Cyprus Gazette 1887
Cyprus Gazette 1887
:CYPR l HE CYPRUS GAZE TT INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1887. Published by Au th PR~TED THE CYPRUS GAZETTE A Page Abdulhamid Percentage on Yoklam.a Fees due to ... ... 1003 .. . .•. Accomplicesin Offences Draft Law respecting •• ... 941 INDEX, Australia, South, see "South Australia." -----, Western, see " Western A uetralia," Ayia Irini Forest, see +Foreets," Ayios Mamas Reserved Forest Pasturing of sheep permitted Accounts Revenue and Expenditure, 1886-7... .•. .•• 1005 Acetimeters Exempted from Import Duty . .. ..• .. . ... .. . .•. Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to ..• ••. 1003 .. . .. . 1050 911 (Iommdssioner," Admiralty, see '' l{ aval." Bahamas, The Adriatic, Quaran tine against, see "Qua1·antin1t.'' Agriculture, Use of Water in, see "Trriqation;" Ahmed Barristers Parcel Post with of "Tiu C!fprus GazettP ., u ill he .<Jladto rcceire corrections of an§ errors or omissions that may be discovered in tbi« Indt':c. •.. _ ... Reward offered for apprehension of ... ..• 982 ... ... 1003 ... ... ibid. ..• ... .•• .•• . .. ... 1003 Behjet ibid. Kelly, Lt.-Col. W. F., to act Swaine, Major E. E., to act Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to .•. 1020 1015,1021 Akapnou ResBrvedForest Pasturing of sheep permit.ted Extradition Treaty with Great Britain Parcel Post with ... ... Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to 1003 Algeria Parcel Post with 1045 Ali Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to 1003 Amadhiees Forest Delimitation of ... 1066 Amiandos Forest Delimitation of ... 1047 Amirayan, B. G. Forest Department 937 Animal Disease, see "Contagious Diseases(Animals')." Animals, Cruelty to Draft Law for prevention of, re-published 997 9!:13 Bills of Health Vessels arriving without Bills to be subjected penalties imposed by law ... •.. .•. 915 Slaughter of, Municipal Bye-Laws as to, 965 Law to provide for preservation and registration of copies of books printed in Cyprus ... 9il, 975 Bor, Capt. J. H. Appointed to act temporarily as Local Commandant of Police and Governor of the Central Prison, Nicosia ... ... ... ... ... 935 British Honduras, see "Honduras, British." Brown, S., Government Engineer ... 922 Buildings, Municipal Bye-Laws respecting, see ".iYlunicipalities." Bnlwer, His Excellency Sir Henry Ernest Proceeds on leave Burial-grounds, see or moved for Sale Production of certificate of ownership required to ·-· Books Re-appointed Member of Legislative Council see "IYlunicipalities." ----sold Belgium Bessim, Mehmed Akil, Mustafa Appointed Clerk and Interpreter, Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to ---,Hassan Aide-de-Camp to the Officer Administering the Government ----, ... Batista, Constanti Michael 1003 Percentage on Yok1ama Fees due to Editor B Terms to be served by Colonial Officers studying for the Bar ... ... ... .. . ... 1002 ---,Seid The 913 Aziz Adelaide Exhibition, see "Exhibitions." Administerip_gthe Government, Officer, see "High Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to 1887. ... ... ... ... 1011 ''Cemeteriea." 911 Antonio, M. To prepare Voters' Lists, Evdhimon Nahieh, 1887 Appointment cancelled 936 964 .Appropriation Laws 1887-8 ... Second Supplementary, 1886-7 94-1, 975 ibid., 965 Ara.dippo Cemetery Notice respecting closing of c . ·A Appotrrted Registrar and Interpreter, Lar-naea ... .•. ••• District Court, .•. _ . 1045 Cade, 0. S. ··- 102 Asia Minor Prohibition of importation of various articles from ..see "Phyllo:;r;era." Appointed to act temporarily as Oomtnissioner and Local Commandant of Police, Kyrenia .. . .•. 921 Cadets, Naval, see "Naval.'' Cattle Disease, see ''Contagious Diseases (.A.nimah')."' Cemeteries Assizes, see '<Oourt« of J'ustioe," Austaia Notice respecting closing of cemetery at Ara.dippo..• 1028 Prohioition of importatdon of certain articles from. see "Pkylloxe1·a." Cereals, Tithe on, see " Tithes." Chetwynd, Major the Hon. E. J. Ansrro-Hungary Parcel Post with Quara nt+ne against, see " Q11~·-rntiinc;" Cababe, N. 99S Appointed a Local Commandant of Police and stationed at Lim.assol .. . --- 997 ©DIGITIZED BY MAAD ~ ll THE CYPRUS GAZETTE INDEX, 1887. THE Chief Medical Officer, see " lJfedical. '" Chief Secretary's Office,Appointments in Contagious Diseases (Animals')-cGntinued GAZETTE Page Places sclieduled as infected with .Anvmal .Disea8e.· Olerk, Higher .Di·uision. Athalassa Nicosia District (sheep and goats) 10f3 Thomas, E. H. Athirenou ,, ,, ,, 1026 912 r Clerk, Lon:e:r Divi.son. Avgas~da - , ( Famagusta ,, r. 96t Ferguson, M. M. Av~lidha_ , § . •: ,, ~ A ,, 1009 1025 Ayia Kebtr Nicosia ,, H 1025 Civil Service of India, see "Tndiaa C£vil Seroiee." Ayia Varvara Papho ,, ,, 1024 Ayia Vassili Nicosia. ,, ,, 104g Clerk of Executive Council, Appointment of, see Ayios Elias Famagusta ,, ,, 1029 "Executive Council." ·A.yios Ermolaos Kyrenia ., ,, 1045 A.yios Evstathios Famagusta,, ,, 1009 ClerkR,Appointment of A.yios Sergios ,, n ,, 976 Clerk, Higher .Di'l'Ji.sion. Ayios Yeorgios ,, ,, ,, 978 Mamo, L. A., transferred to Receiver-General's Office 903 ,, Kyrenia. ,, ,, 1013 Thomas, E. H., Chief Secretary's Office.. : 912 Baragi Monastery Nicosia ,, ,, 1026 Chatos Famagusta ,, ,, '' 940 Olm·k, Lome1· .Division. Ohiftliks (five) Lima.ssol ,, ,, 1036 Ferguson, M. M., Chief Secretary's Office... 1025 (near Limassol To-wn) Chrysida Treaswry Clerk. Nicosia District Dali . 976 JJ Pierides, L. Z., Larnaca ... ,, " Derinia lO±i 1049 Famagusta ., " 1024 Oltwk and Interpreter .. Dikomo, Pano Kyrenia ,, ", , 1050 Dimbo Amirayan, B. G., Forest Department ... Nicosia n 967 1010 Diorios Mitzis, C. C., Commissioner's Office, Lan;iaca Kyrenia ., 1025 " ibid. El~a Nicosja ,, Pay Okrk and Interprcter!r Police. " 1013 Enkomi II Famagusta •~ Gurgick, J. A. .. . ... .•. .. . 914, 943 978 Epikho Nicosia ,, " 976, 1018 EpiBkopi (FO'r Land Reg'istN.f Clerks, see "Land RegistT'JI 0./fi<Je.") Limas.sol n " 998 Eptakomi Coins J;""'aniagusta,, ibid, Ex:ometochi Nicosia ,, Queen's Proclamation respecting changes in designs " 976 Famagusta of Gold and Silver Coins and issue of a new Silver Famagusta ,, " 978 Galatia Coin called the Double Florin... . .. ., " 1009 Geuneli 1027 Nicosia. " " 1043 Colonial Exhibition, see "Exhibitions.'' Ghaz.iberan " " 1013 Gouphes Colonial Institute, Royal " '' Famagusta,, " 937 Gypsos " Information respecting may be seen at Chief Secre976, Buyuk " " tary's Office . . . ... Nicosia " 1033 and Kuchuk 914 " " Kalo Khorio Colonies, Secretary of State for the, AppointLarnaca 1, 1008 Kalopsida ment of Famagusta ·~ " 978 Karmi Holland, The Rt. Hon. Sir H. T., .Bart. . •. K.yrenia ,, " 1010 Ke ilia 921 Larnaca ,, " Comithis, Andreas 1018 Khrysiliou " Nicosia ,. 1013 Kiti Appointed President, Municipal Commission, La.pithos 1005 Larnaca ,, " 1066 Kizilbash Nicosia ,, Commercial Treaties, see '· Treaties." " 1033 Klavdia Larnaca ,, " 914 Knoda.ra Commissioners, Appointment of Famagusta » " ibid. Kolossi Cade. C. S., to act at Kyrenia . Limassol ,, "n 998 Komi Kebir Fisher, R., Kyrenia, provisionally . Fama..:,~sta ,, 1029 Kon tea Olive, L., to act at Larnaca . ,, " 1067 Kor:makitis " Kyrenia Coinmissioners of all Districts but Larnaca. as Prin" 1026 Krini " cipal Officers of Customs and Excise, to be Wreck " 1045 Kuklia " " Famagusta ,, Officers for their respective Districts . .. . .. 