S.No Eser Adı Yazar Sınıflama Yayın Tarihi 1 Radyo ve televizyon
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Eser Adı Radyo ve televizyon hukuku Sayısal verilerle Açıköğretim Lisesinin 10 yılı: 2 Haziran 1992 - 2 Haziran 2002 Temel radyobiyoloji So you want to work in TV?: an insider's guide to career opportunities Barrymore: a man possessed Dale Winton British Studies: a selection of course materials from the Open University: television: images, messages, and ideologies Ali G, innit. The Best of the two ronnies Edge of darkness Goodnight Mister Tom Gormenghast Doctor Who : the five doctors Porridge Blue juice Boys from the blackstuff The Best of Monty Python's flying circus : vol.1 How green was my valley The Persuaders! Language learning in the age of satellite television Video, TV and radio in the English class : an introductory guide Video, TV and radio in the English class : an introductory guide Siyasal reklamcılık: dünyadan ve Türkiye'den örneklerle Medya rehberi 2: televizyon Medya rehberi 4: radyo Avrupa Birliği elektronik iletişim mevzuatı ve yayıncılık sektörü Producing programming for television: Examples from the developing countries An introduction to television studies Broadcasting, cable, the internet, and beyond: an introduction to modern electronic media Television across Europe Airspeak; radiotelephony communication for pilots Televizyon haber program yapımı Motion graphic design, fine art animation: principles and practice Motion graphic design, fine art animation: principles and practice On the edge Communication, télévision et démocratie Broadcast journalism: techniques of radio and TV news Broadcast journalism: techniques of radio and television news Personal perspectives Measuring bias on television An introduction to television documentary; confronting reality The Media equation: how people treat computers, televisions, and new media as real people and places Wired up: young people and the electronic media Television and the press since 1945 Defining violence :the search for understanding Television and the household; reports from the BFI' s audience tracking study Talking television: an introduction to the study of television. Watching television audiences: cultural theories & methods The feminist, the housewife, and the soap opera Broadcasting Educational television, what do people want?: proceedings of a European conference Behind the screens: the structure of British broadcasting in the 1990's Television on your doorstep: decentralization experiences in the European Union Beyond the BBC : broadcasters and the public in the 1980s Promotion and marketing for broadcast & cable Trowel and error True: the autobiography of Martin Kemp Who does she think she is?: my autobiography All of me: my extraordinary life On location : the film fan's guide to Britain and Ireland The Nation's favourite: the true adventures of Radio 1 Global television: an introduction Children acting on television Multiskilling for television production Television programme making Moab is my washpot Catch a falling star: my life with Michael Barrymore My Life as Mike Baldwin: the autobiography Rowan Atkinson: a biography Joanna Lumley: the biography Barry Norman: and why not? (as I never did say): memories of a film lover Wendy Richard - no 'S': my life story Life on air Cilla: the biography Graham Norton: laid barethe biography Honest Memoirs of an unfit mother Ant and Dec: loving every second! The television handbook The Vicar