dilek cindoglu


dilek cindoglu


Benzer belgeler

Citation Index Makaleleri2011

Citation Index Makaleleri2011 Author(s): Simsek, OF (Simsek, Omer Faruk) Title: An Intentional Model of Emotional Well-Being: The Development and Initial Validation of a Measure of Subjective Well-Being Source: JOURNAL OF HAPPI...


Record 1 of 55 Author(s): Cardullo, B (Cardullo, Bert) Title

Record 1 of 55 Author(s): Cardullo, B (Cardullo, Bert) Title Author(s): Simsek, OF (Simsek, Omer Faruk) Title: An Intentional Model of Emotional Well-Being: The Development and Initial Validation of a Measure of Subjective Well-Being Source: JOURNAL OF HAPPI...


özgeçmiş - Genetik ve Biyomühendislik

özgeçmiş - Genetik ve Biyomühendislik 11. Özkan, H. 2009. Isolation, characterization and identification of bacteria that have biodeteriorative effect on cultural heritage in the vicinity of Erzurum, Turkey, Ataturk University (Ph.D. T...


Prof. Dr. Fikrettin ŞAHİN Yeditepe Üniversitesi Genetik ve

Prof. Dr. Fikrettin ŞAHİN Yeditepe Üniversitesi Genetik ve PERSONEL DETAILS Name Sex Date of Birth Marital Status Nationality Current Address


özgeçmiş - Yeditepe Sağlık

özgeçmiş - Yeditepe Sağlık 17. Özkan, H. 2009. Isolation, characterization and identification of bacteria that have biodeteriorative effect on cultural heritage in the vicinity of Erzurum, Turkey, Ataturk University (Ph.D. T...


proffessor şule toktaş - Kadir Has Üniversitesi

proffessor şule toktaş - Kadir Has Üniversitesi Travel Award, American Sociological Association, 1992 ME Awards-Population Council - Project Development Award for " Gender and Medicine: A Close-Up Look to the Power Relations in Turkish Medicine"...
