
The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 BEING OLD AND BEING A WOMAN:
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According to the World Health Organization data, proportion of elderly individuals to total population
is going to exceed that of children and youth in about 50 years. In the aging population, proportion of
females is higher than the proportion of males. Researches show that women are to face numerous
problems resulting from discriminatory practices based on age besides gender pattern in social and
economic life. In this study, the discriminatory practices that the aging female population was
exposed to in professional life were addressed within the cinema sector. Sample of the research
consists of actors and actresses who have received awards in the branches of best actress, best actor,
best supporting actress and best supporting actor in the longest-running film festival of Turkey,
Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, since the beginning of the festival. Receiving an award is an
indicator of successful performance for cinema actors and actresses. In this context, the role of age
and gender in professional careers of cinema actors and actresses was investigated by descriptive
statistics method, on the basis of age distribution with respect to the gender of cinema actors and
actresses who have received awards in best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best
supporting actor since the beginning of Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival.Results obtained from
the study revealed similarities to researches related to actresses in the American Cinema which is a
part of the literature. Research findings show that the mean age of award-winning actors is higher
than the mean age of award-winning actresses in all the branches under consideration and that women
receive awards at younger ages compared to men. In this context, it can be suggested that sexist
approaches give rise to double jeopardy for actresses in advanced age and their professional careers
are constricted in their old age.
Keywords: Discrimination, Age Discrimination, Cinema.
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün verilerine göre, yaklaşık 50 yıl kadar bir süre içinde dünyada yaşlı
bireylerin toplam nüfusa oranı çocuk ve gençlerin oranını aşacaktır. Yaşlanan nüfusta kadınların
oranı, erkeklerden daha yüksektir. Araştırmalar, kadınların, toplumsal ve ekonomik yaşamda, cinsiyet
kalıplarının yanısıra yaş temelli ayrımcı uygulamalardan kaynaklanan birçok sorunla yüzyüze
kalacağını göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, yaşlanan kadın nüfusun iş yaşamında maruz kaldığı ayrımcı
uygulamalar, sinema alanında ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Türkiye'nin en uzun soluklu
film festivali olan Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali'nde başlangıcından bu yana en iyi kadın
oyuncu, en iyi erkek oyuncu, en iyi yardımcı kadın oyunucu ve en iyi yardımcı erkek oyuncu
dallarında ödül alan aktör ve aktrislerden oluşmaktadır. Sinema oyuncuları için ödül almak, başarılı
performansın bir göstergesidir. Bu bağlamda, sinema oyuncularının mesleki kariyerlerinde, yaş ve
cinsiyetin rolü, Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali'nde başlangıcından bu yana en iyi kadın oyuncu,
en iyi erkek oyuncu, en iyi yardımcı kadın oyunucu ve en iyi yardımcı erkek oyuncu ödülünü alan
sinema oyuncularının cinsiyete göre yaş dağılımlarından yola çıkarak betimleyici istatistik yöntemiyle
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 72 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 araştırılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, literatürde yer alan, Amerikan Sineması'nda kadın
oyuncularla ilgili araştırmalarla benzerlik göstermektedir. Araştırmanın bulguları, ödül alan erkek
oyuncuların yaş ortalamasının kadın oyuncuların yaş ortalamasından değerlendirmeye alınan tüm
dallarda daha yüksek olduğunu ve kadınların erkeklere oranla daha genç yaşlarda ödül aldıklarını
göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda, cinsiyetçi yaklaşımların ileri yaşlardaki kadın oyuncular için çifte
rizikoya (double jeopardy) yol açtığı, mesleki kariyerlerinin ileri yaşlarda kısıtlandığı
Anahtar kelimeler: Ayrımcılık, Yaş Ayrımcılığı, Sinema.
