2002 FAAL‹YET RAPORU ANNUAL REPORT ‹çindekiler Contents 01 02 03 04 09 10 12 14 15 16 17 17 20 22 22 24 24 25 25 27 27 30 30 32 32 32 33 33 35 35 37 38 41 72 Vizyon ve Misyon Vision and Mission Statement Finansal Göstergeler Financial Highlights Finansal De¤erleme Financial Assessment Sermaye ve Ortakl›k Yap›s› Capital and Shareholding Structure Hisse Senedi Performans› Stock Performance K›saca Petrol Ofisi Petrol Ofisi in Brief Yönetim’den Mesaj Letter from the Management Yönetim Kurulu Board of Directors Denetim Kurulu Board of Auditors Yönetim Kadrosu Management Team Petrol Ürünleri Da¤›t›m Sektörü The Fuels Distribution Sector 2002 Y›l›nda Sektördeki Geliflmeler Developments in the Sector in 2002 Petrol Ofisi’nin Sektördeki Yeri Petrol Ofisi and the Fuels Distribution Sector 2002 Y›l› Faaliyetleri Operations in 2002 ‹stasyon Sat›fllar› Retail Sales Akaryak›t Kazanç Sistemi "Automatic" The Fuel Advantage System - Automatic Marka Ba¤l›l›¤› - Prodizel Dizelciler Kulübü ve Banka Kartlar› Brand Loyalty - Prodizel Dizel Fun Club and Bank Cards Ticari ve Endüstriyel Sat›fllar Commercial and Industrial Sales Havac›l›k Sat›fllar› Aviation Sales Deniz Sat›fllar› Marine Sales Madeni Ya¤ Üretimi, Pazarlama ve Sat›fllar› Lubricants Production, Marketing and Sales ‹kmal ve Lojistik Supply and Logistics Akaryak›t ‹kmali Fuel Supply Fiyatland›rma Pricing Deniz Filosu ve Tafl›ma Tanker Fleet and Transportation Depolama Tesisleri Storage Depots Sa¤l›k, Emniyet ve Çevre (SEÇ) Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Yat›r›mlar Investments Destek Hizmet Faaliyetleri Support Services Müflterek Hizmetler Shared Services ‹nsan Kaynaklar› Human Resources Hukuki Konular Legal Affairs Ba¤›ms›z Denetim Raporu, Finansal Tablolar ve Dipnotlar› Independent Auditors’ Report, Financial Statements and Notes to Financial Statements Adresler Directory V‹ZYON VISION Dinamik ve etkin yönetim prensipleri ile akaryak›t da¤›t›m sektöründeki Our vision is multi-faceted; we strive to be a leading energy company in alternative energy areas liderli¤ini sürdürürken, alternatif enerji alanlar›na girerek bir enerji flirketine while continuing to focus on all aspects of customer satisfaction. We will maintain our leadership dönüflmek ve bütün faaliyetlerinde müflteri duyarl›l›¤›n› ön planda tutmak; in the fuels distribution sector by utilizing dynamic and effective management principles and topluma ve çevreye sayg›l› bir flirket sorumlulu¤u tafl›yarak tüm sosyal remaining fully conscious and aware of our responsibilities toward the community and the paydafllar›n ve tüketicilerin bir numaral› tercihi olmak. environment. Our ultimate goal is to be the first choice of all social groups and customers. M‹SYON MISSION • Akaryak›t istasyon a¤›n› gelifltirmek ve iyilefltirmek, • To improve the retail station network, • ‹stasyonlar›n perakende verimlili¤ini art›rmak, • To enhance retail efficiency, • Büyüme potansiyeli olan alanlarda kar marj› ve performanslar› yüksek ürünler gelifltirmek, • To develop products with high profit margins and performance targeting potential growth markets, • Bayi sadakatini güçlendirmek, • To strengthen dealer loyalty, • Endüstriyel sat›fllarda müflteri portföyünü geniflletmek, • To expand the customer portfolio in industrial sales, • Tüm organizasyonun maliyet performans›n› art›rmak, • To enhance the cost performance of the entire organization, • Rekabet üstünlü¤ü yaratarak sat›fl hacmini ve pazar paylar›n› art›rmak. • To increase sales volume and market share by creating a competitive edge. F‹NANSAL GÖSTERGELER FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (milyon TL) (TL millions) Dönen Varl›klar / Current Assets Duran Varl›klar / Long-Term Assets Aktif Toplam› / Total Assets K›sa Vadeli Borçlar / Current Liabilities 6,361,837,431 Uzun Vadeli Borçlar / Long-Term Liabilities Özsermaye / Shareholders’ Equity Net Sat›fllar / Net Sales Brüt Sat›fl Kar› / Gross Profit Esas Faaliyet Kar› / Operating Profit 228,045,598 186,596,292 01 02 182,745,407 193,700,910 01 02 320,049,488 01 02 01 02 344,096,615 4,173,616,151 389,269,687 293,996,755 01 02 01 12,180,549 02 757,981,717 01 02 326,513,641 2,083,492,170 3,230,743,574 632,690,945 01 02 2,120,087,332 119,911,320 01 02 1,110,656,242 01 02 512,779,625 Net Dönem Kar› / Net Profit Ülkemizde kurulan ilk ulusal petrol flirketi olan Petrol Ofisi 60 y›ld›r genifl pazarlama a¤› ve 1,029 personeli ile As Turkey’s first national fuel distribution company, Petrol Ofisi has been meeting the fuels needs of public and private tüketicilerin, resmi ve özel kurulufllar›n ülke s›n›r› içindeki tüm akaryak›t enterprises and consumers for 60 years with a current workforce of 1,029 personnel and through an extensive gereksinimini karfl›lamaktad›r. marketing network. F‹NANSAL DE⁄ERLEME FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT (milyon TL) (TL millions) VÖK (Vergi Öncesi Kar) / Profit Before Tax 2001 2002 256,913,029 228,045,598 - Net Finansman Geliri / - Net Financial Income * 36,593,840 27,121,807 + Amortisman Gideri / + Depreciation and Amortization 21,113,119 44,864,064 7,705,979 4,477,468 + K›dem Tazminat› Karfl›l›¤› / + Retirement Pay Provision (Y›ll›k ayr›lan karfl›l›k) / (Charge for the Year) 03 FVAÖK / EBITDA (Faiz, Vergi ve Amortisman Öncesi Kar) / (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) Net Sat›fllar / Net Sales FVAÖK Marj› (%) / EBITDA Margin (%) 249,138,287 250,265,323 4,173,616,151 6,361,837,431 5.97 3.93 Petrol Ofisi * Net faiz geliri + Net kambiyo geliri / Net interest income + Net foreign currency income SERMAYE VE ORTAKLIK YAPISI CAPITAL AND SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE Ortaklar / Shareholders (31.12.2002 itibariyle / As of December 31, 2002) %3.72 %4.12 %4.12 Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. / Do¤an Group of Companies Holding Inc. Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. / ‹flbank %48.14 Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. / Camifl Investment Holding Inc. Camifl Madencilik A.fi. / Camifl Mining Inc. %39.90 Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. / Do¤an Energy Investments Industry & Trade Inc. Halka Aç›k K›s›m / Free Float Ortaklar / Shareholders Pay Oran› / Share (%) Pay Tutar› / Nominal Value (TL) Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. / Do¤an Group of Companies Holding Inc. 48.14 121,525,460,657,704 Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. / ‹flbank 39.90 100,720,385,170,240 Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. / Camifl Investment Holding Inc. 4.12 10,402,548,146,280 Camifl Madencilik A.fi. / Camifl Mining Inc. 4.12 10,402,548,146,280 0.00001 20,805,096 3.72 9,390,423,074,400 100.00 252,441,386,000,000 Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. / Do¤an Energy Investments Industry & Trade Inc. Halka Aç›k K›s›m / Free Float Toplam / Total Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu’nun onay› ile yap›lmas›na karar verilen ça¤r› sonucunda bir adet A grubu hisse senedi için With the approval of the Capital Markets Board, it was decided that Petrol Ofisi shares be collected from the market upon 6,850 TL ödenmifl ve Petrol Ofisi’nin halka aç›kl›k oran› %3.7’ye gerilemifltir. notice to shareholders. For each Group A share, an amount of TL 6,850 was paid and free float decreased to 3.7%. Sermaye Yap›s› Capital Structure Petrol Ofisi’nin ç›kar›lm›fl sermayesi iki gruba ayr›lm›fl olup, hisselerin hissedarlar aras›nda sermayeleri oran›nda paylaflt›r›lm›fl hali 31.12.2002 itibariyle afla¤›daki flekildedir: Petrol Ofisi’s issued capital has been divided into two groups. The distribution of issued capital amongst shareholders as of December 31, 2002 is as follows: 05 Grubu Sermaye Miktar› (TL) Türü Hisse Adedi Group Amount of Capital (TL) Type Number of Shares A 123,696,279,140,000 Hamiline / Bearer 123,696,279,140 B 128,745,106,860,000 Nama / Registered 128,745,106,860 Toplam / Total 252,441,386,000,000 Petrol Ofisi 252,441,386,000 SERMAYE VE ORTAKLIK YAPISI (DEVAM) CAPITAL AND SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE (CON’T) 2002 y›l›nda tamam› özelleflen Petrol Ofisi 27 Aral›k 2002 itibariyle ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. ile devrolmak sureti Petrol Ofisi, totaly privatized in 2002, merged with ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. on December 27, 2002 by way of ile birleflmifltir. acquisition. 2002 y›l›n›n Mart ay›nda Petrol Ofisi’nin 50 trilyon TL olan ç›kar›lm›fl sermayesinin %16.5’ine tekabül eden ve Özellefltirme ‹daresi Baflkanl›¤›’na ait 8,250 milyar TL nominal de¤erli A grubu hisse senetleri yurtiçinde ve yurtd›fl›nda bulunan yat›r›mc›lara ‹fl Yat›r›m Menkul De¤erler A.fi. arac›l›¤› ile her 1,000 TL nominal de¤erli bir adet A grubu hisse senedi için 30,000 TL halka arz sat›fl fiyat›ndan sat›lm›flt›r. Böylece fiirket’in halka aç›kl›k oran› %23.2’ye ç›km›flt›r. Özellefltirme Yüksek Kurulu’nun 16.07.2002 tarih ve 2002/41 say›l› karar› ile Ö‹B portföyünde kalan bakiye %25.8 oran›ndaki hamiline yaz›l› A grubu Petrol Ofisi hissesinin ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi.’ye ‹MKB Toptan Sat›fllar Pazar›’nda, ‹MKB kurallar› çerçevesinde sat›fl›n›n gerçekleflmesine, sat›fl fiyat›n›n Ö‹B’nin Mart 2002 döneminde Petrol Ofisi halka arz›nda uluslararas› yat›r›mc›lara uygulad›¤› 30,000 TL üzerinden yap›lmas›na, sat›lan hisse miktar›n›n büyüklü¤ü dikkate al›narak, ilk ödemenin %30 peflin olarak hisselerin tesliminde, izleyen ödemelerin ise peflin ödeme ile ayn› tarihlerde olmak üzere üç y›lda %20, %30 ve %20 olarak yap›lmas›na, kalan tutara y›ll›k Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi art›fl› üzerinde art›fl›n %5’i oran›nda ilave yaparak (12 ayl›k TÜFE *1.05) bulunacak oranda faiz uygulanmas›na, uygulanacak dönem olarak sat›fl›n gerçekleflti¤i aydan önceki aydan bafllayarak 12 ayl›k dönemin dikkate al›nmas›na karar verilmifltir. Hisse Sat›fl Sözleflmesi, Ö‹B ve ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. aras›nda 31.07.2002 tarihinde imzalanm›fl olup, söz konusu hisselerin ‹MKB Toptan Sat›fllar Pazar›’nda sat›fl› 08.08.2002 tarihinde gerçekleflmifltir. Bu ifllemler sonucunda ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi.’nin ortakl›k sermayesindeki pay› %76.8’e ulaflm›flt›r. In March 2002, Group A shares of Petrol Ofisi, equivalent to 16.5% of the TL 50 trillion issued capital, amounting to TL 8,250 billion and held by the Privatization Administration, were offered to domestic and foreign investors by ‹fl Investment Securities Inc. Sale of these shares, at a price of TL 30,000 per share whose nominal value is TL 1,000 each, increased the free float to 23.2%. Pursuant to the resolution of the Privatization High Council dated July 16, 2002, and numbered 2002/41, it was concluded that the remaining 25.8% of bearer shares in the portfolio of the Privatization Administration be sold to ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. on the ISE Wholesale Market within the framework of ISE Regulations. The sale price per share was set at TL 30,000 as applied for foreign investors by the Privatization Administration at the public offering in March 2002. Considering the large volume of the transaction, it was decided that a 30% down payment be made upon delivery of the shares and the succeeding payments to be made in three consecutive years at the same date of the down payment at 20%, 30% and 20%. Interest would be applied for the remaining balances on the basis of the increase in the yearly Consumer Prices Index plus 5% of the increase (12-month CP I*1.05), and the interest application period would be 12 months beginning from the preceding month of the actual sales. The Share Transfer Agreement was signed on July 31, 2002, by the Privatization Administration and ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. and the sale of the aforesaid shares was realized on the ISE Wholesale Market on August 8, 2002. Consequently, the share of ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. in Petrol Ofisi increased to 76.8%. Petrol Ofisi’nin 19.09.2002 tarihli Yönetim Kurulu Toplant›s›’nda, ç›kar›lm›fl sermayenin 178,671,297,019,562 TL ola¤anüstü yedek akçelerden, 17,879,153,138,777 TL duran varl›k yeniden de¤erleme de¤er art›fl fonundan, 3,449,549,841,661 TL maliyet art›fl fonundan karfl›lanmak suretiyle toplam 200 trilyon TL (%400) bedelsiz art›r›larak 50 trilyon TL’den 250 trilyon TL’ye yükseltilmesine karar verilmifltir. At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 19, 2002, it was resolved that the issued capital be increased by TL 200 trillion through issuance of bonus shares to TL 250 trillion (400%) from TL 50 trillion; TL 178,671,297,019,562 to be covered by extraordinary reserves, TL 17,879,153,138,777 by revaluation surplus on fixed assets, TL 3,449,549,841,661 by the cost increase fund. Petrol Ofisi Yönetim Kurulu’nun 30.09.2002 tarihli toplant›s›nda; Oto LPG ticareti ve yat›r›mlar›, LPG da¤›t›m faaliyetleri ile ham petrol ve petrol ürünleri ticareti yapan, ayr›ca akaryak›t da¤›t›m flirketi hüviyeti kazanmak için Petrol ‹flleri Genel Müdürlü¤ü nezdinde giriflimlerde bulunan ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. ile Petrol Ofisi faaliyetleri büyük ölçüde örtüfltü¤ünden her iki flirketin birleflmesi halinde yarat›lacak sinerji ve tasarruflar› de¤erlendirmek üzere çal›flmalar yap›lmas› ve süreç içindeki tüm geliflmelerden kamuoyunun bilgilendirilmesi hususunda Genel Müdürlü¤ün yetkili k›l›nmas›na oybirli¤i ile karar verilmifltir. At the Board meeting held on September 30, 2002, it was unanimously decided that studies be carried out to evaluate the synergy and savings to be attained in the case of a merger between Petrol Ofisi and ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. whose activities are, to a large extent, similar. ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. is involved in auto LPG trade and investments and LPG distribution activities in addition to crude oil and petroleum products trade. ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. has applied to the Petroleum Affairs General Directorate to become a fuels distribution company. The Board also decided that the General Management be authorized to inform the public on these studies and the developments at all phases of the anticipated merger process. ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi., 17.11.2002 tarih ve 2002-38 say›l› Yönetim Kurulu karar› ile Petrol Ofisi hisse senetlerinin ortaklara ça¤r› yoluyla toplanmas› do¤rultusunda karar alm›fl ve Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu’nun onay› ile ifllemler 22.11.2002–9.12.2002 tarihleri aras›nda ‹fl Yat›r›m ve D›fl Yat›r›m koordinasyonunda gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Her 1,000 TL nominal de¤erli bir adet A grubu Meetings were organized in London on October 16-17, 2002, and on October 22, in the Head Office for the Petrol Ofisi Inc. / ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. Merger Project to provide information to the investors and the general public about legalities and the probable effects of the anticipated merger on both companies. With the resolution of the ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. Board dated November 17, 2002, and numbered 2002-38, it was decided that Petrol Ofisi shares be collected from the market upon notice to shareholders; the transaction was completed between Petrol Ofisi 16-17.10.2002 tarihlerinde Londra’da, 22.10.2002 tarihinde fiirket merkezinde, muhtemel bir birleflmenin yasal süreci ve flirketlerin faaliyetlerine olas› etkileri hakk›nda gerek yat›r›mc›lar›n, gerek kamuoyunun bilgilendirilmesi amac›yla "Petrol Ofisi A.fi. ve ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. Birleflme Projesi Hakk›nda Bilgilendirme Toplant›s›" organize edilmifltir. 07 SERMAYE VE ORTAKLIK YAPISI (DEVAM) CAPITAL AND SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE (CON’T) hisse senedi için 6,850 TL ödenen ça¤r› sonucunda ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi.’nin ortakl›k sermayesindeki pay› %96.3’e ulafl›rken, halka aç›k k›s›m oran› %3.7’ye gerilemifltir. Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu’nun 24.12.2002 tarihli karar› ile Petrol Ofisi’nin ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. ile Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun 451’inci maddesi ile Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu’nun 37, 39’uncu maddeleri hükümlerine göre devralma suretiyle birleflmesine onay verilmifltir. Petrol Ofisi’nin 27.12.2002 tarihinde yap›lan Ola¤anüstü Genel Kurul toplant›s›nda, fiirket kay›tl› sermaye tavan›n›n 250 trilyon TL’den 385 trilyon TL’ye yükseltilmesine, ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi.’nin 30.09.2002 tarihi itibariyle mevcut tüm aktif ve pasiflerinin bir kül halinde devir al›nmas› suretiyle ad› geçen flirketle TTK’nun 451 ve Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu’nun 37, 38 ve 39. maddeleri hükümlerine uygun olarak birleflmesine, birleflme nedeniyle flirkete intikal eden ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. mal varl›¤› nedeniyle ç›kar›lm›fl sermayenin 2,441,386 milyon TL art›r›larak 250 trilyon TL’den 252,441,386 milyon TL’ye yükseltilmesine karar verilmifltir. November 22 and December 9, 2002, with the approval of the Capital Markets Board and through the coordinating efforts of ‹fl Investment and D›fl Investment. For each Group A share, with a nominal value of TL 1,000 an amount of TL 6,850 was paid; the share of ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. thereby increased to 96.3%, while free float decreased to 3.7%. Upon resolution by the Capital Markets Board dated December 24, 2002, the merger of Petrol Ofisi with ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. through take-over was approved pursuant to Article 451 of the Turkish Commercial Code and to Articles 37 and 39 of the Corporate Tax Law. At the Extraordinary General Assembly of Petrol Ofisi held on December 27, 2002, it was resolved that the registered capital ceiling of the Company be increased from TL 250 trillion to TL 385 trillion, that the merger with ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc. be realized pursuant to Article 451 of the Turkish Commercial Code and to Articles 37, 38 and 39 of the Corporate Tax Law through take-over of the Company wholly with all its assets and liabilities as of September 30, 2002, and that the issued capital be increased by TL 2,441,386 million to TL 252,441,386 million from TL 250 trillion, as a result of the assets of ‹fl Do¤an Petroleum Investments Inc., transferred to Petrol Ofisi with the merger. H‹SSE SENED‹ PERFORMANSI STOCK PERFORMANCE Trend in the Petrol Ofisi stock price, total transaction volume and share of total transactions on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) in 2002 are as follows: Petrol Ofisi hisse senedinin ‹MKB’de 2002 y›l›ndaki performans›, toplam ifllem hacmi ve hisse senedinin borsa ifllem hacmi içindeki pay› afla¤›da verilmifltir: Petrol Ofisi Hisse Senedi Fiyatlar› (TL) Petrol Ofisi Stock Prices (TL) En Yüksek En Yüksek Kapan›fl Highest Lowest Closing 10,400 13,400 11,200 6,900 11,400 7,300 5,600 7,400 5,800 5,600 6,600 6,000 5,200 6,200 5,400 4,550 5,600 4,800 4,450 5,900 5,500 4,750 5,800 5,000 3,550 4,950 3,700 3,200 4,150 3,700 3,650 7,000 6,800 6,400 7,700 6,900 3,200 13,400 6,900 Ocak / January fiubat / February Mart / March Nisan / April May›s / May Haziran /June Temmuz / July A¤ustos / August Eylül / September Ekim / October Kas›m / November Aral›k / December 2002 / 2002 ‹fllem Hacmi (Milyar TL) Transaction Volume (TL billions) Petrol Ofisi ‹MKB-100 % Pay Petrol Ofisi ISE-100 Share % 1,009 3,081,684 0.03 789 1,511,895 0.05 7,235 2,164,918 0.33 13,203 2,493,854 0.53 5,531 1,623,386 0.34 5,271 1,480,625 0.36 13,239 3,271,380 0.40 8,066 2,381,640 0.34 6,919 1,565,020 0.44 66,998 3,079,811 2.18 80,796 7,783,814 1.04 9,562 3,515,673 0.27 218,623 33,953,704 0.64 2002’de Petrol Ofisi Hisse Senedi Fiyat› ve ‹MKB-100 Endeksi Petrol Ofisi Stock Price and ISE-100 Index in 2002 09 ‹MKB-100 Endeksi ISE-100 Index Petrol Ofisi (TL) 14,000 20,000 12,000 15,000 10,000 Petrol Ofisi 8,000 10,000 6,000 4,000 ‹MKB-100 ISE-100 5,000 2,000 Petrol Ofisi 18/12/02 04/12/02 20/11/02 06/11/02 23/10/02 09/10/02 25/09/02 11/09/02 28/08/02 14/08/02 31/07/02 17/07/02 03/07/02 19/06/02 05/06/02 22/05/02 08/05/02 24/04/02 10/04/02 27/03/02 13/03/02 27/02/02 13/02/02 30/01/02 16/01/02 02/01/02 0 KISACA PETROL OF‹S‹ PETROL OFISI IN BRIEF Petrol Ofisi, Genel Müdürlük ve alt› bölge müdürlü¤ü, 3,850 akaryak›t istasyonu, yaklafl›k 4,500 bayisi, iki madeni ya¤ Operating out of the Head Office and six regional offices, Petrol Ofisi has 3,850 service stations, approximately 4,500 fabrikas›, 25 hava ikmal ünitesi, dokuz tesisat, iki depo, bir rafineri irtibat müdürlü¤ü ve üç madeni ya¤ deposu ile dealers, six regional offices, two lubricants blending plants, aviation services at 25 airports, nine terminals, two faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. depots, one refinery liaison office and three lubricants depots. Petrol Ofisi, kamu ve özel sektör kurulufllar› ile nihai tüketicilerin gereksinimi için petrol ve petrol ürünleri sat›n almak, ithal etmek ve ülkenin çeflitli yerlerinde stoklar oluflturup pazarlamas›n› yapmak amac›yla, 1941 y›l›nda 2.5 milyon TL sermaye ile kurulmufltur. Anonim flirket statüsüne 1983 y›l›nda 3.7 milyar TL sermaye ile kavuflan fiirket, 5 Eylül 1990 tarihinde özellefltirilmek üzere Baflbakanl›k Özellefltirme ‹daresi Baflkanl›¤›’na ba¤lanm›flt›r. Petrol Ofisi was founded in 1941 with a capital of TL 2.5 million. Its goal was to meet the petroleum product needs of motorists as well as public and private enterprises through activities that included purchasing, importing and stockpiling petroleum products in various parts of the country. In 1983, with a capital of TL 3.7 billion, the Company was incorporated and on September 5, 1990, it was placed under the authority of the Prime Ministry Privatization Administration for full privatization. Petrol Ofisi’nin sat›fl›, 21 Temmuz 2000’de imzalanan anlaflma ile, Türkiye’deki en büyük özellefltirme uygulamalar›ndan biri olarak gerçekleflmifltir. Petrol Ofisi’ndeki %51’lik kamu hissesi, 1,260,000,000 ABD dolar› karfl›l›¤›nda Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› ve Do¤an fiirketler Grubu’nun oluflturdu¤u Ortak Giriflim Grubu’na devredilmifltir. On July 21, 2000, Petrol Ofisi became one of Turkey’s largest privatizations to date, with 51% of its shares purchased by Ortak Giriflim Grubu (Joint Venture Group) made up of Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› and Do¤an Holding, for US$ 1,260 million. Petrol Ofisi, Genel Müdürlük ve alt› bölge müdürlü¤ü, 3,850 akaryak›t istasyonu, yaklafl›k 4,500 bayisi, iki madeni ya¤ fabrikas›, 25 hava ikmal ünitesi, dokuz tesisat, iki depo, bir rafineri irtibat müdürlü¤ü ve üç madeni ya¤ deposu ile faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Kay›tl› sermayesi 385 trilyon TL olan Petrol Ofisi’nin ç›kar›lm›fl sermayesi 2002 y›l›nda 50 trilyon TL’den 252.4 trilyon TL’ye art›r›lm›flt›r. fiirket’in 2002 y›l› sonu itibari ile aktif toplam› 3,230,743 milyar TL, özsermayesi ise 389,270 milyar TL olarak gerçekleflmifltir. Ayn› y›l içinde fiirket 6,361,837 milyar TL net sat›fl gerçeklefltirmifl ve net kar› 228,046 milyar TL’ye ulaflm›flt›r. Operating out of the Head Office and six regional offices, Petrol Ofisi has 3,850 service stations, approximately 4,500 dealers, six regional offices, two lubricants blending plants, aviation services at 25 airports, nine terminals, two depots, one refinery liaison office and three lubricants depots. With a registered capital of TL 385 trillion, the Company increased its paid-in capital from TL 50 trillion to TL 252.4 trillion in 2002. As of the end of 2002, assets totaled TL 3,230,743 billion and shareholders’ equity amounted to TL 389,270 billion. With sales of TL 6,361,837 billion during 2001, Petrol Ofisi’s net profit rose to TL 228,046 billion. Petrol Ofisi 11 YÖNET‹M’DEN MESAJ LETTER FROM THE MANAGEMENT 2002 y›l› sonlar›na do¤ru ald›¤›m›z stratejik bir karar do¤rultusunda, gelecekte, Petrol Ofisi’ni bir da¤›t›m flirketi olmaktan In line with our strategic decision taken at the end of 2002, we shall take significant steps to become more than just a öte bir enerji flirketi yapma konusunda ciddi ad›mlar ataca¤›z. fuels distribution company and make Petrol Ofisi an energy company. Türkiye’yi etkileyen ekonomik kriz, 2002 y›l›nda da devam etmifl ve y›l içinde önemli boyutlara varan dalgalanmalar yaflanm›flt›r. 2002 y›l›nda enflasyon ve faiz oranlar› öngörülen seviyelerde kalm›fl, ihracat önceki y›l meydana gelen devalüasyonun da etkisi ile artmay› sürdürmüfl ve özellikle ihracata yönelik olarak sanayi üretimi yükselmifltir. Bütün bunlar y›l›n ilk yar›s›nda piyasalarda olumlu ve iyimser bir hava yaratm›flt›r. Ancak y›l›n ikinci yar›s›ndan itibaren üçlü koalisyon hükümetinde bafl gösteren uyumsuzluklar ve baflbakan›n sa¤l›¤›na iliflkin endifleler piyasalar› hareketlendirmifl ve faiz oranlar› %35-%40 seviyelerinden %80’lere kadar yükselmifltir. Hükümetin erken seçim karar› almas› piyasalarca olumlu alg›lanm›fl ve faiz oranlar›nda bir miktar düflme gözlemlenmifltir. Seçimlerin sonucunda tek partili bir hükümetin kurulmas› da iyimserli¤in tekrar artmas›na neden olmufltur. Ancak y›l sonuna gelindi¤inde ABD’nin olas› Irak operasyonunun bu iyimserli¤i tehdit etmeye bafllad›¤› ve dünya ekonomilerinde sürmekte olan durgunlu¤un ise ihracatç›lar›n önüne yeni zorluklar ç›kard›¤› görülmektedir. Sektörümüzü ilgilendiren geliflmelere bakt›¤›m›zda, dünyan›n önde gelen petrol üreticilerinden Venezüella’da bafl gösteren grevlerin ve olas› Irak operasyonunun petrol fiyatlar›n› art›rmas›, ülkemizde ise, s›n›r ticaretinin ortadan kalkmas› ile sat›fllar›n kontrol alt›na al›nmas› 2002 y›l›na damgas›n› vuran geliflmeler olmufltur. Yurtiçi motorlu araç piyasas›ndaki talebin büyük ölçüde düflmesi nedeniyle yerli araç üreticileri yeni modellerle ihracata yönelmifller ve bu konuda çok baflar›l› olmufllard›r. Y›l içinde kurflunsuz benzinde pazar yaklafl›k %8 büyümüfl, sat›fllar›n kay›t alt›na al›nmas›n›n da etkisi ile motorin pazar› %5 büyürken, süper benzin talebinde %14 bir daralma yaflanm›flt›r. Siyah ürünlerde de %6’l›k daralma meydana gelirken, madeni ya¤ sat›fllar› ise 2002 y›l›nda, bir önceki y›la göre %8 oran›nda artm›flt›r. 2002 y›l› sonlar›na do¤ru ald›¤›m›z stratejik bir karar do¤rultusunda, gelecekte, Petrol Ofisi’ni bir da¤›t›m flirketi olmaktan öte bir enerji flirketi yapma konusunda ciddi ad›mlar ataca¤›z. Sadece petrol ürünlerinin da¤›t›m› ile ilgilenmek yerine bu ürünlerin üretimi konusunda da yat›r›mlar yaparak global piyasalara aç›l›m› hedefliyoruz. Entegrasyona giderek rafinaj sektörüne ve LPG domestik pazar›na girmek gelecekteki planlar›m›z aras›nda yer almaktad›r. Bunun için gerekli sermaye gücüne, uzun y›llar›n getirdi¤i deneyime ve bu at›l›m› baflarabilecek güçlü bir kadroya sahip oldu¤umuza inan›yoruz. Petrol Ofisi olarak, benzin sat›fl›m›z› bir önceki y›la göre bir puan art›rarak %26.6 pazar pay›na, motorin sat›fl›m›z› ise %8 art›rarak %35.9 pazar pay›na ulaflt›k. Jet A-1 uçak yak›t›ndaki pazar liderli¤imizi 2002 y›l›nda da koruduk. Modernlefltirme çal›flmalar›na devam ederek 311 istasyonumuz "Gümüfl Projesi" kapsam›nda yenilendi ve böylece yeni görünümlü istasyon say›m›z 808’e yükseldi. Y›l içinde 21 yeni istasyon anlaflmas› yapt›k, yedi istasyon transfer ettik. Oto LPG alan›nda Petrol Ofisi’nin kar paylafl›m›na ortak oldu¤u istasyon say›s› 600’e ve bu istasyonlar›n d›fl›nda "PetroGaz" markas› ile sat›fl yapan istasyon say›m›z 168’e yükseldi. Filo sahiplerine yönelik uygulad›¤›m›z otomatik yak›t sat›fl program› "AutoMatic"in, kapsam›n› bir y›l gibi k›sa bir sürede 50 yeni istasyon ekleyerek, 150 istasyonu, 280 müflteriyi ve 5,337 arac› kapsayacak flekilde genifllettik. Y›l içinde att›¤›m›z önemli ad›mlardan biri de Do¤rudan Akaryak›t Teslimat› (DAT) program› olmufltur. DAT kapsam›nda 361 bayimize ürün teslimat› fiirketimiz nakliyesi ve kalite güvencesi alt›nda direkt Economic difficulties affecting Turkey continued in 2002, resulting in significant fluctuations throughout the year. During the year, inflation and interest were kept at anticipated levels; export volume continued to increase, due in part to the devaluation and fostering growth especially in export-oriented production. All these factors created an air of optimism in the markets during the first half of the year. However, due to the lack of harmony within the three-party coalition, coupled with concern about the Prime Minister’s health, uneasiness