Reading Tea Culture in British and Turkish


Reading Tea Culture in British and Turkish


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Res. Assist. Tuba AĞKAŞ ÖZCAN E

Res. Assist. Tuba AĞKAŞ ÖZCAN E Translations 1. Manley, Delarivier. From The Lost Lover; Or, The Jealous Husband, 1696. Çev. Tuba Ağkaş. “‘Kayıp Aşık; ya da Kıskanç Koca’ Adlı Komediden.”. Ortaçağdan On Yedinci Yüzyıla İngiliz Ka...


Sultan Konuşuyor - Tarihçi Kitabevi

Sultan Konuşuyor - Tarihçi Kitabevi On Yedinci Yüzyıl Kahramanlık Tiyatrosunda Süleyman ve Mustafa................................................................. 327 Sonuç...............................................................


Res. Assist. Osman İŞÇİ - Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili ve

Res. Assist. Osman İŞÇİ - Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngiliz Dili ve 1) İşçi, Osman. “Peace Through Poetry.” Peace and Conflict: an Interdisciplinary Conference. Annual Conference of the Conflict Research Society, Leeds/UK, 2014. 2) İşçi, Osman. “Human Rights Associ...


Res. Assist. Tuba AĞKAŞ E-Mail: [email protected]

Res. Assist. Tuba AĞKAŞ E-Mail: of Men.” 11th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul/Turkey, 4 - 8 Sept. 2012. 5. “Slave at Home, Minority in the ‘Shelter’.” 6th International I...


Özgün 1 Res. Assist. Ulaş ÖZGÜN E

Özgün 1 Res. Assist. Ulaş ÖZGÜN E Özgün, Ulaş. “Henryson as a Moral Poet and a Poetic Judge: Poetic Justice in ‘The Fox and the Wolf’ and ‘The Paddock and the Mouse’.” International Conference: Inter-disciplinarity, Multi-disciplin...
