April 2015 ~ Nisan 5775


April 2015 ~ Nisan 5775


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April 2016 Calendar

April 2016 Calendar 21 Nisan 7th Day Passover Service:9:00AM Haftarah: Dr. S. Friedell Candle Lighting 7:36 P.M. Eve of 8th Day Service: 7:15 PM


April 2014 ~ Nisan 5774

April 2014 ~ Nisan 5774 April 2014 ~ Nisan 5774 SUNDAY


C:\Documents and Settings\Stan Schroeder\My Documents\Shir Ami

C:\Documents and Settings\Stan Schroeder\My Documents\Shir Ami In every generation, a person is obligated to show himself as if he had left Egypt: for He did not redeem only our ancestors, but even us as well, as it is written "And He brought us out from thenc...


april 2013 - Sixteenth Street Synagogue

april 2013 - Sixteenth Street Synagogue WEEKDAY SHACHARIT & MINCHA/MAARIV: Congregation Etz Chaim, 11 East 11th Street, 2nd fl. (Tuesday Mincha/Maariv at Weinstein Hall, NYU, 11 University Pl.) MID-DAY MINCHA: Chabad Loft 144 5th Avenue ...


Shabbat times for Beth Immanuel 2016–2017

Shabbat times for Beth Immanuel 2016–2017 Shabbat times for Beth Immanuel 2016–2017 Planning a visit to our Friday night service? Shoot for the time listed under “Kabbalat Shabbat.”


Passover Schedule 2016.pub

Passover Schedule 2016.pub PASSOVER SCHEDULE 2016—5776 Thursday, April 21, 2016 Bedikat Hametz - Search for Hametz A!er 7:43 p.m. Friday, April 22 - 14 Nisan Fast of First Born – First Seder Morning Minyan 7:00 a.m. Eang Ha...


Adar B~Nisan 5776/April 2016

Adar B~Nisan 5776/April 2016 For one will hardly die for a righteousness man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But Elohim demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, M...