of Dibley: the complete companion to Dibley Gimme gimme gimme Television culture Yazar Avşar, B.Zakir Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Özalpan, Atilla Quays, Alan Taylor, Phil Winton, Dale Sınıflama Yayın Tarihi KKX3492 /A98 2003 LC5808 .T9 /T87 2002 QH652 /O93 2001 PN1992.8 .A3 /Q39 1998 PN2598 /T39 2002 PN2598 /W56 2003 H62 /B75 [t.y.] PN1997 /A45 2002DVD PN1997 /B47 2001DVD 1986DVD PN1997 /E34 PN1997 /G66 1999DVD PN1997 /G67 2000DVD PN1997 /D63 1999DVD 2000DVD PN1997 /P67 PN1997 /B58 1995DVD PN1997 /B69 1989DVD PN1997 /B47 1999DVD PN1997 /H69 1941DVD PN1997 /P47 2001DVD Meinhof, Ulrike H. LB1044.86 /M45 1998 Tomalin, Barry PE1128 .A2 /T66 1986 Tomalin, Barry PE1128 .A2 /T66 1986 Topuz, Hıfzı JF2112 .A4 /T67 1991 HF6146 /M43 2000 P90 /M43 2000 Tursun, Hasan Turgay KJE6995 /T87 2004 Orhon, E. Nezih PN1992.35 .Z9 /O74 2005 Bignell, Jonathan PN1992.5 /B54 2005 Dominick, Joseph R. HE8689.8 /D66 2004 HE8700.9 .E8 /T45 2000 Robertson, F.A. PE3727 .A35 /R63 1987 Orhon, E. Nezih PN4784 .T4 /O74 2005 Krasner, Jon S. TR897.5 /K73 2004 Krasner, Jon S. TR897.5 /K73 2004 Smith, Rupert PR6069 .S65 /O58 2000 Lecomte, Patrick JC593 /L43 1993 Boyd, Andrew PN4784 .B75 /B69 1996 Boyd, Andrew PN4784 .B76 /B69 2000 Redhead, Brian PN1991.4 /R43 1994 Gunter, Barrie PN4784 .T4 /G86 1997 Kilborn, Richard PN1992.8 .D6 /K55 1997 Reeves, Byron ; Clifford Nass P96 .A83 /R44 1996 HQ784 .M3 /W57 1998 PN1992.3 .G7 /T45 1998 Morrison, David E. HM281 /M67 1999 Petrie, Duncan ; Willis, Janet HE8700.66 .G7 /T45 1995 Burton, Graeme PN1992.5 /B87 2000 Tulloch, John 1942PN1992.55 /T85 2000 Brunsdon, Charlotte PN1992.8 .S4 /B78 2000 Brown, Liz HE8689.9 .G7 /B76 1996 LB1044.8 /E38 1997 PN1992.3 .G7 /B44 1994 HE8700.9 .E8 /T45 1999 Madge, Tim HE8689.9 .G7 /M33 1989 HE8689.6 /P76 1999 Titchmarsh, Alan SB453 /T58 2003 Kemp, Martin PN2598 .K46 /T78 2000 McCutcheon, Martine PN2598 .M33 /W46 2001 Windsor, Barbara PN2598 .W56 /A45 2000 Pendreigh, Brian PN1993.5 /P46 1995 Garfield, Simon PN1991.67 .G37 /N38 1999 Barker, Chris PN1992.6 /B37 1997 Singleton-Turner, Roger PN1992.8 .S56 /C45 1999 Ward, Peter PN1992.75 /W37 1999 Hart, Colin PN1992.55 /H37 1999 Fry, Stephen PR6056 .F79 /M63 1998 Barrymore, Cheryl PN2598 .B37 /C38 2002 Briggs, Johnny PN2598 /B75 2001 Dessau, Bruce PN2598 .A87 /D47 1999 Ewbank, Tim PN2598 .L78 /E93 2002 Norman, Barry PN2598 .N67 /B37 2003 Richard, Wendy PN2598 /R53 2001 Attenborough, David PN1992.4 .A88 /L54 2003 Thompson, Douglas PN2598 .T46 /C55 2003 Bowyer, Alison PN2598 /B69 2003 Jonsson, Ulrika PN2598 /J66 2003 Robinson, Anne PN5123 .R63 /M46 2002 Lom, Alec PN2598 /L66 2002 Holland, Patricia PN1992.5 /H65 2000 Curtis, Richard PN1992.77 /C87 2001 Harvey, Jonathan PN1992.8 .C66 /H37 2002 Fiske, John PN1992.6 .F57 /T45 1989 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 British television: an illustrated guide British television: a reader Frank Skinner Making the most of the media: how to profit from the opportunities of exposure Comic potential Talk of the city Only fools and horses North Pole Radio Station BBC Radio 1 : live in concert News and journalism in the UK: a text book The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy Moab is my washpot Absolutely fabulous 2 Absolutely fabulous 2 The body in the library The unexpected guest The best of BBC comedy A Clockwork orange Three radio mysteries : volume one Childhood's end Hancock : a celebration Fortysomething The Kraken Wakes The future of advertising: new