Academic CV
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Design Team: Berin Gür, Onur Yüncü, Esatcan Coşkun and Ali Yücel Özdemir. (Eliminated at the 4th stage) “ODTÜ Öğrenci Merkezi ve ...
DetaylıAçalya ALLMER
“I want disorder – Get it?”: The Paradoxical Representations in Contemporary Architectural Narratives”, EAD 2007, 7th European Academy of Design Conference, Annual Theme: Dancing with Disorder: Des...
DetaylıTürkçe CV
History Lessons, CAAM, Las Palmas, Kanarya Adaları, İspanya Utopian Pulse - Flares in the Darkroom, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany Mitolojiler, 3. Mardin Bienali, Mardin, Türkiye ...
DetaylıBURCU ŞENYAPILI Ö ZCAN Associate Professor, Department of
İmamoglu, C., Senyapili, B. and Demirbas, O. "Experiencing the Real-scale: MockUp of a Set Design Project". Journal of Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2009, pp. 71-80. Senyapili, B. and K...
DetaylıEcology and Sustainability
Nowadays where ecological sensibility and sustainability is becoming widespread as a life style, respect to nature and human, constitutes the foundation of environmental consciousness and responsib...
DetaylıTED University Performance Indicators for the
2. in the Summer School: No courses offered in 2014. 3. in the Fall semester: 76 different courses in 134 sections in undergraduate; 106 of which offered by full time academic staff of TEDU, 31by a...