IMGS White Paper Template
Benzer belgeler
Information Management
software that enables customers to visualize complex data. Businesses and governments in more than 60 countries rely on Intergraph’s industryspecific software to organize vast amounts of data into ...
DetaylıSmartPlant® Enterprise for Power
SmartPlant Enterprise for Power offers a powerful data hub. This hub can be seen as the “glue” that holds each of your data environments together. The most dynamic part of your plant is your techni...
Detaylıfor owner operators
Intergraph, the Intergraph logo, SmartPlant, SmartMarine, and SmartSketch are registered trademarks of Intergraph Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Microsoft...
Detaylıiberdrola engineering and construction reduces design
for, among other things, testing new software and configuring new products. When the products are “developed and proven,” ARTE trains the respective business area within IBERDROLA on the new applic...
DetaylıReducing CAPEX and Improving ROCE
inter-disciplinary communication and collaboration will replace “silo thinking” and “not my responsibility” habits and behaviors. Another cornerstone will be the intelligent capture of specific sol...