.1'2, Gozde Unsoy.1, Rouhollah Khodadust1., Ufuk Gunduz .1* 2Afyon 1Middle East Technical University Department of Biology, Ankara 06531, Turkey Kocatepe University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Afyonkarahisar 03200, Turkey Covalent Immobilization of Invertase on PAMAM-Dendrimer Modified Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles K. Uzun1, E Çevik1, M. ġenel1*, H. Sözeri2, A. Baykal1, M. F. Abasıyanık3,M.S. Toprak4 290 291 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Fatih University, B.Cekmece, Istanbul 34500, Turkey National Metrology Institute, PO Box 54, 41470, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey 3Department of Genetics and Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Fatih University, B.Cekmece, Istanbul 34500, Turkey 4Department of Functional Materials, Royal Institute of Technology-KTH, 16440 Stockholm, Sweden 2TUBITAK-UME, Photophysical and Computational Investİgation OF Intermolecular Pyrene Complexes with Phenothıazine And Promazine Pınar Güloglu, Armagan Kınal*, Nursel Acar Ege University Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry 35100 Bornova, ĠZMĠR 292 Application of Nanopoarticles in Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer Razieh Rafieenia1* 1Department 293 of Biochemical Enginnering,Science and Research Unit,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran Tissue Distribution of a Nanoparticle Containing Quercetin in Mice Samideh Khoei1*, Maryam Rafipour1, Maryam Rezaei ArjomandA 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Iran 294 1Department 2Department 295 299 475 267D 476 268D 477 285D 478 319D 480 325D 481 340D 483 358D 484 366D 479 367D 482 370D 485 384D 486 403D 487 407D 488 424D 489 East Technical University, Department of Biological Sciences, Ankara 06531, Turkey 2Afyon Kocatepe University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Afyonkarahisar 03200, Turkey Extra-cellular Metabolites Probing Utilizing Composite Silver Nanoparticles and SurfaceEnhanced Raman Spectroscopy Oxana Bondar1'2, Mehmet Kahraman1, Ilknur Sur1., Timur Abdullin1'2, Mustafa Culha1 * 1Yeditepe 298 266D East Technical University, Department of Biological Sciences, Ankara 06531, Turkey 2Afyon Kocatepe University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Afyonkarahisar 03200, Turkey Preparation of PLGA and Chitosan-modified PLGA Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles Arzu Yakar.1'2*, Gözde Ünsoy.1.. Ruhollah Khodadust1., Gülistan Tansık1., Tuğba Keskin1., Ufuk Gündüz.1 1Middle 297 of polymer engineering, Islamic Azad University of South Tehran, Tehran, Iran of Polyurethane, Fiber and Nan polymers, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Targeting System for Drug Delivery Arzu Yakar.1'2*, Gülistan Tansık.1, Ruhollah Khodadust1., Tuğba Keskin1., Gözde Ü n s o y , U f u k Gündüz1 1Middle 296 University of Medical Sciences, Facuty of Medical Physics Synthesis of Biodegradable Polyurethane Nanocomposite Based on Chitin Alireza Jarahha, 1* Mehdi Barikani2 and Mohammad Barmar 2 University, Department of Genetic and Bioengineering, Istanbul, Turkey 2Kazan State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia CdSexTe1-x Colloidal Nanocrystals Induced Regulation of Gene Expression and Cycle Arrest in Lung Cells Aslı Tovlu.1, Özgür Yılmazer Çakmak2, Serdar Özçelik1 .* 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Urla, 35430 Izmir 2Biotechnology and Bioengineering Central Laboratory 2, Urla, 35430 Izmir Electrochemical Biosensor for Aflatoxin B1 Based on Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition on SelfAssembled Monolayer Abdolhamid Hatefi*, Mohammad Ali Karimi Department of Chemistry & Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Lab (NNRL), Payame Noor University (PNU) 78185-347, Iran 300 Self Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles with Proteins by Influence of Hydrophobic Tip Mine Altunbck..'.. Kemal Keseroglu.1., Mustafa Culha1.* 1Department 301 of Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe University, Kayisdagi, Istanbul 34755, Turkey Convective Assembly of Bacteria and Yeast Mixture for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Ertuğ Avcı.1 and Mustafa Çulha1 * 1Department 302 303 Detection of Protease Activity Using Gold Nanorods Nazife Nur Yazgan.1*, Ġsmail Hakkı Boyacı,1,, Erhan Temur2, Uğur Tamer2, Ali Topcu1 1 Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe 06800, Ankara, Turkey 2 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University, 06330 Ankara, Turkey Fate of Oligonucleotide and Dye Modified Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles in Living Cells Fatma Melis Uslu1, Mehmet Kahraman1, Mustafa Çulha.1* 1Yeditepe 304 University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Genetics and Bioengineering Viability and DNA Damage of Human Cells upon Exposure to Gold and Silver Nanoparticles with Different Size and Surface Properties Ġlknur Sur,1., Mine Altunbek1, Mehmet Kahraman\and Mustafa Çulha1.* 1Department 1Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakır, Turkey 2Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Thiol-Stabilized CdTe Nanocrystals and Phthalocyanine Photosensitizers: Potential Applications in Photodynamic Therapy Duygu Aydın1*, Hülya Yanık1, Mahmut DurmuĢ1, Vefa Ahsen1,2 1Gebze 307 308 of Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe University, İstanbul 34755, Turkey Benzoylformate Decarboxylase Immobilized on Magnetic Solid Support Bilsen Tural1, ġ.Betül Sopacı1, Ayhan S. Demir1, Mürvet Volkan1 305 306 of Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul 34755, Turkey Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, P.K.141, 41400 Gebze-KOCAELİ 2TÜBİTAK-Marmara Research Center, Materials Institute, P.K.21, 41470 Gebze-KOCAELİ Plasma Treated Electrospun Nanofiber Modified Quartz Crystal Microbalance Surfaces Intended For Biosensor Applications Didem Rodoplu..'*. Yasin Sen2, Nur§en Zigal2, MehmetMutlu2 1Hacettepe University, Institu of Pure and Applied Sciences, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Division, Beytepe, 06800, Ankara, Turkey 2Plasma Aided Bioengineering and Biotechnology Research Group (PABB), Engineering Faculty, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, 06800, Ankara, Turkey Antibacterial activity of ZnO nanoparticle suspensionson gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria Zamndokht Emami1 and Pegah Chehrazi2 1Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biological Science, Islamic Azad University, Falavarjan Branch, 84515, Iran 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 2Islamic 309 Azad University, Falavarjan Branch, Young Research Club,84515, Iran Electrochemical Monitoring of DNA Hybridization by Magnetic Particles Based Arzum Erdem1 and Hakan Karadeniz1 438D 490 444D 491 449D 492 451D 493 473D 494 Ion Beam Modification and Thin Film Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) Coating of Polymeric Surfaces for Neural Tissue Regeneration and Fabrication of Large Neural Patterning Ahmet Öztarhan1* Emel Sokullu Urkaç1, Funda Tıhmınlıoğlu2 Ġsmet Gurhan1, Mehmet Zileli1 and Ian G. Brown Lawrence3 480D 495 315 Neural Cell Attachment Studies on Metal-Gas Hybrid Ion Implanted Biodegradable Polymers Emel Sokullu Urkac1, Ahmet Oztarhan1*, Ismet D. Gurhan1., Sultan Gulce Iz1, Feyzan Odal Kurt2, Funda Tihminlioglu3 and Bercin Isikli3 506D 496 316 Preparation of Superparamagnetic TNF α Nanotraps Using ANADOLUCA Crosslinking Method Ayça Atılır Özcan1*, Deniz Hür1, Filiz Yılmaz1, Adil Denizli2, Arzu Ersöz1 , Rıdvan Say1,3 511D 497 317 Tubulin Separation by Anti Tubulin Antibody Conjugated Quantum Dots Arzu Ersöz1* ġennur Gö rgülü2 Ayça Atılır Özcan1, Deniz Hür1, Filiz Yılmaz1, Adil Denizli3, Rıdvan Say1,3 518D 498 531D 499 579D 500 Micro-Nano Structuring to Improve Surface Wettability for Cell Culturing C. K. Akkan1*, O. C. Aktas1, J. Lee.1, M. M. Miró.1, and M. Veith1 591D 501 A Compact, Low-cost LED-Based Multi-pathogen Immunoassay Platform Alexander Reddington.'.*. Margo Monroe.2, Rahul Vedula1.,. George Daaboul2, M. Selim Ünlü.1,2 607D 502 1Ege 310 311 Formulation of Nano Drug Delivery Systems L. Genç1, G. Dikmen2, G. Güney3 1Anadolu University, Faculty of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY 2Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Nanotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY 3Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Biotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY Use of Nanocarrier Systems in Cancer Therapy G.Güney1, L.Genç2, G.Dikmen3 University, Institute of Science, Department of Biotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY University, Faculty of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY 3Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Nanotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY 2Anadolu 312 University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Izmir, Turkey 1Anadolu 1Anadolu 2Anadolu Advantage and Disadvantage in Drug Delivery Systems G. Dikmen1, L. Genç2, G. Güney3 University, Institute of Science, Department of Nanotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY University, Faculty of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY 3Anadolu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY Binding of antibodies to Concanavalin A-modified Magnetic Chitosan Nanoparticles Doğa Kavaz..'.. Sedat OdabaĢ2, Ashok Vaseashta3, Emir Baki DenkbaĢ1'4* . 313 314 'Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry Division, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey University, Department of Chem. Engineering, Bioenginerering Division, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey 3Institute for Advanced Science Convergence NUARI,13873 Park Center Rd. Herndon, VA, USA 4Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Division, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2Hacettepe 1Ege University, İzmir, Turkey 2Izmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey 3 Berkeley National Laboratories, USA 1Ege University Bioengineering Department Bornova Izmir, Turkey 2Celal Bayar University, Biology Department, Manisa, Turkey 3Izmir Institute of High Technology, Chemical Engineering.Department, Urla Izmir, Turkey 1Department of Chemistry, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 3BİBAM (Plant, Drug and Scientific Researches Center), Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey 1Department of Chemistry, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey of Biotechnology, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 3Department of Chemistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 2Department 318 Cell Uptake of Magnetic Nanoparticles Conjugated 131I-Uracil Glucuronide E.ilker Medina1*, Perihan Unak1, Serhan Sakarya2, Feriha Toksoz1 1Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Department of Nuclear Applications, Ege University 35100 Bornova Izmir Turkey p 2 ADUBILTEM Science and Technol. Res. and Development Center, Adnan Menderes Univ., 09100 Aydin, Turkey Preparation, Characterization and In-Vitro Biocompatibility Study of Bacterial 319 Poly(hydroxybutrate-co-ydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) Nanofibers Scaffolds Z. Karahaliloğlu1, E. Erdal1, M. Demirbilek1., , E. Yalçın1, M. ġam2 ., M. Erol Demirbilek6, N. Sağlam3, E. B. Dcnkbas..'5* 1Hacettepe University, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine Division, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey 2Aksaray University, Department of Biology, Aksaray, Turkey 3Aksaray University, Department of Secondary Science and Mathematic Education, Aksaray, Turkey 5Hacettepe University, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry Division, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey 6Aksaray University, School of Health, Aksaray, Turkey, 320 1INM 321 - Leibniz Institute for New Materials, CVD/Biosurfaces, Campus D2 2, 66123 Saarbrücken,, Germany Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering1, Department of Biomedical Engineering2 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 BSAIL- Biological Sensing and Imaging Laboratory, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA Complexation of Salbutamol (Active Ingredient of Asthma Drug) With Iron Nasreen Fatima1., Ayesha1. and Batul Zahra1 322 1Department 675D 505 689D 507 699D 508 710D 503 728D 506 732D 509 758D 510 772D 511 783D 512 784D 513 794D 514 795D 515 801D 516 843D 517 852D 518 of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi-Pakistan Humidity Sensing Properties of Chitosan by using Quartz Crystal Microbalance Hüseyin Ġlgü1 Ali Kemal Havare2, Salih Okur3, Gülsah ġanlı Mohamed1 323 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry Gülbahce Koyu Kampüsü, Urla, Izmir, 35430, Turkey 2Ege University , Institute of Solar Energy , Bornova, Izmir, 35100, Turkey 3Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics Gülbahce Koyu Kampüsü, Urla, Izmir, 35430, Turkey A Self-reporting Biosensing Platform based on Novel Synthetic Proteins Gönül Schara1* 324 1Fatih 325 University, İstanbul, Turkey Controlled Delivery of Antisense Oligonucleotides by Self-assembled Peptide Amphiphile Nanofibers Selma Bulut, Sıla Toksöz, BüĢra Mammadov, AyĢe Begüm Tekinay, Mustafa Özgür Güler, Turgay Tekinay* UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 326 327 328 Synthesis of Ag Nanoparticles and Investigations of Their Antibacterial Activity in the Polymer Composite Coatings Hüsnügül Yılmaz Atav-1,2.*. Ġhsan YaĢa2'3 and Erdal Çelik1'2 1Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160 Izmir, Turkey 2Center for Fabrication and Applications of Electronic Materials, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160 Izmir, Turkey 3Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey PCL/Collagen Nanofibers FOR Tissue Regeneration Soner Çakmak1 , Murat ġimĢek1., MenemĢe GümüĢderelioğlu1'2 * 1Department of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Photophysical and Computational Investigation of Intermolecular Hydroxypyrene Complexes with Phenothiazine and Promazine Arzu YavaĢ.1, Armağan KınalAand Nursel Acar1 * 'Ege University Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry 35100 Bornova, İZMİR STM for Imaging tRNA A.Kevser PiĢkin,1.* , M. Hadi Zareie2 , Reyhan Verimli3 and Erhan Piskin4 1Department of Medical Biochemistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 2University of Technology, Sydney, Australia 3Department of Biology, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey 4 Department of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 329 Effect of Hydrodynamic Bubbly Cavitation on Lysozyme Structure Burcu Kaplan-Türköz,1 Muhsincan Sesen,2 Alpay Taralp3 and Ali Kosar2* 330 331 332 1Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Sabanci University, Đstanbul 34956, Turkey 2Mechactronics, Sabanci University, Đstanbul 34956, Turkey 3Materials Science and Engineering, Sabanci University, Đstanbul 34956, Turkey The Effect of Surface Nanotopography on Neural Stem Cell Alignment Hayriye Özçelik1 , Deniz Yücel1,2, Celestino Padeste3, Vasıf Hasırcı1* 1METU, BIOMAT, Department of 1Biological Sciences, Biotechnology Research Unit, Ankara 06531, Turkey 2METU, Central Laboratory, Ankara 06531, Turkey 3Lab for Micro- and Nanotechnology, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Immobilization of immunoglobulin G in a highly oriented manner on a protein-A terminated multilayer system Adem Zengin and Tuncer Caykara* Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Art and Science, Gazi University, 06500 Besevler, Ankara, Turkey 333 Characterizations of Immobilized Rocket Catalase on Chitosan Particles Gulnur Arabaci.1.