ÜLKE ÜNİVERSİTE ADI ABD Rutgers, The State University of New
ÜLKE ÜNİVERSİTE ADI ABD Rutgers, The State University of New
ÜLKE ÜNİVERSİTE ADI ABD Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey ABD Interim Chancellor of Louisiana State University in Shreveport Sol-Ana Martinez-Rotker Administrative Coordinator Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Centers for Global Advancement and International Affairs 30 College Ave, New Brunswick [email protected] p. (848)932-3071 f. (732)932-1979 global.rutgers.edu Dr. M. EmreCelebi Technology Center 206, One University Place, Shreveport, Louisiana 71115, USA Email: [email protected] Tel: 1-318-795-4281 Fax: 1-318-795-2419 ABD Washington State University DoganGursoy, Ph.D. Taco Bell Distinguished Professor Washington State University, College of Business School of Hospitality Business Management 340G Todd Hall, PO Box 644736 Pullman, WA 99164-4736 [email protected] Arnavutluk Epoka University Dr. Bekir CINAR Lecturer Director of International Office of the Epoka University Director of the Epoka University Center for European Studies (EUCES) Telephone Central : +355 42 232 086 +355 42 222 077/ 1190 Fax : +355 42 222 117 Mobile: +35567256 44 44 Skype: bekircinaruk Alternative E-mail: [email protected] Epoka University Rr. Tiran�-Rinas,Km. 12, 1039, Tirana, Albania Arnavutluk Aleksander Moisiu Üniversitesi http://www.uamd.edu.al/new/ Azerbaycan Azerbaycan Tıp Üniversitesi Rahima I. Gabulova MD, PhD, Associate Professor Head of International Relations Department Azerbaijan Medical University AZ 1022, Baku, 23 Bakikhanov Street Phone/Fax: +994125973722 Cell: +994503407673 +994559090040 [email protected] Azerbaycan BaküDevletÜniversitesi Kamala Musayeva, PhD International Relations Department + 994 12 5390695 +994125394652 +994506817020 [email protected] Azerbaycan Azerbaycan Devlet Ekonomi Üniversitesi BeyimA.Nabiyeva International Relations Office Azerbaijan State Economic University 6, Istiglaliyyat str. AZ 1001 Baku/Azerbaijan www.aseu.az T: +994 12 4926045 F: +994 12 4925940 E: [email protected] [email protected] Azerbaycan QafqazÜniversitesi GunelHasanova Coordinator of Mevlana Exchange Programme Qafqaz University, HasanAliyev street 120, Khirdalan city, AZ0101, Absheron Baku, Azerbaijan Phone: +994124482862/66 ext: 2423 Fax: +994124482861/67 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.qu.edu.az Azerbaycan AzerbaycanTurizmEnstitüsü Azerbaycan Azerbaycan Teknik Üniversitesi Azerbaycan BaküAvrasyaÜniversitesi Orhan Musa Uluslarrasiiliskiler bolumu Mevlana programi resmi koordinatoru [email protected] Tel: +994125644233 Fax: +994125644234 Günay ALĠYEVA Mevlana Değişim Programı Kurum Koordinatör Yardımcısı Tel: +99412 53913 48 Fax: +99412 539 13 32 Mobile: +99470 243 21 31 E-mail: [email protected] Url: www.aztu.edu.az SayavuşQasımov Head of internationalrelationsdepartment BakuEurasianUniversity [email protected] Mob: + 994 70 324 73 39 Azerbaycan Azerbaycan Devlet Ressamlık Akademisi Tovsiya Huseynova [email protected] AZE 1029, H. Aliyev Prospekti (Caddesi) No 58 Azerbaycan NahçivanDevletÜniversitesi Kamran Velizade Mevlana Exchange ProgrammeCoordinator AzerbaijanRespublic, Nakhchivancity, Universitycampus, AZ7012, NakhchivanStateUniversity Tel.: (+99436) 545-23-66; (+99436) 544-08-62 Fax: (+99436) 545-72-88, (+99436) 544-08-62 Bosna Hersek BihacÜniversitesi NerminaAlijanovic e-mail: [email protected] Adres: Pape Ivana Pavla II 2/II 77000 Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina Telefon / Fax: + 387 37 222 022 / + 387 37 222 024 Bosna Hersek UniverzitetDzemalBijedic u Mostaru (DemalBijedic University Mostar) MirsadaBehram DzemalBijedic University of Mostar International Relations Office Address: University Campus, 88104 Mostar Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 36 570 790 Fax: +387 36 570 790 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.unmo.ba Bosna Hersek UluslararasıSaraybosnaÜniversitesi (International University of Sarajevo) GülsenDevre, M.A. & M.Sc. Assistant Coordinator International Relations Office International University of Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 957 116 Fax: +387 33 957 105 www.ius.edu.ba [email protected] Bosna Hersek Tuzla Üniversitesi Selma BesicCerkezovic International Relations Office University of Tuzla address: TihomilaMarkovica 1, 75 000 Tuzla e-mail: [email protected] tel: +38735 300 526 fax: +38735 300 528 Bosna Hersek Doğu Saraybosna Üniversitesi Marijana Dimitrova [email protected] Çin Wuhan Üniversitesi Djibouti Djibouti Üniversitesi Takao Komatsu Tel: 0086-27-6875 3419 Fax: 0086-27-8787 4669 Email: [email protected] Primary address: Office of International Affairs, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R.China. 