Memed Duman CV March 2014


Memed Duman CV March 2014


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Memed DUMAN - 3rd International Congress On Biosensors

Memed DUMAN - 3rd International Congress On Biosensors Instructor of record for the course “General Chemistry Laboratory I.”


Oil pollution in surface water of the Turkish side of the Aegean and

Oil pollution in surface water of the Turkish side of the Aegean and Bildaci, I., Unlu, S., Güven, K.C. (2000). Oil Pollution of Eastern Mediterranean Sea, South of Turkey. Turkish J. Mar. Sci. 6(1):1-7. Ehrhardt, M., Petrick, G. (1989). Relative concentrations of d...


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Murat AYDIN

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Murat AYDIN scientific approach for craniofacial malformations” (funded by EU). Marie Curie Post Doctoral Fellow (IEF: Intra European Fellowship), Keele University ISTM, UK Duty and responsibility: This Highly...
