bas bült 30 sy eskiz


bas bült 30 sy eskiz
A’dan Z’ye
Notes on
Din ve Turizm
Religion and Tourism
‹çindekiler/ Contents
Haberler/ News
• Türkiye’nin ilk Sunwing’i
‹sveç bas›n›nda
Turkey’s first Sunwing in the
Swedish press
• Macaristan’› güldüren adam
The man who makes Hungary
laugh was in Marmaris
• 2007 sezonundan...
From the 2007 season...
• Ailelerin tercihi ‘SunGarden’
Families’ Choice: SunGarden
• Cycleurope yine ‘Türkiye’ dedi
Cycleurope decides Turkey
• Alanya’n›n bir anahtar› da bizde
We have Alanya’s Key
Bak›fl Aç›s›
Point of View
Evimizi Hofl Bulduk
We Loved Our Home
Kendini Bilmek
Knowing Thyself
Din ve Turizm
Religion and Tourism
Söylefli/ Interview
Türkiye’de her fley yolunda
Everything’s going well in
Kültür ve Sanat
Culture & Art
A’dan Z’ye EXPO
Notes on EXPO
Yaklafl›m/ Approach
BST Events
Ben ‹stanbul’a Âfl›k Oldum
I feel in Love with ‹stanbul
Bast›yal› Ailesinden
The Bast›yal› Family
• Bir Bast›yal› Klasi¤i
A Bast›yal› Classic
• Ailemize bir Skal daha
Another Skal in the family
G reetings!
Güzel Türkiye’miz; kültürel çeflitlili¤inden gelen de¤erleri, do¤al ve tarihi zenginlikleri, co¤rafi konumu gibi
önemli ayr›cal›klara sahip olsa da ne yaz›k ki bu özelliklere paralel olarak yeterli geliflimi gösterememesinden
ötürü birtak›m sanc›lar yaflamakta...
Turkey, our beautiful country, has a special place because of its values coming from its cultural diversity,
its natural and historical riches, and its geographical
location. However, it is a shame that the country has
to suffer pains because the amount of development it
displays is far from matching its real potential.
‘Büyük bafl›n derdi büyük olur’ atasözümüzde de vurguland›¤› gibi, problemlere sahip olmak büyük olman›n
do¤al bir sonucudur. Ancak, büyük olmak ayn› zamanda
büyüklü¤e yarafl›r biçimde davranmay›, akl›selim/ hissiselim ile hareket etmeyi ve kararl› olmay› gerektirir.
Having to experience problems is a natural result of
being big as the saying goes, ‘Big ones have big problems’. However, being big also calls for the appropriate attitude, reasonable behavior and determination.
Ülke olarak bütün bunlar› baflarabilme gücü ve becerisine sahip oldu¤umuz bilinciyle içinde bulundu¤umuz s›k›nt›l› dönemi daha fazla yara almadan geride b›rakabilece¤imiz inanc›n› tafl›maktay›z.
Dünyan›n büyük tur operatörlerinden MyTravel’›n
Thomas Cook ile birleflmesinden dolay› temsilcisi oldu¤umuz MyTravel Northern Europe’un ismi Thomas
Cook Northern Europe olarak de¤ifltirildi. Küreselleflen
dünyam›zda bu gibi kurumsal yap›lar›n birleflmesinden
oluflan yeni düzende, arz-talep dengesinin önemi bir kat
daha artacakt›r. Baflka bir ifadeyle tüketicinin, ödedi¤i
paran›n karfl›l›¤›n› en iyi flekilde alabilece¤i sistemi elzem k›lacakt›r da diyebiliriz.
Yeni Turizm ve Kültür Bakan›m›z Say›n Ertu¤rul
Günay’a baflar›lar dileriz. Yapaca¤› çal›flmalar›n sektörümüz için hay›rl› olaca¤›na inanc›m›z› bir kez daha yinelemek isteriz.
Sektörümüzün önemli otoritelerinden biri olan Türkiye
Seyahat Acentalar› Birli¤i’ne bir kez daha baflkan seçilen
Say›n Baflaran Ulusoy’u da tebrik ederiz.
Daha önce ‹stanbul’da yap›lan Travel Turkey Turizm
Fuar› bu y›l, 13-16 Aral›k tarihleri aras›nda ‹zmir’de
düzenlenecek. Merkezi ‹zmir’de olan bir firma olarak,
kentin bu yöndeki geliflimine destek olmak ad›na fuarda
yer al›yoruz. Ayr›ca bugünlerde ‹zmir, dünyan›n en
önemli fuarlar›ndan biri olan EXPO 2015’e ev sahipli¤i
yapmaya haz›rlan›yor. Bunun için mücadele veren, konuya hassasiyetle e¤ilen baflta ‹zmir Büyükflehir Belediyesi ve ‹zmir Ticaret Odas› olmak üzere bütün kurum
ve kurulufllar› gösterdikleri gayretten dolay› takdir etmekteyiz. Bu yöndeki deste¤imizin küçük bir göstergesi olarak konuya, yay›n›m›z›n ‘Kültür ve Sanat’ sayfas›nda yer verdik. Bu vesileyle kentin turizm ile an›laca¤›
günlere dönmesini umuyoruz.
2008’in birbirimize mutluluk diledi¤imiz de¤il, mutluluk verdi¤imiz bir y›l olmas› dile¤iyle...
Sevgiyle kal›n...
We hold on to the belief that we will leave these hard
times behind without receiving more wounds because
we believe that we, as a country, have the power and
skill to do this.
One of the largest tour operators of the world,
MyTravel, has merged with Thomas Cook, and
MyTravel Northern Europe, which we represent in
Turkey, is now called Thomas Cook Northern Europe.
In a global world and the new system shaped by
merging of such institutions, the balance between supply and demand tends to display a greater importance.
In other words, it sounds sensible to say that a system
where the consumer demands the best quality in
return for the money he has paid will be essential.
We wish good luck to Mr. Ertu¤rul Günay, our new
minister of tourism and culture. We would like to repeat our belief that his work will be beneficial for our
We would also like to congratulate Mr. Baflaran
Ulusoy, who has again been elected president of The
Turkish Travel Agencies Union, one of the biggest
powers in the sector.
Held in ‹stanbul previously, Travel Turkey Tourism
Fair will take place in ‹zmir this year between December 13 and 16. As a company centered in ‹zmir, we
join the fair to support the city’s development in this
field. ‹zmir is also preparing to host one of the most
important exhibitions of the world – EXPO 2015.
We appreciate all the efforts that have been put to
achieve this by the ‹zmir Municipality, the ‹zmir
Chamber of Commerce and all the other people and
institutions. As a symbol of our support, we have
spared our Culture and Art page for the issue. We
would like to take this opportunity to express our wishes that the city will be mentioned alongside tourism
in the future.
Wishing 2008 will be a year in which people offer
each other happiness, not only wish it.
May love be with you...
Bast›yal› Turizm ‹flletmeleri Afi/ Bast›yal› Tourist Enterprises SA
Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi/ Member of Board
Bast›yal› Haber Bülteni
Yönetim Yeri ve Yaz›flma Adresi:
1375 Sok. No:25 D:201 Cumhuriyet ‹flhan›
35210 Alsancak – ‹zmir
Tel: +90 232 464 12 96 Faks: +90 232 464 14 81
e-posta: [email protected]
[email protected]
Bas›m Tarihi: 7 Aral›k 2007
Bast›yal› Turizm ‹flletmeleri Afi Yay›n›
‹mtiyaz Sahibi: Bast›yal› Turizm ‹fll. Afi ad›na Mehmet Bast›yal›
Yay›n Yönetmeni ve Sorumlu Yaz› ‹flleri Müdürü: G.Gülça¤ Özmermer
Yaz› ‹flleri Müdürü (‹ngilizce): Mustafa Bast›yal›
Yay›n Türü: Yayg›n Süreli
Yay›n Ekibi: Arzu Mümtaz Bast›yal›, Ufku Erel, Y. Bekir Yurdakul
Katk›da Bulunan: Dr. Bekir Azg›n
Tasar›m ve Bask›ya Haz›rl›k: Grafikir Reklam ve Tan›t›m Hiz. Tel: 0.232.463 95 65
Bask›: Arkadafl Matbaac›l›k 1258 sk. No:22 Kahramanlar-‹ZM‹R Tel:0.232.489 80 50
Türkiye’nin ilk Sunwing’i ‹sveç bas›n›nda...
Turkey’s first Sunwing in the Swedish press...
Dünyan›n önde gelen tur operatörlerinden MyTravel
Northern Europe, yeni ad›yla Thomas Cook Northern
Europe’un, bünyesinde bulunan otel zinciri Sunwing
Resort’ün son halkas› bu y›l Antalya – Side’de aç›ld›.
Ülkemizin ilk Sunwing Resort oteli, Yönetim
Kurulu Baflkan›m›z Say›n Mehmet
Bast›yal›’n›n teflvik ve deste¤iyle bölgenin
güçlü ve deneyimli firmalar›ndan Barut
Hotels taraf›ndan yap›ld›.
Dünyan›n farkl› bölgelerindeki yirmi befl
Sunwing’den biri olan otel, a¤ustos ay›nda
‹sveç’in çok okunan gazetelerinden
Expressen’in eki ‘Hallå’ dergisinde Side
destinasyonunun kaleme al›nd›¤› makaleye
de konu oldu.