1028 " 1001 Kuru Monastir Nicosia ,, " 976 Lapitbos Commissioners, Assistant to the, Appointment of, Jfarnagusta ,, " 978 Larnaca see "Police, Appointments, Local (}omuiandant." La.rnaca ,, " 9H " 1045 Commissioners' Offices, Appojntments in thou " Lefkoniko .Mitzis, C. C., Clerk and Interpreter, Larnaca ... 102 Farnagusta ,, 914 Limnia l>ierides, L. Z., Treasury Clerk .. . .. . . .. 1049 " 978 Livadia " Larnaca ,, " Competition. International, of Dairy Products, &c., 977Livera.s at Parma Krenia ,, " I 026 Lysi Notice respecting Famagusta ,. " 1001 ?.iakras y ka 966 " ,, 978 Mand me$ " Compounders, see "Medical.~~ 940 ') .JJ Marathounda " Pap ho !n Congo Free State lCJ26 JIIarathovouno Fa.m~uusta,, " 914 Parcel Post with Margo u Nicosia ,, 1046 1014 .Ma.sari ,, Constanti, SaYa " 1067 Meneou La1·naca ,, Murder of " " 1066 Mia M ill.ia Nicosia ,, 1002 I " 1009 C~usuls, Appointment of Milea Fa.magusta,, 937 " "\Vatkins, C., Denmark ... ~linarelli Nicosia. ,, 1009 ••. 11)09 Monarga Famagusta ,, Contagious Diseases (Anin1als'J 1029 " I Mora Nicosia ,. 976 " Morphoa ,, ,, J;?lacn :wheduled as infectt~dn;itlt Animal I>i."ease. 1013 " Abohor, sl'e ."..Epi Ith.a." Monsoulita Famagusta ,, 97fi " l\Iyrtou Kyronia ,, 999 Ac~eiyio Famagusta District (sheep and g~ats) 97 " Nikita ··· Nicosia ,, " JEgtalousa . '? " " ibid. J010 Nisou · ,, ,. Ag-lang1a. N1cosia ,, ,, 1043 1047 " u Orounta ,, ,, .\loa , -, .l''amagusta 104-9 ,,, .Ana.rita. . , Papho Ormidia. Famagusta ,, 978 " 10H " ,, ,, Ana via Nicosia Orta Keuy-· Nicosia ,, 1014 " 1033 Anz;,stina Famne-usta Ovgoros Famagusta ., 1025 1667 " " -~~·a·~ip_µo, ~ , . . • ,Larna'c3: Pa!reokythro ·Nico.,;ia ··,, 937 i0-:1:7 ,. " " ' Kicosia Palreomylo Chiftlik Kyrenia. ,. 977 999 " (cattle) ,, Arnactbi Famagusta •,t• , ,, 1067 iffid. ~\.~l1a. ,, Paradisi Fauiagusta' ,, 978 " ..:\.somatos (sheep arid go~ts) 970 " Paralimru ,, ,, 976 {!>id· " Kyrl!nia Pa:triki: , : , I' , ., c r 1., 1032 , " Astrumeriti Perist--:0na ,. .X·h.:o:sia 1013 H37 ,. 10.39 " 1025 ,, Petra ,. 10-19 l J , ~ ,, ,, I . CYPRUS INDEX. 1887. 111 Page ·~ Page Contagious Diseases (Animals ')-c<nitinuod Places sohedulod as infected 'lVith, Animal Diecaee, Petra Nicosia District (cattle) 1010 Philia ,, ,, (sheep and goats) 1025 Photta Kyrenia ,, ,, 1045 Phreneros Famagusta ,, ,, 1024: Pilleri Kyrenia ,, ,, 1015 Pirot Nicosia ,, ,, 102± Piyi Famagusta ,, ,, 9:l7 Politiko · · Nicosia ,, ,, 1033 Potami ·,, ,, ,, 1067 Potamia ,, ,, ,, 104 7 Prastio ,, ,, ,, 1013 Prastion Famagusta ,, ,, 976 Psilatoa ' ,, ,, ,, 937 Pyrg:i. ,, ,, ~· 964: Sandalarts ,, ., ,, 978 ShiUoura ·· Nicosia ,, ,, 1039 Sinta · Famagusta ,, ,, 1001 Si.rianokhorio Nicosia ,, ,, 1025 Sotira Famn.gusta ,, ,, , . 1024 Spathariko ,, ,, ,, 978 Strongylo ,, ,, ,, r ibid. Stylos ., ,, ,, 976 :;ynk.rasi ,, ,, ,, 9'7 Sysk.lipos Kyrenia ,, ,. 1045 Trakhoni L'imassol ,, ,, 998 ,, Nicosia ,, ,, 100!) Tremithi Kyrcnia ., ,, 1010 Tricomo Famagusta ,, , ,. · ·- 97 Tymbou Nicosia ,, • ,, 101:3 Vasilja • ' Kyrenta ,, • ' ,, · 101 Vatili Famagusta,, ,, 101± Voni -· Nicosia ,, ,, 976 Yenagra Famagusta , , • ''• ,, ~J ibid. Yeri Nicosia .,, , ,, - 0 1013 Yerolakkos ,, ,_ Ot.!7 ., ,. Yialousa, see "..2FJgialousa." Zodia, Kato Nicosia ., 982 t: r- Places remoced fT011i th.e Sahedula, Abohor, see ".Epiklw." .Acheryto . Fa;ma.gustaDistrict(shecpandgoats) 1019 1Egialousa ,, ,, ,, 1002 Aloa ,, ,, ,, 1019 Anayia ·-. Nicosia ,, ,, 1039 A.ngastina F'amaguata ,, ,, 1002 Arad.ippo Larnaca ,, ,, 1033 A.rnadhi Famagusta ,, ,, 1010 Asha ,, ,, ,, 1024 .Asomatos e. Kyrenia · ,, ,, 1019 Athiam.ou Nicosia ,, ,, 1036 Avgasida .•. Famagnsta "' .-. ,, 1002 A vgolidba ,, ,, ,, 1 fJ29 Ayia Kebir Nicosia ,,. ,, 1032 Ay ios Elias Famagusta ,, ,, 1067 Ayios Evstathios ,, ,, ,, 1024 .A.yiosSergios ,, ,, ,,. 1010 Ayios Yeorgfos ,, ,, ,, 1024 Baragi Monastery Nicosia ,, ,, 1039 Chatos Famagusta ,, _. ,, U83 Chiftliks (five) Limassol ,, ,, 1045 (near Limassol Town) Chrysida Nicos.'a 1009 Diorios " " Kyrenia 1036 Elrea Nicosia 1039 " Enkomi Famagusta ,, lC•lO Epikho " Nicosia 1009~1020 " Episkopi Limassol 1009 Eptakomi Famagusta ,," " 100() E:xometochi Nicosia · 99 ",, Famagusta. Famagusta "•• 1024: Galatia ,, 1067 Ghaziberan " Nicosia ,, ,, 1039 Gouphes Famagusta ,, Bsa " Gypsos ,, 1006 ' " Kaimakli~ Kuchuk Nicosia 1049 Kalopsida. " 1024 Karmi " " Kyren.ia 10.86 Kizilbash " Nicosia " ., 1049 Klavdia " Larna'ca 943 Knodara l<"amagusta 977 Kolossi Lima.ssol 1040 Komi Kebir Famagusta. 1067 Kormakitis " " K"t""renia 10-iii Kuklia " Fimagusta 101!'1 Kuru Monastir Nicosia. ,, ,. 1009 Lapitbos Fan1agusta l IJarnaca ,." !l:l7 !I Lcfkoniko Famagusta ,. ,, 983 Limnia .p ..., ,. 19 LiYem Kn·cnia HH-:> ~lakrasvka l:'<~magust ., lO:?+ ,l\iandrae~ " Contagious Diseases (Animals' )-cont:nu~d Page .Piaces removed from tlte Sclicdule. Ma.rat.hovonno F'amagusta District (sheep and goats) 983 Milea ,, ,, ,, 978 Nicosia ., ,, 102.> Monarga Farnagusta t> ,, 1067 Mora Nicosia. ,, ,, 1009 Mousoulfta Famagusta ,, ,, 1024 Ormidia ,, ,, ,, ibid. Orta Kcuy Nicosia ., ,, 104-9 Pah:eomylo Chiftlik Kyrenia ,. (cattle) 1019 Panagra ,, ,, ,, ibid. Paradisi F'amaguata ., (sheep and goats) 1002 Paralimni ,, ,, ,, 1019 Patriki ,, •,, ,, 1002 Peristerona ,, ,, ., 1019 Nicosia r ,, ,, 1039 Petra ' , .. (cattle) 1025 Piyi Famagusta ,. (sheep and goats) 97 Prastdo Nicosia :. ,, 1039 Prastion Famagusta ,, ,,; 1019 Psilatos " " ,, 978 Pyrga " " " ibid. Sandalaris ,, 1019 " Sin ta " 1067 " " Syrianokhorio " Nicosia 1039 " ",, Spatba1iko Famagusta 1024 " Strongylo ,, ibid. Stylos· " " 1002 ",, " Svnkrasi " 1024 " 'I.'i-akhoni " Limassol 1046 " " Nicosia 1025 " " " Tremithi Kyrenia 1036 Tricomo " ,, Famagusta 1024 Vasilia " Kyrenia ,, 1019 " Vatili Famagusta 1067 Vitsada " ,," Larnaca 937 " Voni Nicosia ,, 1009 " Yenagra · F'amag'usta IOOG " " Ycri Micosia iO.H " " Ycrof alckos ., ,, 1019 " Yialonsu, sre "..LF:!Jiall'u:m." Zoclia, Kato· Nicosia ,, 1025 Bulletins of Epizootic Diseases in Foreign Countries, 905 912, 915, 922, 03+, 037, 943,' 957, 964, 9(.;7,.976, 979 984, 999, 1003, 1010, 1016, 1021, 1026, 1030, 1034:, 1037, 1040, 1044, 1047, 1051, 1068 . Contagious, Epidemic and Infectious Diseases Village of Contea removed from Schedule ... Certain premises in Nicoo;ia Town scheduled (See also "Qunrantilte. ") 915 1047 Contea, Village of Removed from Schedule of places infected with contagious and infectious disease .. . .. . .•. Tithes of, see "Z'itlus." 915 Corsica Parcel Post with 1045 Cotton Bill to amend .tithe on ... Report on exhibits of Z:tt Colonial Exhibition 1030 10(}6 Councils Executive, see ".Executfre Cuuneil." Legislative, see "LPg iJJlative OO'UnciL" Courts of Justice Rules, F1N'l~cif Courts, c.S·o. Revenue Collection Procedure Rules. 1887 ... 1006 Fees for service of documents by Police, ue "Police." A.'?:~i=e.~, .Datt'S of, and· Place-s for Holding. Fam.agu.sta.--28th .:\Iarcb, 1887 22nd September, 1887 l'Gth January, 188 Kyrcnia. -20th ApriL 1887 2th October, 1887 2Hh January, 1888 ... I~arnaea -2lst :.\larch, 1887 12th September, 1887 2th ·December. 1887 18th April, lS . Limassol -2Z';th .April, 1887 17th. October. 1887 4th -April, .ISS~ l.'icosia -7th April, 1~87 3rd Octoher, 18$7 lst December, 1887 .•. :)Oth J"anunry. I<"-'" Papho -~lth )fay, iss·1 l:-;t. No\-ember, IS87 ..• 26th M·arcb, l"'~ " ©DIGITIZED BY MAAD ~ ..• IV THE" CYPRUS GAZETTE .INDEX, 1887. TI-IE Courts of Justice--cont£nued District Courts :Famagusta-..'>mith, A. Van '\V. Lucie, appointed Templer, F. G., to act "\Valpole, C. G., to act Kyrenia -Law, A. F. G., to act Larnaca -Seager, Capt. M. B., to act Ordinary Judge: Famagusta-Peristiany, C. J., to act .•. Limassol -Hadji Hussein Koprolouzade, Macridi, S., to act .. . 