On the Involutes of the Spacelike Curve with a Timelike
On the Involutes of the Spacelike Curve with a Timelike
International Mathematical Forum, 4, 2009, no. 31, 1497 - 1509 On the Involutes of the Spacelike Curve with a Timelike Binormal in Minkowski 3-Space Mustafa Bilici Amasya Üniversitesi, Merzifon Meslek Yüksekokulu 05300 Merzifon, Amasya, Turkey [email protected] Mustafa Çalışkan Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü, 55139 Kurupelit, Samsun, Turkey [email protected] Abstract The involute of a given curve is a well-known concept in 3-dimensional Euclidean space IR 3 (see [7],[8]). According to reference [6], M 1 is a timelike curve then the involute curve M 2 is a spacelike curve with a spacelike or timelike binormal. On the other hand, it has been investigated the involute and evolute curves of the spacelike curve M 1 with a spacelike binormal in Minkowski 3-space and it has been seen that the involute curve M 2 is timelike, [1]. In this paper, we have defined the involute curves of the spacelike curve M 1 with a timelike binormal in Minkowski 3-space IR13 . We have seen that the involute curve M 2 must be a spacelike curve with a spacelike or timelike binormal. The relationship between the Frenet frames of the involüte-evolüte curve couple and some new characterizations with relation to the curve couple have been found. Mathematics Subject Classification(2000): 53A04, 53B30 Keywords: Minkowski space, involüte-evolüte curve couple, Frenet frames 1498 M. Bilici and M. Çalışkan 1. INTRODUCTION Let Minkowski 3-space IR13 be the vector space IR 3 provide with the Lorentzian inner product g given by g( X , X ) = − x12 + x22 + x32 , where X = ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ) ∈ IR 3 . A vector X = ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ IR 3 is said to be timelike if g ( X , X ) < 0 , spacelike if g ( X , X ) > 0 and lightlike (or null) if g ( X , X ) = 0 . Similarly, an arbitrary curve α = α (s ) in IR13 where s is a pseudo-arclenght parameter, can locally be timelike spacelike or null (lightlike), if all of its velocity vectors α ′(s ) are respectively timelike, spacelike or null, for every s ∈ I ⊂ IR . A lightlike vector X is said to be pozitive (resp. negative) if and only if x1 > 0 (resp. x1 < 0 ) and a timelike vector X is said to be pozitive (resp. negative) if and only if x1 > 0 (resp. x1 < 0 ). The norm of a vector X is defined by X IL = g( X , X ) The vectors X = ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) , Y = ( y1 , y2 , y3 ) ∈ IR13 are orthogonal if and only if g ( X ,Y ) = 0 , [7]. Now let X and Y be two vectors in IR 13 , then the Lorentzian cross product is given by X × Y = ( x3 y2 − x2 y3 , x1 y3 − x3 y1 , x1 y2 − x2 y1 ) , [5]. (1) We denote by {T (s ) , N (s ) , B(s )} the moving Frenet frame along the curve α . Then T, N and B are the tangent, the principal normal and the binormal vector of the curve α , respectively. Depending on the causal character of the curve α , we have the following Frenet formulae and instantaneous rotation vectors: i ) Let α be a unit speed timelike space curve with curvature κ and torsion τ . Let Frenet frames of α be {T , N , B}. In this trihedron, T is timelike vector, N and B are spacelike vectors. For this vectors, we can write T × N = − B , N × B = T , B ×T = −N , where × is the Lorentzian cross product, [5] in space IR13 . In this situation, the Frenet formulas are given by T ′ = κ N , N ′ = κ T − τ B , B′ =τ N , [4]. The Frenet instantaneous rotation vector for the