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Benzer belgeler
RAİF DİNÇKÖK - Akkök Holding
Companies consists of 17 commerce and industrial companies, of which one is based abroad and 18 plants in various industries. Globalization, international competition and integration in the global ...
DetaylıIparet Dili Hareketlerinin Izlenmesi ve Iki Boyutlu Ozniteliklerden U
i,aretleyicilerin iki ,er,eve arasindaki yer degi,iminin Oklid uzakligi cinsinden hesaplanmasiyla olu,turulur. Sistem yer
DetaylıProf. Ali Ümit KESKİN List of Publications
25. Ali Ümit Keskin, "A simple Analog Behavioral Model for NTC thermistors including selfheating effect", Sensors and Actuators-A, vol. 118-2, pp: 244-247, February 2005. (PDF) 26. Ali Ümit Keskin...