emerged in the markets and interest rates increased to 80% up from 35-40%. The government’s decision to call for early elections, led to some reduction in interest rates. The one-party government established after the elections reactivated market optimism. At the end of the year, however, exporters encountered new difficulties due to the stagnation prevailing in the world economies and the threat of a probable US operation against Iraq. Developments affecting our sector in 2002 are; increased oil prices as a result of the strikes in Venezuela, a leading global oil producer, the probability of an attack against Iraq and the prohibition of border trade that brought controls to sales of petroleum products in our country. Due to a significant decrease in domestic demand for motor vehicles, domestic manufacturers focused on exports and attained successful results through the introduction of new models. During the year, the unleaded gasoline demand expanded by approximately 8%, and diesel fuel demand by 5% as a result of proper recording of sales after border trade ended, while the demand for premium gasoline decreased by 14%. The market for black products has shrunk by 6%, while sales of lubricants increased by 8% in 2002, as compared to the previous year. In line with our strategic decision taken at the end of 2002, we shall take significant steps to become more than just a fuels distribution company and make Petrol Ofisi an energy company. Our vision is to become a global energy company open to world markets while making investments for the production of petroleum products concurrent to that objective. Our future plan is to enter the refining sector and the domestic LPG sector. We believe that we possess the capital strength, long years of experience and first class professionals that are required to achieve our goal. During the year, Petrol Ofisi increased its market share of gasoline sales by one point to 26.6% and diesel fuel sales by 8% to 35.9%, while maintaining our leadership position in Jet A-1 fuels. We continued our modernization efforts and upgraded 311 stations within the scope of the "Silver Project"; the total number of restructured stations has increased to 808. In 2002, 21 new station agreements were concluded, seven stations were transferred. The number of stations making auto LPG sales, where Petrol Ofisi participates to profits, increased to 600 while stations operating under the PetroGaz brand totaled 168. AutoMatic, the automatic fuel sales program for fleet owners has expanded by 50 stations in a short period of one year and now includes 150 stations, 280 customers and 5,337 vehicles. One of the remarkable developments in 2002 was the launch of the Direct Fuel Delivery (DAT) program. Under this program, direct delivery of products to 361 dealers was realized from our terminals utilizing our own tanker fleet and under our quality assurance. We anticipate rapidly increasing the number of these dealers in the near future. The aim of this program is to control product quality at all stages and never to compromise on quality. Vural AKIfiIK Madeni ya¤ konusunda 10 adet yeni ürünü imal etmeye bafllad›k ve ihracat›m›z› 16 ülkeye yayg›nlaflt›rd›k. Y›l içinde 17 orijinal ekipman üreticisinden (OEM) kalite onay› alarak bu alanda bafllatt›¤›m›z geliflmeleri sürdürdük. Yine y›l içinde ISO 9000:2001 Kalite Yönetim Sertifikas›’n› alm›fl olmam›z petrol sektöründe bir ilki temsil etmektedir. Kurum içi ve d›fl› e¤itim programlar›na h›zla devam edilmifltir. Müflterinin "aya¤›na giderek" hizmet sunan Petrol Ofisi, Nisan 2002’de faaliyete bafllayan Madeni Ya¤ E¤itim TIR’› ile 2002 y›l›n›n sonuna kadar toplam 10,888 tüketici ve teknik personele madeni ya¤ konusunda e¤itim vermifltir. E¤itim TIR’›m›z en uzak yerlerdeki müflterilerimize ve istasyonlar›m›za dahi ulaflarak kurum kültürümüzün ve kalite anlay›fl›m›z›n yayg›nlaflt›r›lmas›na hizmet etmektedir. Yat›r›mlar›m›za hiç ara vermeden devam ediyoruz. Y›l içinde madeni ya¤ fabrikam›zda modernizasyon yat›r›mlar› yap›lm›fl, laboratuarlar›m›z uluslararas› standartlara kavuflturulmufltur. ‹kmal-lojistik konusundaki yat›r›mlar›m›z kapsam›nda, Derince ve ‹skenderun tesisatlar›m›z›n operasyon flartlar› iyilefltirilmifl, Derince’de depremde hasar görmüfl olan iskelemiz yenilenmifl ve 30,000 DWT kapasiteli gemilerin yanaflmas›na elveriflli bir hale getirilmifltir. Antalya’da 2003 y›l›nda hizmete girecek olan yeni tesisat›n inflaat›na devam edilmifltir. K›r›kkale’de bulunan 20.000 m3 depolama kapasiteli M-Oil tesisat› sat›n al›nm›flt›r. Rakip firmalara tesisat ve depolar›m›zdan hizmet verilmeye devam edilmifltir. 2002 y›l›ndaki bir di¤er önemli geliflme, fiirketimizin ortakl›k yap›s›n›n de¤iflmesidir. Mart ay›nda yap›lan ikincil halka arz kapsam›nda Özellefltirme ‹daresi’nin elindeki pay›ndan sermayemizin %16.5’ine tekabül eden bölümü halka aç›lm›flt›r. Ülkemizdeki ikinci en büyük halka arz olan bu ifllemde Özellefltirme ‹daresi 170 milyon ABD dolar› sat›fl geliri elde etmifltir. Özellefltirme ‹daresi portföyünde kalan bakiye %25.8’lik pay ise yine mevcut ortaklar taraf›ndan 31.07.2002 tarihinde yap›lan anlaflma ile ‹MKB Toptan Sat›fllar Pazar›’nda, ‹MKB kurallar› çerçevesinde sat›n al›nm›flt›r. Yak›n bir gelecekte global bir enerji flirketi olman›n tüm gereklerini s›rayla birbir yerine getirme azmi içinde olan Petrol Ofisi olarak bizlerin yapaca¤› daha çok ifl var. Baflarma azmimizin yan› s›ra siz say›n hissedarlar›m›z, bayilerimiz, de¤erli çal›flanlar›m›z ve di¤er ifl ortaklar›m›z bizim arkam›zdaki en önemli gücümüzsünüz. Sizlere tek tek teflekkür ediyor, deste¤inizin gelecekte de devam›n› arzuluyoruz. We introduced 10 new lubricants and expanded our exports to 16 countries. We obtained the quality approval of 17 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and continued our efforts in this regard. In 2002, Petrol Ofisi earned the sector’s first ISO 9000:2001 Management Certificate. Internal and external company training programs continued during the year. Within the concept of ‘delivery to the doorsteps of customers,’ Petrol Ofisi offered training programs to a total of 10,888 consumers, employees and technicians utilizing the Lubricants Training TIR, a specially adapted vehicle, which became operational in April 2002. The Training TIR, which functions as a ‘classroom on wheels’ supports the dissemination of our corporate culture and quality concept, accessing customers and filling stations throughout the country. During the year, we continued our investments uninterruptedly. Investment for the modernization of the lubricants plant was initiated and laboratories were renovated to conform to international standards. Within the context of supply and logistics investments, operating conditions at Derince and Iskenderun terminals were improved and the earthquake-affected Derince jetty was reconstructed making it suitable for vessels of 30,000 DWT to dock. The construction of the Antalya terminal, anticipated to become operational in 2003, continued. A storage capacity of 20,000 cubic meters was acquired at the M-Oil terminal at K›r›kkale. Petrol Ofisi terminals and depots continued to render service to competitors. 13 A further significant development in 2002 was the change in the shareholding composition of our Company. With the secondary public offering made in March, 16.5% of our capital, held by the Privatization Administration, was offered to the public. This transaction, the second largest public offering scheme in our country, generated a sales income of US$ 170 million for the Privatization Administration. The remaining 25.8% share in the portfolio of the Privatization Administration was acquired through an agreement made on July 31, 2002, by the current shareholders with sales realized on the ISE Wholesale Market, within the framework of the ISE rules. We are determined to meet all necessary requirements to become a global energy company in the near future. To accomplish this we, at Petrol Office, have to work diligently to achieve success, knowing that our distinguished shareholders, dealers, invaluable staff and business partners are our most significant sources of strength. We would like to use this opportunity to thank you all and reconfirm our intention to do everything possible to retain your continuing support. Sayg›lar›m›zla, Sincerely, Vural AKIfiIK Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Chairman of the Board Ertu¤rul TUNCER Genel Müdür General Manager Petrol Ofisi istasyonlar›nda gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Bu say›y› önümüzdeki günlerde h›zla art›rmay› planl›yoruz. Bu program›n amac›, ürün kalitemizin her aflamada kontrol alt›nda tutulmas› ve kaliteden hiç bir flekilde ödün verilmemesidir. Ertu¤rul TUNCER YÖNET‹M KURULU BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vural Ak›fl›k Caner Çimenbiçer Ertu¤rul Tuncer Adnan Bali ‹mre Barmanbek Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Chairman Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan Vekili Deputy Chairman Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Genel Müdür Member and General Manager Üye Member Üye Member 1944 do¤umlu olan Vural Ak›fl›k, ODTÜ Ekonomi Bölümü'nü bitirdikten sonra, ayn› üniversitenin Matematik Bölümü'nde Yüksek Lisans›’n› tamamlad›. 1970-1975 y›llar› aras›nda Kaliforniya Üniversitesi'nde Ö¤retim Üyeli¤i yaparken ayn› üniversitenin ‹statistik Bölümü'nde doktora e¤itimini de tamamlayarak doktor unvan› ald›. 1952 do¤umlu olan Caner Çimenbiçer, Orta Do¤u Teknik Üniversitesi ‹dari Bilimler Fakültesi ‹flletme Bölümü mezunudur. 1974 y›l›nda Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› Teftifl Kurulu Baflkanl›¤›’nda Stajyer Müfettifl Yard›mc›s› olarak göreve bafllayan Caner Çimenbiçer, 1983 y›l›nda Muhasebe Müdür Yard›mc›l›¤›’na, 1986 y›l›nda Muhasebe Grup Müdürlü¤ü’ne, 1987 y›l›nda da Muhasebe Müdürlü¤ü’ne atanm›flt›r. 1990 y›l›nda ‹fl Bankas› Genel Müdür Yard›mc›l›¤›’na terfi eden Caner Çimenbiçer, 1998 y›l›nda 1. Genel Müdür Yard›mc›l›¤›’na yükselmifltir. 1939 do¤umlu olan Ertu¤rul Tuncer, Robert Kolej’de ‹flletme ve Ekonomi e¤itimi ald›. 1963-1965 y›llar› aras›nda e¤itimine Almanya’da devam etti. 1967 y›l›nda, Mobil’de saha yöneticisi olarak göreve bafllad›. 1994 y›l›nda Türkiye Mobil’in ilk Türk Genel Müdürü oldu. 1996 y›l›nda Mobil ve BP flirketlerinin birleflmesi ile BP-Mobil fiirketleri Genel Müdürlü¤ü’ne ve BP Türkiye’nin baflkanl›¤›na getirildi. 2000 y›l›n›n Temmuz ay›nda Petrol Ofisi Genel Müdürlü¤ü görevini üstlenen Ertu¤rul Tuncer ayn› zamanda fiirket’in yönetim kurulu üyesidir. 1962 do¤umlu olan Adnan Bali, 1986 y›l›nda Ortado¤u Teknik Üniversitesi Ekonomi Bölümü’nü bitirmifltir. Harvard Üniversitesi’nin Global Liderlik program›na kat›lan Adnan Bali, mezuniyeti sonras›nda Türkiye ‹fl Bankas›’nda profesyonel ifl hayat›na bafllam›flt›r. Bankada s›ras›yla Müfettifl Yard›mc›s›, Fon Yönetimi Müdür Yard›mc›s›, Fon Yönetimi Grup Müdürü ve Fon Yönetimi Müdürü görevlerinde bulunan Adnan Bali halihaz›rda ‹fl Bankas›’n›n fiiflli fiubesi Müdürü’dür. 1942 do¤umlu olan ‹mre Barmanbek, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Fakültesi'nden ekonomi ve finans derecesiyle mezun olmufltur. Bankac›l›¤a 1976 y›l›nda Pamukbank'da Genel Müdür Yard›mc›s› olarak bafllayan Ak›fl›k, 7 fiubat 2003 tarihinde Petrol Ofisi Yönetim Kurulu Baflkanl›¤›'na atand›. Born in 1944, Vural Ak›fl›k received his undergraduate degree in Economics and graduate degree in Mathematics from the Middle East Technical University. Between 1970 and 1975 he completed his Ph.D. in Statistics at California University while working as a faculty member. He started his career at Pamukbank as an Assistant General Manager in 1976. He currently holds the position of Chairman of Petrol Ofisi since February 2, 2003 and Executive Board Member at Do¤an Holding. Born in 1952, Caner Çimenbiçer is a graduate of the Faculty of Business Administration at the Middle East Technical University. He started his professional career at Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› as intern assistant internal auditor in 1974. He was appointed as Assistant Manager of the Accounting Department in 1983, as Accounting Group Manager in 1986 and finally as the Accounting Manager in 1987. In 1990, he was promoted to the rank of Assistant General Manager and later to First Assistant General Manager in 1998. Born in 1939, Ertu¤rul Tuncer is a graduate of the School of Business Administration and Economics at Robert College. He continued his study in Germany between 1963 and 1965. He joined Mobil as a Territory Manager in 1967. He was appointed as the first local General Manager of the Mobil Companies in Turkey in 1994. Upon the joint venture between Mobil and BP, he was appointed as the General Manager of BP – Mobil Fuels Joint Venture, and the Associate President of BP Turkey in 1996. Since July 2000, he assumes the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Board Member of Petrol Ofisi. Born in 1962, Adnan Bali is a 1986 graduate of the Faculty of Economics at Middle East Technical University. After having participated in the Program for Global Leadership at Harvard University, Adnan Bali started his professional career at ‹flbank. He served as Assistant Internal Auditor, Assistant Manager at the Treasury Department, Group Manager at the Treasury Department and finally the Manager of the Treasury Department. Currently, he is the Manager of ‹flbank’s fiiflli Branch. Barmanbek, 1998 y›l›nda Do¤an Grubu Mali ‹fller Grup Baflkan› olmufl, son olarak da 1999 y›l›nda Genel Koordinatörlük ve halen sürdürmekte oldu¤u Yönetim Kurulu Murahhas Üyeli¤i görevine getirilmifltir. Born in 1942, ‹mre Barmanbek graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences with a degree in economics and finance. She joined Do¤an Group as the Financial Coordinator and became Chief Financial Officer in 1998. She was finally named the CEO and Executive Member of the Board in 1999. Özgün Ç›nar Tufan Darbaz ‹shak fiengül Yahya Üzdiyen Üye Member Üye Member Üye Member Üye Member 1969 do¤umlu olan Özgün Ç›nar, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi ‹flletme Bölümü’nü 1990 y›l›nda bitirmifltir. Lisansüstü derecesini 1999 y›l›nda University of Southampton’dan alan Özgün Ç›nar, Türkiye ‹fl Bankas› çal›flan› olarak mesleki hayat›na devam etti¤i süre içinde yurtiçinde ve yurtd›fl›nda çok say›da e¤itim program›na kat›lm›flt›r. Özgün Ç›nar halihaz›rda ‹fl Bankas› ‹fltirakler Müdürlü¤ü’nde Müdür Yard›mc›s› görevini sürdürmektedir. 1953 do¤umlu olan Tufan Darbaz, Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi, Muhasebe ve Finans Bölümü’nden lisans derecesiyle mezun oldu. Yüksek lisans derecesini stratejik planlama alan›nda ‹skoçya Strathclyde Üniversitesi'nden ald›. 1983 y›l›nda Lassa'da stratejik planlama uzman› olarak Sabanc› Grubu'na kat›ld› ve 1987 y›l›nda Holding’in Planlama ve Yat›r›m Departman› Müdür Yard›mc›s› oldu. 1950 Ankara do¤umlu olan ‹shak fiengül, Ankara ‹ktisadi Ticari Bilimler Akademisi mezunudur. Halen ‹fl Bankas› ‹fltirakler Grup Müdürü olarak görev yapan fiengül, ifl yaflam›na 27 sene önce ‹fl Bankas›’nda bafllam›flt›r. 1957 do¤umlu olan Yahya Üzdiyen, 1980 y›l›nda ODTÜ ‹dari ‹limler Fakültesi ‹flletme Bölümü’nden mezun oldu. 1980 y›l›ndan 1996 y›l›na kadar özel sektörde çeflitli kurulufllarda d›fl ticaret ve yat›r›m konular›nda uzman ve yönetici olarak çal›flt›. 1997 y›l› bafl›ndan bu yana Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi.’de Proje ve Yat›r›mlar Koordinatörlü¤ü’nün yan›nda bir çok Grup flirketinde Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olarak görev yapmaktad›r. Born in 1953, Tufan Darbaz graduated from Bosphorus University with a BA degree in accounting and finance. He received his Masters Degree in Strategic Planning from Strathclyde University in Scotland. He joined the Sabanc› Group as a strategic planning expert in Lassa in 1983 and became the Assistant Director of the Planning and Investment Department of the Holding company in 1987. In June 2001, he joined Do¤an Holding as Deputy CEO and January 1, 2003, he was appointed the CEO of Do¤an Holding. 15 Born in 1957, Yahya Üzdiyen is a graduate of the Faculty of Business Administration at the Middle East Technical University in 1980. Between 1980 and 1996, he worked in several private sector companies as an expert and later as top level manager in the area of foreign trade and investments. In 1997, he joined Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding as Projects and Investments Coordinator. In addition to this post, he also serves as a Board member in several Do¤an Group companies. DENET‹M KURULU BOARD OF AUDITORS Murat Bilgiç Üye / Member, Zeynep Hansu Önem Üye / Member, H. Cem Kölemeno¤lu Üye / Member Petrol Ofisi Born in 1969, Özgün Ç›nar is a graduate of the Department of Business Administration at the Political Sciences Faculty of Ankara University in 1990. He obtained his Masters Degree from the University of Southampton in 1999. He participated in numerous training programs in and out of the country during his employment at ‹flbank. Currently, he serves as an Assistant Manager at ‹flbank’s Subsidiaries Department. Haziran 2001'de, Genel Koordinatör vekili olarak Do¤an Holding'e geçti ve 1 Ocak 2003 itibariyle Do¤an Holding ‹cra Baflkanl›¤› görevine atanm›flt›r. Born in 1950, ‹shak fiengül is a graduate of Academy for Economic and Commercial Sciences at Ankara University. He started his career at ‹flbank 27 years ago. Currently he serves as the Subsidiaries Group Manager at ‹flbank. YÖNET‹M KADROSU MANAGEMENT TEAM 16 Soldan Sa¤a / Left to Right: Eflref ÜNSAL Akaryak›t Pazarlama Direktörü / Fuels Marketing Director, Reha TALU ‹kmal ve Lojistik Direktörü / Supply and Logistics Director, Tamer ÖZDAMAR Madeni Ya¤ Direktörü / Lubricants Director, Ertu¤rul TUNCER Genel Müdür / General Manager, Hüseyin KEÇEC‹ Müflterek Petrol Ofisi Hizmetler Direktörü / Shared Services Director, CFO PETROL ÜRÜNLER‹ DA⁄ITIM SEKTÖRÜ THE FUELS DISTRIBUTION SECTOR 2002 y›l›nda sektördeki da¤›t›m flirketleri taraf›ndan yaklafl›k 17.4 milyon m3 beyaz ürün ve 4.8 milyon ton siyah ürün In 2002, distribution companies marketed approximately 17.4 cubic meters of white product and 4.8 million metric tons pazarlanm›flt›r. Y›l içinde kurflunsuz benzinde pazar talebi yaklafl›k %8, motorinde ise %5 büyürken, of black product. During the year, the demand for unleaded gasoline increased by approximately 8%; süper benzinde sektördeki daralma 2002 y›l›nda devam etmifltir. the demand for diesel fuel increased by 5% while the demand for premium gasoline continued to fall. 2002 Y›l›nda Sektördeki Geliflmeler Türkiye tarihinin en büyük ekonomik küçülmesinin yafland›¤› 2001 y›l›ndan sonra, özellikle kamu harcamalar›ndaki art›fl, sanayi ve turizmdeki k›p›rdanma ile 2002 y›l›nda Türkiye ekonomisi bir büyüme sürecine girmifltir. Buna ra¤men benzin talebi daralmaya devam ederek bir önceki y›la göre %4 küçülmüfltür. Bunun en büyük sebebi; gelirleri daralan, beyaz yakal›lar olarak tabir edilen benzin tüketicisi kesimin, zorunlu ihtiyaçlar d›fl›ndaki harcamalar›ndan tasarrufa devam etmesidir. A¤ustos ay›ndan itibaren, di¤er benzin türlerine göre nispeten ucuz olan kurflunlu normal benzinin üretiminin Tüprafl taraf›ndan durdurulmas› talep daralmas›nda etkili olmufltur. Developments in the sector in 2002 Year 2001 will be remembered as the year of the greatest economic contraction in Turkish history; in 2002 however, the Turkish economy enjoyed renewed growth especially as a result of increased public expenditures and the upward momentum in industrial and tourism sectors. Despite this trend, the demand for gasoline decreased by 4% compared to the previous year. The main reason was that the gasoline customers, mainly the white-collar people, continued their savings except for expenditures for basic needs. In August, Tüprafl ended its production of regular leaded gasoline, a rather cheap product compared to other products, which contributed to the shrinkage in demand. Motorin talebi ise tar›m ve sanayi üretiminin olumlu katk›s›na ra¤men sadece %5 büyümüfltür. Turizmdeki canlanmaya paralel olarak artan uçak seferleri ile jet yak›t› talebi %4 büyürken, evlerde do¤algaz tüketiminin yayg›nlaflmas› sebebiyle kalorifer yak›t› kullan›m› azalmaya devam etmifltir. Madeni ya¤ pazar›ndaki büyüme ise %8 olarak gerçekleflmifltir. In spite of increased agricultural and industrial production, the demand for diesel fuel rose only 5%. Due to increased flights, paralleling revitalization in the tourism sector, the demand for jet fuel increased by 4%. As a result of the escalating use of natural gas, the demand for home heating oil continued to fall while growth in the lubricants market reached 8%. Talepte yaflanan bütün bu geliflmelere ilave olarak artan fiyatlar ve 4 Nisan 2002’de ç›kar›lan Kararname ile da¤›t›m karlar› büyük ölçüde erozyona u¤ram›flt›r. Bir y›l önce %10.5 seviyesinde olan bayi ve da¤›t›m flirketinin toplam kar marj›, iki puan eriyerek %8.5’lere gerilemifltir. Artan fiyatlar nedeni ile iflletme sermayelerinin yetersiz kalmas› ve akaryak›t al›mlar›nda kredi kart›n›n yayg›nlaflmas› ile düflük kar marjlar› birleflti¤inde, akaryak›t sektöründe faaliyet gösteren tüm iflletmeler zor durumda kalm›flt›r. In addition to similar changes in demand, rising prices and the Governmental Decree of April 4, 2002, eroded distribution profits to a large extent. Both dealer and distribution company profit margins fell by two points, from 10.5% to 8.5%. This decrease, when coupled with low profit margins due to widespread usage of credit cards in retail fuel sales, all fuel distribution companies, which in general have insufficient working capital, encountered difficulties. Sektörde yaflanan bütün bu olumsuzluklara ra¤men, akaryak›t da¤›t›m kurulufllar›n›n say›s›nda h›zl› bir art›fl görülmüfl ve da¤›t›m flirketi say›s› 18’e ulaflm›flt›r. Ayr›ca hiçbir akaryak›t da¤›t›m flirketine ba¤l› olmadan çal›flan "Beyaz Bayrakl› ‹stasyon" say›s› 2,500’ü bulmufltur. Meslek ahlak kurallar› içinde rekabetin, hem sektöre hem de ülkeye fayda getirece¤i gerçe¤inin yan› s›ra bu kurallar›n d›fl›na ç›karak haks›z rekabete neden olan ve Despite the adversities prevailing in the sector, the number of distribution companies increased swiftly and reached 18, while the number of ‘White Flag Stations’ that work independently from distribution companies, reached 2,500. Bearing in mind that working under rules of professional competitive ethics will benefit both the sector and the country, some regulations are required to restrict companies that do not comply with those rules. Petrol Ofisi 18 PETROL ÜRÜNLER‹ DA⁄ITIM SEKTÖRÜ (DEVAM) THE FUELS DISTRIBUTION SECTOR (CON’T) Akaryak›t da¤›t›m kurulufllar›n›n say›s›nda h›zl› bir art›fl görülmüfl ve da¤›t›m flirketi say›s› 18’e ulaflm›flt›r. Ayr›ca The number of distribution companies increased swiftly and reached 18, while the number of ‘White Flag Stations’ that hiçbir akaryak›t da¤›t›m flirketine ba¤l› olmadan çal›flan "Beyaz Bayrakl› ‹stasyon" say›s› 2,500’ü bulmufltur. work independently from distribution companies, reached 2,500. tüketicilerin zarar görmesine yol açan flirketlerin bu pazarda çal›flmalar›na engel olabilmek için de birtak›m düzenlemelerin yap›lmas› gerekmektedir. 2002 y›l›nda sektörde olumlu baz› geliflmeler de olmufltur. Bunlardan ilki, 5 Temmuz 2002 tarihinde ç›kar›lan Bakanlar Kurulu Kararnamesi ve buna ba¤l› olarak 24 Ekim 2002 tarihinde yay›nlanan Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanl›¤› Tebli¤i’dir. Bu Tebli¤ ile akaryak›t sektörüne y›llard›r arzulanan disiplinin getirilmesi amaçlanmaktad›r. Bir di¤er olumlu geliflme ise, 1 Eylül 2002’den itibaren yürürlü¤e giren bir kararname ile akaryak›t ürünlerinin s›n›r ticareti kapsam›ndan ç›kar›lmas› ve böylece ülkeye Nahcivan ve ‹ran gibi ülkelerden giren motorinin yasaklanmas›d›r. Ayr›ca TPIC kanal›yla Irak’tan ülkeye giren motorinin sat›fl› da durdurulmufltur. Irak’a uygulanan Birleflmifl Milletler ambargosunu müteakip yöre ekonomisine katk›da bulunmak amac›yla bafllat›lm›fl bulunan s›n›r ticareti, yöre halk› ekonomisine s›n›rl› bir katk› sa¤lam›fl olmakla beraber, ülke ekonomisine sa¤lanan bu yarar›n çok üstünde zarar vermeye bafllam›flt›. 2002 y›l›nda sektördeki da¤›t›m flirketleri taraf›ndan yaklafl›k 17.4 milyon m3 beyaz ürün ve 4.8 milyon ton siyah ürün pazarlanm›flt›r. Y›l içinde kurflunsuz benzinde pazar talebi yaklafl›k %8, motorinde ise %5 büyürken, süper benzinde sektördeki daralma 2002 y›l›nda devam etmifltir. Siyah ürünlerde de %6’l›k pazar daralmas› meydana gelirken, madeni ya¤ sat›fllar› ise 2002 y›l›nda, bir önceki y›la göre %8 oran›nda artarak 301,000 ton olarak gerçekleflmifltir. One of the positive developments during the year was the decree by the Council of Ministries on July 5, 2002, followed by the Communiqué from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources published on October 24, 2002. The purpose of this Communiqué was to bring new controls to the fuel distribution sector, a goal long sought after. On September 1, another governmental decree became effective, which excluded petroleum products from the border trade and prohibited the import of diesel fuel from several countries, including but not limited to Nakhchivan and Iran. Furthermore, the sale of diesel oil imported into Turkey from Iraq via TPIC was stopped. Border trade, which began contributing to the regional economy following the UN embargo to Iraq, has been of some benefit to the people of the region, but it has caused losses far beyond the benefits for the economy. In 2002, distribution companies marketed approximately 17.4 million cubic meters of white product and 4.8 million metric tons of black product. During the year, the demand for unleaded gasoline increased by approximately 8%; the demand for diesel fuel increased by 5% while the demand for premium gasoline continued to fall. The market of black products shrank by 6%, while the sales of lubricants increased by 8%, compared to the previous year and reached 301,000 tons. PETROL ÜRÜNLER‹ DA⁄ITIM SEKTÖRÜ (DEVAM) THE FUELS DISTRIBUTION SECTOR (CON’T) Petrol Ofisi, çal›flma prensipleri, pazara sundu¤u yeni ürünler, altyap› ve istasyon yat›r›mlar› neticesinde, 2002 y›l›nda Through well-proven operating principles and new products on the market as well as a solid infrastructure and benzin pazar pay›n› bir puan art›rarak, %26.6 pazar pay› ile liderli¤e yükselmifl; motorin sat›fllar›n› ise %8 art›rarak, station investments, Petrol Ofisi has become the market leader for gasoline, increasing its market share by one pazar pay›nda %35.9’a ulaflm›flt›r. point up to 26.6%. The Company increased diesel fuel sales by 8%, gaining 35.9% of the diesel fuel market. Petrol Ofisi’nin Sektördeki Yeri Ülkemizde kurulan ilk ulusal petrol flirketi olan Petrol Ofisi 60 y›ld›r genifl pazarlama a¤› ve 1,029 personeli ile tüketicilerin, resmi ve özel kurulufllar›n ülke s›n›r› içindeki tüm akaryak›t gereksinimini karfl›lamaktad›r. Üstlendi¤i bu görevi bundan sonra da sürdürecek olan Petrol Ofisi’nin 3,850 istasyonu, yaklafl›k 4,500 bayisi, alt› bölge müdürlü¤ü, iki madeni ya¤ fabrikas›, 25 hava ikmal ünitesi, dokuz tesisat›, iki deposu, bir rafineri irtibat müdürlü¤ü ve üç madeni ya¤ deposu bulunmaktad›r. Petrol Ofisi and the Fuels Distribution Sector As Turkey’s first national fuel distribution company, Petrol Ofisi has been meeting the fuels needs of public and private enterprises and consumers for 60 years with a current workforce of 1,029 personnel and through an extensive marketing network. Today, the Company is continuing to provide service through 3,850 service stations, approximately 4,500 dealers, six regional offices two lubricants blending plants, aviation services at 25 airports, nine terminals, two fuel depots, one refinery liaison office and three lubricants depots. Özellefltirme tamamland›ktan sonra Petrol Ofisi yeni bir pazarlama politikas› saptam›flt›r. Müflteri odakl› bu politika ile hedeflere ulaflacak, müflteri ve bayilere en iyi ürün ve en kaliteli hizmeti sunacak bir pazarlama yap›s› oluflturulmufltur. Özellefltirmeden sonra istasyon a¤›na disiplin getirilerek, Petrol Ofisi istasyonlar›ndan sadece Petrol Ofisi ürünlerinin sat›fl› sa¤lanm›fl, yeni görsel standartlar belirlenerek, istasyonlar›n daha ça¤dafl bir görünüm almas› sa¤lanm›flt›r. Following privatization, Petrol Ofisi adopted an entirely new marketing strategy. Its customer-driven approach facilitated a marketing structure that helped achieve Company objectives to offer customers and dealers the best products and the highest quality service. A new standard has also been imposed on the service station network whereby only Petrol Ofisi products can be sold; new visual standards have been developed and stations have begun adopting a more modern look. fiirket’in yeni vizyonu ile oluflturdu¤u dinamik ve profesyonel kadro, bu yeniliklerin Türkiye çap›nda k›sa sürede gerçeklefltirilmesini sa¤lam›flt›r. Petrol Ofisi, çal›flma prensipleri, pazara sundu¤u yeni ürünler, altyap› ve istasyon yat›r›mlar› neticesinde, 2002 y›l›nda benzin pazar pay›n› bir puan art›rarak, %26.6 pazar pay› ile liderli¤e yükselmifl; motorin sat›fllar›n› ise %8 art›rarak, pazar pay›nda %35.9’a ulaflm›flt›r. The highly motivated, professional staff formed along with the Company’s new image achieved these changes throughout Turkey in a short period of time. Through well-proven operating principles and new products on the market as well as a solid infrastructure and station investments, Petrol Ofisi has become the market leader for gasoline, increasing its market share by one point up to 26.6%. The Company increased diesel fuel sales by 8%, gaining 35.9% of the diesel fuel market. 