1 Prof. Dr. N. Nuray Ulusu Personal Nationality
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1 Prof. Dr. N. Nuray Ulusu Personal Nationality
II. Stryer Seventh edition November2013 (Palme Kitapevi (Ankara)
Chapter 8: Enzymes: Basic Concepts and Kinetics (Koç University)
Editors: Jeremy M.Berg; John L. Tymoczko; Lubert Stryer with Greogo...
Prof. Dr. N. Nuray Ulusu
41. Tanyel FC, Ulusu NN, Tezcan EF, Büyükpamukcu N. Total calcium content of sacs
associated with inguinal hernia, hydrocele or undescended testis reflects differences
by programed cell death. Urol...
Prof. Dr. N. Nuray Ulusu
40. Tanyel FC, Ulusu NN, Tezcan EF, Büyükpamukcu N. Total calcium content of sacs
associated with inguinal hernia, hydrocele or undescended testis reflects differences
by programed cell death. Urol...
Geçici Serebral İskemide Antioksidan Savunma
∗∗ Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji A. D.