‘Sonbaharda tatil için bir haftan›z varsa, Side, yorgunlu¤unuzu atman›z için sizi bafltan ç›kar›yor.’ ifadelerine yer verilen
makalede, özellikle çocuklar›n bu tatilden ne kadar mutlu
olduklar› üzerinde duruluyor ve Side’de geçirilen bir gün,
Sunwing’in olanaklar›yla harmanlanarak iflleniyor.
Thomas Cook Northern Europe, formerly known as
MyTravel Northern Europe, one of the leading tour operators of the world, added another link to its Sunwing Resort
hotel chain in Side, Antalya this year. The first Sunwing
Resort hotel in Turkey was opened by Barut Hotels, one of
the strongest and most experienced firms
of the area, with encouragement and support by Mr. Mehmet Bast›yal›, Head of
the Bast›yal› Board of Directors.
One of the twenty-five Sunwings around
the world, the hotel was mentioned in an
article on Side in the August issue of
Hallå, the supplement of Expressen, a popular newspaper in Sweden.
The article said, ‘If you have a week for a
holiday in fall, Side promises to give you a relief.’ The article
focuses on how happy the holiday makes children especially.
It also tells about what a day in Side is like with the facilities of Sunwing.
Macaristan’› güldüren adam Marmaris’teydi...
The man who makes Hungary laugh was in Marmaris...
Macaristan’›n ünlü flovmeni Gáspár Gyõzõ’yu, 21- 28 A¤ustos’ta, tur operatörümüz
Best Reisen ile geldi¤i Marmaris’te a¤›rlad›k.
‘Romantik’ adl› müzik grubuyla ad›n› duyuran ve son bir y›ld›r Gyözike adl› televizyon
flovuyla Macaristan’›n sempatisini kazanan Mr. Gyõzõ, tatilini ailesiyle birlikte Mart›
Resort otelinde geçirdi. Türkiye’deki ilk tatilini ‘tek kelimeyle muhteflem’ olarak de¤erlendiren ünlü flovmen, Marmaris’e hayran kald›¤›n› da sözlerine ekledi.
Gáspár Gyõzõ, a famous Hungarian TV show host, spent a week in Marmaris, where
he came through our tour operator Best Reisen, between August 21 and 28.
Mr. Gyõzõ came to known with his music band ‘Romantik’, and for the past one year,
he has been attracting the people of the country with his TV show called Gyözike.
Mr. Gyõzõ spent his first holiday in Turkey with his family at the Mart› Resort Hotel.
He described the holiday with one word: “Magnificient!”
2007 sezonundan...
Astral seyahat acentam›z ve tur operatörümüz Thomas Cook
Northern Europe’un Marmaris’te düzenledi¤i kokteyl ile
bölge ve çevresinden y›llard›r iflbirli¤i içinde oldu¤umuz turizmcilerle bir araya gelinerek sezon öncesi moral topland›...
Astral ve Thomas Cook Northern Europe’un destinasyonlar›m›zdaki çal›flanlar›, Marmaris ve Alanya’da düzenledi¤imiz
e¤itim toplant›lar›nda bir araya geldi. Tur programlar›m›z,
uygulamalar vb. bilgilerin paylafl›ld›¤› e¤itimler, ekip olma
ruhunun pekiflmesine de vesile oldu...
Tur operatörümüz Best Reisen’›n sat›fl temsilcilerinden 33
kifli, bilgilenme gezisi için Türkiye’deydi. Side, Alanya ve
Marmaris’te konaklayan grup, bu bölgelerde çal›flt›¤›m›z
otelleri ziyaret edip düzenlenen turlarla ad› geçen destinasyonlar›m›z› yak›ndan tan›ma f›rsat› buldular...
From the 2007 season...
A cocktail party organized in Marmaris by Astral Travel
Agency and our tour operator Thomas Cook Northern
Europe gathered the tourism investors with whom we have
had business relations for years in and around the area and
helped boost morale before the season opened...
People working in Astral and Thomas Cook Northern Europe
destinations came together in the training sessions we organized
in Marmaris and Alanya. The sessions provided ground where
the participants were able to share their experiences and knowledge on things such as our tour programs and practices...
33 sales representatives from our tour operator Best Reisen
have been to Turkey on a briefing trip. The group stayed in
Side, Alanya and Marmaris, where they had the chance to visit the hotels we work with and get to know the destinations
Ailelerin tercihi
Families’ choice
Temsilcili¤ini yapmakta oldu¤umuz tur operatörü Thomas
Cook Northern Europe, mevcut otel hizmetlerini (Ving
Resort, Garden ve Spies SunClub) sezon bafl›ndan itibaren
SunGarden ad› alt›nda birlefltirdi. Eski hizmet anlay›fl›n›n
gelifltirilmesiyle ortaya ç›kan SunGarden’da oluflturulan standartlarla çocuklu ailelerin ihtiyaçlar›na cevap verecek ayr›nt›lara odaklan›larak, daha ifllevsel bir otel ortam› yarat›lmas›
SunGarden ve SunGarden Plus ad› alt›nda oluflturulan yeni
yaklafl›m, 6 ülkede - 21 otelde uygulan›yor.
Kuruluflundan bu yana Garden ve VingResort tutumunu baflar›yla uygulam›fl olan Side Resort otelimiz de Türkiye’deki
befl SunGarden’dan biri oldu. Konuklar›n›n memnuniyetini
art›rmak ad›na k›fl aylar›nda bünyesinde yaratt›¤› yenilik ve
düzenlemelerle her sezona tazelenerek giren otelimiz,
SunGarden anlay›fl›yla da özellikle çocuklu aileleri, her an›ndan keyif alacaklar› bambaflka bir tatile davet ediyor.
Thomas Cook Northern Europe, a tour operator we represent, combined its existing hotel services, namely Ving
Resort, Garden and Spies SunClub, under the name
SunGarden as of the beginning of the season. Created through even improved standarts of service, SunGarden focuses
on details that meets the needs of families with children and
offers a more functional hotel environment.
The new approach, called SunGarden and SunGarden Plus,
is being applied in 21 hotels in 6 countries.
Following Garden and VingResort’s approach since its foundation, the Side Resort Hotel has become one of the five
SunGarden’s in Turkey. Welcoming each season with improvements and arrangements done during winter months in
order to increase its customers’ satisfaction, the Side Resort
invites families with children to enjoy a unique holiday experience through the SunGarden concept.
yine ‘Türkiye’ dedi...
decides Turkey again...
Dünyan›n önde gelen bisiklet firmalar›n› bünyesinde bar›nd›ran
Cycleurope grubunun her y›l düzenledi¤i bisiklet sergisi,
26 Eylül – 10 Ekim tarihleri aras›nda, Belek’te aç›ld›. Sergi, geçen y›l oldu¤u gibi, firmam›z bünyesindeki Astral seyahat acentas›n›n katk›lar› ile ‹skandinavya’n›n önde gelen tur operatörleri
toplulu¤undan temsilcili¤ini sürdürdü¤ümüz Ving’in organizasyonuyla gerçekleflti. Sergi, Cycleurope’un davetiyle ‹skandinav
ülkelerinden gelen 500’ü aflk›n yetkili sat›c›n›n kat›l›m›yla
Gloria Golf otelinde düzenlendi.
Cycleurope, which houses the
leading bicycle firms of the
world, held its annual bicycle
show in Belek between September 26 and October 10. Same as last
year, the show was organized by Ving, a leading tour operator in
Scandinavia, with support from Astral, Bast›yal›’s travel agency.
Over 500 certified dealers from the Scandinavian countries were
invited by Cycleurope to the show, held at the Gloria Golf hotel.
Baflta Avrupa ülkeleri olmak üzere 50 ülkede y›ll›k sat›fl› 1,5
milyon adedi geçen grubun sergisinde, son model bisikletler,
çeflitli aksesuarlar ve spor aletleri büyük ilgi çekti. Program
kapsam›nda düzenlenen seminerlerde bisiklet teknolojisinden
güncel bilgiler konunun uzmanlar›nca kat›l›mc›lara aktar›ld›.
With an annual sale of 1.5 million bicycles in 50 countries, mainly in Europe, Cycleurope attracted a great deal of attention in
the exhibitions of the latest bicycle models, various cycling accessoires and sports equipment. The participants were also briefed on the developments in the bicycle technology through a
number of seminars given by the experts during the program.
Cycleurope Sat›fl Müdürü Say›n Eva Fredriksson,
organizasyonu; “Bu y›l 32.sini düzenledi¤imiz
bu organizasyonu, Türkiye dâhil olmak üzere
birçok ülke/ destinasyonda gerçeklefltirdik.
Ancak son iki y›ld›r, bugüne kadar yaflad›¤›m›z aksakl›klar›n hiçbirini yaflam›yor olmam›z, Astral seyahat acentas›n›n, Ving ve bizimle yapt›¤› iyi iflbirli¤inin neticesidir.
Çok memnunuz, tekrar gelmeyi planl›yoruz.”
fleklinde de¤erlendirdi.
Ms. Eva Fredriksson, Cycleurope sales manager, said of the organization, “We have held this organization for 32 years in many
different countries, including Turkey. We owe Astral Travel
Agency and Ving for their cooperation with us and for the fact
that we are not experiencing any of the problems we have experienced in all previous shows. We are very satisfied and we plan
to come back.”
Alanya’n›n bir anahtar› da bizde...
We have Alanya’s Key...
