Bilimsel Yayınlar ve Bilimsel Toplantılara Katılım – Fen Fakültesi
Benzer belgeler
probiyotik mikroorganizmaların biyokoruyucu özelliği
Abstract: It was known that some diseases can be treated as the result of the use of antibiotics in certain periods and at certain dosages while inactivating and deteriorating normal microorganisms...
DetaylıPoster sunumlar - NanoTR-VI
The synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide (ZnO) in different crystalline structure
DetaylıPUBLICATIONS 10. Seçkin G., Şanlı-Mohamed, G
Akar, D., T. Shahwan, A.E. Eroğlu. “Kinetic and Thermodynamic Investigations of Strontium Ions Retention by Natural Kaolinite and Clinoptilolite Minerals, Radiochim.” Acta 93 (2005): 477-485. (SCI)