timelike curve is given by W = τ T − κ B , [2]. (2) ii ) Let α be a unit speed spacelike space curve with a spacelike binormal. In this trihedron, we assume that T and B spacelike vectors and N timelike vector. In this situation, T × N = − B , N × B = −T , B × T = N , The Frenet formulas are given by Involutes of the spacelike curve 1499 T′ =κ N , N ′ = κ T + τ B, B′ = τ N , [4]. The Frenet instantaneous rotation vector for the spacelike curve is given by W = −τ T + κ B , [2]. (3) iii ) Let α be a unit speed spacelike space curve. In this trihedron, we assume that T and N spacelike vektors and B timelike vector. For this trihedron we write T × N = B , N × B = −T , B × T = − N , The Frenet formulas are given by T ′ = κ N , N ′ = − κ T + τ B , B ′ =τ N , [4]. The Frenet instantaneous rotation vector for the α curve is given by W = τ T − κ B , [2]. (4) If the curve α is non-unit speed curve in space IR13 , then α ′ × α ′′ IL det (α ′,α ′′,α ′′′) κ= , τ = . 3 α ′ IL α ′ × α ′′ IL 2 (5) Lemma 1. Let X and Y be nonzero Lorentz orthogonal vektors in IR13 . If X is timelike, then Y is spacelike, [8]. Lemma 2. Let X, Y be positive (negative) timelike vectors in IR13 . Then g ( X ,Y ) ≤ X Y with equality if and only if X and Y are linearly dependent, [8]. Lemma 3. i ) The Timelike Angle between Timelike Vectors Let X and Y be positive (negative) timelike vectors in IR13 . By the Lemma 2, there is a unique nonnegative real number ϕ ( X ,Y ) such that g ( X ,Y ) = X Y cosh ϕ ( X ,Y ) The Lorentzian timelike angle between X and Y is defined to be ϕ (X , Y ) . ii ) The Spacelike Angle between Spacelike Vectors Let X and Y be spacelike vectors in IR13 that span a spacelike vector subspace. Then we have g ( X ,Y ) ≤ X Y . Hece, there is a unique real number ϕ ( X ,Y ) between 0 and π such that g ( X ,Y ) = X Y cos ϕ ( X ,Y ) The Lorentzian spacelike angle between X and Y is defined to be ϕ ( X ,Y ) . iii ) The Timelike Angle between Spacelike Vectors Let X and Y be spacelike vectors in IR13 that span a timelike vector subspace. Then we have g ( X ,Y ) > X Y . Hence, there is a unique positive real number ϕ ( X ,Y ) such that g ( X ,Y ) = X Y cosh ϕ ( X ,Y ) The Lorentzian timelike angle between X and Y is defined to be ϕ ( X ,Y ) . iv ) The Angle between Spacelike and Timelike Vectors Let X be a spacelike vector and Y a positive timelike vector in IR13 . Then there is a unique nonnegative real number ϕ ( X ,Y ) such that 1500 M. Bilici and M. Çalışkan g ( X ,Y ) = X Y sinh ϕ ( X ,Y ) . The Lorentzian timelike angle between X and Y is defined to be ϕ ( X ,Y ) , [8]. 2. THE INVOLUTES OF THE SPACELIKE CURVE WITH A TIMELIKE BINORMAL IN IR13 Definition 1. Let M 1 , M 2 ⊂ IR13 be two curves which are given by (I ,α ) and (I , β ) coordinate neighbourhoods, resp. Let Frenet frames of M 1 and M 2 be {T , N , B} and T * , N * , B* , resp. M 2 is called the involüte of M 1 ( M 1 is called the evolute of M 2 ) if { } g( T ,T * ) = 0 . (6) If M 1 is a unit speed spacelike curve with a timelike binormal then the involute curve M 2 must be a spacelike curve with a spacelike or timelike binormal. In this situation, the causal characteristic of the Frenet frames of the curves M 1 and M 2 must be of the form {T spacelike, N spacelike, B timelike} and T * spacelike, N * timelike, B* spacelike or T * spacelike, N * spacelike, B* timelike . So we can write g T * ,T * = +1 , g N * , N * = m1 = ε 0 , g B* , B* = m1 = ε 0 . (7) Definition 2.