PDF file - Connect
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Call Announcement - chist-era
At most 60% of the total funding may be requested by partners from one country. 3. The consortium is focused: Research must have a clearly defined goal. Consortia should normally contain betwee...
DetaylıCall for Proposals
ACT will preferably see large innovative projects connecting to already existing pilots/demo sites, but also welcomes smaller research projects. New pilot and demo facilities should have potential ...
Detaylıneuron jtc 2008 - Oslo University Hospital Research
Joint transnational research proposals may be submitted by research teams working in universities (or other higher education institutions), non-university public research institutes, hospitals, as ...
DetaylıERA-NET CofuNd SmART uRbAN fuTuRES CAll To opEN 15Th of
NGOs, cities, social entrepreneurs etc. Each of the applicants must have the interest and competence to undertake research, development or innovation within the specified topics. The different nati...