According to the World Health Organization data, the proportion of elderly population will have
reached a higher percentage than that of the children in 0-14 age group in as soon as 50 years’ time
and for the first time in history (World Health Organization [WHO], 2007: 3). The fact that proportion
of the elderly population to total population is gradually increasing and life span is extending
indicates that several generations are going to coexist in the near future. Therefore intergenerational
relationships will become even more important in the coming years (Pellisier, 2009: 5).
Population aging in our day is characterized as the greatest social change taking place in the world
(WHO, 2012: 10). Policy proposals that can be developed in the face of this great change are being
discussed in the international platform; the World Health Organization [WHO] (Organization
Mondiale de la Santé [OMS]) which is a specialized agency of the United Nations [UN], the United
Nations Population Fund [UNFPA] and the International Labour Organization [ILO] and also the
related commissions of the European Union [EU] (Union Européenne [UE]) are working on the
subject of elderliness and aging. Problems in regard to population aging were first brought up to the
world agenda in the UN World Assembly on Aging (1982) (UN, 1983). As for the European Union, it
determined its action plan regarding the possible results of a rapidly aging population in the early
1990s. Relevant organizations emphasize the significance of the social aspect of the issue as strongly
as the significance of the economic aspect, in the policies to be developed in the face of the aging
world (Union Européenne, 2012).
In this study, the phenomenon of elderliness and aging is addressed within the scope of discrimination
in professional life. Age discrimination causes more negative outcomes especially in the case of
women. Discriminatory practices brought by gender pattern on the one hand and inequality resulting
from age discrimination on the other, lead up to double jeopardy for women. The role of age and
gender in the professional careers of cinema actors and actresses was investigated by descriptive
statistics method, on the basis of age distribution with respect to the gender of cinema actors and
actresses who have received awards in best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best
supporting actor since the beginning of the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival.
Population structure has gone through a significant change in the world; the elderly population has
increased as death and birth rates have declined (United Nations [UN], 2007). Population aging is
considered especially as the problem of developed countries since welfare levels are higher in these
countries. Yet the myth about the grand majority of elderly population living in developed countries is
fading away. In the second quarter of the century, the elderly population in developing countries is
expected to be two times more than the elderly population in developed countries (HelpAge, 2011).
Population structure in Turkey too undergoes a change similar to the overall picture in the world.
Percentage of the elderly population consisting of individuals aged 65 and older was 7.7 in the year
2013. Population projections propound that this percentage will reach 10.2 per cent in the year 2023
and 20.8 per cent in the year 2050. In other words, it is estimated that Turkey too will be among the
countries with very elderly population in the near future (TUİK, 2014, İstatistiklerle Yaşlılar, 2013).
The aspect of population aging in regard to females is worthy of consideration because females
constitute the majority of the elderly population (Samorodov, 1999: 3). Life expectancy at birth for
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 73 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 females is 4.5 years longer compared to that of males in the world. Thus, grand majority of the 80plus age group which is defined as “old old”1 are women. In underdeveloped countries where motherchild death rates were high and women were also disadvantaged in issues like access to nutrition and
healthcare services, life expectancies at birth for women and men were close to each other until very
recently. Yet in the recent years, thanks to the progresses made, life expectancy at birth for females in
underdeveloped countries has exceeded the life expectancy at birth for males, as is the case in
developed countries (Zahidi, 2012: 21). It can be stated that life expectancy at birth for women in
Turkey is close to the world average. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute [TurkStat]
(Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu [TUİK]) (2012) data, life expectancy at birth for females is 79.2 whereas it
is 74.7 for males.
Population aging has both economic and social consequences. In social terms, it has influence over
family structure and life styles. Economic aspect of the issue on the other hand, would manifest itself
in the medical and social security expenditures that would emerge depending on the increasing
proportion of elderly population to the population as a whole (Samorodov, 1999: 4). The economic
and social consequences to be caused by population aging would also bring about some important
consequences with regards to women. With modern societies changing from extensive family to
nuclear family structure, women with the probability of living longer than their spouses are to become
isolated according to demographic data. In economic terms, they are to face the problem of poverty
more severely than men since women take part in the professional life less than men do (Dupâquier,
2006). Population aging that emerges in parallel with life span extension is considered as one of the
greatest victories of humanity. However this victory also necessitates restructuring policies in the
whole world according to socioeconomic requirements of the aging world (WHO, 2002: 4).