( Unit Vectors C of Direction W for Nonnull Curves): i ) For the curve M 1 with a timelike tangent, θ being a Lorentzian timelike angle between the spacelike binormal unit vector -B and the Frenet instantaneous rotation vector W, a) If κ > τ , then W is a spacelike vector. In this situation, from the Lemma 3. iii) we can { } { ( ) ( ) } ( ) write ⎧⎪κ = W cosh θ ⎨ ⎪⎩τ = W sinh θ , W 2 = g (W ,W ) = κ 2 − τ 2 (8) and W (9) = sinh θ T − cosh θ B , W where C is unit vector of direction W. b) If κ < τ , then W is a timelike vector. In this situation, from the Lemma 3.iv) we can C= write ⎧⎪κ = W sinh θ ⎨ ⎪⎩τ = W cosh θ and , W C = cosh θ T − sinh θ B . 2 ( = − g (W ,W ) = − κ 2 − τ 2 ) (10) (11) Involutes of the spacelike curve 1501 ii ) For the curve M 1 with a timelike principal normal, θ being an angle between the B and the W, if B and W spacelike vectors that span a spacelike vector subspace then by the Lemma 3. ii) we can write ⎧⎪κ = W cos θ 2 , W = g (W ,W ) = κ 2 + τ 2 . (12) ⎨ ⎪⎩τ = W sin θ and C = − sinθ T + cosθ B (13) iii ) For the curve M 1 with a timelike binormal, θ being a Lorentzian timelike angle between the -B and the W, a) If τ > κ , then W is a spacelike vector. From the Lemma 3.iv) , we can write ⎧⎪κ = W sinh θ ⎨ ⎪⎩τ = W cosh θ , g (W ,W ) = W 2 ( = τ 2 −κ2 ) (14) and C = coshθT − sinh θB (15) b) If τ < κ , then W is a timelike vector. In this situation, from the Lemma 3.i) we have ⎧⎪κ = W cosh θ ⎨ ⎪⎩τ = W sinh θ and , g (W ,W ) = − W 2 ( = − τ 2 −κ2 ) C = sinh θT − coshθB . (16) (17) Theorem 1. Let (M 2 , M 1 ) be the involüte-evolüte curve couple which are given by ( I ,α ) and ( I , β ) coordinate neighbourhoods, respectively. The distance between the points α (s ) ∈ M 1 and β (s ) ∈ M 2 of the (M 2 , M 1 ) is given by d IL (α (s ), β (s )) = c − s , c = cons tan t ∀s ∈ I . Proof: If M 2 is the involüte of M 1 , we have β (s ) = α (s ) + λT (s ) , λ = c − s , α ′ = T . Let us derivative both side with respect to s: dβ dα dλ dT = + . T +λ ds ds ds ds dT For being = T ′ = κN , ds dβ ⎛ dλ ⎞ = ⎜1 + ⎟T + λκN ds ⎝ ds ⎠ where s and s* are arc parameter of M 1 and M 2 , respectively. Thus we have ds* ⎛ dλ ⎞ = ⎜1 + ⎟T + λκN . ds ⎝ ds ⎠ Making inner product with T this equation’s both side, we have T* 1502 M. Bilici and M. Çalışkan dλ ⎞ ds* ⎛ g T ,T * = ⎜ 1 + ⎟ g (T ,T ) + λκg (T , N ) ds ⎠ ds ⎝ From the definition of the involüte-evolüte curve couple, g T ,T * = 0 . If M 1 is a spacelike then we can write g (T ,T ) = +1 and g (T , N ) =0. Thus we obtain dλ 1+ = 0 ⇒ λ = c − s , c = cons tan t ds From the definition of the distance in the Lorentzian space, we easily find d IL (α (s ), β (s )) = β (s ) − α (s ) , ( ) ( ) = λT = λ T , =λ = c−s . Theorem 2. Let (M 2 , M 1 ) be the involüte-evolüte curve couple which are given by ( I ,α ) and ( I , β ) coordinate neighbourhoods, respectively. Let Frenet frames of M 1 and M 2 in the points α (s ) ∈ M 1 and β (s ) ∈ M 2 be {T , N , B} and T * , N * , B* , respectively. For the curvature and torsion of curve M 2 , we have ε0 κ 2 −τ 2 κτ ′ − κ ′τ *2 (18) , τ* = κ = . 2 2 (c − s ) κ c − sκ τ 2 − κ 2 { ( } ) Proof: If M 2 is the involüte of M 1 , we have β (s ) = α (s ) + λT (s ) , λ = c − s , α ′ = T . Let us derivative both side with respect to s: * dβ dβ ds* * ds = =T = (c − s )κN , ds ds* ds ds where s and s* are arc parameter of M 1 and M 2 , respectively. We can find ds* = (c − s )κ ds (19) (20) thus we have T* = N . Taking the derivative of the last equation dT * ds* dN = = κT − τB , ds* ds ds ds κ * N * = (− κT + τB ) * , ds ( ) { (21) } 2 ⎛ ds ⎞ κ g N , N = κ g (T ,T ) + τ g (B , B ) ⎜ * ⎟ . ⎝ ds ⎠ From