media, new clients, new consumers in the post-television age Doctor Who : the enemy of the world Television Radyo ve televizyon hukuku İçimden geldiği gibi Yetiştirme kuramı: Televizyonunun kültürel işlevlerinin incelenmesi Race to save the planet: study guide Money: a suicide note The mistress of Alderley Düşlerimizi artık televizyon kuruyor: medya ve popüler kültür üzerine yazılar İliği olmayan düğme: radyo konuşmaları 1 Ne söylesem bir eksik: radyo konuşmaları 2 Televizyon program yapımında resim seçme Bourdieu medyaya karşı: işbirlikçi, zorba ve çığırtkan medya Yeni ikonlar: televizyonda reklam sanatı = the new icons?: the art of television advertising On television Electronic media law and regulation Bourdieu and the journalistic field Türkiye için doz değerlendirmesi Türkiye'de Çernobil sonrası radyasyon ve radyoaktivite ölçümleri Sağlık Bakanlığı Bilimsel Kurul Raporu ve ünversite görüşleri Türkiye'de Çernobil sonrası radyasyon ve radyoaktivite ölçümleri Video devreleri The dictionary of new media: the new digital world: video, audio, print: film, television, DVD, home theatre, satellite, digital photography, wireless, super CD, Internet Radyo-televizyon yayınlarında ve kamuoya açık alanlarda eserlerden yararlanma ve telif hakları zirvesi 2005 Broadcast, cable, the internet and beyond: an introduction to modern electronic media Broadcast, cable, the internet and beyond: an introduction to modern electronic media Broadcast, cable, the internet and beyond: an introduction to modern electronic media Radyo ve radyoculuk Radyo ve radyoculuk The broadcast journalism handbook :a television news survival guide Radyo ve radyoculuk Television production Televizyonda haberin magazinelleşmesi Burası dünya polis radyosu!: Global medya eleştirileri Radyo dersleri: BBC World Service = Making radio Showreel.01.: 53 projects on audiovisual design The screenwriter's bible: a complete guide to writing, formatting, and selling your script Radyo bilgisi Cannes: 42nd 51st international advertising festival İletişim ağlarının ekonomisi: telekomünikasyon, kitle iletişimi, yazılım ve internet Kesin ofsayt: Televizyon futbolu ve futbol medyası Medya politikaları: Türkiye'de televizyon yayıncılığının dinamikleri Radyo yayıncılığı: tarihçe, program yapımı, röportaj teknikleri, Türkiye'de radyo yayınları, yayın ilkeleri, program örnekleri Radyonun sihirli kapısı: garbiyatçılık ve politik öznellik Türkiye'de medya endüstrisi: neoliberalizm çağında mülkiyet ve kontrol ilişkileri international symposium on media and politics = Medya ve siyaset: 15-17 Kasım 2007 Ege Üniversitesi İzmir international symposium on media and politics = Medya ve siyaset: 15-17 Kasım 2007 Ege Üniversitesi İzmir international symposium on media and politics = Medya ve siyaset: 15-17 Kasım 2007 Ege Üniversitesi İzmir international symposium on media and politics = Medya ve siyaset: 15-17 Kasım 2007 Ege Üniversitesi İzmir Teaching TV production in a digital world: integrating media literacy Convergence in broadcast and communications media: the fundamentals of audio, video, data processing, and communications technologies Radio production Programming for TV, radio, and the internet: strategy, development, and evaluation Audio post production for television and film: an introduction to technology and techniques Audio postproduction for digital video A practical guide to television sound engineering Vahimagi, Tise Buscombe, Edward Skinner, Frank Barratt, Michael Ayckbourn, Alan