While addressing the age phenomenon, some physical and biological characteristics, gender,
psychological state, social environment in which one lives, economic conditions that are particular to
the individual may play a part whereas the culture and society in which one lives are also effective on
this picture. There are right times determined by both laws and regulations depending on
chronological age as well as in social terms, for rights and restrictions such as starting school, getting
a driver’s license, getting married or being elected as president of the republic.
Every society uses categories of gender and age to classify its members (Palmore, 1999: 5). The fields
where social classification is mostly seen are gender, ethnic features and age. Age is a factor that
determines the status and social relations of a person in every society, in a fashion similar to the other
categories (Neugarten cited by Macnicol, 2006: 5). Age can play an important role in our behaviours
and decisions as well (Cuddy & Fiske, 2004, s.3). In this context, it is not only a chronological or
biological phenomenon but also a social reality. The society and epoch one lives in are influential on
definitions regarding age (Onur, 2011: 23).
For women, age bears a different meaning compared to the one it does for men. According to Sontag
(1972), although both man and woman pass through the same periods such as young adulthood,
adulthood and elderliness, women are faced with double standard when the age is in question, as is
the case with unfaithful man. This is due to society’s outlook on woman and man. Society attributes
more negative characteristics to an aging woman than it does to an aging man. Men have
characteristics such as skills, freedom and self-sufficency that further develop as they get older, let
alone disappear. On the other hand, beauty and attractiveness come to the fore as fundamental
elements that define womanhood and these features disappear with age. Thus woman adopts a more
defensive attitude that rejects her real age (Sontag, 1972: 31). Another disadvantage that women
1 As lifespan extended, necessity of classifying the individuals included in the 65-plus age group arose.
Nowadays, the elderly are addressed in two groups named as young old (in the 65-74 age group) and old old
(75-plus). Moreover, periods defined as third and fourth life are mentioned (Tufan, İ. (2003). Modernleşen
Türkiye'de Yaşlılık ve Yaşlanmak. İstanbul: Anahtar, 57) Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 74 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 experience is that they age faster than men. There is a perception about the aging process starting
earlier in women (Sontag, 1972: 32).
The fact that beauty and attractiveness are at the forefront among qualities attributed to women in the
society causes physical appearance to be evaluated with a different perspective by women and men.
Whereas white hair and facial wrinkles are associated with maturity and experience in the case of
men, women can gain value only by their young looks (De Pater & Judge & Scott, 2014: 4). Youth
ideal is a norm that contemporary Western societies have determined for women (Sontag, 1972;
Saucier, 2004). According to Macnicol (2006) the desire to be forever young is the fetish of modern
societies and extensive usage of methods like botox or anti-aging cosmetic products presented to the
society as youth elixir actually proves how strong this ideal is. The youth ideal that dominates the
western culture emerges as a factor that fuels age discrimination especially in women, in terms of
encouraging people to remove age related traces and accordingly developing the negative perspective
on the elderly (Nelson, 2011:41).
Discrimination means treating a person differently than other people in a similar state and conditions,
with no public interest or any valid reason (Çelenk, 2010: 211). Discrimination is observed in various
areas such as gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, faith, disability and sexual orientation. Treating
individuals differently just due to their age without any valid justification is defined as age
discrimination (HelpAge International, 2011).
Age discrimination appears in direct and indirect forms as is the case in other types of discrimination.
