FDA/EU GMP Compliance for Quality Control and
FDA/EU GMP Compliance for Quality Control and
FDA/EU GMP Compliance for Quality Control and Contract Laboratories 07 & 08 June 2011, Dr. Ludwig Huber, Istanbul / TURKEY PROGRAM AGENDA 07 & 08 June 2011 08.30am 09.00am 10:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 13.30pm 15:15pm 15:30pm 17:00pm 17:30pm Registration&Continental Breakfast Course begins Mid-morning Refreshment Break Course Continue Luncheon Course Continue Mid-Afternoon Refreshment Break Course Continue Questions&Answers End of the day COURSE LOCATION & HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Ramada Plaza Istanbul, Halaskargazi Cad. No:139-151, 34373 Osmanbey-Sisli – Istanbul – Turkey Info & Reservation: +90-212-444 0 272 Tel: +90 – 212 – 315 44 44 Faks: +90 – 212 – 315 44 45 Web: www.ramadaplazaistanbul.com COURSE REGISTRATION FEES One person from 780.00 Euro/person (+18% VAT) Two people from 750.00 Euro/person (+18% VAT) Three or more people from 700.00 Euro/person (+18% VAT) Registration Fee Includes; Presentation Materials, Certificate of Attendance, Luncheon and Refreshments Cancellations / Substitutions: Registration may be transferred to a member of the same organization at any time. Please note that cancellations after May 30, 2011 will not be Page 1 / 2 accepted. All cancellations are subject to a 100 Euro processing fee. Academia reserves the right to cancel an event. Academia is not responsible for any airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by registrants. Speakers subject to change without notice. Method of Payment: Please note that payment is required in advance of the conference. Please choice either with bank transfer or cheque that information given below. Confirmation of your registration will be sent. Registrations received without payment will not be processed. Please make cheques payable to: "Academia Yasam Bilimleri Merkezi Ltd.Sti" Perpa Tic. Is Merkezi, B Blok, Kat:5, No:480 34384 Sisli, Istanbul, Turkiye For Bank Transfers: Bank Name: TURKIYE IS BANKASI Bank Code: 64 Branch Name: PERPA Branch Code: 1188 Beneficiary: AKADEMIA YASAM BILIMLERI MERKEZI LTD.STI Swift Code: ISBKTRISXXX Account No: 0177484(EURO) Location of bank: Okmeydani/Sisli/Istanbul/Turkey ABA Routing: Not applicable IBAN #: TR270006400000211880177484 (EURO) For further information E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +90-212-210 5856 Contact Person: Özlem Kızılay, Aslıhan Yılmazoğlu, [email protected] Address: Academia Life Sciences Center Perpa Tic. İs Merkezi B Blok, 5. Kat, No:480 Sisli, Istanbul, Turkiye Call: +90-212- 210 5916 / +90 212 210 5914 Web: www.academialsc.com Page 2 / 2
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