*. and Ayse Usluoglu1 1Department 334 of Chemistry, Sakarya University, Sakarya 54180, Turkey Toxicity Effect of ZnO Particles with Different Size and Shape Kenan IĢık1.*, A. Tansu Koparal1., Matejka Podlogar2, A. Gürkan Yılmazoğlu34, Ġ. Ozgur Özer3, Ender Suvacı.3 1Department of Biology, Anadolu University, 26470 Eskişehir, Turkey Jozef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Department of Material Science and Engineering, Anadolu University, 26470 Eskişehir, Turkey 4ENTEKNO, Industrial, Technological and Nano Materials, Inc Ltd. 26470 Eskişehir, Turkey 2Institut 335 Antioxidant Enzyme Carrier Polymeric Nanoparticles Against Oxidative Stress Ece Sarı.1., Yeliz Tunç.2, Kezban Ulubayram.1'2* Hacettepe University, 1Department 2Faculty 336 of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, of Pharmacy, Department of Basic PharmaceuticalSciences, 06100 Ankara, Turkey Application of Gold Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for in vitro Plasmid DNA Transfection Aybüke Alıcı1 , Ilgın Doğan1. , Filiz Sayar,.1 . Mustafa Türk2 . and Erhan BiĢkin1* 1Department of Chemical Engineering,Bioengineering Division, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 2Department 337 1Hacettepe University, Chemical Engineering Department and Bioengineering Division, Beytepe, 06800, Ankara, Turkey. 2TÜBİTAK-Biyomedtek: Center for Biomedical Technologies, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Turkey. Polymeric Nanocapsules in Nanotechnology N.Erenoğlu1, L. Genç2, G.Güney3 338 2Anadolu 339 340 of Biology, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale 71450, Turkey SPR Enhanced TIRE Applications of Gold Nanospheres and Nanorods Nihan Güvenen . .Filiz Sayar, 1,. M. Oğuzhan Çağlayan1, and Erhan PiĢkin1'2 1Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Biology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY University, Faculty of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY 3Anadolu University, Institute of Science, Department of Biotechnology, 26470, Eskişehir, TURKEY Encapsulation of Atorvastatin in Polysorbate-80 Coated Polymeric Nanoparticles Soner ġimĢek1., Hakan Eroğlu2, Kezban Ulubayram.1,2* Hacettepe University, 1Department of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, 2Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, 06100 Ankara, Turkey Protein Adsorption on Cholesterol Incorporated Langmuir-Blodgett Phospholipid-Emulsifier Monolayers Saliha Zeyneb Akinci1., Sinem Yörük2, Alper Emre ġen2, Ekrem Ozdemir2, Salih Okur.3, Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir2* 856D 519 868D 520 870D 521 872D 522 879D 523 889D 524 932D 525 948D 526 952D 527 1012D 528 1Biotechnology Program, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey 3 Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey 341 Generation and Engineering Antibodies to Potently Neutralize Botulinum Neurotoxins A and B. Isin N. Geren1*, James D. Marks2 1Fatih University, İstanbul, Turkey 2University of California San Francisco, USA 342 Evaluation of Angiogenic Properties of Ag+ion Doped Ag+ ion Doped Calcium Phosphate Based Ceramic Nano-powder Hatice Genç.1.*, R. Beklem Bostancıoğlu2, Aydın Doğan3, A. SavaĢ Koparal4, A. Tansu Koparal2 1Department of Biotechnology, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, 26470 of Biology, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, 26470 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, 26470 4Department of Environmental Engineering, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, 26470 2Department Investigation of Copper Ion-Peptide Interaction Mechanisms in Biological Systems by Using the MXCXXC Motif of The Atx1 Protein in Model Organism Saccharomyces Cerevisiae by Molecular Modelling Ergi Terzioglu.1., Z. P. Cakar1,2,3, Nursel Acar4, and Cenk Selcuki5* 343 344 1Molecular Biology Genetics and Biotechnology Programme, Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Enginnering, Istanbul Technical University, 34469 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey 2Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Istanbul Technical University, 34469 Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey 3Dr. Orhan Ocalgiray Molecular Biology-Biotechnology and Genetics Research Center, Istanbul Technical University, 34469Maslak/Istanbul/Turkey 4Ege University Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry, 35100 Bornova/Izmir/Turkey 5 Ege University Faculty of Science Department ofBiochemistry, 35100 Bornova/Izmir/Turkey Development of Carbon Nantube Modified Biosensors for Electrochemical DNA and Protein Detection P. Kara.1'2* , M. Guix'2 , A. EscosuUra - Muniz2, M.Maltez2 M. Ozsoz1, and A Merkogi2 Ege University Faculty of Pharmacy, Analytical Chemistry. Department, Turkey 2Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group, Insitute of Catalan Nanotechnology, Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain; 1 345 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of A Phospholipid Membrane Ipek Sahin1 *, Metin Bilge.1., Nadide Kazanci1, Tahir Cagin2 1Department 2Department 346 of Physics, Ege University, İzmir 35100, Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, TX 77845-3122,USA Glutathione Modified Silver Nanoparticles (GSH-Ag NPs) were Prepared in Aqueous Solution by Reduction of Silver Nitrate using Sodium Borohydride as Reducing Agent and GSH as Capping Agent Can Serkan Keskin1 and Abdil Özdemir1 1Sakarya 347 1King 348 1062D Abdulaziz University, Biochemistry Department, Saudi Arabia Plasma Treated Electrospun Nanofiber Modified Quartz Crystal Microbalance Surfaces Intended For Biosensor Applications Mehmet Mutlu1*, 1PABB, 349 University, Sakarya, Turkey Possible Relief for Migraine Patients: Saussurea lappa Wadiah Backer1*, Amin Aljefri1, Najwa Alsawy1, Lena Albaz1 Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Quantum Dots in Hiezenberg Model Aiman Alomari,1. and Reim Almotiri2* 1Department 1086D of Physics, Um alqora University, Makkah,Saudi Arabia 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 26E 530 2 350 Department of Physics, Abdulaziz University, Jeddah,Saudi Arabia Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Bipyridine Based Polyimides- NiFe.2.O.4 Nanocomposites Süleyman Köytepe.1., H. Ibrahim Adiguzel.2, Sema Vurall , Serkan Kolat2 Turgay Seçkin.1.*, Selçuk Atalay2 193E 531 196E 532 229E 533 Nonequlibrium Electronic Transport Properties of Graphene Nanodevices Cenk Yanık*, Anıl Günay, Cem Çelebi and Ġsmet Ġ. Kaya 246E 534 Energy Spectrum of Carriers in Kane-Type Semiconductors in Magnetic Field of Constant Direction With Hyperbolic Depending Variation Perpendicular To The Field. Arif M Babanlı1,2 and Vildan Hüner2 250E 535 262E 536 1Department of Chemistry, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 of Physics, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 2Department 351 352 Preparation of Polyimide/Silica Nanocomposites with Low Dielectric Constant Süleyman Köytepe.1., H. Ġbrahim Adıgüzel2, Alper Cengiz1., Turgay Seçkin.1* 1Department of Chemistry, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 2Department of Physics, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 The Calculation of the Local Density of States and the Thickness of Incompressible Strips of 2DEG with Green's Function Technique Sinem Erden Gülebaglan1 * Afif Siddiki1 and Ismail Sökmen3 1Dokuz Eylül University, Physics Department, Tinaztepe Campus, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 2Istanbul University, Physics Department, Beyazit Campus, Istanbul, Turkey 353 Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, İstanbul 34956, Turkey 354 1Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, 370143, Baku 2Department of Physics, University of Suleyman Demirel, Isparta 32260, Turkey Synthesis and Magnetic Characterization of NixZn1-xFe2O4 Nanoparticles H. Bavrakdar..'.*. L.Arda2, K. Esmer3 355 'Gebze Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, 41400 Gebze/Kocaeli, Turkey University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Besiktas Campus, 34349, Besiktas/Istanbul, Turkey 3Marmara University, Department of Physics, Goztepe, 34722 / Kadikoy/ Istanbul, Turkey 2Bahcesehir 356 1Moscow Suspended Biomorph Plate Capacitor IR Sensor Valeriy Fedirko1* and Dmitriy Zenyuk1 293E Energy Band Structure of Graphene under Uniaxial Strain Selcen Islamoglu and Oguz Gulseren*, 318E 537 327E 538 332E 539 334E 540 374E 541 388E 542 389E 543 State Univ. of Technology “Stankin” & Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (Technical University) 357 Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 358 Effect of Exchange Bias on Magnetic Anisotropies in Fe/CoO Bilayers Mustafa Oztürk,.' .* Ramazan Topkaya,.'. Mustafa Özdemir,.. Mohamed Obaida,.. Kurt Westerholt,.. Sinan Kazan,. '. and Numan Akdoğan1,2 1Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey and Spintronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey 3Marmara University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Physics, 34722 Istanbul, Turkey 4Institut für Experimentalphysik /Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany 2NASAM-Nanomagnetism 359 360 361 Electron Temperature Distribution in Quantum Hall Systems N. Boz Yurdasan..'*, K. Akgungor.1.,. .A.Siddiki2 and I.Sokmen1 1Dokuz Eylül University, Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 2.İstanbul University, Physics Department, Beyazit Campus ,Istanbul, Turkey Application of Orbital-Free Energy Functional to Quantum Dots G. Bilgeç Akvüz.1*, K.Akgüngör1,. S.Çakiroglu1., A.Siddiki.2 and I.Sökmen1 1Dokuz Eylül University, Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 2Istanbul University, Physics Department, Beyazit Campus, Istanbul, Turkey, Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Magnetic resonance studies of colloidal wüstite/metal ferrite core/shell nanocrystals H. Przybylińska,1* M. Havliček,2 M. I. Bodnarchuk,2,3 M. V. Kovalenko,2,3 G. Hesser,2 F. Schäffler,2 W. Jantsch,2 and W. Heiss2 1Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland 2Johannes Kepler University, A-4040 Linz, Austria 3Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA Double Heterostructure Selection and the Application in Quantum Conductors for the 362 Investigation of the Development of Quantum Dot Lasers and their Advantages Ġhsan Uluer1. , Sedat Ağan.1.* , Davut Olgun2 and Sinan YaĢar1 1Dept. of Physics, Kırıkkale University, Kırıkkale, Turkey 2Ministry of Education, Bakanlıklar, Ankara, Turkey Investigation of Thickness Dependent Magnetic Anisotropies in FeCo Alloys 363 Sinem Gök.' *, Ramazan Topkaya ' , Sinan Kazan ' , Numan Akdoğan ' , Mustafa Ozdemir., Mohamed Obaida and Kurt Westerholt4 1Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey and Spintronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey 3Marmara University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Physics, 34722 Istanbul, Turkey 2NASAM-Nanomagnetism 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 4Inst. 364 for Experimental Physics IV/Condensed Matter Physics, Ruhr Universiy Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigation of Photoactive Materials under both Electrical and Optical Stimuli Hikmet Sezen*, Eda Yilmaz Ozkaraoglu, Sefik Suzer 396E 544 426E 545 448E 546 514E 547 517E 548 527E 549 536E 550 550E 551 571E 552 588E 553 589E 554 Chemistry Department, Bilkent University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey Screening theory of Laughlin quasi-particle interferometers defined at quantum-dots A. Salman1*, H. Atci2, E. Koymen1, M. B. Yucel1, U. Erkarslan2 and A. Siddiki3,4 1Akdeniz University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics, 07058 Antalya, Turkey University, Physics Department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 48170-Kotekli, Mugla, Turkey 3İstanbul University, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, 34134, Vezneciler-Istanbul, Turkey 4Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138, USA 365 366 2Mugla Inhomogeneous Barrier Height of FeCrNiC/n-GaAs Structures Caused by Lateral Nanoscale Patches P. Aksu, S. Yazıcı and B. Abay* Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, 25240, Erzurum,Turkey The Effect of Annealing Temperature on Magnetic Properties of Cu 2MnAl Heusler Films Ramazan Topkaya * Numan Akdoğan , Resul Yilgin , Sinan Kazan , Mustafa Özdemir , Jörg Dudek , Mohamed Obaid , Hasan Inam and Kurt Westerholt 1,2 P 367 1,2 P PP P 1,2 P P 4 P 1,2 P P 4 P P 3 P P 4 P P 4 P 1Department 2' of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey NASAM-Nanomagnetism and Spin tronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey 3Marmara University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Physics, 34722 Istanbul, Turkey 4Institut für Experimentalphysik /Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany 1/f Resistance Noise in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with MgO Barrier Aisha Gokce1 *and Edmund Nowak1 368 1 University of Delaware, United States Investigation of Correlation Between Matrix-Textur, Intrinsic Residual Stress and Magnetoresistance Effect in Co-Sputter Deposited Co.25Ag.75. Nano Granular Films Umut Sarac..'*. R. Mustafa Oksuzoglu2, and Hartmut Fuess3 369 1Department of of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir 26480, Turkey Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering,, Anadolu University, Eskisehir 26555, Turkey 3 Institute for Material Science, Darmstadt University of Technology, Petersenstrasse 23, Darmstadt D-64283, Germany 2 Characterization of Microstructure and Evolution of Intrinsic Residual Stress in Co-Sputter Deposited Ag75.Co.25. Granular Thin Films Umut Sarac..'*. R. Mustafa Oksuzoglu2, and Hartmut Fuess3 370 1Department of of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir 26480, Turkey Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Architecture and Engineering,, Anadolu University, Eskisehir 26555, Turkey 3 Institute for Material Science, Darmstadt University of Technology, Petersenstrasse 23, Darmstadt D-64283, Germany 2 371 Comparison of Magnetic Behaviour of Cobalt, Cobalt-ferrrite and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles With Different Surface Coatings Gulfem Aygar ,1.,Zeynep Ergul1' . Lutfiye Sezen Keser 2, Murat Kaya ,2, Murvet Volkan .2* 1Micro and nanotechnology program, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey 2Department of chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey AFM and STM Studies, Magnetic and Structural Properties of NiFeCu/Cu Thin Films Produced by Electrodeposition Technique M.Celalettin Bavkul..'.