Alanya Belediyesi, ilçeye 2006 sezonunda 50 binin üzerinde turist getirmemiz
dolay›s›yla Astral seyahat acentam›z›, ‘gümüfl anahtar’la ödüllendirdi.
22 Kas›m’da, Alanya Belediye Meclis Salonu’nda Baflkan Say›n Hasan Sipahio¤lu’nun ev sahipli¤inde gerçekleflen törende ödülü, acentam›z›n Genel Müdür Vekili
Say›n Hüseyin Cihano¤lu ald›.
Alanya Municipality has awarded Bast›yal›’s Astral Travel Agency with a ‘silver key’
for bringing over 50,000 tourists to the town in the 2006 season.
Mr. Hüseyin Cihano¤lu, Astral’s deputy general manager, received the award at the
ceremony held in the Alanya Municipality Council Hall on November 22. The ceremony was hosted by Mr. Hasan Sipahio¤lu, Alanya Mayor.
Evimizi Hofl Bulduk
We Loved Our Home
‹lk kez 20 y›l önce geldi¤im Türkiye’ye bu on beflinci ziyaretim. 1987 y›l›ndaki ilk seyahatimizde Çeflme’de kalm›flt›k.
Bizim için her fley çok farkl›, özel ve ilgi çekiciydi. Tatilimiz
boyunca otelde, restoranda, al›flveriflte, yolda karfl›laflt›¤›m›z
her fley bizim için çok farkl› ve ilginç herkes çok samimiydi.
Tatillerimiz s›ras›nda Türkiye’nin tarihi güzelliklerinden
Efes ve Pamukkale’yi de görme olana¤› bulduk. Çeflme’den
sonra Alanya, Antalya, Kemer, Foça, ‹zmir ve Side’de bulunduk ve sonunda incimizi bulduk. Evimiz dedi¤imiz yer: Side
ve Side Resort...
I first visited Turkey twenty years ago and this is my fifteenth. We stayed in Çeflme on our first trip in 1987. It was a
very different, special and exciting experience for us. Everything we saw at the hotel, restaurants, shops and on the street was very interesting and everybody was very friendly during the holiday. We also got to see Ephesus, one of the historical wonders of Turkey, and Pamukkale during our holidays. After Çeflme, we visited Alanya, Antalya, Kemer, Foça,
‹zmir and Side as well. We had finally found our pearl – Side
and Side Resort, the place we call home.
I have memories that have left deep marks. One of these is
the Alanya trip I went on with with my wife and her parents, who were in their eighties at the time. We had worries
about the holiday while we were going there because they
were both physically challanged and had trouble walking.
Thanks, however, to the world-famous Turkish hospitality,
everything went smoothly and they were met with respect
and help wherever we went. Everthing we experienced amazed and pleased us. They wanted to come to Turkey on holiday again the following year and this time we chose Side.
Bu süre zarf›nda beni derinden etkileyen an›lar›m oldu. Bunlardan biri 1990 y›l›nda eflimin 80 yafllar›ndaki anne ve babas›yla Alanya’ya olan seyahatimizdi. Giderken tatilimizin nas›l
geçece¤i ile ilgili endiflelerimiz vard›. Çünkü her ikisi de engelliydi ve yürümekte güçlük çekiyorlard›. Fakat Türk dostlu¤u her fleyin yolunda gitmesini sa¤lad›. Her yerde sayg› ve
yard›mla karfl›land›lar. Yaflad›klar›m›z›n bu denli olumlu olmas›na flafl›rd›k ve çok memnun kald›k. Bir sonraki y›l tatile
yine Türkiye’ye gelmek istediler. Bu sefer Side’yi tercih ettik.
Bunun benzeri bir an›m da yaklafl›k on y›l önce felç geçiren
ve konuflmakta zorluk çeken kay›nbiraderim ve efliyle Foça’da
geçirdi¤imiz tatildi. Tatil boyunca kay›nbiraderimin tüm istekleri yerine geldi ve bu tatilden sonra sanki yeniden do¤du.
Ertesi y›l Foça’ya tekrar gittik. Ayn› ilgi ve ihtimamla
1993’te Say›n Mehmet Bast›yal› ile tan›flt›k. Kendisiyle güzel
bir arkadafll›k kurduk. Sonras›nda hemen her geliflimizde
Mehmet Bast›yal› ile görüflmek bizim için heyecan ve
memnuniyet kayna¤› oldu.
I had a similar experience about ten years ago when I had a holiday in Foça with my sister and her husband who had had a
stroke and difficulty speaking. All of my brother-in-law’s requests were met throughout the holiday, and when it was over, he
felt as if he had been reborn. We went to Foça again the following year and we were welcomed with the same care and
I met Mr. Mehmet Bast›yal› in 1993 and we formed a nice
friendship. Since then, meeting with Mehmet Bast›yal› on
our each visit has been a source of excitement and pleasure.
Side eflsiz bir yer... Deniz k›y›s›nda
oluflu, tarihi dokusu ve mistik yap›s›yla
bence efli benzeri yok. ‹nsan› flaflk›nl›¤a
düflüren Antik flehrin kal›nt› ve eserlerini gezerken adeta 2 bin y›l önceyi
There is no place like Side... Its location
by the sea, its historical texture and
mystical structure make it unique. Visiting the ruins of the amazing Ancient
City takes you back in time 2,000 years.
We have stayed at the Side Resort on
each of our eight visits of the town beSekiz kez bulundu¤umuz Side’ye her
geliflimizde Side Resort’te kald›k. Çün- cause it is like a gren island wich has
everything. Swimming
kü buras›, içinde her
fleyi bar›nd›ran yeflil
Side eflsiz bir yer... pools, fountains, the big
bar, comfortable rooms,
bir ada gibi. Havuzlar,
Deniz k›y›s›nda
environment, bef›skiyeler, büyük bar,
oluflu, tarihi dokusu green
autiful flowers, grass
konforlu ve rahat odave mistik yap›s›yla and trees – an oasis that
lar, yeflil alanlar, güzel
nce efli benzeri yok. houses all that is beauçiçekler, çimenler,
tiful. Buffets that offer
a¤açlar... ‹çinde tüm
‹nsan› flaflk›nl›¤a
güzellikleri bar›nd›ran düflüren Antik flehrin delicious Turkish meals
bir vaha... Sabah ve
kal›nt› ve eserlerini in the morning and evening make us undersakflam birbirinden gügezerken adeta
tand why the Turkish
zel ve lezzetli Türk ye2 bin y›l önceyi
cousin is among the
meklerini sunan büfey
most important ones in
ler, Türk mutfa¤›n›n
world. For those
neden dünyan›n önemThere is no place like the
looking for different
li mutfaklar› aras›nda
yer ald›¤›n› anlamam›- Side... Its location by tastes, I can recommend
the sea, its historical the hotel’s Italian resz› sa¤l›yor. De¤iflik
tatlar arayanlar için de
texture and mystical taurant, La Sera.
harika yemekleriyle
structure make it
thing that ma‹talyan restoran› La
unique. Visiting the Another
Sera’y› tavsiye ederim.
ruins of the amazing is its staff. All the staff
Ancient City takes are in a competition to
Oteli vazgeçilmez k›offer the best service
lan bir baflka etken de
you back in time
possible. All are fun
çal›flanlar›... Tüm çal›2,000 years.
and helpful. The service
flanlar misafirlerine daha iyi hizmet vermek için çabal›yorlar. is super. They have different shows and
activities to entertain their guests every
Hepsi çok e¤lenceli ve yard›msever.
Servis harika.... Konuklar›n› e¤lendirmek için her akflam farkl› gösteri ve
And we are here again – for the hospietkinlikler düzenliyorlar.
tality and warmth that binds us here.
Ve iflte yine buraday›z. Bizi buraya
This is our second home...
ba¤layan misafirperverlik ve s›cak
dostluk nedeniyle...
Buras› bizim ikinci evimiz...
Hasse HOLMGREN kimdir?
‹sveçli. 1961 y›l›nda bafllad›¤› gazetecilik hayat›n›n, 33 y›l›nda ‹sveç’in en çok okunan gazetelerinden Expressen’de spor ve gezi sayfalar›n› haz›rlad›. Gezi bölümünü
haz›rlad›¤› süre boyunca Türkiye’den Çeflme, Alanya, Antalya,
Foça, Kemer ve Side destinasyonlar›n› konu alan yaz›lar yazd›.
Who is Hasse HOLMGREN ?
Swedish. In the 33 years of his career as a journalist, which he began
in 1961, he wrote the sports and
travel pages in Expressen, one of
the most popular newspapers in
Sweden. During the time he wrote
the travel pages, he published articles on Çeflme, Alanya, Antalya,
Foça, Kemer and Side destinations.
M e h m e t B A S T I YA L I
Din ve Turiz
Religion and T
tuz sene kadar önceydi. O y›llarda ‹zmir’de yay›mlanan Express gazetesine bir yaz› yazmam istenmiflti.
Bugün gibi hat›rlar›m. “Din ve Turizm” bafll›¤›n› verdi¤im bir yaz› yazm›flt›m onlar için. Çünkü o dönemde benimle yap›lan hemen her görüflmede, bir din adam› olarak
turizm mesle¤ini icra ediyor olmama dikkat çekiliyor ve insanlar bu iki olguyu nedense birbirine z›t görüyordu. Halbuki ben,
bu kavramlar›n birinin di¤erini tamamlad›¤›na ya da en az›ndan
katk› sa¤lad›¤›na inanmaktay›m.
t was about thirty years ago when I was asked to write an
article for the Express, a newspaper published in ‹zmir at
the time. I still remember it as if it happened today.
