export offer suceava
export offer suceava
EXPORT OFFER SUCEAVA 1. ADI SOBO SRL Address: Principala Street, 1 727170, Darmanesti, village Maritei Tel: +40 745 651 323 Fax: +40 230 523 520 Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 2. ALEX-ELA SRL 4. ALMA VIVA GROUP SRL Address: Suceava, Eroilor Street, no. 66 Tel: +40 230 252 748 Fax: +40 230 251 893 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Violeta Strugaru Activity: 172 - Manufacture of paper and paperboard Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Valea Putnei, Pojorata village, no. 79 Tel: +40 744 383 573 Contact Person / Contact: Sandru Alecsandru Alboi Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 3. ALEVIA SRL Address: Falticeni, Ana Ipatescu Street, no. 9 Tel: +40 230 544 789 Fax: +40 230 544 789 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Florin Mitocaru Web: www. alevia.com.ro Activity: 108 - Manufacture of other food products Company offers: Teas and supplements Areas of interest: new markets and distributors. Ingredients and compounds used in the manufacture of nutritional supplements and teas. At the moment do not export, but intends to target the markets of Western Europe: Germany, France, Netherlands. 5. ANDELVERO PROD COM SRL Address: Campulung Moldovenesc, Transilvaniei, no. 4 Tel: +40 720 944 914 Fax: +40 230 314 634 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Viorica Taran Baciu Calea Activity: 101 - Manufacture of meat Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 6. AMBRO SA Address: Suceava, Calea Unirii no.24 Tel: +40 230 205 000 Fax: +40 230 205 205 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ambro.ro Contact Person / Contact: Angela Nistor Activity: 171 - Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 7. AVASTAR SRL Address: Garii Street 89, Block C26, Ground Floor, 705 200 Pascani, Iasi county, Romania Working point: Village Roscani, Liteni, Suceava, Romania Tel: +40 232 719 539 Fax: +40 232 719 539 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.avastar.ro No. agreed EU: EN 306 EC Contact: Vasile Plesca - 0744.698.352 provide more than 50% of the Romania national coverage. Annual turnover in 2012 is approx. 12 million euros. We are committed to delivering safety and quality food. That exceeds many recognized Industry Standards. Avastar is a founding member of the Association Made in Bucovina. 8. BANILEVICI JUNIOR SRL Address: Radauti, Salcamilor Street, No. 3 Tel: +40 744 528 829 Fax: +40 230 560 985 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Iulian Banilievici Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Presentation: Company offers: Avastar was established in 1994, determined to give customers a new concept of quality and safety in the production and supply of meat and processed meat products. Supplying to retail and food service markets and providing the Romanian consumer with the highest quality of meat products in the relatively short time, Avastar meat has become a leading supplier in Romania. In 2008, a new state of the art Slaughterhouse is opened. The new plant is provided with separated lines for pork and beef, with cutting and packing facilities. By making continuous Investments in technology and performance, part of Which can from EU funds, through SAPARD programs, the modern unit has aligned to the EU Standards, having Implemented year integrated management system (IMS) for food quality and safety: ISO 9001/2008 and ISO 22000/2005. Also the unit is Halal certified. The slaughtering capacity is 500 pigs / day and 150 cattle / day. The cutting facility has a processing capacity of 10 tons / day. The distribution division Specialized manages a fleet of 25 vehicles, able to Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 9. BERMAS SA Address: Scheia, Humorului Street, no. 61 Tel: +40 230 526 543 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Elena Nisioi Fax: +40 230 526 542 Web: www.bermas.ro Activity: 110 - Manufacture of beer Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 10. BETTY ICE SRL Address: Suceava, Cernauti Street, no. 121 Tel: +40 230 520 454 Fax: +40 230 533 622 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.betty.ro Contact: Vasile Armenean Activity: 105 - Manufacture of ice cream Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Suceava, 22 Decembrie Street, No. 230 Tel: +40 726 733 318 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Catalin Tuca Fax: 0330 811 590 Web: www.ceneco.ro Activity: 631 - Activities of web portals, data processing, hosting and related activities 11. CALCARUL SA Company offers: Address: Pojorata, Furnalului Street no. 887 Tel: +40 230 236 190 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Nicolae Troase Fax: +40 230 236 196 Web: www.calcarul.ro Activity: 081 - Quarrying of ornamental and building stone Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 14. CEPRA SYSTEM SRL Address: Campulung Moldovenesc, Aeroportului Street, No. 15 A Tel: +40 230 