2 KASIM 2015 TR-ENG katalog.cdr


2 KASIM 2015 TR-ENG katalog.cdr


Benzer belgeler

db type feeder

db type feeder Nötr CO2 salınımı ve reç nes z yapısıyla h ç b r zararlı gaz çermemekted r. Metal kırıcı kullanımıyla döküm yüzey le daha az temas ve döküm sonrası daha az şç l kle; kal tey artırır, şç l ğ azaltır...


İncele - Thermowood

İncele - Thermowood ga ned the attent on and adm rat on of domest c and nternat onal nvestors and producers. Today we have become a nat onal group of compan es w th ntegrated product on l nes establ shed on 30.000 m² ...


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VEtix It should be used in applications as a bonding paste where high mechanical characteristics of vinyl ester chemistry is preffered. VEtix can be satisfactorily used for bonding purposes of FRP to FRP...