Direct discrimination is excluding or preferring individuals in laws or practices, because they are the
members of a certain social group. Including age limitation in the application requirements in job
adverts can be stated to exemplify this. Indirect discrimination on the other hand, can be defined as
rules and operations that influence a group in practice although it appears to be unbiased. Within this
context, excluding some employees from professional seminars due to their age is a practice of
indirect discrimination (Baybora, 2010: 36-37).
It can be suggested that age discrimination is differentiated from other types of discrimination in
terms of both social policies and researches being conducted in various disciplines finding less place
in the world agenda (Smeaton & Vegeris, 2009: 3). Another point that differentiates this type of
discrimination, for instance when compared to a type of discrimination such as racism, is that age
discrimination can be tolerated much more easily (Lagacé, 2010: 3).
Discrimination on the basis of age emerges rarely with respect to age alone. Most of the time, it
causes discriminatory practices whose impact increases with numerous factors coming together
(HelpAge, 2011). Interaction of discrimination types or someone’s exposure to different
discrimination practices in various areas engenders multiple discrimination (discrimination on
multiple grounds, intersectional discrimination) (Gül & Karan, 2011: 21). Someone being black, a
woman and an elderly or both a woman and disabled can be given as an example of multiple
Social scientists have studied the interaction of discrimination types emerging in different social
categories. It was specified that the negative impact caused by multiple categories at once was higher
than that of any category by itself. The disadvantage resulting from multiple categories has been
explained by the concept of double jeopardy in the works on discriminatory practices which those
who are both woman and black were exposed to in areas of racism and sexism. According to this, the
disadvantage resulting from individuals’ exposure to racist and sexist practices in social and economic
life, is more effective in the interaction of these two categories than the sum of negative attitudes
emerging in each category (Lincoln & Allen, 2004: 611-612). Chappell & Havens (1980) addressed
the validity of the concept of double jeopardy used within the scope of racism and sexism in terms of
age and gender. Results obtained from the research proved that individuals who were both elderly and
female were more disadvantaged than individuals who were both elderly and male. In this context, it
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 75 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 can be suggested that gender patterns that render women disadvantaged have a sronger effect when
combined with negativities resulting from age discrimination in advanced ages.
Acting in cinema is one of the areas where multiple discrimination related to gender and age emerges.
In the cinema, discriminatory practices that actors and actresses might encounter are approached from
two different perspectives. First one is the income inequality between actors and actresses. Second
one is the frequency of female and male characters showing up in lead and supporting roles. In other
words, it is rendering some social groups invisible as is the case in other types of discrimination.
When the issue is addressed in terms of income equality between genders, no difference is seen
between the incomes of actresses and actors in the American Cinema in 1940s when studio system
was dominant. Moreover, long-term contracts made with stars in the Hollywood studio system
ensured that professional careers of cinema actors and actresses were guaranteed for a long period of
time (De Pater & Judge & Scott, 2014). As adventure movies started to dominate Hollwood since the
1970s instead of genres such as romantic melodramas and musicals, number of movies like Jaws
(director: Steven Spielberg, 1975) where mostly male characters were seen, increased. In this context,
both the visibility of actresses decreased in the cinema and the income balance between actors and
actresses was disturbed (Lincoln &Allen, 2004:615). Today, researches show that actresses,
especially elderly actresses appear in lead roles less than actors (Bazzini, McIntosh, Smith, Cook &
Harris, 1997). According to Saucier (2004), the women in advanced ages to be less visible not only
limit their job opportunities but also eliminate possible elderly role models for young women.
When the incomes of actresses and actors are compared with respect to age and gender, women, and
especially middle-aged and elderly women are seen to lag behind men. In the list of Hollywood’s
highest-paid cinema actors and actresses of 2013, Jennifer Lawrence (23) takes the first place due to
her success in the movie Hunger Games: Catching Fire (director: Francis Lawrence, 2013). The only
middle-aged actress who ranks among the list is Sandra Bullock (49). On the other hand, actors at
various ages such as Vin Diesel (46), Diesel Steve (51), John Goodman (61) and Billy Crystal (66)
ranked among the same list (
In the conference "VintAge 2001: Positive Solutions to an Age-Old Problem" carried out in America
in 2001, the term “silver ceiling” was proposed to refer to age discrimination in the entertainment
industry. This term is used particularly for actresses. Whereas actors in their sixties such as Jack
Nicholson and Harrison Ford can be seen in romantic affairs with women younger than themselves in
the movies, elderly actresses take less part in the movies and they generally play women with no
attractiveness and love life (Saucier, 2004: 421).