*. Umut Sarac.1., Mursel Alper2 372 1Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, 26480, Eskisehir, Turkey 2Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Uludag University, 16059, Bursa, Turkey 373 Magnetic Properties of Fe+3 Implanted Nanoparticles into Single Crystal Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia(100) (YSZ) Adem Parabas..' .*, Kenan Yurtisigi'., Ramazan Topkaya '., Resul Yilgin '. and Mustafa Özdemir. Andreas Kolitsch. 1Gebze Institute of Technology, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Cayirova, 41410 Gebze, Turkey NASAM-Nanomagnetism and Spintronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey 3Marmara University, Science and Letters Faculty, Department of Physics, Istanbul, Turkey 4Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, 01314 Dresden, Germany 2 374 Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Fe+3 Implanted into SiO2/Si(100) Kenan Yurtısığı.' .*, Adem Parabas.'., Ramazan Topkaya '.,. Resul Yilgin '. Mustafa Özdemir., Andreas Kolitsch 1Gebze Institute of Technology, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Cayirova, 41410 Gebze, Turkey NASAM-Nanomagnetism and Spintronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey 3Marmara University, Science and Letters Faculty, Department of Physics, Istanbul, Turkey 4Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, 01314 Dresden, 2 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Germany 375 376 Chitosan Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Adsorption of Laccase Nuzhet Ayca Kalkan1*, Eda Ayse Aksoy2, Serpil Aksoy1 and Nesrin Hasirci3 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Gazi University, Teknikokullar, Ankara 06500, Turkey 2Central Laboratory, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey 3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey Magnetic Properties of Co2MnAl1-xSnx Heusler Alloy Thin Films A. N. Kogbay1'2*, R. Topkaya1,2, R. Yilgin1,2, V. Keskin1,2, A. §. Ahsen1,2, O. Ozturk1,2, B. Akta§1,2 1Gebze Institute of Technology, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, 41410 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey and Spintronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey 605E 624E 555 556 2NASAM-Nanomagnetism Carrier Transport Mechanisms in InxGa1-xN Bulk Structures E. Metin Kendirlik and Yuksel Ergun 724E 557 Intrinsic Josephson Junctions of High Temperature Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2Os+8 (Bi2212) for Powerful Terahertz Emission Yasemin Demirhan1, Z. Meriç1, F. Turkoglu1, H. Koseoglu1, M. Minematsu2, H. Araki2, N. Miyakawa2, T. Yamamoto3, K. Kadowaki3, L. Ozyuzer1 737E 558 757E 559 759E 560 767E 561 377 Department of Physics, Anadolu University, Eskisehir 26470, Turkey 378 1Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH), 35430, Izmir, Turkey, 2Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan 3University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan Exchange-Bias Effect in Co/CoO Bilayers Studied by Ferromagnetic Resonance 379 Erdem Demirci.' .*,. Ramazan Topkaya ', Mustafa Özdemir., Mohamed Obaida , Kurt Westerholt ., Sinan Kazan.'. and Numan Akdoğan1'2 1Department 2NASAM-Nanomagnetism 3Marmara 4Institut 380 of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey and Spin tronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Physics, 34722 Istanbul, Turkey für Experimentalphysik /Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany Magnetron Sputtering Growth and Characterizations of Large Area ITO Thin Films Y. Demirhan, Z. Meriç, F. Türkoğlu, H. Köseoğlu, O. Tuna, A. Cantaş, G. Aygün, Y. Selamet, L. Özyüzer Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey Bio-separation Using Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Review Ali Farsi..'.*. Sattar Ghader.1.. Maryam Hamidi.1. 381 1Department 382 of Chemical Engineering, Faculty ofEngineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran Entanglement in Two Qubit Magnetic Models with DM Antisymmetric Anisotropic Exchange Interaction Zeynep Nilhan Gurkan and Oktay K. Pashaev 802E 562 Department of Mathematics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla-Izmir, 35430, Turkey 383 Thickness Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Polycrystalline Co2MnAlxSn1-x Heusler Alloy Thin Films Vedat Keskin12*, Ramazan Topkaya1,2, Abdullah N. Koçbay1,2, Resul Yilgin1,2, Ali ġems Ahsen1,2 Osman Öztürk1,2 and Bekir AktaĢ1,2 1Gebze 863E 563 970E 564 981E - 1100E - 3F 565 Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey and Spintronic Research Center, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Kocaeli, Turkey 2NASAM-Nanomagnetism 384 Magnetic Anisotropy in Half Metallic CrO.2. Thin Films Alive Intepe..' 2*... S. Kazan2 , M. Özdemir3, B Rameev2, A. Gupta4 and F. Mikailzade2 Department of Physics, Duzce University, Duzce 81620, Turkey Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey 3Department of Physics, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey 4University of Alabama, Tuscabosa, Al 35487, USA 1 2 385 Analytical evidence of commuting resonance energy in correlated disorder trimer GaAsAlxGa1-xAs superlattices Djelti Redouane1*, 1Mostaganem 386 University, Algeria Effects of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Electroless CoNiFe-B Thin Film Maysam Mohammed1*, Amin Azizi1, Seyed Khatiboleslam Sadrnezhaad1, Mohammad Reza Hasanzadeh2, Hooshang Azizi2 2 1Sharif University of Technology, Iran, Islamic Republic Of Materials and Energy Research Center, Iran, Islamic Republic Of The Mathematical Modeling for the Oscillatory Behavior During Synthesis of Conducting 387 Polymer Coating in Nanoscale Systems, Formed by Electropolymerization of Heterocyclic Compounds Volodymyr Tkach1 and Vasyl Nechyporuk1 Chernivtsi National University, 58012, Ukraine 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Aza-BODIPYs: Photoinduced processes in a Photodynamic Therapy Agent 388 Pinar Batat ' , Martine Cantuel , Aniello Palma , Donal F. O'Shea , Nathan McClenaghan and Gediminas Jonusauskas1 174F 566 175F 567 191F 568 241F 569 362F 570 387F 571 412F 572 456F 573 470F 574 478F 575 505F 576 510F 577 532F 578 674F 579 1Centre de Physique Moléculaire Optique et Hertzienne, UMR 5798 des Sciences Moléculaires, UMR 5255 Univ. Bordeaux 1/CNRS, Cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France 3Centre for Synt. and Chem. Biol., School of Chem. and Chem. Biology Univ. College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland 2Inst. 389 Ultrafast processes in fluorescent Ca2+ receptors Pinar Batat1,2, Aurélie Lavie-Cambot2, Guillaume Vives2, Nathan D. McClenaghan2, Gediminas Jonusauskas1 390 Synthesis and Characterization of the PAni Based Materials as in its Thin Films Elçin CoĢkun1* and Armando Zaragoza1 1Centre de Physique Moléculaire Optique et Hertzienne, UMR-CNRS 5798, 2Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, UMR-CNRS 5255, Université Bordeaux 1, 351 Cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France 1Centro Anthracene-Based Emitters for OLED Applications Alpay Kimyonok.1* , Figen Türksoy.1. and ġerife Sarıoğlan1 391 1Chemistry 392 393 395 Institute,TUBITAKMarmara Research Center, Gebze Kocaeli 41470, Turkey Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study of MPP-BA SAM Modified ITO Surface Salih Okur1*, Hasan Aydın1, Nesli YağmurcukardeĢ1, Ali Kemal Havare2 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics, Gulbahce Kampusu, 35430, Urla, Izmir, Turkey 2Ege University, Solar Energy Institute Polymer Gel Insulator for OFET Application Arif Kösemen..1.*. Ahmet Demir.1, Zekeriya Doğruyol2, Mustafa Okutan1, Yusuf Yerli1, Sait Eren San1 1Department 394 de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados,S.C. Chihuahua, Chih., México of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Organic Electronic Research Group Kocaeli 41400, Turkey 2Departments of Physics, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul 34220, Turkey A Novel Gel-Dielectric Material as Gate Insulator for Organic Field Effect Transistors Zekeriya Doğruvol .*,.BüĢra ġengez.., Ahmet Demir., Mustafa Okutan , Sait Eren San . and Faruk Yilmaz, 1Department of Physics, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul 34220, Turkey 2 Department of Chemistry, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey 3 Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Tetraphenylethene-Based Emitter with Carbazole Side Groups Serhat Odabas.'2*.. Figen Türksoy1. and Cihangir Tanyeli2 1Chemistry Institute,TUBITAKMarmara Research Center, 41470 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey 2 Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey 396 An Impedance Study On The Effect Of A Perylene Diimide Usage In A Blue Organic Light Emitting Diode Gorkem Mcmisoglu..'.. Canan Varlikli1.* And Siddik Igli1 1Solar 397 398 1Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Organic Electronic Research Group Kocaeli 41400, Turkey 2Department of Electronics Engineering, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey Encapsulation of Organic Solar Cells to Protect from Oxygen and Humidity Büsra Tuğba Camie..'.*, Zekeriya Doğruyol2, Arif Kösemen1, Zühal Alpaslan1, Sait Eren San1' Yusuf Yerli1 1Department 399 Energy Institute, Ege University, 35100-Bornova, Izmir, Turkey Mn-doped TiO2 Thin Film for Hybrid Polymer Solar Cell Zühal Alpaslan. Arif Kösemen1, Mustafa Okutan1. , Sait Eren San1 Yakup HameĢ.2,Yusuf Yerli1 of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Organic Electronic Research Group Kocaeli 41400, Turkey 2 Department of Physics, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul 34220, Turkey Electrical Characterizations of Schottky Diodes Modified by Self-assembled Monolayer Organic Thin Films Salih Okur1, Nesli T. YağmurcukardeĢ1, A. Kemal Havare2, Hasan Aydın1, ġerafettin Demiç2 'Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Physics Urla/Izmir/TURKEY 2Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, TR-35040 Izmir, Turkey 400 Manufacturing of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Solar Cellsb Screen Printing Method Yakup HameĢ.1., Sait Eren San2, Teoman Özdal1., Erdem Aslan1., Hasip Çabalak1., Hüseyin ġar.1 * 1Department 2 401 of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Mustafa Kemal University, 31040 Hatay, Turkey Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, 41400 Gebze, Turkey Modification of an ITO Anode Surface by SAM Technique to Enhance OLED Device Characteristics Salih Okur1*,.Ali Kemal Havare2, Omer Mermer3, Serafettin Demic2, Mustafa Can2, Hasan Aydın1, Nesli Yagmurcukardes1. 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics Gülbahce Kampüsü, Urla, Izmir, 35430, Turkey 2Ege University, Solar Energy Institute , Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 3Ege University, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 402 A Novel Fluorene-Carbazole-2,5-bis(2-thienyl)-1H-(pyrrole) Hybrid Dendron for Electrochromic Device and Organic Light Emitting Diode Applications Sermet Koyuncu1 , Ozlem Usluer2,3*, Mustafa Can2, Serafettin Demic2, Siddik Icli2, and Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci4. 683F 580 Electrosynthesis and Characterization of Semiconductor Polyaniline Thin Films Evrim Hür1, Suat Pat2* and Görkem Ali Varol1 686F 581 Low Voltage Operation of Organic Field Effect Transistors Based on Poly(1-vinyl-1,2,4triazole ) Gulbeden Cakmak 1,2 *, Mamatimin Abbas2, Nalan Tekin3 , Ali Kara4 , Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci2 and Hasan Yuksel Guney1 687F 582 696F 583 715F 584 770F 585 778F 586 779F 587 785F 588 804F 589 806F 590 808F 591 811F 592 1Çan Vocational School, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17400, Çanakkale, Turkey 2Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, 35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey 3 Department of Chemistry, Mugla University, 48000, Mugla, Turkey 4Linz Inst.for Organic Solar Cells(LIOS), Phy. Chem., Johannes Kepler Univ., Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria 403 404 1Department of Chemistry, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, 26480, Turkey 2Department of Physics, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, 26480, Turkey 1Department of Physics, Kocaeli University, Umuttepe 41380, Turkey Institute of Organic Solar Cell ( LIOS ), Physical Chemistry,A-4040, Austria 3Department of Chemistry, Kocaeli University, Umuttepe 41380, Turkey 4 Department of Chemistry, Uludag University, 16059, Turkey 2Linz 405 406 High T.g. Carbazole-Based Hole-Transporting Materials for White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Ozlem Usluer..' 2*. Serafettin Demic1Siddik Icli1., and Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci3 Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, 35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey 2 Department of Chemistry, Mugla University, 48000, Mugla, Turkey 3Linz Inst.for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Phy. Chem., Johannes Kepler Univ, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria 1 A novel Tetranuclear Ni(II) complex: Synthesis, Structure and Low Temperature Magnetic Behavior Elif Gungor,.1 . Hulya Kara1 and Mairi F. Haddow2 1Department of Physics, Balikesir University, Balikesir 10145, Turkey 2The School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock's Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, UK Optical Response of J-aggregate Shells Coating Metal Nanorods Ümit Alkus, Yakup Hafızoğlu, Berik Uzakbauily, Demet Gülen 407 Department of Physics, Middle East Technical University 06531 Ankara, Turkey. Rational Design of Two Photon Absorbing BODIPY Derivatives Bilal Kilic.1. and Engin Umut Akkaya12* 408 409 1Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Novel Panchromatic Sensitizers for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Safacan Kölemen,1, Yusuf Çakmak2 , Özgür Altan Bozdemir2 and Engin Umut Akkaya12 1 Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2UNAM-National 410 411 412 Divergent synthesis and light harvesting properties of tetra-styryl funtionalized BODIPY Core Ziya Kostereli1, O. Altan Bozdemir2, Onur Buyukcakir2, and Engin U. Akkaya1,2* 1Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2UNAM-Materials Science and Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Ratiometric Analysis of Hg(II) with Near-IR Fluorescent Molecular Sensor via an EnergyTransfer System Tugba Ozdemir1,. .Serdar Atilgan2'3 and Engin U. Akkaya14* 1 UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey. 2Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey. 3Department of Chemistry, Suleyman Demirel UniVersity, Isparta 32260, Turkey, 4Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey. Novel Near-IR Absorbing Chromophores; Synthesis, Characterization and Applications Nisa Yefjilgül1, Merve Tüik§anli2, Onur Büyükgakir.2 and Engin U. Akkava.1'2* 1Department 2.UNAM-National 413 of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Polymer Matrix Embedded Molecular Sensors for Fluoride Ions Onur Büvükcakır..' Özgür Altan Bozdemir1,. Fazlı Sözmen3, Ruslan Guliyev.1.,Yusuf Çakmak1, and Engin Umut Akkaya1'2* UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 3 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Akdeniz University, Antalya 07058, Turkey 1 Selective Manipulation of ICT and PET Processes in Styryl-Bodipy Derivatives: Applications in Molecular Logic and Fluorescence Sensing of Multiple Metal Ions. 414 Ruslan Guliyev,1 O. Altan Bozdemir,1 Onur Buyukcakir,1 Sencer Selcuk,2 Safacan Kolemen,. 2 Hande Boyaci,2 and Engin U. Akkaya1,2* 1Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 415 The investigation of geometrical properties of 2,5 pyridinedicarboxylic acid, synthesis and vibrational properties of its some metal halogen compounds Ahmet Ataç1*, Evren Çulcular2, Fehmi Bardak3 815F 593 821F 594 824F 595 829F 596 838F 597 840F 598 841F 599 846F 600 847F 601 Performance of organic thin film transistors based on arylene bisimides Cem Tozlu1,2, Sule Erten-Ela1, Siddik Icli1 853F 602 Synthesis and Structure Analysis of Cu(II) Dimeric Compound Ayse Karaoglu.1 *and Hulya Kara1 . 858F 603 866F 604 894F 605 917F 606 1Department of Physics Celal Bayar University, Manisa Turkey of Physics Izmir High Technology Institue,İzmir Turkey 3Department of Physics Texas Tech. University,Lubbock,Tx USA 2Department Experimental and theoretical FT-IR spectroscopic analysis of 3,5 pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 416 417 418 synthesis and vibrational properties of its some metal halogen compounds Ahmet Ataç1, Zühre ÇalıĢır2, Fehmi Bardak3 1Department of Physics Celal Bayar University, Manisa Turkey 2Department of Physics Ahi Evran University, Kırşehir Turkey 3Department of Physics Texas Tech. University,Lubbock,Tx USA pH Regulation of Singlet Oxygen Generation Efficiency Fatma Pir.1., Sündüs Erbaş.2, Engin U. Akkaya1'2* 1Chemistry Department, Bilkent University, 06100 - Çankaya, Ankara, TURKEY 2UNAM, Material Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, 06100 - Çankaya, Ankara, TURKEY Design and Synthesis of Calixarene-Bodipy Tandem as Near IR Absorbing Amphiphilic Photodynamic Therapy Reagent Yusuf Çakmak.1., Tuğrul Nalbantoğlu2, Tuğçe Durgut2, Engin U. Akkaya1,2* 1 419 420 421 UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Light Harvesting Dendrimers for Use in Organic Solar Concentrators Sündüs ErbaĢ.'.. Ö. Altan Bozdemir2, O. Öner Ekiz1., Aykutlu Dana1. , Engin U. Akkaya1'3* 1UNAM, The Three-Dimensional Network Structure and Magnetic Characterization of a Cyano-Bridged Mn(ffl)-Fe(ffl) Bimetalic Complex. Hulya Kara1.*, Ayse Karaoglu1, Raif Kurtaran2, Akin Azizoglu2 and Mairi F. Haddow3 1Department of Physics, Balikesir University, Balikesir, Turkey, 2 Department of Chemistry, Balikesir University, Balikesir, Turkey, 3 School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Department of Chemistry, Bristol University, Bristol, UK. Fabrication and Characterization of Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells using Organic Dyes Sule Erten Ela1,2, Johannes Brendel2, Mukundan Thelakkat2, 2University 422 Material Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, 06100 - Çankaya, Ankara, TURKEY 2Chemistry Department, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA 3Chemistry Department, Bilkent University, 06100 - Çankaya, Ankara, TURKEY 1Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, TURKEY of Bayreuth , Macromolecular Chemistry I, Applied Functional Polymers, 95440 Bayreuth / GERMANY Divergent synthesis and light harvesting properties of tetra-styryl funtionalized BODIPY Core Ziya Kostereli1, O. Altan Bozdemir2, Onur Buyukcakir2, and Engin U. Akkaya1,2* 2UNAM-Materials 423 1Department of Chemistry, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Science and Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Structural Analysis and Magnetic Properties of a Novel Cubane-Type Cobalt (II) Complex with ONO Tridentate Ligands Yasemin Yahsi1'2*. Hulya Kara1. Lorenzo Sorace2 1Balikesir University, Faculty of Art and Science, Department of Physics, Balikesir, Turkey 2Dipartimento di Chimica and UdR INSTM, Universita' di Firenze, Via della Lastruccia 3, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, Italy 424 1Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, Bornova, 35100 Izmir, Turkey 2Physics Department, Art and Science Faculty, Mugla University, 48000 Mugla, Turkey 425 1Department 426 Electrical and Optical properties of Poled DAN/ P3HT Thin Films Yusuf KarakuĢ,1 *, Arif Kösemen2, Mustafa Okutan2, Halil Arslan1 and Sait Eren San2 1Department 2Department 427 of Physics, Sakarya University, Sakarya 54187, Turkey of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli 41400, Turkey Investigation of Electron Transport Properties in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Carbazole Dyes by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Banu Aydin1., Burak Gultekin1, Cihan Ozsoy.1.,. .Cevlan Zafer1 * Siddik Icli1 1Solar 428 of Physics, Balikesir University, Balikesir ,Turkey, Energy Institute, Ege University, TR-35100 Izmir Electroluminescence Enhancement of Alloyed CdSx.Se1-x. Doped Polymer-Hybrid Light Emitting Diodes (PL EDs) Serpil Tekoglu1, Ufuk Abaci1'2, Mahmut Kus3*, Caner Ünlü4, Serhad Tilki3., Serdar Özcelik4 and N. Serdar Sariciftci1 1Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Linz 4040, Austria 2Physics Department, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey 3 Department of Chemical Engineering, Selcuk University,42075, Konya, Turkey 4Department of Chemistry, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35430,Urla, İzmir, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Anthracene Containing PPE-PPV: Correlation Between π-π-Stacking Ability and Electroluminescence Properties Ufuk Abaci1,2*, Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci1, Daniel A. M. Egbe1 and Elif Arici1 921F 607 Organic Light Emitting Field Effect Transistors Based on Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Cigdem Yumusak1* and Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci2 930F 608 Synthesis and Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of new self assembly Monolayer (SAM) material 4-(N-phenyl-N-(3-methylphenyl)-amino)benzoic acid for organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) Mustafa Kurt1*, Salih Okur2, ġerafettin Demiç3, J. Karpagam4, Namadevan Sundaraganesan4 936F <<608 993F 609 994F 610 1029F 611 Ab Initio Calculation of the Electronic States in Trans Polyacetylene Molecule and Study the Effects of Li Impurity M. R. Benam,1 * N. Shahtahmasbi2, A. Keyhannezhad1, M. Hezari1 1030F 612 XRD/FESEM/AFM Characterization of Undoped and Boron Doped Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu1 1166F 613 391B 388 429 1Linz 430 431 Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Johannes Kepler University, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz, AUSTRIA 2Physics Department, Kocaeli University,41380, Kocaeli, Turkey 1Department of Physics, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 34210, Turkey 2LIOS-Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, Johannes Kepler University, Linz A-4040, Austria 1 Ahi 2 432 Evran University, Physics Department, Kırşehir, Turkey Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey 3Ege University, Solar Energy Institute, Izmir, Turkey 4Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Department of Physics (Engg.), India Preparation of Calix[4]arene Based Receptors Immobilized onto Magnetic Nanoparticles for Extraction of Chromate and Arsenate Anions Fatih Ozcan1*, Elif Yilmaz1, Serkan Sayin1, Kubra Etci1 and Mustafa Yilmaz1 Department of Chemistry, Selcuk University, 42075 Konya, Turkey 433 Use of Calix[4]arene Based Receptors Immobilized onto Magnetic Nanoparticles for Extraction of Chromate and Arsenate Anions Fatih Ozcan1* Elif Yilmaz1, Serkan Sayin1, Kubra Etci1 and Mustafa Yilmaz1 Department of Chemistry, Selcuk University, 42075 Konya, Turkey Topological Indices of Nanostar Dendrimers Hassan Yousefi-Azari1*, Ali Reza Ashrafi2 434 1University 2University 435 of Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic Of of Kashan, Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1Physics Department, Payame Noor University, Mashhad, Iran. 2Physics Department, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran. 436 1Fırat 201 University, Elazığ, Turkey Growth and Luminescence Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanowires S.H. Mousavi1 and H. Haratizadeh1 1Department of Physics Shahrood University of Technology, 3619995161, Shahrood, Iran 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 poster no ID no page no 1244F 614 1247F 615 1248F <<615 >> 1 1211G 641 1128K 752 74G 616 192G 617 205G 618 219G - Good Optical Limiting Performance of Indium and Gallium Phthalocyanines in a Solution and co-polymer Host Ayhan Elmalı1*, Mustafa Yüksek1, Mahmut DurmuĢ2, H. Gül Yağlıoğlu1 and Hüseyin Ünver1 220G - The Effect of Thickness and/or doping on the Nonlinear and Saturable Absorption Behaviors in Amorphous GaSe Thin Films H. Gül Yağlıoğlu1*, UlaĢ Kürüm1, Mustafa Yüksek1, Ayhan Elmalı1, Aytunç AteĢ2 and Mevlüt Karabulut3 221G - 445G 619 466G 620 481G 621 488G 622 492G 623 498G 624 3rd day – June 17, Thursday Photoconductivity Characteristics of CoPc Organic Sensor Mehmet Kandaz1 and Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu2 1 Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey 437 2Fırat 438 1Fırat 439 University, Elazığ, Turkey Ultraviolet Light Detection Characteristics of a-IGZO Thin Film Transistor for Photodetector Applications Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu1 1Fırat 440 University, Elazığ, Turkey Electrical and Photosensing Properties of Pentacene Organic Thin Film Transistor Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu1 University, Elazığ, Turkey Silicon Nanocrystal Hybridized Visible LEDs: A Low-Cost Path for Global Lighting Onur Tidin1 1Bilkent 441 Effect of Both Silane-Grafted and Ion-Exchanged Organophilic Clay in Structural, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester Nanocomposites Sinan ġen1 1Yalova 443 University, Ankara, Turkey University, Department of Polymer Engineering, Yalova, Turkey Synthesis and Optical properties of SmFeO3 Thin Film Prepared By Sol gel method Feroz Ahmad Mir1* and Mohd.Ikram1 Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Srinagar-190006, India. 444 Optical and Structural Characterization of Y2O3:Nd3+ Phosphors via Thermal Decomposition Method G. Bilir* and G. Özen Department of Physics, Đstanbul Technical University, Maslak-Đstanbul 34469, Turkey 445 Comparison of The Dispersion Properties of The Solid-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers with a Fixed Diameter of Holes and The Fixed Pitch Length at Wavelength Region of 0.8-2 ^m Halime Demir1* and Sedat Ozsoy1 1Department 446 of Physics,Faculty of Science and Arts, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039, Turkey Nonlinear and Saturable Absorption Characteristics of Amorphous InSe Thin Films UlaĢ Kürüm1*, H. Gül Yağlıoğlu1, Ayhan Elmalı1 and Aytunç AteĢ1, 1Ankara 447 University, Ankara, Turkey 1Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey 2Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey 448 1Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey 2Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey 3 Department of Physics, Science and Art Faculty, Kafkas University, Kars, Turkey 449 Influence of Annealing Conditions on Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Derya Bahar.1.*, Göknil Babür.1, Sinan Diken1, Tuğba AyĢe Termeli1, Banu Erdoğan1., SavaĢ Sönmezoğlu1., and Güven Çankaya1 1Department 450 1Department 451 of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat 60250, Turkey The Effect of Different Spinning Times on Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Göknil Babür..'.*. Sinan Diken1., Tuğba AyĢe Termeli1, Banu Erdoğan1, Derya Bahar1, SavaĢ Sönmezoğlu1 and Güven Çankaya1 of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat 60250, Turkey The Effect of Film Thickness on the Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Banu Erdoğan Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat 60250, Turkey 452 Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Derived by Sol-Gel Process at Different Spinning Speeds Sinan Diken Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat 60250, Turkey 453 454 The Coating Layers Dependence of Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Tuğba Ayşe Termeli Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat 60250, Turkey Plasmonics: Novel On-Chip Interconnections Ali Kemal Okyay 455 529G 625 243H 626 631G 627 Calculating the Homogeneous Spectrum of PbSe Quantum Dot based on Fourier-Wavelet Deconvolution A.Askari1*, L. Rahimi1 Pand A.R. Bahrampour2 676G 628 Modal Analysis of Circularly Bent Coupled Optical Waveguides N. Özlem Ünverdi1* and N. Aydın Ünverdi2 721G 629 761G 630 814G 631 828G 632 831G 633 837G 634 Special Slow Light Properties of Photonic Crystal Waveguides Kadir Ustun1* and Hamza Kurt1 890G 635 The Effects of Thermal Annealing on Optical Properties of GaInNAs/GaAs Quantum Well Structures Hatice Basak1*, Omer Donmez1, Ayse Erol1, M. Cetin Arıkan1, Mika Saarınen2 907G 636 908G 637 913G 638 3 Dimensional L Shaped Photonic Crystal Waveguide Neslihan Eti1*, H. Sami Sözüer1, H. Duygu ġengün1 and Zebih Çetin1 934G 639 Photonic Crystal Assisted 120° Waveguide Bend Hediye Duygu ġengün1*, H. Sami Sözüer1, Neslihan Eti1, Zebih Çetin1 939G 640 Silicon Nanocrystal Hybridized Visible LEDs: A Low-Cost Path for Global Lighting 943G 641 Bilkent University Nanostructures constructed via self-assembly of nanoparticles using DNA hybridization 456 457 Kemal Keseroglu1, Ismail Sayin1, Mehmet Kahraman1, Elif Hilal Soylu2, Semra Ide2, Mustafa Culha*1 1 Department of Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe University, Kayisdagi, Istanbul 34755, Turkey 2 Department of Physics Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara 06532, Turkey Characterization of a Multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs Broadband Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors Hülya Kuru1*, Burcu Arpapay1, Bülent Arıkan1, Bülent Aslan1 and Uğur Serincan1 1Department 458 of Physics, Anadolu University, Eskişehir 26470, Turkey 1Department of Physics, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran 2Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 459 1Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul 34349, Turkey of Mechanical Engineering, İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul 34437, Turkey 2Department Semiconductor Nanostructure For 1.55 μm Optical Telecommunications Devices I. Alghoraibi1*, C. Parantoen1, A. Le Corre1, N. Bertru1, S. Loualiche1 460 1LENS-FOTON, 461 462 Graded-Index Antireflection Coatings for Nanostructured Photovoltaics, Light Emission and Photodetection Magneto-Optical and Optical Properties of Cerium Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Process Yavuz Öztürk1*, Mustafa Erol2, Erdal Celik2, Ömer Mermer1 and Ġbrahim Avgın1 2Dokuz 463 464 University Electrical and Electronics Department, 35100 Bornova, Izmir-TURKEY Eylul University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Tınaztepe Kampüsü, 35160 Buca, Izmir-TURKEY. 1TOBB 1Ege Corrugated Dielectric Slab Embedded in Photonic Crystal Waveguides Lokman Ayas1* and Hamza Kurt1 University of Economics and Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ankara, 06560 Turkey Optical Properties of Fullerene C60 Thin Films Annealed at Different Temperatures in Air and Argon Atmospheres Hüseyin Özgener1, Hasan Aydın2, Salih Okur2* 1 Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Gulbahce Koyu Kampusu, 35430, Urla, Izmir, Turkey 2 Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Gulbahce Koyu Kampusu, 35430, Urla, Izmir, Turkey 465 1 TOBB 466 UMR CNRS 6082, INSA de Rennes, 20 avenue des buttes de Coësmes, Rennes Cedex 35043, France University of Economics and Technology, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Ankara 06560, Turkey 1Istanbul University Science Faculty Physics Department 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul, Turkey 2Tampere University of Technology Optoelectronics Research Center P.O. Box 692 33101 Tampere, Finland 467 Photoluminescent Properties of InN Thin Films Ö. Dönmez1*, M. Yılmaz2, A. Erol1, B. Uluğ2, M.Ç. Arıkan1, A. Uluğ2, A. O. Ajagunna3, E. Iliopoulos3, A. Georgakilas3 1Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Department of Physics 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul, Turkey University, Faculty of Arts & Science, Department of Physics, Antalya, Turkey 3Microelectronics Research Group, IESL, FORTH and Physics Department, University of Crete, P.O. Box 1385, 71110 Heraklion-Crete, Greece 2Akdeniz 468 469 I-V Characterization of a Staircase Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Ferhat NUTKU1, AyĢe EROL1, Yuksel ERGUN2, M. Cetin ARIKAN1 1Department of Physics, Science Faculty, Istanbul University, 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul, Turkey 2Department of Physics, Science Faculty, Anadolu University, Yunus Emre Kampüsü , 26470 Eskişehir, Turkey 1Department 470 1Department 471 of Physics, Izmir Instıtude of Technology, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir 35430, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 ġ. Burç Eryılmaz, Onur Tidin, Alper YeĢilyurt, Ali K. Okyay* Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 472 Band Structure Calculations for 2D Photonic Crystals Based on Quantum-wire-superlattice Nurgül Akıncı1* and Yüksel Ayaz1 1054G 642 Nano Isotopic Optical Centres in HPHT and CVD Synthetic Diamond Types Hamida M. B. Darwish1* 1063G 643 Morphology Characterization of Mechanically Exfoliated Graphene Görkem Soyumer*, Cenk Yanık, Cem Çelebi, Ġsmet Ġ. Kaya 309H 644 Assembly of Peptide Coated Gold Nanoparticles on Surfaces Ismail Sayin1, Kemal Keseroglu1, Mehmet Kahraman1 Pand Mustafa Culha1* 339H 645 349H 646 436H 647 453H 648 551H 649 577H 650 Depth profile study of thin HfO2 layers by an In-situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Ayten Cantas*,1, Gulnur Aygun1 719H 651 An experiment investigation of GaAs/AlGaAs Solar Cells Efficiency Leyla BaĢak Büklü1*, AyĢe Erol1, M. Çetin Arikan1, Ben Royall2 Pand Naci Balkan2 910H 652 Microwave-Assisted Deposition of Microwire Patterns of Metal Nanoparticles Uğursoy Olgun 1* 919H 653 Fabrication of Platinum Nanoparticles Using Amphiphilic Copolymer Template Numan HODA*, Burçin ACAR, Leyla BUDAMA, Önder TOPEL 989H 654 Alternative Method to Production of Nano-Sized β-SiAlON Powders Onur Eser1, Semra Kurama 1* and Göktug Günkaya1 1011H 655 1099H <<655 Electrical Force Microscopy and SKPM Investigations of Pb Doped CdS Films S.A. Klimova1, M. Arslan2*, S.V. Stetsyura1, M. Yavuz2, E.G. Glukhovskoy1, S.B. Venig1, Y. Elerman2 186I 656 Measurement of ultralow magnetic fields with superconductor technology Ugur Topal1* and Lev Dorosinskii1 206I 657 Nanoscale Surface Characterization of Materials by SEM Stereoscopic Imaging Orkun Ersoy1* and Erkan Aydar1 249I 658 315I 659 1Department 473 1Physics 474 of Physics, Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak 67100, Turkey Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, İstanbul 34956, Turkey 475 1Department 476 of Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul 34755, Turkey 3D Silver Plasmonic Structure for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Mehmet Kahraman1 and Mustafa Çulha1* Genetics and Bioengineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture,Yeditepe University, Kayisdagi, Istanbul, Turkey Superhydrophobic Micropatterned Polymer Surfaces Synthesized by Using StyreneFlurometacrylate Random Copolymers Uğur Cengiz1*, H. Yıldırım Erbil1 477 1Gebze Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering Department, 41400, Gebze-Kocaeli Fabrication of Ta Nanohillock Array Using AAO/Ta Nanotemplate Nevin TaĢaltın1*, Sadullah Öztürk2, Necmettin Kılınç2, Zafer Ziya Öztürk2 478 2Gebze 1 Koç University, Department of Physics, 34450 Istanbul, Turkey Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, 41400 Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey Graphene Field Effective Transistor(FET) Selda SonuĢen1*, Selin Manukyan2, Nihan Özkan3, Hidayet Çetin4 and Ahmet Oral1 1Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 34956, Turkey 2Department of Physics, Boğaziçi University, 34342, Turkey 3Department of Physics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Turkey 4Department of Physics, Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey 479 Electron Beam Lithography Process Calibration and Correction Nezih Ünal 1, Martin Charlton2, Ulrich Hofmann1, Christoph Sambale1 480 2University 481 1. 482 1GenISys GmbH, Eschenstr. 66, D-82024 Taufkirchen-Munich, Germany Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, Great Britain Physics Department, Đzmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, TR-35430 Urla ĐZMĐR – TURKEY 1Department 2Department 483 of Physics, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey of Computing and Electronic Systems, Essex University, UK 1Department 484 of Chemistry, Sakarya University, Sakarya 54187, Turkey Akdeniz University Department of Chemistry Antalya Turkey 485 1Department 486 of Materials Science and Engineering, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey Effect of using sports equipment manufacturer nanotechnology to improve the performance of players in some Ali Jifri King Abdul Aziz University 487 1University of Saratov State, Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technology, 410012, Saratov, Russia 2University of Ankara, Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, 06100 Besevler, Ankara, Turkey 488 1TÜBİTAK-UME 489 1Department 490 P.K. 54 41470,Gebze-Kocaeli/Türkiye of Geological Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Application of Nanotechnologies for Creation of 3D-imagery Grigoriy Mun1* Ibragim Suleimenov2, Nikolay Semenyakin1,2, Dmitriy Bobrovnikov2, Lylya Zaitova2 and Gulnara Gapparova1 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 2 KazNU 1AIPET 491 - Chemical faculty of Kazakh National University, Karasai Batyra 95, 050012 Almaty, Kazakhstan – Almaty Institute of Power Eng. and Telecommunications, Baitursynova 126, Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan A New Method: Thickness Determination of Thin Films by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Sedat Canli1,2*, Mustafa Kulakci3, Urcan Guler3, Rasit Turan2,3 1 Micro and Nanotechnology Department, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey 2Central Laboratory, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey 3 Department of Physics, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey 405I 660 321I 661 460I 662 468I 663 522I 664 535I 665 563I 666 565I 667 585I 668 619I 669 706I 670 746I 671 691I 672 805I 673 848I 674 Topological Analysis of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect Aylin Yildiz1*, Afif Siddiki2,3,Deniz Eksi4 and Ismail Sokmen1 1Department of Physics, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir 35160, Turkey of Physics, Istanbul University, Istanbul 34134, Turkey 3Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138, USA 4Department of Physics, Trakya University, Edirne 22030, Turkey 492 493 2Department Fully Differential High Voltage Amplifier Design for Stick-slip Nanopositioning Nazmi Burak Budanur1*, Devrim Yılmaz Aksın1, Oğuzhan Gürlü2 1Electronics & Communications Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey 2Physics Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey Chemically specific dynamic characterization of photovoltaic and photoconductivity effects of surface nanostructures Okan Öner Ekiz, Koray Mızrak, Aykutlu Dana 494 Unam-National Nanotechnology Reserch Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 495 Spectroscopic Investigation of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Produced Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses Belgin Genc1*, Erhan Akman1, Oral Cenk Aktas2, Elif Kacar1,3 and Arif Demir1 1Laser Technologies Research and Application Center, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli 41275, Turkey 2Leibniz Institute for New Materials ( INM), CVD/Biosurfaces Department, Saarbrücken, D-66123, Germany 3Department of Physics, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey High Resolution AFM imaging in Liquid Environment Ümit Çelik1, Demet Catcat2, H. Ozgur Ozer3, Ahmet Oral4 496 497 498 1Department of Materials Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Turkey Instruments Ltd., 266 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DL, UK. 3Department of Physics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 34469, Turkey 4Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, 34956, Turkey 2NanoMagnetics Epitaxial Graphene Synthesis on Silicon Carbide Substrate Hüsnü Aslan 1*, Selda SonuĢen1, Nihan Özkan2, and Ahmet Oral1 1Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 34956, Turkey 2Department of Physics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Turkey Construction of a Combined Non-Contact Atomic Force Microscope & Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (nc-AFM/STM) Derya Gemici1*, Hüsnü Aslan1, Özhan Ünverdi1 and Ahmet Oral1 1Faculty 499 of Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sabancı University, Istanbul, 34956, Turkey High Resolution Electrical Measurements By Scanning Probe Microscopy Methods Using Special Tips Mustafa Ürel*, Okan Öner Ekiz, Aykutlu Dâna UNAM-National Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 500 Work Function Difference Measurements of Graphene, Graphite and SiO2 Surfaces using Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (KPFM) Nihan Özkan1*, Selda SonuĢen2, Ümit Çelik3, Hidayet Çetin4, Ahmet Oral2 1Department of Physics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 34469, Turkey of Engineering & Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, 34956, Turkey 3Department of Materials Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Turkey 4Department of Physics, Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey 2Faculty 501 Nano and Micro Mechanical Study of Self-Assembled Peptide Amphiphile Nanofibers Yavuz Selim DağdaĢ1,AyĢe Begüm Tekinay1, Aykutlu Dana1 and Mustafa Özgür Güler 1* 1PUNAM-Institute 502 of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Design Of An Experimental Setup For Measuring Electrical Conductivity Of Nanofluids Levent Cetin*, Alpaslan Turgut, I. H. Tavman Dokuz Eylul University Mechanical Engineering Department, 35100 Bornova/İzmir 503 Physical properties of nanostructure thin films of fluorine-doped indium oxide prepared by spray pyrolysis technique S.M.Rozati, Z.Bargbidi Depatment of physics, University of Guilan, Rasht 41335, Iran Email: [email protected] 504 Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration (cmc) of PB-b-PEO Diblock Copolymer by Two Different Methods Önder TOPEL*, Burçin ACAR, Leyla BUDAMA, Numan HODA Akdeniz University Department of Chemistry, Antalya, Turkey 505 Preparation of Anion Exchange Membrane and Its Characterization by AFM and EFM Zeynep Çolakoğlu1*, Nilay Gizli1, Mustafa Demircioğlu1 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Ege University, Bornova, 35100, İzmir, Turkey Structure and Morphology of Polymer-Silica Hybrid Nanocomposites Based on Olefin Copolymers Deniz D. Bozdoğan1*, Gunay Kibarer1, Zakir M.O. Rzaev2 854I 675 Investigation of Reverse Micellar System of Polystyrene-block-polyacrylic acid in Toluene Burçin Acar*, Leyla Budama, Önder Topel, Numan Hoda 865I 676 508 Direct measurement of humidity adsorption kinetics of Calix[4]arene derivative using QCM technique Omer Mermer1*, Salih Okur2, Fevzi Sümer1, Mahmut KuĢ3, ġeref Ertul4, Mevlüt Bayrakçı4, Mustafa Yılmaz4 880I 677 509 Investigation of Crystal Structure of 4-(3-Benzylpiperidino)-propionylamino benzenesulfonamide by X-ray Powder Diffraction Method ġerife Yalçin1, Hasan Türkmen 2*, Mehmet Akkurt3 953I 678 Investigation of Crystal Structure of 4-(3-methylpiperazino)-propionylamino benzenesulfonamide by X-ray Powder Diffraction Method ġerife Yalçin1*, Hasan Türkmen2, Mehmet Akkurt3 956I 679 Ellipsometric Sensor Platforms Based on Microfluidics *Burcu OTMAN a , Erhan Piskina 55J 680 72J 681 169J 682 173J - 286J 683 290J 684 316J 685 Defect Tolerance in Self-Assembled Networks with Mobile Nano-Machines Birkan Polatoğlu*, Alper Rasim Çakır and Sema Oktuğ 330J 686 Implementation of DSMC Method to Nano Knudsen Compressors Nevsan ġengil 342J 688 Humidity Sensing Properties of Organic PVC-Bt6 Complex Thin Films Salih Okur1, MaviĢe ġeker1, Nesli T. YağmurcukardeĢ1, GülĢah Kurt2, Bedrettin Mercimek3, Mahmut KuĢ4 345J 689 506 1Department of Chemistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 507 Akdeniz University Department of Chemistry, Antalya-Turkey 1Ege University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Bornova/Izmir/TURKEY 2Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Physics Urla/Izmir/TURKEY 3Selçuk University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY 4Selçuk University, Department of Chemistry, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY 1Department of Physics,Harran University, Şanlıurfa 63000,Turkey of Chemistry,Harran University, Şanlıurfa 63000,Turkey 3Department of Physics,Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039,Turkey 2Department 510 511 512 1Department of Physics,Harran University, Şanlıurfa 63000,Turkey 2Department of Chemistry,Harran University, Şanlıurfa 63000,Turkey 3Department of Physics,Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039,Turkey aHacettepe University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering Division, Ankara, 06800, Turkey bHacettepe University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biyomedtek, Ankara, 06800, Turkey Analytical Solution of an Electrokinetic Flow in a Nano-Channel using Curvilinear Coordinates Mehdi Mostofi 1*, Davood D. Ganji1 and Mofid Gorji-Bandpy1 1Department 513 of Mechanical Engineering, Noshiravani University of Technology, Babol, Iran Multi wall carbon nanotubes as a sensor and p-aminophenol as a mediator for rapid and sensitive determination of cysteamine in presence of tryptophan Hassan Karimi-Maleh* Ali A. Ensafi, 1Department 514 of Chemistry, Isfahan university of technology, Isfahan, Iran A nano sensor using multi wall carbon nanotubes and ferrocene-derivative mediator