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A26.Öktem G, Altay B, Turna B, Aktuğ H, Yavaşoğlu A, Yılmaz Ö, Semerci B. Determination of nitric oxide synthase activity and apoptosis of germ cells in different obstruction models. Acta Histochem...
Detaylı09-10 Himmet Karaman - İTÜ GEOMATİK MÜHENDİSLİĞİ
Future Approaches, Split, Croatia, June 5-8, 2007, pp 446-455. B-7. Ünen, H.C., Şahin, M., Tari, E., Coskun, M.Z., Karaman, H., Erden, T., "Istanbul Disaster Information System", TIEMS 14th Annual ...