Yönetim Kurulu ve Kredi Komitesi Üye değişikleri hk.
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Risk Komitesi Kurulması ve Ücretlendirme
Mr. Sait Ergun Özen and Mr. Vicente Maria Rodero have been appointed as the new members of the Remuneration Committee. A Risk Committee has been established to oversee the Bank´s risk management po...
DetaylıHisse Devrinin tamamlanması hk.
(iii)resignation of Mr. Ergun Özen from his position as CEO effective as of September 2, 2015 and appointment of Ali Fuat Erbil who will assume the CEO position on September 2, 2015 after obtaining...
DetaylıYurtdışı Kaynaklı Soruşturma hk.
matter of this investigation should not have any material monetary or administrative impact on our Banks ability to conduct its business. Any further development relating to this investigation shal...
Detaylıİzahname Sermaye Piyasası Aracı Notu Hk.
approved by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey on 14 March 2014. In case of excess demand, the issuance of bank bonds in the total nominal amount of TL 750,000,000 will be increased up to a total ...