312 393 Fax: +40 230 312 393 Contact Person / Contact: Antonio Pratico Company offers: Activity: 257 - Manufacture of tools and crampons Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Company offers: 12. CARPATHIAN SPRINGS SA Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Vatra Dornei, Republicii Street, no. 33 Tel: +40 230 372 250 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Stelian Chiforescu Fax: +40 230 372 250 Activity: 110 - Manufacture of soft drinks, production of mineral waters and other bottled waters Company offers: 15. CIVICA GROUP SA. Address: Scheia, Humorului Street no. 92 Tel: +40 230 526 636 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Mihai Bejenar Fax: +40 230 526 601 Web: www.civicagroup.ro Activity: 412 - Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Company offers: 13. CENECO SRL Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 16. COBAN IMPORT EXPORT SRL RO 19. CON BUCOVINA SA Address: Bucovina Street, no. 99 Gura Humorului Tel: +40 230 223 850, +40 230 223 818 Fax: +40 230 223 828 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.cobanwood.com Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Suceava, Calea Unirii no. 25 Tel: +40 230 222 889 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Ilie Lahman Fax: +40 230 520 368 Web: www.conbucovina.ro Activity: 412 - Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings 17. CONFANA INDUSTRIES SRL Company offers: Address: Suceava, George Enescu Street, no. 48 Tel: +40 230 421 866 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Mihail Cernişov Fax: +40 230 421 866 Web: www.confana.ro Activity: 220 - Logging Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 20. CONCRET CONSTRUCT A.G. SRL Address: Gura Humorului, Carierei Street, No. 38 Tel: +40 230 232 163 Fax: +40 230 232 163 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Mihai-Corneliu Cretu Activity: 412 - Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings 18. COCA-COLA HBC (Poiana Negri) Company offers: Address: Poiana Negri, Dorna Candrenilor village Tel: +40 230 575 191 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Lucian Mihu Fax: +40 230 575 156 Web: www.cchbc.ro Activity: 110 - Manufacture of soft drinks, production of mineral waters and other bottled waters Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 21. COM LACRAMIOARA SRL Address: Falticeni 13 Decembrie Street, Block 10, Scale B, flat no. 6 Suceava County Tel: +40 351415980 Fax: +40 351415980 E-mail: Contact Person / Contact: Risnita MarianaLacramioara. The company's offerings: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: 25. DORNA ECO HOUSE SRL 22. DE LA ALPHA LA OMEGA SERV SRL Address: Vatra Dornei, Oborului Street, no. 44 Tel: +40 230 374 175 Fax: +40 230 375 511 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Vasile Chiruta Web: www.dornaecohouse.ro Address: Suceava Street, No. 68 Falticeni Tel: +40 230 545 675 Fax: +40 230 546 280 Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery 23. DENIS SRL Company offers: Address: Suceava, Calea Unirii. 20 J Tel: +40 230 551 586 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Ilie Cornea Fax: +40 230 551 582 Web: www.denisshoes.com Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Activity: 152 - Manufacture of footwear Company offers: 26. DORNA LACTATE SA Address: Dorna Candrenilor, Floreni Street, no. 505 Tel: +40 230 375 121 Fax: +40 230 375 335 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www. ladornagroup.ro Contact: Radu Simionescu Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 24. DORNA SA Vatra Dornei, Transilvaniei Street no. 40 Tel: +40 230 375 121 Fax: +40 230 375 335 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www. ladornagroup.ro Contact: Radu Simionescu Activity: 105 - Operation of dairies and cheese making Company offers: Activity: 105 - Operation of dairies and cheese making Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 27. DOXAR GRUP SRL Address: Gura Humorului, Bucovinei Street, no. 81 Tel: +40 230 522 055 Fax: +40 230 522 055 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Nicolae Troase Web: www.doxargrup.ro Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Company offers: Address : Gura Humorului, Voronet Street, No. 30 Tel: +40 755 400 112 Fax: +40 230 232 441 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Iulia Iftimie Web: www.elquatro.ro Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 28. EGGER ENERGIA SRL Address: Radauti, Austriei Street, no. 2 chamber no. 2 Tel: 0372 438 123 Fax: 0372 468 123 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Laura-Diana Popescu Web: www.egger.com Activity: 162 - Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels Activity: 332 - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 31. EMME ELLE WOOD SRL Address: Siret, Romania ROMANIA Tel: +40-230-280448 Fax: +40-230-280337 Contact Person / Contact: Amalia Tasoti Company offers: 32. EURO EST GROUP