ceyhun elgin - Bogazici University, Department of Economics


ceyhun elgin - Bogazici University, Department of Economics


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ceyhun elgin - Bogazici University, Department of Economics

ceyhun elgin - Bogazici University, Department of Economics Conference Presentations Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society, Charleston, US, March 2014 Structural Change, Dynamics and Economic Growth, Livorno, Italy, September 2013 EEFS 2012 Conference...


1 Elif AKBOSTANCI ÖZKAZANÇ Department of Economics Middle

1 Elif AKBOSTANCI ÖZKAZANÇ Department of Economics Middle Yaklaşımı, Turkish Economic Association, International Conference on Economics (Ankara), Proceedings, 2006 (with G.İ. Tunç and S.Türüt-Aşık). The Relationship Between Income and Environment in Turk...


Han N. Ozsoylev - Koc University Graduate School of Business

Han N. Ozsoylev - Koc University Graduate School of Business Adam Smith Asset Pricing Workshop, London Business School (2005)
