Uterine Prolapse Complicating the 3rd Trimester of the Pregnancy: A


Uterine Prolapse Complicating the 3rd Trimester of the Pregnancy: A


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Uterine prolapse in a 19 year old pregnant woman: a case report

Uterine prolapse in a 19 year old pregnant woman: a case report Case Report A 19-year-old pregnant woman (gravida: 2, para: 1) admitted to the hospital with premature rupture of the membranes in labor at 36+5 weeks’ of gestation with an irreducible cervical pro...


Complete Rectal Prolapse Together with Total Uterine Prolapse

Complete Rectal Prolapse Together with Total Uterine Prolapse Rectal procidentia (complet rectal prolapse) is rare in men older than 45 years of age and in women less than 20 years of age.1 Most patients requiring an operation are elderly women. Forty to 50% ...


Spontaneous Heterotopic Pregnancy with Term Delivery of a Live

Spontaneous Heterotopic Pregnancy with Term Delivery of a Live Konya, Turkey Uterine prolapse is extremely rare during pregnancy. Prolapse etiology depends on many factors, such as advanced age, multiparity, difficult vaginal delivery and increased body mass i...
