Olcay Aki Fireworks


Olcay Aki Fireworks
Coucher of the Month
Where are they now?
69 Bourke St, Melbourne City (via Westwood Pl.) Mon-Thur (5pm-9pm)
June 2013
Circus OZ
On Friday night, June 21 st,
we went to watch the
Circus Oz show at Birrarung
Marr by the Yarra River.
After we passed the first
entrance, we found
ourselves in a cute
decorated food court. The
tent was small, but had a
different atmosphere from the rest of Melbourne. It
was as if we had just stepped into Wonderland.
Past the food court, we found a round stage with
our seats to the left. Almost as we sat down, the
show started with some cute live music while a girl
was suspended in the air played the piano.
Everywhere performers were dancing and doing
Then the show began in earnest with a male
performer doing a sexy, but feminine, pole dance
above the piano. He was so muscular, and had
great gymnastic skills, but his dance was so
Afterwards we had many other performances
including acrobatics, juggling, flying trapezes,
comic skits, gymnastic formations, and even
some magic!
The whole show progressed at a good tempo,
and all the performers were so multi talented:
showing their varied skills in a both hilarious and
outrageous ways. We laughed, were amazed and
had a lot of fun.
However, for sure, my favorite scene was the
opening pole dance. Absolutely!
The tickets were provided one day at The Couch just before
closing. Sometimes it pays not to leave The Couch too early!
Coordinator's Welcome
Winter is here, but The Couch remains a warm destination for international students
to come and relax. As usual, there are many hard working volunteers I must thank,
but a special mention should go out to Cesar for his contribution to the newsletter
design last year and the first issue this year. His work is still felt in the newsletter's
look today.
For those who have never been to The Couch before, it provides a safe, noncommercial lounge space for international students in Melbourne. Please feel free to
wander in and say hello. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me via
email or phone. Or, feel free to ask for me when you visit.
Peter Hichaaba
The Couch Coordinator. Phone: 0451 374507 Email: thecouch61 [email protected]
Where are they now?
In last month's issue, we met Natsu who introduced us to Japan. But before
Natsu came to The Couch we met Aki , who is back home in Japan now.
Where are you now and what are you doing?
I'm now back in Japan, living in the Ibaraki prefecture near Tokyo. It's in the
country side. I work at a pharmaceutical company as a CRA (Clinical
Research Associate).
When did you leave Melbourne?
I left there last July, the morning after The Couch Christmas in July Party.
Wow, nearly one year ago!
What do you miss most at The Couch?
Friends! I have so many fantastic friends at The
What do you miss most about Melbourne?
I miss the lovely parks in Melbourne. I think
Melbourne has many more beautiful parks than Tokyo.
Aki's wedding back in Japan. When Aki listed
her favourite thing back in Japan, we're sure,
after ramen, her husband was a close second!
Who or what back home were you most happy to see after leaving
Ramen! I tried many ramen restaurants in Australia, but no ramen restaurant
there could even compete with the ramen in Japan.
Aki's Ramen Dream by Ayumi
Any message to everyone at The Couch?
Hi guys, how are you? At The Couch I experienced such precious times with
many friends from all around the world. It's my precious treasure even now. I
want to see you all again at that place!
Take care,
Any advice/must see places for people considering visiting Japan?
If you come to Japan, you should try some ramen restaurants! When that
time comes, you must feel strongly that Japan's ramen restaurants are No.1
all over the world!
Dinner At Aki's
One of the amazing things about The Couch is the ability to meet people from
all over the world! Last year, I was very sad to see Aki leave, but in March this
year, I was fortunate enough to travel to Japan and catch up with her and her
The first day I arrived in Japan I had to follow Aki's very poor directions to get
to her house in the countryside. They were hard to understand but, after 3
trains and 1 .5 hours later, I was finaly picked up at the station by Aki and her
husband, Yasu San. Then we had to drive for another 30 minutes. It was really the countryside, but, had such a different feeling
from the heart of Tokyo!
At the house we, along with Yasu San's lovely
mother, had a takoyaki party! It was so much fun as
There are always many options to help out at The
we gathered around the table cooking takoyaki
Couch if you're interested in contributing. These
(ball-shaped octopus in batter) and they kept giving
can be great experiences to make new friends,
me more and more food until I was ready to burst.
gain experience and practise English.
