Lauren Manck - Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Lauren Manck - Scripps Institution of Oceanography


Benzer belgeler

List of Participant - ICCST-2

List of Participant - ICCST-2 Calculation of Potential Energy Curves of H (And H+) over the Pt(111) and Pt(100) Surfaces with Using Density Functional Methods: Analyzing and Comparing of Effects of the Surface Structures and H+


Untitled - Ege-book

Untitled - Ege-book *** 5. Uluslararası EgeArt Sanat Günleri Yürütme Kurulu, gerektiğinde program üzerinde değişiklik


özgeçmiş - Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi

özgeçmiş - Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi 10. Catal, T., Tamerler, C., Bermek, H., Evaluation of oxidative stress caused by selenium based on lipid peroxidation by the white-rot fungus LSK-27. Internalional Symposium on Environmental Bioca...


Eighth Regional Conference in International Security/Internal Safety

Eighth Regional Conference in International Security/Internal Safety University; she is one of the founders of the regional IS/IS conference and coorganized the first meeting at Mississippi State University in March 2007 Guenter Bischof is the Marshall Plan Professo...