1020 967 922 1015 1001 ... 994 to act 1008 1067 Regi.st1·01· and Inte?'_P?'ete1· : Larnaca -Cababe, N. Appointment Kelly, Lt.-Col. W. F., to act Swaine, Major E. E., to act Customs and Excise Customs and Ea:aiae .Duties. Certain articles used in the examination and manufacture of wine exempted from Import duty . . . 911 Fire-arms imported by Officers of H.M.'s Naval and Military Forces for their personal use exempted from Impo11; duty ... •.. ... 941, 965, 975 Appointments. Principal Officersof Customs and Excise to be Receivers of Wreck for their respective Districts ... 1028 Cyprus Gazette, see "Gazette.'' ... •.. .•. 10215 .. . 1010. Notice of intended International Exhibition in South Australia, J 887 .. . .. . .. . .. . 91! Notice of intended Competition of Dairy Products and Implements at Parma, 1887 ... . . . 96& Notice of "Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888"... .. . .. . .. . ... 982' Indian and Colonia.l Exhibition, Reports on certain sections .. . ... .•. . .. ••• 106& Draft law to prevent, re-published Genm·al. Flax and linseed, Draft law for taking tithe on exportation ... .. . .. . . .. .. . 915 Hay, grass and straw prohibited to be imported from Austria, France, Greece, Italy, .Asia Minor, Portugal, Roumania., Russia and Spain 955, 983, 104:9 Hay, grass and straw imported from non-prohibited ports in Mediterranean to be accompanied by Certificate of Origin... ... ... ... 1008 Potatoes prohibited to be imported from Asia Minor 983 Trees, plants, cuttings, flowers (cut or in pots), fruits, fresh vegetables and horticultural and market garden produce (unless hermetically sealed), prohibited to be imported from Asia Minor, Austria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Spain, Syria and Turkey in Europe ·-· .. . ... ... ... 10;1,9 Trade Returns 1060 of Clerk. ..• .. . Exhibitions 1045 Cruelty to Animals' Bill Exports, see ''Customs and Excise." Extradition Treaties, see "Treaties." ..• ... 993 Deputy Harbour Master, see ''Harbour Master."' Director of Survey, see ''Survey, l>i,rectorof:" District Medical Officer, see ''Medical." Dues, Shipping, see " Shipping " and " Wharfage Dues." Assizes, see ''Courts of Jmtice." Filactou, on Yoklama Fees due to 't C( Appointed President, Municipal Commission, Karavas Parcel Post with Quarantine against, .•. 975 1025 1020 in Native Languages, Excise, see "Uustoms and E:r-C'l~se." 997 Appointed to act temporarily as Local Commandant of Police and Assistant to the Commissioner, Famagusta ... ••• 1039 from certain to Greece Zanzibar countries prohibited . •. .. . I Fore:rt 1049 .•. 1026 966 Acts, 1843 to 1878 (Imperial) Health Dues, see '< Sh.ippinq," Health Officers, see "]Ietlical ." Heidenstam, Dr. F. C., Chief Medical Officer Re-appointed MProber of .Lcsrislat.ivc Council Appointed Phyl loxera Commissioner 922 101.3 Heligolaud Parcel 993 Post with . •. ••• I 006 of Mou:ffion.. . .. . .. . 90!, 94:1.975 .. . 1029 1049 of .•• no:l 997,1066 Holidays Moveable, 1887 ... Qur-eue Birthday, 2-!th May, 1887 Queen's Jubilee, 2lst and 2.)th June, 1087 912 !)7:) . . fH7 Holland 911 993 Parcel Post with Holland, The Rt. I-Ion. Sir H. T., Bart. 903 905 9fl3 Gibraltar ibid. Parcel Post with Gillatt, J. F. Appointed 921 Secretary of State for the> Colonies Houduraa, Baitish 942 Honours :31emo. on History and Constitution of Order of Sain Michael and Saint George ... ... .. . 1032 Horticultural 1001 Appointed to act as Island Postmaster produce Prohtbrt.ed to be rmporred from certain countr ies ... 1049 H'ulusai, Ahmed Goat-pox, see '<Contaqious Diseases (Amima' s'). '' Government EnginP-er Percentage on Yoklama Fees duo to 922 ---, Grain Report on exhibits of H.t Colonial Exhibition Tithe on, see "Titlu;s." 1066 911 Importation of from rion-probibtted ports in Meditermnean to be accompanied by Certificate of Orhzin 100 Prohibited to be imported from certain countrie 955, 983, 104:9 ommercial Treaty with Great Britain ... ... 982 Foreign Deserters' Act, 1862 (Imperial), extended to 1026 Importation of certain articles from prohibited, see "Phylloxera." Greenwood, T. of Police ... --- ··- 102S ... .. . Guatemala "Extradition Treaty with Great Britain 1003 · .. . - ... ·ibid. I-Iussein, Hadji Hydrometers Exempted Grass Inspector ••• Appointed to act as Ordinary Judge, District Court, Limassol ... ... .. . .•. . . . 1008 Exempted from Import duty Appointed - ... ·.! Halil Percentage on Fees due to 913 from Import duty ... ... ·-· !Hl Ibrahim 912 Appointcd .La.nd Registry Clerk, Limassol ... 1003 Percentage on Fees due to Imports, see "Customs and Ecccise," Index to Gazette, see ''Gazette.' Indian and Colonial Exhibition, -"ee "E'a~ltibitions. Indian· Civil Service Notice of examination for in Loudon Gums •• • 1039' 1011 tu«. Parcel Post with Report on exhibits of at Colonial Exhibition .. . 1066 Gurgick, James Atley Appointed Pay Clerk and Interpreter, Police 9H, 943 Gyp so meters Exempted from Import.duty ... 911 ... ... \Vba.rfage Due of 4~c.p. per ton levied on ~yrsum exported ... .. . 9~l Gyps nm 1Disea~es, Infectious see "C'untuqfous Diseases," Institute, Colonial, see +Colourat I nstitnte:" Irrigatiou Luw .. . ... .. . ... !J22, ~(n,991 0 It, . • . l~p0:rtation of certain articles from prolrib ltcd 9:l5: 10~!) arccl.Post with . ... -·· ... tl12,t>!.l-L JOH> Quarn.ntine against, see s , <Juanuit,-1u·." Izzet, Hassan ·· -4\ppointed Cbit3f Clerk; Land Rcgi..;tiy Office, ra;lho . - u12. lPOl 913 n'tment.<r. time being .•. - Hassan Izzet, see "I::set." Hay Appointed a District Medical Officer Office declared penaionabl.e Prohibited to be imported from certain countries H Offecer: Law, A. F. G. (for the pleasure) .. . .. . Oln·k and Interprl'fer : Amira.ya.n~ B. G_ n 14 Hoad, 'VlJlia.m Greece Act, 1852 (Imperial) .Appoi Principal see "Lan- Office as District Medical Officer declared pensionable ..• ... ... ... ... 997, 1066 Grape-crushers Local .•. Lieut. H. G., lst Bn. Royal Berkshire Regt. Rese1"l:ed .Ftn-uu. Akapnou, Lirnassol and .Ayios ~lamas, pasturing sheep permitted, of goats and cattle prohibited Engineer, Government, see "Government Engineer. n Epizootie Diseases in Foreign Countries, see "Uontag_(f!US Dis_i!,t;tses (Animq,L~'). ~, Examinations - " guages. and .. • IJelimited Po-rests. forest near Ayia Irini, Kyrenia District, . _ removed from the Delimitation .. _ .•. ·-· 102..,. Kardama. and Amiandos or Moni Block (Lfmassof) .•. 1047 Paplt0F or Kykkou, Xerovounos, Loutros, Kapparka, · Ama.dhires and Pakhy .Ammos Forests ..• ••• 1060 903 Fuleihan, J\tf. Brown, S., re. appointed Member of Legislative Council Notice respecting setting fire to Forest land Appointed Compounder~ Medical Department 10-19 1066 Will be published on alternate Fridays Notice respecting Index to for 1886 Forests Elhag, Joseph Prohibited to be imported from certain countries Report on exhibits of at Colonial Exhibition Gazette, Cyprus Imported by Officers of H.M. 's Naval and Military Forces for their personal use exempted from Import duty 941, 965, 975 Extended .•. see 4' Quarantin~." B'ruits Exempted from Import duty Fire-Arms Orders of The Queen in Council under Schools." see Gauging Rods 1003 Gavrili Foreign Jurisdiction Education, see Egypt Importation of certain articles from prohibited, ''Phylloxera." Parcel Post with Fevzi, Ahmed Foreign Deserters' 911 France Germany Passed in Greek, Higher and Lower Standards Apoointed Clerk, Lower Division, Chief Secretary's Office .. . .