2013-2014 - Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı
Benzer belgeler
Milli Eğitim İstatistikleri (2014/2015)
included in the Programme and regarded as official statistics. Thus, requested reliable data on any field will be provided.
Detaylıtürkiye eğitim istatistikleri 2005
MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION The Ministry of National Education was founded on 17 March 1857 during the Ottoman period under Council of Ministers. This was the first education organization at the...
DetaylıMİLLÌ EöİTİM İSTATİSTİKLERİ Örgün Eğitim National Education
compilation and transmission of implicit, accurate and reliable statistical data to users. The publication prepared for the purposes stated above includes number of new entrants, students, graduate...