Uterine anomalies and diagnostic workup Uterus


Uterine anomalies and diagnostic workup Uterus


Benzer belgeler

özgeçmiş - Hastane - Giresun Üniversitesi

özgeçmiş - Hastane - Giresun Üniversitesi C1 Hanhan M, Sipahi M, Oner SR, Tan N, Demir E, Uyar I, Ayaz D, Ozeren M. “Pleural Endometriosis: Case Report”. Turkiye Klinikleri Gynecol Obst; 21(1):58-61, (2011)


Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN: 1309

Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN: 1309 Journal of International Dental and Medical Research / ISSN: 1309-100X TABLE OF CONTENTS / 2015; 8 (3) DENTISTRY EXPERIMENTAL ARTICLE