I wrote an article titled “Religion and Tourism” because
in most of the interviews that were done with me at the time
people would highlight the fact that I was both in theology and
tourism, two things people thought did not go together. On the
contrary, I believe that these concepts complete, or at least
contribute to, each other.
Turizmin bar›fl ile nas›l bir ba¤ içinde oldu¤u ABD’ye yönelen
11 Eylül sald›r›lar›ndan sonra dünyan›n gözü önüne serilmifltir.
T›pk› genellikle insanlar›n sahip olduklar› fleyin k›ymetini tam
olarak kavrayamad›klar› gibi turizmci de, turist de o tarihe kadar turizmin bar›fl oldu¤u müddetçe sa¤l›kl› bir flekilde gerçekleflebilece¤ini pek düflünmüyordu. Terörün ne denli turizmin
düflman› oldu¤u maalesef 11 Eylül’le birlikte herkesçe idrak
The links between tourism and peace have become more visible
since the September 11 attack on the USA. Generally speaking,
people cannot grasp the importance of something they already
have. In the same way, neither tourists nor people in tourism
had considered the fact that tourism is only possible if peace is
in existence. September 11 clearly demonstrated to what extend
terrorism is able to cause damage to tourism.
Ne gariptir ki, dünyada kitleleri bu denli olumsuz etkileyen terörün en ac›mas›z› yaz›k ki dini duygular› kötü emellerine alet
edenlerden, özellikle de Müslüman olduklar›n› iddia edenlerden
gelmektedir. Baflkas›n›n inanc›na sayg›l› olmay› ö¤reten ‹slam
dinine inanc› olan biri olarak bunu anlamam imkâns›z. ‹stismara ve yanl›fl anlamland›rmaya fazlas›yla aç›k olan din kavram›,
maalesef tarih boyunca ço¤unlukla yanl›fl yorumlara ve uygulamalara maruz kalm›flt›r.
Hemen hepimizin bildi¤i gibi, üç semavi dinin ortak mesaj›,
gerçek anlam›yla insan olmay› baflarabilmemiz ö¤retisidir. Ancak unutulmamal›d›r ki, hiçbiri tek bafl›na bu gaye için yeterli
de¤ildir. Hz. Musa’n›n on emri ile Hz. ‹sa’n›n en önemli ö¤retisi ‘birbirimizi sevmek’ ve Hz. Muhammed’in temel ö¤retisi
‘birbirimizin yard›mc›s› olmak’ özellikleri bir araya getirildi¤inde ortaya mükemmel bir insan profili ç›kmaktad›r. Bu insan
profilinin hakim oldu¤u toplumlarda da bar›fl içinde bir yaflam
ve güven ortam› hüküm sürer. ‹flte turizm, icra edilebilmesi
için, böyle bir güven ortam›na ihtiyaç duyan meslek dallar›n›n
bafl›nda yer al›r.
Surprisingly, the most ferocious forms of terrorism seem to come from those abusing religious beliefs, particularly from those
who claim to be Muslims. As a believer of Islam, a religion that
preaches respect for others’ beliefs, I find this approach impossible to comprehend. Religion as a concept is wide-open for
abuse and misinterpretation, and unfortunately, it has frequently been misinterpreted and malpracticed since the beginning
of time.
We almost all know that the shared message of all three main
religions is the teaching of how to succeed in being a human in
its real meaning. However, we must not forget that none of
them on its own is enough to reach the aim. Moses’s ten commandments, Jesus Christ’s most important teaching, which urges “loving one another” and Mohammad’s teaching, “help one
another”, collectively draw a perfect human profile. Life in peace
and security reigns in a society where this human profile is dominant. Tourism leads the professional fields in which such a
feeling of security isessential to practice it.
Üç semavi dinin ortak amac›; dil, din ve ›rk farkl›l›klar› gözetmeyen gerçek birer insan profili yaratmak iken, insanlar de¤il
di¤er din mensuplar›na, ayn› dine ve hatta ayr› mezhebe mensup kiflilere bile önyarg›l› ve ac›mas›zca davranabilmektedirler.
Böyle bir umutsuzluk ortam›nda ortaya ç›kan yüce insan
Mevlana, insanl›¤a hoflgörü afl›lamaya çal›flm›flt›r. Ne mutlu ki,
bir nebze olsun baflarm›flt›r da. Ama insano¤lunun hemen her
fleyi kendi inanç ve düflüncesi do¤rultusunda de¤erlendirdi¤ini
bilen Mevlana, “Bildiklerin, karfl›ndakinin anlayabildi¤i kadard›r” demifltir. Bu büyük insan›n de¤erini bilen UNESCO yetkilileri de, do¤umunun 800’üncü y›l› dolay›s›yla 2007’yi Dünya
Mevlana Y›l› olarak ilan etmifltir.
Although the common purpose of the three main religions is to
create a human profile that is stripped of prejudices based on
language, religion and race, people treat those belonging to the
same religion or other sects of the same religion with prejudice
and cruelty, let alone those belonging to other religions.
Mevlana appeared in such a time of dispair and tried to spread
some tolerance, which he was able to achieve to some extend.
However, Mevlana knew that people filtered almost everthing
through their own beliefs and thoughts, and he said, “You
know as much as others can understand.” Grasping the greatness of this man, UNESCO decided to dedicate the year 2007
to Mevlana on the 800th year of his birth.
Her ne kadar dünyada cereyan eden olumsuzluklar nedeniyle
zaman zaman umutsuzlu¤a kap›l›yor olsak da, umudun asla
kaybetmememiz gereken de¤erlerden oldu¤unu akl›m›zdan
ç›kartmamal›y›z. Bu düflünce ile küçük bir hikâyeyi sizinle
paylaflmak istiyorum.
No matter how much of our hope we lose because of all the evil
in the world, we must always keep in mind that hope is one of
the values we have to hold on to. This reminds me of a story
that I would like to share with you:
Sessiz bir ortamda yanan dört mum, aralar›nda konuflurlar:
‹lki, “Ben ‘Bar›fl’›m; kimse benim yan›k kalmam› istemiyor” der
ve söner.
Four lit candles are talking quietly among themselves. One says,
“I am Peace and no one wants to see me lit,” and puts itself out.
‹kincisi, “Ben ‘‹nanç’›m; neredeyse kimse beni art›k gerekli görmüyor. Bu nedenle daha fazla yanmama gerek yok” deyip o da
söner. Üçüncü mum, “Ben ‘Sevgi’yim; insanlar beni önemsemeyip bir kenara itti, en yak›nlar›n› bile sevmeyi unuttular. Art›k
yan›k kalmaya gücüm kalmad›” deyip söner.
The second says, “I am Faith and hardly anyone needs me anymore. There is no more need for me to keep burning,” and it too puts itself out. The third candle says, “I am Love and people
have pushed me aside because they think I am not important.
They have even forgotten how to love their closest ones. I have
no more strength to keep burning,” and it puts itself out as
O an ans›z›n bir çocuk girer odaya, mumlardan üçünün yanmad›¤›n› fark eder. Ve “Neden yanm›yorsunuz? Sizin sonuna kadar
yanman›z gerekir.” diyerek a¤lamaya bafllar.
At that moment, a child enters the room and notices that three
of the candles have gone out. He says, crying, “Why are you
out? You have to keep burning until the end!”.
Dördüncü mum çocu¤a döner, “Korkma! Ben hâlâ yan›yorum.
Di¤er mumlar› yeniden yakabiliriz. Ben ‘Umut’um” der. Çocuk,
umut mumunu a¤layan gözlerle al›r; di¤er mumlar› yakar.
The fourth candle turns to the child and says, “Don’t be afraid!
I am still burning. We can light the others again. I am Hope!”
The child takes the Hope candle and lights the others.
Umudun alevi yaflam›m›zdan hiç eksilmesin ki, her birimiz
umutla sevgiyi, inanc› ve bar›fl› sürdürebilelim. Dileyelim ki
öyle olsun.
May we all keep the flame of Hope alive. May we all keep Love,
Faith and Peace alive with our Hope.
“ Türkiye’de her fley yolunda gidiyor
Everything’s going well in Turkey ”
n this issue, we talk to Mr. Msadek Lahmar, an athu say›m›zda, on sekiz y›l önce Galatasaray voleybol
lete in tourism. He signed a two-year contract with
tak›m›n›n formas›n› iki sezon giymek üzere att›¤›
Galatasaray volleyball team eighteen years ago, and
imzay›, flimdi otel kontratlar›na atan sportmen bir
now he signs contracts with hotels.
turizmciyi , Say›n Msadek Lahmar’› konuk ettik.
Macaristan, Slovakya, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Romanya ve
S›rbistan’dan yirmiyi aflk›n destinasyona y›lda 155 bin turist gönderen tur operatörümüz Medina Grup’un Slovakya
ve Çek Cumhuriyeti’nin genel müdürlü¤ünü yürüten
Say›n Lahmar ile keyifli bir sohbet gerçeklefltirtik...
We had a pleasant conversation with Mr. Lahmar,
Slovakia and the Czech Republic general manager of
Medina Group, one of our tour operators taking 155,000
tourists from Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic,
Rumania and Serbia every year to over twenty destinations.