the equations (6),(7) and (20), we have 2 1 κ* ε0 = κ 2 −τ 2 , (c − s )2 κ 2 *2 * ( * ) 2 2 Involutes of the spacelike curve κ *2 1503 ε 0 (κ 2 − τ 2 ) = . (c − s )2 κ 2 From the equation (19) we can write β ′ = (c − s )κN and β ′′ = −(c − s )κ 2T + ( (c − s )κ ′ − κ )N + (c − s )κτB . If we calculate vector β ′ × β ′′ , then we get (22) β ′ × β ′′ = −(c − s )2 κ 2 τ T + (c − s )2 κ 3 B , (23) β ′ × β ′′ IL = c − s κ τ − κ . (24) 2 4 4 2 2 If we take the derivative of equation (22) we have β ′′′ = (2κ 2 − 3λκκ ′)T + (− λκ 3 − 2κ ′ + λκ ′′ + λκτ 2 )N + (2λκ ′τ − 2κτ + λκτ ′)B From the Lemma1. we find 3 3 det (β ′, β ′′, β ′′′) = (c − s ) κ 4τ ′ − (c − s ) κ 3κ ′τ . (25) det (β ′ , β ′′ , β ′′′) For being τ * = , from the equations (24) and (25), we get 2 β ′ × β ′′ IL 3 ( c − s ) κ 3 (κτ ′ − κ ′τ ) , τ = 4 4 2 2 * c − s κ τ −κ τ* = κτ ′ − κ ′τ . c − sκ τ 2 −κ 2 Theorem 3. Let (M 2 , M 1 ) be the involüte-evolüte curve couple. The Frenet vectors of the curve couple (M 2 , M 1 ) as follow. (1) If W is a spacelike vector( κ < τ ), then ⎡T * ⎤ ⎡ 0 1 0 ⎤⎡T ⎤ ⎢ *⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ N ⎥ = ⎢ sinh θ 0 − cosh θ ⎥ ⎢ N ⎥ . ⎢ B* ⎥ ⎢⎣− cosh θ 0 sinh θ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ B ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎦ (2) If W is a timelike vector( κ > τ ), then (26) ⎡T * ⎤ ⎡ 0 1 0 ⎤⎡T ⎤ ⎢ *⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ (27) ⎢ N ⎥ = ⎢− coshθ 0 sinhθ ⎥ ⎢ N ⎥ . * ⎢ B ⎥ ⎢⎣ − sinhθ 0 cosh hθ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ B ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎦ Proof: (1) If M 2 is the involüte of M 1 , we have β (s ) = α (s ) + λT (s ) , λ = c − s , α ′ = T (c =constant). From the equation (21) we have T* = N . 1 (β ′ × β ′′) , from the equations (23) and (24) , we obtain For being B* = β ′ × β ′′ IL 1504 M. Bilici and M. Çalışkan B* = − τ τ −κ 2 2 T+ κ τ 2 −κ2 B, substituting (14) into the last equation, we obtain B* = − coshθT + sinhθB . (28) * * * Since N = − B × T , then we have N * = sinh θT − cosh θB . (29) If the equations (21), (28), (29) are written by matrix form, then the theorem is proved. Note: In this situation, the causal characteristics of the Frenet frames of the curves M 1 and M 2 are {T spacelike, N spacelike, B timelike} and T * spacelike, N * spacelike, B* timelike . (2) The proof is analogous to the proof of the statement (1). In this case, the causal characteristics of the Frenet frames of the curves M 1 and M 2 must be of the form. {T spacelike, N spacelike, B timelike} and T * spacelike, N * timelike, B* spacelike . Theorem 4. Let (M 2 , M 1 ) be be the involüte-evolüte curve couple. If W and W * are the Frenet instantaneous rotation vectors of M 1 and M 2 respectively, then 1 (θ ′ N − W ) , ( for κ > τ ) (i) W* = c − sκ and 1 (θ ′ N + W ) , ( for κ < τ ) (ii) W* = c − sκ ( ) { } { } Proof: (i) For the Frenet instantaneous rotation vector of the curve M 2 , from the equation (3) we can write W * = −τ *T * + κ * B* (30) Using the equations (18) , (26) in the equation (30), we have τ 2 −κ2 κτ ′ − κ ′τ W =− N+ ( − cosh θT + sinh θB ) c − sκ c − sκ τ 2 −κ 2 * ′ ⎛κ ⎞ 2 ⎜ ⎟τ W ⎝τ ⎠ * (− cosh θT + sinh θB ) . W = N+ 2 2 c − sκ c − sκ τ −κ Using the equation (14) in the last equation , then we obtain 1 {θ ′N − (τ T − κ B )} W* = c − sκ and then , we get Involutes of the spacelike curve 1505 1 (θ ′ N − W ) . c − sκ W* = (ii) The proof is analogous to the proof of the statement (i). Theorem 5. Let (M 2 , M 1 ) be a first type involüte-evolüte curve