Dürdane Şirin Saracoğlu Office Address
Benzer belgeler
OECD-MiReKoc Workshop_2004 - Migration Research Center
Ayşe Elif TALU (Remittances Department of the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey) Okan ÖZOĞLU (İş Bank GmbH) Arif BELGİN (Money Transfers and SWIFT Department of İş Bank) 12.30-14.00 Lunch 14.00-16...
Detaylıposıtıons held educatıon research ınterests work ın progress
“Planning for Regional Development: A General Equilibrium Analysis for Turkey”, in Economic Planning and Industrial Policy in the Globalizing Economy: Concepts, Experience, Prospects, Yülek, M (ed....
DetaylıTürk Ulusal Bilim e-Altyapısı 2015
Grubumuzda temel olarak biyokimyasal moleküller için oluşturulan model sistemlerde, biyomoleküllerin diğer biyomolekül ve/veya metal iyonları ile olan etkileşimleri incelenmektedir. Bu
DetaylıEbru Voyvoda - Economic Research Forum (ERF)
EDUCATION PhD. Economics, Department of Economics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1998-2003 Thesis Title: Alternatives in Debt Management: Investigation of Turkish Debt in an Overlapping Gener...
Detaylıposıtıons held educatıon research ınterests work ın progress
Thesis Title: Alternatives in Debt Management: Investigation of Turkish Debt in an Overlapping Generations General Equilibrium Framework Supervisor: Erinç Yeldan M.A. Economics, Department of Econo...
DetaylıCV - Department of English Language and Literature
English Literature Proceedings. Istanbul: MAS Matbaacılık A.Ş., 2003. 120-128. Conference Papers “Tracing the Transformative Function of the Telephone Box from Superman to Doctor Who,” 13th Interna...
Detaylıipek ilkkaracan ajas awards, scholarshıps work
Programme Consultant, Technical Advisory Section. 1992-96. Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG), London, U.K. Programme Officer. Policy Research Unit. 1991-92. UNIFEM/UNDP, New York, NY...