TAGES Network Map (Pdf document)
TAGES Network Map (Pdf document)
TAGES NETWORK MAP TAGES is founded in 1996 by determining its company vision as becoming one of the leading international technology transfer companies by producing and disseminating innovative knowledge and technology in Turkey. As a technology transfer centre, TAGES provides cooperation between Turkey and Europe, as well as other countries. Since 2002, TAGES develops EU 6th Framework Programme (FP6) projects and provides consulting services to the Turkish SMEs, and takes part in FP6 projects as partner. In the present, institutions taking part in the TAGES Network are examined in order to get a general view of the composition of the TAGES Network. 1230 institutions taking part in the TAGES Network are analyzed in order to prepare the present map. The analysis is made on 2 distinctions; first considering the institution types, second considering the sectors in which institutions operate. This two-stepped analyze is applied both to the TAGES Network institutions in Turkey and in foreign countries. Firstly in Turkey, TAGES Network distribution is shown by the following 2 charts; firstly based on the institution types, secondly on sectors. CHART 1. TAGES NETWORK IN TURKEY BY INSTITUTION TYPES Press 2% Research Institutions 4% Public Institutions 5% Universities 6% NGOs 8% Private Sector 75% Endüstri ve Bilgi TeknolojileriAraştırma Geliştirme Uygulama A.Ş. Sümer Korusu, Yeni Çamlık Evleri, 23 Tarabya 34457 İstanbul Türkiye Phone:+90 212 223 21 01, +90 533 624 30 69 Via Milano, 15/i 20060 Bussero, Milano, ITALIA Phone: +39 02 95038260 Fax: +39 02 9503550 [email protected] , www.tages.biz CHART 2. TAGES NETWORK IN TURKEY BY SECTORS (%) Other 29% Science&Technology 5% Manufacturing 20% Health 2% Press/Media 2% Finance 4% Consultancy 11% Education 6% ICT 21% As it is seen on the 2nd chart, TAGES Network in Turkey concentrates mainly on Information & Communication Technology and Manufacturing. Sectors that are indicated on the chart as “other” spread on a wide domain; fisheries, forestry and more. Among the foreign institutions (institutions having their headquarters in Turkey are not included) with whom TAGES collaborates, EU member states have a dominant ratio, as seen on the Chart 3. Endüstri ve Bilgi TeknolojileriAraştırma Geliştirme Uygulama A.Ş. Sümer Korusu, Yeni Çamlık Evleri, 23 Tarabya 34457 İstanbul Türkiye Phone:+90 212 223 21 01, +90 533 624 30 69 Via Milano, 15/i 20060 Bussero, Milano, ITALIA Phone: +39 02 95038260 Fax: +39 02 9503550 [email protected] , www.tages.biz CHART 3. TAGES INTERNATIONAL NETWORK EU ASSOCIATED AND CANDIDATE STATES 14% OTHERS 3% EU MEMBER STATES 83% 53% of the foreign institutions in TAGES Network are operating in private sector. Universities and reserach institutions follows the private sector with 20% and 13%, orderly (Chart 4). CHART 4. TAGES INTERNATIONAL NETWORK BY INSTITUTION TYPES 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 Private Sector Universities Research Institutions NGOs Public Institutions EU Institutions Endüstri ve Bilgi TeknolojileriAraştırma Geliştirme Uygulama A.Ş. Sümer Korusu, Yeni Çamlık Evleri, 23 Tarabya 34457 İstanbul Türkiye Phone:+90 212 223 21 01, +90 533 624 30 69 Via Milano, 15/i 20060 Bussero, Milano, ITALIA Phone: +39 02 95038260 Fax: +39 02 9503550 [email protected] , www.tages.biz Among EU member countries German institutions take the first place with 12%, followed by Italian (11%), Spanish, Belgian (9%), Greek (8%), English and Romanian (9%) institutions (Chart 5). The number of universities from United Kingdom and Germany are also remarkable. Among EU associated/candidate countries Romania and Bulgaria take the head by their companies and universities. CHART 5. TAGES INTERNATIONAL NETWORK BY COUNTRIES CHART 5.1. TAGES NETWORK IN GERMANY BY INSTITUTION TYPES CHART 5.2. TAGES NETWORK