430072 Takao Kamatsu: [email protected] Fahmi Ahmed Mohamed AvenueDjanaleh BP 1904 [email protected] TEL 21 32 36 00 FAX 25 04 74 Mail [email protected] Husam K. Ayesh Filistin Gazze İslam Üniversitesi Office of Vice President for External Affairs International Exchange Tel: +970 8 2644400 ext: 1083 Fax +970(8)2644800 Mob:+970 59 9 481010 E-mail: [email protected] GüneyKore KwangwoonÜniversitesi Sunae Han,Office of External and International Affairs Ko, Byongyob, Team Manager Team of External& International Affairs KwangwoonUniversity, Kwangwoon-ro 20, Seoul, Korea [email protected] (O) 82-2-940-5014~5 (M) 82-10-8354-3049 Gürcistan Tiflis DevletÜniversitesi Tea Gergedava Head of Department of Foreign Relations 1 IIiaTchavtchavadze avenue, Tbilisi, 0179, Georgia [email protected] Tel: +995 322 22 56 79 Hindistan Vijayanagara Sri KrishnadevarayaÜniversitesi Dr. V.Lokesha, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.S.Sc., F.I.S.E.C . Department of studies in Mathematics, V S K University, JnanaSagara Campus, VinayakaNagara, Bellary - 583105 [email protected] Japonya Oberlin Üniversitesi Bruce Batten Dean of Graduate Studies J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo [email protected] Japonya Chiba Üniversitesi Hiroshi Sodeyama Chief International Affairs Division Chiba University [email protected] Japonya HirosakiÜniversitesi Karadağ Mediterranean PodgoricaÜniversitesi Takao Komatsu 1-bunkyocho Hirosaki-shi Aomori-ken 036-8560 TEL:0172-36-2111 [email protected] MilenaĐekić International Relation Office UniversityMediterranean Podgorica Vaka Đurovićabb tel: +382 20 409 218 fax: +382 20 409 232 e-mail: [email protected] www.unimediteran.net Kazakistan AhmetYeseviÜniversitesi Mustafa GĠRĠTLĠOĞLU Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Akademik Hareketlilik Dairesi Tel: 0077011593130 [email protected] Burçin YAPICI Dış Ġlişkiler Müdürü Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi MütevelliHeyetBaşkanlığı Tel : 0 312 2160622 Faks : 0 312 2239319 [email protected] [email protected] Dr.TemirbolatKenshinbay Director International Relations’ Department Korkyt Ata KyzylordaStateUniversity Republic of Kazakhstan e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] tel./fax: 8 7242 26 17 25 cell: 8 701 724 70 06 As. Prof.Bayan Yesperova, Almaty,Kazakhstan Head of International scientific projects, KazNAU Mobile:+7 705 258 5492 International Educational Programs Office International Cooperation Department L.N. GumilyovEurasianNationalUniversity Mirzoynast. 2, off. 407, Astana, Kazakhstan, 010008 +7 7172 709 500(int. 31-408 or 31-457)work +7 7172 709 490fax/phone wwww.enu.kz [email protected] Kazakistan Korkut Ata KızılordaDevletÜniversitesi Kazakistan Kazak Ulusal Tarım Üniversitesi Kazakistan L.N. GumilevAvrasya Milli Üniversitesi Kazakistan Kazakistan Devlet Kızlar Pedagoji Üniversitesi Nurziya Rahmetova [email protected] Kazakistan Al-Farabi Kazak Ulusal Üniversitesi Dilshod Alimov KIMEP Üniversitesi International Relations Office KIMEP University Offices 409-416/adm, 2 Abay avenue, 050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan Tel: +7 (727) 270 44 73 (ext. 2097) Kazakistan [email protected] Email: [email protected] Kazakistan Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Web: www.kimep.kz/international Aizhamal AKHAYEVA(Ms) International Relations Office Suleyman Demirel University Abylaikhan street , No:1/1 Karasai district, Kaskelen, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN Kazakistan Astana Medikal Tıp Üniversitesi Kırgızistan KırgızistanTürkiyeManasÜniversitesi www.sdu.edu.kz tel:+7(727) 3079565 (233) fax:+7(727) 3079558 [email protected] Altynai Mustafina Head of International Cooperation Office JSC "Astana Medical University" Beibitshilik Str. 49A Astana