Poliakoff, Stephen Pram Stone The Cows McNair, Brian Adams, Douglas Fry, Stephen Saunders, Jennifer Saunders, Jennifer Christie, Agatha Christie, Agatha Burgess, Anthony Christie, Agatha Clarke, Arthur C. Hancock, Tony Williams, Nigel Wyndham, John Cappo, Joe Riehecky, Janet Avşar, Zakir Gürpınar, İkbal Özer, Ömer Wolf, Edward C. Amis, Martin Barnard, Robert Aydoğan, Filiz Oktay, Ahmet Oktay, Ahmet Candemir, Özden Köse, Hüseyin Rutherford, Paul Bourdieu, Pierre Creech, Kenneth Gürkaş, İsmail Monaco, James Dominick, Joseph R. Dominick, Joseph R. Dominick, Joseph R. Thompson, Robert Millerson, Gerald Ergül, Hakan Duran, Ragıp Kaye, Michael Bartholdy, Björn Trottier, David Çetinok, Nejat Kıvanç, Ümit PN1992.3 .G7 /V34 PN1992.3 .G7 /B87 MT70 /S55 PN4121 .B37 /M35 PR6051 .A93 /C66 PR6066 .P65 /T35 PN1992.3 .E78 /O55 M-PP .P73 /N67 M-PP .S76 /B33 PN117 /M36 PR6051 .A33 /H58 PR6056 .F79 /M63 PN1992.77 .S28 /A27 PN1992.77 .S28 /A27 PR6005 .C47 /B63 PR6005 .C47 /U54 PN1992.8 /B47 PR6052 .B87 /C56 PR6005 .C47 /T47 PR6005 .C53 /C45 PN2597 ./H36 /H36 PR6073 .W55 /F67 PR6015 .W96 /K73 HF5821 /C37 PN1992.77 /D63 TK6635 /R54 KKX3492 /A97 PL248 .G87 /I25 PN1992.6 /O94 GE70 /W65 PR6051 .A45 /M66 PR6052 .B37 /M57 P94 /A93 PL243 .O38 /I45 PL243 .O38 /N47 PN1992.75 /C36 P96 .C76 /K67 HF6146 .T42 /R88 PN4784 .T4 /B68 KF2805 /C74 PN4784 .T4 /B68 TD196 .R3 /T87 TD196 .R3 /T875 TK1362 .S65 /S24 TD196 .R3 /T8755 TK6680 /G87 1996 2000 2002 1997 1999 1998 1999 1998 1998 1996 1999 1998b 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 2002 1998 1999 1999 1998 2003 2002 1998 2003 2004 2004 1995 1984 2002 2004 2005 2005 2005 2004 2000 1998 2002 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2003 QA76.9 .C66 /M66 1999 HE8689.9 .T9 /R33 HE8689.8 /D66 HE8689.8 /D66 HE8689.8 /D66 PN1991.3 .T9 /R33 PN1991.3 .T9 /R33 PN4784 .T4 /T46 PN1991.3 .T9 /R33 PN1992.75 /M55 PN1992.3 .T8 /E74 PL243 .D87 /B87 PN1991.75 /K39 TR860 /B37 PN1996 /T76 HE8689.9 .T9 /C48 NC1001.5 /C36 HE7631 /I44 GV944 .T9 /K58 PN1992.3 .T9 /M43 2005 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2004 2005 1999 2000 2001 2001 2006 2005 2007 1995 2005 2001 2001 Aziz, Aysel PN1991.5 /A95 2002 Ahıska, Meltem Adaklı, Gülseren Kenny, Robert HE8697.85 .T9 /A35 PN4751 /A33 PN 1992.6 /I58 PN 1992.6 /I58 PN1992.6 /I58 PN 1992.6 /I58 PN1992.75 /K46 2005 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2004 Watkinson, John TK6643 /W38 2001 McLeish, Robert Perebinossoff, Philippe Wyatt, Hilary Rose, Jay Baxter, Dennis PN1991.75 /M35 PN1990.83 /P47 TK7881.4 /W93 TK7881.4 /R67 TK6630 /B56 2005 2005 2006 2002 2007 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 Radio production worktext: studio and equipment The radio station: broadcast, satellite and internet Radio: the book Sound for film and television Creating powerful radio: getting, keeping and growing audiences: news, talk, information and personality, broadcast, HD, satellite and internet Hitch your antenna to the stars: early television and broadcast stardom Watching with the Simpsons: television, parody, and intertextuality News production: theory and practice Audio for television Freelancing for television and radio Programme making for radio Camera Obscura’dan Synopticon’a radyo ve televizyon Türkiye'de televizyon haberciliği: özel televizyon kanallarının getirdikleri Writing for television, radio, and new media A broadcast engineering tutorial for non-engineers Modern radio production: production, programming, and performance A face