Yasu San was so happy to have a guest, as it let
If you're interested in volunteering, writing for the
him escape the strict diet Aki forces on him!
newsletter or have other ideas on helping out,
To be able to go to a Japanese home and have a
please just ask for Peter at The Couch, or you can
meal with a cute family was such a different and
email him: thecouch61 [email protected]
wonderful experience from just eating in a
restaurant in busy Tokyo. I have to thank Aki and
Andrew Coulter
Yasu San for inviting me into their home, but, I must
Cesar Pinacho
also be thankful to The Couch for letting me know
Committee: Choo Yang Tan, Chris McIntyre,
such wonderful people!
Jinny Yoo, Phil Meditzky
Contributing to The Couch
Coucher of the Month
Nationality: Turkish
Coucher for: 4 Months
This month, Phil caught up with Olcay who has
been coming to The Couch recently.
What is your name and where are you from?
My name is Olcay Akar, and I'm from Turkey.
For people who do not know you, can you tell
them how to pronounce your name?
It is pronounced a little bit like 'Ojay'.
How long have you been coming to The
I have been coming to couch for 4 months now.
What do you like about the Couch?
I like to chat with all the people at The Couch.
Because everyone is from different backgrounds,
it's great for English practice.
Olcay with Behrooz at The Couch
What do you miss most from Turkey now that
you are in Australia?
For sure, I miss my family and friends the most. I
think everyone else here from abroad must feel the
Have you travelled to many other countries?
Besides Australia, I have been also been to Cyprus and
Is there anything special about Turkey you'd like to share?
Turkey has Western and Eastern culture mixed together and has
many historical buildings and beautiful natural places. So, I think
Turkey is a very good destination for travel. People should try
the food, music and see all the different natural places.
What are your hobbies/interests in Turkey?
I love to play instruments (especially the drums), painting, and
also I am very interested in history.
What is your job or what did you study in Turkey?
I studied tourism and business. After that, I worked as a
bartender in a hotel's casino and disco for 6 years.
Now for a couple of questions that tell us a bit about you.
Olcay often likes to throw parties with
What is your favourite - colour, food, music and flavour of
he's met through Couchsurfing
My favourite colour is brown, music is funk, and ice cream is hazelnut. Oh, and my favourite food is
Thai food!
If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
Definitely a bird, because you can be so independent and free.
Republic of Turkey
Population (2013 est): 75,627,384
Official Language: Turkish
Turkish lira
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey
Regular Activities
Featured Volunteer
Monday Tuesday
Free English Conversation
Movie Night
Wednesday Thursday
Free Coffee Making Class
Fireworks in July
Would you like to enjoy a spectacular round of fireworks midwinter? Then look no further as Docklands will be having their
annual fireworks every Friday in July. Last year, a group of
Couchers went over and had fun times there often followed by
happy dinners. The atmosphere was lively with activities to do
and eateries to dine at. Look out for the event on The Couch
facebook page. Alternatively, the details are as per below.
Where: The Piazza, Docklands
Dates: July 5th, 1 2th, 1 9th, 26th
Times: Roving entertainment 6:30pm, Fireworks 7pm with music
Cost: FREE
Tram – Free City Circle, no. 70 or no. 86 (Waterfront City stop)
Train – Hop off at Southern Cross Station and walk along the
More Information: www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/whatson
The Couch is a safe and free space
at night for International Students
studying in Melbourne to socialise,
relax, rest, study, and seek
information and assistance.
Hours Open: 5pm-9pm (Mon to Thurs)
Location: 69 Bourke St, Melbourne CBD (via Westwood Pl.)
Peter Hichaaba (Coordinator)
0451 374 507
thecouch61 [email protected]
Stay connected with The Couch Facebook page to see
other activities and events:
Ayumi is a kind Japanese girl who likes to talk with
everyone and socialise. She has been helping us in The
Couch for almost three months now. She always smiles
and loves to play pool. Ever since we brought the pool
table to The Couch she plays a game or two every
She also plays guitar and has good skills in sketching,
similar in style to the famous Japanese manga.*
Ayumi is now preparing herself for an English test and
trying to decide her future career. Let's wish her the best of
luck in her test and a clear way through to a successful
* You can see one of her drawings on the second page of
the newsletter!
Birthdays at The Couch
Do you have a birthday coming
up, or you know someone who
would like to celebrate their
birthday with their Couch
friends? If so, The Couch is able
to provide the space for you to
celebrate yours or your friend’s
birthday with fellow Couch
friends. If it is your friend’s
birthday you can bring a cake in and if you want to make it
a surprise talk to Peter in advance. Also, if it is your
birthday, you can bring a cake for yourself to share with
everyone at The Couch too!
Information Night