SRL Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 29. EGGER ROMANIA SRL Address: Radauti, Austriei Street, no. 2 Tel: 0372 438 000 Fax: 0372 468 000 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.egger.com Contact: Mihai Sandru Activity: 162 - Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels Address: Scheia, no. 390 A Tel: +40 230 551 760 Fax: +40 230 551 760 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Florin Croitoriu Web: www.euroestgroup.ro Activity: 412 - Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 33. EUROSPEED SRL 30. ELSACO INTERNATIONAL SRL Address: Scheia, Humorului Street, No. 81 Tel: 0330 780 005 Fax: +40 230 526 690 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Dan Paval Web: www.eurospeed.ro 35. FLAGA LPG SA Activity: 451 - Sale of motor vehicles Address: Veresti Village, no. 393 Tel: +40 230 537 735 Fax: +40 230 537 737 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: George Vasilas Web: www.flaga-lpg.ro Company offers: Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 34. FALTIN SA 36. FONTUR SRL Address: Falticeni, Tarancutei Street, no. 19th Tel: +40 230 541 382 Fax: +40 230 541 382 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Dan Rotariu Web: www.faltin.go.ro Address: Suceava, Traian Vuia Street, no. 11 A Tel: +40 230 520 149 Fax: +40 230 520 149 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Gina Costiug Web: www.fontur.ro Activity: 131 - Preparation and spinning of textile fibers Activity: 245 - Casting of metals Company offers: Company offers: - 100% yarn, processed wet system, Nm 10 - Nm 30 Nm bleached 10 - 20 Nm nature; , 100% hemp yarn, processed wet system, Nm 10 Nm 16 Nm bleached 10 - Nm14 nature; -Wire 100% or 100% hemp, processed dry system, Nm 2.4 - Nm 5; -Thick hemp yarn, Nm 0.4 - Nm 1; -Thread for leather, upholstery, leather goods; - Thick for food; - Band-carded or combed hemp. Areas of interest: new markets and distributors. Producing and spinning flax, hemp and jute. Maintaining markets in Germany, the Czech Republic and Belgium. Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 37. FORESTERRA SRL Address: Suceava, Petru Rares Street, no. 61 Tel: +40 230 530 331 Fax: +40 230 206 167 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Maria Adriana Campan Web: www.foresterra.ro Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 38. FORESTROM SRL Address: Falticeni, Republicii Street no. 25 Tel: +40 230 542 550 Fax: +40 230 541 797 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Floarea-Elena Arion Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Address: Scheia no. 390 A8 Tel: +40 230 551 760 Fax: +40 230 551 760 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Marinela Croitoriu Web: www.global-design.ro Activity: 310 - Manufacture of office and shop furniture Company offers: Company offers: forestry products, Export timber Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors of woodworking industry. 39. FOREX S. A. Address: George Enescu Street, no. 48, Block T96 Sc. C (ground) code 720247, Suceava Tel: +40 230 214 039, +40 230 522 121 Fax: +40 230 521 246 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Web: www.forex.ro 42. HARALD PROD SRL Address: Gura Humorului, Manastirea Humorului Street, no. 76 Tel: +40 744 555 817 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Ion Liteanu Fax: +40 230 572 937 Activity: 101 - Manufacture of meat 40. GENERAL CONSTRUCT SRL Company offers: Address: Suceava, Calea Unirii. No. 102 Tel: +40 230 206 076 Fax: +40 230 521 293 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Viorel Nutu Web: www.generalconstruct.ro Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 43. HOLZINDUSTRIE SCHWEIGHOFER SRL Company offers: Address: Austrie Street, no. 1 725400 Radauti ROMANIA Tel: +40 230 207 400 Fax: +40 230 207 399 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.schweighofer.ro Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Company offers: 41. GLOBAL DESIGN SRL Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Activity: 412 - Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 44. ICC PROD SRL 47. KILLER SRL Address: Campulung Moldovenesc, Ioan Slavici Street, No. 1A Tel: +40 230 314 420 Fax: +40 230 314 420 Contact: Diana Taran Activity: 139 - Manufacture of made-up textile articles Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 45. JUST PLUS SRL Address: Suceava, George Enescu Street, no. 16 Tel: 0330 401 202 Fax: 0330 401 203 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Adrian Croitor Web: www.justplus.ro Activity: 620 - Other services information technology relating to Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 46. KENDRION BINDER MAGNETE SRL Address: Bogdan Voda Street, no. 50 Tel: +40 230 560 545 Fax: +40 230 564 453 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Mitea Efrimov Web: www.kendrion.com Company offers: Address: Horodnicul de Jos, No. 2B, Suceava Phone: +40 230 567 189 Fax: +40 230 567 189 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.killersrl.ro Company offers: Killer Ltd. is a manufacturer of meat products, the company was founded in 1995, the unit has benefited from a program of modernization and refurbishment thanks SAPARD program completed in August 2006, which was extended and modernized production facilities both through acquisition new machinery and equipment, and storage areas and markets. We have authorization intra No 152 EC. Starting from a production capacity of about 500 kg / day covered by several varieties, today covering the whole range of meat products: products with local peasant made by traditional methods of production, salted and smoked products produced cooked and smoked sausage, ham, rolls, cooked and smoked specialties, fresh girls, cooked and grilled products, a production of about 10 tons / day. Also we have direct distribution well defined regional (cover Suceava, Botosani, Iasi and Bacau), as well as a network of stores in Suceava (5) Radauti (3) Siret city (1) Botosani (1) Iasi (3) and Bacau (2), reaching in 2012 - 11, 5 million turnover. We are a founding member of the Association "Made in Bucovina". 48. LAGAN MOBILEX SRL Address: Sadova, Principal Street, nr. 310 Tel: +40 744 696 261 Fax: + 40 230 479 034 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Vasile Lehaci Web: www.laganmobilex.ro Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Contact: Maria Perju Web: www.loversromania.ro Activity: 141 - Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Offers Companies: Manufacturer of textile garments, outerwear, protective equipment, military equipment. 49. LITARH SRL SUCEAVA Address: Mihai Viteazul Street, no. 14, Suceava Tel: +40 740 086 722 Fax: + 40 230 222 445 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.litarh.ro Contact: Vlad Liteanu Voinescu Areas of interest: new markets and distributors of textile garments 52. MARELBO PROD COM SRL Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Bivolarie, Marelbo Street, No. 20 Tel: +40 230 412 411 Fax: +40 230 412 050 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Aurel Bobu Web: www.marelbo.ro 50. LOIAL SRL Activity: 152 - Manufacture of footwear Address: Scheia, Agronomului Street Tel: +40 230 526 800 Fax: +40 230 526 900 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Sorin Gabriel Iacob Web: www.loial.ro Company offers: Company offers: Activity: 432 - Electrical installation work Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 53. MOBILA RADAUTI SA Address: Radauti 725400, Volovaţului Street, no. 82 Tel: +40 230 561 539, +40 230 561 938 Fax: +40 230 562 097, +40 230 560 185 E-mail: [email protected] Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Company offers: 51. LOVERS ROMANIA SA Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Falticeni, Dimitrie Leonida Street, no. 34 Tel: +40 230 542 164 Fax: +40 230 544 870 E-mail: [email protected] 54. MOBILEXTRA S.A. Address: Transilvaniei Street, no. 180A, Campulung Moldovenesc Tel: +40 230 314 833, +40 230 314 834; Fax: +40 230 314 008 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Otilia ConstantinescuOtcu Web: www.mobilextra.ro Address: Marasesti Street, no. 7A, Code 720 176, Suceava Tel: +40 230 520 237 Fax: +40 230 217 459 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Mihai Steiciuc Web: www.moldsilva.ro Company offers: Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 55. MODIN SA 58. MOTEXCO Address: Suceava, Grigore Alexandru Ghica Street, no. 18 Tel: 0330 401 115 Fax: +40 230 533 498 Address: Iasi, Chimiei Street, No. 6 Iasi County Tel: +40 332402580 Fax: +40 332402580 E-mail [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Anica Onofriciuc The company's offerings: Manufacturer of military garments, protective equipment and clothing and sports civil. Activity: 152 - Manufacture of footwear Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors specialized in clothing manufacturing industry. Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 59. NERVA PRODCOM SRL 56. MOLDO MEX SRL SUCEAVA Address: Falticeni, Republicii Street Tel: +40 230 544 456 Fax: +40 230 549 136 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Rodica Stumbea Web: www.nrv.ro Address: Calea Unirii, no. 27, Suceava Tel: +40 230 222 445 Fax: +40 230 222 445 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Marcel Motoroiu Web: www.moldomex.ro Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Company offers: Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 57. MOLDSILVA SA 60. NICOLIS PRODCOM SRL Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Vicovu de Sus village, Putnei Street, no. 466 Tel: +40 230 412 424 Fax: +40 230 412 424 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Viorel Bobu Web: www.nicolis.ro Activity: 152 - Manufacture of footwear 63. OSBORN INTERNATIONAL SRL Address: Gura Humorului, Bucovinei Street, no. 151 Tel: +40 230 234 212 Fax: +40 230 234 212 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Alfred