couple. If C and C * are unit vectors of direction of W and W * ,respectively, then we have (i) C =− (ii) C = θ′ * θ ′2 + κ 2 − τ 2 θ′ * θ′ + κ −τ 2 2 2 N+ κ 2 −τ 2 θ ′2 + κ 2 − τ 2 τ 2 −κ2 N+ θ′ + κ −τ 2 2 2 ( for κ > τ ) C, C, ( for κ < τ ) Proof: (i) Let θ * be the angle between B * and W * . Then we can write C * = − sinhθ * T * + coshθ * B* . For the curvatures and torsions of the curve M 2 , we have ⎧κ * = W * cosh θ * ⎪ ⎨ * * * ⎪⎩τ = W sinh θ Using the equation (18) and Theorem 4. into the equation (32) , we get θ′ sinh θ * = , 2 2 2 ′ θ + κ −τ cosh θ = * κ 2 −τ 2 θ ′2 + κ 2 − τ 2 . (31) (32) (33) (34) Substituting by the equations (33) , (34) into the equation (31), the theorem is proved. (ii) The proof is analogous to the proof of the statement (i). Corollary 1. Let ( M 2 ,M 1 ) be the first type involüte-evolüte curve couple. If M 1 evolute curve is helix, then i) The vectors W * and B * of the involüte curve M 2 are linearly dependent . ii) C = C * Proof: i) If M 1 evolute curve is helix , then we have τ = tanh θ = constant. κ and then we have θ ′= 0 . Substituting by the equation (35) into the equations (33) , (34) sinh θ * = 0 cosh θ * = 1 are found. Thus we have (35) 1506 M. Bilici and M. Çalışkan θ* =0. ii ) Substituting by the equation (35) into the Theorem 5. , we have C =C* Theorem 6. Let (M 2 , M 1 ) be the first type involüte-evolüte curve couple. Let curvatures and torsions of the curve couple (M 2 , M 1 ) be κ ,τ ,κ * ,τ * ( κ ≠ τ , κ ≠ 0 ) . If M 1 is a cylindrical helix , then M 2 is a plane curve. Proof: If M 1 is a cylindrical helix, then we can write κ = constant, τ ′ ⎛κ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ =0 ⎝τ ⎠ and we easily obtain κ ′τ − κτ ′ = 0 . (36) On the other hand from the equation (18) , we can write τ = κ* * κτ ′ − κ ′τ ( c − s )κ ( κ 2 − τ 2 ) κ 2 −τ 2 , ( c − s )2 κ 2 substituting by the equation (36) into the last equation, we get τ* = 0. Example 2.1: Let α 1 (θ ) = 2 sinh θ , 2 cosh θ ,θ be a unit speed time-like curve. If α 1 is a time-like curve then the involute curve is a space-like. In this situation, involute curve β 1 of the curve α 1 can be given below. ( β 1 (θ ) = ( ) ) 2 sinh θ + (c − θ ) 2 cosh θ , 2 cosh θ + (c − θ ) 2 sinh θ , c , c ∈ IR , for specially c=2 and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π We can draw involute-evolute curve couple (β 1 ,α 1 ) with helping the programme of Mapple 11 as follow. Involutes of the spacelike curve 1507 Figure 2.1 Example 2.2: The involute of the unit speed space-like curve ⎛ 3 3 θ⎞ coshθ , sinh θ , ⎟⎟ is a space-like or time-like. The involute of the α 2 (θ ) = ⎜⎜ 2 2⎠ ⎝ 2 curve α 2 can be given below. ⎛ 3 ⎞ [cosh θ + (c − θ ) sinh θ ], 3 [sinh θ + (c − θ ) cosh θ ], c ⎟⎟, c ∈ IR . 2 2⎠ ⎝ 2 β 2 (θ ) = ⎜⎜ β 2 is a space-like curve. For specially c=2 and θ ∈ [0 ,π ] , once again we can draw involute-evolute curve couple (β 2 ,α 2 ) with helping the programme of Mapple 11 as follow 1508 M. Bilici and M. Çalışkan Figure 2.1 REFERENCES [1] B. Bükcü, M.K. Karacan, On the Involute and Evolute Curves of the Spacelike Curve with a Spacelike Binormal in Minkowski 3-Space, Int. J. Math. Sciences, Vol. 2, no. 5 (2007), 221-232. [2] B. O’neill, Semi Riemann Geometry, Academic Press, New York, London, 1983. [3] H.H. Uğurlu, On The Geometry of Time-like Surfaces, Commun. Fac. Sci. Ank. Series A1 V.46, (1997), 211-223 [4] J. G. Ratcliffe, Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, 1994. [5] K. Akutagawa, S. 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