2002 Petrol Ofisi Ürün Da¤›l›m› /Diversification of Petrol Ofisi Products in 2002 Motorin / Diesel Fuel %4 Kurflunsuz Benzin / Unleaded Gasoline %19 Süper Benzin / Premium Gasoline %46 Jet A-1 / Jet A-1 %8 Kalorifer Yak›t› / Heating Oil Fuel Oil 6 / Fuel Oil 6 %12 Madeni Ya¤ / Lubricants %6 %5 Beyaz Ürün Sat›fllar› / White Product Sales (*) (bin m3) / (000 cubic meters) 1998 Sektör / Sector (**) 15,737.1 Petrol Ofisi / Petrol Ofisi (***) 5,810.2 Di¤er fiirketler / Competition 9,926.9 (*) Jet A-1 dahil / Jet A-1 included (**) Tahmini / Estimated (***) TPIC toptan sat›fllar› hariç / Excluding TPIC wholesales 1999 16,595.6 5,768.3 10,827.3 2000 17,293.8 5,348.0 11,945.8 2001 16,946.3 6,085.5 10,860.8 2002 17,422.9 6,465.5 10,957.4 98/97 -5.3 -14.5 1.1 99/98 5.5 -0.7 9.1 00/99 4.2 -7.3 10.3 01/00 -2.0 13.8 -9.1 02/01 2.8 6.2 0.9 1998 5,844.1 4,302.7 1,541.4 1999 5,140.0 3,422.0 1,718.0 2000 5,918.5 3,473.4 2,445.1 2001 5,108.8 2,727.6 2,381.2 2002 4,824.1 2,069.0 2,755.1 98/97 -5.4 -11.8 18.8 99/98 -12.0 -20.5 11.5 00/99 15.1 1.5 42.3 01/00 -13.7 -21.5 -2.6 02/01 -5.6 -24.1 15.7 1998 341.7 116.6 225.1 1999 299.0 97.5 201.5 2000 316.5 94.6 221.9 2001 279.5 95.5 184.0 2002 301.0 100.9 200.1 98/97 -3.4 -7.2 -1.3 99/98 12.5 -16.4 -10.5 00/99 5.9 -3.0 10.1 01/00 -11.7 1.0 -17.0 02/01 7.7 5.6 8.7 De¤iflim Oran› % / Rate of Change % Sektör / Sector Petrol Ofisi / Petrol Ofisi Di¤er fiirketler / Competition 21 Siyah Ürün Sat›fllar› / Black Product Sales (bin ton) / (000 metric tons) Sektör / Sector (*) Petrol Ofisi / Petrol Ofisi Di¤er fiirketler / Competition (*) Tahmini / Estimated De¤iflim Oran› % / Rate of Change % Sektör / Sector Petrol Ofisi / Petrol Ofisi Di¤er fiirketler / Competition Madeni Ya¤ Sat›fllar› / Lubricants Sales (bin ton) / (000 metric tons) Sektör / Sector (*) Petrol Ofisi / Petrol Ofisi Di¤er fiirketler / Competition (*) Tahmini / Estimated Sektör / Sector Petrol Ofisi / Petrol Ofisi Di¤er fiirketler / Competition Petrol Ofisi De¤iflim Oran› % / Rate of Change % 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ OPERATIONS IN 2002 "Gümüfl Projesi"nin bafllang›c›ndan 2002 y›l› sonuna kadar geçen yaklafl›k 20 ayl›k sürede Gümüfl standartlar›na Within 20 months from the launch of the “Silver Project” until the end of 2002, the number of stations upgraded to yükseltilen istasyon adedi 808’e ulaflm›flt›r. Silver standards reached 808. ‹stasyon Sat›fllar› Retail Sales Petrol Ofisi 2001 y›l›nda bafllad›¤› yat›r›m hamlesi ile tüm istasyonlar›n›n ürün ve servis kalitesini dünya standartlar›na ç›kart›rken, görünüm ve dizayn standartlar›n› da vizyonu do¤rultusunda tüketicilerin bir numaral› tercihi olacak bir düzeye getirmeyi amaçlam›flt›r. Bu amaçla bir yandan yeni ürünler tüketicilerin be¤enisine sunulurken, bir yandan da "Gümüfl Projesi" bafllat›lm›flt›r. With new investment programs launched in 2001, Petrol Ofisi increased the product and service quality at all stations to world standards and, in line with its renewed strategic vision, improved the appearance and design standards of its stations to become the number one choice of its customers. The Company introduced new products for the customers while at the same time launching the "Silver Project". 2002 y›l›nda da bu yat›r›m hamlesi h›z›ndan hiçbir fley kaybetmeden devam etmifltir. "Gümüfl Projesi"nin bafllang›c›ndan 2002 y›l› sonuna kadar geçen yaklafl›k 20 ayl›k sürede Gümüfl standartlar›na yükseltilen istasyon adedi 808’e ulaflm›flt›r. Bu say›, istasyon adedi bak›m›ndan sektördeki en yak›n rakibinin toplam istasyon say›s›n›n üzerinde bir rakama denk gelmektedir. Bundan sonraki y›llarda da Petrol Ofisi’nin hedefi, gerek istasyon görünümlerini ça¤dafl hale getiren, gerekse uygulanan istasyonlarda hissedilir sat›fl art›fl› yaratan "Gümüfl Projesi"nin ekonomik olan tüm istasyonlarda uygulanmas›n› sa¤lamakt›r. Investment programs continued steadily throughout the year. Within 20 months from the launch of the “Silver Project” until the end of 2002, the number of stations upgraded to Silver standards reached 808, more than aggregate total of all stations of its greatest competitor in the sector. The aim of the Company for the near future is to apply the standards of the Silver Project at all economically feasible stations, providing them with a contemporary appearance as well as a substantial sales increase. Bir yandan mevcut istasyonlar›n standartlar› yükseltilirken, bir yandan da büyük flehirlerdeki mevcudiyeti art›rmak için yeni istasyonlar aç›lmaya devam edilmifltir. 2002 y›l› içinde 21 yeni istasyon anlaflmas› yap›lm›fl ve rakip flirketlerden yedi istasyon transferi gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Böylece özellefltirmeden sonra yeni anlaflma yap›lan istasyonlardan 53 adedi y›l sonuna kadar hizmete girmifltir. Özellefltirme sonras› oto LPG alan›nda "PetroGaz" markas› yarat›lm›flt›r. 2001 y›l›nda dokuz tedarikçi firmayla yap›lan anlaflmalara ilave olarak, 11 yeni flirketi kapsayan bir mutabakat sonucunda, Petrol Ofisi’nin kar paylafl›m›na ortak oldu¤u istasyon say›s› 600’e ve bu istasyonlar›n d›fl›nda "PetroGaz" markas› alt›nda çal›flan istasyon say›s› 168’e ulaflm›flt›r. Akaryak›t istasyonlar›ndan sunulan çok önemli bir ürün olarak görülen LPG konusunda kaydedilen bu önemli geliflmeler, bu konuda ileride at›lacak daha büyük ad›mlar konusunda cesaret vermektedir. While improving the standards at existing stations, the Company has continued to establish new stations to enhance its presence in major cities. In 2002, 21 new station contracts were concluded and seven stations were transferred from competition. After privatization, 53 new stations became operational by the end of the year. The PetroGaz brand was created for auto LPG following privatization. In 2002, in addition to contracts with nine suppliers, a new agreement was signed with 11 new companies, bringing the number of stations in which the Company has a share of the profit from auto LPG sales to 600; stations serving PetroGaz now total 168. LPG is considered to be an important product addition to fuel stations and developments in this regard encourage more aggressive steps to be taken in the future. Petrol Ofisi 23 Akaryak›t Kazanç Sistemi "AutoMatic" Petrol Ofisi tüketicilerine sundu¤u ürünlerin kalitesini art›r›rken ayn› zamanda da müflterilerinin ihtiyaçlar›n› karfl›layacak servisleri gelifltirmeye devam etmektedir. Filo sahibi flirketlerin yak›t al›mlar›n› kolaylaflt›rmak için gelifltirilen ekonomi ve teknolojinin birleflti¤i bir ürün olan AutoMatic 2002 May›s ay›nda tüketicilerinin be¤enisine sunulmufltur. 24 AutoMatic, tafl›tlar›n, Petrol Ofisi istasyonlar›ndan para ödemeden ve fatura almadan yak›t almalar›n› sa¤layan ve dolum bilgilerini elektronik ortama kaydeden bir akaryak›t al›flverifl sistemidir. Tüm istasyonlardan AutoMatic’le yap›lan al›flverifller her gün Petrol Ofisi merkezine ve oradan da anlaflmal› bankalara transfer edilmektedir. Araç tüketim raporlar› ve faturalar, Petrol Ofisi taraf›ndan müflterilere gönderilmektedir. Müflteriler ödemeyi, AutoMatic’e dahil olurken anlaflmal› bankalarla yapt›klar›, Kredili Otomatik Ödeme anlaflmas› ile yapmaktad›rlar. Yedi ay gibi k›sa bir zamanda 50 ilde ve 150 istasyonda hizmet verebilir hale gelen bu sistemin, 2003 y›l› sonunda Türkiye’deki tüm illeri kapsayacak flekilde geniflletilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Petrol Ofisi, bu sayede üye kurulufllara en yayg›n hizmet a¤›n› sunarak, rakiplerinin bir ad›m önüne geçmeyi planlamaktad›r. Petrol Ofisi Marka Ba¤l›l›¤› - Prodizel Dizelciler Kulübü ve Banka Kartlar› Petrol Ofisi, Ocak 2002’de motorin kullanan tüketicilerin marka ba¤l›l›klar›n› art›rmak için "Prodizel Dizelciler Kulübü" ad›yla yepyeni bir proje bafllatm›flt›r. Motorin tüketicilerinin rotalar› üzerindeki Petrol Ofisi istasyonlar›n› seçmesini sa¤layarak motorin pazar pay›n› büyütmeye imkan verecek bu proje, Türkiye çap›nda 206 istasyon ve 147 puan noktas› ile toplam 353 lokasyonda hayata geçirilmifl ve 2002 y›l› sonu itibariyle üye say›s› 50,000’e ulaflm›flt›r. The Fuel Advantage System - ‘AutoMatic’ While increasing the quality of its products, Petrol Ofisi continues to improve services to meet customer requirements. In May 2002, the Company introduced AutoMatic, a system that combines rules of economics and high technology; this service was developed to make fuel purchases easier for fleet owners. AutoMatic is a fuel dispensing system, which enables the vehicles of participating fleet owners to buy fuel from Petrol Ofisi stations without making a payment and receiving an invoice. The system records the transaction in an electronic environment. Using this system, information on fuel purchases are transferred daily from all stations to the Company’s Head Office and then to contracted banks. Vehicle consumption reports and invoices are delivered to customers who then make their payments through contracted banks using the Automatic Payment System, a payment facility that incorporates a credit limit. This facility is granted to participating customers by the contracted banks when subscribing to the system. In just seven months, this new system became operational in 50 cities and at 150 gas stations and is targeted to cover all cities across Turkey by the end of 2003. Petrol Ofisi, offering the most widespread service network to participating fleet owners, stays one step ahead of its competitors. Brand Loyalty – Prodizel Diesel Fan Club and Bank Cards In January 2002, Petrol Ofisi launched a brand new project called “Prodizel Diesel Fan Club” in order to enhance brand loyalty of diesel fuel customers. This project, geared to increasing the Company’s diesel fuel market share, has become operational at 353 locations throughout the country at 206 stations and 147 bonus point locations; the number of members totaled 50,000 by the end of 2002. Kulübe sadece bir form doldurarak kolayca üye olan tüketiciler, sat›n ald›klar› her litre Prodizel’le puan kazan›p, puanlar›n› katalogdan seçecekleri hediyelere çevirebilmektedir. Ayr›ca "Prodizel Dizelciler Kulübü Üye ‹stasyonu" seçilen Petrol Ofisi istasyonlar›nda tüketicilerin mola verdiklerinde ihtiyaç duyacaklar› dufl, lokanta, TV salonu, lastikçi, elektrikçi gibi birçok hizmet bir arada yer almaktad›r. Customers simply fill out a form to become members of the Club and earn bonus points for each liter of Prodizel they purchase. These bonus points are then used to select various gifts from a catalogue. At Prodizel Diesel Fan Club Member Stations, customers can enjoy several services, including a restaurant, TV room, shower, tire and automobile electrical repair service. Petrol Ofisi, benzin tüketicilerine yönelik çal›flmalar› kapsam›nda, Türkiye’nin iki büyük bankas› ile iflbirli¤i yaparak, ‹fl Bankas› Maximum Kart ve D›flbank ‹deal Kart kullan›c›lar›n›n üye Petrol Ofisi Within the scope of its consumer-oriented activities, Petrol Ofisi, in cooperation with two of Turkey’s leading banks, offers the holders of ‹flbank Maximum Card and D›flbank Ideal Card a 2% bonus points for 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Do¤aya ve insan sa¤l›¤›na zararl› asit ya¤murlar›na neden olan kükürt at›klardan korunmak için üretilmeye bafllanan Developed to protect the environment as well as human health against sulphur wastes, which are the chief cause of acid Fuel Oil Light, düflük kükürt oran›yla (% 1) çevre dostu bir yak›tt›r. Elektrik, ›s› ya da buhar sistemlerinde rain, Fuel Oil Light is an environmental-friendly product with low sulphur content (1%). It can be used for electric, heat kullan›labilen Fuel Oil Light, her türlü endüstriyel fabrika, tesis ve binalarda tercih edilmektedir. or steam producing systems and is preferred by all types of industrial establishments, facilities and buildings. istasyonlar›ndan yapt›klar› al›flverifllerden %2 ödül puan› kazanmas›n› sa¤lamaktad›r. Y›l içinde reklam kampanyalar› ile de desteklenen bu iflbirli¤i ile bu kartlar›n sahiplerinin Petrol Ofisi istasyonlar›ndan yapt›¤› al›flverifllerin önemli ölçüde artt›¤› görülmüfltür. Ticari ve Endüstriyel Sat›fllar Tüketici müflterilerin de¤iflen ihtiyaçlar›na cevap vermek üzere 2001 y›l›nda kurulan Ticari ve Endüstriyel Yak›tlar Bölümü, kamu, distribütör ve tüketici sat›fllar› olmak üzere üç de¤iflik müflteri grubuna akaryak›t ürünleri pazarlayabilecek bir yap›da hizmet vermektedir. 2002 y›l›nda Petrol Ofisi müflterilerine, yeni ve geliflmifl ürünler sunma çal›flmalar›na da devam edilmifltir. 2001’de benzin ve motorin tüketicilerine yönelik gelifltirilen kat›kl› ürünler "Protech" ve "Prodizel"den sonra, endüstriyel ihtiyaçlar› karfl›lamak için 2002 y›l› Mart ay›nda da "Fuel Oil Light" Türk tüketicilerine sunulmufltur. Do¤aya ve insan sa¤l›¤›na zararl› asit ya¤murlar›na neden olan kükürt at›klardan korunmak için üretilmeye bafllanan Fuel Oil Light, düflük kükürt oran›yla (%1) çevre dostu bir yak›tt›r. Elektrik, ›s› ya da buhar sistemlerinde kullan›labilen Fuel Oil Light, her türlü endüstriyel fabrika, tesis ve binalarda tercih edilmektedir. 2002 y›l› boyunca Türkiye’deki kamu kurulufllar›n›n ikmalinin büyük bir bölümünü gerçeklefltiren bu Bölüm, gerek müflterilerine sundu¤u ürün ve hizmet kalitesi gerekse yayg›n lojistik a¤› ve uygun koflullar› ile tüm özel sektör kurulufllar›n›n da bir numaral› tercihi olma yolunda h›zl› ad›mlarla ilerlemektedir. Müflterilerinin "Çözüm Orta¤›" olmay› ilke edinen Ticari ve Endüstriyel Yak›tlar Bölümü, 2003 y›l›nda da Petrol Ofisi’nin performans›n› olumlu etkileyecek pek çok yeni sektörel at›l›m› gerçeklefltirecektir. Havac›l›k Sat›fllar› Türkiye’nin 25 havaalan›ndaki hava ikmal tesisleri ile en genifl hava ikmal a¤›na sahip olan Petrol Ofisi, yüksek kaliteli havac›l›k servisi ve ürünleri sunarken, emniyetli, güvenilir ve çevreye duyarl› bir kurum olmay› baflarm›flt›r. Bu konuda uluslararas› havac›l›k kurulufllar› taraf›ndan yap›lan tüm de¤erlendirmelerde, olumlu notlar alm›fl; bu sayede dünyadaki pek çok tan›nm›fl havayolu flirketinin Türkiye’de ikmalci olarak Petrol Ofisi’ni seçmesi sa¤lanm›flt›r. 2002 y›l›nda havac›l›k sat›fllar›; kazan›lan yeni müflteriler ile, mevcut müflterilerdeki tonaj daralmas›na ra¤men %8’lik bir büyüme yakalam›fl ve sektördeki pazar pay›n›n %70.6’ya ulaflmas›n› their purchases at member Petrol Ofisi stations. Several advertising campaigns during the year have promoted this project, which significantly increased cardholder purchases from Petrol Ofisi stations. Commercial and Industrial Sales To better serve the changing needs of its customers, Petrol Ofisi set up a Commercial and Industrial Sales Department in 2001. This Department is structured to handle the marketing of petroleum products to three customer segments including government institutions, distributors and consumers. In 2002, the Company continued its research to develop new and improved products for its customers. Following additive containing products developed in 2001 for the gasoline and diesel fuel customers (Protech and Prodizel), the Company introduced “Fuel Oil Light” in March 2002 to the Turkish market. Developed to protect the environment as well as human health against sulphur wastes, Fuel Oil Light is an environmental-friendly product with low sulphur content (1%). It can be used for electric, heat or steam producing systems and is preferred by all types of industrial establishments, facilities and buildings. Having met most of the petroleum products demand coming from government institutions during 2002, the Department is rapidly becoming the first choice of all private sector enterprises. It has gained a reputation for the quality of its goods and services as well as its widespread logistics network and favorable business terms. Adhering to its objective to become a Solution Partner for its customers, the Commercial and Industrial Sales Department will make new attempts to improve the Company’s overall performance. Aviation Sales Possessing the largest aviation fuel supply network in Turkey with supply facilities at 25 airports, Petrol Ofisi demonstrated its reliability as an environmentally friendly establishment by providing safe, high quality aviation fuels and services. Petrol Ofisi is preferred by a great many internationally known airlines in Turkey, thanks in part to the positive evaluations received from international aviation establishments. Despite reduced purchases by existing customers in 2002, the Company achieved a growth rate of 8% by gaining new customers and increasing its market share to 70.6%. Agreements signed with suppliers have helped Petrol Ofisi reduce losses resulting from price fluctuations; consequently, profitability has increased through cost savings in operations. Petrol Ofisi 26 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Lojistik avantaj›n›n yan› s›ra, güçlü deniz yak›t ikmal arac› filosu, genifl ürün yelpazesi ve "zaman›nda, eksiksiz ve With its robust marine fuel supply fleet, diversified product range and "timely, complete and high level service approach", in addition to its üstün hizmet anlay›fl›" ile Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l›nda da gümrüklü ürün pazar›ndaki hakimiyetini sürdürürken, yabanc› logistical advantages, Petrol Ofisi maintained its dominance in this segment of the market in 2002 that is subject to customs duty. At the same flirketlerle yap›lan stratejik anlaflmalar ile transit yak›t sat›fllar›nda pazar pay›n› art›rmay› baflarm›flt›r. time, Petrol Ofisi achieved an increased market share in transit fuel sales through strategic agreements signed with foreign companies. sa¤lam›flt›r. ‹kmalcilerle yap›lan anlaflmalar sonucunda Petrol Ofisi, fiyat hareketlerindeki riskini azaltm›fl, operasyon maliyetlerindeki tasarruflar ile karl›l›¤›n› da art›rm›flt›r. In the near future, it is anticipated that the trend in aviation sales will parallel growth in Turkey enabling the Company to target further increases in profitability. Önümüzdeki y›llarda da Türkiye büyümesine paralel olarak bu büyümenin sürmesi beklenmekte ve birim karl›l›klar›n›n art›r›lmas› hedeflenmektedir. Marine Sales The Petrol Ofisi Marine Sales Department meets the fuel and lubricant needs of coastal and off-coastal marine vehicles in a timely and cost-effective manner while operating within the framework of legal arrangements and fair competition. The Department operates in accordance with international technical specifications and service standards. Deniz Sat›fllar› Petrol Ofisi Deniz Sat›fllar› Bölümü, ‹kmal ve Lojistik Hizmetleri ile kabotaj içi ve d›fl› çal›flan deniz vas›talar›n›n yak›t ve madeni ya¤ ihtiyaçlar›n›, uluslararas› teknik flartnamelere ve hizmet standartlar›na uygun olarak, yasal düzenlemeler ve ilkeli rekabet koflullar› çerçevesinde eksiksiz, zaman›nda ve en uygun fiyatla sunmay› amaçlamaktad›r. Petrol Ofisi, gemi yak›t ikmali (bunker) sektöründe depolama ve hizmet aç›s›ndan en yayg›n operasyona sahiptir. ‹stanbul, ‹zmir, Antalya, Mersin, ‹skenderun, Samsun ve Trabzon’da bulunan ikmal noktalar›ndan direkt ve/veya Liman Bayileri arac›l›¤› ile hizmet verilmektedir. Ürünler, hem kabotaj içi çal›flan Türk band›ral› gemilere (gümrüklü) hem de kabotaj d›fl› çal›flan Türk ve yabanc› band›ral› gemilere (transit) sunulabilmektedir. Lojistik avantaj›n›n yan› s›ra, güçlü deniz yak›t ikmal arac› filosu, genifl ürün yelpazesi ve "zaman›nda, eksiksiz ve üstün hizmet anlay›fl›" ile Petrol Ofisi Deniz Sat›fllar› Bölümü, 2002 y›l›nda da gümrüklü ürün pazar›ndaki hakimiyetini sürdürürken, yabanc› flirketlerle yap›lan stratejik anlaflmalar ile transit yak›t sat›fllar›nda pazar pay›n› art›rmay› baflarm›flt›r. Madeni Ya¤ Üretimi, Pazarlama ve Sat›fllar› Derince-‹zmit ve Alia¤a-‹zmir’de olmak üzere iki madeni ya¤ harmanlama tesisinde madeni ya¤ üretimi gerçeklefltiren Petrol Ofisi, bazya¤› ihtiyac›n› hem Tüprafl-Alia¤a Rafinerisi’nden hem de yurtd›fl›ndan temin etmektedir. Üretilen mamullerin tüketicilere Petrol Ofisi has the broadest operations in the bunker sector in terms of storage and services. From its supply points located in Istanbul, Izmir, Mersin, Iskenderun, Samsun and Trabzon, services are rendered to both coast vessels serving under the Turkish flag (products subject to customs duty) and to off-coast vessels under Turkish and foreign flags (transit). With its robust marine fuel supply fleet, diversified product range and "timely, complete and high level service approach", in addition to its logistical advantages, Petrol Ofisi maintained its dominance in this segment of the market in 2002 that is subject to customs duty. At the same time, Petrol Ofisi achieved an increased market share in transit fuel sales through strategic agreements signed with foreign companies. Lubricants Production, Marketing and Sales Petrol Ofisi produces lubricants at its lube oil blending plants at Izmit, Derince and Izmir, Alia¤a. Base oils are obtained from Tüprafl-Alia¤a Refinery and from abroad. Finished goods are delivered to consumers in packs as well as in bulk. Petrol Ofisi produces a variety of lubricants at its two lubricant blending facilities. Paraffin oil-based engine oil, hydraulic fluids and 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l›nda bir ilke daha imza atarak Türkiye’de madeni ya¤ sektöründe ilk ISO 9001:2000 Kalite Yönetim Petrol Ofisi was granted the first ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System Certificate in the Turkish Sistemi Belgesi’ni alm›flt›r. lubricants sector in 2002. ulaflt›r›lmas› ise ço¤unlukla ambalajlanm›fl paketler halinde veya dökme olarak gerçeklefltirilmektedir. Petrol Ofisi, her iki madeni ya¤ harmanlama tesisinde de genifl bir üretim yelpazesine sahiptir. Genel olarak, Alia¤a Madeni Ya¤ Fabrikas›’nda parafinik baz ya¤ esasl› motor ya¤lar› ile hidrolik sistem ve endüstriyel ya¤lar üretilirken, Derince Fabrikas›’nda gres üretimi dahil daha genifl bir ürün portföyü bulunmaktad›r. Petrol Ofisi, Derince Fabrikas›’nda 110,000 ton (10,000 tonu gres), Alia¤a fabrikas›’nda ise 60,000 ton olmak üzere toplam 170,000 ton y›ll›k üretim kapasitesine sahiptir. Yüksek dolum kapasitesine sahip Derince Fabrikas›’nda Türkiye’nin en büyük ve en modern teneke ile varil dolum hatlar› bulunmaktad›r. Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l›nda bir ilke daha imza atarak Türkiye’de madeni ya¤ sektöründe ilk ISO 9001:2000 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi Belgesi’ni alm›flt›r. Son üç y›l itibariyle toplam üretim miktarlar›, kapasite kullan›m oranlar› ve pazar sat›fl paylar› afla¤›daki tabloda verilmektedir: Y›llar Toplam Üretim (bin ton) Kapasite Kullan›m› (%) Pazar Pay› (%)* 1999 99.1 58.3 32.8 2000 85.1 50.0 28.7 2001 94.5 55.6 34.2 2002 101.5 59.7 33.5 * 2002 y›l›nda PETDER’e üye olan flirket say›s›n›n artmas› nedeniyle 2000 ve 2001 y›llar› pazar paylar› da buna uygun olarak düzeltilmifltir. Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l›nda 100,927 ton madeni ya¤ sat›fl› gerçeklefltirmifltir. Sat›fllar›n %48’ini dizel motor ya¤lar›, %26’s›n› endüstriyel ya¤lar, %14’ünü antifrizler, %3’ünü benzinli motor ya¤lar›, %4’ünü gresler, %5’ini di¤er ya¤lar oluflturmaktad›r. Bu sat›fllar›n içinde yurtiçine yay›lm›fl toptanc› bayilerine, Petrol Ofisi akaryak›t istasyonlar›na, direkt olarak fiirket taraf›ndan kamu ve özel sektör kurulufllar›na yap›lan sat›fllar yer almaktad›r. Türkiye’de madeni ya¤ sektörü 2000-2002 y›llar› aras›nda yaklafl›k %9 küçülürken ayn› dönemde sat›fllar› yaklafl›k %7 büyüyen Petrol Ofisi’nin pazar pay› befl puan art›fl göstererek 2002 y›l› sonu itibariyle %33.5 seviyesine ulaflm›flt›r. Ayn› dönemde üretim miktar› ise %19 oran›nda artm›flt›r. Petrol Ofisi 2001’de yapm›fl oldu¤u atakla yakalam›fl oldu¤u pazar pay›n› 2002’de kilitleyerek ürün ve karl›l›k optimizasyonuna yönelmifltir. industrial oils are produced at the Alia¤a plant, while a wider range of oils and lubricants, including greases are produced at the Derince plant. Petrol Ofisi has an annual lube oil production capacity of 170,000 tons, of which 110,000 tons (including 10,000 tons of grease) are produced at the Derince plant and 60,000 tons at the Alia¤a plant. The Derince plant has the largest and most modern can and drum filling machinery in Turkey. Petrol Ofisi was granted the first ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System Certificate in the Turkish lubricants sector in 2002. Total production, capacity utilization and market share for the last three years were as follows: Years Total Production (000 tons) Capacity Utilization (%) Market Share (%)* 1999 99.1 58.3 32.8 2000 85.1 50.0 28.7 2001 94.5 55.6 34.2 2002 101.2 59.5 33.5 * The market share figures for 2000 and 2001 have been adjusted for the increase in the number of companies, which have become members of PETDER in 2002. During 2002, Petrol Ofisi sold 100,927 tons of lubricants; 48% diesel, 26% industrial, 14% antifreeze, 3% passenger car engine oils, 4% grease and 5% various other lubricants. Sales figures include sales to dealer wholesalers throughout the country, Petrol Ofisi stations and direct sales to public enterprises and private sector companies. Despite the 9% shrinkage in the lubricants market between 20002002, Petrol Ofisi increased its sales by approximately 7% and gained a 5-point market share, increasing its overall share to 33.5% at the end of 2002. In the same period, production volume increased by 19%. The Company focused on product mix and profitability optimization in 2002, while maintaining its market share it had obtained with the forward leap achieved in 2001. Some of the most significant investments made during 2002 include: • Modernization of the air-conditioning system, • Improvement of the production process at the storage tanks, • Havaland›rma sistemlerinin modernizasyonu, • Tanklarda üretim proseslerinde iyilefltirilme, • Laboratuarlara en son teknolojik cihazlar›n al›mlar›n›n sürdürülmesi ile analiz ve AR-GE kapasitelerinin gelifltirilmesi, • Ambalaj malzemesi Girifl Kalite Kontrol Laboratuar› kurulmas› yer almaktad›r. Petrol Ofisi ürün portföyünü çeflitlendirerek Teknik Hizmetler Bölümü arac›l›¤›yla 10 yeni ürünü piyasaya sunmufltur. Ayr›ca 17 orijinal ekipman üreticisinden (OEM) onay al›narak bu alanda bafllat›lan geliflmeler sürdürülmüfltür. Müflterinin "aya¤›na giderek" hizmet vermek amac›nda olan Petrol Ofisi, bunun somut bir örne¤ini de Nisan 2002’de faaliyete bafllayan Madeni Ya¤ E¤itim TIR’› ile kan›tlam›flt›r. 2002 y›l›nda toplam 10,888 kifliye madeni ya¤ konusunda e¤itim verilmifltir. 2002 y›l›nda müflterilere verilen teknik destek kapsam› geniflletilerek, POLA (Petrol Ofisi Laboratuar Analiz) sistemi kurulmufltur. Bu sistem ile müflterilerin ya¤ numuneleri yurt geneline yay›lm›fl lojistik imkanlar kullan›larak fabrikalardaki laboratuarlara ulaflt›r›lmakta ve neticeler en k›sa zamanda müflterilere iletilmektedir. 2002 y›l›nda da Petrol Ofisi, kamu ve özel fabrikalar›n, Türk Silahl› Kuvvetleri’nin ve di¤er birçok resmi ve özel kuruluflun açm›fl oldu¤u ihalelerde ve rekabetçi sat›nalma görüflmelerinde tüketicilerin ilk tercihi olmaya devam etmifltir. Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l›nda otomotiv segmentinde çal›flmalar›n› yo¤unlaflt›rm›fl ve hizmette farkl›l›k yaratarak rekabeti sürdürmüfltür. Sektörün kalbi olarak kabul edilen fabrika ilk dolum ya¤› sektöründe MAN Türkiye A.fi ile anlaflmay› yenileyerek bu konuda da kalitesini ispatlam›flt›r. Ayr›ca servisler ve di¤er sat›fl kanallar›nda yat›r›mlara devam edilerek otomotiv segmentinde at›lan temeller pekifltirilmifltir. Endüstriyel müflterilerin yer ald›¤› segmentte ise hizmet kapsam› geniflletilerek müflteri adresine yerinde hizmet götürmek anlay›fl› ile gerek kapl› mal gerekse dökme mallar›n nakliyesinde s›ras›yla "Direkt Da¤›t›m Sistemi" ve s›f›r kontaminasyon riski ile çal›flan "Super Clean Tanker" sistemleri kurulmufl ve müflterilere sunulmaya bafllanm›flt›r. • State-of-art laboratory equipment purchases and an increase of analysis and R&D capacity, and • Establishment of a packaging material Incoming Quality Control Laboratory. Petrol Ofisi Technical Services Department enhanced its product range and introduced 10 new products, while concurrently obtaining quality approvals from 17 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM). Bringing its services directly to the customer, Petrol Ofisi organized Lubricants Training courses utilizing its specially adapted TIR at onsite customer locations. This program, which became operational in April 2002, has trained approximately 10,888 participants. 