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Untitled Plenary Session Veterinary Internal Medicine Case Studies: Emphasis on the importance of haematology and serum biochemistry diagnosis, Rene Van den Hoven, Invited speaker, University of Veterinary ...


Marine algae and seagrasses of Tekirdağ (Black Sea, Turkey) 1

Marine algae and seagrasses of Tekirdağ (Black Sea, Turkey) 1 Bartın. Tr. J. Botany 20: 251-258. Aysel, V., B Dural., A Sukatar., H Güner., H Erduğan. (1997). Marine algae of Zonguldak, Black Sea, Turkey. XIII Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 17-20 Eylül 1996,


kastamonu - Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment

kastamonu - Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment Jolis var. pusillum brown algae; Fucophyceae, 27 taxa, green algae; Chlorophyceae, 21 taxa, and seagrasses, 2 taxa were identified in the upper infralittoral zone of Samsun (Black Sea) shore of Tur...
