Local Exp Pool B
Team # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Room 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Room 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Room 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TEAM LIST Mount Vernon First Team A Cornerstone Dawn Treader Living Hope Shards of Narsil F.R.O.G. Lima Axis Wrightsville True Life Pekin Massillon First C4 Indy Dunamis RCN Silver South Point Buffalo La Grande, Oregon Faith Quizzers Rogers E Kingsburg CA Piedmont South Dunbar The Transformers Local Experienced Pool B Tuesday Boone Convocation Boone 102 Boone 104 Boone 106/108 Boone 107 Boone 110 Boone 109 Boone 111 Boone 113 Boone 115 Region MVNU ONU MNU PLNU ONU MVNU TNU MVNU ONU MVNU ONU SNU MVNU ENC NNU TNU SNU PLNU SNU MVNU ONU 7:45 8:30 9:00 9:30 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 2-3 20-13 17-2 6-3 2-15 16-21 5-7 17-14 15-4 4-5 2-19 3-16 8-5 4-17 5-18 9-11 19-16 7-20 13-2 6-7 4-21 19-4 10-7 6-19 20-1 13-15 1-6 19-8 11-16 9-6 8-9 17-6 5-10 12-9 8-21 2-7 17-19 5-2 10-11 8-1 7-12 14-11 13-10 4-9 2-4 3-8 21-18 12-13 10-3 11-8 16-13 12-1 6-11 6-8 7-4 1-10 14-15 12-5 13-18 18-15 14-3 8-13 10-12 9-18 16-17 14-7 15-20 20-17 16-5 10-15 14-16 21-10 18-19 16-9 1-14 21-2 18-7 12-17 18-20 11-20 20-21 18-11 21-6 4-1 20-9 14-19 1-3 15-12 2:30 Wednesday 10:00 10:30 TCC Sanctuary 2-11 19-12 TCC Chapel 21-14 TCC LL01 4-13 TCC LL02 6-15 15-8 TCC LL03 8-17 1-18 TCC LL04 10-19 3-20 TCC The Well 12-21 TCC UL01 TCC UL05 TCC UL06 TCC UL07 Thursday Boone Convocation Boone 102 Boone 104 Boone 106/108 Boone 107 Boone 110 Boone 109 Boone 111 Boone 113 Boone 115 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 15-9 13-14 7-17 21-15 4-6 4-8 19-13 17-3 11-21 2-20 8-10 10-14 17-18 21-7 16-2 10-4 12-14 12-16 2-12 20-6 14-8 16-18 4-14 18-12 1-2 3-7 1-19 3-5 9-13 3-21 8-2 6-16 9-2 12-6 10-20 8-18 9-14 11-4 16-10 18-4 15-1 16-1 13-6 20-14 1-11 19-5 9-3 11-13 18-3 7-16 7-1 5-15 9-10 13-7 15-17 19-20 20-5 17-10 11-5 9-19 3-13 17-11 19-21 7:45 8:30 9:00 9:30 18-14 4-16 20-8 1-17 12-8 12-20 9-1 5-13 20-16 1-13 17-5 9-21 21-1 9-17 21-13 3-19 9-5 5-21 11-3 7-15 3-15 19-7 11-12 17-13 3-4 11-7 11-19 15-16 2-18 7-8 10-2 6-14 19-15 2-14 18-6 4-20 10-6 10-18 12-4 8-16 7-9 1-5 5-6 11-15 17-21 2-6 3-12 6:00 5-14
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