hacettepe üniversitesi matematik bölümü genel semineri
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Wu-Zhang equation. The soliton components comprises both topological as well as non-topological soliton solutions. The ansatz method is employed to carry out the integration of this coupled system ...
Detaylı8 Ekim 2014, Çarşamba Saat : 15:00 Yer: Yaşar ATAMAN Seminer
HACETTEPE ÜNİVERSİTESİ MATEMATİK BÖLÜMÜ GENEL SEMİNERİ (HACETTEPE MATHEMATICS GENERAL SEMINAR) Tarih (Date) : 09.02.2015, Pazartesi (Monday) Saat (Time): 13:00 Yer (Place): Yaşar ATAMAN Seminer Sal...