this PDF file - Pediatric Practice and Research


this PDF file - Pediatric Practice and Research


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01. Myelofibroz M5 - International Journal of Hematology and

01. Myelofibroz M5 - International Journal of Hematology and survival. Cancer 49: 308, 1982. Lofvenberg E, Wahlin A, Roos G, Ost A. Reversal of myelofibrosis by hydroxyurea. Eur J Haematol 44: 33, 1990. List AF, Doll DC. Alpha-interferon in the treatment of ...


PDF - International Journal of Hematology and Oncology

PDF - International Journal of Hematology and Oncology Çocukluk çağında splenomegali genellikle ilk olarak fizik muayenede tespit edilir. Dalak yenidoğanların %15’inde ve sağlıklı çocukların ise %10’unda kosta altında 1-2 cm ele gelir. Patolojik olarak...
