Untitled - Dilsem Dil Kursu
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Untitled - Dilsem Dil Kursu
36- (I) If you are in your 40s and British, it is quite possible that your spelling is an embarrassment, but it’s not your fault. (II) Many children in the UK were never taught the distinction betw...
DetaylıUntitled - Dilsem Dil Kursu
36- (I) The tenth century in Europe witnessed a remarkable growth of towns and cities. (II) For instance, in England, by the middle of the eleventh century, 10 per cent of the population lived in t...
Detaylıyds deneme sinavi - Dilsem Dil Kursu
observed in the eastern Black Sea than other areas within Turkey, but the species does not seriously threaten humans. Turkish authorities have not kept records, but the damage caused by bears has m...
Detaylıyds di̇lbi̇lgi̇si̇ düzey testi̇ (2)
American linguists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, who studied how languages vary and proposed ways that speakers of different tongues may think differently. Although their ideas met with much...