The fact that visibility of elderly actresses in cinema is low and they lag behind elderly actors in terms
of income, support the view that women gain value only when they are young. In this context, the
actresses in cinema face double jeopardy in their professional careers due to both sexist approaches
and age discrimination.
Age discrimination is seen to emerge in two distinct levels. First one is the representative level that
includes the prejudices and stereotypes regarding the elderly. The other one is the active level that
refers to the behavioural aspect of age discrimination as in professional life (Pilote, 2010:6; Rochman
& Tremblay, 2010: 5). Grand majority of the studies carried out in the media field regarding age
discrimination is about the representative aspect of the issue. Representations and stereotypes of the
elderly have been the research subject in various communication media such as television (Cohen,
2002; Gerbner, 1994; Harwood, 2000; Rahtz, Sirgy & Meadow, 1989; Roy & Harwood, 1997;
Signorielli, 2004), printed media (Almerico &Thompson,1989; Sedick & Roos, 2011), animation
movies (Robinson & Anderson, 2006; Robinson, Callister, Magoffin, Moore, 2007) and
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 76 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 advertisement (Peterson, 1992; Zhang, Harwood, Williams, Ylanne-McEven, Wadleigh, Thimm,
2006). While researches regarding the elderly representations center especially upon the television
field, there is a limited number of studies that address the elderly stereotypes in the cinema (Markson
& Taylor, 2000).
Although there is a great number of studies that research the active level of age discrimination in
professional life in the literature, the number of studies that addresses age and gender related
discriminatory practices in professional careers of cinema actors and actresses in terms of double
jeopardy is rather limited (Lincoln & Allen, 2004).
De Pater, Judge & Scott (2014) researched the effect of age and gender on the incomes of Hollywood
stars and found that incomes of actresses rise until they are 34 years old and start to fall rapidly in the
following years whereas actors’ incomes reach maximum at the age 51 and remain constant in the
following years.
Lincoln & Allen (2004) researched the frequency of 40-plus actresses playing parts in the movies in
the period between right before sound films, namely 1926 and 1999, with respect to age and gender
correlation. According to the results obtained from the research, as the ages of actresses advance, their
possibility of playing a part in the movies decrease in comparison to men.
Lauzen (2013) investigated 7,000 movie characters in her research which was based on movies that
succeeded in the box office and discovered that actresses were younger than their male partners and
actors played more main characters than actresses. Majority of female characters are in their 20’s (26
per cent) and 30’s (28 per cent). On the other hand, male characters are mostly in their 30’s (27 per
cent) and 40’s (31 per cent). 40-plus female characters constitute 30 per cent of total female
characters whereas this ratio is 55 per cent for the male characters.
Markson & Taylor (1993) addressed the age and gender factors within the framework of awardwinning actors and actresses in the cinema. Their research sample consisted of 1,169 actors and
actresses who were nominated and received awards for best actress, best actor, best supporting actress
and best supporting actor in the Academy Awards between the years 1927 and 1990. It was
discovered that only 27 per cent of the actresses were above 39 years old whereas this ratio was 67
per cent in the actors. Moreover, they found that award-winning actresses were 8 years younger than
the actors whereas the best supporting actresses were 7 years younger. Markson & Taylor (1993)
concluded in this study that actresses in the film sector were considered elderly after 35 and their
professional career was limited after this age. In this context, women are considered worth receiving
awards only when they are young.