IN ITALY BY INSTITUTION TYPES Research Institutions 13% Research Institutions 15% Universities 13% Universities 19% Private Sector 63% NGOs 5% Private Sector 65% Germany 12% NGOs 7% Italy 11% Spain 9% Belgium 9% Others 37% Romania 7% United Kingdom 7% Greece 8% Within the EU member, associated and candidate countries Germany and Italy figures as the countries where TAGES Network is the most concentrated. According to the categorisation based on institution types of TAGES Network in Germany, institutions operating in private sector seem to be dominant with a ratio of 63% (Chart 5.1.). The distribution of institution types in Italy shows similarity with German institutions, private sector having the majority with 66% (Chart 5.2.). In the United Kingdom, universities share the same percentage with institutions from private sector; 44% of the TAGES Network in United Kingdom. Endüstri ve Bilgi TeknolojileriAraştırma Geliştirme Uygulama A.Ş. Sümer Korusu, Yeni Çamlık Evleri, 23 Tarabya 34457 İstanbul Türkiye Phone:+90 212 223 21 01, +90 533 624 30 69 Via Milano, 15/i 20060 Bussero, Milano, ITALIA Phone: +39 02 95038260 Fax: +39 02 9503550 [email protected] , www.tages.biz Out of the sectorial analysis made within the foreign institutions of the TAGES Network, figures a balanced distribution between Information & Communication Technology (22%), Science & Technology (17%), Education (17%), Consultancy (16%) and Manufacturing (11%) (Chart 6). CHART 6. TAGES INTERNATIONAL NETWORK BY SECTORS (%) 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 ICT Science & Technology Education Consultancy Other Manufacturing Finance Press/Media Health Sectorial distribution in the outstanding 3 EU countries of the TAGES Network (Germany, Italy and Belgium), Science &Technology figures as the most concentrated sector in these 3 countries. The average ration of Science & Technology domain in these 3 countries figures as 27%. This is followed by Information & Communication Technology with a ratio of 21 %. Endüstri ve Bilgi TeknolojileriAraştırma Geliştirme Uygulama A.Ş. Sümer Korusu, Yeni Çamlık Evleri, 23 Tarabya 34457 İstanbul Türkiye Phone:+90 212 223 21 01, +90 533 624 30 69 Via Milano, 15/i 20060 Bussero, Milano, ITALIA Phone: +39 02 95038260 Fax: +39 02 9503550 [email protected] , www.tages.biz CHART 7. TAGES INTERNATIONAL NETWORK BY COUNTRIES (2) CHART 7.1. TAGES NETWORK IN GERMANY BY SECTORS Consultancy 16% Finance Other 2% 2% Education 16% ICT 23% CHART 7.2. TAGES NETWORK IN BELGIUM BY SECTORS Manufacturing 8% ICT 8% Press/Media 6% Manufacturing 12% Finance 3% Germany 12% Science & Technology 11% Other 28% Science & Technology 29% Italy 11% Consultancy 30% Education 6% Spain 9% Belgium 9% Others 37% United Kingdom 7% Greece 8% Romania 7% The sectorial analysis made among the institutions from Germany shows that 29% of German institutions taking part in the TAGES Network operate in Science & Technology. This ratio is followed by Information & Communication Technology with 23 % (Chart 7.2.). What is remarkable of the Belgian institutions of the TAGES Network is that 30% of these institutions’ activity domain is consultancy (Chart 7.2.). In Italy, dominant sectors are Science& Technology and Information & Communication Technology sharing the ratio of 29% among the Italian institutions in the TAGES Network. Endüstri ve Bilgi TeknolojileriAraştırma Geliştirme Uygulama A.Ş. Sümer Korusu, Yeni Çamlık Evleri, 23 Tarabya 34457 İstanbul Türkiye Phone:+90 212 223 21 01, +90 533 624 30 69 Via Milano, 15/i 20060 Bussero, Milano, ITALIA Phone: +39 02 95038260 Fax: +39 02 9503550 [email protected] , www.tages.biz
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included) with whom TAGES collaborates, EU member states have a dominant ratio, as seen
on the Chart 2.
Among EU member countries, German institutions take the first place with 13%, followed by