•• Percentage At Launaca, Ltrnasso l a.nd Fn.mag u-t.a to lie Health Offieen; ... ... ... ... - ... Importation of from non-prohibited ports in Medrterranean to be accompanied h.) Certificate of Origin ... 1008 Prohtbrted to be imported from certain countries !).).), 98:3, 10-1. Garden (market) produce under W reeks Law, see ''Wrecks.~· Ferguson, Macleod Menzies Importation duty 'ibid. Law for the better protection Mouffion Regulations .. . Flax, Tithe on, see "T'ithe«,'' Flowers, cut or in pots E 10-l-R Game , District Court at, see "Courts of Justice. , Municipality, see "Municipalities." Fees, Court, see "Courts of Justice." P oItee, -, . see "P oL· ice. " Fitton, ... Forest Otficer : Papadopulo, N. Yorghi, Y. . .. Forest Guard : Louca, Y. Youssouf, M.... Zachariades, M Bulwer, Sir H., proceeds on leave Hackett, Col. S., assumes administration F Famagusta, rngo Harbour Masters, Deputy Forests-continued G Appointed provisionally Commieaioner Commandant of Police, Kyrenia D Exempted from Import 1887. High Commissioner Fisher, R_ Ebnllioscopes INDEX. Page Appoint1nent of Members. Taylor, W, T., while acting as Receiver-General ... 912 Temple, Lt.-Col. C. P., during absence of the High Commissioner .. . .. . .. . .. . ... 1018 Walpole, C. G., while acting as Queen's Advocate IOOJ President: Parcel Post with Consul, see "Oonsula." GAZETTE Executive Council Ap_pointui'1'1tt.Y. Denmark CYPRU Page and during .. . .-. Hackett. 921 961 Col. S. Assumption of administration by Hafez Percentage on Yoklama Fcea due to 1011 Jemina, Professor 1003 ... 1049 Pamphlet on Phy lloxcra by .•.. ©DIGITIZED BY MAAD vi THE --------- CYPRUS GAZETTE IKDEX, 1887. THE Jubilee of Her Majesty's Reign Page 2lst and 25th June.1887. to be kept as Public Holidays 977 Addresses to Her Majesty, and replies of Secretary of 8tate thereto... ... ... 98:3, 99'4, 1017, 1023 Levee by the High Commfasioncr, notice of... ... 983 Proclamation by the Hi~h Commissioner, 2lst June, 991 Appointed Director of Survey .. . .• . •.. 921 ----- Principal Forest Officer for the time being a.nd during- pleasure .. . . .. . .. ... ibW.. ----Member of Legislative Council... ... 922 to act as President, District Court, Kyrenia. 1015 Laws and Drafts of Law L-Illicit supply of spirituous or fermented. Iiquors to ihe Ships of HC'r Majesty's Navy, and other offences, Law to prevent .. . .•. 941, 971> I L-Preservatfon of copies of books printed in CyPrus a.nd registration of such books, r~aw to provide for K Kapparka Forest Delimitation of .•• Karavas Municipality, K ardana Block i./Jid.,ibid, 1II.-l\foufilon_ (For the better protection of Mou:filon or vfild Sheep.) .. . . .. ... 904, -, IV.--Shipping Dues Exemption. (To exempt ships of war, tran<>ports in H.M.'s service and certain other ships from the paymeut of the consolidated shipping due at the Ports in Cyprus ). ... .. . 915, -, V.-Immovea.ble Property Limitation .A.mendment·Law see "lJiunicipalities.,, Delimitation of ... 10±7 Kelly, Lieut.-Col. W. F., Royal Sussex Regt. Appointed to act as Private Secretary and Aide-deOamp to His Excellency the Officer Administering the Governmane ... •.. .•. . •. 1020 Apvointed to. act as Clerk of the Executive Council 1025 Kemal, Ahmed Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to 1003 Kiani, J\Iehmed Appointed Assistant Land Registry Clerk 1043 Kiazim, M:ustaf a Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to 1003 King, M. Appointed Nicosia, to act as Local Commandant of Police, 921 Koprolouzade, Hadji Hussein. see " Hwssein," Koumides, see ''Uomitltz"s."' Kouppides, D. To prepare Voters' Lists, Kilani Nahieh, 1887 936 Kumbaros, Kh: H. To prepare Voters' Lists, Limassol Nahieh, l8S7 964 Kykkou Forest Delimitation of .•• 1066 Kypriano, N. To prepare Vote1:s'Lists, Famagusta Kyrenia, -----, -----, -----, -----, Nahieh, 1887 ..• 9R6 .Assizea, see ''Courts of .I'·ice." Commissioner at, see "Commissioner:~ Election, see e& Eeqislatioe Cowncil:" Forests, see "l:i'orests." Mnnicipality ~see "lYlu,nicipalities_" .• I f Land Sale of Lands near P~vda, Larnaca District, notice reapecting ... ... ... ..• 914, 1006 l Immoveable Property Limitation Law Amendment f Law ... ... ... .. .. . 915, 941, 975 Yoklama Fees, distribution of, further list... ... 1003 Registration in name of Yassoumi Tahir of certain lands in villages of Variaia and Xerovouno without production of Mukhtar's Certificate, notice of .•. 104& w·vey, see "Sur'l.~ey.'' Director of Survey, see "Suri·ey, IJirt'cfor er:: Languages, Native. Examinations in in Nottces of dates of examinations ••• Names of successful candidates Lanitis, George Appointed 912 912, 1001 1043 Municipality; see ".::.llunic-z"palitie.<1. n 922, -, 991 Mukhtars, Draft law to regulate the appointment and functions of ... ..• . .•. ... 90.f Rivers Protection, Draft law for the better protection of the beds and banks of rivers in Cyprus . . . ibid. Flax and Linseed, Draft law to regulate the taking of tithes on •.. .•. .•. ... .•. 9lfi Cruelty to Animals, Draft law to prevent, re-published ibid, Irrigation Works, Draft law to provide for execution of 922 Parties to Offences, Draft law to amend and explain the Ottoman Law relating to accomplices in offences 941 Tithe on Cotton, Draft law to amend 1050 Notice respecting sale of Laws of 1886. 905 922, 941, 97.> 916 933 ••. 95& 944,9.'.>3 .E leotio ns: Notice of Election~ Non-Mahometa.n, District 2.nd Electoral I020 Voter,1J' Lists. List of persons to P'"epare Dates for revision .•. 93G~941 983r99l,1013, 104:1: Appointment of MtNnbers. :Brown, !::)_, Government H<61fi~:;am, Engineer 9.'H;, 1039 975 I Dr. F. C., Chief Medical (r non-elective·-922 Law, A. F. G., Direntor of Survey Lia.ssides. .A., lst Electoral District, Non-Mahometan 90-! l\Iattei, R., :&ndElectoral District, Non-Mahometan ... 102:> Nicolaides, D. L., 3rd Electoral District, Non-Mahometan ... 9H Levees ·-· 1015 Liasside:;;. A~..hilles 976,983 Elected. :\fember of I~egislath-cCouncil, lst Electoral District Light Dues, see "Shipping.'' 901:- Law to prevent illicit supply of to ships of H. M.'s Navy ... .. . ... ... 9-U, 97i5 Loggarides, D. 936 Louca, Yacoumi Appointed Forest Guard ... 1043 Page Office as District able ... Medica.I Officer dccla.rod penson1066 Moni Forest of .•. 1047 Montenegro, Quarantine Mouffion against, see" Quarantine.'' Law for the better protection of ... Regulations 1066 Draft law to regulate a~Jpoiutmcnt and functions of ... Perccnt.1gJ on Yok lamn Fees dur. to ... Parcel Post with (h,nn·al. Municipal Commission established at Karavas Lapithos 942, 993 Hate», Resotut ion», Karrvvas, Kvrcnia L~11ithos I.. arnaca Limassol M Maorjd i, S. Appointed to act as Ordinary Judge, Li.massol .. . · ... .. . DistriCt Court, .. . .. . 1067 Nicosia l\ialliotis, E. Office as District Medical Officer declared pensionable ... .. . .. . ... .. . ~D7, 1066 l'apllo Malta 99a s, Qua1·a·nt'ine." to Beoeiver-General's Markets, Municipal, ~farkides, S. To prepare Voters' Office Karavas Lists, Kyrenia. N a hich, 1887 041 Kyrenia Mattei, Richard, C.M.G. Lapithos Elected Member of Legislative Council, 2nd Electoral District ... ... · --· 1025 Larnaca Mazila.r, Mustafa Percentage on Y oklama Fees due to Limassol 1003 Medical l'apho Offices held by Messrs. Stephen, Hoad, Moghabgbab, .Malliotis and F'ulerha n , Lriatriot, Medical Officers of Nicosia, Larnaca, Fa.magusta., Papho and Kyrenia, rcspecnrvely, declared pensionable .. . ... 