Hrișcă Web: www.osborn.ro Company offers: Activity: 329 - Other manufacturing Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Company offers: 61. NORD SCALA SRL Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Cacica, Garii Street, no. 1 Tel: +40 230 237 003 Fax: +40 230 237 297 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Ion Lazarov Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery 64. OTICONST SRL Address: Sadova, Principala Street , No. 81 Tel: +40 725 926 445 Fax: +40 230 578 779 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Otilia ConstantinescuOtcu Company offers: Activity: 161 - Sawmilling and planning of wood Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Company offers: 62. NOVAFIL SA Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Address: Gura Humorului, Bucovinei Street, no. 89 Tel: +40 230 235 093 Fax: +40 230 235 092 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Ion Antohi Activity: 131 - Preparation and spinning of textile fibers Company offers: 65. PRATICO SRL Address: Campulung Moldovenesc, Aeroportului Street, No. 15 A Tel: +40 230 312 393 Fax: +40 230 312 393 Contact: Antonio Pratico Activity: 293 - Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles and their engines Activity: 172 - Manufacture of paper and paperboard Company offers: Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 69. RESTACO SRL 66. RAI 88 SRL Address: Ion Voda Viteazu Street, no. 12, Building C1, ap 21 Suceava Tel: +40 230 520 018 Fax: +40 230 520 018 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Alice Gainariu Web: www.rai88.ro Address: Suceava-Falticeni Road, Km. 3 Tel: +40 230 530 710 Fax: +40 230 530 710 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Mihai Bradu Activity: 412 - Construction of residential and nonresidential buildings Company offers: Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 67. REAL CONSTRUCT SRL 70. RIO BUCOVINA SRL Address: Darmanesti, No. 543 B Tel: +40 757 821 336 Contact Person / Contact: Oana Maidan Address: Bucharest, Chitila Road, no. 3, District 1 Tel: 4021/6674216 Fax: 4021/6674287 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Contact person: Cristian Serban Web: www.rio-bucovina.ro Activity: 412 - Construction of residential and nonresidential Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 68. RELU PROD COM Address: Horodnic de Sus, no. 1236 Tel: +40 744 508 229 Fax: +40 230 565 999 Contact Person / Contact: Toader Cojocar Company Profile: Rio Bucovina, a company with 100% private capital, placed 3rd as market share, was established in 2006 with the main object of natural mineral water bottling Bucovina and production of soft drinks. Subsequently, Rio Bucovina has diversified into the distribution of food and non food. The company is one reference on the Romanian market is characterized by constant care to offer customers quality products through continuous investment in upgrading production lines and developing their own distribution networks. Rio Bucovina implemented and certified integrated management system: Quality Environment - Food Safety, ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2009 and ISO 22000: 2005 TUV CERT certificate by TUV of Hessen. Company offers: Natural mineral water Bucovina Energizing Golden Horse Areas of interest: new markets and distributors, export 71. ROGELYA PROD SRL Address: Ion Creanga Street, no. 69, Falticeni Phone: +40 230 543 075 Mobile: +40 741 370 000 Fax: +40 230 543 075 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Heinrich Mayer small and medium-sized Romanian Customers in Counties of Suceava, Neamt, Bacau and Iasi. There is a high-end line of products as well as a commercial one. We have a strong local orientation regarding both Acquisition and sales markets. Founded in 1995 and having a larger investment project Implemented in 2009 by Means of European funds, achieving in 2011 to € 2.5 million turnover. Also we are a founding member of the local Product Producers Association in Bucovina. 72. ROM CARPAT SRL Address: Radauti, Volovatului Street, no. 122, Postal Code 725400 Tel: +40 330 803 973, +40 230 567 267 Fax: +40 330 803 973, +40 230 564 453 Mobile: +40 744 276 931 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Mitea Efrimov Web: www.romcarpat.ro Activity: 245 - Casting of metals Offer We are a middle of meat and meat (beef and pork cutting plant, meat preparation section). Sales through stores and distribution to approx. 