First International Conference on Humanities “The Spiritual


First International Conference on Humanities “The Spiritual


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First International Conference on Humanities “The Spiritual

First International Conference on Humanities “The Spiritual are honored to have the leaders of religious communities in Albania as well as distinguished scholars from around the world. Thank you all for participating. We believe that spirituality is a unive...


beder journal of humanities

beder journal of humanities speeches of various intellectuals. Although these speeches have some some unique features, writing alwyas preserve its advantages like protection of knowledge and text critique. As keeps and protec...


Në bazë të nenit 3, alineja 1, pika 0, të Rregullores për

Në bazë të nenit 3, alineja 1, pika 0, të Rregullores për Në bazë të nenit 3, alineja 1, pika 0, të Rregullores për Vetëqeverisjen e Komunave të Kosovës nr.2000/45, nenit 19, alineja 1, pika 15 dhe nenit 39, alineja 7, të Statutit të Komunës, Asambleja Ko...