29 In 2002, the scope of customer technical support was expanded and the Petrol Ofisi Laboratory Analysis (POLA) system was established. Utilizing logistics facilities available in the country, this system brings customers’ lubricant samples for analysis to plant laboratories and results are delivered to the customers at the soonest possible time. In 2002, Petrol Ofisi continued to be the number one choice of public and private industrial plants and the Turkish Armed Forces as well as in tenders organized by public and private sector establishments. In 2002, the Company intensified work in the automotive segment and maintained its competitive edge through differentiated services. Sales to automotive manufacturers is regarded as a most prestigious deal in the lubricants sector and the agreement renewed with MAN Turkey represented a fair evidence of the quality of Petrol Ofisi automotive lubricants. Initiatives already taken toward the automotive sector were further enhanced by new investments made for service stations and other sales channels. The scope of services directed at the industrial establishments segment was improved. Delivery of packed and bulk products was made on-site to industrial customers utilizing the Direct Distribution Services and Super Clean Tanker Systems; latter assuring zero contamination risk of the product. Following privatization, Petrol Ofisi gradually continued increasing exports and achieved a total of 4,553 tons exported to 16 countries Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l›nda fabrikalarda gerçeklefltirilen en önemli yat›r›mlar aras›nda: 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Akaryak›t ürünlerinin ayl›k, üç ayl›k ve y›ll›k ikmal programlar›n› haz›rlayarak, pazar arz ve talep seviyelerini takip Petrol Ofisi prepares monthly, quarterly and annual supply schedules for petroleum products, monitors the market eden Petrol Ofisi, Tüprafl ve Atafl rafinerilerinden akaryak›t ürünlerinin gemi, kara tankeri ve boru hatt› yoluyla tesisat supply and demand levels and supplies petroleum products from Tüprafl and Atafl refineries to terminals and ve depolara ikmalini gerçeklefltirmifltir. storage depots by ship, tanker truck and pipeline. Petrol Ofisi özellefltirme sonras›nda ihracat ataklar›n› art›rarak sürdürmüfl ve 2002 y›l›nda 16 ayr› ülkeye toplam 4,553 tonluk ihracat gerçeklefltirmifltir. Ülke portföyü komflu ülkeler ve BDT ülkelerinden ‹srail ve Lübnan gibi Ortado¤u ülkelerine de yay›lm›flt›r. in 2002. The export portfolio is made up of CIS countries and Middle East countries, such as Israel and Lebanon. Bütün bu hizmetlerin temelinde: • A customer-focused Production-Marketing-Sales organization, • Newly developed lubricant product portfolio that meets customer requirements, • Technical support and services provided to customers, • Competitive marketing and sales strategies, and • Continuous monitoring of the market. • Müflteri odakl› Üretim-Pazarlama-Sat›fl organizasyonu, • Müflterilerin taleplerine cevap veren yeni ve zenginlefltirilmifl madeni ya¤ ürün portföyünün yarat›lmas›, • Müflterilere teknik destek ve hizmet verilmesi, • Rekabetçi pazarlama ve sat›fl stratejilerinin uygulanmas›, • Pazar›n nabz›n›n sürekli olarak elde tutulmas› yatmaktad›r. ‹kmal ve Lojistik Akaryak›t ‹kmali Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l›nda 1,481,000 tonu ithalat yoluyla gerçekleflen ve 5,705,500 tonu yurtiçi rafinerilerden olmak üzere toplam 7,186,500 ton akaryak›t ürünü ikmal etmifltir. Akaryak›t ürünlerinin ayl›k, üç ayl›k ve y›ll›k ikmal programlar›n› haz›rlayarak, pazar arz ve talep seviyelerini takip eden Petrol Ofisi, Tüprafl ve Atafl rafinerilerinden akaryak›t ürünlerinin gemi, kara tankeri ve boru hatt› yoluyla tesisat ve depolara ikmalini gerçeklefltirmifltir. Ayr›ca ürün stoklar›n›n optimum seviyelerde kalmas›n› sa¤layan fiirket, Tüprafl ve Atafl ikmallerini, programlara uygun olarak %97 seviyesinin üzerinde gerçeklefltirmifltir. Toplam 11 tesisat ve depoda stok bulundurma-gün oran›, çok yüksek bir seviye olan %99 olarak gerçekleflmifltir. 2002 y›l› içinde Türk Standartlar› Enstitüsü spesifikasyonlar›na uygun olarak 1,184,700 ton motorin (%32), 160,100 ton kurflunsuz benzin (%40), 32,700 ton Jet A-1 ve 103,500 ton fuel oil ithalat› yap›lm›flt›r. These achievements are primarily based on the following initiatives: Supply and Logistics Fuel Supply Petrol Ofisi supplied a total of 7,186,500 tons of petroleum products to the Turkish market in 2002, of which 1,481,000 tons were imported and 5,705,500 tons were obtained from domestic refineries. Petrol Ofisi prepares monthly, quarterly and annual supply schedules for petroleum products, monitors the market supply and demand levels and supplies petroleum products from Tüprafl and Atafl refineries to terminals and storage depots by ship, tanker truck and pipeline. The Company also ensures that product inventories are kept at optimum levels and has achieved “on schedule” product deliveries from Tüprafl and Atafl, above the 97% level. An extremely high average daily stockpile rate of 99% was achieved at a total of 11 terminals and depots. In 2002, 1,184,700 tons of diesel fuel (32%), 160,100 tons of unleaded gasoline (40%), 32,700 tons of Jet A-1 and 103,500 tons of fuel oil were imported in conformity with Turkish Standards Institute specifications. Petrol Ofisi 31 32 Fiyatland›rma Otomatik Fiyatland›rma Mekanizmas› gere¤ince Türkiye genelinde akaryak›t ürünlerinin fiyatlar› y›l içinde 101 kez tespit edilmifl ve ülke geneline duyurulmufltur. Pricing The price of petroleum products was determined and announced 101 times during the year in accordance with the Automatic Pricing Mechanism. Deniz Filosu ve Tafl›ma Dokuz adet beyaz ürün ve befl adet siyah ürün tankerinden oluflan toplam 61,245 dwt kapasiteli 14 adet Time Charter (T/C) gemi filosu ve spot olarak kiralanan gemiler, Sa¤l›k, Emniyet ve Çevre (SEÇ) Politikas› gere¤ince uluslararas› standartlara uygun olarak iflletilmifltir. 2002 y›l›nda toplam 2.78 milyon ton beyaz, 1.31 milyon ton siyah ürün ve 44,919 ton bazya¤ denizyolu ile tafl›nm›flt›r. Tanker Fleet and Transportation The 61,245-DWT capacity Time Charter (T/C) fleet made up of nine white and five black product tankers and spot vessels are operated in line with international standards and in accordance with the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy. In 2002, white product totaling 2.78 million tons, 1.31 million tons of black product and 44,919 tons of base oil were transported by sea. Türkiye’de kullan›lan en büyük filoya sahip olan Petrol Ofisi, 2002 y›l›nda 1,623 adet sefer gerçeklefltirmifltir. Muhtemel risklerin asgariye indirilebilmesi ve deniz tafl›mac›l›¤›nda oluflan firelerin azalt›labilmesi amac›yla, Petrol Ofisi Gemi Uygunluk Sistemi (GUS) devreye al›nm›flt›r. Bu çerçevede Petrol Ofisi ile çal›flan toplam 63 gemi (T/C, spot ve ithal kargo getiren gemiler) toplam 95 defa "Dökme Petrol/Kimyasal Madde ve Gaz Tafl›y›c› Gemi Denetleme Soru Formu" çerçevesinde denetimden geçirilerek T/C ve spot gemilerin standartlar› yükseltilmifltir. The largest fleet in Turkey, Petrol Ofisi vessels made 1,623 cruises in 2002. In order to minimize transportation risks and in-transit loss, the Petrol Ofisi Vessel Approval System was introduced. Within this framework, 63 vessels working with Petrol Ofisi (T/C vessels, spot vessels and ships carrying imported cargo) were inspected 95 times in conformity with the OCIMF/Vessel Inspection Questionnaire for Bulk Oil/Chemical Carriers and Gas Carriers in an effort to raise the standards of T/C and spot vessels. Petrol Ofisi Deniz Terminalleri’nin tamam›n›n gemi ile ilgili personeline; temel denizcilik bilgileri, tanker ve tanker terminalleri hakk›nda bilgi, ISGOTT (Uluslararas› Tanker ve Terminal Emniyet Rehberi) ve SSSCL (Gemi-Sahil Emniyet Listesi) hakk›nda aç›klama ve gemide uygulanmas›, gemi yükleme ve tahliyelerinde terminal görevlilerinin dikkat etmesi gerekli hususlar, emniyet tedbirleri konular›nda e¤itimler verilmifltir. Petrol Ofisi tesisat ve depolar› ile sanayi kurulufllar›na madeni ya¤ tafl›mac›l›¤› karayolu ile gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Petrol Ofisi 2002 Y›l›nda Direkt Akaryak›t Teslimat› (DAT) ad› alt›nda yeni bir proje hayata geçirilmifl ve bayilere Petrol Ofisi taraf›ndan direkt ürün teslimat› bafllat›lm›flt›r. DAT projesi kapsam›nda, ortalama 35,000 lt. tafl›ma kapasiteli 21 tanker kullan›lmakta olup, 2002 y›l›nda 361 bayiye 75,258 m3 akaryak›t ikmali yap›larak toplam beyaz ürün sat›fl›n›n %3.25’lik bölümü DAT ile gerçekleflmifltir. Depolama Tesisleri Türkiye genelinde toplam 786,850 m3 akaryak›t depolama kapasiteli dokuz Tesisat (Haramidere, Derince, Alia¤a, Antalya, Mersin, ‹skenderun, Samsun, Trabzon, K›r›kkale), iki Depo (Çubuklu, Mudanya) ve bir Rafineri ‹rtibat (Batman) Müdürlü¤ü’ne sahip olan Petrol Ofisi, 2002 y›l›nda K›r›kkale Tesisat›’n› (20,000 m3 beyaz ürün Basic maritime data, the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT), explanations on and application of Ship/Shore Safety Check Lists, matters to be observed by terminal staff during loading and unloading and safety measure training were provided to all Petrol Ofisi Sea Terminal employees. Lubricant supply to Petrol Ofisi terminals, depots and industrial enterprises was forwarded via land transportation. In 2002, the Direct Fuel Delivery (DAT) system utilizing 21 tankers with an average transportation capacity of 35,000 liters was launched offering direct delivery to Petrol Ofisi dealers. During the year, a total of 75,258 cubic meters of petroleum products was delivered to 361 dealers; 3.25% of total white product sale was achieved through the DAT system. Storage Depots In addition to eight terminals with a total storage capacity of 786,850 cubic meters, in Haramidere, Derince, Alia¤a, Antalya, Mersin, ‹skenderun, Samsun, Trabzon, two depots at Çubuklu and Mudanya and a Refinery Liaison Office at Batman, the Company acquired a new terminal at K›r›kkale. This new facility has a 20,000 cubic meter white product storage capacity and will become operational in 2003. 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Tüm Petrol Ofisi personeli emniyet ve yang›nla mücadele konular›nda bilgilendirilmifl, Tesisat ve depolardan dolum All Petrol Ofisi personnel were given safety and firefighting training while 4,173 tanker drivers received training on yapmakta olan 4,173 tanker floförü Emniyetli Dolum, Güvenli Sürüfl ve ‹stasyonda Tahliye konular›nda e¤itilmifllerdir Safe Filling, Safe Driving and Unloading at Stations. depolama kapasiteli) sat›n alm›flt›r. K›r›kkale Tesisat› 2003 y›l›nda hizmet vermeye bafllayacakt›r. Tüm tesisatlarda yap›lan iyilefltirmeler ve personel say›s›ndaki azaltmalar sayesinde, Petrol Ofisi iflletme maliyetlerinde önemli ölçüde düflüfl ve buna paralel olarak da rekabet konusunda önemli bir avantaj sa¤lam›flt›r. Sa¤l›k, Emniyet ve Çevre (SEÇ) Petrol Ofisi, Çevre, Emniyet ve Güvenlik Müdürlü¤ü’nü kurarak, SEÇ Politikas› uygulamas›na bafllam›flt›r. Bu kapsamda tesisatlar›n çevreye, do¤aya, topluma sayg›l›, gerekli tüm emniyet ve güvenlik önlemleri al›narak uluslararas› standartlara uygun olarak iflletilmesi sa¤lanm›flt›r. Tesisatlar için gerekli bak›m ve onar›m çal›flmalar› yap›lm›fl, deflarj ve emisyon izinleri ile GSM ruhsatlar› büyük ölçüde sa¤lanm›fl, çal›flanlara güvenlik, yang›nla mücadele, çevre bilinci ve iflletme konular›nda e¤itimler verilmifltir. Ayr›ca tüm tesisat ve depolar›n Çevre Koruma denetlemeleri gerçeklefltirilmifltir. "Tehlikeli At›klar›n Yönetimi" uygulanmaya konulmufltur. Tesisat ve depolara ait "Akaryak›t Dökülmeleri ile Mücadele Planlar›" haz›rlanm›flt›r. Yang›nla mücadele ve kiflisel koruma malzemeleri, teknik emniyet, tehlikeli at›klar›n kontrolü ve bertaraf edilmeleri, yüzer bariyer ve skimmer pompalar›n kullan›lmas›, çal›flma izni sistemleri, iflyeri kazalar› ve az hasarla sonuçlanan kazalar›n raporlanmas› konusunda e¤itim süreçleri tamamlanm›flt›r. Tüm Petrol Ofisi personeli emniyet ve yang›nla mücadele konular›nda bilgilendirilmifl, Tesisat ve depolardan dolum yapmakta olan 4,173 tanker floförü Emniyetli Dolum, Güvenli Sürüfl ve ‹stasyonda Tahliye konular›nda e¤itilmifllerdir. Yat›r›mlar Petrol Ofisi’nin Akdeniz’deki ikmal noktalar›ndan biri olan Antalya Tesisat›’n›n yerinin de¤ifltirilmesi ile ilgili olarak, 65,000 m3 tank kapasitesine sahip yeni bir tesisat›n inflaat›na bafllanm›flt›r. Yat›r›m tutar› 20 milyon ABD dolar› olan Antalya Yeni Tesisat›’n›n 2003 Haziran sonunda tamamlanarak hizmete al›nmas› planlanmaktad›r. Depremde y›k›lm›fl olan ‹zmit Tesisat› ‹skelesi 30,000 dwt kapasiteli gemilerin yanaflabilece¤i flekilde yeniden infla edilmifl ve Haziran 2002’de iskele iflletmeye aç›lm›flt›r. Tüm tesisatlar›n deniz boru hatlar› ve flamand›ra sistemleri yenilenmifltir. ‹zmit ve ‹skenderun tank sahas› ›slah› projeleri kapsam›nda, bu tesisatlar›n operasyon flartlar›n›n iyilefltirilmesi sa¤lanm›flt›r. Haramidere ve Trabzon Petrol Ofisi gained a significant competitive edge as a result of improvements made at all terminals and a decrease in the number of personnel. Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Petrol Ofisi set up the Environment, Safety and Security Department and initiated the Health, Safety and Environment Policy to ensure that its terminals operate in compliance with international standards and adhere to the necessary safety and security measures for the protection of the environment and the public. Necessary repairs and maintenance of the terminals were carried out, discharge and emission permits were obtained and employees were given training about safety, firefighting, environmental awareness and operations. All terminals and depots were checked for Environmental Protection. Hazardous Waste Management was initiated and Oil Spill Response Plans were prepared. Training programs dealing with firefighting and personal protection equipment, technical safety, control and removal of hazardous wastes, use of floating barriers and skimmer pumps, work permit systems, workplace injury and near-miss reporting have been completed. All Petrol Ofisi personnel were given safety and firefighting training while 4,173 tanker drivers received training on Safe Filling, Safe Driving and Safe Unloading at Stations. Investments For the purpose of relocating the Antalya terminal, a Petrol Ofisi supply point in the Mediterranean Region, the construction of a new 65,000 cubic meters capacity terminal began. The total investment will amount to US$ 20 million; it is anticipated that the new Antalya terminal will become operational at the end of June 2003. Reconstruction of the Izmit Terminal jetty, which was destroyed during the 1999 earthquake, has been completed and became operational in June 2002 enabling the berthing of vessels with 30,000-DWT capacity. Underwater pipelines and buoy systems at all terminals were renewed. The operating conditions of ‹zmit and ‹skenderun terminals were improved within the tank area improvement projects. The construction of new 10,000 cubic meter tanks at Haramidere and Trabzon Terminals were completed and operations begun. Petrol Ofisi 34 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Yat›r›mc›lar›n Petrol Ofisi ile ilgili güncel bilgilere daha h›zl› ulaflabilmeleri amac›yla fiirket’in ana web sayfas›n›n Design studies for a new section on the Petrol Ofisi website under the heading "Investor Relations" were initiated to alt›nda "Yat›r›mc›larla ‹liflkiler" ad› alt›nda yeni bir bölüm oluflturma çal›flmalar›na bafllanm›flt›r. enable investors rapid access to updated information about the Company. Tesisatlar›’nda 10,000 m3’lük iki yeni tank inflaat› tamamlanm›fl ve iflletmeye al›nm›flt›r. Tesisatlar için haz›rlanan y›ll›k bak›m programlar› çerçevesinde toplam 48 adet tank›n korozyon kontrolü sonucuna göre bak›m onar›m›, katodik korumas› ve iç boyamas› tamamlanm›flt›r. Petrol Ofisi’nin 2002 y›l›nda tesisat ve depolarda gerçeklefltirdi¤i yat›r›mlar›n toplam bedeli 22.8 milyon ABD dolar› olmufltur. Destek Hizmet Faaliyetleri Müflterek Hizmetler Petrol Ofisi 2002 y›l› içinde fiirket’in gelecekte bilgi sistemi altyap›s›na temel olacak çok önemli yaz›l›m, donan›m ve iletiflim projelerine yönelik hedeflerini belirlemifl ve bunlar›n çal›flmas›na bafllam›flt›r. 2002 y›l› içinde bafllayan projelerin en önemlisi e-POCH ERP Projesidir. ERP projesinin ilk faz›nda fiirket’in madeni ya¤ stok, sat›fl ve üretimi ile ‹nsan Kaynaklar› uygulamalar› d›fl›ndaki tüm faaliyetleri proje kapsam›na al›nm›flt›r. Bu kapsamda fiirket’in ana süreçleri olan Lojistik Yönetimi, Sat›fl Yönetimi ve Finans Yönetimi süreçleri kullan›ma sunulmak üzere gelifltirilmifltir. ERP’ye geçiflin Petrol Ofisi’ne sa¤layaca¤› faydalar; fiirket’in ana ifl süreçlerinin tek bir platform üzerinde toplanmas›, günümüz rekabet ortam›nda do¤ru ve tutarl› veriye h›zl› ve güvenli eriflim olanaklar›n›n sa¤lanmas›, fiirket üst yönetimi ve beraber çal›fl›lan ifl ortaklar›na h›zl› ve do¤ru flekilde gerekli raporlar›n sunulmas›n›n sa¤lamas›, bak›m ve destek kolayl›¤› getirmesi, fiirket’in e-dönüflüm projelerine temel oluflturmas› (CRM, tedarik zinciri yönetimi gibi) ve operasyonel ve yönetsel mükemmelli¤in üç temel flart› olan do¤ru bilgi, do¤ru iletiflim ve do¤ru aksiyonun sa¤lanmas›d›r. ERP Projesi ile beraber 2002’de Petrol Ofisi’nin donan›m ve network alt yap›lar›n› yenilemek ve güçlendirmek için yine fiirket için çok önemli olan Donan›m ve ‹letiflim A¤› Projeleri bafllat›lm›flt›r. ERP d›fl›nda yap›lan; gerek zaman, gerekse maliyet aç›s›ndan önemli Corrosion inspection and repair, maintenance, cathode protection and internal painting of 48 tanks were completed within the annual terminal maintenance program. In 2002, Petrol Ofisi invested US$ 22.8 million for terminals and depots. Support Services Shared Services In 2002, Petrol Ofisi defined its objectives with regard to important software, hardware and communication projects, constituting the basis for its future information systems infrastructure. Among these, the most important project is the e-POCH ERP Project. In the first phase of ERP Project, all activities other than the lubricants inventory, sales, production and human resources applications were included in the project. The new version has been developed to serve as an introduction to the basic processes of the Company, including Logistics Management, Sales Management and Financial Management. Among the advantages of transition to ERP are: the centralization of main operations on one platform; rapid and safe access to consistent data in a competitive environment; accurate reporting to the Company’s management and business partners; easy maintenance and repair; establishment of the foundations of the Company’s e-transformation projects (i.e. CRM and supply chain management) and; provision of the right information, right communication and right action - the three basic conditions necessary to attain operational and managerial excellence. In 2002, Hardware and Communication Network Projects were initiated with the aim to renovate and enhance hardware and network infrastructure. Among other projects, which yield significant returns in terms of both time and cost, are the Customer Current Account Project, TOT (Terms of Trade) Petroleum Products and Lubricants Project, the Lubricants Centralization Project, 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) ERP Projesi ile beraber 2002’de Petrol Ofisi’nin donan›m ve network alt yap›lar›n› yenilemek ve güçlendirmek için yine In 2002, Hardware and Communication Network Projects were initiated with the aim to renovate and enhance fiirket için çok önemli olan Donan›m ve ‹letiflim A¤› Projeleri bafllat›lm›flt›r. hardware and network infrastructure. getirileri olan di¤er projeler; Müflteri Cari Projesi, TOT (Terms of Trade) Akaryak›t ve Madeni Ya¤ Projesi, Madeni Ya¤ Merkezilefltirilme Projesi, DOS (Dolum Otomasyon Sistemleri) - ERP Entegrasyon Projesi, Maximo Projesi, Akaryak›t Emanet Mal Çeki Projesi, Automatic Sat›fl Projesi olarak say›labilir. ‹nsan Kaynaklar› Müdürlü¤ü taraf›ndan kullan›lan Biliflim Bordro e-performans ve Sicil/Özlük Bilgileri projeleri için gerekli bilgi teknolojisi deste¤i sa¤lanm›fl, Madeni Ya¤lar Teknik Hizmetler Müdürlü¤ü web tabanl› analiz yaz›l›m› devreye al›nm›fl, Hukuk ‹flleri Müdürlü¤ü dava dosyalar› takip projesi çal›flmalar› bafllat›lm›fl, Petrol Ofisi kurumsal web sitesi devreye al›nm›fl ve 01.08.2002’de bafllat›lan ÖTV uygulamas› ile sat›fl ve stok sistemlerinde gerekli düzenlemeler yap›larak yasal yükümlülükler ek maliyet yarat›lmaks›z›n yerine getirilmifltir. 2002 y›l› içinde ikmal noktalar›nda ayr› ayr› faaliyet gösteren Muhasebe ve Ticaret Müdürlükleri yerine Muhasebe Faturalama fieflikleri kurulmufl ve ifl gücü kazanc› sa¤lanarak müflteri memnuniyetine yönelik daha profesyonelce yaklafl›m sa¤lanm›flt›r. Bütün Muhasebe ve Faturalama fiefliklerine interaktif eriflim sa¤lanarak cari hesap kontrolü ve müflteri memnuniyeti sa¤lanm›flt›r. Ayr›ca elektronik imza kontrolü sa¤lanarak müflteri talep ve çekleri üzerindeki risk azalt›lm›flt›r. Petrol Ofisi bayilerine Bayi Kart ile kredili akaryak›t al›m imkan› sunulmufltur. Üzerinde herhangi bir kredi kart› markas› tafl›mayan ve sadece Petrol Ofisi akaryak›t tesisatlar›nda kabul edilen kart D›flbank ve ‹fl Bankas› ile yap›lan anlaflmalar çerçevesinde kullan›ma bafllanm›flt›r. Petrol Ofisi’nin ihtiyac› olan donan›m ve malzemeler için yaklafl›k 20 milyon ABD dolar› tutar›nda sat›nalma gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Sigorta ifllemlerinin takip edilece¤i bir veri taban›n›n tasar›m ve yaz›l›m çal›flmalar›na bafllanm›flt›r. Depo ve tesisatlar, buralardaki akaryak›t ve madeni ya¤ stoklar›, tanklar, deniz tesisleri, binalar ve elektronik cihazlar› da içeren riskler yaklafl›k 500 milyon ABD dolar› ile teminat alt›na al›nm›flt›r. 2002 y›l›nda faaliyet d›fl› gayrimenkullerin sat›fl çal›flmalar› kapsam›nda sat›fl›na karar verilen gayrimenkullerden bir adet arsa ve üç adet istasyonun sat›fl› gerçeklefltirilmifl ve toplam 1.3 trilyon TL sat›fl geliri sa¤lanm›flt›r. Automated Filling Systems - ERP Integration Project, the Maximo Project, the Product Custody Check Project and the Automatic Sales Project. IT support was given to Electronic Payroll, e-performance and Personnel Record/Employee Data projects of the Human Resources Department. The web-based analysis for the Lubricants Technical Services Department became operational and the court files followup project for the Legal Affairs Department began. Petrol Ofisi corporate website was launched and upon the introduction of the Special Consumption Tax as of August 1, 2002, necessary adjustments in sales and inventory systems were made and legal obligations were met without additional costs. During the year, Accounting and Accounting Support Departments at individual supply points were replaced by Accounting Invoicing Units, saving time and labor while exercising a more professional approach to customer satisfaction. By providing interactive access to all Accounting and Invoicing Units, customer satisfaction for current account monitoring was obtained. Risk on customer shipments and cheques were reduced utilizing electronic signature control. Petrol Ofisi dealers were offered the opportunity to make credit purchases using the Dealer Card. This card, not bearing any credit card brands, is only accepted at Petrol Ofisi terminals and is the product of a cooperation between D›flbank, ‹flbank and the Company. The procurement cost of equipment and materials for Petrol Ofisi amounted to approximately US$ 20 million in 2002. Design and software studies began for a database that will help to monitor insurance transactions. The Company has insured all of its depots and terminals, fuels and lubricants stocks, storage tanks, marine terminals, buildings and electronic equipment for approximately US$ 500 million. In 2002, real estate assets not required for operations, one plot of land and three stations were sold, generating TL 1.3 trillion in revenue. On June 5, 2002, Petrol Ofisi signed an agreement with 10 banks; Credit Lyonnais, Credit Agricola Indosuez, Deutsche Bank, Oyak European Finance, BNP Paribas, HSBC, ING Bank and Finansbank Petrol Ofisi, SPK, ‹MKB, yerli ve yabanc› arac› kurumlar, yat›r›m bankalar› ve ortaklarla olan iliflkilerini belirli bir sistem çerçevesinde yürütmektedir. fiirket faaliyetleri hakk›nda bilgi veren raporlar›n yan› s›ra üçer ayl›k dönemler itibariyle fiirket merkezinde sunumlar yap›larak yat›r›mc›lara bilgi ak›fl› sa¤lanm›flt›r. Yat›r›mc›lar›n Petrol Ofisi ile ilgili güncel bilgilere daha h›zl› ulaflabilmeleri amac›yla fiirket’in ana web sayfas›n›n alt›nda "Yat›r›mc›larla ‹liflkiler" ad› alt›nda yeni bir bölüm oluflturma çal›flmalar›na bafllanm›flt›r. ‹nsan Kaynaklar› Petrol Ofisi’nin amac› müflterilerin, çal›flanlar›n ve toplumun ihtiyaç ve beklentilerindeki de¤ifliklikleri önceden tahmin eden ve bunlar› aflarak karfl›layan bir flirket olmakt›r. ‹nsan gücünü mükemmel performansa ulaflt›rmak amac›yla Yetkinlik Temelli Entegre ‹nsan Kaynaklar› Sistemi’ni kullanmakta olan Petrol Ofisi’nin vizyonu do¤rultusunda yetkinlikler tan›mlanm›fl ve bir yetkinlik sözlü¤ü ve Performans De¤erlendirme Sistemi ile tümleflik Potansiyel De¤erlendirme ve Kariyer Planlama Sistemleri haz›rlanm›flt›r. Performans Gelifltirme Sistemi’nin en verimli flekilde uygulanmas›n› sa¤lamak amac›yla e-performans sistemi uygulanmaya bafllanm›flt›r. E-performans projesi ile kiflilerin, departmanlar›n ve fiirket’in yetkinlik profillerinin ç›kart›lmas›, gelifltirici ve düzeltici önlemlerin al›nmas› amaçlanm›flt›r. Çal›flanlar›n yetkinlik ve yönetim becerilerinde geliflimlerini desteklemek amac›yla 2002 y›l›nda 30 e¤itim program›nda 848 adam/gün e¤itim verilmifltir. Petrol Ofisi geçirdi¤i yeniden yap›lanma süreciyle birlikte Türkiye’nin en çok çal›fl›lmak istenen flirketlerinden biri olmufltur. 2002 y›l› içinde ‹nsan Kaynaklar› Müdürlü¤ü’ne 15,750 baflvuru ulaflm›fl olup, 1,328 mülakat yap›lm›flt›r. Bu baflvurulardan 115 kifli Petrol Ofisi’nde istihdam edilmifltir. Holland under the coordination of Citibank and ABN Amro Bank, to obtain a syndicated loan of US$ 75 million with Libor+1.20% interest and for a term of 370 days to finance investments and projects and to meet working capital requirements. This loan was repaid and closed before the end of 2002. Petrol Ofisi, systematically, continues its relationship with the Capital Markets Board, the Istanbul Stock Exchange, domestic and foreign brokerage houses, investment banks and shareholders. The Company keeps the investors informed through quarterly presentations made at the Head Office, in addition to the issuance of reports containing information about the Company. Design studies for a new section on the Petrol Ofisi website under the heading "Investor Relations" were initiated to enable investors rapid access to updated information about the Company. 37 Human Resources Petrol Ofisi aims to be a Company that foresees changes in the needs of its employees and customers and acts accordingly to meet those requirements. In line with this goal, Petrol Ofisi utilizes a Competency Based Integrated Human Resources System to enable the workforce to attain high levels of performance. The competencies, under Petrol Ofisi’s vision, were defined and a dictionary of competency terms was prepared. Additionally, Potential Evaluation and Career Planning Systems complementing the Performance Evaluation System are applied. In order to implement the Performance Enhancement System most effectively, the e-performance system was introduced. The purpose of the e-performance system is to attain the competency profiles of the staff, the departments and the Company and to improve these and take corrective measures where and when needed. During the year, the equivalent of 848 days of training were offered in 30 training programs, which aim to encourage efficiency and enhance the managerial skills of the employees. As a result of restructuring efforts, Petrol Ofisi has become a company preferred to work for. In 2002, 15,750 people applied to the Human Resources Department and 1,328 were interviewed. Of the interviewed applicants, 115 were recruited for vacancies at Petrol Ofisi. Petrol Ofisi Petrol Ofisi 05.06.2002 tarihinde yat›r›m ve projelerin finansman› ile iflletme sermayesi ihtiyaçlar›n›n karfl›lanmas› amac› ile 75 milyon ABD dolar› tutar›nda, 370 gün vadeli ve Libor+%1.20 faizli bir sendikasyon kredisi için Citibank ve ABN Amro Bank koordinasyonunda, Credit Lyonnais, Credit Agricola Indosuez, Deutsche Bank, Oyak European Finance, BNP Paribas, HSBC, Ing Bank ve Finansbank Holland’›n da dahil oldu¤u 10 banka ile anlaflma imzalam›flt›r. 2002 y›l› sona ermeden sendikasyon kredisi geri ödenmek sureti ile kapat›lm›flt›r. 