400 corporate customers in Suceava, Neamt, Bacau and Iasi. A product line includes the premium and traditional. Another line focuses on commercial products. We have a strong local orientation with respect to the purchase and sales markets. Founded in 1995, we conducted a large project investment of European funds in 2009, reaching in 2011 a turnover of € 2.5 million a founding member of the Association Produced in Bucovina. We are a medium-sized meat processing plant (cutting of cattle and pork, mincing, cooking and smoking of cattle, pork and poultry). Sales are effected in towards own shops and about 400 Company offers: Processing and assembly of components and mechatronic assemblies. With 9 years experience in the German market, Rom Carpat processed and assembled to customers following product categories: - Part of clocks mechanisms; - Scissors Disposable laparoscopic surgery; - Micro gear for automotive and industrial use; - Valves for air compressors; - Audio frequency filters, inductors; - Temperature regulators; - Electromagnetic components for industrial and automotive; - Servo brakes; - Assemblies for automatic teller machines; - Assemblies for bank scanners; - Assemblies for instruments and medical equipment; - Assemblies for household appliances; - Stamps semiautomatic; - Miniature components for the automotive industry; Activity: 201 - Manufacture of other organic chemicals, basic Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 74. SAMI PLASTIC SA Carpat Rom Company seeks foreign partner specializing in the design and manufacture of finished products containing clocks assemblies that will operate in both their assembly and for their distribution in Romania. Carpat Rom Company is looking to further develop the processing and assembly of components and clocks assemblies by taking customers and new products. Address: Suceava, Aurel Vlaicu Street, No. 62 Tel: +40 230 525 045 Fax: +40 230 533 142 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Adina Manolica Web: www.samiplastic.ro Activity: 222 - Manufacture of plastic plates, plastic tubes and profiles 72. ROSAR SA Company offers: Address: Radauti, Volovatului Street, No. 122 Tel: +40 230 563 805 Fax: +40 230 563 866 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Danut Mironiuc Web: www.rosar.ro Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Activity: 257 - Manufacture of tools and hardware Company offers: 75. SEVECO TRADING SRL Address: Campulung Moldovenesc, Bucovinei Street, no. 71 Tel: +40 744 535 346 Fax: +40 230 314 267 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Cornel Gheorghean Web: www.seveco.ro Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Activity: 161 - Sawmilling and planning of wood 73. S.A.B RADAUŢI SA Company offers: Address: Radauti, Cernauti Street, no. 47 Tel: +40 230 561 136 Fax: +40 230 567 077 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Nawaf Salameh Web: www.saber.ro Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 76. SIDEM SRL Address: Scheia, Humorului Street, no. 117 Tel: +40 230 526 696 Fax: +40 230 526 692 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Francis Fonteyn Web: www.sidem.ro Activity: 293 - Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 79. TECHNO WORLD SRL Address: Baia Village, No. 1616 Tel: +40 230 546 696 Fax: +40 230 206 090 Web: www.tehnoworld.ro E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Paul Justinian Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Activity: 222 - Manufacture of plastic plates, plastic tubes and profiles 77. SOGEM PRODUCTION SRL Company offers: Address: Molid, Stefan cel Mare Street. No. 80 Tel: +40 230 223 760 Fax: +40 230 223 750 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Constantin Vasiloiu Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 80. TESVA SRL Address: Suceava, 1 Decembrie 1918, no. 40 B Tel: +40 230 521 044 Fax: +40 230 521 044 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Dumitru Lupuşoru Web: www.tesva.ro Activity: 274 - Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 78. SYMMETRICA SRL Company offers: Address: Suceava, Veronica Micle Street, no. 10 Tel: +40 230 522 619 Fax: +40 230 522 619 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Sebastian Bobu Web: www.symmetrica.ro Activity: 236 - Manufacture of concrete products for construction Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 81. URB RULMENTI SUCEAVA S.A. Address: Industrial Zone Scheia Suceava, Suceava County, Postal Code: 727525 Tel: +40 330 101 605, +40 330 101 606 Fax: +40 230 526 263, +40 330 101 269 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.urb-s.ro Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 82. WOODCRAFT SRL Address: Suceava, Statiunii Street, No. 9 Tel: +40 723 209 827 Fax: 0330 402 122 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person / Contact: Romeo Chelariu Web: www.woodcraft.ro Activity: 162 - Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery Company offers: Areas of interest: new markets and distributors 83. ZADA PRODCOM SRL Address: DN 2H, NR 1C, com Horodnic de Jos, Suceava Phone: +40 230 560266 Fax: +40 230 560266 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Contact person: Eng Cristina Dumitrescu Web: www.cascavalzada.ro Company offers: - Cheese - Cheese Areas of interest: new markets and distributors - Export Cheese - Import raw material (raw milk, cow, sheep and goat) - Auxiliary materials: bags
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