Studies in the relevant literature show that actresses in Hollywood have high incomes in their youth,
their professional careers are shorter than men and they receive awards when they are young.
The objective of this research is to propound the relationship of age and gender factors with the
professional careers of actresses in the Turkish Cinema. Both in the world and Turkey, awards given
to actors and actresses in important festivals are indicators of their successful performance. In this
context, it is important in terms of their professional career. In the study, age distribution of actors and
actresses who have received awards since the beginning of Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival
were examined with respect to the categories of best actress, best supporting actress, best actor and
best supporting actor.
Actors and actresses who have received awards in the oldest and the longest-running film festival in
Turkey, Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival were chosen to constitute the research sample. The
festival was first realized in 1964 and gained international status in 2005. Antalya Golden Orange
Film Festival could not take place only in the years 1979 and 1980. Yet the awards of these years
were handed over to their owners after 30-31 years ( © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 77 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 tarihcesi/). In this context, the sample consisting of award-winning actors and actresses in the festival
in question enabled the formation of a data repository where professional career of the actors and
actresses within the historical development of Turkish cinema could be evaluated with respect to age
and gender relationship.
The sample consists of 51 actresses who won the best actress award, 54 actors who won the best actor
award, 51 actresses who won the best supporting actress award and 55 actors who won the best
supporting actor award in the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival between the years 1964 and 2013,
adding up to 211 actors and actresses in total. In 2010 and 2012, two foreign actresses received the
best supporting actress awards in the festival. Since the relationship of age and gender with the
professional career of actresses in the Turkish cinema is studied in the research, Claudia Cardinale
who won the award in 2010 with Being Italian with Signora Enrica (director: Atilla İlhan, TurkishItalian co-production) and Anna Andurusenco who won the award in 2010 with Farewell Katya
(director: Ahment Sönmez) were excluded from the sample. Also Inge Keller who won the best
supporting actress award in 1999 with the movie Lola and Billy the Kid (director: Kutluğ Ataman)
was not included in the sample. Ages of the cinema actors and actresses were obtained by reviewing
online film sources and movie magazines. Among the award-winning actors and actresses, only the
birth date of Zuhal Gencer who won the best actress award with The Eighth Hour (director: Cemal
Gözütok) could not be found, thus Gencer too was omitted from the sample.
Age, as indicated earlier, is a phenomenon defined with its social, psychological and societal aspects.
Within the scope of the study, age was addressed only with its chronological aspect, in other words
with respect to chronological age. 65 years of age which is the age active professional life is complete
and retirement starts in many countries in the world is considered as the beginning of elderliness
(World Health Organization [WHO], 1972: 11). The United Nations takes 60 years of age and above
into consideration in studies regarding elderliness (UNFPA& HelpAge International, 2012: 20).
Studies in the literature show that professional careers of actresses are particularly shorter in
comparison to actors, and actresses receive awards at younger ages compared to men. Therefore, the
beginning of elderliness in this study was determined as 60, in accordance with the classification of
the United Nations.
In the research, 60 years old and older actors and actresses who have received awards in the Antalya
Golden Orange Film Festival were specified; mean ages of actors and actresses who have received
awards in the categories of best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best supporting actor
were compared with respect to both decades and award categories.
In this study, method of descriptive statistics was used. Descriptive statistics is a method that provides
benefits to the researcher in cases where there is quantization (Karasar, 2007: 207) and enables
collective evaluation of general view of raw data that comes out (Geray, 2006: 92). SPSS software
package was used in data analysis and finding the calculated values.
Answers to the questions below were searched for in the study:
1. In the fifty-year period of Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, how many 60 years old and above
actors and actresses have received awards in the best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and
best supporting actor categories so far?
2. What is the distribution of mean ages of actors and actresses who have received awards in the best
actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best supporting actor categories in the festival between
1964 and 2013, with respect to decades?
3. Is there a significant difference between best actresses and best supporting actresses in terms of
their age?