Medina Grup için Türkiye ne anlama geliyor? Eksik oldu¤umuz
What is Turkey to Medina Group? What do we need to improve?
konu nedir?
Turkey is a very popular destination among our customers. It is one
Türkiye, müflterilerimiz taraf›ndan çok sevilen bir destinasyon. Buof the very few destinations where you can completely rely on the
ras›, iflbirli¤i içinde oldu¤unuz taraflarla tam bir güven ortam›n›n
other end of the cooperation and make an investment without a doolufltu¤u, gözü kapal› yat›r›m yap›labilecek nadir destinasyonlarubt. There have been a few instances in which we had problems findan. Bugüne kadar genellikle sözleflmelerimizi garanti konaklama
ding rooms in high season because of the fact that we do not usufleklinde yapmad›¤›m›zdan
ally include guaranteed lodging
yüksek sezonda oda bulmakta
in our contracts. Even though we
baz› s›k›nt›lar yaflad›k. Bu duhave been able to solve the probrumu, acentam›z olarak sizin
lem with your help, we made an
yard›m›n›zla aflm›fl olsak da
increase in the number of guagelecek y›l için garantili oda
ranteed rooms for next year.
say›m›z› art›rd›k.
Turkey is an expensive country
Bununla birlikte Türkiye, aycompared to countries such as
n› kategoride de¤erlendirdi¤iTunisia and Egypt, both of
miz Tunus, M›s›r gibi ülkewhich we consider in the same
lerle k›yasland›¤›nda pahal›
category as Turkey. Therefore, it
bir ülke olmay› sürdürüyor.
is more difficult to sell. One of
Dolay›s›yla sat›fl› daha zor. Sathe important points in sales is
t›flta önemli noktalardan biri
advertising. On that, I believe
de reklamd›r. Bu anlamda
the advertising campaigns
Türkiye’nin Avrupa ülkelerinTurkey has held in Europe have
de yapt›¤› reklam›n yeterince
been good enough. However, we
iyi oldu¤unu düflünüyorum.
need the Turkish government to
Ancak bizim ihtiyac›m›z flu:
pay for the advertorials, or at leTan›t›ma yönelik olarak haz›r- Halkla iliflkiler sorumlumuz Gülça¤ Özmermer, Msadek Lahmar ile Alba Resort otelinde görüfltü ast contribute to the payment.
lanan reklamlar›n giderinin
Bast›yal› News Bulletin reaches higher level bureaucrats and miTürk devleti taraf›ndan karfl›lanmas› ya da en az›ndan devletin bunistries. So, is there a message you would like to give?
na katk› sa¤lanmas›d›r.
As someone who has worked in airlines, I have to say that transBast›yal› Haber Bülteni üst düzey bürokratlara, bakanl›klara ulaflan
portation is one of the most important issues for a destination. The
bir yay›n. Buradan vermek istedi¤iniz bir mesaj var m›?
countries that gained freedom after the Soviet Union dissolved haDaha önce havayollar›nda görev alm›fl biri olarak flunu söylemelive been rapidly improving their prosperity, thus also improving
yim ki, tafl›mac›l›k bir destinasyon için en önemli hususlardan biritheir tourism potentials. For that reason, I think it is important for
dir. SSCB (Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birli¤i)’nin da¤›lmas›na country getting tourists from former Soviet Union countries to
dan sonra özerkli¤ine kavuflan ülkeler, h›zla refah düzeylerini, dolahave national flight services to and from those destinations and to
y›s›yla da turizm potansiyellerini art›rmaktalar. Bu nedenle bu gibi
increase the number of the flights as needed.
ülkelerden turist kabul eden ülkelerin milli havayollar›n›n örne¤in
Compared to the other countries you have worked in, what are
Türkiye’den Türk Hava Yollar›’n›n, potansiyeli olan bölgelere sefer
Turkey’s advantages?
koymalar› ve ihtiyaca göre bu seferleri art›rmalar›n›n yerinde olacaI have to say that the sense of organization and service here are
¤›n› düflünüyorum.
much better. There is also its nature, climate and diversity, that is,
Türkiye, çal›flt›¤›n›z di¤er ülkelere göre ne gibi avantajlara sahip?
there are many things to see and do... Of course, its world-famous
Öncelikle burada organizasyon ve servis anlay›fl›n›n çok daha iyi olcousine cannot go unmentioned. Other countries have many wondu¤unu söylemeliyim. Do¤al güzellikleri, iklimi, çok yönlülü¤ü,
ders, too, but Turkey has a special place. I personally would like to
yani görülecek/ yap›lacak çok fleyin oluflu… Tabii ki ünü dünyaya
see Turkey as our number one destination because everything is
yay›lm›fl olan Türk mutfa¤›ndan da bahsetmeden geçmek olmaz.
going well here and I love the country. Therefore, I want to come
Öteki ülkeler de birçok güzelli¤e sahip ancak Türkiye’nin özel bir
here more often and discover new things.
yeri var.
fiahsen Türkiye’nin bizim için 1 numaral› destinasyon olmas›n› diliyorum. Çünkü burada her fley yolunda gidiyor ve ben buray› çok seviyorum. Dolay›s›yla daha s›k gelmek ve yeni fleyler keflfetmek istiyorum.
Alternatif turizm bak›m›ndan tercihler önümüzdeki y›llarda sizce
ne yönde flekillenecek?
Bu konuda özellikle Avrupa’da denize k›y›s› olmayan ve güneflin
yüzünü az gösterdi¤i ülkelerin alternatif gelifltirmek zorunda
olduklar›n› düflünüyorum. Ayr›ca bir destinasyona birçok kez giden
müflteriye yeni fleyler sunmak gerekir. Örne¤in bir turist M›s›r’a
önce piramitleri görmek için gidiyor, ya sonra? Alternatif turizm
anlam›nda son y›llarda, çevre turizmi baflta olmak üzere, spa
ve kültür turizminin de talep görmeye bafllad›¤›n› gözlemlemekteyiz. Ayr›ca sa¤l›k turizmindeki geliflimin gelecek y›llarda h›zla
artaca¤›na inan›yorum. Bu konuda fiyat avantaj›ndan ötürü
Akdeniz’in birinci, Tunus’un ikinci önemli destinasyon olaca¤›n›
Pazar›n›z›n özelliklerinden kaynaklanan s›k›nt›lardan söz
eder misiniz?
Turizm faaliyetlerine son y›llarda bafllayan sorumluluk alan›m›zdaki
ülkelerde, bizim gibi ciddi tur operatörlerinin yan› s›ra pek çok
gayri ciddi tur operatörleri de vard›r. Bunlar k›sa vadede müflterinin paras›n› al›p karfl›l›¤›nda hizmet vermeyen ve belli bir süre sonra da iflas eden firmalard›r. Söz konusu tur operatörleri otellerden
gerekli kontenjanlar› almadan, sanki rezervasyonlar› yap›lm›fl gibi,
destinasyonlara gönderdikleri turistlerin zor durumda kalmalar›na
neden olmaktad›rlar. Bu gibi olumsuzluklar, maalesef genel olarak
tur operatörlerinin imaj›n› zedelemektedir.
Firman›z›n profili ile gelecek plan/ projelerinden söz eder misiniz?
Medina Grup olarak bünyemizdeki Best Reisen ve Medina Tours ile
‘outgoing’, Next Travel ile de ‘incoming’ operasyonu yap›yoruz.
Outgoing operasyonumuzla Macaristan, Slovakya, Çek Cumhuriyeti,
Romanya ve S›rbistan’dan 20’yi aflk›n destinasyona y›lda yaklafl›k
155 bin turist gönderiyoruz. Gelecek y›l Romanya’dan Türkiye’ye
iki yeni ‘charter’ daha bafllat›yoruz. Yavafl ve emin ad›mlarla büyümeyi amaçl›yoruz.
Önümüzdeki y›llarda Türkiye’de yeni destinasyonlar açmay› düflü nüyor musunuz?
Stratejimiz öncelikle mevcut destinasyonlar›m›zda en iyi hizmeti
vermektir. E¤er bir destinasyonda iyi çal›fl›rsak oradaki talep de artar. Örne¤in Marmaris’le çal›fl›yoruz ve ayn› zamanda bu destinasyonu Rodos ile kombinasyonlu olarak da sunuyoruz. Bunun gibi bir
program› gelecekte Bodrum ve Kufladas› için de yapabiliriz.
Türkiye’de de¤erlendirilebilecek daha birçok destinasyon var.
Ve son olarak ‘Bast›yal›’ desem...
Burada bir giriflimde bulunursan›z, gözünüzün arkada kalmayaca¤›n› söylemeliyim. E¤er Bast›yal› gibi iyi bir temsilciniz varsa bütün
sorunlar›n üstesinden gelebilirsiniz. Bast›yal› ile çok iyi, samimi ve
sayg›l› bir iflbirli¤imiz oldu¤unu belirtmeliyim. ‹fline sayg› duyan
insanlarla çal›fl›yoruz. Her fley sorunsuz gidiyor. Diliyorum ki hep
böyle gidecek ve birlikte ilerleyece¤iz.
What do you think future preferences will be like in terms of alternative tourism?
I think countries that have no coastlines and those that get little
sunshine have to develop alternatives. Also, it is necessary to offer
new things to people who have been to a destination more than
once. For example, a tourist goes to Egypt to see the pyramids.