for radio: radio station planning and design Television and everyday life Türkiye'de kamusal radyodan özel radyo ve televizyon'a geçiş süreci Radyo ve televizyonda Türk dış yayınları How to create effective TV commercials Television, globalization and cultural identities Censored 2003: the year’s top 25 censored stories Censored 2004: the year’s top 25 censored stories Censored 2005: the year’s top 25 censored stories Censored 2006: the year’s top 25 censored stories Reyting gerçeği: televizyon izleme ölçümleri ve program planlaması Yüzyılın fırtınası News that matters: television and American opinion Video kamera: stüdyo ortamları ve dış çekimler RFID in logistics: a practical introduction Television and political advertising İmbat serinliği: (radyo konuşmaları) 'O' an Elektronik ticaret ve ticaret noktaları Air wars: television advertising in election campaigns, 1952-2004 A tracer experiment; tracing biochemical reactions with radioisotopes Topics in audiovisual translation A broadcast engineering tutorial for non-engineers A broadcast engineering tutorial for non-engineers Television production handbook Digital radio production Televizyon reklamlarında kadına yönelik şiddet: şiddetin nesnesi kadın Türkiye'de medya endüstrisi: neoliberalizm çağında mülkiyet ve kontrol ilişkileri Transnational television worldwide: towards a new media order The language of news media Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Geçmişten geleceğe belgeler ... bilgiler 1968 / 2008 Türkiye’de televizyon alanında küresel-yerel birlikteliği CNN Türk ve CNBC-E örneği Televizyon reklamlarında kadına yönelik oluşturulan toplumsal kimlik Radyo TV yayın sorunları hakkında Türk-İtalyan Sempozumu. Radyo teknikleri Tüm yönleriyle radyo (terminoloji-tarihçe-teknik-işlev-prodüksiyon) Türkiye reklam eğilimleri araştırması 2006-2007 Deep focus :a report on the future of independent media Makeover television: realities remodelled Better living through reality TV: television and post-welfare citizenship Associated Press broadcast news handbook Broadcast news Radio programming: tactics and strategy Convergent journalism: an introduction Broadcast journalism: techniques of radio and television news Power without responsibility: the press, broadcasting, and new media in Britain Reality check: the business and art of producing reality TV Radyasyon, insan ve çevre: ...iyonlaştırıcı radyasyon, etkileri ve kullanım alanları, güvenli kullanımı için uygulamada olan tedbirler Televizyon haberciliğinde etik Televizyon haberciliğinde etik Reality TV: remaking television culture Between text and image: updating research in screen translation The encyclopedia of reality television: the ultimate guide to over twenty years of reality TV from the Real World to Dancing With the Stars Radyasyon, insan ve çevre: ...iyonlaştırıcı radyasyon, etkileri ve kullanım alanları, güvenli kullanımı için uygulamada olan tedbirler Feminist television criticism: a reader The European Union democratic deficit and the public sphere: an evaluation of EU media policy Reese, David E. Keith, Michael C. Warren, Steve Holman, Tomlinson TK6557.5 /R44 HE8698 /K45 PN1991.5 /W37 TK7881.4 /H65 2006 2007 2005 2002 Geller, Valerie PN1991.55 /G45 2007 Murray, Susan Gray, Jonathan Alan Machin, David Watkinson, John Mitchell, Leslie Scott Beaman, Jim Tekinalp, Şermin Uğurlu, Faruk Hilliard, Robert L. Jones, Graham Hausman, Carl Bloomfield, Peter Silverstone, Roger Akarcalı, Sezer Akarcalı, Sezer Baldwin, Huntley