1066 1020 100.) <S·c. -Preservation of Roads. &c., Bye-Laws -Trade Rates, 1887 arid 1888 ... ... -Preservation of Roads, &c., Bye-Laws ... -Construction of Buildings. Bye-Law - \''iclth of Cambal Street, Bye-Law Rates on Wine and Bpirit dealers, &c. -~laughter House, Bye-Laws and Fees ... Disturhance of Publ.ic Roads, By-~-J>a'""' Construction of Buildings, Bye-Laws lifeat Market, Bv'e-Luw-s -Uegulations f,;r E~cctions, B.'·e-La,vStorrtge of J'ekoleum,·_R_ye-Law~ maugbter House, Bye-La\YS and Fees ... 10-1:0 9~9 lOI!) 100 911 H94 904- 981 982 lOV 91S 9i>5 HSI Poli January to 30th June, 1886 lst .July to 3lst December, 1886 lst .Iarruary to 30th .June, 1887 -lst July to Hfat December, 1886 lst January to 30th -Iune. 1887 -1st July to 3lst. December, 1886 Lst January to 30th June, 1887 -lst July to 3lst December, 1886 lst January to 30th .Jrme, 1887 -lst July to 3lst December, 1886 lst January to 30th June, 1887 -li:;t July to 3lst Deocrnb--r-, 1886 lst January to 30th June. 1~87 -lst July to 3lst December, 1886 lst January to 30tb June, 1887 -lst July to Blst December, 1886 Lst Jannary to 30th June, ·1887 903 963 lOH U66 1034 93.) lt126 966 1033 918 10-1-1 939 1013 935 1020 9..>6 1006 Ele1.;tiona. Papho-s-Byc-Laws for regulation of elecbions Mm ders Member ... of ... J1fedical O.fficn· : Hoad, W. 922 ' 903 C"m.pO'U1uler : Elhag, J. Nnufrio Michaeli .Sava Coustunt.i ... Yanni Nicola 'tyliauo Radji Vas~ili 932 100~ ibid. 1043 Justafa Percentage on Yok!arna FP<'S due to ibid. Health Officers: Depuny Harbour ::'.\Iastersat Lar naca, Limassol and .i!'amagusta to be Health Officers Lunatic lVa:rds, Second Stavris, S. H .... Bye-Lan:s, Famagusta-lst 903 see "11'Iunicipalt"ties."' Cllief Medieal O.!Jicn· : Hcidenstam, Dr. F. C., re-appointed Legislat.4'e Council ... .. . IOU3 _ACCO 1111ts. Mamo, L. A. Transferred .•. M unicipulitdes 1003 Luxembnrg see 904 M umtaz, Ahmed Percentage on Yoklam.a Fees due to Parcel Post with Quarantine against, 904 1029 Mukht.ars Lucie Smi th, see " Smith." Luuatic ,,- ards, see "Medical." Lutfi, Mustafa ---; ----, 91-1 wid. Hussein Heward' o_~fore'~for r;µprehens~on of lVartl..:·r : 1003 Ghari b Percentage on l"oklama Fees due to 1002 ~lust.imeters Exem}"ted from Im1 orr ·duty Melbourne Exhibition Michaeli, N oufrio .Murder of 1\fichaelides, see "Pala~omyliti Military ibid. N ;.'' Xafi,. Ahmed Percentage Vessels of war; transports, &.c.,exempted hi>m Shipping Dues... •.. ... ... . .. 910, 941, 975 Law to prevent illicit supply of spirituous er fcrrm nte.I liquors to ships of H.M.'s Navy . .. ... ~41. 975 Fire-arms imported by Officers for their personal use · exempted from Import duty .. . .•. 9H, 965, 9i5 6 due. to Parcel Post with 1014 Naval Vesselsof w:;tr, tra.os;>orl~:,~c.,~xcmpted from *hipRing- 64 Report on exhibits of at Colontal Exhibition o;l Yoklama F Natal Mining Industries 3 vii ,j Loutros Forest To prepare Voters• Lists, E~·dhinion ~afi.ic~, 1887 91 1887. Delimitation of ',.. To prepare Votera' Lists, Chrysofu Nahieh, 1887 Delimitation INDEX. ·· , Moghabghab, A. H Milurides Limas.sol, Assize~ see "Cvurt:; of -Juetice. n -----, fifunicipality, see "l.funicipalitiPs.' ----.-,Reserved Forest Pasturmg- of sheep permitteu P&g:;! .Appoisitment s, Notices of Phyllo:x:era Commissioner Lapithos ~Iunicipality, see "lllunfoipulities.'" Larnaca, .Assizes, see ''Courts of Justiee. '' ----:- GAZETTE Linseed, Tithe on, see "Tithes." Liquors, Intoxicating - 94]' 965, 975 X.-Customs Duty on Fire-arms imported by Officers of R.M.'s Naval and Militaxy Forces for their personal use, Law to exempt .. . ibid., ibid., iliid. XL-Irrigation and Water. (For regulating and extending the use of water in agriculture in Cyprus.) l:h:nm·al. Laws, see "Lam://." Session to be boJden l 7th FebI"uary, 1887 Speech and Address .. . .•. Prorogued ... .•. . .• Address on Her Majesty's .Jubilee L Ibrahim, Clerk, Limassol Izzet, Hassan, Chief Clerk, Papho ... Kiani, Mehmed, Assistant Clerk .•. ibid.,-, YI.-Lefkara Roads. (To make provisio:n for the construction of certain roads in the District 0£ Larnaca.) •.. ... •.. .. . 922, -, VII.-To approprfate a sum not exceeding £92,239 to the service of the twelve months ending 3lst March, 1888 ... ... ... ... ··-, VIIL-Post Office Protection. (For the better protectjon of the Post Office and for the punishment of offences relating thereto.) . •. .. . 922, 956, 1009 IX.-Second Supplementary .Appropriation Law, 1886H7. (For making .further provision for the service of the twelve months ending 3lst March, 1887.) Lefkara Roads Law Legislative Council ,' Land Registry Offices, Appointments CYPRUS P~c I Dues... ... ... .. . ... 9t.,. :1-n. !17.> Law to prevent illicitsu1 ply of spirituous or fe:mented liquors to ~ships,of H.~H ..'~N~vy... ... · ', 973 Fire-arms irnpor-ted by Otli -crs for therr personal use exe uptc l frcim Impc.rf: d.rry .. . ... 9!1, 965, 975 C:~Ltc.s,regu lat ions r£'S~1e·tin~ .. ., lUOl: lu.'l.), 1044 ©DIGITIZED BY MAAD vur THE CYPRUS GAZETTE INDEX, 1887. TIIE Nazif, l\lluRtapha Orders in Co .111cil-c~ntt"'nued 1003 Nicaragua Commercial 'l'reaty with Gr cat Brrt.a!n 1009 Nicola, Yanni Murder of 1002 Nicolaides, Demetrios Laniti Elected Member of Legislative Council, ~rd Electoral District 9l4 K. To prepare Voters' Lists, Pa.pho N&bieh, 1887 -----, 936 N. To prepare Voters' Lists, Larnaca Nabieh, 1887 ... ibid. Nicosia, Assizes, see ''Courts of Judice."' ----, Local Commandant of Police, see '<Police." ----, .Munieipal Commission, see 'L.1Hunic1palities. Norway Parcel Post with "'J 993 Noufrio Michaeli, see ".J1:ichaeli." I 0 Offences, Parties to Draft Jaw respecting Oils and Fats Report on exhibits of at Colonial Exhibition Olive, L. .Appointed to act as Commissioner, Larnaca Ongley, P. A. 941 1066 1025 Appointed to act temporarily as Local Commandant of Police and Assistant to the Commissioner, Famagusta .. . .•. .•. ··· 964 Transferred to Papho District for special duty 104-9 Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, see "Honours.,, Orders in Council By tke Higk CmwT11i.u:ioncr. No. December, 1886. Ordering that certain articles used in the manufacture and examination of wine may be imported free of Customs duty 911 No. 95-5ib February, 1S87. Ordering that a wharfage due of 4-~e.p.per ton shall be levied on gypsum. exported 921 No. 96--lOth February, 1887. Ordering that the tithe for 1886-87 on prod nee other than cereals, carobs and silk shall in Nicosia District be paid before l5th February, 1887, that those who have not paid by that date shall be liable to a fine of 5 per cent., and that those who have not paid by lst March, 1887, shall be liable to a :fine of a further 5 per cent. .•. 921 No. 97-lst March. 1887. Cancelling Order in Council of 18th October, 1887, respecting removal of prisoners within the Island 933 No. 98-25th March, 1887. Ordering the rates of postage to be charged in respect of parcels posted to Italy (vUi German.r), Luxembnrg, Zanzibar, Tasmania, Western Australia, and British Hondm:as 94-2 No. 99-25th March, 1887. Tithes, Contea Village, 1886-87.-0rdering that all persons who have not paid tithe on cereals before 3Uth November, 1886, shall be liable to a. fine of 5 pr-r cent., and to a further· fine of 5 per cent. if they have not paid by alst March, 1887. Ttthe on all produce other than cereals, caroubs, siJk, fresh winter broad beans and produce gathered in January to be before 3lat March, 1887, on penalty of a fine of 10 per cent. .•. .. . 