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MKC-03_04_A4946 Rev.1_A4947_rev_2_PK28.FH9

MKC-03_04_A4946 Rev.1_A4947_rev_2_PK28.FH9 MK-04 includes no neutral connection. When the neutral-phase voltage unbalance is greater than 40% (fixed), the output relay is activated and switched OFF the motor. Devices that have fixed voltage...


Gemi Kaptanı Staj Değerlendirme Formu

Gemi Kaptanı Staj Değerlendirme Formu Teoric Seamanship Dinleme ve Öğrenme Listen and Learn Sorunları Çözebilme Ability to solve problems Büro İşleri Written work Bilgi Alma Ability to accept Motivasyon Motivation Eleştirileri Kabul Et...
