Bu bağlantıyı - Department Of Psychology


Bu bağlantıyı - Department Of Psychology


Benzer belgeler

Ders Adı/Course Name Ders Kodu/Course Code Toplam Ziyaretçi

Ders Adı/Course Name Ders Kodu/Course Code Toplam Ziyaretçi Human Computer Interaction (Spring 2008-2009) English for Academic Purposes II Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Total Quality Management Oral Communication Skills Principles of Remote Sensing Statistical Thermodyn...


Ders Adı/Course Name Ders Kodu/Course Code Toplam Ziyaretçi

Ders Adı/Course Name Ders Kodu/Course Code Toplam Ziyaretçi CEIT323-EN KİMYAD-TR CENG213-EN STAT497-EN METE206-TR ME301-EN CHEMISTRY-EN CEIT706-EN EE230-EN FLE308-EN CEIT626-EN CENG465-EN ION510(1)-TR EE311-EN IE347-EN PHYS334-TR UA-TR EE209-EN MI720-EN EE7...


Research Assistant Zehra ÇAKIR Hacettepe University, Faculty of

Research Assistant Zehra ÇAKIR Hacettepe University, Faculty of Undegraduate Students Congress, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey, 5-8 July 2006. Çakır, Z., & Uluç, S. (2007). Attachment styles and perceived parenting styles in antisocial personality disorder. 1st....


1. Açılması Önerilen Programın Adı Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi

1. Açılması Önerilen Programın Adı Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi The aim of the course is to assess, diagnose, and treat family problems by using important concepts and interventions from several family therapy models. The course introduces students to special f...


Bölüm Bülteni

Bölüm Bülteni Makaleler Cihan, B., Bozo, Ö., Schaefer, L. M., & Thompson, J. K. (2016). Psychometric properties of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-4-revised (SATAQ-4R) in Turkish wom...



CURRICULUM VITAE Proceedings in International Scientific Meetings Koçak, A., Memişoğlu, A. & Bozo, Ö. (2014). “The Effect of Diabetes Mellitus Patients’ Attitudes towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine and ...