for determination of sulfite in real samples Hassan Karimi-Maleh Isfahan university of technology 515 Binary Memory Cells on the Base of Stimuli-Sensitive Macromolecules Ibragim Suleimenov1*, Grigoriy Mun2 and Ellina Mun2 1AIPET Decoders on Neural Network Base and its Physical Implementation Ibragim Suleimenov1*, Sergei Panchenko1, Vasilyi Vasin1 516 1AIPET 517 – Almaty Institute of Power Eng. and Telecommunications, Baitursynova 126, Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan 2Chemical faculty of Kazakh National University, Karasai Batyra 95, 050012 Almaty, Kazakhstan – Almaty Institute of Power Eng. and Telecommunications, Baitursynova 126, Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan 3-D Fluorescence and Colored Patterns of Polydiacetylene Supramolecules Oktay Yarimaga,1 Sumi Lee,2 Yang-Kyu Choi3* and Jong-Man Kim2* 1Institute of Nanoscience and Technology, Hanyang University, Seoul, 133-791, Korea of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, 133-791, Korea 3Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, 305-701, Korea 2Department 518 İstanbul Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering, İstanbul 34469, Turkey 520 EDA Ltd., Silikon Blok,No:22, ODTÜ Teknokent,06531, Ankara, Türkiye 521 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Physics Urla/Izmir/TURKEY 2Aksaray University, Department of Chemistry, Aksaray/TURKEY 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 3 Selçuk 4Selçuk University, Department of Chemistry Education , Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY Routing Congestion Removing of Nano/CMOS FPGA circuits Hossein Hamidipour1, Parviz Keshavarzi1 and Ali Naderi1,* 369J 690 The Design and Analysis of Novel MEMS Force Amplifier Ergin KOSA1 Umit SONMEZ1, Huseyin KIZIL2, Levent TRABZON1,* 392J 691 457J 692 515J 693 566J 694 Electrokinetic Flow Modeling in a Porous Nanochannel using Curvilinear Coordinates Mehdi Mostofi1*, Davood D. Ganji1 and Mofid Gorji-Bandpy1 595J 695 Vole Repeller Spider Robot with Artificial Muscle Kadir Sabancı1*, Cevat Aydın2 608J 696 Humidity Sensing Properties of Copper Phthalocyanine (CuPc) Thin Films Özgen SÖKE1, Salih OKUR1, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEġ1 820J 697 Humidity Sensing Investigation of ZnO Nanostructures Using QCM Technique Nurdan Asar1, Nesli Tekguzel Yagmurcukardes2, Ayse Erol1, Salih Okur2, M. Cetin Arikan1 825J 698 Humidity Sensor applications based on Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) modified with various Calixarene molecules measured by a Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) F. Nadi Gür1*, S. Okur1*, Nesli T. YağmurcukardeĢ1, Mustafa Yılmaz2, Mahmut KuĢ3 849J 699 Investigation of Humidity Sensing Properties of ZnS Nanowires S.Okur1, N.Tekgüze11 l, A. Erol 2, N.Üzar 2, M.Ç. Arıkan 2 911J 700 Humidity Sensing Properties of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Nanoparticle Thin Films Mehmet KABADAYI1, Salih OKUR1, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEġ1 Mahmut KuĢ2 916J 701 924J 702 1007J 703 1039J 704 522 1Electrical 523 524 1Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34437, Turkey 2 Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey A New Model to Calculate Pull-in Limit and Position of Electrostatic Fixed-Fixed Beam Actuator Cevher Ak 1* and Ali Yildiz1 1Department 525 and Computer Engineering Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Mersin University, Mersin 33342, Turkey Comparative Study of Humidity Sensing Properties of PVC-Bt6-Cu and PVC-Bt6-Hg Complex Films MaviĢe ġEKER1, Salih OKUR1, Nesli T. YAĞMURCUKARDEġ1, GülĢah KURT2, Bedrettin MERCĠMEK3, Mahmut KUġ4 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Physics Urla/Izmir/TURKEY University, Department of Chemistry, Aksaray/TURKEY 3 Selçuk University, Department of Chemistry Education, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY 4Selçuk University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY 2Aksaray 526 Fabrication of Micro Channels with Angled Sidewall on Silicon by Nd: YAG Laser Ablation Alperen Acemoglu,1 Veysel Ozkapici2,* ,Vural Kara1, Omid Tayafeh3,Huseyin Kizil4 and Levent Trabzon1,* 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Gumussuyu, Istanbul 34437, Turkey Fabrika Biyo Nano Mikro Tek. San. Ve Tic. Ekinciler Cad. 7/4 Đstanbul 34830, Turkey 3Department of Electronics and Communication Eng., Istanbul Technical University, Maslak, Istanbul 34469, Turkey 4Department of Metallurgical and Materials Eng., Istanbul Technical University, Maslak, Istanbul 34469, Turkey 2BNM 527 1Department 528 1Selcuk University Doganhisar Vocational School, Konya, Turkey 2Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Machinery Department, Konya, Turkey 529 1Izmir 530 531 of Mechanical Engineering, Noshiravani University of Technology, Babol, Iran Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics, Gulbahce Kampusu, 35430, Urla, Izmir, Turkey 1Istanbul University Faculty of Science Physics Department 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul, Turkey 2Izmir Institute of Technology 35430 Urla, Izmir, Turkey 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Department of Physics Urla/Izmir/TURKEY 2Selçuk University, Department of Chemistry, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY 3Selçuk University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY 532 533 1Izmir 1Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics Gülbahce Kampüsü, Urla, Izmir,35430, Turkey 2 Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, Vezneciler, 34134 Istanbul, Turkey Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Physics, Gulbahce Kampusu, 35430, Urla, Izmir, Turkey 2Selçuk 534 University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Selçuklu/Konya/TURKEY, Electrical and Optical Properties of Al Doped ZnO Film and Potential Applications of Gas Sensors O. Sancakoglu 1,2*, M. Erol1,2, M. Bektas1,2, F. Ebeoglugil1,2, H. Sozbilen3, O. Mermer2,3, E. Celik1,2 1Dokuz Eylul University, Dept.of Metallurgical and Materials Eng., Tinaztepe Campus, 35160 Buca, Izmir-Turkey. Eylul University, Center for Fabrication and Application of Electronic Materials (EMUM), Tinaztepe Campus, 35160 Buca, Izmir-Turkey P3PEge University, Deparment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 35100, Bornova, Izmir-Turkey. 2Dokuz 535 Development of a Humidity Sensor Using PEG40-Stearate Umut Alper Tekin1, Ramazan Ġslamoğlu1, Sevgi Kılıç Özdemir1, Salih Okur2 and Ekrem Özdemir1* 1Department 536 of Chemical Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, 35430 Turkey2Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, 35430 Turkey Nanodistance Measurement based on CD pick-up Head using Auto Offset Canceller Amplifier 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Bizhan Rashidian Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 537 Free vibration analysis of carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal continuum and gradient elasticity theories Ömer Civalek1, Bekir Akgöz, Hakan Ersoy 28K 705 50K - 68K 706 69K 707 The Maleimide Modified Epoxy Resins for the Preparation of UV-Curable Hybrid Coatings Zerrin AltıntaĢ*, Sevim KarataĢ¸ Nilhan Kayaman-Apohan and Atilla Güngör 71K 708 Characterization and Bactericidal Activity of Melt Blended Polyethylene Nanocomposite Film Containing Silver Nanoparticles Maryam Jokar1*, Russly Abdul Rahman2 73K 709 82K 710 150K 711 117K 712 172K 713 176K 714 Electrical Behaviours of Flame Retardant Huntite and Hydromagnesite Reinforced Polymer Composites for Cable Applications Hüsnügül Yılmaz Atay1,2*, Erdal Çelik1,2 179K 715 PEG assisted synthesis of Mn3O4 Nanoparticles: Structural and Magnetic Study A.Baykal1*, M.TomaĢ1, Z.Durmus1, H.Kavas2 and M.S.Toprak3 211K 716 Polyol Synthesis of PVP–Mn3O4 Nanocomposite Z. Durmus1, A. Baykal1*, H. Kavas,2, M.S. Toprak3 1Department of Chemistry, 214K 717 227K 718 248K 719 1Akdeniz University, Civil Engineering Department, Division of Mechanics Antalya-TURKIYE, Tel: + 90- 242-310 6319, Fax: + 90-242-310 6306 538 Effect of TI Amount on Microstructure and Nanotribologycal Properties of MoS2-TI Coatings Tevfik Küçükömeroğlu Karadeniz Technical University-Department of Mechanical Engineering 539 Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN)/Polyimide Hybrid Films Canan Kızılkaya* , Yusuf Mülazim, M.Vezir Kahraman, Nilhan Kayaman Apohan, Atilla Güngör Marmara University, Department of Chemistry 34722 Istanbul/Turkey 540 541 1Applied UV Curable B/F/Si Containing Hybrid Materials Bihter Zeytuncu,1* M.Vezir Kahraman2 and Onuralp Yucel1 Research Center of Materials Science and Production Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Marmara University, Istanbul 34722, Turkey Marmara University, Department of Chemistry 34722 Istanbul/Turkey 542 1Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch, Damghan, Iran, (2)University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Selangor, Malaysia 543 Preparation of Nano-Silver Containg Uv-Curable, Abrasion And Flame Resistant Nanocomposite Coatings And Investigation of Their Antimicrobial Properties Raife Deniz Toker1* , Nilhan Kayaman Apohan1, Mehmet Vezir Kahraman1 1Department of Chemistry, Marmara University, 34722 Goztepe, Istanbul, Turkey 544 Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Kinetic Investigation of Thermal Degradation Process in Nanocomposites M. Khanmohammadi1*, M. Ahmadi Azqandi1, A. Bagheri Garmarudi1,2, N. Khoddami1 1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, IKIU, Qazvin, Iran 2 Department of Chemistry & Polymer Laboratories, Engineering Research Institute, Tehran, Iran 545 546 Fabrication and physical properties of EPDM/NBR/organoclay Nanocomposites M. Ersali1*, N. Fazeli1, Gh. Naderi2 1Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Polymer Engineering Group,P.O.Box 14155/4933,Tehran, Iran 2Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Polymer Processing Society , P.O.Box 14965/115, Tehran, Iran Gradient modeling of strengthening and softening in inelastic nanocrytalline materials with reference to the triple junction and grain boundaries Babur Deliktas1* and George Z. Voyiadjis2 1Department of Civil Engineering, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Iskenderun 31200, Turkey 1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA 547 Evaluation of Permeability of Masterbatch-Based PA6/nanoclay Composite Films Mohammad Fasihi1*and Mohammad Reza Abolghasemi1 Technology of Polymer Research Group, Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), Branch of Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 548 1Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160 Izmir, Turkey 2Center for Fabrication and Applications of Electronic Materials, Dokuz Eylul University, 35160 Izmir, Turkey 549 1Department of Chemistry and 2Physics, Fatih University, B. Cekmece, 34500 Istanbul, Turkey 3Functional Materials Division, Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, SE16440 Stockholm, Sweden 550 2Department of Physics, Fatih University, B.Çekmece, 34500 Istanbul, Turkey 3Functional Materials Division, Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, SE-16440 Stockholm, Sweden 551 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyindole/TioR2R Nanocomposites Bekir Sahan1 Ozlem Erol1 UH. Ibrahim Unal1* 1Smart 552 Materials Research Lab. Department of Chemistry, University of Gazi, Ankara, Turkey Synthesis and Properties of Photosensitive Polyimide–Titania Nanocomposite Thin Films Süleyman Köytepe1, H. Ġbrahim Adıgüze2, Turgay Seçkin1* 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Department 2Department 553 of Chemistry, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 of TPhysicsT, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 Synthesis of Noncarbon Nanotubes/ conductive Polymer nanocomposite in free solvent media G.R. Kiani1*and A. Rostami2 261K 720 282K 721 294K 722 305K 723 348K 724 380K 725 493K 726 546K 727 Influence of Polyol and Saccharide Additives on The Viscosity of Aqueous Nano-Alumina Suspensions Yasemin Yar1, Funda Yağcı Acar1,Müfit Akınç2 574K 728 The Effect of Nanometer Size Mica Fillers on Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane Aysel Ersoy Yilmaz1*, Ayten Kuntman1 and Bulent Aydemir2 606K 729 615K 730 685K 731 707K - 733K 732 1Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran 2School of engineering, emerging technologies, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 554 Synthesis and Characterization of Polyimide-silver Nanocomposite Containing Chalcone Moieties in The Main Chain by UV-radiation Khalil Faghihi1*, Meisam Shabanian1 1Organic Polymer Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak, 38156, Iran, Intercalation of laurate anions into Mg-Al layered double hydroxide: Synthesis and characterization Nathalie Gerds, †‡* Jens Risbo, † Christian B. Koch, ‡ Vimal Katiyar, § David Plackett§ and Hans Christian B. Hansen‡ 555 556 †Department of Food Science, Faculty of Life Sciences, Rolighedsvej 30, University of Copenhagen, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark, ‡Department of Basic Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark and §Solar Energy Programme, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark A Rheological Model For Determining Degree Of Exfoliation In Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites 1Hossein Ebrahimiand Ahmad Ramazani S. 2 1Islamic Azad University ( South Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran 2Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 557 The Study of Effect of Au(III) ion on the Thermal Degradation of Different Copolymers via Direct Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry Ceyhan Kayran1, Tugba Orhan1 Pand Jale Hacaloglu1* 1Department 558 559 560 1 Mechanical Engineering Dept., Dokuz Eylul Univ., 35100 Bornova Izmir, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Dokuz Eylül University, Buca, 35160 İzmir, Turkey 3Faculty of Engineering, Bartin University, Bartin, Turkey 4Polymer Institute, SAS, Dúbravská cesta 9, 842 36 Bratislava, Slovakia Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites Semra Karaca1*, Ahmet Gürses2, Mehtap (Ejder) Korucu1 and Metin Açıkyıldız2 1Atatürk 2Atatürk 561 of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey Poly(Vinyl Chloride)/Kaolinite Nanocomposites Yasemin Turhan1*, Mehmet Doğan1 and Mahir Alkan1 1Balikesir University, Faculty of Science and Literature, Department of Chemistry, 10145 Balikesir, Turkey Differential Scanning Calorimetry Investigation of Conductive Nanocomposites Based on EVA Copolymer and Expanded Graphite . H. Tavman1*, K. Sever1, Y. Seki2, A. Ezan1, A. Turgut1, I. Özdemir3, I. Krupa4, M. Omastova4, I. Novak University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Erzurum, 25240, Turkey University, K. K. Education Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Erzurum, 25240, Turkey 1Graduate School of Materials Science and Engineering,, Koç University, Sariyer-34450, Istanbul, Turkey 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 562 563 1Department of Electrical-Electronics Eng, Istanbul University, Istanbul 34380, Turkey 2Tubitak UME, National Metrology Institute, Gebze, Kocaeli 