4. Is there a significant difference between best actresses and best actors in terms of their age?
5. Is there a significant difference between the best supporting actress and best supporting actor in
terms of their age?
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 78 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 FINDINGS
Actors and actresses who have received awards in the best actress, best actor, best supporting actress
and best supporting actor categories between the years 1964 and 2013 in the Antalya Golden Orange
Film Festival were investigated in order to specify the ones who fall into the elderly category
according to UN’s classification in terms of chronological ages.
Date of
Award 1969 1980 Title of the Movie that
Received Award Award-winning
Actor/Actress Award Category Bin Yıllık Yol (A
Thousand-year Road)
Düşman (The Enemy) Muazzez Arçay Best supporting actress Fehamet Atilla Best supporting actress 1995 Gerilla (The Guerrilla) Tomris Oğuzalp Best supporting actress 2000 Renkli Türkçe (Colored
and in Turkish) Kağıt (Paper) Yengeç Sepeti (The
Crab Basket) Gönül Yarası
(Lovelorn) Güle Güle (Bye Bye) Nilüfer Aydan Best supporting actress Ayşen Gruda Sadri Alışık Best supporting actress Best actor Şener Şen Best actor Şükran Güngör Best supporting actor Büyük Adam Küçük
Aşk (Big Man, Little
Love) Abdülhamit Düşerken
(The Fall of
Abdulhamit) Yazı Tura (Toss-Up) İsmail Hakkı Şen Best supporting actor Çetin Öner Best supporting actor 60 years old Bahri Beyan Best supporting actor Yaşamın Kıyısında
(The Edge of Heaven) Tuncel Kurtiz Best supporting actor 70 years old 71 years old 2010 1994 2005 2000 2001 2003 2004 2007 Age of the
Actor/Actress 62 years old 80 years old 63 years old 60 years old 65 years old 69 years old 64 years old 74 years old 74 years old Table 1: 60-plus award-winning actors and actresses
According to Table 1, it was detected that there was no 60-plus actress who has won an award in the
best actress category. It was specified that only five 60-plus actresses have won the best supporting
actress award among a total of 51 awards given out in the fifty-year period between 1964 and 2013 in
the festival. Despite the fact that there was no 60-plus actress who has won the best actress award,
there were two 60-plus actors who have won the best actor award among 54 actors in total. Five 60plus actors were granted the best supporting actor award among 55 award winning actors in total in
this category, as was the case in the best supporting actress.
From 1960s
to date
Best Actress/Actor
Best Supporting Actress/Actor
Table 2: Distribution of the numbers of best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best
supporting actor with respect to decades
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 79 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 Best Actress/Actor
Best Supporting Actress/Actor
From 1960s
to date
Table 3: Mean ages with respect to categories in decades
When the mean ages of actors and actresses who have received awards in the best actress, best
supporting actress, best actor and best supporting actor categories in the Antalya Golden Orange Film
Festival are taken into consideration with respect to decades, the lowest mean age for all actors and
actresses (21 years) is seen to have emerged in 1960s in the best actress category. The highest mean
age (49 years) on the other was seen in 2000s in the best supporting actor category.
The highest mean age in the best actress category (34 years) was reached in 1990s. Today, when we
look at 2000s, the mean age of best actresses was 31. The mean age of actresses who have received
the best actress award since 1960s until today is 30 years.
Whereas the lowest mean age in the best actress category was seen in the early years, the highest
mean age in the best actor category was also seen in this period (45.5 years). The lowest mean age in
the best actor category (30 years) was in 1970s. In 2000s, mean age of the actors who received awards
in the same category is 37 years. The mean age of the actors who have received the best actor award
since the beginning of the festival until today is 38 years.
