Curriculum Vitae - Lect. Utku KOSE


Curriculum Vitae - Lect. Utku KOSE


Benzer belgeler

Curriculum Vitae (Resume)

Curriculum Vitae (Resume)  Deperlioğlu, Ö. and Köse, U., The effectiveness and experiences of blended learning approaches to computer programming education, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, DOI: 10.1002/cae....


Professor Orhan Güvenen - Bilkent University

Professor Orhan Güvenen - Bilkent University 9th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-9), Atatürk University, 24-28 June 2013, Erzurum, Turkey. Güvenen, O. (2013), “World Distribution of Wealth and Its Impacts on Equality and Gl...


Professor Orhan Güvenen - Bilkent University

Professor Orhan Güvenen - Bilkent University Güvenen, O., Walter C. Labys & Jean-Baptiste Lesourd (eds.). (1991). International Commodity Market Models: Advances in Methodology and Applications, (with the Introductory Chapter by Lawrence R. K...


Table of Contents

Table of Contents Alex Kumi-Yeboah, Dalton State College, USA Herbert Blankson, Dalton State College, USA William Young III, University of South Florida, USA Chapter 18 The Future of Curriculum Development in Distan...


Assoc.Prof.Dr.Burhan DAVARCIOĞLU

Assoc.Prof.Dr.Burhan DAVARCIOĞLU 2. Chairmanship; 13. National Clay Symposium, Suleyman Demirel University (Isparta-Turkey), September 12-14 (2007). 3. Session Chairman; III. National Geochemistry Symposium, Kocaeli University-Tüb...


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