942 No. 100-25th March, 1887. Ordering that tithe on wheat, barley, vetches and oats in the District of Pa.pho for the year 1867 hall be taken in kind .. . .. . . . . ihid. No. l.Ol-26th March, 1887. Prohibiting importation from any French, Ihlia.n, Austran or Greek port of hay, grass or stra\\~ whfoh ic;; compressed or By the lli_qli Ommnis.s-ioncr. No. 102--2nd June, 1887. Ordering that tithe in kind, Pap'ho, shall be paid on 30th September, 1887, to stores at Ktima. and Kbrysokhou 977 No. 103 -l5th June, 1887. Prohibiting importation from Asia Minor of hay~ grass or straw which is compresse-t or otherwise 983 No. 10±-17th June, 1887. Ordering the construction of Section VU. of the Limassol Road 993 No. 10Z>--27thJune, 188'1. Ordering the rates of postage to be cha.rged in respect of parcels posted to Egypt7 Gibraltar a.nd Malta ..• ·ibid. No. 10&-30th -Jtrue, 1887. Ordering the rates of postage to be cbarged in respect of pa.reels po-ted to Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Austria-Hung-ary, Heligoland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Luxemburg ... 993 No. 107-20th July, 1887. Ordering that hay, grass or stra.w (compressed or otherwise) and potatoes imported from non-prohibited ports in the Mediterranean shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin hearing the visa of the British Consul or Chief Port Officer 1008 No. 108-4-th August, l!Sd7. Ordering the rates of postage to be cl:a.:ged on parcels posted to Smyrna, Natal, Tangier and the Congo I F'ree State . . . -·· ... 101-t'. B'!f the Qffecer Administering the 6v1:Mnmr•nt. No. 10~-lst September, 1887. Ordering that certain Delimited State Forest near Ayia Irini, Kyrenia District, shall cease to be under the control of the Government .•. 102.f No. 110-23rd September, 1887. Ordering the rat •.s of postage to be charged on parcels posted to Tangier '-&-ia Gibraltar) 1031 No. lll-2lst November, 1887. Ordering the rates of postage to be charged on pareels posted to France, Algeria, Corsica, Tunis and Italy (via France) 10-15 No. ll2-6th Decarnbe:r, 1887. Prohibiting-the importatiou from France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Russia, Boumania, Turkey in Europe, Asia Minor and Syria., of trees, plants, cuttings, flowers cut or in pots, fruits, fresh vegetables, horticultural and market garden produce (unless hermetically sea.led), and hay, grass or straw compressed or otherwise 1049 No 113-13th December, 1887. Ordering the rates of po.-;tage to be charged on parcels posted to the Bahamas 105() No. 114-16th December, 1887. .Revised H.cgulations for the. Government of Prisons 105.> Osman .Perct'!ntage. on Fees due to ... 1003 Pave Pensions Lists of pensionable offices ... .. . 997, 103() Post of District Med.ica.lOfficer held by Messrs. Stephen, Road, Mogbabghab, .Malliotis and .b'uleihau declared pensionable .. . .. . .. . ... ib itl., 1066 · P eristiany, C. J. .Appointed to act as Ordinary Judge, :B'amagusta District I:XDEX, 1881. ]~ ·---, 936 K. To prepare Voters' Lists, Lefka Nahieb, 1837 Petroleum, J\funicipal Bye-Laws as to of, see "111unic-ipalitus." toraze 0 Palaeomylitis, 1.'o prepare ··- 1U61:i Y. l\f. Voters' Lists, Deyrmenlil: Na.hieh, 1887._. Papa.dopulo, N. To prepare ------, Voters.' Lists, 0:1.rpas Nahieh7 1887 N. .Appointed Forest Qffi, Hay, grass and straw prohibited to be imported from Austria, France, Greece, Italy. Asia Minor, Portugal, Rau.mania, Russia and Spain 955, 983, Hay. grass and straw imported from non-prohibited ports in Mediterranean to be accompanied by Csrt.icate of Origin .. . .. . .. . . .. Potawcs prohfbrted 'to be impoi-ted from Asia Minor Trees, plants, cuttings, flowers (cut or in pots), fruits, fresh vegetables and horticultural and market garden produce (unless hermetically sealed), prohibited to be imported from Asia Minor, Austria, F'ra.ncc, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Spain, Syria and Turkey in Europe .. . ... .Apµointment of Commission of Enquiry ... . .. Pamphlet by Professor Jemina, notice ... Tl·easury Clerk, Lavnaca .. . 7 --- Tithes, 1887. ~n be taken in knc'L. Parma Exhibition Parties to 01fence.s Draft law to amt:nd and explain a.ccmnpl:ces in offences Pena] Cede Amen:hnu.t 942, 9TI 966 Ottom.".ln Law as to 941 [hid. By tke lli_qlt Comncissioner, 26th January, 1887.-Legislative Council, next of .. . .. . ... .. . .. . llth March, 1887.-Legislative Council,· list sons to prepare Voters' Lists . .. ... 25i.h M:ucb, 1887.-Legislative Council, Iist, ns to prepare Voters' .Liats ... .. . 23rd Aprfl , 1887 -Legislative Council, list sona·1 o prepare Voters' Li 111ts .. . ... 2lat June, 1887·-Her Majesty's Jubilee .. . 1008 983 1049 1015 1050 countries ... wid. Poli Muu icipalj ty , see " ..Jiimicipalities." Police ... .. . .... Importation of certain ''Pll?Jllo:r:n·a." articles 96 ~91 Psevda Sale of lands near, notice respecting ... 914·,1006 Quarantine 1039 964 921 997 ildcl. 935 921 1026 1049 . . . 1028 ... 9H, 9<!3 .. . 922, 956. 1009 .Parcei Po.,t. Rates of postage to Italy (ria Germany), Luxem, burg, Zanzibar. Tasmania, )\' ester-n Australia, .and, Brtt.ish Honduras .•. .. . . .. Rates of postage to Egypt, Gibraltar: and :Malt Rates of postage· to Norway, ~witzcrJancl, Denmark:, 8weden, Austz-ia-Hungary, Helieuland. Germanj-, Belgium, Holland, Italy, and Lnxemburg .:~ Rates of postage to Smyrna, Satal, Tangier. and Congo Free ~tate .. . .•. ... Rates of postage to Tangier (1.:ia Gihraltar) Rates of postage to France, Algerta, Corsica, Tanis, and Italy .•. ... ... Rates of postage to the Bahnmas ... 942 993 ibid. JOU 10:11 1045 Austria- Hungary (.Adriatic Coast) and Tricste--Medical inspection .. . ... .. . .. . . .. 912 Egypt-Regulations respecting arrivals froru (smallpox)... ... ... 940 Regulations canceJled lOJG Italy- Medical inapection 90:, (Southern shores of Calabria from Cape Santa Maria de Leuca to Ralerno)-5 days 1002 (Southern shores of Calabria from Prizzo to otroue)-10 days 100 (South of Gaet.aand )[anfredonia,and Naples)10 days ... .. . .. . . 101 (Civ its, Vecchfa to .Ancona)-10 day. 1024 (Civ ita Vecchia to French frontier)-i> day •.... 1029 t hcr parts-10 days . .. . ... .. ibid. -(Cai e Santa. Maria de Leuca to Anccina):---iiday Malta-11 days... .. . .. . ... . 101'1 Restrictions imposed by l\Ialta on an-iYals from McditC'rranea.n Ports, Constantinople, Sfoily, 6.:c. . .. 9ti7 --Rt!sirictions imposed by Malta on arrivals from ~-\lexandrra, Suez, and Port l'."aid ~aples-10 days · arrl?nia-·-10dava 5 days "'cily-5 days .•. 10 d.a.>s ... myrna-Regulations respr cCng arrivals from (small· pox)... .... ·.·· ... ... ... lOl dyria-Regulations respecting arr~va1s from (smal.lpox) ... ... · ... U!O -Regu lat ions cancelled 1046 l'rieste-llcdical inspect.iou i:.i BiHs of Health : Vessels arriving without to be subjected to pen:i.1tie..; imposed ·by law .•. .. . ... ... 96.3 Quarantine for Small-pox; Orders in Ga=dfl! 96 cancelled ... 94 ueeus Advocate \Yal110Ie.C. G., to act lU5U Appt1intmellf8. IJtla 1ul .Post mast cr: Gillatt, .J. F .. to ad 941 Q from prohibited, see General. Law Post Office Protection 936 1008 1031 .Appointoncnt«, Loanl Commandant: Famagustar--Fitton, Lieut. H. G., Lst R. B. R., to act temporarily Ongley, P.A., to act temporarily Kyrenia. -Cade, C. S., to act ... F'Ishs-r, R., provisionally Limassol -Chetwynd, Major 1he Hon. E. J., to be stationed at Limassol Nicosia . -Bor, Capt. J. H., to act King, .M., to act Papho -Thompson, H. L., to act Onglcy, P. ""i., for special scr vice .. . ~n;; Public Works, see " TVorks." Fees for service of documents by Police Unif .rzns for British Officers Tnepeotm- : Greenwood, T. .. . sesaion ... of per.. . of per... of per... ... JJy tlte OJjic1r Admini1tering the Gm:t·1 nment: lOth August, 1887.-Assumption of administration ... 1011 I'St.h November, 1887.