Barker, Chris Phillips, Peter Phillips, Peter Phillips, Peter Phillips, Peter Hatırnaz, Başar King, Stephen Iyengar, Shanto Candemir, Abdülkadir Jones, Erick C. PN1992.3 .U5 /M87 PN1992.77 .S58 /G73 PN4731 /M33 TK7881.4 /W38 PN1990.55 /M58 PN1991.75 /B43 HE8689.4 /T45 PN4784 .T4 /U38 PN1990.9 .A88 /H55 TK6561 /J66 PN1991.75 /H38 TK6557.5 /B56 PN1992.6 /S55 PN1991.3 .T9 /A33 HE8697.4 /A33 HF6146 .T42 /B35 PN1992.6 /B37 PN4888 .P6 /P45 PN4888 .P6 /P45 PN4888 .P6 /P45 PN4888 .P6 /P45 HE8689.9 .T9 /H38 PS3561 .K56 /Y89 PN 4888 .T4 /I94 TR 882 /C36 TK 6553 /J66 JF 2112 .A4 /T45 PL 248 .H35 /I43 TR 820.5 /O26 HF 5415.126 /E44 JF 2112 .A4 /W47 QH 324.3 /K36 TR 886.7 /T67 TK 6561 /J66 TK 6561 /J66 PN 1992.75 /Z48 TK 6562 .D54 /C66 HF 5827 /B85 PN 4751 /A33 HE 8700.4 /T73 P 96 .L34 /B45 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 PN 1992.3 .T9 /G43 HE 8700.9 .T9 /B99 PN 1992.8 .M54 /T45 TK 78711.6 /R33 PN 1991.6 /R33 PN 1991.75 /C25 HF 5815 .A7 /T87 P 90 /B52 PN 1992.8 .R43 /M35 PN 1992.8 .R43 /O84 PN 4783 /K35 PN 4784 .B75 /S74 PN 1991.55 /N67 PN 4784 .O62 /C66 PN 4784 .B75 /B69 PN 5114 /C84 PN 1992.8 .R43 /E87 2005 2006 2006 1997 2005 2006 2003 2006 2007 2005 2007 2007 1994 1997 2003 1989 1999 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 2001 1987 2008 2008 1991 2002 2008 1999 2005 1964 2004 2005 2005 2009 2004 1999 2006 2005 1991 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2004 2004 1995 2003 2005 2009 2004 2007 2008 2001 2005 1996 2005 2008 2003 2008 QC 795.42 /R33 2009 PN 4784 .T4 /T45 PN 4784 .T4 /T45 PN 1992.8 .R43 /R45 TR 886.7 /B48 2010 2010 2009 2008 PN 1992.8 .R43 /E53 2008 Halikarnas Balıkçısı West, Darrell M. Kamen, Martin David Jones, Graham Jones, Graham Zettl, Herbert Connelly, Donald W. Büker, Seçil Adaklı, Gülseren Bell, Allan Büyükbaykal, Ceyda Ilgaz Mengü, Seda Çakar Çakır, Hamza Blau, Andrew Ouellette, Laurie Kalbfeld, Brad Stephens, Mitchell Norberg, Eric G. Boyd, Andrew Curran, James Essany, Michael Ward, David QC 795.42 /R33 2009 PN 1992.8 .C7 /F46 JN 40 /W37 2008 2002 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 Yaygın hesaplama teknolojisi ve RFID Sinema ve televizyonda anlatım teknikleri ve dramaturji Televizyon haberciliğinde etik The effect of graphic design materials on the retention level of viewers in prime time television newcasts The effect of graphic design materials on the retention level of viewers in prime time television newcasts Dramas of nationhood: the politics of television in Egypt As seen on TV: the visual culture of everyday life in the 1950s Is anyone responsible?: how television frames political issues Television production handbook Renewable energy Let freedom sing : how music inspired the civil rights movement Fashion in fiction: text and clothing in literature, film, and television Audiovisual translation: subtitling TRT'de 500 gün: ... bir dönem Türkiye’sinin hikayesi Uğur Dündar: İşte hayatım Açlık oyunları Framing the Intifada: people and media Media studies: texts, institutions, and audiences No reservations: around the world on an empty stomach Ateşi yakalamak Alaycı kuş One woman, one vote TRT Ankara radyosu çoksesli korosu (1974-1983) Şirket telsizinden devlet radyosuna: TRT öncesi dönemde radyonun tarihsel gelişimi ve Türk siyasal hayatı içindeki yeri Radyo yayıncılığı Programming for TV, radio, and the internet: strategy, development, and evaluation Radio production Loving with a vengeance: mass-produced fantasies for women The CNN effect: