TDS-Defatted Pomegranate Flour
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100% Natural Defatted Flaxseed Flour
NEVA GIDA MADDELERİ VE BASKI MALZ.DIŞ TİCARET LTD.ŞTİ. SANAYİ MAH. 7 . SK. NO: -26 ESENYURT-İSTANBUL TÜRKİYE TEL: +90 212 605 15 16 FAX:+90 212 605 11 44 Mail: [email protected]
DetaylıTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 100% Natural Pumpkin Seed Oil
Insoluble Impurities: Pesticides Residues: Additives & Artificial Anti-oxidants (BHA, BHT.. etc.): Chemical Refining Fatty Acids Profile C16: 0 Palmitic C18: 0 Stearic C18:1 Oleic C18:2 Linoleic C1...
DetaylıTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 100% Natural Pomegranate Seed Oil
Additives & Artificial Anti-oxidants (BHA, BHT.. etc.): Chemical Refining Fatty Acids Profile C16: 0 Palmitic C18: 0 Stearic C18: 1 Oleic C18: 2 Linoleic C18:3 Punicic (9,11,13)
Detaylı9800 Tw nkle Cast Ser s (Lam nat on)
Specially produced highly stable 138g /sqm slicone coated kraft paper Adhesive 9800 Solvent based acrylic permanent grey adhesive Printing 9800 Films are suitable for printing machines which use So...
additives. Since it is liquid, it is easy to use, economical and hygienic. It has pleasant odor. Active materials as ingredient are biodegradable.
DetaylıCE-504 CE-506 CE-508 CE-510 CE-512 CE-514 CE-516 CE
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (3+0) 3 Numerical solution of initial value problems: multi-step methods and Runge-Kutta methods, Stability and convergence, Numerical solution of bound...