-Legis]ative Council, Voters' Lists, Papho, revision of .. . .. . ... 104-l ... 1049 Plants Prohibited to be imported from certain ... 1020 1049 Pieri des, L. Z. Appointed lOIS. 1021 By The Qncen, Inth .Mn.y, 1887.-Cha.nge::; in deaigns of Go'ld and :!ilYer Coins and issue of a. new Silver Coin called the Double Florin .. . ..... 1027 Post Office 104.S Papbo, A.s.;izes, see ucourt:1 oif ,Jr:ustice. • " Fons ts see '~J?orcBt~.'' )1llliicipality, see "..Alunicipalities.'" Swaine, Major E. E., to ac Kelly, Lt.-Co1. ·w. F.. to act Phylloxera 936 eu«; Private Secretary to the Officer Administering the Government Proclamations Portugal Delimit.a.tion of ... Removal of prisoners within the Island, Order In Coun cfl lSth October, 1882, cancelled .. . . . . !:J3.1 Goverm rs of Prisons, scr ·' Puiice, .Locai mo uda nr," Rev ise l Hegulations for Government of ... . .. 1055 ibid, Port Dues, see "Shippi"ng." Pakhy Ammos Fore.;t Prisons Petrides, A. Gurgick, J. A. p Importation from Asia .:\Iiuor prohibited . . . .. . H33 Importations from non-prohibited ports in Mcditcrranean to be accomparueI by Certificate of Origiu ... 1008 9!14 To prepare Voters' Lists, Dagh Na.hioh, 1887 l'ngo Potatoes Court, Pay Cle1·k and Tneproto r : l'artieii to Off<nces Hill MAAD GAZETTE 1 Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to -----, CYPRL"B Page 101 Birthday Celehratecl on 2Hh :Jfoy. l~t:>7 Not ice of Ba-ej.tion by the High Uommis:sioncr on ... H 01 --- Jubilee, .\1!(' 975 !176 '<Jubilee." ©DIGITIZED BY MAAD x -~ -- -- ---- THE ---- - CYPRUS GAZETTE Exempted from Import duty Page .. . .. . .. . 911 Raisins Report on exhibits of at Colonial Exhibition Receiver-General, Taylor, 'V. Appointment T., to act Receiver-General's .. . ... 1066 of ... ... 912 in -·----, 1003 Mastapha Shipping Mamo, L. A., transferred from Chief Secretary's Office 903 Receptions, see '' Lseoees;" Refik Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to ... 1003 Reserved Forests, see ".F'oresu." Revenue, see ''.•::lccounts" and "Tithes and Taxes." --Survey, see "Burney." Rewards 1043 Rifat, Salih 1003 Rif et, Mustafa against, see "Quurantine.'' ibid. Rivers Protection 904 Riza, Ali ••. 106G 1003 Roads, see "Works, Public." , Municipal Bye-Laws "Municipalities." Rossos, N. Contea removed from Schedule 915 Regula.tiornirespecting arrivals from Egypt and Syria 940 Regulations cancelled ... .. . . .. 1046 Regulations respecting arri va.Isfrom Smyrna 1018 Quarantine for, see " Qua•rantfrw." Smith, Alfred Van Watcrschoodt Lucie, Barrister1020 against, see ''Quarantine." Roumania Importation of certain articles from prohibiteu Commercial Treaty with Great Britain Soiomides, H. Y. South Australia Exhibition ... ... 1005 ... 911 of certain articles from prohibited 1049 Russia Extradition Treaty with Great Britain ... Importation of certain articles from prohibited Appointed Second Warder in Lunatic Wards 977 Stephen, G. N. 965 104-9 Passed in Greek, Lower Standard ... Office as District Medical Officer declared able .. . Sabri pensionU97,1066 countries 9.55, 983, 1049 Importation of from non-prohibited ports in .Mediterranean to be accompanied by Certificate of Origin 1008 Exempted from Import duty Exempted from Import duty 911 Sadik George, Order of, see Commercial Txeaty with Great Britain Sardinia, Quarantine against, see '' Quarant-ine." Savas Constanti~ see "Constanti." Savas, .Joannis Hadji 1003 Survey ordered ofAgrokipia Angastina Aphania Apliki Aradiou Asha Ay£osEpiphanios Ayios Yoam1is Chato Gouzri Kalokhorio Kambi K1irou Kornokipos Lazania Malonnda Marathovouno Meniko ).Iilom;ha Mitsero Nicosia 1031 Schools Seager. Capt. ~f. B. 983 ~.\.ppointedto act as President, District Court, La-rnaca 1001 Secretary of State for the Colonies, see "Colonies." Sedki, ~I ustaphs Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to 1003 Separators "xempted from 'Import dnty 911 'DBYMAAD • 993 iu«, Syria Importation. of certain articles from prohibited, see Hevenue Collccbon Procedure Ru ~ilk Prices. 1887 r\:.real Prices. 1887 '\ Cotton, Bill to amend t:ithe on Tobacco Report on exhibits of r.o.t Oolorria.ll~xh~bjtion ,, Dagh fJ " " .M...,ssaoria,, Dagh " " " Messaoria ,, Dagh " " ', Mcssaoria Dagh ,, " " " " ,~ ,, Mes!'laoria ,, Dagh ,, 1-fc:"saoria Dagh " Nicosia District :F'amagusta ,, ,, Nicosia " Famagusta. Nicosia ,, Famagusta Nicosia " " " " " ,, "" ,, ",. 921 922 965 976 ibid. 965 ibid. 975 963 ibid. 975 965 ibid. " " " F'arnagusta ,, Nicosia 975 965 ",, ibid. 975 965 Famagusta .. 97;, Nicosia 965 915 " Famagusta Nicosia ,. 1066 Trade Returns, 1885-6 and 1886-7 1060 --.Rates, Mun icipal, see '...l!unicipu litif'8." Trrnsury Clerk, Larnuca. A pointment of Pier ides, L. Z.... 1049 Treaties between Cheat Britain and Belgium (Extradition) Greece (Commncial) Guatemala (Extradition) Nicaragua (Commercial), termination of Roumn.uia (C'ommf'r.:,ial) ... Russia (Extradition) 'alvador (Comme1cial) ... Trieste,. Quarantine 'I'unis 997 !)82 913 1009 !)-!'> 91i.) 1031 against, see "(/,uarantine. '' Parcel Poxt w ith 1045 Turkey in Europe T Importation Tangier of certain art:clc: ··.Ph !J llo..t~f'ra ." ... .. . ... Parcel Post with ... ... . .. from prohibited, NCt~ 1014. 1031 ... 942 Appointed to act as Receiver-General ... .. . 912 Member of Executive Council while acting as Receiver-General ... .. . .. . ... ibid. Tchivitanides, u Uniforms for Police, see "Police." A. To prepare Votera' Lists, Kelokedara Nahie'h, Papho District, 1887 ..• .. . .. . .. . . .. 936 To prepare Votere' Lists, Morphou Nahieh, Nicosia District, 188f... ... .. . .. . ... ibid. Temple, Lt.-Ool. Charles Pilcher, Berkshire Regt. IsbBn. Royal v Vassili, StylianoHadji Murder of ... ... ... ... ... 1043 Vegetables, Fresh Prohibitu.l_to be imported from certain countries ... 1049 Appointed Member of Executive Council absence of the High Commissioner ... during ... 1018 Appointed to act us President, District Court, Famagusta ... ... ... ... ... Vine l>iscase, see ''Ph:t;llo:ura." 967 ,, ,, " w Testing Stills Theocharides, ... ... .. . 911 K. To prepare Voters' Lista, Limassol Nahieh, !_8~J_ Appointment revoked ... ... ... ··-· - __936 -964 Thomas, E. H. Transferred to Chief Secretary's Office Passed in Greek, Higher Standard ... .. . Appointed to act as Local Papho .. . ... ... ._. 912 9;5 Commandant of Police, ... ... -·· 1025 Report on exhibits of at Colonial Exhibition H ourt, 1887... 1006 1023 Hl36 1030 Prohibited to be imported from certain countries ... 1049 Timber Dagh Nahieh Messaoria ,, s of Trees Thompson, H. L. ... ... ... ... ... appointed Member of Legislative Council ~-,Revenue -Appointed Member of Muncipal Commission, Karavas 1020 Statement of Grants to during during 1886-7 9ll Survey, Director of, Appointment of J;aw, A. F. G. PeTcentage on Fees due to Saint Michael and Saint '•Honours." Salvador Sulphur Syringe 1003 Saccharometers Sweden Exempted from Import duty Prohibited to be imported from certain Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to Appointed to act as Private SPcretary and A ic1c-d<'Camp to His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government ... ... .. . 1015, 1021 Appointed to act as Clerk of the Executive Council .. . 1015 Page Tithes and Taxes-rvntinn('d Templer. F. G. 915 Stra.w s Fusiliers Xl Tchobanoglu , Y. Stavris, Stephani Hadji 1049 940 ibid. 1887. Taylor, W. T. Law to prevent illicit supply of to ships of H.M.'s Navy ... ... ... ... 