the myth of news, foreign policy and intervention Siyasal iktidar TRT ilişkisinin dünü Hayatımızı değiştiren unutulmaz diziler Radyo dinleme eğilimleri araştırması Kadınların televiyon izleme eğilimleri Almanya’da yaşayan Türklerin televizyon izleme eğilimleri: kamuoyu araştırması Cepteki tehlike: disconnect 1988 British design and art direction: the 26th annual of the best of British advertising, television, graphic, product and editorial design and the international section New York: a documentary film: The country and the city: episode one: 1609-1825 New York: a documentary film: Order and disorder: episode two: 1825-1865 New York: a documentary film: Sunshine and shadow: episode three: 1865-1898 New York: a documentary film: The power and the people: episode four: 1898-1918 New York: a documentary film: Cosmopolis: episode five: 1919-1931 New York: a documentary film: City of tomorrow: episode six: 1929-1941 New York: a documentary film: The city and the world: episode seven: 1945-2000 New York: a documentary film: The center of the world: episode seven: 1946-2003 Masked and anonymous The dying Gaul Dekalog The Ten Commandments. Parts 1 to 5 Unknown = Bilinmeyen Nosferatu Rope Simon Schama's Power of art The hunt for Red October - Patriot games - Clear and present danger Çocuklara yönelik programlar ve bu programlarda yayımlanan reklamların içerik analizi Televizyon reklamlarında kadına yönelik oluşturulan toplumsal kimlik Televizyon reklamcılığı: (sinemanın etkisinde düşünsel ve görüntüsel yaratım ögeleri açısından) Televizyon haberleri izleme eğilimleri araştırması Televizyonlardaki spor programlarını izleme eğilimleri kamuoyu araştırması Özürlülerin televizyon izleme/dinleme eğilimleri araştırması Bayrak Meydanoğlu, Ela Sibel TK 6553 .Y39 /B39 Foss, Bob PN 1995.9 .P7 /F67 PN 4784 .T4 /T45 Ertep, Rıfat Hakan Z 246 /E65 Ertep, Rıfat Hakan Z 246 /E65 Abu-Lughod, Lila HE 8700.9 .E3 /A28 Marling, Karal Ann E 169 .Z8 /M35 Iyengar, Shanto PN 4888 .T4 /I93 Zettl, Herbert PN 1992.75 /Z48 TJ 808.2 /R46 ML 3556 /L48 PN 56 .C684 /F38 Diaz-Cintas, Jorge P 306.2 /D53 Cem, İsmail PN 1992.3 .T9 /C45 Şener, Nedim PN 5449 .T9 /S47 Collins, Suzanne PZ 7 /C65 DS 119.75 /F73 Taylor, Lisa PN 1992.5 /T39 Bourdain, Anthony TX 652.9 /B68 Collins, Suzanne PS 3603 .C65 /A84 Collins, Suzanne PS 3603 .C65 /A43 HQ 1236.5 /O54 M-FL .C65 /T78 2009 2009 2010 1999 1999 2005 1994 1991 2009 2008DVD 2009DVD 2009 2007 2010 2010 2009 1993 1999 2007 2010 2010 1995DVD 2006 Kocabaşoğlu, Uygur PN 1991.3 .T9 /K63 2010 Aziz, Aysel Perebinossoff, Philippe McLeish, Robert Modleski, Tania Robinson, Piers Devran, Yusuf İçel, Bahadır PN 1991.5/A95 PN 1990.83 /P47 PN 1991.75 /M35 PR 830 .W6 /M63 PN 4784 .T4 /R63 PN 1992.6 /D48 PN 1992.8 .F5 /I24 HE 8689.9 .T8 /R33 P 94.5 /K33 PN 1992.3 .T9 /A46 RA 569.3 /D38 2002 2005 2005 2008 2002 2011 2010 2007 2007 2007 2011 HF 5813 .G7 /N56 1988 Davis, Devra Lee Hitchcock, Alfred Mengü, Seda Çakar Yolcu, Ergün F 128.3 /N49 F 128.3 /N49 F 128.3 /N49 F 128.3 /N49 F 128.3 /N49 F 128.3 /N49 F 128.3 /N49 F 128.3 /N49 PN 1997 /M375 PN 1997 /D95 PN 1997 /D45 PN 1997 /B55 PN 1997 /N67 PN 1997 /R67 N 5300 /S56 PN 1997 /H86 HQ 784 .M32 /C63 PN 1992.8 .M54 /T45 HF 6146 .T42 /Y65 PN 1992.3 .T9 /T45 PN 1992.3 .T9 /T45 PN 1992.3 .T9 /O98 2010DVD 2010DVD 2010DVD 2010DVD 2010DVD 2010DVD 2010DVD 2010DVD 2003DVD 2006DVD 1988DVD 2007DVD 2007DVD 2007DVD 2006DVD 2007DVD 2009 2004 2001 2007 2008 2007
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