Tarih i I /209
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mt]ayeı{e ve de1yey raporu
represenl a batch and can not be used as conformity documenlfor adverlisentents and procurements .
DetaylıKalibrasyon Sertifikast
OlgUrtr rRLieRAsyoN ELEK. ilaeisisr. sAN. ve Tic. LTD. gri. Aydrnevler Mah. Preveze Sk. No: 2115 Kiiqi.ikyah - Maltepe / ISTANBUL
DetaylıAKUT 127PC
Remorks Deney ve/veya 6lgiim sonuglart,genigletilmi$ olgum belirsizlikleri (olmasr halinde) ve deney metodlarr ou raporun tamamlayrcr krsmr olan takip eden sayfalard! verilmigtir. rhe lei'st'and/or...
Detaylı50 mm levha yangın raporu
This report shall not be reproduced other than in full except with the permission of the laboratory. Testing reports without signature and seql are not volid