Then what? We see that environmental tourism has been in demand as well as spas and cultural tourism lately. I also believe that
health-oriented tourism will pick up speed in the years to come.
I suppose the Mediterranean, followed by Tunisia, will be the
most important destinations because of their advantages in price.
Could you tell us about the problems stemming from the features
of the market?
There many irresponsible tour operators as well as serious ones like
us in the countries within our area of responsibility that have recently begun to deal with tourism. Such companies take the customers’ money and offer no service in return, and they go bankrupt
in a short time. They cause tourists to have hard times because
they send their customers to hotels without learning about their
quota and without making reservations. Such unfortunate incidents cause damage to tour operators’ image in general.
Could you tell us about your firm’s profile and your plans and projects for the future?
Medina Grup has outgoing operations with Best Reisen and
Medina Tours and incoming operations with Next Travel. We
send around 155,000 tourists to over twenty destinations in
Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Rumania and Serbia through our outgoing operations. We are starting two more charters
from Rumania to Turkey next year. We aim to grow slowly and in
a self-confident way.
Are you thinking of opening new destinations in Turkey in the future?
Our strategy is to offer the best service in the destinations we already have. Good service will increase the demand for that destination. For example, we operate in Marmaris and we also offer this
destination in a combination with Rhodes. We might consider a
similar program for Bodrum and Kufladas› in the future. There are
still many destinations to consider in Turkey.
What would you like to say about Bast›yal›?
I have to say that you will not have any doubts if you start something with Bast›yal›. If you are represented by a company such as
Bast›yal›, you can overcome all problems. I must say that we have
very good, sincere relationship built on mutual respect with
Bast›yal›. We work with people that have respect to their jobs.
Everything has been going on smoothly and I hope it will continue this way and we will progress together.
Msadek Lahmar kimdir?
1961’de Tunus’ta do¤du. Üniversite e¤itimini ülkesinde tamamlamas›n›n ard›ndan bir y›l Amerika’da e¤itim
gördü. 15 y›l kadar Tunus Milli Voleybol Tak›m›’nda oynayan Say›n Lahmar, turizme Tunus Hava Yollar› ile
ad›m at›p uzun bir süre firman›n Macaristan müdürlü¤ünü sürdürdü. 2006 y›l›nda Medina Grup’a geçen Msadek Lahmar, evli ve bir çocuk babas›d›r.
Who is Msadek Lahmar?
He was born in Tunisia in 1961. After he got a degree in his home country, he got a year of training in the
USA. Mr. Lahmar played volleyball for the Tunisian national team for fifteen years. He began his career in tourism with Tunisian Airlines and was Hungary manager of a company for a long time. Msadek Lahmar was recruited by Medina Group in 2006. He is married with a child.
A’dan Z’ye
Notes on
‹zmir’in, EXPO 2015’in ev sahibi oldu¤unun ilan edilmesini bekledi¤imiz ‘an’a say›l› günler kala, bu önemli
tema ve kültür organizasyonunu daha yak›ndan tan›mak istedik. Yaz›m›zda, ‹zmir Büyükflehir Belediye Baflkan›
Say›n Aziz Kocao¤lu’nun konu hakk›ndaki mesaj›na da yer verdik.
Only a few days away from the moment in which we hope it will be announced that ‹zmir will be hosting
EXPO 2015, we wanted to get to know this important thematic and cultural organization. We also include a
message from Mr. Aziz Kocao¤lu, ‹zmir Mayor, on the issue.
d› (EXPO), anlam› uluslararas› sergi olan ‘exposition' sözcü¤ünün k›saltmas›ndan geliyor.
EXPO is short for the word ‘exposition’, which refers to an international exhibition.
u sergide ziyaretçilere ürünler de¤il; fikirler, bilimsel ve
teknolojik ilerlemeler, ulusal kültürler ve temayla ba¤lant›l›
olarak dünyan›n gelece¤ine yönelik projeler, farkl› sunumlarla
Ideas, scientific and technological advancements, national cultures and, depending on the theme, projects related to the future
of the world are presented to the visitors, not products.
umhurbaflkan› Gül ve Baflbakan Erdo¤an’›n, ekim ay›nda
Türkiye’de bulunan BIE (Bureau Internatinal des Expositions/
Uluslararas› Sergiler Bürosu) heyetine ayr› ayr› davetler vermeleri, ‹zmir’in EXPO 2015’e ev sahipli¤i yapmas› konusunda
devletin deste¤ini gözler önüne seriyor.
Turkish President Gül and Prime Minister Erdo¤an both sent
welcoming invitations to the delegates from BIE (Bureau
Internatinal des Expositions), visiting Turkey in October,
which is a clear indication that the highest offices of the country support ‹zmir’s candidacy.
ok önemli bir proje olarak EXPO 2015’in, ‹zmir’e oldu¤u
kadar ülkemize de birçok fley kazand›raca¤› kesindir.
Being a very important project, EXPO 2015 will obviously
earn the country, as well as ‹zmir, greatly.
aha sa¤l›kl› bir dünya için yeni yollar ve herkes için
sa¤l›k’ ‹zmir EXPO 2015’in temas›.
‘New routes to a better world and health for all’ is the main
theme of ‹zmir EXPO 2015.
az›rl›klar çerçevesinde haz›rlanan, EXPO 2015 ‹zmir için
beklentiler, çal›flmalar ve görüntülerin ayr›nt›s›yla yer ald›¤›
toplam 340 sayfal›k iki kitap, ‹zmir ile rakibi Milano aras›nda
tercih yapacak 104 ülkenin delegelerine gönderildi.
Two books with a total of 340 pages were prepared to include
details of expectations from EXPO 2015 and work being done
along with images, and they have been sent to the delegates of
the 104 countries that are to choose between Turkey and Italy,
her rival.
fl›l ›fl›l parlayan Fuarlar fiehri ‹zmir’de EXPO heyecan› her geçen gün yükseliyor.
The level of excitement about EXPO is rocketing each day in
‹zmir, the city of fairs.
nciralt›’nda gerçekleflecek EXPO alan›na teleferik hatt› çekilecek, ay-y›ld›z fleklinde ve 35 bin kiflilik tiyatro ile dev bir kule
yap›lacak. Yine ayn› alanda feribot iskelesi, 82.5 hektarl›k bir
alan› kapsayacak EXPO gölü, köprüler, seyir tepesi, sergi pavyonlar›, 103 restoran›n yan› s›ra bin 500 konutluk bir köyün de
kurulmas› planlan›yor.
A cable car line will be installed to the area in Inciralt›, where
EXPO will take place, and a crescent-and-star-shaped theater
that will hold 35,000 people as well as a gigantic tower will be
built. The ferryboat station planned for the area will cover 82.5
hectares. Other projects include an EXPO lake, bridges, a watching hill, exhibition halls, 103 restaurants and a village of 500
aponya’n›n Aichi bölgesinde 2005 y›l›nda düzenlenen EXPO,
150 y›l› aflk›n süredir yap›lan organizasyonun sonuncusuydu.
EXPO has been organized for over 150 years and the last one
was in Aichi, Japan in 2005.
Koordineli bir çal›flmay› gerektiren EXPO’da, bu büyük projeyi omuzlayan iki kurum ‹zmir Büyükflehir Belediyesi ve ‹zmir
Ticaret Odas›’na birçok kurum, kurulufl ve sivil toplum örgütü
destek veriyor.
uar süresince dünyan›n dört bir yan›ndan 40 milyonu aflk›n
ziyaretçinin ‹zmir’e gelmesi ve bu büyük organizasyonda 58 bin EXPO is an immense project and requires good coordination.
n az 3, en fazla 6 ay süren EXPO’lar 5 y›lda bir yap›l›yor.
EXPO is held every five years and could last three to six months
500 kiflinin görev almas› planlan›yor.
The organizers are expecting over 40 million visitors from all
around the world to come to ‹zmir for the event and they are
planning to hire 58,500 people to work during the organization.
‹zmir Municipality and the ‹zmir Chamber of Commerce have
taken under the project and they are supported by many institutions and organizations.
destek vermek olan EXPO’lar›n ilki 1851’de Londra Kristal
Palace’ta düzenlenmiflti.
Organized at the London Crystal Palace in 1851 for the first time, the purposes of each EXPO are to strengthen international
relations, promote and share cultural values, and support the
change and development of the hosting country.
The ‹zmir Chamber of Commerce has prepared a promotional
film to be shown in internationsl organizations, lobbies and
Lobi faaliyetleri, uluslararas› organizasyonlar ve fuarlarda gösG
ayesi, uluslararas› iliflkileri güçlendirmek, kültürel de¤erleri terilmek üzere ‹zmir Ticaret Odas›, ‹zmir EXPO 2015 için bir
tan›t›m filmi haz›rlad›.
tan›tarak paylaflmak, düzenlendi¤i yerin de¤iflimi ve geliflimine
ay›s 2006’da ‹zmir, EXPO 2015 için resmi adayl›¤›n›
aç›klayan ilk kent oldu.
‹zmir was the first city to officially apply to host EXPO 2015
in May 2006.
eticede ev sahibini belirleyecek olan heyet, ‹zmir gezi ve
incelemeleri s›ras›nda kendilerini en çok etkileyen konunun
‹zmirlileri yak›ndan tan›ma f›rsat› bulduklar› Kemeralt› gezisi
oldu¤unu belirtti.