41470, Turkey MWCNT-Al2O3 Hybrids Dispersed in Epoxy Composites Seda Aksel1, Özge Malay1, Dominik Eder2, Yusuf Z. Menceloğlu1,* 1Sabanci University, Materials Science and Engineering Program, İstanbul,34956, Turke. of Cambridge, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Cambridge, UK 2University 564 565 Synthesis And Properties Of Clay-Cellulose-Polyester Nano-Hybrid materials Erkan Bahçe1, Süleyman Köytepe2 and Turgay Seçkin2* 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 2Department of Chemistry, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 Buckling of Elastically Restrained Double-walled Nanotubes Using a Nonlocal Beam Model Izzet Cagdas1* 1Akdeniz 566 University, Antalya, Turkey Investigation of Natural Vibration Frequency of Graphene Sheet Arman Fathizadeh1 , Masoumeh Ozmaian1 Pand Reza Naghdabadi1,2* 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1 Institute for NanoScience and Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2 Department 567 Performance of Zinc Borate Nanoparticles as an Anti-Wear Additive in Mineral Oil Sevdiye Atakul Savrık1*, Mehmet Gönen2, Devrim Balköse1, Semra Ülkü1 769K 733 786K 734 The Creation of Hydrophobic Clay Surfaces with Long Chain Hydrocarbon H. Hasan Yolcu1*, Ahmet Gürses1, and Metin Açıkyıldız1, 788K 735 Polymer-Nano-Particle Interaction Influence on The Rheology of Non-Newtonian Fluids Burcu Özel1* and Yusuf Z. Menceloğlu1 798K 736 Preparation and Characterization of Corn Zein Nanocomposite Films for Food Packaging Applications IĢıl KURTULUġ1, Onur ÖZÇALIK1,2 and Funda TIHMINLIOĞLU1,2,* 810K 737 Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Layered Silicate Chitosan Nanocomposite Films Hale Oguzlu1 and Funda Tihminlioglu1* 812K 738 813K 739 818K 740 819K 741 888K 742 The Effect of TiCN Coatings on Frictional Properties of Orthodontic Archwires ġengül DanıĢman1*, Soner SavaĢ1, Gülfem IĢık1, Tancan Uysal1 and Ahmet Yağcı1 897K 743 Dilatation Fields Of The NiSi2/Si Bicrystal Hülya Öztürk1* 914K 744 New Trends in Tribology and Nano- Mesoscale Tribology Y. Soydan 962K 745 The Temperature Dependent Electrical Conductivity of Ardel D-100 / MWCNT Nanocomposite Murat ÇalıĢkan1, Dolunay ġakar2 and Merih Serin1* 964K 746 966K 747 976K 748 992K 749 1İzmir 2Present 568 Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemical Eng., Gülbahçe Köyü, Urla, İzmir,Turkey address: Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Isparta, Turkey Preparation and Characterization of Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate) Homo and Copolymers Nanocomposite Films Onur Gökbulut1, Burcu Kaya1, Okan Akın1 and Funda Tihminlioglu1* 1Department 569 1Ataturk 570 1Faculty 571 of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology, Urla, 35430, Turkey University, K.K. Education Faculty, Dep. of Chemistry, 25240 Erzurum of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul 34956, Turkey 1Department of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir 35430, Turkey 2 Materials Science and Eng. Interdisciplinary Master’s Programme , İzmir Institute of Technol., İzmir 35430, Turkey 572 1Department of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce-Urla 35430,İzmir,Turkey Preparation and SEM Characterization of Nanocomposites Based on HDPE and Graphite Powder M.Sarıkanat1, I. H. Tavman2*, K. Sever2, A. Turgut2, Y. Seki3, E. Erbay4, F.Güner4 and I.Özdemir5 1Mechanical Engineering Dept., Ege University, 35100 Bornova Izmir, Turkey Engineering Dept., Dokuz Eylul Univ., 35100 Bornova Izmir, Turkey 3Department of Chemistry, Dokuz Eylül University, Buca, 35160 İzmir, Turkey 4Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş., 35801 Aliağa-İzmir 5Faculty of Engineering, Bartin University, Bartin, Turkey 573 574 2*Mechanical Optimization of Surface Modified Polymer/MWCNTs Nanofibers as Reinforcement in Nanocomposites Elif Özden1*, Yusuf Mencelioğlu1 and Melih Papila1 1Faculty 575 of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul 34956, Turkey Structural hybrid composites with Polymer/MWCNTs reinforced nanocomposite interlayers Elif Özden, Kaan Bilge*, Yusuf Menceloğlu and Melih Papila Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul 34956, Turkey 576 The Surface Modification of ZnO and its Effect on the Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites Hande Celebi,1 Goknur Bayram,2 Pand Aydin Dogan3* 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Anadolu University, Eskisehir 26555, Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Anadolu University, Eskisehir 26555, Turkey 2Department 577 1Erciyes 578 1Ahi 579 University, Kayseri-Turkey Evran University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, 40100, Kırşehir, Turkey Sakarya University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Turkey. 580 1Department of Physics, Yildiz Technical University, İstanbul 34210, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 34210, Turkey 581 Tribological Properties of Al/Al2O3 Nano-composite Surface Layer on Al-based Substrate Aziz Shafiei Zarghani1, Seyed Farshid Kashani-Bozorg1* and Abbas Zareie-Hanzaki1 1School 582 Fabrication of Surface Nano-composite Layer on Mild Steel Using Friction Stir Processing Technique A. Abedi1 and S.F.Kashani-Bozorg1* 1School 583 of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran of Metallurgy and Materials Eng., University College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran Study the Effect of Carbon Nanotube Orientation on the Shear Modulus of SWCNT/polymer Composites using Hierarchical MD/FE Multiscale Modeling Abbas Montazeri1*, Mohsen Sadeghi1,Reza Naghdabadi1,2 and Hasehm Rafii-Tabar3 1Institute for Nano Science and Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 3Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, and Research Centre for Medical Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Evin, Tehran, Iran Electrical and Magnetic Properties of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3-SrTiO3 Nanocomposites Shailendra Singh Rajput1*, Leena Joshi1 and Sunita Keshri (Shaw)1 584 1Department Study of the effect of PP-g-MA on morphology and mechanical properties of polypropylene/polyamide/clay Ternary nanocomposites Ziba Orshesh 585 1003K 750 1043K 751 1075K - 1128K 752 78L 753 of Applied Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi-835215, India sharif university of technology, department of materials science and engineering Mechanics of semi-crystalline polymer fibers: A multi-scale study Murat Çetinkaya 586 Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies 587 Effect of Both Silane-Grafted and Ion-Exchanged Organophilic Clay in Structural, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester Nanocomposites Sinan ġen Yalova University, Department of Polymer Engineering 588 Culture and Fatty Acid Composition of the Green Alga, Botryococcus braunii Kütz. as an Energy Fuel Cell Gamze Turan1*, Edis Koru1, Safak Seyhaneyildiz-Can1, Hatice Tekogul1, Tugba Sonmezisik1, Semra Cirik1 1Ege University, Fisheries Faculty, Aquaculture Department, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey Adsorption of H2O on Zinc-Oxide Nanoparticles: A Theoritical Study Abdullah Alsunaidi 589 131L King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Characterization of Sputtering Deposited AgGaSe2 Thin Films Hakan Karaağaç1*, Mehmet Parlak1 and Çiğdem Erçelebi1 312L 754 Hydrothermal Synthesis of LiMn2O4 Cathode Active Nanoparticles for Li-ion Batteries Emrah Bulut1* and Mahmut Ozacar1 326L 755 592 Preparation of multi-layered Pt/Co cathodes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEM) by dc- magnetron sputtering Oguz Kaan Ozdemir1,2, Ali Sems Ahsen2, Osman Ozturk2, Evelina Slavcheva3 419L 756 593 TiO2 Nanofibers Produced by Electrospinning Ali E.Deniz1 and Tamer Uyar1* 465L 757 587L 758 598L 759 612L 760 622L 761 670L 762 730L 763 742L 764 749L 765 590 1Department 591 1Department of Chemistry, Art and Science Faculty, Sakarya University, Sakarya 54187, Turkiye 1Yildiz Tech Univ, Dept Met & Mat Engn, Istanbul, Turkey 2Nanotechnology Research Canter, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey 3Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria 1UNAM- Institute of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Plasmonic phase shifts and light-trapping in thin film semiconductors Mumtaz Murat Arık, Syracuse University Lithium-Iron Phosphates as Cathode Active Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Ahmet Örnek1*, Emrah Bulut 2 and Mahmut Özacar2 594 595 1Sakarya University, Institute of Sciences and Technology , 54187 Sakarya, Turkiye 2Sakarya University, Department of Chemistry, 54187 Sakarya, Turkiye Synthesis and Characterization of δ-Bi2O3 Based Solid Electrode Doped with Ta2O5 Ersay Ersoy1*, Handan Özlü2, Soner Çakar2, Caner Bilir2, Orhan Türkoğlu2 596 597 of Physics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06531, Turkey 1 Niğde University, Faculty of Artz and Science, Department of Chemistry, Nigde, 51100, Turkey 2 PErciyes University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Kayseri, 38039, Turkey The Synthesis and Characterization of LaxSr1-xMnO3 Cathode Electrode for the Application of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Handan Özlü1*, Soner Çakar1, Ersay Ersoy2, Orhan Türkoğlu1 1 Erciyes University, Faculty Of Science, Department Of Chemistry, Kayseri, 38039, Turkey 2 Niğde University, Faculty Of Artz And Science, Department Of Chemistry, Nigde, 51100, Turkey ZnO/Cu2O Inorganic Solar Cells Yakup HameĢ1, Teoman Özdal1*, Hüseyin ġar1, Erdem Aslan1 and Hüsnü Ġnci1 598 1Mustafa Kemal University, Electric-Electronic Engineering Department, İskenderun, Hatay, Turkey Hydrothermal preparation and electrochemical properties of Sm3+ and Gd3+ , codoped ceria-based electrolytes for intermediate temperature-solid oxide fuel cells Sibel Dikmen1, Hasan Aslanbay1, Erdal Dikmen2 599 1Department of Chemistry, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta 32260, Turkey 2Department of Physics, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta 32260, Turkey 600 A Novel Method of Nanocomposite Thin Film Synthesis for the use of Third Generation PV Cells A. Kuday Karaaslan1*, Abdullah Ceylan2 1Inst. 601 of Natural and Applied Sci., Nanotechnol. and Nanomedicine Division, Hacettepe Univ., Ankara 06800, Turkey 2Department of Physics Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Hydrogen Storage and Release Mechanisms in MOF-5 M. MANI-BISWAS1, T. CAGIN1,2 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, Texas, TX 77843-3122, USA 2Department 602 Synthesis and Characterization of CuInS2 Quantum Dots for New Generation Hybrid Solar Cells Cihan Özsoy1, Banu Aydın1, Ceylan Zafer1*, Sıddık Ġçli1 780L 766 839L 767 862L 768 886L 769 935L 770 947L 771 83M 772 100M 773 107M 774 Biological Control of Fusarium root-rot of Sorghum Awatif Abid1 and M. Al-Judibi1* 126M 775 Food Pathogen Detectıon by Usıng Nano-Bıosensor Semih Otles1*, Buket Yalcin1 127M 776 Nanometer Thick Metal Coated Fibers Z. Meric1, L. Ozyuzer1, Y. Selamet1, B. Kutlu2, A. Cireli2 273M 777 311M 778 Dendrimers and Their Applications in Textile Finishing Rıza Atav1* and Arzu YavaĢ2 313M 779 616 Selective Solid Phase Extraction of PbP2+P in Environmental Samples on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Hossein Tavallali1*, Mohammad ali Karimi2, Hossein Asvad1 324M 780 617 Morphology of the Electrospun Nylon-66 and Polybutylene terephthalate Nanofibers Fatma Kayacı and Tamer Uyar* 354M 781 Functional Electrospun Nanofibers from Biocompatible Polymers 355M 782 1Solar 603 Energy Institute, Ege University, Izmir 35100, Turkey Hydrogen Chemisorption on Metal Loaded Carbon Nanotubes Gülsah Ozan1*, Saadet Kayıran Beyaz2, Nalan Tekin2, M. Efkan Kibar3 1Gebze Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, 41400 Gebze / Kocaeli-TURKEY. University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Chemistry, 41380 Izmit / Kocaeli- TURKEY. 3Kocaeli University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 41380 Izmit / Kocaeli- TURKEY 2 Kocaeli Crystallization of Thin Si Film Fabricated by Electron Beam Evaporation on glass Substrate for Solar Cell Applications M. Karamana, Ö. Tüzünb, R. Turana, ġ. Oktikb 604 605 a Illumination Dependence of Equivalent Circuits Parameters for Organic Solar Cells from Single I-V Plot Omer Mermer1* 1Ege 606 Department of Physics, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey b Department of Physics, Muğla University, 48000 Muğla, Turkey E-Mail: [email protected] University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Bornova/Izmir/Turkey Undesired Phase Formations Between Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ Cathode and La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.85 Electrolyte for SOFCs Yeliz EKINCI1, Ridvan DEMIRYUREK2*, Omer KARAKOC2*, Shalima SHAWUTI2, Cinar ONCEL2 and M. Ali GULGUN2 1Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, Turkey of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul 34956, Turkey 2Faculty 607 Crystal Structure Predictions for Hydrogen Storage Materials and Ammonia Dynamics in Magnesium Ammine from DFT and Neutron Scattering Adem Tekin1* 1Informatics 608 Institute, Istanbul Technical University, 34469 Maslak Istanbul Turkey Effect of Concentration on Roller Electrospinning F.Yener1*, O.Jirsak2 R.Gemci1 1Textile Engineering Depatment, Engineering& Architecture Faculty, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Campus of Avsar, 46100, Kahramanmaras, Turkey 2Nonwoven Department, Textile Engineering Faculty, Technical University of Liberec, Halkova 6, 46117, Czech Republic Nanotechnology Applications in Food Industry Gonca Susyal1*, Neriman Bağdatlıoğlu1 609 1Department of Food Engineering, Celal Bayar University, 45140 Manisa, Turkey Carrageenan Nanocomposite as Agrochemical Carrier UGholam Reza Mahdavinia1* 610 1Department 611 of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Maragheh, P.O. Box 55181-83111, Maragheh, Iran. 1Department 612 of Biology – Micrbiology , king Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1Department 613 of Food Engineering, Ege University, Izmir 35100, Turkey 1Department 2Department Biomimetic and Its Applications in Textile Field Rıza Atav1*, Osman Namırtı1 614 1Namık 615 of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir of Textile Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir 1Namık Kemal University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Corlu/Tekirdag 59860, Turkey Kemal University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Corlu Tekirdag 59860, Turkey University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Kınıklı Denizli, 20070, Turkey 2PPamukkale 1Department of Chemistry of Payame noor university, Shiraz, IRAN 2 Department of Chemistry &T NanoscienceT and TNanotechnology Research LaboratoryT (NNRL), Payame Noor University (PNU), Sirjan 78185-347, Iran UNAM-Institute of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey 618 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Aslı Çelebioğlu and Tamer Uyar* UNAM-Institute of Materials Science & Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey Nanotechnology Applications in Military Oksan Oral1*, Esra Dırgar1 