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Çal›flanlar›n yetkinlik ve yönetim becerilerinde geliflimlerini desteklemek amac›yla 2002 y›l›nda 30 e¤itim program›nda During 2002, the equivalent of 848 days of training were offered in 30 training programs, which aim to encourage 848 adam/gün e¤itim verilmifltir. efficiency and enhance the managerial skills of the employees. Daha önce ifl de¤erlendirmesi yap›lmayan iflçi ve memur seviyesindeki 583 pozisyonun de¤erlendirmeleri yap›lm›fl ve bu pozisyonlarla ilgili yeni ücretlendirme modeli uygulamaya sokulmufltur. Performans Gelifltirme Sistemi sonuçlar›na dayal›, kiflisel ve fiirket performans›na katk›y› ödüllendiren bir ücretlendirme sistemi de gelifltirilmifltir. Previously, 583 workers and employees whose positions were not previously included in the performance evaluation system were evaluated and a new salary model was introduced. The new salary system is based on the results of the Performance Enhancement System and rewards personal accomplishment in proportion to his/her contribution to the overall success of the Company. 2002 Y›l› Personel ‹statistikleri 2002 Personnel Profile Ö¤renim Durumlar› Üniversite ve Üzeri Lise ‹lkö¤retim Yafl Ortalamas› Kad›n Erkek Tüm Personel Cinsiyet Da¤›l›m› Kad›n Erkek %47 %33 %20 35 39 38 %13 %87 Petrol Ofisi Personel Say›s› 01 Ocak 2002 31 Aral›k 2002 Kapsam D›fl› 622 592 Education University and Post Graduate High School Elementary School Average Age Female Male Staff Average Distribution by Gender Female Male 47% 33% 20% 35 39 38 13% 87% Number of Employees Kapsam ‹çi 550 437 Toplam 1,172 1,029 Hukuki Konular Hukuk ‹flleri Müdürlü¤ü, fiirket aleyhine aç›lan ya da fiirket taraf›ndan aç›lm›fl olan icra takiplerinin ve davalar›n takibinin yan› s›ra, mevcut iflleticilik sözleflmeleri, bayilik sözleflmeleri ve Petrol Ofisi lehine intifa hakk›, ipotek tesisi ve mevcut intifa haklar›n›n sürelerinin uzat›lmas› ifllemleri, bayilerden, iflleticilerden, tafl›y›c›lardan al›nacak teminat›n mahiyet ve çerçevesinin tespiti, kredi, sat›m, tafl›ma sözleflmeleri, ihale esaslar›, Damga Vergisi Kanunu, Vergi Usul Kanunu gibi mali mevzuatla ilgili olarak hukuki January 1, 2002 December 31, 2002 Exempt Non-Exempt 622 550 592 437 Total 1,172 1,029 Legal Affairs The Legal Affairs Department is responsible for resolving all legal issues concerning Petrol Ofisi and providing legal counsel to various departments within the Company. These include following cases filed against the Company or those filed by the Company against third parties, the extension and/or renewal of existing operator contracts, dealer contracts and procedures whereby Petrol Ofisi acquires the usage rights to real estate and where the duration of Petrol Ofisi 39 2002 YILI FAAL‹YETLER‹ (DEVAM) OPERATIONS IN 2002 (CON’T) Hukuk ‹flleri Bölümü, personel, bayi, resmi ve özel kurulufllarla olan iliflkilerden do¤an ihtilaflar›n, her zeminde çözümüne In 2002, the Legal Affairs Department continued solving and/or precluding disputes arising from relations with yard›mc› olmak, sorun ç›kmamas› için ilgili personelin bilgilendirilmesini sa¤lama çal›flmalar›na 2002 y›l›nda da devam etmifltir. dealers, official and private establishments and informing relevant personnel on likely problems. temele dayal› pratik bir uygulama biçimi tespit ederek karfl›lafl›labilecek sorunlara çözüm önerileri getirerek uygulama birimlerini bilgilendirmifltir. Ayr›ca özellefltirme nedeni ile ifl akitleri feshedilen iflçiler taraf›ndan aç›lan fazla mesai davalar›, nakle tabi kapsam d›fl› ve sözleflmeli personel taraf›ndan aç›lan ifl sonu tazminat davalar›, ticari iliflkiden kaynaklanan flart-› ceza ve kâr mahrumiyeti davalar›n›n takibi, ifllerin daha süratli ve verimli olabilmesi için sözleflme yap›lan avukatlar taraf›ndan takip edilen davalar, icralarla ilgili olarak yap›lan ifllemler hakk›nda, bilgi almak ve denetlemek, yeni ç›kan yasalar ve özellikle Petrol ‹flleri Genel Müdürlü¤ü taraf›ndan sektörün disipline edilmesine yönelik olarak ç›kar›lan Kararname ve Tebli¤ler ile bunlar›n d›fl›nda kalan ve uygulamada s›kça karfl›lafl›lan TSE, Rekabet Kurulu, Markalar, Patent, Haks›z Rekabet hükümleri gibi konularda mevzuat ve örnek kararlar›n derlenmesi konusunda bilgi bankas› oluflturulmas›, Petrol Ofisi aç›s›ndan saklanmas› zaruri görülen sözleflmelerin ve k›ymetli evrak›n tek elde toplanmas› için arflivleme çal›flmalar› da yap›lmaktad›r. Hukuk ‹flleri Bölümü, personel, bayi, resmi ve özel kurulufllarla olan iliflkilerden do¤an ihtilaflar›n, her zeminde çözümüne yard›mc› olmak, sorun ç›kmamas› için ilgili personelin bilgilendirilmesini sa¤lama çal›flmalar›na 2002 y›l›nda da devam etmifltir. such rights are extended, setting the form and content of guarantees to be obtained from dealers and delivery companies, loans, sale and transport contracts and advising relevant departments on the application of financial regulations such as the Stamp Duty Law and the Tax Procedural Law and developing unified practical applications based on legal grounds to bring solutions to possible problems. The Department also deals with law suits concerning overtime disputes filed by employees whose contracts were terminated as a result of the privatization, termination of employment cases filed by relocated and contracted personnel, follow-up of cases filed in connection with penalty clauses in contracts or disciplinary action taken against the staff, cases filed in connection with loss of profit, cases followed-up by contracted lawyers to expedite procedures, and supervisory action taken in connection with court bailiff cases. It also manages a database of new decrees and regulations issued by the Petroleum Affairs General Directorate to supervise the sector along with regulations and sample resolutions on other subjects such as the regulation of the Turkish Standards Institute, the Competition Board, trademarks, unfair competition as well as an archive of Company contracts and other valuable documents. In 2002, the Legal Affairs Department continued solving and/or precluding disputes arising from relations with dealers, official and private establishments and informing relevant personnel on likely problems. PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. 31 ARALIK 2002 TAR‹H‹ ‹T‹BAR‹YLE MAL‹ TABLOLAR PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. 1 OCAK 2002 – 31 ARALIK 2002 HESAP DÖNEM‹NE A‹T BA⁄IMSIZ DENET‹M RAPORU 1. Petrol Ofisi A.fi.'nin ("fiirket") 31 Aral›k 2002 tarihi itibariyle düzenlenmifl bilançosunu ve bu tarihte sona eren hesap dönemine ait gelir tablosunu incelemifl bulunuyoruz. ‹ncelememiz genel kabul görmüfl denetim ilke, esas ve standartlar›na uygun olarak yap›lm›fl ve dolay›s›yla hesap ve ifllemlerle ilgili olarak muhasebe kay›tlar›n›n kontrolü ile gerekli gördü¤ümüz di¤er denetim yöntem ve tekniklerini içermifltir. 2. Görüflümüze göre, söz konusu mali tablolar, fiirket'in 31 Aral›k 2002 tarihindeki gerçek mali durumunu ve bu tarihte sona eren hesap dönemine ait gerçek faaliyet sonucunu, mevzuata ve bir önceki hesap dönemi ile tutarl› bir flekilde uygulanan Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu taraf›ndan yay›mlanan genel kabul görmüfl muhasebe ilkelerine (Bak›n›z Bilanço dipnot 11a) uygun olarak do¤ru bir biçimde yans›tmaktad›r. 3. Görüflümüzü etkilememekle beraber flu hususa dikkatinizi çekeriz. fiirket, 33 no’lu bilanço dipnotunda detayl› olarak aç›kland›¤› üzere, 27 Aral›k 2002 tarihi itibariyle ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. ile mevcut tüm aktif ve pasiflerinin bir kül halinde devir al›nmas› suretiyle Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun 451 ve Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu’nun 37, 38 ve 39. maddeleri hükümlerine uygun olarak birleflmifltir. 31 Aral›k 2001 tarihi itibariyle düzenlenmifl mali tablolar birleflen flirketin mali tablolar› ile birlefltirilerek sunulmam›flt›r. Bu durum karfl›laflt›rma aç›s›ndan göz önünde bulundurulmal›d›r. DENET‹M SERBEST MAL‹ MÜfiAV‹RL‹K A.fi. Member Firm of DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU Hüseyin Gürer Sorumlu Ortak Bafl Denetçi ‹stanbul, 28 fiubat 2003 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002 1. We have audited the attached balance sheet of Petrol Ofisi A.fi. ("the Company") as of 31 December 2002 and the related statement of income for the year then ended. Our audit was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. 2. In our opinion, the attached financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2002 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with legislation and generally accepted accounting principles (see Balance Sheet note 11a) as published by the Turkish Capital Market Board, applied on a consistent basis. 3. Without qualifying our opinion, we draw your attention to the following. As explained in detail in note 33 to the balance sheet, the Company merged with ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. with all its assets and liabilities as of 27 December 2002 in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code Article No: 451 and Corporate Tax Law Articles No: 37, 38 and 39. The financial statements of ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. as of 31 December 2001 have not been combined with those of the Company. This should be considered while comparing the two years. 4. The accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial position and results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than those in Turkey. The standards, procedures and practices to audit such financial statements are those generally accepted and applied in Turkey. DENET‹M SERBEST MAL‹ MÜfiAV‹RL‹K A.fi. Member Firm of DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU Hüseyin Gürer Partner ‹stanbul, 28 February 2003 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. AYRINTILI B‹LANÇO (Milyon TL) Cari Dönem 31 Aral›k 2002 I. DÖNEN VARLIKLAR A. Haz›r De¤erler 1. Kasa 2. Bankalar 3. Di¤er Haz›r De¤erler B. Menkul K›ymetler 1. Hisse Senetleri 2. Özel Kesim Tahvil, Senet ve Bonolar› 3. Kamu Kesimi Tahvil, Senet ve Bonolar› 4. Di¤er Menkul K›ymetler 5. Menkul K›ymetler De¤er Düflüklü¤ü Karfl. (-) C. K›sa Vadeli Ticari Alacaklar 1. Al›c›lar 2. Alacak Senetleri 3. Verilen Depozito ve Teminatlar 4. Di¤er K›sa Vadeli Ticari Alacaklar 5. Alacak Reeskontu (-) 6. fiüpheli Alacaklar Karfl›l›¤› (-) D. Di¤er K›sa Vadeli Alacaklar 1. Ortaklardan Alacaklar 2. ‹fltiraklerden Alacaklar 3. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klardan Alacaklar 4. K›sa Vadeli Di¤er Alacaklar 5. Alacak Reeskontu (-) 6. fiüpheli Alacaklar Karfl›l›¤› (-) E. Stoklar 1. ‹lk Madde ve Malzeme 2. Yar› Mamüller 3. Ara Mamüller 4. Mamüller 5. Emtia 6. Di¤er Stoklar 7. Stok De¤er Düflüklü¤ü Karfl›l›¤› (-) 8. Verilen Siparifl Avanslar› F. Di¤er Dönen Varl›klar II. DURAN VARLIKLAR A. Uzun Vadeli Ticari Alacaklar 1. Al›c›lar 2. Alacak Senetleri 3. Verilen Depozito ve Teminatlar 4. Di¤er Uzun Vadeli Ticari Alacaklar 5. Alacak Reeskontu (-) 6. fiüpheli Alacaklar Karfl›l›¤› (-) B. Di¤er Uzun Vadeli Alacaklar 1. Ortaklardan Alacaklar 2. ‹fltiraklerden Alacaklar 3. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klardan Alacaklar 4. Uzun Vadeli Di¤er Alacaklar 5. Alacak Reeskontu (-) 6. fiüpheli Alacaklar Karfl›l›¤› (-) C. Finansal Duran Varl›klar 1. Ba¤l› Menkul K›ymetler 2. Ba¤l› Menkul K›y. De¤. Düfl. Karfl›l›¤› (-) 3. ‹fltirakler 4. ‹fltiraklere Sermaye Taahhütleri (-) 5. ‹fltirakler De¤er Düflüklü¤ü Karfl›l›¤› (-) 6. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar 7. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klara Sermaye Taahhütleri (-) 8. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar De¤er Düflüklü¤ü Karfl. (-) 9. Di¤er Finansal Duran Varl›klar D. Maddi Duran Varl›klar 1. Arazi ve Arsalar 2. Yerüstü ve Yeralt› Düzenleri 3. Binalar 4. Makine, Tesis ve Cihazlar 5. Tafl›t Araç ve Gereçleri 6. Döfleme ve Demirbafllar 7. Di¤er Maddi Duran Varl›klar 8. Birikmifl Amortismanlar (-) 9. Yap›lmakta Olan Yat›r›mlar 10. Verilen Siparifl Avanslar› E. Maddi Olmayan Duran Varl›klar 1. Kurulufl ve Teflkilatlanma Giderleri 2. Haklar 3. Araflt›rma ve Gelifltirme Giderleri 4. Di¤er Maddi Olmayan Duran Varl›klar (net) 5. Verilen Avanslar F. Di¤er Duran Varl›klar AKT‹F TOPLAMI Önceki Dönem 31 Aral›k 2001 1,110,656,242 512,779,625 270,679,842 63,538,988 95,540 253,616,336 16,967,966 34,012 12,415,243 51,089,733 - - - 360,150,531 286,473,783 149,383,268 217,067,594 2,402,400 7,471,083 (4,410,829) (11,762,985) 195,974,992 99,413,464 5,989 3,921,238 (2,233,432) (10,608,468) 250,620,765 1,941,699 122,777,506 125,128,244 2,807,268 (92,253) 2,034,388 (92,689) 181,233,718 104,621,555 17,090,306 737,384 9,610,693 135,179,836 16,661,386 1,954,113 12,029,695 1,013,029 7,356,340 74,740,085 7,843,783 1,638,623 47,971,386 56,203,600 2,120,087,332 119,911,320 4,435,288 4,893,012 535,627 18,991,119 (15,091,458) - 468,304 11,358,213 (6,933,505) - - - 890,599 363,553 15 294 890,290 - 4 294 363,255 176,192,471 100,855,118 5,530,060 53,202,705 25,016,426 34,984,342 11,919,208 13,844,941 97,674,580 (99,723,845) 33,744,054 - 5,432,212 10,237,748 15,341,644 16,625,643 7,434,596 7,217,417 42,760,403 (44,330,305) 40,135,760 1,937,721,688 12,631,908 252,207 1,937,469,481 - 12,631,908 847,286 1,167,729 3,230,743,574 632,690,945 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. BALANCE SHEETS (TL Million) Current Year 31 December 2002 1,110,656,242 63,538,988 95,540 253,616,336 16,967,966 34,012 12,415,243 51,089,733 - - - - - 360,150,531 286,473,783 149,383,268 217,067,594 2,402,400 7,471,083 (4,410,829) (11,762,985) 195,974,992 99,413,464 5,989 3,921,238 (2,233,432) (10,608,468) 250,620,765 1,941,699 122,777,506 125,128,244 2,807,268 (92,253) 2,034,388 (92,689) 181,233,718 104,621,555 17,090,306 737,384 9,610,693 135,179,836 16,661,386 1,954,113 II. NON-CURRENT ASSETS A. Long-Term Trade Receivables 1. Accounts Receivable 2. Notes Receivable 3. Deposits and Guarantees Given 535,627 4. Other Long-Term Trade Receivables 18,991,119 5. Discount on Receivables (-) (15,091,458) 6. Provision for Doubtful Trade Receivables (-) B. Other Long-Term Receivables 1. Due from Shareholder's 2. Due from Participation 3. Due from Affiliates 4. Other Long-Term Receivables 5. Discount on Receivables (-) 6. Provision for Doubtful Other Receivable (-) C. Financial Non-Current Assets 1. Long-Term Securities Portfolio 15 2. Provision for Diminution Value of Long-Term Sec. Portf. (-) 3. Equity Participations 294 4. Capital Commitments to Equity Participations (-) 5. Provision for Diminution in Value of Equity Participations (-) 6. Affiliates 890,290 7. Capital Commitments to Affiliates (-) 8. Provision for Diminution in Value of Affiliates(-) 9. Other Non-Current Financial Assets D. Tangible Fixed Assets 1. Land 5,530,060 2. Land Improvements 53,202,705 3. Buildings 25,016,426 4. Machinery, Plant and Equipment 34,984,342 5. Vehicles 11,919,208 6. Furniture and Fixtures 13,844,941 7. Other Tangible Fixed Assets 97,674,580 8. Accumulated Depreciation (-) (99,723,845) 9. Construction in Progress 33,744,054 10. Advances to Suppliers E. Intangible Fixed Assets 1. Foundation Expenses 252,207 2. Rights 3. Research and Development Expenses 4. Other Intangible Assets (net) 1,937,469,481 5. Advances Given F. Other Long-Term Assets TOTAL ASSETS 512,779,625 270,679,842 12,029,695 1,013,029 7,356,340 74,740,085 7,843,783 1,638,623 47,971,386 45 56,203,600 2,120,087,332 119,911,320 4,435,288 4,893,012 468,304 11,358,213 (6,933,505) - - - 890,599 363,553 4 294 363,255 - 176,192,471 100,855,118 5,432,212 10,237,748 15,341,644 16,625,643 7,434,596 7,217,417 42,760,403 (44,330,305) 40,135,760 - 1,937,721,688 12,631,908 12,631,908 - 847,286 1,167,729 3,230,743,574 632,690,945 Petrol Ofisi I. CURRENT ASSETS A. Liquid Assets 1. Cash 2. Banks 3. Other Liquid Assets B. Marketable Securities 1. Equity Shares 2. Private Sector Securities 3. Public Sector Securities 4. Other Securities 5. Provision for Diminution in Value of Marketable Securities (-) C. Short-Term Trade Receivables 1. Accounts Receivable 2. Notes Receivable 3. Deposits and Guarantees Given 4. Other Short-Term Trade Receivables 5. Discount on Recievables (-) 6. Provision for Doubtful Trade Receivables (-) D. Other Short-Term Receivables 1. Due from shareholders 2. Due from Participation 3. Due from Affiliates 4. Other Short-Term Receivables 5. Discount on Recievables (-) 6-Provision for Other Doubtful Receivable (-) E. Inventories 1. Raw Materials And Supplies 2. Work-in-Process 3. Intermediary Goods 4. Finished Goods 5. Trade Goods 6. Other Stocks 7. Provision for Diminution in Value of Inventories (-) 8. Advances to Suppliers F. Other Current Assets Prior Year 31 December 2001 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. AYRINTILI B‹LANÇO (Milyon TL) Cari Dönem 31 Aral›k 2002 I. KISA VADEL‹ BORÇLAR A. Finansal Borçlar 1. Banka Kredileri 273,500,228 2. Uzun Vadeli Kredilerin Anapara Taksitleri ve Faizleri 1,367,280,553 3. Tahvil Anapara Taksitleri ve Faizleri 4. Ç›kar›lm›fl Bonolar ve Senetler 5. Di¤er Finansal Borçlar 11,024,503 B. Ticari Borçlar 1. Sat›c›lar 105,769,584 2. Borç Senetleri 3. Al›nan Depozito ve Teminatlar 7,704,631 4. Di¤er Ticari Borçlar 5. Borç Reeskontu (-) C. Di¤er K›sa Vadeli Borçlar 1. Ortaklara Borçlar 89,842 2. ‹fltiraklere Borçlar 3. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klara Borçlar 4. Ödenecek Giderler 282,748 5. Ödenecek Vergi, Harç ve Di¤er Kesintiler 113,488,311 6. Ertelenen ve Taksite Ba¤lanan Devlet Alacaklar› 7. K›sa Vadeli Di¤er Borçlar 197,238,127 8. Borç Reeskontu (-) D. Al›nan Siparifl Avanslar› E. Borç ve Gider Karfl›l›klar› 1. Vergi Karfl›l›klar› 2. Di¤er Borç ve Gider Karfl›l›klar› 156,028 II. UZUN VADEL‹ BORÇLAR A. Finansal Borçlar 1. Banka Kredileri 2. Ç›kar›lm›fl Tahviller 3. Ç›kar›lm›fl Di¤er Menkul K›ymetler 4. Di¤er Finansal Borçlar B. Ticari Borçlar 1. Sat›c›lar 2. Borç Senetleri 3. Al›nan Depozito ve Teminatlar 4. Di¤er Ticari Borçlar 5. Borç Reeskontu (-) C. Di¤er Uzun Vadeli Borçlar 1. Ortaklara Borçlar 2. ‹fltiraklere Borçlar 3. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klara Borçlar 4. Ertelenen ve Taksite Ba¤lanan Devlet Alacaklar› 5. Uzun Vadeli Di¤er Borçlar 6. Borç Reeskontu (-) D. Al›nan Siparifl Avanslar› E. Borç ve Gider Karfl›l›klar› 1. K›dem Tazminat› Karfl›l›klar› 2. Di¤er Borç ve Gider Karfl›l›klar› 2,083,492,170 326,513,641 1,651,805,284 113,035,184 113,035,184 - 113,474,215 61,289,655 61,047,721 248,453 (6,519) 311,099,028 77,803,147 14,058 19,015,055 39,349,846 19,424,188 - 6,957,615 156,028 3,924,918 70,460,737 70,316,737 144,000 757,981,717 12,180,549 551,270,159 - 460,939,039 90,331,120 636,110 501,099 636,110 - 501,099 193,824,504 8,836 28,831 193,795,673 - 8,836 12,250,944 11,670,614 12,250,944 - III. ÖZ SERMAYE A. Sermaye B. Sermaye Taahhütleri (-) C. Emisyon Primi D. Yeniden De¤erleme De¤er Art›fl› 1. Duran Varl›klardaki De¤er Art›fl› 34,641,664 2. ‹fltiraklerdeki De¤er Art›fl› 16,391,112 3. Borsada Oluflan De¤er Art›fl› E. Yedekler 1. Yasal Yedekler 22,704,299 2. Statü Yedekleri 3. Özel Yedekler 9,021,992 4. Ola¤anüstü Yedek 12,033,009 5. Maliyet Art›fl Fonu 284,097 6. Serm. Eklenecek ‹flt. His. ve Gayr. Sat›fl Kazançlar› 7. Geçmifl Y›l Karlar› 549,708 F. Net Dönem Kar› G. Dönem Zarar› (-) H. Geçmifl Y›llar Zararlar› (-) 1. 2002 Y›l›na Ait Devir Al›nan Zarar (73,821,376) 2. Geçmifl Y›llara Ait Devir Al›nan Zararlar (113,432,358) PAS‹F TOPLAMI Önceki Dönem 31 Aral›k 2001 11,670,614 389,269,687 293,996,755 252,441,386 410,556 51,032,776 50,000,000 410,556 18,187,537 18,187,537 - 44,593,105 38,802,370 20,302,323 8,599,983 6,450,514 3,449,550 - 228,045,598 (187,253,734) 186,596,292 3,230,743,574 632,690,945 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. BALANCE SHEET (TL Million) Current Year 31 December 2002 II. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES A. Financial Liabilities 1. Bank Loans 2. Bonds and Obligations Issued 3. Other Securities Issued 4. Other Financial Liabilities B. Trade Payables 1. Suppliers 2. Notes Payable 3. Deposits and Guarantees Received 4. Other Trade Payable 5. Discount on Notes Payables (-) C. Other Long-Term Payables 1. Due to Shareholder's 2. Due to Participation 3. Due to Affiliates 4. Deferred Liabilities to the Government 5. Other Long-Term Payables 6. Discount on Notes Payables (-) D. Advances Received E. Expenses Accruals 1. Retirement Pay Provision 2. Other Expense Accruals 326,513,641 113,035,184 113,035,184 - 113,474,215 61,289,655 61,047,721 248,453 (6,519) 311,099,028 77,803,147 14,058 19,015,055 39,349,846 19,424,188 - 6,957,615 156,028 3,924,918 70,460,737 70,316,737 144,000 757,981,717 12,180,549 551,270,159 - 460,939,039 90,331,120 636,110 501,099 636,110 - 47 501,099 193,824,504 8,836 28,831 193,795,673 - 8,836 12,250,944 11,670,614 12,250,944 - III. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY A. Capital B. Unpaid Capital (-) C. Share Issue Premium D. Revaluation Surplus 1. Revaluation Surplus on Tangible Fixed Assets 34,641,664 2. Revaluation Surplus on Equity Participations 16,391,112 3. Revaluation of Shares Quoted on the Stock Exchange E. Reserves 1. Legal Reserves 22,704,299 2. Status Reserves 3. Special Reserves 9,021,992 4. Extraordinary Reserves 12,033,009 5. Cost Increase Fund 284,097 6. Gains from Sale of Immobiles and Equity Participations' Shares Transferable to Capital 7. Prior Years' Profits 549,708 F. Net Profit for the Period G. Loss for the Period H. Prior Years' Losses 1. 2002 Loss Taken Over (73,821,376) 2. Previous Years' Loss Taken Over (113,432,358) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 2,083,492,170 1,651,805,284 11,670,614 389,269,687 293,996,755 252,441,386 410,556 51,032,776 50,000,000 410,556 18,187,537 18,187,537 - 44,593,105 38,802,370 20,302,323 8,599,983 6,450,514 3,449,550 - 228,045,598 (187,253,734) 186,596,292 3,230,743,574 632,690,945 Petrol Ofisi I. CURRENT LIABILITIES A. Financial Liabilities 1. Bank Loans 273,500,228 2. Current Installments & Interest of Long-Term Loans 1,367,280,553 3. Current Installments & Interest of Bonds Issued 4. Other Securities Issued 5. Other Financial Liabilities 11,024,503 B. Trade Payables 1. Suppliers 105,769,584 2. Notes Payable 3. Deposits and Guarantees Received 7,704,631 4. Other Trade Payable 5. Notes Payable Discount (-) C. Other Short-Term Payables 1. Due to Shareholders 89,842 2. Due to Participations 3. Due to Affiliates 4. Other Short-Term Payables 282,748 5. Taxes, Dues and other Charges 113,488,311 6. Deferred Liabilities to the Government 7. Other Short-Term Payables 197,238,127 8. Other Payables Discount (-) D. Advances Received E. Expense Accruals 1. Income Tax Accruals 2. Other Expense Accruals 156,028 Prior Year 31 December 2001 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. AYRINTILI GEL‹R TABLOSU (Milyon TL) Cari Dönem 1 Ocak 2002 - 31 Aral›k 2002 A. Brüt Sat›fllar 1. Yurtiçi Sat›fllar 2. Yurtd›fl› Sat›fllar 3. Di¤er Sat›fllar 6,485,322,144 - B. Sat›fllardan ‹ndirimler (-) 1. Sat›fltan ‹adeler (-) 2. Sat›fl ‹skontolar› (-) 3. Di¤er ‹ndirimler (-) (110,904,967) (12,579,746) 6,485,322,144 D. Sat›fllar›n Maliyeti (-) BRÜT SATIfi KARI (3,853,566,663) 344,096,615 320,049,488 (126,348,578) (37,289,019) (89,059,559) 193,700,910 156,774,567 128,582,603 285,255 47,181,117 81,116,231 (93,184,350) (49,813,176) (23,813,711) (23,813,711) - (28,774,178) (28,774,178) - 222,521,913 3,883,196 816,451 1,645,966 J. Ola¤anüstü Giderler ve Zararlar (-) 1. Çal›flmayan K›s›m Giderleri ve Zararlar› (-) 2. Önceki Dönem Gider ve Zararlar› (-) 3. Di¤er Ola¤anüstü Giderler ve Zararlar (-) (392,768) (429,160) NET DÖNEM KARI (6,017,740,816) 399,022 43,854,096 112,521,449 I. Ola¤anüstü Gelirler ve Karlar 1. Konusu Kalmayan Karfl›l›klar 2. Önceki Dönem Gelir ve Karlar› 3. Di¤er Ola¤anüstü Gelirler ve Karlar K. Ödenecek Vergi ve Yasal Yükümlülükler (-) 4,173,616,151 182,745,407 FAAL‹YET KARI DÖNEM KARI 6,361,837,431 (161,351,208) G. Di¤er Faaliyetlerden Giderler ve Zararlar (-) H. Finansman Giderleri (-) 1. K›sa Vadeli Borçlanma Giderleri (-) 2. Uzun Vadeli Borçlanma Giderleri (-) (59,316,526) (52,897,823) (6,418,703) (36,479,624) (124,871,584) ESAS FAAL‹YET KARI F. Di¤er Faaliyetlerden Gelirler ve Karlar 1. ‹fltiraklerden Temettü Gelirleri 2. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klardan Temettü Gelirleri 3. Faiz ve Di¤er Temettü Gelirleri 4. Faaliyetle ‹lgili Di¤er Gelirler ve Karlar 4,232,932,677 4,232,727,823 204,854 - (123,484,713) C. Net Sat›fllar E. Faaliyet Giderleri (-) 1. Araflt›rma ve Gelifltirme Giderleri (-) 2. Pazarlama, Sat›fl ve Da¤›t›m Giderleri (-) 3. Genel Yönetim Giderleri (-) Önceki Dönem 1 Ocak 2001 - 31 Aral›k 2001 243,696,159 6,345,613 13,828,000 1,682,147 8,652,512 3,493,341 (821,928) (611,130) (147,820) (463,310) 228,045,598 256,913,029 - (70,316,737) 228,045,598 186,596,292 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. STATEMENTS OF INCOME (TL Million) Current Year 1 January - 31 December 2002 A. Gross Sales 1- Domestic Sales 2- Export Sales 3- Other 6,485,322,144 - B. Sales Deductions (-) 1- Sales Returns (-) 2- Sales Discounts (-) 3- Other Discounts (-) (110,904,967) (12,579,746) 6,485,322,144 D. Cost of Goods Sold (-) GROSS PROFIT 6,361,837,431 4,173,616,151 (6,017,740,816) (3,853,566,663) 344,096,615 320,049,488 (161,351,208) (126,348,578) (37,289,019) (89,059,559) 182,745,407 193,700,910 156,774,567 399,022 43,854,096 112,521,449 G. Other Operating Expenses and Losses (-) H. Finance Expenses (-) 1- Finance Expenses on Short-Term Debt (-) 2- Finance Expenses on Long-Term Debt (-) (59,316,526) (52,897,823) (6,418,703) (36,479,624) (124,871,584) GROSS OPERATING PROFIT F. Other Operating Income and Profit 1- Dividend Income from Participations 2- Dividend Income from Affiliates 3- Interest and Other Dividend Income 4- Other Operating Income and Profit 4,232,932,677 4,232,727,823 204,854 - (123,484,713) C. Net Sales E. Operating Expenses 1- Research and Development Expenses (-) 2- Marketing, Selling and Distribution Expenses (-) 3- General Administrative Expenses (-) Prior Year 1 January - 31 December 2001 128,582,603 285,255 47,181,117 81,116,231 (93,184,350) (49,813,176) (23,813,711) (23,813,711) - (28,774,178) (28,774,178) - 49 222,521,913 I. Extraordinary Income and Profit 1- Provisions Released 2- Prior Year's Income and Profit 3- Other Extraordinary Income and Profit 3,883,196 816,451 1,645,966 J. Extraordinary Expenses and Losses (-) 1- Idle Capacity Expenses (-) 2- Prior Year's Expense and Losses (-) 3- Other Extra Ordinary Expenses and Losses (-) (392,768) (429,160) PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD K. Taxes and Other Legal Payments to be Paid (-) NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 243,696,159 6,345,613 13,828,000 1,682,147 8,652,512 3,493,341 (821,928) (611,130) (147,820) (463,310) 228,045,598 256,913,029 - (70,316,737) 228,045,598 186,596,292 Petrol Ofisi OPERATING PROFIT PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. NAK‹T AKIM TABLOSU (Milyon TL) Cari Dönem 1 Ocak 2002 - 31 Aral›k 2002 A- DÖNEM BAfiI NAK‹T MEVCUDU B- DÖNEM ‹Ç‹ NAK‹T G‹R‹fiLER‹ 1- Sat›fllardan Elde Edilen Nakit a) Net Sat›fl Has›lat› b) Alacaklardaki (Sat›fllardan Kaynaklanan) Azal›fllar c) Alacaklardaki (Sat›fllardan Kaynaklanan) Art›fllar (-) 8,987,694,905 4,359,992,297 4,032,392,576 4,173,616,151 (141,223,575) 147,607,630 127,598,714 6,345,613 13,828,000 1,807,258,140 138,882,931 1,807,258,140 138,882,931 745,220,838 211,606 745,220,838 6- Sermaye Art›r›m›ndan Sa¤lanan Nakit 7- Di¤er Nakit Giriflleri 211,606 - - 9,478,778 47,078,470 C- DÖNEM ‹Ç‹ NAK‹T ÇIKIfiLARI 1- Maliyetlerden Kaynaklanan Nakit Ç›k›fl› a) Sat›fllar›n Maliyeti b) Stoklardaki Art›fl c) Borçlardaki (Al›mlardan Kaynaklanan) Azal›fl d) Borçlardaki (Al›mlardan Kaynaklanan) Art›fl (-) e) Amortisman ve Karfl›l›klar Gibi Nakit Ç›k. Ger. Gid. f) Stoklardaki Azal›fllar (-) 65,925,523 6,271,783,906 3- Ola¤anüstü Gelir ve Kaynaklardan Dolay› Sa¤lanan Nakit 5- Uzun Vadeli Borçlardaki Art›fl (Al›mlarla ‹lgili Olmayan) a) Menkul K›ymet ‹hraçlar›ndan b) Di¤er Art›fllar 63,538,988 6,361,837,431 (90,053,525) 2- Di¤er Faaliyet Gelirleri ve Kardan Dolay› Sa¤lanan Nakit 4- K›sa Vadeli Borçlardaki Art›fl (Al›mlarla ‹lgili Olmayan) a) Menkul K›ymet ‹hraçlar›ndan b) Di¤er Art›fllar Önceki Dönem 1 Ocak 2001 - 31 Aral›k 2001 8,780,554,051 4,362,378,832 6,051,539,763 3,935,133,703 6,017,740,816 76,612,163 (44,721,861) 1,908,645 - 2- Faaliyet Giderlerinden Dolay› Nakit Ç›k›fl› a) Araflt›rma ve Gelifltirme Giderleri b) Pazarlama Sat›fl ve Da¤›t›m Giderleri c) Genel Yönetim Giderleri d) Nakit Ç›k›fl› Gerektirmeyen Giderler (-) 36,479,624 124,871,584 (44,626,362) 3- Di¤er Faaliyet Gid. ve Zararlardan Dolay› Nakit Ç›k. (-) a) Di¤er Faaliyetlerle ‹lgili Giderler ve Zararlar (-) b) Nakit Ç›k›fl› Gerektirmeyen Gider ve Zararlar (-) 93,184,350 (20,662,887) 3,853,566,663 30,481,639 51,611,889 (526,488) 116,724,846 78,876,366 37,289,019 89,059,559 (47,472,212) 72,521,463 4- Finansman Giderlerinden Dolay› Nakit Ç›k›fl› 36,339,774 49,813,176 (13,473,402) 23,813,711 22,727,417 821,928 611,130 2,008,490,083 106,731,092 7- K›sa Vadeli Borç. Anapara Ödemeleri (Al›m. ‹lgili Olmayan) - - 8- Uzun Vadeli Borç. Anapara Ödemeleri (Al›m. ‹lgili Olmayan) - - 59,808,861 71,044,880 - 62,500,000 11- Di¤er Nakit Ç›k›fllar› 279,898,025 48,414,470 12- Birleflme Nedeniyle Özkaynak Kalemlerinde Oluflan De¤iflim 166,935,371 - 5- Ola¤anüstü Gider ve Zararlardan Dolay› Nakit Ç›k›fl› 6- Duran Varl›k Yat›r›mlar› Nedeniyle Nakit Ç›k›fl› 9- Ödenen Vergi ve Benzerleri 10- Ödenen Temettüler D- DÖNEM SONU NAK‹T MEVCUDU 270,679,842 63,538,988 E- NAK‹T ARTIfiI (AZALIfiI) 207,140,854 (2,386,535) PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOW (TL Million) Current Year 1 January - 31 December 2002 A- CASH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD B- CASH INFLOWS 65,925,523 8,987,694,905 4,359,992,297 6,271,783,906 4,032,392,576 6,361,837,431 (90,053,525) 2- Cash From Other Operating Income and Profit 3- Cash From Extraordinary Income and Profit 4- Increase in Current Liabilities (Not related to Purchases) a) From Issued Securities b) Other Increases 1,807,258,140 5- Increase in Long-Term Liabilities a) From Issued Securities b) Other increases 4,173,616,151 (141,223,575) 147,607,630 127,598,714 6,345,613 13,828,000 1,807,258,140 138,882,931 138,882,931 745,220,838 211,606 745,220,838 6- Cash From Capital Increases 7- Other Cash Inflows 211,606 - - 9,478,778 47,078,470 C- CASH OUTFLOWS 1- Cash outflows From Costs a) Cost of Goods Sold b) Increase in Inventories c) Decrease in Liabilities (Related to Purchases) d) Increase in Liabilities (Related to Purchases) (-) e) Expenses not Requiring Cash Outflows such as Depreciation and Provisions (-) f) Decrease in Inventories (-) 63,538,988 8,780,554,051 4,362,378,832 6,051,539,763 3,935,133,703 6,017,740,816 76,612,163 (44,721,861) 3,853,566,663 30,481,639 51,611,889 - 1,908,645 - (526,488) - 2- Cash Outflows From Operating Expenses a) Research and Development Expenses b) Selling and Marketing Expenses c) General and Administrative Expenses d) Items Not Involving Cash Outflows (-) 36,479,624 124,871,584 (44,626,362) 116,724,846 3- Cash Outflows From Other Operating Expenses and Losses a) Other Operating Expenses and Losses b) Items Not Involving Cash Outflows (-) 93,184,350 (20,662,887) 78,876,366 37,289,019 89,059,559 (47,472,212) 72,521,463 4- Cash Outflows From Financial Expenses 51 36,339,774 49,813,176 (13,473,402) 23,813,711 22,727,417 821,928 611,130 2,008,490,083 106,731,092 7- Principal Payments of Short-Term Loans - - 8- Principal Payments of Long-Term Loans - - 59,808,861 71,044,880 - 62,500,000 11- Other Cash Outflows 279,898,025 48,414,470 12- Change in Shareholders' Equity due to Merger 166,935,371 - 5- Cash Outflows From Extraordinary Expenses and Losses 6- Cash Outflows Related to Fixed Asset Acquisitions 9- Taxation Paid 10- Dividend Paid D- CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF THE PERIOD 270,679,842 63,538,988 E- CASH INCREASE (DECREASE) 207,140,854 (2,386,535) Petrol Ofisi 1- Net Cash From Sales a) Net Sales b) Decrease in Receivables (Resulting from Sales) c) Increase in Receivables (Resulting from Sales) (-) Prior Year 1 January - 31 December 2001 PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. FON AKIM TABLOSU (Milyon TL) Cari Dönem 1 Ocak 2002 - 31 Aral›k 2002 A- KAYNAKLAR 1- Faaliyet Kar›ndan Sa¤lanan Kaynak a) Faaliyet Kar› b) Amortismanlar (+) c) Fon Ç›k›fl› Gerektirmeyen Di¤er Giderler (+) d) Fon Girifli Sa¤lamayan Gelirler (-) Önceki Dönem 1 Ocak 2001 - 31 Aral›k 2001 2,857,495,526 386,207,080 279,462,258 269,705,855 222,521,913 44,864,064 25,126,414 (13,050,133) 2- Ola¤anüstü Kardan Sa¤lanan Kaynak 243,696,161 21,113,119 5,880,464 (983,889) 5,523,685 13,216,870 3- Dönen Varl›klar›n Tutar›nda Azal›fl - - 4- Duran Varl›klar›n Tutar›nda Azal›fl - - 1,827,288,745 103,072,749 745,220,838 211,606 7- Sermaye Art›r›m› (Nakit Karfl›l›¤›) - - 8- Emisyon Primi - - 5- K›sa Vadeli Borçlarda Art›fl 6- Uzun Vadeli Borçlarda Art›fl B- KAYNAK KULLANIMLARI 2,857,495,526 1- Faaliyet Zarar›ndan Dolay› Kaynak Kullan›m› 2- Ola¤anüstü Zarardan Dolay› Kaynak Kullan›m› a) Ola¤anüstü Zarar b) Fon Ç›k›fl› Gerektirmeyen Giderler (+) c) Fon Girifli Sa¤lamayan Gelirler (-) 3- Ödenen Vergi ve Benzerleri 386,207,080 - - - - - 59,808,861 71,044,880 - 62,500,000 611,715,971 145,182,632 2,019,035,323 107,479,568 7- K›sa Vadeli Borçlarda Azal›fl - - 8- Uzun Vadeli Borçlarda Azal›fl - - 9- Sermayede Azal›fl - - 166,935,371 - 4- Ödenen Temettüler 5- Dönen Varl›klar›n Tutar›ndaki Art›fl 6- Duran Varl›klar›n Tutar›ndaki Art›fl (Yn. De¤. Hariç) 10- Birleflme Nedeniyle Özkaynak Kalemlerinde Oluflan De¤iflim NET ‹fiLETME SERMAYES‹NDE DE⁄‹fi‹M Net ‹flletme Sermayesinde Art›fl Net ‹flletme Sermayesinde Azal›fl 1,159,101,912 1,159,101,912 24,301,752 24,301,752 - PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. STATEMENTS FUNDS FLOW (TL Million) Current Year 1 January - 31 December 2002 A- SOURCE OF FUNDS 1- Funds from Operating Profit a) Operating Profit b)Depreciation (+) c) Other Expenses Not Involving Outflow of Funds (+) d) Other Income Not Involving Inflow of Funds (-) Prior Year 1 January - 31 December 2001 2,857,495,526 386,207,080 279,462,258 269,705,855 222,521,913 44,864,064 25,126,414 (13,050,133) 2- Funds From Extraordinary Income 243,696,161 21,113,119 5,880,464 (983,889) 5,523,685 13,216,870 3- Decrease in Current Assets - - 4- Decrease in Non-Current Assets - - 1,827,288,745 103,072,749 745,220,838 211,606 7- Increase in Capital (Cash) - - 8- Share Issue Premium - - 5- Increase in Current Liabilities 6- Increase in Long-Term Liabilities B- USE OF FUNDS 2,857,495,526 1- Use of Funds For Operating Losses 2- Use of Funds For Extraordinary Losses a) Extraordinary Losses b) Expenses Not Involving Outflow of Funds (+) c) Income Not Involving Inflow of Funds (-) 386,207,080 - - - - - - 3- Taxation Paid 59,808,861 71,044,880 4- Dividend Paid - 62,500,000 611,715,971 145,182,632 2,019,035,323 107,479,568 7- Decrease in Current Liabilities - - 8- Decrease in Long-Term Liabilities - - 9- Decrease in Capital - - 166,935,371 - 53 6- Increase in Non-Current Assets (excluding revaluation) 10- Change in Shareholders' Equity due to merger CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL 1- Increase in Working Capital 2- Decrease in Working Capital 1,159,101,912 1,159,101,912 24,301,752 24,301,752 - Petrol Ofisi 5- Increase in Current Assets PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. SATIfiLARIN MAL‹YET‹ TABLOSU (Milyon TL) Cari Dönem 1 Ocak 2002 - 31 Aral›k 2002 Önceki Dönem 1 Ocak 2001 - 31 Aral›k 2001 ÜRET‹M FAAL‹YETLER‹ A- DOLAYSIZ ‹LK MADDE VE MALZEME G‹DERLER‹ 78,597,744 48,140,165 B- D‹REKT ‹fiÇ‹L‹K G‹DERLER‹ 841,026 1,308,081 C- GENEL ÜRET‹M G‹DERLER‹ 5,216,395 4,060,078 275,645 (641,115) D- YARI MAMUL KULLANIMI 1- Dönem Bafl› Stok (+) 2- Dönem Sonu Stok (-) 1,013,029 (737,384) ÜRET‹LEN MAMUL MAL‹YET‹ E- MAMUL STOKLARINDA DE⁄‹fi‹M 1- Dönem Bafl› Stok (+) 2- Dönem Sonu Stok (-) I- SATILAN MALLAR MAL‹YET‹ 371,914 (1,013,029) 84,930,810 52,867,209 (2,254,352) (1,855,114) 7,356,341 (9,610,693) 5,501,226 (7,356,340) 82,676,458 51,012,095 82,583,867 59,238,854 B- DÖNEM ‹Ç‹ ALIMLAR (+) 5,994,061,314 3,824,094,223 C- DÖNEM SONU EMT‹A STOKU (-) (151,841,222) (82,583,868) II- SATILAN EMT‹A MAL‹YET‹ 5,924,803,959 3,800,749,209 SATIfiLARIN MAL‹YET‹ (H‹ZMET MAL‹YET‹ HAR‹Ç) 6,007,480,417 3,851,761,304 III- SATILAN H‹ZMET MAL‹YET‹ 10,260,399 1,805,359 SATIfiLARIN MAL‹YET‹ (I+II+III) 6,017,740,816 3,853,566,663 T‹CAR‹ FAAL‹YET A- DÖNEM BAfiI STOK (+) PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. STATEMENTS OF COST OF SALES (TL Million) Current Year 1 January - 31 December 2002 Prior Year 1 January - 31 December 2001 PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES A- DIRECT MATERIAL B- DIRECT LABOR EXPENSE C- GENERAL PRODUCTION EXPENSE D- USE OF WORK-IN-PROCESS 1- Inventory at Beginning of Year (+) 2- Inventory at End of Year (-) E- CHANGES IN FINISHED GOODS I- COST OF GOODS SOLD 48,140,165 841,026 1,308,081 5,216,395 4,060,078 275,645 (641,115) 1,013,029 (737,384) COST OF PRODUCTION 1- Inventory at Beginning of Year (+) 2- Inventory at End of Year (-) 78,597,744 371,914 (1,013,029) 84,930,810 52,867,209 (2,254,352) (1,855,114) 7,356,341 (9,610,693) 5,501,226 (7,356,340) 82,676,458 51,012,095 82,583,867 59,238,854 B- PURCHASES DURING THE YEAR 5,994,061,314 3,824,094,223 C- COMMERCIAL GOODS AT END OF THE YEAR (-) (151,841,222) (82,583,868) II- COST OF COMMERCIAL GOODS SOLD 5,924,803,959 3,800,749,209 COST OF SALES (EXCLUDING SERVICES SOLD) 6,007,480,417 3,851,761,304 10,260,399 1,805,359 6,017,740,816 3,853,566,663 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES III- COST OF SERVICES SOLD COST OF SALES (I+II+III) 55 Petrol Ofisi A- COMMERCIAL GOODS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. GENEL KURULA SUNULMASI ÖNGÖRÜLEN KAR DA⁄ITIM TABLOSU (Milyon TL) Cari Dönem 31 Aral›k 2002 Önceki Dönem 31 Aral›k 2001 A- Dönem Kar›n›n Da¤›t›m› 1- Dönem Kar› 2- Geçmifl Y›llar Zararlar› 3- Ödenecek Vergiler - Kurumlar Vergisi - Gelir Vergisi Kesintisi - Di¤er Vergi ve Benzerleri 228,045,598 256,913,029 (187,253,734) - - (70,316,737) (62,063,964) (6,968,208) (1,284,565) 4- Birinci Tertip Yasal Yedek (2,039,593) (2,372,044) NET DA⁄ITILAB‹L‹R DÖNEM KARI 38,752,271 184,224,248 5- Ortaklara Birinci Temettü - Adi Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine - ‹mtiyazl› Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine (12,622,069) (12,622,069) - - 6- Memur ve ‹flçilere Temettü - - 7- Yönetim Kuruluna Temettü - - 8- Ortaklara ‹kinci Temettü - Adi Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine - ‹mtiyazl› Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine (23,754,729) (23,754,729) 9- ‹kinci Tertip Yasal Yedek - (2,375,473) - 10- Statü Yedekleri - - 11- Özel Yedekler - - 1- Ortaklara Pay - - 2- Memur ve ‹flçilere Pay - - 3- Yönetim Kuruluna Pay - - 903.36 TL %90.34 3,731.92 TL %373.19 OLA⁄ANÜSTÜ YEDEK B- Yedeklerden Da¤›t›m C- Hisse Bafl›na Kar (%) 1- Adi Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine (%) 2- ‹mtiyazl› Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine (%) 903.36 TL %90.34 D- Hisse Bafl›na Kar Pay› 1- Adi Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine (%) 2- ‹mtiyazl› Hisse Senedi Sahiplerine (%) 3,731.92 TL %373.19 144.09 TL %14.41 144.09 TL %14.41 - - PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. STATEMENTS OF PROFIT DISTRIBUTION PROPOSED FOR SUBMISSION TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY (TL Million) Current Year 31 December 2002 Prior Year 31 December 2001 A- Distribution of Profit for the Period 1- Period Profit 2- Prior Years' Losses 3- Taxes Payable - Corporation Tax - Income Tax - Other Taxes and Dues 256,913,029 (187,253,734) - - 4- First Legal Reserves NET DISTRIBUTABLE PERIOD PROFIT 5- First Dividend to Shareholders - To Common Stock Owners - To Preferred Shareholders 228,045,598 (70,316,737) (62,063,964) (6,968,208) (1,284,565) (2,039,593) (2,372,044) 38,752,271 184,224,248 (12,622,069) (12,622,069) - - 6- Dividends to the Personnel - - 7- Dividends to the Board of Directors - - 8- Second Dividend to Shareholders - To Common Stock Owners - To Preferred Shareholders (23,754,729) (23,754,729) - - 9- Second Legal Reserves (2,375,473) - 10- Special Legal Reserves - - 11- Special Reserves - - EXTRAORDINARY RESERVES 57 B- Distribution from the Reserves 1- To the Shareholders - - 2- To the Personnel - - 3- To the Board of Directors - - 903.36 TL 90.34% 3,731.92 TL 373.19 % 1- To Common Stock Owners (%) 2- To Preferred Shareholders (%) 903.36 TL 90.34% - D- Dividends per Share 1- To Common Stock Owners (%) 2- To Preferred Shareholders (%) 3,731.92 TL 373.19% 144.09 TL 14.41 % 144.09 TL 14.41% - - Petrol Ofisi C- Earnings per Share (%) PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. 31 ARALIK 2002 ‹T‹BAR‹YLE B‹LANÇO D‹PNOTLARI PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. NOTES TO BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2002 1. 1. ‹fiLETMEN‹N F‹‹L‹ FAAL‹YET KONUSU ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY ‹flletmenin fiili faaliyet konusu yurt içinden ve yurt d›fl›ndan akaryak›t temin etmek ve satmak, da¤›t›m›n› tanzim etmek, depolamak, ayr›ca rafineri yan ürünlerini satmak, her türlü madeni ya¤ ve gres ile bunlar›n yan ürünlerini üretmek, harmanlamak, üretim ve harmanlama için gerekli tesisleri kurmak, toptan ve perakende sat›fl›n›, ithalini ve ihrac›n› yapmakt›r. The Company is engaged primarily in supply and marketing of fuel from domestic and foreign markets, organization of distribution and storing, additionally sales of refinery subsidiary products, production of all types of grease and lubricants and their subsidiaries, blending, establishing blending and production facilities, perform wholesales and retail sales, import and export. 2. 2. SERMAYEN‹N %10 VE DAHA FAZLASINA SAH‹P ORTAKLAR SHAREHOLDERS EXCEEDING 10% OF PAID-UP CAPITAL T.C. Baflbakanl›k Özellefltirme Yüksek Kurulu’nun, 23 Aral›k 1994 tarih ve 94/9 say›l› karar› ile özellefltirme kapsam ve program›na al›nan Özellefltirme ‹daresi Baflkanl›¤›’n›n (Ö‹B) sahibi bulundu¤u fiirket’in %51 oran›ndaki B Grubu hisseleri, 21 Temmuz 2000 tarihinde ‹fl Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi.’ye ("‹fl Do¤an") sat›lm›flt›r. The Company was included in the privatization program by Privatization High Council with the resolution dated 23 December 1994 No:94/9 and 51% of the B group shares of the Company that were owned by Privatization Administration ("PA") were sold to ‹fl-Do¤an Petrol Yat›r›mlar› A.fi. ("‹fl Do¤an") on 21 July 2000. Ö‹B’nin sahibi bulundu¤u, fiirket sermayesinin %16.5’i oran›ndaki A Grubu hamiline hisse senetlerinin ikincil halka arz› 20 Mart 2002 tarihinde ‹MKB’de gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Secondary public offering of the Company’s 16.5% Group A shares owned by PA was realized on 20 March 2002 at ‹stanbul Stock Exchange ("ISE"). Yine Ö‹B’ye ait olan sermayenin %25.8’i oran›nda hisse senedi 31 Temmuz 2002 tarihinde imzalanan sözleflmeye istinaden 8 A¤ustos 2002 tarihinde ‹MKB Toptan Sat›fllar Pazar›’nda Ö‹B taraf›ndan ‹fl Do¤an’a sat›lm›flt›r. 33 no’lu bilanço dipnotunda aç›kland›¤› üzere, fiirket 27 Aral›k 2002 tarihi itibariyle ‹fl Do¤an ile mevcut tüm aktif ve pasiflerinin bir kül halinde devir al›nmas› suretiyle Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun 451 ve Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu’nun 37, 38 ve 39. maddeleri hükümlerine uygun olarak birleflmifltir. Based on the agreement signed on 31 July 2002, the remaining 25.8% shares held by PA were sold to ‹fl Do¤an on 8 August 2002 at ISE Wholesale Market. As explained in detail in note 33 to the balance sheet, the Company merged with ‹fl Do¤an at 27 December 2002 by taking over all of Is-Dogan’s assets and liabilities in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code Article No: 451 and Corporate Tax Law Articles No: 37, 38 and 39. After the above merger and acquisition transactions the shareholding structure is composed of the followings: Bu birleflme ve sat›fl ifllemleri sonucunda sermaye yap›s› flu flekilde oluflmufltur: 31 Aral›k 2002 31 Aral›k 2001 Milyon TL (%) Milyon TL (%) ‹fl Do¤an - 25,500,000.00 51.00 Ö‹B - 21,150,000.00 42.30 Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. 121,525,460.70 48.14 T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. 100,720,385.30 39.90 Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. 10,402,548.10 4.12 Camifl Madencilik A.fi. 10,402,548.10 4.12 Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› San. ve Tic. A.fi. 20.80 <0.01 Halka Aç›k K›s›m 9,390,423.00 3.72 3,350,000.00 6.70 252,441,386.00 100.00 50,000,000.00 100.00 31 December 2002 31 December 2001 TL Million (%) TL Million (%) ‹fl Do¤an - 25,500,000.00 51.00 PA - 21,150,000.00 42.30 Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. 121,525,460.70 48.14 T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. 100,720,385.30 39.90 Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. 10,402,548.10 4.12 Camifl Madencilik A.fi. 10,402,548.10 4.12 Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› San. ve Tic. A.fi. 20.80 <0.01 Publicly Held 9,390,423.00 3.72 3,350,000.00 6.70 252,441,386.00 100.00 50,000,000.00 100.00 3. 3. SERMAYEY‹ TEMS‹L EDEN H‹SSE SENETLER‹NE TANINAN ‹MT‹YAZLAR Hisse gruplar›na göre sermayenin da¤›l›m› afla¤›daki gibidir: Grup A B C Hisse Türü Hamiline Nama Nama 31 Aral›k 2002 Hisse Adedi 123,696,279,140 128,745,106,860 252,441,386,000 The distribution of share capital amongst shareholders is as follows: 31 Aral›k 2001 Hisse Adedi 24,499,999,999 25,500,000,000 1 50,000,000,000 Özellefltirme Yüksek Kurulu’nun 15 Temmuz 1998 tarih ve 98/47 say›l› karar›na istinaden Petrol Ofisi A.fi. sermayesinde ihdas edilen 1 adet C grubu imtiyazl› hisseye tan›nan haklar 15 Nisan 2002 tarih ve 2002/25 say›l› Özellefltirme Yüksek Kurulu karar› ile sona erdirilmifl ve bu karar uyar›nca sözkonusu hisse hamiline yaz›l› hale dönüfltürülerek A grubu hisselere ilave edilmifltir. Group A B C Share type Bearer Registered Registered 31 December 2002 Number of Shares 123,696,279,140 128,745,106,860 252,441,386,000 31 December 2001 Number of Shares 24,499,999,999 25,500,000,000 1 50,000,000,000 The privileges accorded to 1 unit of C group share with the resolution of PA on 15 July 1998 (No: 98/47) has been amended according to the resolution of Privatization High Council dated 15 April 2002 (No: 2002/25) and the share has been converted into to the bearer type and added to A group shares. 4. 4. PRIVILEGES ACCORDED TO SHARES REPRESENTING THE CAPITAL REGISTERED CAPITAL CEILING KAYITLI SERMAYE TAVANI Kay›tl› sermaye tavan› 385,000,000 Milyon TL’dir. (31 Aral›k 2001: 100,000,000 Milyon TL) The registered capital ceiling of the Company is TL 385,000,000 Million. (31 December 2001: TL 100,000,000 Million) 5. 5. DÖNEM ‹Ç‹NDE YAPILAN SERMAYE ARTIRIMLARI 1 Ocak 2002 Tarihi ‹tibariyle Sermaye Dönem ‹çinde Yap›lan Sermaye Art›fllar›n›n Kaynaklar›: Ola¤anüstü Yedek Akçeler Duran Varl›klar Yeniden De¤erleme De¤er Art›fl Fonu Maliyet Art›fl Fonu ‹fl Do¤an ile birleflme (*) 31 Aral›k 2002 tarihi itibariyle sermaye (*): Bak›n›z bilanço dipnot 33 (31 Aral›k 2001: Dönem içinde yap›lan sermaye art›r›m› yoktur.) Milyon TL 50,000,000 178,671,297 17,879,153 3,449,550 2,441,386 252,441,386 CAPITAL INCREASES DURING THE PERIOD Capital as at 1 January 2002 The Sources of Capital increases during 2002: Extraordinary Reserves Revaluation Surplus on Fixed Assets Cost Increase Fund Merger with ‹fl Do¤an (*) Capital as at 31 December 2002 (*): Please refer to the note 33 to the balance sheet (31 December 2001: There was no capital increase during the year) TL Million 50,000,000 178,671,297 17,879,153 3,449,550 2,441,386 252,441,386 DÖNEM ‹Ç‹NDE ‹HRAÇ ED‹LEN H‹SSE SENED‹ DIfiINDAK‹ MENKUL KIYMETLER Dönem içinde ihraç edilen hisse senedi d›fl›nda menkul k›ymet yoktur. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) 6. There were no marketable securities issued during the year. (31 December 2001: None) 7. 7. DÖNEM ‹Ç‹NDE ‹TFA ED‹LEN BORÇLANMAYI TEMS‹L EDEN MENKUL KIYMETLER Dönem içinde itfa edilen borçlanmay› temsil eden menkul k›ymet yoktur. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) 8. CAR‹ DÖNEMDE DURAN VARLIK HAREKETLER‹ a) Sat›n al›nan, imal veya infla edilen maddi duran varl›klar›n maliyeti 82,677,048 Milyon TL’dir. Bu tutar›n 4,960,258 Milyon TL tutar›ndaki k›sm› birleflme sonucu elde edilen maddi duran varl›klarlardan oluflmaktad›r. (31 Aral›k 2001: 108,793,948 Milyon TL) Finansal kiralama yöntemi ile elde edilen duran varl›klar›n toplam finansal kiralama anapara tutar› 17,214,291 Milyon TL, faiz tutar› 1,774,589 Milyon TL’dir. 31 Aral›k 2002 itibariyle ödenmemifl anapara yükümlülü¤ü 8,694,093 Milyon TL, faiz yükümlülü¤ü 538,887 Milyon TL olup, ödeme dönemlerinde giderlefltirilerek kay›tlara al›nmaktad›r. 2002 y›l› içinde ödenen anapara ve faiz tutar› 7,835,495 Milyon TL olarak genel yönetim giderleri içinde giderlefltirilmifltir. (31 Aral›k 2001: Finansal kiralama anapara tutar› 7,411,892 Milyon TL, faiz tutar› 1,021,419 Milyon TL’dir. 31 Aral›k 2001 itibariyle ödenmemifl anapara yükümlülü¤ü 5,899,570 Milyon TL, faiz yükümlülü¤ü 514,835 Milyon TL olup, ödeme dönemlerinde giderlefltirilerek kay›tlara al›nmaktad›r. 2001 y›l› içinde ödenen anapara ve faiz tutar› 1,957,827 Milyon TL olarak genel yönetim giderleri içinde giderlefltirilmifltir.) b) Sat›lan veya hurdaya ayr›lan maddi duran varl›klar›n maliyeti 906,972 Milyon TL, birikmifl amortisman› 549,037 Milyon TL’dir. (31 Aral›k 2001: Maddi duran varl›k maliyeti 4,391,417 Milyon TL, birikmifl amortisman› 551,443 Milyon TL) SECURITIES OTHER THAN SHARES ISSUED DURING THE YEAR SECURITIES RELATING TO LIABILITIES MATURED DURING THE YEAR There were no securities relating to liabilities matured during the year. (31 December 2001: None) 8. MOVEMENTS OF TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS DURING THE YEAR a) Cost of acquired, built or purchased fixed assets is TL 82,677,048 Million. The TL 4,960,258 Million of this amount consists of the fixed assets acquired as a result of the merger process. (31 December 2001: TL 108,793,948 Million) The total principal and interest of the fixed assets obtained by finance lease are TL 17,214,291 Million and TL 1,774,589 Million respectively. As of 31 December 2002, the unpaid principal is TL 8,694,093 Million and the interest is TL 538,887 Million, both of which will be expensed when accrued. During the year 2002, TL 7,835,495 Million principal and interest paid and expensed in the general administrative expenses account. (31 December 2001: The total principal and interest of the fixed assets obtained by finance lease were TL 7,411,892 Million and TL 1,021,419 Million respectively. The unpaid principal was TL 5,899,750 Million and the interest was TL 514,835 Million, both of which would be expensed when accrued. During the year 2001, TL 1,957,827 Million principal and interest paid and expensed in the general administrative expenses account.) b) Cost of fixed assets sold and scrapped is TL 906,972 Million and their accumulated depreciation is TL 549,037 Million. (31 December 2001: TL 4,391,417 Million cost and TL 551,443 Million accumulated depreciation) c) Increase in revaluation during the year: c) Cari dönemde ortaya ç›kan yeniden de¤erleme art›fllar›: Varl›k Maliyetlerinde (+) Birikmifl Amortismanlarda (-) Yeniden De¤erleme Art›fl› (Net) 2002 Milyon TL 52,107,311 (18,342,329) 33,764,982 2001 Milyon TL 15,645,506 (6,824,359) 8,821,147 In cost of fixed assets (+) In accumulated depreciation (-) Revaluation increase (Net) Bafllang›ç Yat›r›m›n Niteli¤i – Bitifl Tarihi ‹stasyon Yat›r›mlar› 2001–2003 Döfleme - Demirbafl 2001–2003 Depo Tadil Tevsi Yat›r›m› 2001–2003 Bilgi Sistemleri 2001–2003 TOPLAM 9. CAR‹ VE GELECEK DÖNEMLERDE YARARLANILACAK YATIRIM ‹ND‹R‹M‹N‹N TOPLAM TUTARI fiirket’in cari dönemde gerçekleflen yat›r›m indirimi 39,283,725 Milyon TL ve 2003 y›l› için öngörülen yat›r›m indirimi 37,208,340 Milyon TL’dir. (31 Aral›k 2001: Gerçekleflen yat›r›m indirimi 1,192,970 Milyon TL ve öngörülen yat›r›m indirimi 34,000,000 Milyon TL) 2001 TL Million 15,645,506 (6,824,359) 8,821,147 59 d) Construction in progress characteristics, total amount, starting and ending dates and percentage completion: d) Yap›lmakta olan yat›r›mlar›n niteli¤i, toplam tutar›, bafllang›ç, bitifl tarihi ve tamamlanma derecesi afla¤›daki gibidir: 2001 Y›l›ndan 2002 Y›l› Yap›lmakta Devreden Gerçekleflen Aktifleflen Olan Yat›r›m Yat›r›m Tutar Yat›r›m Tamamlanma Milyon TL Milyon TL Milyon TL Milyon TL Derecesi 21,605,679 22,104,892 28,048,512 15,662,059 %64 1,922,468 2,153,561 4,040,559 35,469 %99 16,390,662 52,077,446 50,567,707 17,900,401 %74 216,951 1,439,239 1,510,066 146,125 %91 40,135,760 77,775,138 84,166,844 33,744,054 2002 TL Million 52,107,311 (18,342,329) 33,764,982 Starting & Ending Dates 2001–2003 2001–2003 Investment Carried Investment Forward Realised in Capitalized Construction Percentage of from 2001 2002 Amount in Progress Completion TL Million TL Million TL Million TL Million % 21,605,679 22,104,892 28,048,512 15,662,059 64% 1,922,468 2,153,561 4,040,559 35,469 99% Type of Investment Station Investment Furniture Investment Warehouse Renewal / Improvement Investment 2001–2003 16,390,662 52,077,446 50,567,707 17,900,401 Information Systems 2001–2003 216,951 1,439,239 1,510,066 146,125 TOTAL 40,135,760 77,775,138 84,166,844 33,744,054 9. 74% 91% CURRENT AND FUTURE INVESTMENT ALLOWANCES WHICH ARE DEDUCTIBLE FROM TAX BASE Total investment incentive as at 31 December 2002 is TL 39,283,725 Million and anticipated investment incentive for 2003 is TL 37,208,340 Million. (31 December 2001: total investment incentive TL 1,192,970 Million, anticipated investment incentive TL 34,000,000 Million) Petrol Ofisi 6. 10. 10. ‹fiLETMEN‹N ORTAKLAR, ‹fiT‹RAKLER, BA⁄LI ORTAKLIKLAR VE D‹⁄ER ‹L‹fiK‹L‹ fi‹RKETLERLE OLAN ALACAK-BORÇ ‹L‹fiK‹S‹ 31 Aral›k 2002 Alacaklar Ticari Milyon TL Borçlar Ticari Olmayan Milyon TL 31 December 2002 Ticari Olmayan Milyon TL Ticari Milyon TL a. Ortaklar Küçük ortaklara ödenecek temettü Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. 51,587 Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. Camifl Madencilik A.fi. - 145,546,870 (***) - 5,023 84,819 - 544,743,882 (**) - 76,004,474 (**) - b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. Lysa Investments Ltd. PO Petrofinance N.V. 128,690 618,588 - 63,950,677 64,102,900 (**) 125,128,245 - 112,929,687 (**) c. Di¤er ‹liflkili fiirketler T. D›fl Ticaret Bankas› A.fi. 13,151,756 (*) - 42,633,783 (**) D›flbank Nederland N.V. 121,091,337 (*) - 36,349,148 (**) D›flbank Malta Ltd. 69,146,730 (*) - 113,442,194 (**) D›flbank Bahreyn Ltd. - 15,593,563 (**) Do¤an D›fl Ticaret ve Müm. A.fi. - 25,349,873 (**) Cam Pazarlama A.fi. 3,074,761 Arap Türk Bankas› A.fi. 50,665 (*) 8,462,992 (**) Türkiye S. Kalk›nma Bankas› A.fi. 149,067 (*) - 33,845,677 (**) Di¤er 404,793 546,852 4,478,151 474,064,938 64,497,529 1,073,548,015 (*): ‹lgili flirketler nezdindeki mevduatlar, faiz gelir tahakkuklar› ve kullan›lan krediler için peflin ödenen giderleri temsil etmektedir. (**): ‹lgili flirketlerden kullan›lan krediler ve faiz gider tahakkuklar›n› temsil etmektedir. (***): Toplam bakiyenin 22,769,364 Milyon TL tutar›ndaki k›sm› T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. nezdindeki mevduatlar, faiz gelir tahakkuklar› ve kullan›lan krediler için peflin ödenen giderleri temsil etmektedir. 31 Aral›k 2001 Alacaklar a. Ortaklar ‹fl Do¤an Di¤er b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. Borçlar Ticari Olmayan Milyon TL Ticari Milyon TL Ticari Olmayan Milyon TL 75,187,129 (*) - - - 14,058 96,456 75,283,585 - - 14,058 Ticari Milyon TL UYGULANAN MUHASEBE ‹LKELER‹ VE DE⁄ERLEME YÖNTEMLER‹ a. Uygulanan Muhasebe ‹lkeleri Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu, Seri XI/1 tebli¤i ve bu tebli¤e de¤ifliklik ve eklemeler yapan di¤er tebli¤leri ile Sermaye Piyasas› Kanunu’na tabi ortakl›klar taraf›ndan düzenlenecek mali tablolar ve raporlar›n haz›rlan›p sunulmas›na iliflkin ilke ve kurallar› (Bundan sonra "Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu taraf›ndan yay›mlanan genel kabul görmüfl muhasebe ilkeleri" olarak an›lacakt›r) belirlemifltir. b. ‹liflkili fiirketler Bu mali tablolar aç›s›ndan fiirket’in ortaklar› ve/veya ifltirakleri ve ba¤l› ortakl›klar› arac›l›¤› ile dolayl› yönden sermaye ve/veya yönetim iliflkisinde bulundu¤u Do¤an Grubu fiirketleri ve ‹fl Bankas› Grubu fiirketleri, "iliflkili flirketler" olarak tan›mlanmaktad›r. c. Stoklar Stok de¤erleme yöntemi olarak a¤›rl›kl› ortalama maliyet yöntemi kullan›lm›flt›r. Receivables Trade Non- Trade TL Million TL Million Payables Trade Non- Trade TL Million TL Million a. Shareholders Dividend to small shareholders Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. 