CV ()
Benzer belgeler
Research Interests
— “Women negotiating color lines through community organizing: A case study of women leaders in neighborhood associations in a multi-racial urban area of Los Angeles City.” Association of Collegiat...
DetaylıDeniz ALTAY KAYA Eğitim Bilgileri
Asst. Prof. Dr. Deniz Altay Kaya, Dr. Burçak Altay and Serpil Altay; Paper Presentation 7. Uluslararası Kültür Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, “Bellek ve Kültür” (KÜLTÜRAD ve Bilkent Üniversitesi ortaklı...
Detaylıcurrıculum vıtae
B. Batuman and D. Altay, “Kenti Eksiltmek/ Boşlukla Tasarlamak” [Lessening the city/ Designing with void], keynote speech given at Kuram/ Sanat/ Tasarım held by Bilkent University Department of Gra...
Detaylıözgeçmiş - Gedik Üniversitesi
- Cengiz, H., Atabay, S., (1997) “Protection and Development of Forest Areas: An Optimization Approach With The Regional and Local Planning Process, NP, T7, Proceedings of The XI World Forestry Con...