The lowest mean age in the best supporting actress category was seen in the early years of the festival
(32 years). The highest mean age in this category (43 years) was reached in 1990s. Today, the mean
age of actresses who received the best supporting actress award in 2000s is 39 years. Since 1960s
which is the beginning of the festival to date, the mean age in the same category is specified to be 39
The lowest mean age in the best supporting actor category (39 years) was seen in 1980s. The highest
mean age was reached in 2000s (49 years). The mean age of actors who have won the best actor
award since the beginning of the festival is 45 years.
Best actress Best supporting actress N 51
51 Mean Std. Deviation 30,1373 7,62370 39,1176 12,84313 t p -4,294 ,000 Table 4: Comparison of mean ages of best actresses and best supporting actresses
With reference to Table 4, it can be suggested that there is a significant difference between the mean
ages of best actresses and best supporting actresses (p<.001).
Best actress
Best supporting actor
Std. Deviation
Table 5: Comparison of the mean ages of best actresses and best actors
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 80 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 According to Table 5, it can be suggested that there is a significant difference between the mean ages
of best actresses and best actors (p<.001).
Best supporting actress Best supporting actor N 51
5 Mean Std. Deviation 39,1176 12,84313 44,9273 12,74371 t p -2,336 ,021 Table 6: Comparison of mean ages of best supporting actresses and best supporting actors
With reference to Table 6, it can be suggested that there is a significant difference between the mean
ages of best supporting actresses and best supporting actors (p<.05).
The effect of gender and age factors on the professional careers of actresses in the cinema was
examined in this study. With this object in mind, actors and actresses who have received awards in the
best actress, best actor, best supporting actress and best supporting actor categories in the Antalya
Golden Orange Film Festival were evaluated with reference to their chronological age. 60-plus actors
and actresses who have received awards in the categories in question since the beginning of the
festival to this day were specified and mean ages for each decade was calculated.
According to the results obtained from the study, there is no 60-plus actress who has received a best
actress award. Only two 60-plus actors have received the best actor award. It was discovered that
actresses above 60 years of age could not win awards for leading roles but could only win the best
supporting actress award.
When the mean ages in the best actress category are considered in ten-year periods, the mean can be
suggested to have risen until 1990s and declined in 2000s. Mean age of the actresses who have
received the best actress award in the festival so far is 30 years.
In the distribution of mean ages of actors who have received the best actor award with respect to
decades, it can be suggested that in the decades except 1970s which includes the lowest mean, actors
who were in their 40s or close to middle-age received awards. There is no actress from this age group
who has received an award in the best actress category.
It was observed that actresses were not able to win the best actress award in their 40’s whereas they
have been able to win awards in the best supporting actress category in their early 40’s and close to
middle-age, starting from 1980s. It can be suggested that actors also in the second half of their 40’s
were able to receive awards in the best supporting actor category in 1990s and 2000s.
Research findings have shown that there were significant differences between the mean ages of best
actress and best supporting actress; best actress and best actor; best supporting actress and best
supporting actor. It was observed that the difference between the mean ages of best supporting actress
and best supporting actor was statistically less significant than the difference between the mean ages
of best actress and best supporting actress with best actress and best actor.
From 1960s to this day, the mean age of actors (38 years) has been eight years higher than the mean
age of actresses (30 years) among the award winning actors and actresses. In the best supporting
actress and best supporting actor categories, mean age of the actors (45 years) has been 6 years higher
than the mean age of actresses (39 years) since the beginning of the festival. It was detected that the
mean age difference of actors and actresses in best actor-actress categories was higher than the mean
age difference of best supporting actor-actress categories. In this context, it was concluded that
actresses acted in lead roles at younger ages than actors and they were considered appropriate for
supporting roles in their advanced age.
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication 81 The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC April 2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 Research results show that the mean age of award-winning actors was higher than the mean age of
award-winning actresses in every category under consideration and women received awards at earlier
ages than men, as is the case with the studies of Lauzen (2013) and Markson & Taylor (1993). In this
context, it can be suggested that sexist approaches lead to double jeopardy for actresses in advanced
ages and their professional career is constricted.
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