51,587 Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. Camifl Madencilik A.fi. - 145,546,870 (***) - 5,023 84,819 - 544,743,882 (**) - 76,004,474 (**) - b. Equity Participations K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. Lysa Investments Ltd. PO Petrofinance N.V. 128,690 618,588 - - 63,950,677 64,102,900 (**) 125,128,245 - 112,929,687 (**) c. Other Related Companies T. D›fl Ticaret Bankas› A.fi. 13,151,756 (*) - 42,633,783 (**) D›flbank Nederland N.V. 121,091,337 (*) - 36,349,148 (**) D›flbank Malta Ltd. 69,146,730 (*) - 113,442,194 (**) D›flbank Bahreyn Ltd. - 15,593,563 (**) Do¤an D›fl Ticaret ve Müm. A.fi. - 25,349,873 (**) Cam Pazarlama A.fi. 3,074,761 Arap Türk Bankas› A.fi. 50,665 (*) 8,462,992 (**) Türkiye S. Kalk›nma Bankas› A.fi. 149,067 (*) - 33,845,677 (**) Other 404,793 546,852 4,478,151 474,064,938 64,497,529 1,073,548,015 (*): The amount represents the deposits, interest income accruals and prepaid tax expenses for the loans taken. (**): The amount represents the loans taken from related companies and the interest expense accruals. (***): TL 22,769,364 Million of the amount represents the deposits, interest income accruals and the prepaid expenses for the loans taken from T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi.. 31 December 2001 a. Shareholders ‹fl Do¤an Other b. Equity Participations K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. Receivables Trade Non-Trade TL Million TL Million Payables Trade Non-Trade TL Million TL Million 75,187,129 (*) - - - 14,058 96,456 75,283,585 - - 14,058 (*) This amount consists of TL 60,609,322 Million principal and TL 14,577,807 Million (VAT included) interest income. 11. (*): Bu tutar 60,609,322 Milyon TL anapara ve 14,577,807 Milyon TL (KDV dahil) faiz alaca¤›ndan kaynaklanmaktad›r. 11. PAYABLES TO AND RECEIVABLES FROM SHAREHOLDERS, PARTICIPATIONS, SUBSIDIARIES AND OTHER RELATED COMPANIES ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AND VALUATION METHODS APPLIED a. Accounting Principles In keeping its accounting records and preparing and presenting its financial statements and reports the company applies the rules defined by the Capital Markets Board Decree No: XI/1 and other Decrees which modify this decree. These principles and rules are hereinafter referred to as "generally accepted accounting principles as published by the Turkish Capital Market Board". b. Related Companies For the purpose of the accompanying financial statements, Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. and T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. and the companies identified by the Company as being controlled by/affiliated with Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi. and T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. are considered and referred to as related companies. c. Inventory The weighted average costing method is used to value inventory and determine cost. d. Ticari Alacak ve Borçlar Alacaklar ve borçlar mali tablolarda kay›tl› de¤erleri ile yer almaktad›r. Senetli alacak ve borçlar ile vadesi üç ay› aflan senetsiz alacak ve borçlar reeskonta tabi tutulmufltur. e. Long-Term Financial Assets In the statutory books of account, the Company values its Equity Participations at cost plus the nominal value of bonus shares received from investee companies converting their Revaluation Reserves to Share Capital. f. Yabanc› Para Cinsinden Varl›k ve Borçlar Bilançoda yer alan yabanc› paraya ba¤l› varl›klar bilanço tarihindeki T.C. Merkez Bankas› döviz al›fl kuru, borçlar T.C. Merkez Bankas› döviz sat›fl kuru kullan›larak Türk Liras›’na çevrilmektedir. g. Maddi Duran Varl›klar Maddi duran varl›klar elde etme maliyetine göre kay›tlara al›nmaktad›r. fiirket Maliye Bakanl›¤›’nca yay›mlanan yeniden de¤erleme katsay›lar› çerçevesinde sabit k›ymetlerini (arazi hariç) yeniden de¤erlemeye tabi tutmaktad›r. fiirket’in kulland›¤› amortisman yöntemi ve oranlar› afla¤›da özetlenmifltir: normal azalan bakiyeler Amortisman Oranlar› : Binalar Makina, Tesis ve Cihazlar Tafl›t Araç ve Gereçleri Döfleme ve Demirbafllar % 2 6 - 20 20 20 h. Gelir ve Giderler Gelir ve gider kalemlerinin belirlenmesinde tahakkuk esas› uygulanmaktad›r. Buna ba¤l› olarak gelir, hizmet bitirildi¤i veya mal teslim edildi¤i dönemde hesaba al›nmaktad›r. i. K›dem Tazminat› Karfl›l›¤› Düzenlenen mali tablolarda, ‹fl Kanunu’na göre k›dem tazminat›na hak kazanm›fl mevcut personele ileride ödenmesi muhtemel borç yükü hesaplanm›fl ve gerekli karfl›l›¤›n tamam› Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu’nun düzenlemesi do¤rultusunda ayr›lm›flt›r. j. Vergiler fiirket kurumlar vergisi ve gelir vergisi stopaj›na tabidir. Kurumlar vergisi oran› vergiye tabi kurum geliri üzerinden %30 ve vergiler üzerinden fon pay› oran› %10 olarak belirlenmifltir. Vergiye tabi kurum kazanc›, birçok karfl›l›klar gibi kanunen kabul edilmeyen giderlerin eklenmesi ve al›nan temettüler gibi vergiye tabi olmayan gelirler ile yat›r›m indirimlerinin düflülmesi yoluyla bulunmaktad›r. Kurumlar vergisine ek olarak, da¤›t›lmas› durumunda temettü üzerinden gelir vergisi stopaj› öngörülmektedir. Sonuç olarak, kar›n da¤›t›lmamas› durumunda toplam vergi oran› %33 olacak, da¤›t›lmas› durumunda ise ilave olarak gelir vergisi stopaj› yükümlülü¤ü de do¤acakt›r. Gelir vergisi stopaj› halka aç›k flirketlerde %5 di¤er flirketlerde ise %15 olarak ilan edilmifltir. Gelir vergisi stopaj› üzerinden %10 fon pay› hesaplanmaktad›r. Ayr›ca, ödenecek kurumlar vergisine mahsuben dönem içinde geçici vergi uygulamas› bulunmaktad›r. 12. B‹LANÇO TAR‹H‹NDEN SONRA ORTAYA ÇIKAN HUSUSLAR a. Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu Baflkanl›¤›, fiirket’in ‹fl Do¤an’› devralmas› suretiyle gerçeklefltirilen birleflme ifllemi sonucunda sermayesini 250,000,000 Milyon TL’den 252,441,386 Milyon TL’ye art›rmas› nedeniyle ihraç edece¤i 2,441,386 Milyon TL nominal de¤erli 11. tertip hisse senetlerini 28.01.2003 tarih ve 19/125 say›l› karar› ile Kurul kayd›na alm›flt›r. Sözü edilen %0.98 oran›ndaki bedelsiz sermaye art›r›m›ndan ‹fl Do¤an ortaklar› olan Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi., T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi., Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi., Camifl Madencilik A.fi. ve Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. hissedarl›k oranlar› do¤rultusunda yararlanacakt›r. Bu durumda her 1 Milyon TL nominal de¤erde ‹fl Do¤an hisse senedine sahip orta¤a, bedelsiz sermaye art›r›m›ndan do¤an haklar› gere¤i 7,512 TL’lik fiirket hisse senedi verilecektir. Halk ortaklar› ise, 27 Aral›k 2002 tarihinde yap›lan ‹fl Do¤an Genel Kurul toplant›s›nda kesinleflti¤i ve birleflme sözleflmesinde de ilan edildi¤i üzere, birleflme f. Assets and Liabilities Denominated in Foreign Currencies Assets denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Turkish Lira with the buying rates and liabilities are translated with the selling rates issued by the Central Bank of Turkey as of the balance sheet date. g. Tangible Fixed Assets Tangible Fixed Assets are stated at cost. The company revalues its tangible fixed assets (except land) applying the coefficients published by the Ministry of Finance according to Turkish Tax Legislation. The depreciation methods and rates the company used are summarized below: - 1991 and before - 1992 and after straight line accelerated depreciation Depreciation Rates : Buildings Machinery, Establishment and Equipment Motor Vehicles Furniture and Fixtures % 2 6 - 20 20 20 h. Income and Expenses: The accrual basis of accounting is applied for the recognition of revenues and expenses. Income is recognised at the time of delivery of goods or services. Dividends from equity participations are recognized as income when received. 61 i. Termination Indemnity Provision The lump sum payments that will be made to employees retiring or leaving the Company according to Labor Law was calculated and the required provision was recorded and included in the accompanying financial statements according to the regulations of Capital Markets Board. j. Taxation The Company is subject to corporation tax and income withholding tax. Corporation tax is applied at the rate of 30% on taxable corporate income. Tax surcharges are additionally applied at the rate of 10% of the relevant tax amount. Non-deductible expenses are added, dividends received and other non-taxable income as well as investment incentives are deducted from corporate income in order to come up with taxable corporate income. Consequently, if profits are retained, the Company’s effective tax rate will be 33%, and if profits are distributed there will be additional withholding taxes. The withholding taxes are 5% for publicly traded companies and 15% for non-public companies. If the profit is distributed, additional income tax will be charged. Tax surcharges are additionally applied at the rate of 10% of the relevant tax amount Additionally, the Company is subject to tax prepayment to be netted from corporation tax at period end. 12. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS a. Capital Markets Board registered the increase in the capital of the Company from TL 250,000,000 Million to TL 252,441,386 Million with the resolution dated 28 January 2003 No:19/125. This capital increase was due to the merger. The above mentioned 0.98% non-cash capital increase will be benefited by the shareholders of ‹fl Dogan; namely Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi., T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi., Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi., Camifl Madencilik A.fi. and Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. in proportion to their shareholding ratios. In that case, each shareholder holding nominal TL 1 Million of ‹fl Do¤an share will receive 7,512 TL of the Company’s shares as result of the rights obtained at the non-cash capital increase. As resolved at the extraordinary general assembly meeting of Ifl Do¤an on 27 December 2002 and as declared in the merger agreement, public shareholders will receive 40% bonus shares which will be transferred from the shares of Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi., T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi., Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi., Camifl Madencilik A.fi. and Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. Public Petrol Ofisi e. Finansal Duran Varl›klar fiirket, ba¤l› ortakl›klar ve ifltiraklerini, maliyet bedeline ifltiraklerin bedelsiz sermaye artt›r›m› sonucu olarak da¤›t›lan hisse senetlerinin nominal de¤erini eklemek suretiyle izlemektedir. - 1991 y›l› ve öncesi - 1992’den sonraki girifller d. Trade Receivables and Payables Trade Receivables and Payables are recorded with book value. Notes receivable, notes payable, receivables and payables whose maturities exceed three months are subject to discount. sonucu T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi., Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi., Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi., Camifl Madencilik A.fi. ve Do¤an Enerji Yat›r›mlar› Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi.’nin kendi hisselerinden karfl›lanmak üzere, %40’l›k ilave hisse senedi alacaklard›r. 31 Ocak 2003 tarihi itibariyle fiirket hisse senedine sahip olan halk ortaklar› bu haktan yararlanacakt›r. ‹fllemler 3 fiubat 2003 ile 7 Mart 2003 tarihleri aras›nda gerçeklefltirilecektir. b. Ö‹B taraf›ndan, ‹dare lehine rehinli fiirket hisse senetleri nedeniyle Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi.’den istenen 95 milyon dolarl›k ek teminat iste¤inin yerine getirilmedi¤i ileri sürülerek fiirket ile ‹fl Do¤an’›n birleflmesinin iptali için 30 Ocak 2003 tarihinde ‹stanbul Asliye Ticaret Mahkemesi'nde dava aç›lm›flt›r. c. fiirket’in 25 Ekim 2002 tarihinde yap›lan ola¤anüstü genel kurul toplant›s›nda al›nan kararlar›n iptali ve ilgili kararlar›n uygulanmas›n›n önlenmesi için ‹htiyati Tedbir Karar› verilmesi talebi ile küçük yat›r›mc›lar taraf›ndan fiirket aleyhine ‹stanbul Asliye 6. Ticaret Mahkemesi nezdinde dava aç›lm›flt›r. ‹lgili genel kurul toplant›s›nda: - Ana sözleflmenin kay›tl› sermaye tavan›n›n 100,000,000 Milyon TL’den 250,000,000 Milyon TL’ye yükseltilmesine iliflkin olarak 6. maddesi ile 8, 10, 14, 15, 21, 27 ve 30. maddelerinin tadili ve Geçici 1, 2 ve 3. maddelerinin yürürlükten kald›r›lmas›na, - fiirket’in 30 Eylül 2002 tarihli bilanço ve gelir tablosunun onaylanmas›na, - Bofl bulunan Yönetim Kurulu üyeliklerine Özgün Ç›nar, Ali R›za Temuro¤lu ve Ertu¤rul Tuncer’in; denetçiliklere ise Murat Bilgiç ve Zeynep Hansu Önem’in seçilmelerine karar verilmifltir. shareholders holding the Company’s shares at 31 January 2003 will benefit from those bonus shares. The transactions will be realized between 3 February 2003 and 7 March 2003. b. On 30 January 2003, PA filed a lawsuit at Istanbul Civil Commercial Court for the annulment of the merger between the Company and ‹fl Do¤an by alleging the failure of Do¤an fiirketler Grubu Holding A.fi to submit the additional $ 95,000,000 guarantee requested in connection with the Company’s shares pledged. c. Public shareholders filed a court case against the Company at Istanbul 6th Civil Commercial Court for the annulment and prevention of exercise of resolutions approved in extraordinary general assembly meeting on 25 October 2002. At the extraordinary general assembly: - the amendment in the articles 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 21, 27, 30 in connection with the increase of registered capital ceiling from TL 100,000,000 Million to TL 250,000,000 Million and abolishment of temporary articles 1,2 and 3, - approval of 30 September 2002 balance sheet and income statement, - election of Özgün Ç›nar, Ali R›za Temuro¤lu and Ertu¤rul Tuncer as the members of Board of Directors and Murat Bilgiç and Zeynep Hansu Önem as auditors, have been resolved. d. The termination indemnity ceiling has been increased to TL 1,323,950,000 commencing on 1 January 2003. 13. d. K›dem tazminat› tavan› 1 Ocak 2003 tarihinden itibaren 1,323,950,000 TL olarak belirlenmifltir. 13. fiARTA BA⁄LI OLAYLAR COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Lawsuits filed by and against the company continuing as at 31 December 2002 and 2001 resulting from the company’s normal business transactions. The approximate monetary values of lawsuits are given below: fiirket’in normal ifl iliflkileri çerçevesinde yapm›fl oldu¤u ifllemler nedeniyle mahkemelere intikal etmifl davalar› bulunmaktad›r. Devam eden davalar›n yaklafl›k parasal tutarlar› afla¤›daki tabloda verilmektedir. 31 Aral›k 2002 Dava Tutar› Adedi Milyon TL 31 Aral›k 2001 Dava Tutar› Adedi Milyon TL fiirket taraf›ndan aç›lm›fl ve bilanço tarihi itibariyle devam eden davalar: ‹cra Hukuk Vergi Di¤er 651 130 100 881 21,415,900 22,581,171 1,525,686 45,522,757 12 61 373 446 18,867 7,143,436 826,660 7,988,963 43 75 600 718 10,969,042 7,666,756 606,558 19,242,356 612 54 3 4,195 4,864 19,528,300 3,646,937 7,725,201 374,424 31,274,862 Ekli mali tablolar bu davalarla ilgili 144,000 Milyon TL dava karfl›l›k giderini içermektedir. Bilanço tarihi itibar›yle halen kesinleflmemifl olup, Yarg›tay'›n tashihi karar› ile bozularak mahkemesine yeniden görüflülmek üzere iade edilen ve yerel mahkemede yarg›lanmas›na henüz bafllanmam›fl olan bir dava dolay›s›yla daval› taraftan faizi ile birlikte 17,418,831 Milyon TL lehte tazminat tutar› tahsil edilmifltir. Bu dava ile ilgili olarak yap›lan masraflar ekli mali tablolarda gider olarak muhasebelefltirilmifltir. Claim Legal Tax Other 651 130 100 881 21,415,900 22,581,171 1,525,686 45,522,757 12 61 373 446 18,867 7,143,436 826,660 7,988,963 43 75 600 718 10,969,042 7,666,756 606,558 19,242,356 612 54 3 4,195 4,864 19,528,300 3,646,937 7,725,201 374,424 31,274,862 Lawsuits filed against the company and pending as at balance sheet date The accompanying financial statements include the lawsuit provision expense of TL 144,000 Million related to these lawsuits. TL 17,418,831 Million compensation with its interest has been collected from the defendant in connection with a case returned by Supreme Court to local court in order to be redebated whose result was uncertain as of the balance sheet date. The expenses related with the case are accounted for in the accompanying financial statements. 14. CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING ESTIMATES There are no changes in accounting estimates. 15. 14. 31 December 2001 Number Amount of Cases TL Million Lawsuits filed by the company and pending as at balance sheet date Claim Legal Tax Other fiirket aleyhine aç›lm›fl ve bilanço tarihi itibariyle devam eden davalar: ‹cra Hukuk Vergi Di¤er 31 December 2002 Number Amount of Cases TL Million AMOUNT OF MORTGAGES AND GUARANTEES PLEDGED ON ASSETS MUHASEBE TAHM‹NLER‹NDE ORTAYA ÇIKAN DE⁄‹fi‹KL‹KLER There are no mortgages or guarantees pledged on assets. Muhasebe tahminlerinde sonuçlar› etkileyecek bir de¤ifliklik olmam›flt›r. 15. AKT‹F DE⁄ERLER ÜZER‹NDE MEVCUT BULUNAN TOPLAM ‹POTEK VEYA TEM‹NAT TUTARLARI Aktif de¤erler üzerinde mevcut ipotek veya teminat bulunmamaktad›r. fiirket gayrimenkulleri üzerinde üçüncü flah›slar taraf›ndan Tapu Sicil Muhaf›zl›klar› nezdinde konmufl çeflitli flerhler vard›r. Some additional records exist on the immovables of the Company by the Deed Registry Office. 16. AKT‹F DE⁄ERLER ÜZER‹NDEK‹ S‹GORTA TUTARLARI ‹ktisadi K›ymetin Cinsi Maddi Duran Varl›klar Mamul ve Malzeme ALINAN ‹POTEK VE TEM‹NATLAR Teminat Mektubu Teminat Senedi Al›nan ‹potekler Nakit 18. 31 Aral›k 2001 Kapsam Sigorta Yüzdesi De¤eri % Milyon TL 254 442,222,645 191 299,466,911 741,689,556 Asset Description Tangible Fixed Assets Inventory 17. 31 Aral›k 2002 Milyon TL 76,890,700 3,785,269 49,187,779 8,340,741 138,204,489 31 Aral›k 2001 Milyon TL 76,651,317 2,353,872 749,552 79,754,741 PAS‹FTE YER ALMAYAN TAAHHÜTLER‹N TOPLAM TUTARI INSURANCE ON ASSETS 31 December 2002 31 December 2001 Net Book Insurance Coverage Insurance Value Value Percentage Value TL Million TL Million % TL Million 170,662,411 433,780,188 254 442,222,645 179,279,605 342,852,082 191 299,466,911 349,942,016 776,632,270 741,689,556 GUARANTEES AND MORTGAGES RECEIVED Letters of Guarantee Guarantee Notes Mortgages Received Cash 18. 31 December 2002 TL Million 76,890,700 3,785,269 49,187,779 8,340,741 138,204,489 31 December 2001 TL Million 76,651,317 2,353,872 749,552 79,754,741 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES fiirket’in 435,776,177 Milyon TL tutar›nda verilen teminat mektuplar› ve 36,747,896 ABD Dolar› tutar›nda verilen kefaletleri mevcuttur. (31 Aral›k 2001: 155,873,848 Milyon TL tutar›nda teminat mektuplar› mevcuttur.) The letters of guarantee and commitments issued amounted to TL 435,776,777 Million and US$ 36,747,896 respectively. (31 December 2001: TL 155,873,848 Million letters of guarantee) 19. 19. BANKALARDAK‹ BLOKE MEVDUAT TUTARLARI BLOCKED BANK DEPOSITS fiirket’in çeflitli bankalarda 49,650,000 Milyon TL, 72,000,000 ABD Dolar› ve 900,000 Euro tutar›nda bloke mevduat› bulunmaktad›r. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) The Company has blocked deposits amounting to TL 49,650,000 Million, USD 72,000,000 and EUR 900,000 at various banks. (31 December 2001: None) 20. 20. KAYITLI DE⁄ER‹ BORSA RAY‹C‹ ALTINDA OLAN MENKUL KIYMETLER VE F‹NANSAL DURAN VARLIKLAR Kay›tl› de¤eri borsa rayici alt›nda olan menkul k›ymet ve finansal duran varl›k yoktur. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) There were no marketable securities under market value at the balance sheet date. (31 December 2001: None) 21. 21. ORTAKLAR, ‹fiT‹RAKLER VE BA⁄LI ORTAKLIKLAR TARAFINDAN ÇIKARILAN MENKUL KIYMETLER Ortaklar, ifltirakler ve ba¤l› ortakl›klar taraf›ndan ç›kar›lan menkul k›ymetler yoktur. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) 63 SECURITIES ISSUED BY SHAREHOLDERS, PARTICIPATIONS AND SUBSIDIARIES There were no securities issued by the shareholders, participations and subsidiraries (31 December 2001: None) 22. 22. MARKETABLE SECURITIES UNDER MARKET VALUE DETAILS OF "OTHER" BALANCES IN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAL‹ TABLOLARDA "D‹⁄ER" ‹BARES‹N‹ TAfiIYAN HESAP KALEMLER‹ Di¤er Haz›r De¤erler Tahsile verilen çekler Al›nan çekler Di¤er K›sa Vadeli Di¤er Alacaklar Ö‹B’den alacaklar Personelden alacaklar Tahsili flüpheli alacaklar Elçilik mahsup edilecek ÖTV ‹ndirilecek Akaryak›t Tüketim Vergisi Di¤er Di¤er Dönen Varl›klar Peflin ödenen vergiler Tafleronlara verilen avanslar Gelecek aylara ait giderler Di¤er KDV Di¤er Di¤er Uzun Vadeli Ticari Alacaklar Akaryak›t bayilerine verilen krediler Di¤er Maddi Duran Varl›klar Bayii nezdindeki demirbafl Sat›fl servis istasyonlar› Tanklar Di¤er 31 Aral›k 2002 Milyon TL 31 Aral›k 2001 Milyon TL 15,380,885 1,332,975 254,106 16,967,966 49,622,346 1,036,062 431,325 51,089,733 1,380,693 285,847 92,253 922,302 126,173 2,807,268 512,386 187,190 92,689 673,044 569,079 2,034,388 40,682,228 6,281,972 847,373 159,813 47,971,386 51,190,104 4,517,487 400,125 95,884 56,203,600 18,991,119 11,358,213 78,871,990 6,740,990 11,894,055 167,545 97,674,580 32,599,389 3,796,392 6,197,077 167,545 42,760,403 31 December 2002 TL Million 31 December 2001 TL Million 15,380,885 1,332,975 254,106 16,967,966 49,622,346 1,036,062 431,325 51,089,733 1,380,693 285,847 92,253 922,302 126,173 2,807,268 512,386 187,190 92,689 673,044 569,079 2,034,388 40,682,228 6,281,972 847,373 159,813 47,971,386 51,190,104 4,517,487 400,125 95,884 56,203,600 18,991,119 11,358,213 78,871,990 6,740,990 11,894,055 167,545 97,674,580 32,599,389 3,796,392 6,197,077 167,545 42,760,403 Other Liquid Assets Cheques Given for Collection Cheques Received Other Short-Term Other Receivables Receivables from PA Receivables from Personnel Doubtful Receivables Embassy Special Consumption Tax to be offset Fuel Consumption Tax Deductible Other Other Current Assets Prepaid Taxes Advances Given to Subcontractors Prepaid Expenses Other VAT Other Other Long-Term Trade Receivales Loans Given to Gas Stations Other Tangible Fixed Assets Fixtures Used by Dealers Sales Service Stations Tanks Other Petrol Ofisi 17. 31 Aral›k 2002 Net Defter Sigorta De¤eri De¤eri Milyon TL Milyon TL 170,662,411 433,780,188 179,279,605 342,852,082 349,942,016 776,632,270 16. 31 Aral›k 2002 Milyon TL Di¤er Maddi Olmayan Duran Varl›klar (Net) fierefiye 1,920,878,542 ‹ntifa ivazlar› 11,680,167 Özel maliyet bedeli 4,342,594 Di¤er 568,178 1,937,469,481 K›sa Vadeli Di¤er Borçlar Ö‹B’ye Borçlar 105,789,352 Emanet mal çekleri 67,181,893 Gelir Yaz›lamayan Daval› Tahsilatlar (*) 17,418,831 Tasfiyeye tabi borçlar 1,437,812 Di¤er KDV 1,052,961 Emanet maldan borçlar Di¤er 4,357,278 197,238,127 Di¤er Finansal Borçlar Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. 65,695,360 Do¤an D›fl Ticaret ve Müm. A.fi. 24,635,760 90,331,120 Uzun Vadeli Di¤er Borçlar Ö‹B’ye Borçlar 193,755,842 Di¤er 39,831 193,795,673 31 Aral›k 2001 Milyon TL 8,582,072 4,049,836 Di¤er Faaliyetlerden Gider ve Zararlar Gemi iflletme hizmet maliyeti Reeskont gideri Kambiyo zararlar› Di¤er Di¤er Ola¤anüstü Gelirler ve Karlar Tazminat ve ceza gelirleri Ar›zi sat›fl geliri Hurda sat›fl has›lat› Gayrimenkul sat›fl kar› Di¤er Di¤er Ola¤anüstü Giderler ve Zararlar Tazminat ve ceza giderleri Sosyal yard›m zamm› Di¤er 23. 31 December 2001 TL Million 1,920,878,542 11,680,167 4,342,594 568,178 1,937,469,481 8,582,072 4,049,836 12,631,908 105,789,352 67,181,893 17,418,831 1,437,812 1,052,961 4,357,278 197,238,127 18,170,781 379,954 499,147 176,909 197,397 19,424,188 65,695,360 24,635,760 90,331,120 - 193,755,842 39,831 193,795,673 - 44,867,077 32,122,538 9,166,937 12,133,003 4,634,749 2,705,417 6,891,728 112,521,449 35,704,756 24,667,391 978,001 9,150,899 5,243,965 1,789,273 3,581,946 81,116,231 39,519,402 19,508,806 25,041,116 9,115,026 93,184,350 29,357,997 9,166,937 6,480,490 4,807,752 49,813,176 588,532 866,941 39,058 151,435 1,645,966 747,093 208,974 194,866 2,250,262 92,146 3,493,341 279,468 126,431 23,261 429,160 50,841 289,694 122,775 463,310 Other Intangible Fixed Assets (Net) Goodwill Profit Substitution Rights Leasehold improvements Other 12,631,908 18,170,781 379,954 499,147 176,909 197,397 19,424,188 - (*): Bak›n›z bilanço dipnot 13 Faaliyetle ‹lgili Di¤er Gelir ve Karlar Gemi iflletme hizmet has›lat› Kur farklar› Reeskont gelirleri Servis ücreti ‹mtiyaz geliri LPG komisyon geliri Di¤er 31 December 2002 TL Million Other Short-Term Payables Payables to PA Fuel Purchase Certificates to Be Returned Collection from Contingent Lawsuits (*) Payables Subject to Liquidation Other VAT Payables Related to Consigned Goods Other Other Financial Borrowings Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. Do¤an D›fl Ticaret ve Müm. A.fi. Other Long-Term Payables Payables to PA Other (*): Please refer to note 13 to the balance sheet. 44,867,077 32,122,538 9,166,937 12,133,003 4,634,749 2,705,417 6,891,728 112,521,449 35,704,756 24,667,391 978,001 9,150,899 5,243,965 1,789,273 3,581,946 81,116,231 39,519,402 19,508,806 25,041,116 9,115,026 93,184,350 29,357,997 9,166,937 6,480,490 4,807,752 49,813,176 588,532 866,941 39,058 151,435 1,645,966 747,093 208,974 194,866 2,250,262 92,146 3,493,341 279,468 126,431 23,261 429,160 50,841 289,694 122,775 463,310 "D‹⁄ER ALACAKLAR" ‹LE "D‹⁄ER KISA VEYA UZUN VADEL‹ BORÇLAR" ‹ÇER‹S‹NDE YER ALAN PERSONELDEN ALACAKLAR/BORÇLAR Other Operating Income and Profit Ship Operating Service Income Foreign Exchange Gains Rediscount Income Service Charge Privilege Income LPG Commission Income Other Other Operating Expense and Losses Ship Operating Service Cost Rediscount Interest Expense Foreign Exchange Losses Other Other Extraordinary Income and Profit Compensation and Penalty Income Other Extraordinary Sale Income Scrap Sale Property Sale Income Other Other Extraordinary Expenses and Losses Compensation and Penalty Expenses Social Aid Increase Other 23. RECEIVABLES FROM AND PAYABLES TO PERSONNEL IN OTHER RECEIVABLES OR OTHER SHORT AND LONG-TERM LIABILITIES "Di¤er alacaklar" ile "Di¤er k›sa veya uzun vadeli borçlar" içerisinde yer alan bilanço aktif toplam›n›n yüzde 1'ini aflan personelden alacak veya borç yoktur. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) There is no receivable from or payable to personnel exceeding 1% of the total assets included in other receivables or other short and Long-Term liabilities. (31 December 2001: None) 24. ORTAKLAR, ‹fiT‹RAKLER VE BA⁄LI ORTAKLIKLARA ‹L‹fiK‹N fiÜPHEL‹ ALACAKLAR 24. DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FROM SHAREHOLDERS, PARTICIPATIONS AND SUBSIDIARIES Ortaklar, ifltirakler ve ba¤l› ortakl›klara iliflkin flüpheli alacaklar yoktur. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) There is no doubtful account receivables from shareholders, participations or subsidiaries. (31 December 2001: None) 25. 