Curriculum Vitae Tolga Yapıcı - METU | Aerospace Engineering
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CV - METU - Middle East Technical University
E. Tulunay, E. M. Warrington, Y. Tulunay, Y. Bahadırlar, A.S. Türk, R. Çaputçu, T. Yapıcı , E.T. enalp. 28. 2006 Recent COST 296 Propagation Related Measurements During the 29th March 2006 Solar To...
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Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Total Quality Management Oral Communication Skills Principles of Remote Sensing Statistical Thermodynamics Elements of Probability and Statistics Computational Models of Mind Cogni...
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Detaylıhere - Department Of | Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Development of the C++ object-oriented speech processing and automatic speaker identification package METU-OASIS (Open-Architecture Speech Information System) Research and development activities in...
DetaylıCURRICULUM VITAE - EN / Bilkent University
CURRICULUM VITA Ayhan Altıntaş PERSONAL DATA 1.1. Birth date and place: