EBMAS Student Checklist - Wing Tzun kung fu sebaobrana
EBMAS Student Checklist - Wing Tzun kung fu sebaobrana
Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 1 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Latosa Weapon System Form Under one roof. Under oneTao roof. (Parts 1-4) Si Nim EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest Footwork contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in Iras Stance 1 Stance) To address yo(Character ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . Circle Step I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Crab Step For regis trations in Europe contact: Turns (90 degree, 45 degree, 180 degree) For regis trations in Europe contact: Zig Zag Step (from the front and the backEBMAS leg) EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Front Step from Character 2 Stance (aka Advancing Step) www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Kicks Sincerely, Front kick plus Front Step (from IRAS) Side Kick from IRAS plus Step Sifu Emin Boztepe Stop Kick plus Step (from IRAS) (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training) (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Daan-Chi © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Diagonal Daan-Chi © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Applications Applications of the Si Nim Tao Parts 1-4 Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 2 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Form Under one roof. Under oneTao roof. (Parts 5-8) Si Nim EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest Footwork contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in Front Stepyo(left and right) To address ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . Criss-Cross Step I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Outfall Step with 45 Degree Turn For regis trations in Europe contact: Kicks For regis trations in Europe contact: Chum-Kiu Circle Kick EBMAS EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Front Kick in All DirectionsPhone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Bong & Jap Geerk with Kick www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Sincerely, Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training) Parallel Daan-Chi (bong-sao, taan-sao, jum-sao, kwaan-sao, jut-sao, high punch) Diagonal Daan-Chi Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Applications Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Applications from the Si Nim Tao - Parts 5-8 © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 3 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Footwork Under one roof. Under one roof. Step for Long Distances (i.e., the Advancing Step) Criss-Cross EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden as wellaasTurn th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest Criss-Cross Stept s After contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in To address yo ur(Long queriesdistance) t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d Outfall Step t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. Kicks I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Chum-Kiu Circle Kick For regis trations in Europe contact: Front Kick in All Directions For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS Bong & Jap Geerk with Kick EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training) www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Parallel Daan-Chi from Second SG but with Footwork Sincerely, Diagonal Daan-Chi from Second SG but with Footwork Applications Sifu Emin Boztepe Defense against Back fist (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe All the Applications from the Si Nim Tao (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 4 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Form Under one roof. Under one roof. Chum Kiu EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest Footwork contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at the top of this page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in Oblique Degree In (Flanking footwork) To addressFootwork yo ur queriesplus t o m90 e direct ly phone or Circle th e num EBM AS headquarters in Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. 2 Indoor Responses to the Flanking Footwork I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . 2 Outdoor Responses to the Flanking Footwork For regis trations in Europe contact: All Steps from Previous Levels For without regisMistakes trations in Europe contact: EBMAS EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S.Armed Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Reflex Training) www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Parallel Daan-Chi from 3rd SG but withwww.ebmas.net 2 Additional Movements (Kau-Sao, low Bong-Sao) Sincerely, Nuk-Sao Sincerely, From Man-Sao/Wu Sao Applications Defense against punches and combinations Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo ukicks n d er an(combined d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS Defense against with)punches) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Defense against Hooks ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Applications from the First half of the Chum Kiu Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 5 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Footwork Under one roof. Under one roof. Oblique Footwork plus 90 Degree Circle In (Flanking footwork) EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and ers anResponses d st uden t s as well as thFlanking e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest 2t each Indoor to the Footwork contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. num ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in address yoResponses ur queries t oto m ethe direct ly phone or th e Footwork EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d 2ToOutdoor Flanking t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. All Steps from Previous Levels without Mistakes I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . For regis trations in Europe contact: Traditional Daan-Chi (Single Armed Reflex Training) For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS Parallel Daan-Chi with Faak-Sao’s USA EBMAS 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 S. Doheny Hills,sequence) CA 90211 Diagonal Daan-Chi with307 Faak-Sao’s (BeDrive, able toBeverly do the entire www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Chi-Sao