25. VADES‹ GELM‹fi VE VADES‹ GELMEM‹fi ALACAKLARA ‹L‹fiK‹N fiÜPHEL‹ ALACAKLAR Bilanço tarihi itibariyle vadesi gelmifl ve gelmemifl alacaklara iliflkin 18,741,876 Milyon TL flüpheli ticari alacak ve 92,253 Milyon TL flüpheli di¤er alacak bulunmaktad›r. fiüpheli ticari alacaklar için nakit teminatl› 6,978,891 Milyon TL tutar› d›fl›nda kalan k›sm› ve flüpheli di¤er alacaklar›n tamam› için karfl›l›k ayr›lm›flt›r. (31 Aral›k 2001: fiüpheli ticari alacak tutar›: 10,608,468 Milyon TL, flüpheli di¤er alacak tutar›: 92,689 Milyon TL) DOUBTFUL RECEIVABLES There are TL 18,741,876 Million doubtful trade receivables and TL 92,253 Million other doubtful receivables as at 31 December 2002. Provision is provided for the total other doubtful receivables and doubtful trade receivables excluding the cash commitment of TL 6,978,891 Million. (31 December 2001: Doubtful receivables TL 10,608,468 Million, other doubtful receivables TL 92,689 Million) ‹fiLETME ‹LE DOLAYLI SERMAYE ‹L‹fiK‹S‹NE SAH‹P ‹fiT‹RAKLER VE BA⁄LI ORTAKLIKLAR 1,465,918 ABD $ 47,255 ABD $ 50,000 b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. PO Petrofinance N.V. Lysa Investments Ltd. 698,566 b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. %52 %49 363,255 294 890,290 762,277 56,199 71,814 294 ‹fltirak Tutar› Milyon TL - 176,994 2,030,585 ABD $ 97,735 ABD $ 9,509,588 176,994 Dönem Kar› veya Zarar› Milyon TL 1,465,918 US$ 47,255 US$ 50,000 b. Subsidiaries K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. PO Petrofinance N.V. Lysa Investments Ltd. 698,566 b. Subsidiaries K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. Petrol Ofisi 52% 49% 52% 100% 100% 49% Participation Rate (*): The independent audit work was not finalized as at the report date. 600 a. Equity Participations Çankaya Bel-Pet Ltd. fiti. 31 Aral›k 2001 Toplam 600 a. Equity Participations Çankaya Bel-Pet Ltd. fiti. Company Name Nominal Capital Amount TL Million 363,255 294 890,290 762,277 56,199 71,814 294 Participation Amount TL Million - 176,994 2,030,585 US$ 97,735 US$ 9,509,588 176,994 Period Profit/Loss TL Million PARTICIPATIONS AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES HAVING INDIRECT CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE COMPANY 31 December 2002 26. (*): Rapor tarihi itibariyle ba¤›ms›z denetim çal›flmalar› tamamlanmam›flt›r. 600 a. ‹fltirakler Çankaya Bel-Pet Ltd. fiti. 31 Aral›k 2001 Toplam %49 600 fiirketin Ünvan› a. ‹fltirakler Çankaya Bel-Pet Ltd. fiti. %52 %100 %100 Kat›lma Oran› Nominal Sermayesi Milyon TL 31 Aral›k 2002 26. Mali Tablolar›n ait oldu¤u dönem 31 Aral›k 2001 31 Aral›k 2002 31 Aral›k 2002 31 Aral›k 2002 31 Aral›k 2001 31 Aral›k 2001 Financial Statements As at 31 December 2001 31 December 2002 31 December 2002 31 December 2002 31 December 2001 31 December 2001 Net Dönem Kar› veya Zarar› Milyon TL 117,984 1,319,484 ABD $ 97,735 ABD $ 9,509,588 117,984 - Net Period Profit/Loss TL Million 117,984 1,319,484 US$ 97,735 US$ 9,509,588 117,984 - 65 No No No No No No Subject to CMB Standards De¤il De¤il De¤il De¤il De¤il De¤il SPK Standartlar›na tabi olup olmad›¤› Yes No Yes No No No Subject to Audit Tabi De¤il Tabi De¤il De¤il De¤il Ba¤›ms›z Denetime tabi olup olmad›¤› Unqualified None (*) None None None Independent Auditors’ Opinion Olumlu Yoktur (*) Yoktur Yoktur Yoktur Ba¤›ms›z Denetçi görüflü 27. ‹fiT‹RAKLER VE BA⁄LI ORTAKLIKLARDAN ELDE ED‹LEN BEDELS‹Z H‹SSELER ‹fltirakler ve ba¤l› ortaklarda içsel kaynaklardan yap›lan sermaye art›r›m› nedeniyle cari dönemde elde edilen bedelsiz hisse senetlerinin tutar› 399,022 Milyon TL’dir. (31 Aral›k 2001: 285,255 Milyon TL) 31 Aral›k 2002 Milyon TL 31 Aral›k 2001 Milyon TL 399,022 285,255 Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. 28. TAfiINMAZLAR ÜZER‹NDEK‹ AYN‹ HAKLAR 27. FREE SHARES ISSUED BY EQUITY PARTICIPATIONS AND SUBSIDIARIES Bonus shares obtained during the current year as a result of capital increase with internal funds total is TL 399,022 Million (TL 285,255 Million as at 31 December 2001). 31 December 2002 TL Million 31 December 2001 TL Million 399,022 285,255 Subsidiaries K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. 28. NON-CASH RIGHTS ON IMMOVABLES Tafl›nmazlar üzerinde ayni hak yoktur. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) There are no non-cash rights on immovables. (31 December 2001: None) 29. 29. DURAN VARLIKLARDA SON ÜÇ YILDA YAPILAN YEN‹DEN DE⁄ERLEME TUTARLARI Yeniden De¤erleme Milyon TL 6,690,308 8,821,147 33,764,982 Y›l 2000 2001 2002 Revaluation Surplus TL Million 6,690,308 8,821,147 33,764,982 Year 2000 2001 2002 30. YABANCI PARALAR VE YABANCI PARALARLA TEMS‹L ED‹LEN ALACAK VE BORÇLAR Döviz Döviz 31 Aral›k 2002 Cinsi Tutar› TL Kuru Milyon TL Kasa ABD $ 2,104 1,634,501 3,439 Bankalar ABD $ 84,344,712 1,634,501 137,861,516 EURO 1,303,172 1,703,477 2,219,924 GBP 8,526 2,618,888 22,329 140,103,768 REVALUATION OF LONG LIVED ASSETS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES DENOMINATED IN FOREIGN CURRENCY 30. F/C Type US$ US$ EURO GBP F/C Amount 2,104 84,344,712 1,303,172 8,526 F/C Rate 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,703,477 2,618,888 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ 15,129,018 75,078,033 76,500,000 200 1,224,133 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 24,728,395 122,715,120 125,039,326 327 2,000,847 US$ US$ EURO (1,224,133) 275,365 720 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,703,477 (2,000,847) 450,084 1,227 451,311 Advances Given US$ EURO GBP 172,177 262,220 8,117 1,634,501 1,703,477 2,618,888 281,423 446,686 21,258 749,367 US$ 1,273,661,153 EURO 22,555,924 31 December 2002 Cash Banks Trade Receivable Due from Shareholders Due from Subsidiaries Receivables from Personnel Receivables under Legal follow up Provision for Receivables under Legal follow up Guarantees Given Ticari Alacak Ortaklardan Alacaklar Ba¤l› Ortakl›klardan Alacaklar Personelden Alacaklar Daval› Alacaklar Daval› Alacaklar Karfl›l›¤› Verilen Teminatlar ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ EURO 15,129,018 75,078,033 76,500,000 200 1,224,133 (1,224,133) 275,365 720 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,634,501 1,703,477 24,728,395 122,715,120 125,039,326 327 2,000,847 (2,000,847) 450,084 1,227 451,311 Verilen Siparifl Avanslar› ABD $ EURO GBP 172,177 262,220 8,117 1,634,501 1,703,477 2,618,888 281,423 446,686 21,258 749,367 Al›nan Krediler ABD $ 1,273,661,153 EURO 22,555,924 1,642,384 2,091,840,699 1,711,693 38,608,817 2,130,449,516 Loans Sat›c›lar ABD $ 39,308,984 1,642,384 64,560,446 Payables Al›nan Teminatlar ABD $ EURO 464,695 3,933 1,642,384 1,711,693 763,208 6,732 769,940 Guarantees Received TL Million 3,439 137,861,516 2,219,924 22,329 140,103,768 1,642,384 2,091,840,699 1,711,693 38,608,817 2,130,449,516 US$ 39,308,984 1,642,384 64,560,446 US$ EURO 464,695 3,933 1,642,384 1,711,693 763,208 6,732 769,940 Döviz Cinsi ABD $ DEM EURO Döviz Tutar› 4,038,271 848 63,658 TL Kuru 1,439,567 648,377 1,268,115 Milyon TL 5,813,362 550 80,726 5,894,638 Ticari Alacak Daval› Alacaklar Verilen Teminatlar Al›nan Krediler Sat›c›lar ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ ABD $ DEM EURO 12,116,720 1,061,208 275,365 12,459,749 21,283,215 92,040 137,894 1,439,567 1,439,567 1,439,567 1,446,510 1,446,510 651,504 1,274,231 17,442,830 1,527,680 396,406 18,023,152 30,786,383 59,964 175,709 31,022,056 Al›nan Avanslar Al›nan Teminatlar ABD $ ABD $ DEM 110,037 302,155 300.00 1,446,510 1,446,510 651,504 159,170 437,070 195 437,265 Gider Tahakkuklar› ABD $ 12,883 1,446,510 18,635 31. ORTAKLAR, ‹fiT‹RAKLER VE BA⁄LI ORTAKLIKLAR LEH‹NE VER‹LEN YÜKÜMLÜLÜKLER F/C Type US$ DEM EURO F/C Amount 4,038,271 848 63,658 F/C Rate 1,439,567 648,377 1,268,115 US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ DEM EURO 12,116,720 1,061,208 275,365 12,459,749 21,283,215 92,040 137,894 1,439,567 1,439,567 1,439,567 1,446,510 1,446,510 651,504 1,274,231 17,442,830 1,527,680 396,406 18,023,152 30,786,383 59,964 175,709 31,022,056 Advances Received Guarantees Received US$ US$ DEM 110,037 302,155 300.00 1,446,510 1,446,510 651,504 159,170 437,070 195 437,265 Expense Accruals US$ 12,883 1,446,510 18,635 31 December 2002 Banks Trade Receivable Receivables under Legal follow up Guarantees Given Loans Payables 31. TL Million 5,813,362 550 80,726 5,894,638 GUARANTEES GIVEN ON BEHALF OF SHAREHOLDERS, EQUITY PARTICIPATIONS AND SUBSIDIARIES Bilanço tarihi itibariyle ba¤l› ortakl›klar lehine verilen 36,747,896 ABD Dolar› tutar›nda kefalet bulunmaktad›r. (31 Aral›k 2001: Yoktur) There are no guarantees given on behalf of shareholders, equity participations or subsidiaries companies as at 31 December 2002. (31 December 2001: None) 32. 32. PERSONEL YAPISI Dönem içinde çal›flan ortalama personel say›s› afla¤›daki gibidir: ‹flçi Sözleflmeli Toplam 33. 2002 485 607 1,092 PERSONNEL STRUCTURE The average number of personnel working during the period is summarized below: 2001 573 702 1,275 MAL‹ TABLOLARI ÖNEML‹ ÖLÇÜDE ETK‹LEYEN D‹⁄ER HUSUSLAR Blue Collar Contracted Total 33. 2002 485 607 1,092 2001 573 702 1,275 67 OTHER SIGNIFICANT MATTERS AFFECTING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS a. fiirket, Sermaye Piyasas› Kurulu'nun 24 Aral›k 2002 tarih ve 61/1705 say›l› toplant›s›nda verdi¤i izinle ‹fl Do¤an ile mevcut tüm aktif ve pasiflerinin bir kül halinde devir al›nmas› suretiyle Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun 451 ve Kurumlar Vergisi Kanunu’nun 37, 38 ve 39. maddeleri hükümlerine uygun olarak birleflmifltir. a. With the permission given by Capital Market Board at the meeting dated 24 December 2002 dated and no: 61/1705, the Company merged with Ifl Do¤an by taking over all of its assets and liabilities in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code Article No: 451 and Corporate Tax Law Articles No: 37, 38 and 39. Birleflme, taraflar›n 30 Eylül 2002 tarihi itibariyle haz›rlanan bilançolar›na istinaden, 20 Aral›k 2002 tarih ve 2002/3132 D. ifl say›l› bilirkifli raporunda ulafl›lan sonuçlar esas al›nmak suretiyle gerçeklefltirilmifltir. Bu rapora istinaden fiirket’in sermayesinin 2,441,386 Milyon TL art›r›larak 252,441,386 Milyon TL olmas› gerekti¤ine hükmedilmifltir. An expert report based on the 30 September 2002 balance sheets of the parties was prepared dated 20 December 2002 No:2002/3132D and the merger has been realized in accordance with the conclusions reached by that report and it has been concluded that the capital of the Company should be increased by TL 2,441,386 Million and should be TL 252,441,386 Million. Birleflme tarihi olan 27 Aral›k 2002 tarihi itibariyle, ‹fl Do¤an devir beyannamesine baz olan bilanço aktif ve pasifindeki de¤erler fiirket bilançosundaki ilgili aktif ve pasif hesaplar›n üzerine aynen intikal ettirilmifl, ve bu tarih itibariyle ‹fl Do¤an’›n 73,821,376 Milyon TL tutar›ndaki net dönem zarar› özsermaye içerisinde devir al›nan zararlar hesab›na aktar›lm›flt›r. Yine bu tarih itibariyle ‹fl Do¤an’›n fiirket’e ifltirak tutar› olan 2,247,656,552 Milyon TL ile ‹fl Do¤an’›n sermayesinden bilirkifli raporuna istinaden elimine edilen tutar olan 322,558,614 Milyon TL aras›nda oluflan 1,925,097,938 Milyon TL tutar›ndaki pozitif fark ekli mali tablolarda Di¤er Maddi Olmayan Duran Varl›klar hesab›nda fierefiye olarak muhasebelefltirilmifltir. fierefiye, k›st metodu ve normal amortisman yöntemi uygulanarak 5 sene içinde itfa edilecektir. As at 27 December 2002, the assets and liabilities of ‹fl Do¤an as shown at the transfer declaration was added line by line to those of the Company’s assets and liabilities and the net period loss of ‹fl Do¤an amounting to TL 73,821,376 Million was included in the losses takenover account within shareholders’ equity. Additionally, the positive difference of TL 1,925,097,938 Million between ‹fl Do¤an investment to the Company amounting to TL 2,247,656,552 Million and ‹fl Do¤an capital of TL 322,558,614 Million eliminated in connection with the expert report was recorded under Other Intangible Assets account as Goodwill in the accompanying financial statements. Goodwill will be amortized in 5 years by applying straight-line method on a prorata basis. Petrol Ofisi 31Aral›k 2001 Bankalar ‹fl Do¤an’›n 27 Aral›k 2002 tarihi itibariyle devir al›nan özet bilançosu flöyledir: ‹fi DO⁄AN PETROL YATIRIMLARI A.fi. ÖZET B‹LANÇO (Milyon TL) ‹fi DO⁄AN PETROL YATIRIMLARI A.fi. SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET (TL Million) 27 Aral›k 2002 I. DÖNEN VARLIKLAR A. Haz›r De¤erler B. K›sa Vadeli Ticari Alacaklar C. Di¤er K›sa Vadeli Alacaklar D. Stoklar E. Di¤er Dönen Varl›klar II. DURAN VARLIKLAR A. Finansal Duran Varl›klar B. Maddi Duran Varl›klar C. Maddi Olmayan Duran Varl›klar The summary takenover balance sheet of ‹fl Do¤an as at 27 December 2002 was as follows: 256,985,665 1,562,020 318,058 245,235,063 131,029 9,739,495 I. CURRENT ASSETS A. Liquid Assets B. Short-Term-Trade Receivables C. Other Short-Term Receivables D. Inventories E. Other Current Assets 27 December 2002 256,985,665 1,562,020 318,058 245,235,063 131,029 9,739,495 2,251,535,993 2,247,733,642 3,481,067 321,284 II. NON-CURRENT ASSETS A. Non-Current Financial Assets B. Tangible Fixed Assets C. Intangible Fixed Assets AKT‹F TOPLAMI 2,508,521,658 I. KISA VADEL‹ BORÇLAR A. Finansal Borçlar B. Ticari Borçlar C. Di¤er K›sa Vadeli Borçlar D. Borç ve Gider Karfl›l›klar› 1,707,673,408 2,251,535,993 2,247,733,642 3,481,067 321,284 TOTAL ASSETS II. UZUN VADEL‹ BORÇLAR A. Finansal Borçlar B. Di¤er Uzun Vadeli Borçlar C. Borç ve Gider Karfl›l›klar› III. ÖZ SERMAYE A. Sermaye B. Yeniden De¤erleme De¤er Art›fl› C. Yedekler D. Dönem Zarar› (-) E. Geçmifl Y›llar Zararlar› (-) PAS‹F TOPLAMI 1,501,873,733 9,330,316 168,774,843 27,694,516 2,508,521,658 I. CURRENT LIABILITIES A. Financial Liabilities B. Trade Payables C. Other Short-Term Payables D. Provisions 1,501,873,733 9,330,316 168,774,843 27,694,516 1,707,673,408 II. NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES A. Financial Liabilities B. Other Long-Term Payables C. Provisions 451,443,300 193,755,842 25,865 645,225,007 451,443,300 193,755,842 25,865 645,225,007 155,623,243 325,000,000 17,267,793 609,184 (73,821,376) (113,432,358) III. SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY A. Capital B. Revaluation Surplus C. Reserves D. Loss for the period (-) E. Prior Years' Losses (-) 155,623,243 325,000,000 17,267,793 609,184 (73,821,376) (113,432,358) 2,508,521,658 TOTAL LIABILITIES & SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY b. fiirket’in birleflme sonucunda devir al›nan finansal borçlar› sebebiyle 2003 y›l›n›n ikinci yar›s›nda yüksek miktarda geri ödemeleri bulunmaktad›r. fiirket bu finansal borçlara ait geri ödemelerini yeniden takvime ba¤lamak üzere kredi verenleri ile görüflmelerini sürdürmektedir. c. Cari dönemle tutarl› olarak sunulabilmesi amac›yla önceki y›l mali tablolar›nda baz› s›n›flamalar yap›lm›flt›r. 2,508,521,658 b. The Company has significant amounts of loan repayments in the second half of 2003 due to the loans takenover as a result of the merger .The negotiations are continuing with the creditors in order to reschedule the repayments of the debt. c. Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior year financial statements to ensure consistency with the current year financial statements. PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. 1 OCAK 2002 - 31 ARALIK 2002 DÖNEM‹NE A‹T GEL‹R TABLOSU D‹PNOTLARI PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY- 31 DECEMBER 2002 1. Dönemin tüm amortisman giderleri ile itfa ve tükenme paylar› 44,864,064 Milyon TL’dir. (2001: 21,113,119 Milyon TL) 1. Total depreciation and amortisation expenses for the period are TL 44,864,064 Million. (2001: TL 21,113,119 Million) a. Amortisman giderleri 37,410,669 Milyon TL’dir (2001: 19,459,325 Milyon TL) aa. Normal amortisman giderleri 30,463,375 Milyon TL’dir. (2001: 17,978,840 Milyon TL) ab. Yeniden de¤erlemeden do¤an amortisman gideri 6,947,294 Milyon TL’d›r. (2001: 1,480,485 TL) a. Depreciation expenses are TL 37,410,669 Million (2001: TL 19,459,325 Million) aa. Normal depreciation expense is TL 30,463,375 Million (2001: TL 17,978,840 Million) ab. Depreciation arising on revaluation is TL 6,947,294 Million. (2001: TL 1,480,485 Million) b. ‹tfa ve tükenme paylar› 7,453,395 Milyon TL’dir. (2001: 1,653,794 Milyon TL) b. Amortisation expenses are TL 7,453,395 Million. (2001: TL 1,653,794 Million) 2. Dönemin reeskont ve karfl›l›k giderleri flöyledir: 2. Rediscount and provision expenses for the period are as follows: 2001 Milyon TL 6,237,096 9,166,937 7,705,979 23,110,012 2002 TL Million Provision expense for doubtful receivables 5,041,995 Discount expense on cheques and notes receivables 19,508,806 Retirement pay provision expense 4,477,468 29,028,269 2001 TL Million 6,237,096 9,166,937 7,705,979 23,110,012 3. Dönemin tüm finansman giderleri 24,160,424 Milyon TL olup 23,813,711 Milyon TL do¤rudan gider yaz›lm›fl, 346,713 Milyon TL sabit k›ymetler üzerine aktiflefltirilmifltir. (2001: Dönemin tüm finansman giderleri 28,774,178 Milyon TL olup do¤rudan gider yaz›lm›flt›r.) 3. Total finance expenses for the period are TL 24,160,424 Million, of which TL 23,813,711 Million was charged to expense, TL 346,713 Million was capitalized on tangible fixed assets. (2001: total finance expenses TL 28,774,178 Million and totally charged to expense) 4. Dönemin finansman giderlerinden ortaklar, ba¤l› ortakl›klar, ifltirakler ve di¤er iliflkili flirketler ilgili tutarlar flöyledir: 4. Finance expenses related to shareholders, equity participations and subsidiaries are as follows: 2002 Milyon TL a. Ortaklar T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. 894,199 73,907 b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar Lysa Investments Ltd. PO Petrofinance N.V. 40,072 63,157 c. Di¤er ‹liflkili fiirketler T. D›fl Ticaret Bankas› A.fi. Di¤er 420,926 228,832 Toplam 1,721,093 2002 TL Million a. Shareholders T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. 894,199 73,907 69 b. Subsidiaries Lysa Investments Ltd. PO Petrofinance N.V. 40,072 63,157 c. Other related companies T. D›fl Ticaret Bankas› A.fi. Other 420,926 228,832 Total 1,721,093 (2001: Yoktur) (2001: None) 5. Ortaklar, ba¤l› ortakl›klar, ifltirakler ve di¤er iliflkili flirketlere yap›lan sat›fllar ve al›mlar flöyledir: 5. Sales and purchases to/from shareholders, equity participations and subsidiaries are as follows: 2002 a. Ortaklar T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. Lysa Investments Ltd. c. Di¤er ‹liflkili fiirketler Cam Pazarlama A.fi. Di¤er 2002 Sat›fllar Milyon TL Al›mlar Milyon TL 456,950 - 246,729 634,970 2,983,464 514,782,490 55,458,430 458,512 469,343 59,992,326 515,498,562 a. Shareholders T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. Camifl Yat›r›m Holding A.fi. b. Subsidiaries K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. Lysa Investments Ltd. c. Other related companies Cam Pazarlama A.fi. Di¤er Sales TL Million Purchases TL Million 456,950 - 246,729 634,970 2,983,464 514,782,490 55,458,430 458,512 469,343 59,992,326 515,498,562 2001 a. Ortaklar ‹fl Do¤an b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. 2001 101,590,867 7,338,415 204,854 - 101,795,721 7,338,415 a. Shareholders ‹fl Do¤an b. Subsidiaries K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. 101,590,867 7,338,415 204,854 - 101,795,721 7,338,415 Petrol Ofisi fiüpheli alacak karfl›l›¤› Alacak senetleri ve çek reeskontu K›dem tazminat› karfl›l›¤› 2002 Milyon TL 5,041,995 19,508,806 4,477,468 29,028,269 6. Ortaklar, ba¤l› ortakl›klar, ifltirakler ve di¤er iliflkili flirketlerden al›nan ve bunlara ödenen faiz, kira ve benzerleri flöyledir: 6. Interest, rent and other income/expense received from/paid to shareholders, equity participations and subsidiaries: Faiz Gelirleri 2002 Milyon TL Interest Income 2002 TL Million a. Ortaklar T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. 2,805,462 a. Shareholders T. ‹fl Bankas› A.fi. 2,805,462 b. Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar PO Petrofinance N.V. 88,917 c. Di¤er ‹liflkili fiirketler T. D›fl Ticaret Bankas› A.fi. Di¤er 10,291,108 86,678 b. Subsidiaries PO Petrofinance N.V. 88,917 c. Other related companies T. D›fl Ticaret Bankas› A.fi. Other 10,291,108 86,678 13,272,165 Tafl›mac›l›k Geliri 13,272,165 Transportation Income Ba¤l› Ortakl›klar K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. 1,855,238 Kira Giderleri Subsidiaries K›br›s Türk Petrolleri Ltd. 1,855,238 Rent expense Di¤er ‹liflkili fiirketler ‹fl Gayrimenkul Yat›r›m Ortakl›¤› A.fi. 2,621,082 (2001: Ortaklardan al›nan komisyon geliri 2,173,413 Milyon TL, faiz geliri 12,354,073 Milyon TL, ödenen giderler toplam› 560,444 Milyon TL’dir. Toplam gelir gider bakiyesi içinde %20’yi aflanlar afla¤›da belirtilmifltir:) 2001 Faiz Geliri Milyon TL ‹fl Do¤an Other related companies ‹fl Gayrimenkul Yat›r›m Ortakl›¤› A.fi. 2,621,082 (2001: Commission income from shareholders TL 2,173,413 Million, interest income TL 12,354,073 Million, total expenses paid TL 560,444 Million. Within expenseincome account balances, those exceeding 20% are presented below:) Interest Income 2001 TL Million ‹fl Do¤an 12,354,073 12,354,073 7. Yönetim kurulu baflkan› ve üyeleri ile genel müdür, grup baflkanlar›, genel müdür yard›mc›lar› gibi üst düzey yöneticilere cari dönemde sa¤lanan ücret ve benzeri menfaatlerin toplam tutar› 2,078,518 Milyon TL’dir. (2001: 1,358,711 Milyon TL) 8. Amortisman azalan bakiyeler usulüne göre ayr›lmaktad›r. Amortisman ay›rma yöntemlerinde de¤ifliklik yap›lmam›flt›r. 7. Salaries and benefits paid to Chairman and members of Board of Directors and top management, such general manager, group directors and assistant general managers in the current period amounts to TL 2,078,518 Million. (2001: TL 1,358,711 Million) 9. Stok de¤erleme yöntemi olarak a¤›rl›kl› ortalama maliyet yöntemi kullan›lm›flt›r. 8. The accelerated depreciation method is applied. There were no changes in depreciation methods. 10. 31 Aral›k 2002 tarihi itibari ile fiili stok say›m› yap›lm›flt›r. 9. The weighted average costing method is used for valuation of inventory. 11. Toplam sat›fl tutarlar› afla¤›daki gibidir: 10. Physical stock take was performed as of 31 December 2002. Ticari Mal Yan Ürün Beyaz Ürün Siyah Ürün Malzeme Mamul Madeni Ya¤ Toplam 11. Total sales amounts are as follows: 2002 Milyon TL 2001 Milyon TL De¤iflim % 7,730,674 5,521,995,168 743,795,016 4,002,711 3,529,402,481 565,731,636 93.1 56.5 31.5 11,065,935 2,286,526 383.9 200,735,351 131,509,323 52.6 6,485,322,144 4,232,932,677 53.2 Trade Goods By-product White product Black product Material 12. ‹flletmenin sat›fllar›yla ilgili teflvik ve sübvansiyon yoktur. (2001: Yoktur) Finished Goods Lubricants Total 2002 TL Million 2001 TL Million Change % 7,730,674 5,521,995,168 743,795,016 4,002,711 3,529,402,481 565,731,636 93.1 56.5 31.5 11,065,935 2,286,526 383.9 200,735,351 131,509,323 52.6 6,485,322,144 4,232,932,677 53.2 12. There were no incentives or subsidies related to sales (2001: None) 13. Önceki döneme iliflkin gelir ve giderler ile önceki döneme ait gider ve zararlar: 2002 Milyon TL 104,905 677,616 17,369 16,561 816,451 Önceki Dönem Gider ve Zararlar› Firma fatura ödemeleri Bayi 2001 kira indirimi Emekli Sand›¤› 1997 - 2000 y›llar› yönetim gideri Mal iadesi Damga resmi Di¤er 254,254 58,752 47,238 13,031 8,712 10,781 392,768 Önceki Dönem Gelir ve Karlar› Yat›r›m indirimi nedeniyle 2000 y›l› vergisindeki azal›fltan do¤an kar Ö‹B’den yap›lan tahsilat Di¤er Önceki Dönem Gider ve Zararlar› Dava bedeli ‹SK‹ fatura bedeli Damga resmi Dava sonunda armatörlere ödenen SSK primleri AF‹F Emekli Sand›¤›na tabi personelin emekli ikramiyesi Di¤er 2001 Milyon TL 5,507,700 3,038,928 105,884 8,652,512 21,622 13,615 8,102 9,014 2,064 4,000 4,365 85,038 147,820 14. Adi ve imtiyazl› hisse senetleri için kar: ‹mtiyazl› hisse senedi yoktur. Adi hisse senedi bafl›na kar flöyledir: 31 Aral›k 2002 TL % 903.36 90.34 31 Aral›k 2001 TL % 3,731.92 373.19 2002 TL Million 104,905 677,616 17,369 16,561 816,451 Income related to prior periods Tax provision difference for 31 December 2001 Collection of withholding tax on 1999 investment allowance Collections of excess payments related to prior years Other Expenses related to prior periods Invoice payments 2001 rent deduction of dealers Retirement Fund administration expenses for 1997 - 2000 Returned goods Stamp tax Other 254,254 58,752 47,238 13,031 8,712 10,781 392,768 2001 Income related to prior periods TL Million Profit from the decrease in 2000 tax expense as a result of investment incentives 5,507,700 Collection Received from Privatization Administration 3,038,928 Other 105,884 8,652,512 Expenses related to prior periods Lawsuits 21,622 ‹SK‹ Invoice 13,615 Stamp Tax 8,102 Payments to shipowners after lawsuits 9,014 SSK Premiums 2,064 Fuel Prices Stabilization Fund 4,000 Retirement Pay Amount for Personnel Subject to Emekli Sand›¤› 4,365 Other 85,038 147,820 14. There are no preferred shares. Earnings per ordinary shares are as follows: 31 December 2002 TL % a. Ordinary shares (for 1,000 TL) 903.36 90.34 31 December 2001 TL % 3,731.92 373.19 15. Her bir ana üretim grubu için ayr› ayr› olmak üzere, iflletmenin dönem içinde gerçeklefltirdi¤i mal ve hizmet üretim miktarlar›: 15. Changes in the goods and services produced in the period for each main production group: Mamül Üretim Miktarlar› Madeni Ya¤ (Ton) Finished Good Production Amounts Lubricants (Ton) 2002 101,161 2001 92,318 De¤iflim % 9.58 16. Her bir ana sat›fl grubu için ayr› ayr› olmak üzere, iflletmenin dönem içinde gerçeklefltirdi¤i mal ve hizmet sat›fl miktarlar›: 2002 2001 71 2002 101,161 2001 92,318 Change % 9.58 16. For each main product group, changes in the sales quantities and percentages are as follows: De¤iflim % Ticari Mal Yan Ürün (Ton) Beyaz Ürün (m3) Siyah Ürün (Ton) 22,662 6,722,927 2,074,291 17,552 6,413,210 2,727,567 29.1 4.8 (23.9) Mamül Madeni Ya¤ (Ton) 100,927 95,535 5.6 Trade goods By-products (Ton) White products (m3) Black products (Ton) Finished goods Lubricants (Ton) 2002 2001 Change % 22,662 6,722,927 2,074,291 17,552 6,413,210 2,727,567 29.1 4.8 (23.9) 100,927 95,535 5.6 Petrol Ofisi Önceki Dönem Gelir ve Karlar› 31 Aral›k 2001 bilançosunda vergi karfl›l›¤› olarak ayr›lan tutarlar aras›ndaki fark 1999 y›l›na ait yat›r›m indirimi stopaj›n›n tahsil edilmesi Geçmifl y›llarda yap›lan fazla ödemelerin tahsil edilmesi Di¤er a. Adi Hisse Senedi (1,000 TL için) 13. Income and expenses related to prior periods: ADRESLER DIRECTORY PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. GENEL MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü PETROL OF‹S‹ A.fi. HEAD OFFICE Eski Büyükdere Caddesi No: 37 34398 Maslak - ‹stanbul Tel : (0 212) 329 15 00 Fax : (0 212) 329 18 98 AKDEN‹Z BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü MEDITERRANEAN REGIONAL OFFICE Serbest Bölge Yan› 33100 Mersin Tel : (0 324) 237 44 50 (4 hat - lines) Fax : (0 324) 238 15 76 EGE BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü AEGEAN REGIONAL OFFICE Anadolu Caddesi 1649 Sokak No: 54 35020 Turan - ‹zmir Tel : (0 232) 365 92 10 Fax : (0 232) 365 76 75 GÜNEYDO⁄U ANADOLU BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü SOUTH EAST ANATOLIA REGIONAL OFFICE Petrol Ofis Tesisat› - Akçay Mevkii - 31200 ‹skenderun Tel : (0 326) 626 14 13 Fax : (0 326) 626 14 10 KARADEN‹Z BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü BLACK SEA REGIONAL OFFICE Yal›ncak Mevkii Yan› P.K. 13 61001 - Trabzon Tel : (0 462) 334 01 33 Fax : (0 462) 334 43 79 - 80 MARMARA BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü MARMARA REGIONAL OFFICE Eski Büyükdere Caddesi No: 37 Kat: 1 34398 Maslak - ‹stanbul Tel : (0 212) 329 15 00 Fax : (0 212) 329 18 91 ORTA ANADOLU BÖLGE MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü CENTRAL ANATOLIA REGIONAL OFFICE Atatürk Bulvar› Gama Gürifl ‹fl Merkezi Kat: 9 No: 211 06680 Kavakl›dere - Ankara Tel : (0 312) 426 40 06 Fax : (0 312) 426 44 06 HAVACILIK SATIfiLARI MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü AVIATION SALES DIVISON Tel : (0 212) 465 77 00 - 329 17 78 Fax : (0 212) 465 77 09 DEN‹Z SATIfiLARI MÜDÜRLÜ⁄Ü MARINE SALES DIVISION Tel : (0 212) 329 15 00 Fax : (0 212) 329 18 97 AKARYAKIT TES‹SAT MÜDÜRLÜKLER‹ / FUELS TERMINALS Haramidere (‹stanbul) Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Haramidere (Istanbul) Terminal Office (0 212) 591 95 19-27 Alia¤a (‹zmir) Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Alia¤a (Izmir) Terminal Office (0 232) 497 55 00 Antalya Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Antalya Terminal Office (0 242) 229 13 50-51-52-53 ‹skenderun Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Iskenderun Terminal Office (0 326) 626 14 05-07 ‹zmit (Derince) Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Izmit (Derince) Terminal Office (0 262) 229 06 60 Mersin Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Mersin Terminal Office (0 324) 237 44 50-51-52 Samsun Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Samsun Terminal Office (0 362) 266 91 26-27-28 Trabzon Tesisat Müdürlü¤ü / Trabzon Terminal Office (0 462) 334 01 33-34-35 Çubuklu (‹stanbul) Depo Müdürlü¤ü / Çubuklu (Istanbul) Terminal Office (0 216) 322 03 95 - 96 Mudanya (Bursa) Depo Müdürlü¤ü / Mudanya (Bursa) Terminal Office (0 224) 544 19 00 - 01 Batman ‹rtibat Müdürlü¤ü / Batman Liaison Office (0 488) 213 61 22 K›r›kkale ‹rtibat Müdürlü¤ü / K›r›kkale Liaison Office (0 318) 266 90 82 MADEN‹ YA⁄ TES‹SAT MÜDÜRLÜKLER‹ / LUBRICANTS FACILITIES Derince (‹zmit) Madeni Ya¤ Fabrikas› / Derince (Izmit) Lubricants Plant (0 262) 229 06 60 Alia¤a (‹zmir) Madeni Ya¤ Fabrikas› / Alia¤a (Izmir) Lubricants Plant (0 232) 497 55 00 Güvercinlik (Ankara) Depo / Güvercinlik (Ankara) Depot (0 312) 211 03 22 Turan (‹zmir) Depo / Turan (Izmir) Depot (0 232) 365 92 10 Konya Depo / Konya Depot (0 332) 321 06 20 www.petrolofisi.com.tr Finar Kurumsal Tasar›m taraf›ndan üretilmifltir. Produced by Finar Corporate Design. Petrol Ofisi A.fi. Eski Büyükdere Cad. No: 37 34398 Maslak / Istanbul Tel: +90 212 329 15 00 www.petrolofisi.com.tr