city, Kazakhstan Tel.:+7 7172 53 94 42 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Doç. Dr. CelaleddinSerinkan Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Mevlana Kurum Koordinatörü 720044, Bişkek, KIRGIZĠSTAN Mira Caddesi 56 [email protected] Kırgızistan Uluslararası Atatürk AlatooÜniversitesi SayaraAşımova [email protected] Uluslararası Atatürk Alatoo Üniversitesi Ankara Caddesi 1/8, Tunguç Bişkek/Kırgızistan +996 312 631425 Kırgızistan Osh State Üniversitesi Imetkul Ismailov Osh State University Kyrgyz Republic, Osh phone: +996770617890 [email protected] Makedonya GüneyDoğuAvrupaÜniversitesi LuanEshtrefi Head of International Relations AND Lecturer, Faculty of Business andEconomics South East EuropeanUniversity Rectorate III/13 [email protected] Ilindenskanr. 335 1200 Tetovo Republic of Macedonia Tel. +38944356106 Fax +38944356111 http://www.seeu.edu.mk/en/~l.eshtrefi www.seeu.edu.mk Doc. Dr. YildirayCevik Makedonya Uluslararası Balkan Üniversitesi International Balkan University-Skopje Faculty of Languages Dean [email protected] Tel: 071 531 817 Makedonya Goce Delcev Üniversitesi Meksika Colima Üniversitesi Marijana Dimitrova [email protected] Licda. RafaelaArreolaMancilla Responsable de convenios Dirección General de Relaciones Internacionales yCooperaciónAcadémica [email protected] Universidad de Colima Av. Universidad 333 Col. Las Víboras C.P. 28040 Colima, Col., México Tel: +52 (312) 3161063 Ext. 34205 Fax: +52 (312) 3161064 Prof. Dr. AshfaqAhmadChattha Pakistan AgriculturalFaisalabad Üniversitesi DirectorExternalLinkages | Lead PI of AgMIP Project | OfficerIncharge, ClimateChange Cell, [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, FAISALABAD - PAKISTAN T +92-41-2409494 F +92-41-2409494 Cell No. +92-300-7204372 Rusya Southern Federal Üniversitesi KristinaVoloshchenko Academic Mobility Department International Relations Office [email protected] Rusya TomskStateUniversity of Control SystemsandRadioelectronics Southern Federal University 105/42 BolshayaSadovayaStr. Rostov-on-Don, 344006, Russia Phone/Fax: +7 863 218 40 57; e-mail : [email protected] http:// www.sfedu.ru Maria Afanaseva [email protected] 40 LeninaProspect, Tomsk, Russia 634050 Rusya Ural Federal Üniversitesi Ms Olga Golub, Lead Manager of the International StudentsSupport Office Tel.: + 7 (343) 374-54-34 E-mail: [email protected] 620002, 19 Mira street, Ekaterinburg, Russia Sırbistan Nis Üniversitesi Dr. VesnaLopicic Vice-rectorfor International Relations University of Nis Univerzitetskitrg 2 18000 Nis Serbia tel. +381 63 86 654 85 [email protected] [email protected] Sri Lanka KelaniyaÜniversitesi Prof. Neelakshi C. Premawardhena Professor, Department of Modern Languages & Director, Centre for International Affairs University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya Sri Lanka Tel.: +94-11-2903721 Fax: +94-11-2911485 [email protected] Sudan Shendi Üniversitesi Elkhidr Hassan [email protected] Sudan International University of Africa http://www.iua.edu.sd/english/ Tayland Rajamangala University of Technology Isan https://www.rmuti.ac.th/eng/ Ukrayna Lviv Polytechnic Üniversitesi Prof. YuriyRashkevych [email protected] Tel.: +38 (032) 258-24-21 ViceRectorforResearchand International Relations 12 StepanBanderaStr., 79013, Lviv; the main academicbuilding, 343rd room Ukrayna Donetsk National Economics and Trade University Viktoriia Karnaukh [email protected] Ukrayna Kharkiv National Medical University Prof. Dr. Igor Zavgorodnii Head of the Education and Research Centre of KhNMU Kharkiv National Medical University 4 Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine Web-site: http://www.knmu.kharkov.ua E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel.: + 38 (057) 707-73-81
Benzer belgeler
ÜLKE ÜNİVERSİTE ADI ABD Rutgers, The State University of New
Dogan Gursoy, Ph.D.
Taco Bell Distinguished Professor
Washington State University, College of Business
School of Hospitality Business Management
340G Todd Hall, PO Box 644736
Pullman, WA 99164-4736...
ÜLKE ÜNİVERSİTE ADI ABD Rutgers, The State University of New
Dogan Gursoy, Ph.D.
Taco Bell Distinguished Professor
Washington State University, College of Business
School of Hospitality Business Management
340G Todd Hall, PO Box 644736
Pullman, WA 99164-4736...