Sincerely, Five Attacks Huen-Saos Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Applications Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Elbows and Knees © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ All Chum Kiu Applications © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 6 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Form Under one roof. Under one roof. Clean forms SNT + CK: EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest Chi-Sao contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in To address yo ur queries t o Clean m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d 5th SG Chi-Sao - Very t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. Pull Attack #1 I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Pull Attack #2 For regis trations in Europe contact: For regis trations in Europe contact: Applications EBMAS EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net All Applications from the SNT and+1 the CK 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Phone: -310-273 Applications for 2 Pull Attacks www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Sincerely, Theory What is the importance of Chi-Sao in EBMAS? Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 7 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Chi-Sao (16 Reactions) Under one roof. Under one roof. (Students should be able to initiate the attacks and perform the defenses of all 16 reactions) EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and 11 Paak-Sao from t each ers an d st Punch uden t s asReactions well as th e furth er Poon-Sao dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please att ends to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. 5ToReactions from Jat-Chuen ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Applications Applications for the 16 Reactions For regis trations in Europe contact: For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS Theory EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Explain the four dimensions and their applications in the EBMAS WT system. www.ebmas.net Explain the centerline theory. Sincerely, Sincerely, Notes: Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an dto E xecu tiv e oremember f EBMAS ) This is a long program. You must drill these reactions both and embody the movements. Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 8 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Chi-Sao (6 Reactions from Jat-Chuen) Under one roof. Under one roof. (Students should be able to initiate the attacks and perform the defenses of all 6 reactions) EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and 6t each Reactions fromt s Jat-Chuen ers an d st uden as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. phone ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in Special Chi-Sao To addressExercises yo ur queriesfor to m e direct lyFlexibility or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . Bong-sao and Taan-Sao Flexibility Exercises without I wish you a great time andturns I hope that you will feel at home in our association. I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Bong-sao and Taan-Sao Flexibility Exercises with turns Springy punch exercises For regis trations in Europe contact: For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS Applications EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Applications for the 6 Reactions www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Theory Sincerely, Explain Yin-Yang in EBMAS Wing Tzun. Explain the influence of food and eating habits in EBMAS WT. Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 9 Wing Tzun Kung Fu Latosa Weapon System Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence > th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Chi-Sao and Chi-Geerk Under one roof. Under one roof. From Chi-Sao, defense against parallel EBM ASkick secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest From defense against diagonal kick contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds Chi-Sao, to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d From Chi-Sao, defense against diagonal / parallel kickfor+addressed huen-geerk t heceresponse. I apologize this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. Special for I wish yo u Exercises a g rea t time an d IChi-Geerk h ope th a t youFlexibility will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Isometric Exercises with both partners in Bong-Geerk For regis trations in Europe contact: For regisin trations in Europe contact: Isometric Exercises with both partners Jaap-Geerk EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 EBMAS USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Isometric Exercises with307 one S. partner in Jaap-Geerk and one in Bong-Geerk Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Isometric Exercises + Huen-Geerk www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Special Footwork Sincerely, Cross Step covering different distances Cross Step combined with other steps (e.g., crossSifu stepEmin withBoztepe outfall step) (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Applications Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Applications for the Chi-Geerk Reactions © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Theory What is the difference between Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism? Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 10 > th e most effectWing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence Wing Tzun Kung Fu iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Multiple Attacker Under one roof. Under one roof. Defense against straight attacks (straight punches, both) ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit ystraight st andards kicks for theor above-ment EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest Use movements from both theregardin SNT and CK against multiple attackers contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lot of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d Defense against various attacks (holds, grabs, roundhouse knees,USA, elbows, hooks) t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed thiskicks, inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Weapons (Empty hand defense against stick or knife) For regis trations in Europe contact: Roundhouse attacks Diagonal Attacks For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Straight Attacks www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Swinging Diagonal Attacks Sincerely, Disarms Theory Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) What is the difference between tactic and strategy? Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the danger with weapons? © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 11 > th e most effectWing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence Wing Tzun Kung Fu iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Immobilizing Techniques Under one roof. Under one roof. Against the Hook, Slap in the Face, EBMor ASHeadlock secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest Against attack with regardin backfist contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to diagonal it s mem bers in all affairs th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d Against someone shooting in from frontAS t hethe I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin ceresponse. a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. Against someone holding the leg for throws I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Against someone tackling from the side For regis trations in Europe contact: For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Police and Special Unit 307 Training S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 Applying handcuffs after the using the immoblization techniques www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Sincerely, Disarms Theory Sifu Emin Boztepe What is the self-defense law in your country or state? (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Instructor: Dear Applicant, Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 12 > th e most effectWing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence Wing Tzun Kung Fu iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Chi-Sao Under one roof. Under one roof. The Complete Daan-Chi program EBM AS secures qualit y st andards for the above-ment ioned art s, organizes the cont inued educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest The Complete 1st Section of Chi-Sao (24 Reactions) and Chi-Geerk contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . Lat-Sao & Street Defense I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . Complete Lat-Sao Program For regis trations in Europe contact: Complete Street Defense Program For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS Applications EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Complete Applications of thePhone: SNT+1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Complete Applications for the Chum Kiu Sincerely, Applications of the 1st Section of Chi-Sao Uniforms and Regulations Students must have up to date passport Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe Students must(Fobe explain the EBMAS regulations u n able d er an dto E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) Theory ____________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the centerline theory? © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) What are the dimensions and directions of the power in EBMAS WT? Emin B oztepe Martial A rtsESmin ystem B oztepe Martial A rts S ystem USA USA EBMAS Student Checklist 3 0 7 S. Do h eny Driv e, Bev erly Hills, 307 CA S. 90211 Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Phone: +1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517+1 -310 -273 7544 Fax: + 1 -310 -273 7517 Phone: Student’s Name: Dear Applicant, Instructor: Dear Applicant, to the EBMASionOrganizati on, a self -defence associat ion com bining Welcome to the EBMAS Organizati on, aWelcome self -defen ce associat co m bin ing EBMAS Student Grade 12 >(cont) Wing Tzun Kung Fu > the most effect iv e form of self-defence Wing Tzun Kung Fu th e most effect iv e fo rm o f self-defence Latosa Weapon System Latosa Weapon System > realistic combat with weapons > realistic combat with weapons Theory Under one roof. Under one roof. Explain the family system and theEBM history of thequalit Wing Tzun for family (from NG Mui Dai Sifu Emin AS secures y st andards the above-ment ioned art s,to organizes the cont inuedBoztepe) educat ion of it s inst ruct ors, EBM AS secures qualit y st an dards for th et eachers abov e-ment ned sart o rgan th e cont inued educat n oent f itire s in st ruct ors, and stio udent ass,well as izes the further development of io t he t raining syst em. EBM AS carries out seminars and t each ers an d st uden t s as well as th e furthatt er ends dev elop t h einent t rain regarding ing sy st em. AS iocarries o uthave semin arsions andconcerning our associat ion, please to itment s memofbers allireaffairs theEBM associat n. If you quest contgact at t he above ed h address or call att en ds to it s mem bers in all affairs regardin th eusasso ciat io n. Ifstatyou av e quest io n sus. con cern in g o ur asso ciat ion, p lease your queries t o m e direct ly or the EBM AS headquarters in Los Angeles USA, please refer t o the address and co nt act us at t he abo v e stat ed address o r To calladdress us. ber at headquarters the top of this in page. a lotUSA, of in queries addressed t o m e personally, there m ay be som e delays in To address yo ur queries t o m e direct ly phone or th e num EBM AS Los Since An geles p lease are refer t o th e address an d t heceresponse. I apologize foraddressed this inconvenience, as there never enough in t hein day to cope with all t he work. p ho n e n um ber at th e to p o f th is page. Sin a lot o f in queries are t o m e p erso n ally ,are th ere m ay be sohours m e delays t he respon se. I ap o lo gize fo r th is incon v en ience, as th ere are n ev er eno ugh ho urs in t h e day to cop e with all t he wo rk . I wish you a great time and I hope that you will feel at home in our association. I wish yo u a g rea t time an d I h ope th a t you will feel a t h ome in ou r a sso cia tion . For regis trations in Europe contact: For regis trations in Europe contact: EBMAS EBMAS USA 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 307 S. Doheny Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.ebmas.net Phone: +1 -310-273 7544 Fax: +1-310-273 7517 www.ebmas.net Sincerely, Sincerely, Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) Sifu Emin Boztepe (Fo u n d er an d E xecu tiv e o f EBMAS ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem ) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ © E BM AS ( E min Bo ztep e Martial A rts Sy s tem )
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