The delegates who will determine the host city said that they
were most impressed by the Kemeralt› visit, during which they
had the chance to learn about the people of ‹zmir.
rganizasyon, bugüne de¤in, birçok yeni fikir ve buluflun tan›t›lmas›na da olanak verdi.
The organization has helped the promotion of countless ideas
and innovations since it was introduced.
niversite kentlerimizden biri olarak da tan›nan ‹zmir, bu
büyük projenin de üstesinden baflar›yla gelecektir.
‹zmir, which is also known as one of the cities of universities,
will handle this project successfully as well.
erilen sipariflle ünlü Alman mimari tasar›m firmas› Albert
Speer, 100 kifliden oluflan kalifiye personeli ile EXPO alan› proje çal›flmas›n› haz›rlad›.
The exhibition ground project was prepared by a team of a hundred people from Albert Speer, the famous German architectural design company.
Yap›lan oylamayla 2008 Mart ay›nda BIE üyesi 98 ülkenin
nemli ve ilginç kimi örnekler flöyle s›ralanabilir: 1855’te
delegeleri 2015 EXPO’sunun ev sahibini seçecek.
dikifl makinesi; 1862’de hesap makinesi; 1867’de hidrolik asansör, telgraf; 1876’da telefon, daktilo; 1889’da ilk benzinli araba,
bisiklet, 1970’te ay tafllar›, uzay kapsülleri, robot teknolojileri
vb. bu proje kapsam›nda tan›t›ld›.
Several important and interesting examples include the sewing
machine in 1855, the calculator in 1862, the hidrolic elevator
and the telegram in 1867, the telephone and the typewriter in
1876, the first fuel powered automobile and the bicycle in
1889, rocks from the moon, space capsules and robotic technologies in 1970.
Paris’in simgesi olan ünlü Eyfel Kulesi 1889 y›l›nda düzenlenen EXPO için yap›ld›.
The Eiffel Tower became the symbol of Paris when it was built
for the 1889 EXPO.
akibimiz ‹talya’n›n Milano flehri, adayl›¤›n›, “Gezegeni Beslemek, Yaflam ‹çin Enerji” temas›yla aç›klad›.
Milan, the other bidder from Italy, unveiled its desire to host
the event through the theme of “Feeding the Planet, Energy for
ergi, düzenlendi¤i ülkeye, dünya ölçe¤inde sayg›nl›k kazand›rman›n yan›nda söz konusu kentin sosyal ve fiziki altyap›s›n›
gelifltirerek kentsel yenilenmeyi ve de¤iflimi sa¤lay›p yeni ifl
olanaklar› yarat›yor.
Not only does the exhibition offer the hosting country worldwide reputation, but it also helps the host city improve its social
and physical infrastructure by encouraging the city to renovate
itself and create new fields of employment.
ehrin gündelik yaflam›na uzun süreli ve çok büyük bir hareket getirmesi beklenen EXPO, kal›c› yat›r›mlarla da önem
EXPO, also important because of the permanent investments it
will trigger, is expected to act as an activating force for the daily life of the city.
oplam alan›n›n yaklafl›k 1.5 milyon metrekare olmas› planlanan fuarda, 180 gün boyunca 75 bin kiflinin kat›laca¤› 35
bine yak›n kültür sanat etkinli¤i düzenlenecek.
Approximately 35,000 cultural and artistic activities will be attended by 75,000 people over a period of 180 days on a total
area of 1.5 million square meters.
niversiade 2005 organizasyonunu baflar›yla tamamlamas›,
bu yar›flta ‹zmir’in avantajlar›ndan biridir.
‹zmir is advantageous in this race because it handled
Universiade 2005 successfully.
98 delegates of BIE will vote to determine the hosting city in
May 2008.
eytinin Ege ile özdeflleflmesi ve zeytinden gelen sa¤l›¤› simgeleyen etkinlik logosu, onlarca çal›flma içinden halk oylamas›yla seçildi.
The event logo, symbolizing health from olives, which has
become identical with the Aegean region, was chosen by the
people from dozens of suggestions.
“Daha iyi bir dünya için yeni yollar ve
herkes için sa¤l›k” olarak belirledi¤imiz
EXPO temam›z, ‹zmir’in antik ça¤dan
bu yana önemli bir sa¤l›k merkezi olarak an›lmas›yla güç buluyor.
Ayr›ca EXPO’lar›n ticari bir fuar olmaktan çok birer “tema ve kültür etkinli¤i” olarak nitelendirilmesi,
‹zmir’in kültürel miras›n›n zenginli¤i
ve gelece¤e yönelik beklentileri ile de
bire bir örtüflüyor.
Her y›l ev sahipli¤ini yapt›¤›m›z 35
ihtisas fuar›yla ülke ekonomisine ciddi
kazançlar sa¤layan ‹zmir, inan›yoruz ki adayl›¤›m›z› aç›klad›¤›m›z EXPO 2015 için de, her yönüyle ideal bir ev sahibi olacakt›r. Genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 21. yy. hamlesinde çok
önemli bir rol oynayaca¤›na inand›¤›m›z ‹zmir’in bu de¤iflen foto¤raf›nda, EXPO 2015’in de olmas›n› çok istiyoruz. fiu anda
‹zmir, dünya sahnesine ç›kmak için sab›rs›zlanan, henüz keflfedilmemifl bir cevher niteli¤inde. Gelin bu cevheri birlikte parlatal›m. 2015’te ‹zmir’in ev sahipli¤inde gerçekleflecek büyük
EXPO organizasyonunda buluflmak umut ve dileklerimle…
“New routes to a better world and health for all” this is EXPO
theme we have agreed on and it finds its power in the fact that
‹zmir has been known as an important health center since ancient
times. Also, the fact that EXPO is considered as a thematic and
cultural event rather than a commercial exhibition fits ‹zmir’s
cultural heritage and its expectations of the future perfectly.
It is our belief that ‹zmir, contributing to the country’s economy
greatly by hosting 35 specialized exhibitions every year, will be
an ideal host for EXPO 2015. We believe that ‹zmir will play a
very important part in the forward leap of the young Republic of
Turkey in the 21st century and we would very much like to have
EXPO 2015 take place in the changing picture of ‹zmir. At present, ‹zmir is like an undiscovered gem, anxious to step up on the
world scene. Let’s shine this gem together. Hoping to see you at
the EXPO 2015 event hosted by ‹zmir...
‹zmir Büyükflehir Belediye Baflkan›/ ‹zmir Mayor
Ben ‹stanbul’a Âfl›k Oldum...
I fell in Love with ‹stanbul...
Ve dünyadaki herkesin bu flehri yaflamas› gerekti¤ini düflünüyorum. ‹ster turist, ister ifladam›
gömle¤inizle gelin; bu flehir, tüm imkânlar›n›
aya¤›n›za serecek. Sizi flafl›rtacak ve büyüsü ile
And I believe everyone in the world has to experience this city. Come with your tourist or businessman shirt on; this city will present all its opportunities to you, amazing and wrapping you in its
Asya ve Avrupa k›talar›n› birlefltiren konumuyla
Roma, Bizans ve Osmanl› gibi üç dev imparatorlu¤a baflkentlik yapm›fl olufluyla da tarihteki
önemi ve bar›nd›rd›¤› binlerce y›ll›k eserlerle eflsiz bir flehir tan›mlamas›n› hak ediyor. ‹stanbul,
yüzy›llardan beri farkl› kültür ve inançtan insanlar› bir araya getirmekte...
‹stanbul deserves “unique” as a definition for its
location connecting Asia to Europe, its significant
history having been the capital of three giant
empires: Roman, Byzantian and Ottoman, and its
works of art of thousands of years. This city has
gathered people from different cultures and beliefs
for centuries.
‹stanbul, dünden bugüne Do¤u ve Bat› kültürlerini kucaklayan çarp›c› bir flehir...
‹stanbul today is a stunning city embracing both
eastern and western cultures.
Özellikle toplant› turizmi aç›s›ndan artan popülaritesinin nedenlerini anlamak güç de¤il. Toplant›/ konferans/
kongre amaçl› geldi¤inizde bir yandan sultan sofralar›ndan uyarlanan tariflerle donat›lm›fl sofralarda karn›n›z› doyururken di¤er
yandan son derece ça¤dafl bir ortamda, yüksek kalitede bir servis
al›p son iletiflim teknolojilerinden faydalanarak toplant›n›z› gerçeklefltirebilirsiniz.
fiehrin merkezinde yer alan Kongre Vadisi; 10 bin otel odas› ile
Hilton Kongre ve Sergi Merkezi, Askeri Müze, Cemal Reflit Rey
Konser Salonu, Lütfi K›rdar Kongre ve Sergi Saray›’nda yer alan
toplant› mekânlar›ndan olufluyor. Bununla birlikte Lütfi K›rdar,
ayn› anda 3 bin 500 kiflinin yemekli a¤›rlanabilece¤i, flehrin en
büyük balo salonu olan Rumeli Fuar ve Sergi Salonu’nu içinde
Kongre Vadisi d›fl›nda CNR Uluslararas› Expo Merkezi de büyük
fuarlara ev sahipli¤i yap›yor.
Ancak bütün bu olanaklar 2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti seçilen
‹stanbul’un talebini karfl›lamaya yetmiyor. Bunun için, Kongre
Vadisi alan› yeniden düzenleniyor. Haz›rlanan projeyle y›k›m, düzenleme ve eklemelerin ard›ndan daha genifl bir alan› içine alacak
olan Vadi, 17 bin metrekareyi kapsayacak. Yeni Kongre
Vadisi’nin, 06 - 07 Ekim 2009’da yap›lacak Dünya Bankas›,
Uluslararas› Para Fonu (IMF) 2009 y›l› Guvernörler Toplant›s›’na
yetifltirilmesi planlan›yor.
fiehirde, büyük otel zincirlerinin pek ço¤una -“Swissotel”,
“Intercontinental”, “Hyatt”, “Four Seasons”, “Kempinski”,
“Hilton” vb.- rastlamak mümkün. Bunlara, bu y›l “Starwood”
zincirine ait “W” oteli ve bir “Four Seasons” daha ekleniyor.
Ayr›ca gala yeme¤i, ödül töreni, temal› geceler gibi özel etkinlikleriniz için de eflsiz tarihi nitelikli mekânlar sizi bekliyor. Esma
Sultan Yal›s›, Adile Sultan Saray›, K›z Kulesi, 1001 Direk Sarn›c›
ve hatta Dolmabahçe Saray›...
Bast›yal› Turizm grubu bünyesinde BST Events seyahat acentas›
olarak ‹stanbul’a daha fazla a¤›rl›k vermeye bafllad›k. Elbette toplant› turizminde Türkiye’nin tek alternatifi ‹stanbul de¤il. Ancak
ülkemizde gerçeklefltirilen kongre ve konferanslar›n yüzde 80’i
‹stanbul’da düzenleniyor. Bunun da en önemli ve hakl› nedeni,
havayoluyla Türkiye’nin en kolay ulafl›labilen noktas› olmas›d›r.
Âfl›k oldu¤um ‹stanbul baflta olmak üzere ülkemizin di¤er destinasyonlar›nda da toplant›/ incentive turizmine katk›da bulunabilmek ad›na çal›flmalar›m›z› büyük bir memnuniyetle sürdürece¤iz.
En içten sevgi ve sayg›lar›mla,
BST Events
It is not difficult to understand why it has become
popular especially in terms of MICE industry. When you come to
‹stanbul for a meeting, a conference or a convention, you have
your meeting in a highly modern environment enjoying high
quality service and cutting edge technology while you are served
dishes from Sultans’ kitchens.
The Congress Valley, located in the heart of the city, is composed
of 10,000 hotel rooms in the area, and meeting facilities at the
Hilton Convention and Exhibition Center, Military Museum,
Cemal Reflit Rey Concert Hall, and Lütfi K›rdar Convention and
Exhibition Center. Lütfi K›rdar also houses Rumeli Exhibition
Hall, the largest ballroom of the city, large enough to hold 3,500
people for a seated dinner.
In addition to the Congress Valley, the CNR International EXPO
Center is another alternative for exhibitons on a large scale.
However, all these facilities cannot meet the demand of ‹stanbul,
the 2010 Culture Capital of Europe. Therefore, the Congress
Valley is being rearranged. After a number of demolitions,
arrangements and additions based on a project, the Valley will
cover an area of 17,000 square meters. The new Congress Valley
is planned to be finished by November 2009, in which the World
Bank and IMF 2009 Governors Convention will take place.
Many of the largest hotel chains of the world, such as the
Swissotel, the Intercontinental, the Hyatt, the Four Seasons, the
Kempinski and the Hilton, are available in ‹stanbul. W Hotel of
the Starwood chain and another Four Seasons will be added to the
lot this year.
For events such as gala dinners, award ceremonies and themed
nights, unique historical venues are at your service. Esma Sultan
Mansion, Adile Sultan Palace, the Maiden’s Tower, 1001-Column
Cistern, or even Dolmabahçe Palace are among such alternatives.
As BST Events of Bast›yal› Tourism Group, we have been concentrating on ‹stanbul lately. Of course, ‹stanbul is not the one and
only destination in Turkey to hold a meeting; however, 80% of the
all the congresses and conferences held in Turkey take place in
‹stanbul. The most important, and rightful reason of this is the fact
that Istanbul is the most accessible destination in Turkey by air.
We will gladly continue our operations in order to contribute to
meeting and incentive travel in other destinations of our country
as well as in ‹stanbul - the city I fell in love with.
With my best regards,
A BBiraBsats›ty›yaall›› C
assi¤si ic
Bazen bir kahkaha kaz›n›r zihinlere... Bazen bir ‘an’› dolan›r dilimize... Ama hep gülümsemelerle hat›rlanacak saat ler b›rak›r geriye... Çünkü arkadafll›k, çünkü paylafl›m,
çünkü Bast›yal›l› olman›n ayr›cal›¤› denir di¤er ad›na...
Bast›yal› Ailesi’nin bütün çal›flanlar›n› bir araya toplayan
geleneksel Sezon Sonu Etkinliklerimizin bir yenisini 08/ 11
Kas›m’da Side’de düzenledik.
Sometimes a laughter echoes in the mind. Sometimes a
moment is talked about over and over again. It always leaves a smile on our faces – for it is also known as friendship,
sharing, privilege of being one of Bast›yal›...
The latest traditional end-of-season activities, which gather
all the members of the Bast›yal› family, was held in Side
between November 8 and 11.
Organizasyonumuzun ilk etkinli¤i, bu y›l 5.sini düzenledi¤imiz Bast›yal› Futbol Turnuvas› oldu. 8’er kifliden oluflan üç tak›m›n oyuncular›, sergiledikleri baflar›l› futbol ve att›klar› gollerle göz doldurdular. Turnuva, son iki y›l oldu¤u gibi Silence
Beach otelde, Medicus’un sa¤l›k ekibi deste¤iyle yap›l›rken kupa töreni ve aile foto¤raf› da gelenekselleflti¤i gibi gerçekleflti.
The first activity of the organization was the 5th Bast›yal›
Football Tournament. Three teams of eight players earned the
viewers’ compliments with their football skills and goals they
scored. As it has been for the last two years, the tournament
was held at the Silence Beach Hotel under the care of Medicus
health team and ended with the trophy ceremony and family
photograph as it has become the custom.
Turnuvan›n ard›ndan Side Resort otelimizin konferans salonunda, firmam›z›n çeflitli birimlerinden 10 arkadafl›m›z›n yar›flt›¤›
‘Kim 500 YTL ‹ster?’ adl› bilgi yar›flmas› düzenledik. Yar›flma,
kat›l›mc›lara oldu¤u kadar seyircilere de keyifli ve heyecanl›
anlar yaflatt›. Etkinliklerimiz çerçevesinde düzenledi¤imiz ‘Sezon Kapan›fl Yeme¤i’nde, fas›l heyeti ile birlikte seslendirilen
flark›lar ve gecenin sonunda sahne alan oryantalin gösterisi, haf›zalar›m›za güzel anlar ekledi.
Etkinlik program›m›z dâhilinde, 10 Kas›m’da Side Atatürk
An›t›’nda düzenlenen anma törenine kat›ld›k. An›ta çelenk
koyduk ve sayg› duruflunda bulunduk.
Paylafl›m ve aile olma ruhunun güçlenmesine vesile olan kapsaml›
birlikteli¤imizin son etkinli¤i Manavgat Irma¤›’nda düzenledi¤imiz bot turuydu. Herkesin keyifle ve gönlünce zaman geçirmesine olanak veren tur, 20 y›l önce Manavgat Irma¤›’nda bot turu
düzenlemeye bafllamas›na vesile oldu¤umuz Çobany›ld›z› Yatç›l›k’›n sahibi Say›n Ramazan Tafl’›n, 20 y›l boyunca süren uyumlu
iflbirli¤imizin an›s›na Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan›m›z Say›n
Mehmet Bast›yal›’ya plaket sunmas›yla ayr› bir anlam kazand›.
Following the tournament, we organized a general knowledge
quiz game named “Who Wants 500 YTL?” in the conference
hall of the Side Resort Hotel, and ten of our friends from various
units of the company joined the quiz game. The game was exciting and fun for the audience as well as the contestants. The classical Turkish music sung with the group of musicians during the
end-of-season dinner and the oriental dance show at the end of
the night left memorable moments in our minds.
We joined the commemoration ceremonies held at the Side
Atatürk Memorial on November 10. We left a wreath at the
memorial and held a minute’s silence.
The last of our activities, which helped strengthen the family spirit, was the boat tour we had on the Manavgat River. Everybody
had a great time on the tour, which gained a special meaning
with the plaque Mr. Ramazan Tafl, the owner of Çobany›ld›z›
Yatching, which started the business with encouragement from
us 20 years ago, presented to Mr. Mehmet Bast›yal›.
Ailemize bir Skal daha... Another Skal in the family
Astral seyahat acentam›z›n Genel Müdür Vekili Say›n Hüseyin Onat Cihano¤lu, turizm
profesyonelleri dostluk kulubü Skal International Alanya’ya üye oldu. 15 A¤ustos’ta Gold
City turizm kompileksinde gerçekleflen törende Cihano¤lu’nun rozetini Skal International
Alanya Genel Sekreteri Say›n Burhan Sili takt›.
Mr. Hüseyin Onat Cihano¤lu, Astral Travel Agency deputy general manager, has become
a member of Skal International Alanya, a friendship club for tourism professionals.
Mr. Cihano¤lu’s badge was presented by Mr. Burhan Sili, Skal International Alanya’s
secretary general, in a ceremony held at Gold City tourism complex on August 15.