356M 783 Analyzing The Effects Of Different Solvents On The Needle Electrospinning Of Polyurethane Nanofibers Zerrin Yılmaz1, Oldrich Jirsak2, Nurcan Kurtoğlu1 and Yasemin Korkmaz1 435M 784 459M 785 462M 786 497M - 556M 787 593M 788 658M 789 663M 790 703M 791 745M - 799M 792 816M 793 Nanotechnology and Its Applications in Food Sector Seval Sevgi Kırdar1* 823M 794 Nanotechnology and Its Applications in Food Sector Seval Sevgi Kırdar1* 827M 795 867M 796 619 1Ege Universitesi Bergama Technical and Business College, 35700, Bergama-Izmir-Turkey 620 621 1Textile Engineering Department, Engineering& Architecture Faculty, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Campus of Avsar, 46100, Kahramanmaras, Turkey 2Nonwoven Department, Textile Eng.Faculty, Technical University of Liberec, Halkova 6, 46117, Czech Republic Nanotechnology Applications in Aquaculture and Seafood Industries Erkan Can1*, Volkan Kızak1, Murathan Kayım1, Banu Kutlu1, ġafak Seyhaneyıldız Can2, Nida DemirtaĢ1 and Esin Bağcı1 1Fisheries Faculty, Tunceli University, Tunceli 62000, Turkey 2Tunceli Vocational School, Tunceli University, Tunceli 62000, Turkey 622 Comparison of Antibacterial Properties of Ion Implanted and Conventional Nano Particle Treated Medical Textiles Ali Akpek1, E.Esin Hames Kocabas1, Ozkan Gube1, Efim Oks2, Georgy Yushkov2, Alexey Nikolaev2 and Ahmet Oztarhan1* 1Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering,Ege University, Bornova, 35100 İzmir, Turkey Current Electronics Institute, Akademichesky Ave., 2/3.Tomsk, 634055, Russia 2High 623 Surface Modification of Textiles by ion Beams For UV protectIon, RadiatIon absorbance and hydrophobic PROPERTIES Ahmet Öztarhan Ege University Fabrication of Aligned Silk Fibroin Nanofibers by Electrospinning Gamze Doğan1, Güldemet BaĢal2*, Ali Bora Balta3, Oğuz Bayraktar4 624 1Department of Textile Engineering, Uşak University, Uşak 64100, Turkey of Textile Engineering, Ege University, İzmir 35100, Turkey 3Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, İzmir Istitute of Technology, İzmir 35430, Turkey 4Department of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Istitute of Technology, İzmir 35430, Turkey 2Department Electrospinnability of Hyaluronic Acid Gamze Doğan1*, Güldemet BaĢal2, Ali Bora Balta3, Oğuz Bayraktar4 625 626 1Department of Textile Engineering, Uşak University, Uşak 64100, Turkey of Textile Engineering, Ege University, İzmir 35100, Turkey 3Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, İzmir Istitute of Technology, İzmir 35430, Turkey 4Department of Chemical Engineering, İzmir Istitute of Technology, İzmir 35430, Turkey 2Department Application Areas of Nanotechnology in Textile Industry; An Example of Nano-Filtration Özgün Can1* Gizem Karakan2 and Melek KırıĢtı3 1Department of Textile Design, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta 32200, Turkey of Textile Technology, Akdeniz University, Antalya-Serik 07500, Turkey 3 Department of Chemistry, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta 32260, Turkey 2Department The Use of Organoclay in Textile Waste Water Treatment E. Perrin Akçakoca Kumbasar1*, Seniha Elemen1 and Saadet Yapar2 627 1Department 2Department 628 of Textile Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey of Chemical Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Formation of Self-Assembled Alpha-Lactalbumin Nanotubes and Alpha-Lactalbumin Nanoparticles and Their Behavior in Model Gastro-Intestinal System Sibel Karakaya1* and Nihan BaĢ1 1Ege 629 630 1İzmir Univ. Fac Engn., Dept. Food Engn. İzmir, Turkey Possible Relief for Migraine Patients: Saussurea lappa Wadiah Backer, King Abdulaziz Unv Development of α-lactalbumin Protein Nanotubes by Self-Assembly Özgür Tarhan1*, ġebnem Harsa1 Institute of Technology, Food Engineering Department, Gülbahçe Campus, 35430, Urla, İzmir, Turkey Use of Nanotextile Materials in Filtration Nuriye Koçak1, Mustafa ġahin1, Onur Tekoğlu2*, Erkan Kalıpcı3, Celalettin Özdemir4 1Science Fac.,Chemistry Dept., Selçuk University, Konya 42075, Turkey High Sch, Text. Dept., Giresun University, Giresun 28100, Turkey 3Edc. Fac. Biology Dept., Selçuk University, Konya 42090, Turkey 4Eng.-Arc. Fac. Env. Eng. Dept., Selçuk University, Konya 42075, Turkey 631 2Voc. 632 1Mehmet 633 1Mehmet 634 Akif Ersoy University Vocational Higher Education School, Food Processing Dept. 15 100 Burdur-Turkey Akif Ersoy University Vocational Higher Education School, Food Processing Dept. 15 100 Burdur-Turkey Synthesis of Nano Silica Based Sol-Gel Dendritic Materials for the Removal of Atrazine from Water 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Ayber Yıldırım1, Aylin Özkan1 and Turgay Seçkin1* 1Department 635 1 Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Agricultural Research General Directorate, Yenimahalle, Ankara, Turkey 2UNAM – Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Research in To Visual Effects of Retro-Reflective Yarns on Weaving Fabrics and Their Relationship with Nano Textiles Nesrin Önlü1* 636 1Department 637 of Chemistry, University of Inonu, Malatya, TR Türkiye 44280 Nanotechnology Applications in Agriculture A. Ahmet Yücer1*, Ö. Faruk Sarıoğlu2 and Turgay Tekinay2 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science & Arts, Uludağ University, Bursa 16059, Turkey - Bursa Test and Analysis Laboratory, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Bursa 16190, Turkey Nanotechnology in Higher Education in OIC Countries M. Yahaya, I, Ho-Abdullah, M.M. Salleh & C.C. Yap 638 797 905M 798 968M 799 4N 800 16N - 33N 801 124N 802 544N 803 602N 804 614N 805 627N 806 of Textile &Fashion Design, Fine Arts Faculty,Dokuz Eylül University,İzmir,Turkey Investigatons on Solar Degradation of Acid Orange 7 (C.I. 15510) In Textile Waste Water With Micro And Nano Sized Titan Dioxide Songül Karaaslan Aksu1* and ġeref Güçer1,2 1,2BUTAL 875M Kebangsaan Malaysia University Possible Effects of Nanotechnology on Humanbeings in Daily Life Zafer Levent Yıldır 639 Bemtek AS 640 641 642 The Effects of Two Different Types Silver Nanoparticles on Survival of Sac Fry Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Sayed Ali Johari1* , Mohammad Reza Kalbassi2 Pand Saba Asghari3 1PhD Student, Member of Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, I. R. Iran 2Department of Fisheries, Marine Science Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, I. R. Iran 3Member of Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, I. R. Iran Study of Vegetation in Selected Area in South of Jeddah Provence Areej Ali Baeshen1* 1*Department of Biology, Science college,- King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Generel Aspects of Some Risk Factors in Nanotechnology GülĢah Albayrak1*, Kıymet Güven2, Alaettin Güven3 1Graduate School of Science, Departmant of Biotechnology, Anadolu University, Eskişehir 26470, Turkey of Science, Departmant of Biology, Anadolu University, Eskişehir 26470, Turkey 3School of Science, Departmant of Chemistry, Anadolu University, Eskişehir 26470, Turkey 2School Value Engineering for Nanomaterial Applications in Construction Julide Demirdoven1* 643 1Department 644 of Architecture, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Genotoxicity in Human Lymphocytes Assessed By The Alkaline Comet Assay Funda DemirtaĢ1*, Gökçe Taner1, Fatma Ünal1, Zekiye Suludere1, Özlem Erol2, Halil Ġbrahim Ünal2, Deniz YüzbaĢıoğlu1 1Department 2Department of Biology, Gazi University, Ankara 06500, Turkey of Chemistry, Gazi University, Ankara, 06500, Turkey 645 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Silver Ion After Preconcentration on Modified Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles Mohammad Ali Karimi1*, Hossein Tavallali2, Asghar Askarpoor Kabir1, Maryam Kazemi pour3, Najmeh Afsahi3 646 Separation/Preconcentration of the Trace Amounts of Nickel in Tea, Spinach and Water Samples Using Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles and its Determination by FAAS Mohammad Ali Karimi1* Manijeh Kafi1 630N 807 Modified Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles as A New Solid Phase Extractor for Separation and Preconcentration of Pb(II) in Opium and Heroin Samples and its Determination by FAAS Mohammad Ali Karimi1, Abdolhamid Hatefi-Mehrjardi1, UAsghar Askarpour Kabir1* 636N 808 638N 809 1Department 1Department 647 of Chemistry &T NanoscienceT and TNanotechnology Research LaboratoryT (NNRL), Payame Noor University (PNU), Sirjan 78185-347, Iran 1Department 648 of Chemistry & Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Laboratory (NNRL), Payame Noor University (PNU), Sirjan 78185-347, Iran 2Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University (PNU), Shiraz, Iran 3Department of Chemistry, Islamic Azad University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran of Chemistry & Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Laboratory (NNRL), Payame Noor University (PNU), Sirjan, 78185-347, Iran Determination of Mercury(II) in Water and Wastewater Samples by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry After Sepration/Preconcentration with 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole Immobilized on Alumina-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles Mohammad Ali Karimi1, Laleh Sotudehnia Korani1, UAsghar Askarpour Kabir1* 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 1Department of Chemistry &T NanoscienceT and TNanotechnology Research LaboratoryT (NNRL), Payame Noor University (PNU), Sirjan 78185-347, Iran Nanotechnology inWater Resources Levent Yılmaz1* 649 1Istanbul 695N 810 776N 811 833N 812 861N 813 Environmental Management of Nanotechnology Aysel Kekillioğlu 895N - Nanostructures of Nature & Insecta Aysel Kekillioglu1* 896N 814 Nanotechnology& Biotechnology Aysel Kekillioglu1* 899N 815 902N 816 967N 818 1123N 817 1306 818 12C - 251B 378 1338 - Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Hydraulic Division, 80626, Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) Role in Different Aspects in Social Life Sönmez Arslan1,2*, Ömer Polat3, S.Eren San4, Selahattin Sönmezsoy5 and Ramazan Kaynak6 1Dept. 650 of Materials Science Engineering, Nanotechnology Center,Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli,41400, Turkey 2Department of Chemistry, Batman University, Batman ,72100, Turkey 3Department of Sience, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, 34353, Turkey 4Organic Electronics Group, Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli,41400, Turkey 5Department of Sociology, Batman University, Batman ,72100, Turkey 6Department of Management,Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli,41400, Turkey Sociological Value of Statement of Nanotechnology Discoveries and Innovations Prof. Dr. Hacı Duran 651 Social Sciences Education Department, Adıyaman University, Adiyaman 652 Industrial Pollution Prevention (P2) Activities Versus Nano-Production and Impacts on Environment Taner Altunok1* 1Çankaya Üniversitesi, Müh. Mim. Fakültesi, Endüstri Müh. Bölümü, 06530 Balgat, Yüzüncüyıl / Ankara 653 Kırıkkale University , Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, Yahşihan, 71450, Kırıkkale Turkey 654 1Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, Yahşihan, 71450, Kırıkkale Turkey 655 1Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, Yahşihan, 71450, Kırıkkale Turkey Nanotechnology and The Effects to The Labor Market Conditions in Turkey Ġnci Kuzgun1* 656 1Department of Economics, Hacettepe University, Ankara 06800, Turkey Nanotechnology and Archaeology in Turkey Ayse Calik Ross 657 Kocaeli University 658 Effects of dehydrating conditions on Dermatophagoides farina and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Nada Edrees Assistant Professor,King Abdulaziz University ,Fakulty of Applied Science, Jeddah AFM and Kelvin Probe Study of Emulsifier Incorporated Phospholipids Saliha Zeyneb Akinci , Tugce Bekat , Sevgi Kilic Ozdemir ,*, Salih Okur 1 659 2 2 3 Biotechnology Program, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey Department of Chemical Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey Department of Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Gulbahce Campus, Izmir, Turkey 1 2 3 Nano Porous Anodic Alumina Membrane Fabricated from Technical Grade Starting Material 2 660 661 1 3 Mahdi Mohajeri,1* Seyed Saadat matbaehchi isfehani and Masoud Alfi Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2 Departement of Electronics Engineering, Islamic Azad university Center Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran 3 Departement of Petroleum Engineering, College Station Texas,Texas, USA Photoluminescence Enhancement from Silicon/Germanium Quantum Structures ġ. Kalem1, P. Werner2, V. Talalaev3 and Ö. Arthursson4 1 TUBITAK-UEKAE National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey 2 Max-Planck-Institute, Department of Experimental Physics, Halle(Saale), Germany "SiLi-nano" Martin-Luther-Universität (Halle), Karl-Freiherr-von-Fritsch-Str. 3 D - 06120 Halle, Germany 4 Microtechnology and Nanosciences Department., Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 3 ZIK 662 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF ITO FOR METAL-SEMICONDUCTOR (SCHOTTKY) PHOTODIODE AND SOLAR CELL Bayram GÜNDÜZ, Muş Alparslan University, Turkey 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES June 16, 2010 (Wednesday) İZTECH NIGHT / COCKTAIL Çeşme Golden Dolphine Hotel, İzmir 19:30 – 21:30 June 17, 2010 (Thursday) GALA DINNER (by Ġzmir Governor Cahit Kıraç) Balçova Thermal Hotel 19:30-22:00 (Bus Ticket: 15TL) 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 June 19, 2010 (Saturday) ALTERNATIVE 1: ÇEŞME BOAT TOUR 10:00 Departure from Hotel 10:30 On the Boat Blue Bay 12:30 Lunch Winter Bay Donkey Ġsland 18:00 Return to Hotel (Daily Tour, Price 37 TL / 25$ / 20eu ) Cruise the Aegean Sea At Cesme’s waterfront you can take boat trips to the nearby islands. There are trips to “Donkey Island” with it's refreshing swimming beaches. ILICA BEACH 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 ALTERNATIVE 2: EPHESUS TOUR 08:00 Departure from Hotel 10:00 House of Virgin Mary 11:00 Ephesus Ancient City 13:00 Lunch 15:30 ġirince Village or Return to Hotel (Daily Tour, Price 100 TL / 70$ / 50 eu) Ephesus Ancient City Celcius Library House of Virgin Mary 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 Useful Info (Reservation is needed)Transportation from Airport to Golden Dolphin Hotel or vice versa: Contact Info: +90 232 712 0098 +90 232 712 0268 GSM: +90 532 625 7759 Email: [email protected] [email protected] From Airport to Golden Dolphin Hotel or vice versa. Fare Car 1-5 people 125 TL Shuttle minimum 7 person 20TL/person (Reservation is needed) Çeşme Taxi NanoTR-VI Special Fares Contact Info: +90 532 255 5412 +90 533 559 4730 From Golden Dolphin to Airport (1-4 people): 115 TL Special Taxi fares for NANOTR6 in Çeşme: Golden Dolphin Hotel – ILICA: 10 TL (one way) Golden Dolphin Hotel – ÇEŞME: 12 TL (one way) Golden Dolphin Hotel – DALYAN: 20 TL (one way) Golden Dolphin Hotel – ALAÇATI: 20 TL (one way) Golden Dolphin Hotel: Contact Info: +90 232 723 1250 Police: 155 Ambulance: 112 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, İzmir, 2010