941, 975 Report on exhibits of at Colonial Exhibition 1066 1015 97i5 ., Swaine, Major E. E .. Royal Inniskilling Parcel Post with Spirits Appointed Phylloxera Oommis3ioner " ., INDEX, Tasmania Appointed President, District Court, Famagusta Importation see " F'amagusta "Phyllo:re1·0 ." Spain respecting, ,. 96."> ibid . Quarantine against, see .,,Qua1·an.tine." Appointed Member, Municipal Commission, Lapithos Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to Nicosia Distr-Ict ,, ,, Parcel Post with see "JJ,iicnici'palities." Small-pox Smyrna, Quarantine Draft law for the better protection of the beds and banks of rivers Survey ordered ofPalffiometochi Dagh Nahieh Pharmaka ,, ,, Philani Phvkardou ''" ,," Trem:ithoushia Messaoria ,, Vitzada V ourri, see "Go'lo"ri." " Switzerland Slaughter Houses, Municipal Bye-Laws and Fees, at-Law Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to ., I Parcel Post with Tithe on, see =zu lies." Report on exhibits of ll.t Colonial Exhibition For apprehemion of Constanti Michail Batista, murderer of Noufrio Michaeli .. . .. . ... 982 For apprehension of the ·Inurderer of Sava Constanti 100~ F'or apprehension of Hussein Mustafa, murderer of Yanni Nicola... .. . .. . .. . ... ibid. For apurehension of Achillea Hadji Yordano, murderer of Styliano Hadji Vassili ... Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to Deputy Harbour Master, see "Ha1·hour Jlfa.'lter.'I." Returns of Sailing and Steam V esaels entered and cleared during 1885-6 and 1886-7 1060 Shipping Dues Exemption Law ... 915, 941, 975 'iVharfage Dues, see " 1Vlun'fage Duee;" Wrecks, see " n-1·eclt8." Sicily, Quarantine Silk GAZETTE Survey, Re\enue-c"ntinued Appointed Member of Municipal Commission, Lapithos 1005 mglwr .Division. CYPRU8 Service of Documents by Police, see "Police." Sheep-pox, see '' Cont aaions Diseases (A.nimals')." Sheep, Wild, see "_ilf vi~tfiun." Shefki, Hassan Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to ... Office, Appointment cu-», 1837. TI-IE R Raisin Crushers INDEX, ... 1066 Tithes and Taxes Draft law to regulate taking of tithes on flax and linseed .. . ... .. . .. . .. . 91.J Produce other than cereals, carobs and silk : Tithe on for 1886-87 in Nicosia District to be paid before 15tb February, 188"7. on penalty of fine of 5 per cent. : if not paid by lst March a further fine of 5 per cent. ... .. . .. . .. . ~21 Papho District, 1887. Tithe to be taken in kind .•. 942 Tithes of Contea Village, 1886-87, to he paid before 30th Xovember, 1886, on penalty of fine of 5 per cent. : if not paid by 3lst March, 1887. a further fine of 5 per cent Truhes on all produce, other than cereals, carobs, silk, fresh winter broad beans and produce gathered in January to be paid by 3lst March, 1387, on penalty of a :fine of 10 per cent.... 94~ Papho Disrrict, 1887. Tithe taken in kind to be paid on 30th September, 1887, to stvrcs at Ktima or Khrysokhou ... ... .- ... ... ••. 977 Returns of Convict ions under" Tithe Ordinance, 1881" 1001, 1010~IOL">,HHO. 10-1! 1' alpolP,, C. G. Appointed to act as President, District Court, Fa.magusta ..• . .. ... 9%2 ---to act as Queen's Advocate 1001 Member of Executive Council wh ile acting as Queen's Advocate ibid. Warders in Lunatic Wards, see ''.i.liedi«al.>' Warren, Col. F. G. E. Appointed Phylloxera Commissioner ... 1015 1Vater, see "In·igatwn.'' Watkins, C. .Appointed Consul for Denmark at Larnaea ... 1009 Western .Australia Parcel Post with 942 \Vharfage Dnes Gypsum, exported, 4~c.p. per ton imposed 921 Wine Certain articles used in the manufacture and examination of wine exempted from Import dnty 911 Report on exhibits of at Colonial Exhibition 1066 Vine-diseases, see ·'Pl1yllo.ee1·a." Wine Dealers, Municipal . . n pa l itte«, rates on, see "-1llunici- Wine-filters Exemptcu from Import <luty 911 1Vin c-prcsses Exemptcd.._from Import duty ibid. \Yine-pumps Exempted from Import ,duty ©DIGITIZED xii THE CYPRUS GAZETTE INDEX, 1887. Pa.p-c Works, Public Roads. Lafkara. Roads Law ... ... .. . 922, 941 Limassol Road, Section VII -Order in Council defining .•. .: . . ... .. . . .. 99 g Limassol Road, Section VII.- Report of Committee 1050 Irrigation Works, aoo "Ir1'igation." Wrecks Principal Officers of Customs and Excise to be Receivers of Wreok for their respective Districts 1028 }Pees under Wrecks Law, 1886 ... ••• 1032 Appointed Forest Officer .. 1043 Youssouf, J\..f olla.h Appointed Forest Guard .•. :<. • • • <ltl•. ibid, Appointed Member .of Muncipal Commission, Karavas 1020 Appointed ...1066 Forest Guard ... ... 1043 Parcel Post with •. . ... Foreign Deserters' Act extendecl to Yordani, Achillea Hadji .•.1043 Zia, Youssouf Pe:-centage on Yoklama Fees due to ( Publ-islied by A uthoritu.} 1003 Zanzibar y • Zahir, Mustafa Percentage on Yoklama Fees due to azette. The Cypru Zahariades, Michail Xerovounos Forest Reward offered for apprehension of 'l • • • Yoklama, see ''Land.,, Yorghi, Jacovis z x Delirnttataon of ·-· Page Yorghi, Yanni SATURDAY, JANUARY No. 220.] Ls'r, 1887. 942 966 (No. CNo. 1. > 1003 2.) ms N 0 TIC E. ll. H IS ExcELLENCY THE HIGH COMMISSIONERdirects it to be notified for general information that Tbe Cyprus Gazette will in future be published every alternate Friday, commencing with the Gazette of the 14th of January, 1887. By His Excellency's Command, EXCELLENCY THE HIGH CoMHJSSIONER hDB been pleased to make the following appointaneuta r-e- Dr. William Hoad to be a District Medical Officer. Dated 29th December, 1886. Mr. L. A. Mamo, Clerk of the .Higher Division, Chief Secretary's Office, to be a. Clerk of the Higher Division, Receiver-General's Office. Dated 14th June, 1886. Mr. Joseph El hag to be a Compounder in the Medical Department. Dated 20th November, 1886. FALK. WARREN, B.11 His Excellency's Command, Chief Secretary to Government. FALK. WARREN, Nicosia, 18th December, 1886. Chief Secretary to Government. <No. 3.) :FAMAGUSTA lVIUNICIPALlTY. HISof the Receipts and Expenditure of the Municipality is pleased to direct the publication of the following statement of Famagusta for the Half-Year ended the aOth of EXCELLENCY THE HIGH Co:lrMISSIONER June, 1886, together with the report of the Auditors thereon. By His Excellency's Command, FALK. Nicosia, 18th December, 188G. YOUR WARREN, Chief SeCJ·dary to Government, EXCELLENCY, ·We beg to attach hereto the accounts of the Receipts and Expenditure of the Municipality of Famagusta for the HaH-Yearwhich commenced on the lst January,~1886, and ended on the 30th June, 1886. The various items of receipts and expenses seem to us admissible, but the item of 9 shillings which appears under the head u Expenses for the inspection and measurement of the aqueduct " and in Counterfoil No. 4, and which has been paid to Mr. J. H. Oonstantinon, Municipal Councillor, does not seem to us to have been lawfully spent, because, as by stricter enquiries, it has been found this sum has not been spent for the wants of the public, but for a picnic of the :Municipal Councillors. So these 9 shillings which have been unjustly expended must be added to the surplus of the receipts of the aqueduct for the aforesaid half-year which consists of 17s. lt e.p. . These accounts have been given us without being sealed with the Jtlunicipal seal. Varosia, 18th Sept.ember, 1886. MAAD we remain Excellency'sbed.ent. Servants, ~ . Your most o L. PAT••T.u ' Aud1ton. (Signed) ~~SSAN' HAKl.D s ©DIGITIZED BY MAAD
Benzer belgeler
Cyprus Gazette1885
Draft law for production of title deeds at sales.
... ibid.
Fees for searches in Land Registry Office . . .
... 5G!J.
Yoklama fees, list of persons to receive payments on
account of percentages due...